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PENTRA 120 Technical manual Part number : RAA 007 B Ind. A ABX DIAGNOSTICS BP. 7290 Rue du Caducée o«4 Parc Euromédecine (34184 MONTPELLIER x OF Code’ Tel.: (33) 4 67 14 15 16 Diaanostics FAX : (33) 4 67 14 15 17 a REVISIONS SECTIO- VISION REVISION al DATE Creation 15.03.95 Update all sections All 20.02.96 RAH 313 AN] Update section 8 Computer connection 8 12.07.96 RAH 382 A late all sections, creation section 7 all 02.04.97 RAH 496 A ¢ all sections all 26.01.98. ction 4 and: RAS 102 A, RAS 104 A, RAH 521 A, section 9} all 28.04.98 RaH615 a | Replacement & the instrument appellation. a Aeoiae Manual updated tq major index B. $ +b This manual is a guide for the maintenance and repair ofj ithe PENTRA 120 Automated Hematology Analyzer. Data in this manual has been verified and validated and is believed to be adequgfe for the intended maintenance and repair of the hematology analyzer. If the hematologyAnalyzer or the procedures are used for the purpose beyond the capabilities specified ipfhis manual, confirmation of their validity and suitability should be obtained from ABYDiagnostics; otherwise ABX Diagnostics does not guarantee results and assumesfho obligation or liability. This publication is not a license to operate under nor a recommgndation to infringe upon any product or process patents. POTENTIAL HAZARDS: The hematology analyzer includes several safety featuygs to guard the operator from injury, the instrument from damage and the test results frofi inaccuracies. To alert the service engineer of potentially hazardous conditions, one ofthe bold captioned headings which are described below is provided wherever necessaryShroughout this text y re Flags a procedurd that if not followed properly, can prove to be extremely hazardous to ejther the operator or the environnement or both. izes operating procedures that must be followed to avoid possi- Emphasizes operating procedures that must be followed to avoid erroneous results. Note _ | Emphasizes the important information especially helpful to the operator before, during or after a specific operational function, 1 - Introduction 1.1, PENNQA 120 DOCUMENTATION 1.2.6, Software . 1.2.7. Computer connectio! 1.2.8, Maintenance 1.2.9. Troubleshooting 1.3. ASSISTANCE MENU OVERVIEW 1.3.1. Calibration records 1.3.2. Intervention records 1.3.8. Reagent records «rn 1.3.4. Control blood records... 1.3.5. Adjustments 1.3.6. Settings 1.3.7. Connection .. 1.3.8. Shell . 1.3.9. ApPIiCATION «sno 1.3.10. Assistance menu overview synoptic oNnnn BARR ARROOO NNN Nooaaaa 2- Installation and startup 2.1, PACKAGING 2.2, SITE PREPARATION 2.2.1. Power Supply Requirements 2.2.2. Uninterruptable Power Supplies 2.2.3, Waste Disposal Requirements... 2.2.4. Host Computer 2.2.5, Space and accessibility... 2.3. IN SITE TRANSFER 2.4, UNPACKING... 2.4.1, Instrument 2.4.2. Ejection tray 2.4.3, Printer 2.4.4, Accessories 2.4.5, Reagents... 2.5. CONNECTIONS... 2.5.1. Ejection tray to instrument... 2.8.2. Printer to instrument 2.5.3. Reagents to instrument... 2.5.4. Waste to instrument 2.5.5. Laboratory computer to instrumer 2.6. STARTUP. 2.6.1. Printer startup 2.6.2. Instrument startup and iniylization 2.6.3. Primary checks 3 - Mechanic principles and description 3.1.GENMAL PRINCIPLES. 1. Generalities 3.N Cycle descriptions .. 3.2. STEPPER NQTORS PRINCIPLES. 3.3. MECHANIC DESCRIPTION 3.3.1. Racks 3.3.2. Rack loader. 3.3.3. Rack rotation tray 3.3.4. Rack sampler 3.35. Ejection tray i ©eo0ovoan enn 4 - Electrical description 4.1. POWER SUPPLY MODULE 4.1.1. Description 4.1.2. Main supply socket 4.1.3. Main supply filter... 4.1.4, Toric transformer 4.1.5. Power supply board 4.1.6. Cooling fan ... 4.1.7, Vacuum/pressure board 4.2. BOARD LOCATIONS 4.2.1. Mother board area ... : 4.2.2. Pneumatical door area (backside) 4.2.3, Instrument backside area... 4.3, INPUTSIOUTPUTS 4.4, FLAT CABLES AND WIRINGS 4.8. PENTRA 120 INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM..... 54. 5.3. INPUTS/OUTPUTS... 5 - Electronic principles SURE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING. ‘1.1. HGB measurement E resistive count OD measure 5.2.9. Blood aspiration detectio 5.2.10. Chamber photocell manaement 5.2.11. Pressure and vacuum contro}. ¢ 5.3.1. Liquid cristal display 5.3.2. Matticial keyboard... 5.3.3. IBM PC keyboard 5.3.4, Barcode reader 7 5.3.5. Graphic printer output... 5.3.6. Open tube cycle switch 5.3.7. External barcode reader. 5.3.8. Data output ...... 5.3.9. Modem output 5.3.10. SCSI cap. 6 - Electronic description 6.1. INTRODUCTION ... 6.2. ALARM BOARD 6.3. INTERFACE ##1 BOARD ... 6.4. INTERFACE #2 BOARD 6.5. LCD BOARD 6.6. LED BOARD 6.7. JM 340 MICROPROCESSOR BOARD ... 6.8. OD PREAMPLIFIER BOARD. 69. OD SIGNAL BOARD 6.10. PHOTOCELL BOARD...... 6.11. POWER SUPPLY BOARD 6.12. PRESSURE VACUUM BOARD 6.13, PREAMPLIFIER #1 BOARD. 6.14, PREAMPLIFIER #2 BOARD. 6.15. PULSE #1 BOARD... 6.16. PULSE #2 BOARD... 6.17. PUMP MOTOR DRIVER BOARD 6.18. PUMP MOTOR FILTER BOARD ....... 6.19. WBC/RBC/PLT/HGB SIGNAL BOARD .. 6.20. RESISTIVE BASO SIGNAL BOARD 6.21. RS232/FIFO PRINTER BOARD .. 6.22, SCSI ADAPTOR BOARD 6.23. STEPPER MOTOR POWER BOARD 6.24. STEPPER MOTOR COMMAND BOARD 6.25. TEMPERATURE CONTROL BOARD... 6.26. DISTRIBUTION BOARD 6.27. VACUUM PRESSURE BOARD 6.28. MATRICIAL KEYBOARD BOARD 6.29. G96 MOTHER BOARD... 6.30. SCSI HARD DISK wssssnereennnilrn 6.31. FLOPPY DISK 6.32, FLUOLOGIC BOARD... 6.33. LASER BENCH BOARD 7 - Software description 7.3. 0S9 COMMANDS. seen 7.3.1. File management 7.3.2. Command interpret shel .... 7.3.3. Error message file 7.3.4, Examples of different comands to be used on the PENTRA 120 7.4, PENTRA 120 SOFTWARE GENERM STRUCTURE ........ sennseense 19 7.4.1. Introduction 7.4.2. Application module purpose . 7.4.3. Communication between tasks 7.4.4, PENTRA 120 application startup 7.4.8. application module structure 7.4.6. Module description... 7.4.7. Ramdisk 7.48. Errorfile 7.5. PENTRA 120 INSTALLATION PROGRAM 7.5.1. Introduction 7.5.2. Startup 7.5.2. Installation of an application release 7.5.3. Complete installation - 7.6. GLOSSARY 8 - Computer connection 8.1. COMPUTER CONNECTION PRINCIPLES 8.1.1. XON - XOFF 8.1.2. Uniditectionnal mode description 8.1.3. Bidirectional mode description. 8.2. ARGOS FORMAT PRINCIPLES 8.2.1. Introduction... 8.2.2. Results characteristics. 8.2.3. Patient file characteristics. 8.2.4, End of communication 8.3, ABX FORMAT PRINCIPLES 8.3.1. Message structure 8.3.2. Details about the structure... 8.3.3. Identifier list and their formats 8.3.4, Pathology... 8.35. Histograms and matrix... 8.3.6, Patient result identification .... 8.3.7. Packet type. 8.3.8. Other identifiers 8.4. CONNECTION SETUP 8.4.1. RS 232 cable installation 8.4.2, Instrument setup 8.4.3. Output format setup... 8.5. ASSISTANCE 8.6. GLOSSARY .. 9 - Maintenance 9.1. PENQRA 120 MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES .. Introduction... 9.2. SERVICE TENUINICIAN MAINTENANCE & ADJUSTMENTS MNce frequency chart table 20 maintenance kit. 1.1, PENTRA 120 DOCUMENTATION .... 1.2, SERVICE MANUAL CONTENT 1.3, ASSISTANCE MENU OVERVIEW .. 14. INTRODUCTION CONTENT 1.1.1. Operation manual 1.1.2, Reference manual 4.1.3. Customer service manual 1.1.4. Technical manual . 1.1.5. Exploded views manual BoNNNN 1.2.1. Instrument installation 1.2.2, Mechanical description 1.2.3. Electrical description .. 1.2.4. Electronic principles .... 1.2.8. Electronic description... 1.2.6. Software 1.2.7. Computer connection 1.2.8. Maintenance 4.2.9, Troubleshooting DRARRRRROOD 1.3.1. Calibration records 1.3.2. User intervention records «8 1133. Technician Intervention records. 1.3.4. Reagent records 1.3.5. Blank cycle records... 1.3.6. Information window 4.3.7. Adjustments 1.3.8. Connection ... 1.3.9. Parameter sategug/. 1.3.10. Restoring parayféters.. 13.11. SHELL . 1.3.12. Application BURY KoCooouan RAA007 6 ind.A Page 1/1 7807195, 1. INTRODUCTION 1. Operation mani jeference manual 1.1.3. Customer service manual ITRA 120 DOCUMENTATION This manual is a TECHNICAL MANUAL for the PENTRA 120 instrument. It has a specific part 1umber RAA 007 B which index is updated according to the technical changes from the manufac- er. This manual is one part of the PENTRA 120 documentation which includes the following RAC 030 A (French language) RAB 022 A (English language) RAB 029A (Spanish language) RAB 031 A (German language) RAB 033 A (Italian language) - Reference matNal RAC 031 A (French language) RAB 023A English language) RAB 030 A (Spanish language) RAB 032 A (German language) RAB 034 A (Italian language) Customer service manual \ RAC 032A (French language) FAB 024 A (English language) Technical manual Fg 007 B (English tanguage) + Exploded views manual: RAP bey B (English language) PENTRA 120 STANDARD RAP 0098 (English language) PENTRA 120 CE & VEGA RETIC % %. 7 %, ‘The operation manualis delivered with the instrumént. It belongs to the installation kit. The operation manual contains all basic informations in order to bg able to run the PENTRA 120 instrument in the normal mode, thats to say manual or automatic ercing mode, barcode identification for the ‘sampling tube and bidirectionnal connection. it describys as well the emergency analysis mode and the calibration operations. The reference manual is delivered with the instrument. It belon reference manual contains all informations about the instrument s configuration. It describes all possible operation modes and as well Quality control, statistics, results management, etc... to the installation kit. The p and the user's specific ther functions such as This customer service manual is delivered during the PENTRA 120 customer tra) This manual contains all informations concerning the instrument operation principles ment and reagent specifications, the instrument pneumatic and hydraulic principles, ‘some basic maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. RAAQO?BIndA Paget a8 1.1.5, Exploded views manual 1.2. SERVICE MANUAL CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION -al manual ‘This technical manual is delivered during the PENTRA 120 field service engineer trainni it contains all required informations in order to install, maintain and repair the PI instrument. {tincludes as well the technical details forthe instrument connection to a main labogftory computer. ‘This exploded views manual is delivered during the PENTRA 120 field gfrvice engineer trainning course. It contains all required informations about part numbers (gf the PENTRA 120 spare paris. describes as well the instrument assemblies and sub-asserpfes, it shows the assembling and dismantling orders. The PENTRA 120 technical informations have begA spit up in diferent manuals (Customer service and exploded views manuals) in order to k@@p a light document in the field Instrument description, specifications, operatiopprinciples, pneumatic and hydraulic principles are described in the customer service manuai* é Sections contained inthis manual are as iow go Instrument installation =Mechanical description. + Electrical description, = Electronic description. Software = Computer connect -Maintenance. Troubleshooting The last section of 120 instrument mi ‘ment according ‘document is dedicated to the Technical notes concerning the PENTRA f changes. These notes will be integrated to the different parts of the docu- the manual updated versions, PENTR4A20 instrument installation has to be achieved by qualified service engineer only. This sectionfescribes the required precautions to take before, during and after the instrument instal PENTRA 120 instrument has an easy mechanical operation. 4 stepper motors are involved to allow the rack transfer from the loading tray to the ejection tray. Mechanical checks and ‘adjustments are made much easier using the motor specific software programs (ASSISTANCE menus}. RAA007B Ind. A Page 1/3 180199 1. INTRODUCTION ical description is section describes the PENTRA 120 electrical principles, including the power supply module. feconnection diagram, flat cables and wiring schematics belong to this section. :nd servo-contrals, 1.2.5. Electronic description This section describes the PENTHA,120 electronic boards. Each board file includes : ~ Aboard description - Aboard synoptic diagram 6 Aboard view component side diagraéy, Y ‘This section describes the PENTRA 120 operating, stem and application program. It gives as well the main shell commands required for the instrum i troubleshooting. 1.2.7. Computer connection This section describes the PENTRA 120 specifications ret red for an external computer connection. This connection has to be achieved by the laboral computer specialist. Maintenance This section gives the maintenance operation time table. All maintenaN\e and service kits are described as well as the specific tools and products required. This section is divided into «procedures» describing all necessary maintenaNge operation. Each Procedure gives the intervention time, the required tools and products, the Wpecifc kit, Each procedure has its own part number and are updated with an index when requir, 1.2.9. Troubleshooting This section gives the main lines for the PENTRA 120 troubleshooting. This sectiot updated according to the return of informations from the field, RAA007 Bind.A ~ Page 174 18/07/99 1. INTRODUCTION 1.3. ASSISTANCE MENU OVERVIEW ‘The general synoptic of the ASSISTANCE functions is given on the last page of Yyf section. From the MAIN MENU displayed when the MENU key is pressed, 4 functiog® are available (Diag.1) THnes s-gtavistics » 2User oe Machine ob NCTA 5 an i a-hesgent records fiankeycte recy e-lator nation sustnenes Connect ian. 3 Diag. ‘The ASSISTANCE menu contains numerougdunctions to help the operator and the technician to check, adjust, or repair the instrument, > Move the cursor to the function <4> ASSISTANCE and press ENTER. The ASSISTANCE menu is displayed (Diag.1) e The different funcffons of the ASSISTANCE menu allow the user and the ow the correct operation of the instrument. Some of to be used by trained technicians only for diagnos- jooting purposes. These functions are protected with fA function is described in the PENTRA 120 user's manual, section 4 "ASSISTANCE & OTHER ‘CLES’. RAAOOTBInd.A Page 115 TSOT88 1. INTRODUCTION 1.3 Technician Intervention records This function allows the technician to resume directly on the instrument its intervention aa Duration, purposes, spare parts used and various os comments can be entered in this function. The Content of this record can be reviewed by the user, but the entry of the data is protected by the technician password. From the ASSIS- TANCE menu, move the cursor to the function <3> and validate. The technician intervention record menu is displayed (Diag.2). From the Diag.2 function <1> Record review, validate, the technician record window is displayed (Diag.3). ae CE 7 Diag.3 ‘The technician intervention record can be printed out uS¥g the key. The PRINTOUT menu is displayed (Diag.4) i EE IGT [ETE Diag.4 RAA007Bind.A Page 116 Diag.5 Diag.6 1. INTRODUCTION Press <1> to print all data, or when data have been selected using the bar of keyboard from the previous menu (Diag.3), press <2> (Diag 5) AES GER IE Daye Data entries can be deleted ugjng the key. Press to validate (Diag.6) (SEI CIEE aed CGE Peineoue oF thr AseTS wemas—— RAA007 Bind.A- Page 1/7 ~ 18/01/99 1. INTRODUCTION When a new entry is required, from the a Technician intervention record menu, EET ET move the cursor to the function <2> (Diag.7) and validate. The message Tequesting the technician password is displayed (Diag.8). Enter the password and validate. The data entry window is displayed (Diag 9). Diag.7 Sec-up functioWytities For authorised starr only Pease enter tnd access code # 7 rameter safeguard Restoring paranecers 7 Boipptication Diag.8 (PAROS MRD Jefgeaedacevteu Connection Poraneter "safeguard Restoring paranevers shel Application MIT Technietan Description: burst ton Diag. RAA007B Ind.A ~~ Page 18 = Te0T93 1. INTRODUCTION Reagent records ‘This function is described in the PENTRA 120 user's manual, section 4 “ASSISTANCE & CYCLES" HER: 1.3.5, Blank cycle records “This function is described in the PENTRA 120 user's manual, section 4 "ASSISJANCE & OTHER CYCLES" 1.3.6. Information window ‘This function is described in the PENTRA 120 user's manual, secti CYCLES", 4" ASSISTANCE & OTHER, 1.3.7. Adjustments Move the cursor to the function <7> ‘ADJUSTMENT (Diag. 10) and press ENTER. The PASSWORD window is displayed (Diag. 11). Using the alphanumeric keyboard, enter the password “tech” and press ENTER. The ADJUSTMENT menu is displayed (Diag. 12). EES L-catipration records JS hdes Tatervent von recoras, 1 3-Hechnician intervention records a Reagent records. ? Tank cycle records &-Intornation uindou g #lonneceon . . -Paraneter sareguar: Gckestoring paranccers icshett Bppt tcacion Diag.10 Dialogue ponnece to -araneter safeguard RAROO7B Ind. A Page 18 7601189 1. INTRODUCTION Diag.12 RAAOO7B ind. Janene. e-laene ‘The ADJUSTMENT m&gu allows the following adjustments 1 - Correction coefM¥ent for the calibration 2 - Correction coetticN\gt for the human blood 3 - Correction coefficieN for the control blood 4 - Correction coefficient fgg the calibrator 5 - Special optical alignmerttgycie 6 - Instrument alarm adjust \Vacuum/pressure alarm adjustment Blood detection cell adjustfgent Drain chamber cell adjust Reagent detection cell adjust 7 Motor mechanical adjustments“ 8 - Piercing block mechanical adjustment 9 Instrument special operation modes 40 - 5PO1 board threshold adjustment 11 - HGB caloulation adjustments 12 - Double matrix scatter plot 43 - Standard amplification of the LMNE matrix 14 - WBC balance adjustment Calibration correction ‘The calibration on one or several parameters can be adjusted as Wescribed in the technical procedure : RAS XXX A 43. Human blood correction ‘The human blood correction during the calibration on one or several parameters: be adjusted as described in the technical procedure : RAS 159A, Control blood correction The calibration on one or several parameters can be adjusted as described in the tech) procedure : RAS XXX A, Page 1/10 —FBOT799 1. INTRODUCTION, Calibrator correction ‘The calibration on one or several parameters can be adjusted as described in the tegfinical procedure : RAS XXX A. Alignment cycle ‘The alignment cycle is used during the optical flowcell alignment procedure agflescribed in the technical procedure : RAS 098 A. Alarm adjustments 1 The vacuum pressure alarm adjustment is describes RAS 112A, the technical procedure 2. The blood detection cell alarm adjustment is de, RAS 111 A. fibed in the technical procedure 3- The drain chamber cel alarm adjust meny RAS XXX A. ‘described in the technical procedure 4. The reagent detection alarm adjust RAS XXX A. > ma é al adjyatments The stepper motor mechanical adjustryght procedure is described in the technical procedure : RAS 102 A. : @, Piercing block mechaniéal adjustments ‘ent is described in the technical procedure Stepper motor mecha The piercing block mechanic: RAS 104 A jiustment procedure is described in the technical procedure : Instrument sgecial operation modes fal mode : Use during normal instrument operation. ransfer mode : See the procedure RAS 099 A. = DIFTEX mode : See the procedure RAS 098 A 4 - Raw counts : See the procedure RAS XXX A (7.10. 5P01 board threshold adjustment he 5P01 board thresholds can be adjusted as described in the technical procedure : RAS XXKA. RAA0O7Bind.A Page 111 180799 1. INTRODUCTION .7.11. Haemoglobin calculation values. 1- Proportion 2- HGB blank reject 3- Minimum blank ref. Double matrix scatter plot The doubWmatrix scatter plot can be used as described in the technical procedure : RAS XXX A Standar\amplification of the LMNE matrix .3.8. Connection This function is used during the instrurfignt connection setup as described in section 8 of this manual ae % Parameter safeguard y This function is described in the PENTRA 120 user CYCLES", ‘anual, section 4 "ASSISTANCE & OTHER Restoring parameters This function is described in the PENTRA 120 user's manual, Syction 4 "ASSISTANCE & OTHER CYCLES", 1.3.11. SHELL ‘This function is described in the section 7 of this manual. 1.3.12. Applica This function is described in the section 7 of this manual. RAA0O7BInd A ~ Page 1/12 1810193 2.1, PACKAGING 2.2, SITE PREPARATION .. : 2.2.1. Power Supply Requirements. 2.2.2. Uninterruptable Power Supplies 2.2.3. Waste Disposal Requirements....... 2.2.4. Host Computer . 2.2.5. Space and accessibilty 2.3. INSITE TRANSFER 2.4, UNPACKING 2.4.1. Instrument 2.4.2. Ejection tray 2.4.3. Printer 2.4.4, Accessories... 2.4.5. Reagents 2.8. CONNECTIONS. 2.5.1. Ejection tray to instrument... 2.5.2. Printer to instrument. 2.5.3. Connection of the laser supply 2.5.4. Reagents to instrument 2.55. Waste to instrument 2.56, Laboraory computer fo frument .. 2.6. STARTUP 2.6.1. Printer startup 2.6.2. Laser power supply lartup (VER) 2.6.3. Instrument startup/And initialization 2.6.4. Primary checks 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP CONTENT RAA007 B Ind. A Page 2/1 18/01/99 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP 2.ANRACKAGING Instrument and required accessories arrive in 3 wooden boxes. The larger one which is loaded on a pallet contains the instrument, the middle size one contains the ejection and reagent tray and the instrument accessories, the smaller one contains the printer. Reagents and onsummables are delivered on a separate pallet Diag. - Carefully inspect the 3 packages. If you ae signs of mishandling or damage, file a claim with the carrer immediately, Ifthe shippement wa separately insured, fle a ciaim withthe insurance company. %, “ 2.2. SITE PREPARATION 2.2.1. Power Supply Requirements See Technical Specifications (Customer service manual) foNgrecise details of the power supply requirements for the PENTRA 120. Before switching on the instrument it should be cilycked that the operating voltage pre-set on the PENTRA 120 is the same main voltage. For protection against shock hazards, the equipment should be connected approved power sources, such as 3-wire grounded receptacle for the 100 -125 V or 200 - 244 V line voltage ranges. ‘Where an ungrounded receptacle is encountered, have a qualified electrician rep properly grounded receptacle in accordance with the official Electrical Code. ice it with a Do not, under any circumstances, remove the grounding prong from the power plug = Do not use extension cords. RAA007BInd.A Page 2/2 18/01/99 Waste Disposal Requirements 2.2.4. Host Computer ¢ ‘Space and accessi 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP terruptable Power Supplies Anvuninterruptable power supply is not a mandatory requirement for the PENTRA 120. Nev the heart of the system is a computer and it is known that such devices can ul unfavourably affected by power failures or unexpected powerline conditions that f normal specifications. For this reason and also to avoid inconvenience to cli preferred to install an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). if circumstances at a site are such that power supply failures are expe unacceptable nuisance then an uninterruptable power supply may be inst the customer. Selection and installation of an UPS should be carried out in circumstances and the power requirements of the PENTRA 120, sideration of the local No facilities exist for indication to the PENTRA 120 to auto FBHONA 1 ‘Oring 2,4x1,9 rit = FAA 025 A. 1 Microsampling needle 2 GBD 200 A 1 Reagent straw 360mm 3 GAB 067 A 1 Sampling needle joint + GALO74A 1 Rotation tay spring 2 GBD 015 A 1 Dispenser membrane mi” GBD 107 A 1 Dispenser membrane 1mi gf 0.5m GBD 108 A 1 2.4.5. Reagents RAA0O7 Bind. A Page 2/9 18/0199 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP &5. CONNECTIONS Unscrews the 3 instrument cover screws and open the instrument cover (Diag.8). Release the reagent tubes from the compressor locking pin and remove the tyraps from the pin. - Remove the transport locking pin from the ‘compressor and install into the holes the rubber stoppers contained in the plastic bag attached to the pin (see Diag.9 & 10) Connect the reagent detection plug between the instMgrent and the reagent/ejection tray (See Diag. 10). Unscrew and remove the fixation screws of INe reagenvejection tray located on the front, right handside of the instrument frame (Diag. 10). RAA007 Bind.A Page 2/10 18/01/99 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP install the pins ofthe reagent /ejection tray inside the holes located at the back, right handsidg frame of the instrument and fixe the assembly from the front right handside of the instrumg frame with the previous screws. Push the piercer inside the instrument to get access tg inside of the instrument, connect the Tygon tubes to their respective connectors (Diag. — ArwospHene Diag.14 ‘Check that the piercer does not touch the reagent tubgyvhen moving frontward and backward inside the instrument. ffic plug at the rear of the instrument. = Connect the external barcode reader to the spe é < z <4 < 4d reouence pene ‘owen [Ran EXTERNAL BARCODE READER PLUG RAA0O7 B Ind.A Page 2/11 18/01/99 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP Using the printerZinstrument cable included in the printer package, connect the printer input 2 (ee Diag,14) to the instrument output as shown on the instrument rear panel (Diag. 13). Tighten the connector using the 2 metal springs located on each side of the connector (Diag. 13) ‘Check that the voltage indicatiof\shown at the rear side of the printer corresponds to the laboratory voltige (Diag.14) NEC PRINTER Diag. 14 Using the printer power cable included in the printer package, connect the printer input 1 to the laboratory main supply. RAA0O7 Bind. A Page 2/12 18/0799, 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP 2.5.3. Connection of the laser supply Laser supplies are available under the following part numbers XBA 367 AS : Laser supply 220V XBA 368 AS : Laser supply 240V XBA 269 AS : Laser supply 120V XBA 370 AS : Laser supply 100V XBA 373 AS : Laser supply 230V a Nail www) BAS) ponds J the main laboratory voltage ere bers) Diag. 15 1 = Grounding collar connection = Unscrew the 2 nuts of the grounding collar <1> and <2> of the supply cable and controle cable (Diag.16) using a key size 7 and an hexagonal key size 3. = Connect the 2 cables on their respec- tive connectors on the laser supply and screw the 2 CHC 4x8 screws of the grounding collars <1> and <2> on the supply side plate (Diag.17). The nuts are no more used. Beware of pushing properly the protec: tion sleeve next to the collar. RAA007 B Ind. A Page 2/13 18/01/99 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP the cover on the side plate (Diag. 18) Diag.18 2- Changing the supply\oltages - The operation vdkgge setup (from 100V to 240V) is done using the primary terminal (white wire) on one of the Xavailable positions (TAB 202 and TAB 203) located at the bottom of the supply module on the Nagulator board and 3 banks of jumpers located on the power board fixed vertically (Diag.19) The different combinations Netween the primary terminal and the jumpers are resumed into the table below. 7 6 ‘OPERATION VOLTAGE Ea Firor! | TAR20¥ commun a back we, Paso : x % x a x * 7 inte wee | ——raseo9 tay x x x x Table 1 2 examples are given on next page for a better understanding, After having switched off the laser supply, vention to allow a capacitor discharge. RAA007 B ind.A wait at least 1/2 hour before int] Page 2/14 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP 250-6 Top View ‘rap203 AB 202 0 oa mans TAI Diag.19 To ~ Replace top cover. Example 1 : Setup to 240 Vac operation : - Turn supply off and unplug from AC line. Un: and remove top cover. Locate the terminals TAB201, TAB202 placed on the bottom of the laser si regulator board. - Place the white wire on termi - On the Power PCB placed Bank #3 - place the 2 jumpegfon pair #3 together and pin pair #4 together. To trim the and #2 on thy fut Line Voltage, locate Banks #1 ower PCB. = Jumpeyfne pin pairs according to the table. To trim tg 240 Vac, jumper pin pair #4 together on both Bank@it and Bank #2. Gkample 2 : Setup to 100Vac operation. Is - Turn supply off and unplug from AC line. - Unscrew and remove top cover. = Locate the terminals called TAB201, TAB 202 and TAB 203 on the regulator board. = Place the white wire to the terminal TAB202. - On the Power PCB, locate Jumper Bank #3 2 jumpers on the pin pair #1 together and pin pair #2 together. the Input Line Voltage, locate Banks #1 and #2 on the Power PCB. -JA trim to 100Vac, jumper pin pair #1 together on both Bank #1 and Bank #2. RAAQO7 Bind. A Page 215 16/01/89 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP 3.4. Reagents to A- AX DILUENT The diluent container must be placed below the instrument level (under the bench). lean the top of the diluent container before opening it. Remove the container per and install the reagent straw equipped with the level detection and the A A A A A AN AN A g upset? og Rar Be aE i ut i to of ene Se H ea el Hunn d BEE ome ys (NESE GH | menue sume 0 0 6 6] i | ae Hd QQ) | ane et Sm rs oe ~ Rese Beet gue, SG soe Diag.20 7 - Connect the level detection plug to the correspondigg connector of the rear panel (Diag. 19). B- ABX Basolyse - Clean the top of the ABX Basolyse container and open it install the reagent detection straw with its rubber stopper. The be placed at the same level than the instrument. {emove the container stopper an X Basolyse container has to = Connect the other end of the Tygon tube to the ABX Basolyse coNgection of the instrument, rear panel, and the ABX Basolyse level detection plug to the correspoWging connector. C- Plugged-in reagents ‘ABX Basolyse, ABX CLEANER, ABX Eosinofix, ABX Retix : identify the bot they are equipped with the rubber stopper. Return the bottle and firmly inset corresponding position in the ejection tray (Diag.21). make sure = Check the reagent connections between the PENTRA 120 and the reception tray that no reagent leaks, RAAOO7 Bind.A Page 2/16 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP ‘The waste container must be placéd below the instrument level (under the bench). Remove the waste container stopper and ingfall the waste container straw (the shorter one) equipped with the If the instrument has to be connected on a main laboratory computer, follow the procedure described section 8 COMPUTER CONNECTION, contact the laboratory computer specialist to achieved the connection. RAA07 Bind. A Page 2/17 18/01/99 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP «6. STARTUP X11. Printer startup NEC PRINTER EPSON PRINTER Diag.22 After having checked laboratory main voltage, (Diag.22). Check that the 2.6.2. Laser power supply startup (VER) Diag.23 at the voltage shown on the rear of the printer corresponds to the Instrument startup and initializatior Diag.24 MARCHE/ABRET ONorF SecTEUR, ac IN + Ness the ON/OFF switch of the printer located below the front panel AQWER and SELECT indicators are ON. Check that the laser protection cover of the laser optical bench is ON. - After having checked that the voltage shown on the rear of the laser power supply responds to the laboratory main voltage, s the ON/OFF switch and check that foltage lamp is ON. Turn the key of jer power supply located above the ‘switch to the position 1 (Diag.23). After having checked that the on the rear of the PENTRA’ Ponds to the laboratory main vol the ON/OFF switch located on th of the instrument (Diag.24), RAA007Bind.A Page 2/18 18/01/99 INSTALLATION & STARTUP The LCD lights on and thinstrument initialization starts (Diag.2§ Diag.25 2.6.4. Primary checks o£ Jo = When the initialization is completed, the following screen is displayed (Diag.26). - Carry out in the correct order the following ae steps: 2 . Diag.26 1 - Press the AIENU> key and move the cursor to the "MACHINE" function. Press land move jhe cursor to the "ALARMS" function. Unvalidate all the chamber drain alarms. [ESC> key to return to the main menu. 2 RKa manual blank cycle in order to check the possible leaks of pressure and vacuum. 3frress the key and run an "AUTOCONTROLE" cycle in order to check 1@ mechanical operations. 4.- Run reagent priming cycles, diluent first to prime the hydraulic lines. Check the correct drainage of the chambers. 5 - Run several manual blank cycles and check that the reagent lines are correctly primed, without air bubbles. FAA0O7 Bind. A Page 2119 18101188 2. INSTALLATION & STARTUP 6- Run a general cleaning cycle and check that the results are within the specifications given in the user's manual 7 - Return to the "ALARMS" function and revalidate the drainage alarms. 8 - For the PENTRA 120 instruments delivered with an EPSON laser printer, go to the function > “LASER PRINTER INITIALIZATION of the "MACHINE" menu and validate. in. a STARTUP cycle. 10 - RuNgeveral fresh blood samples, check that all parameters appear normally ssh and normal blood sample 10 times and check that the repetabiliy is correct. 12 - Perform a Yelibration procedure as described in the user's manual. RAA0O7 BInd.A Page 2/20 18/01/99 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION Content 3.1.GENERAL PRINCIPLES 3.1.1. Generalities 3.1.2. Cycle descriptions 3.2. STEPPER MOTORS PRINCIPLES ..... 3.2.1. Generalities : 3.2.2. Absolute and relative homes 3.2.3. Home recovering 3.2.4, Programmable motion 3.2.5. Enter step number 8.2.6. Motors power off 3.2.7. Error acknowledge ... © 000002 3.3. MECHANIC DESCRIPTION 3.3.1. Racks 3.3.2. Rack 10ader eon A Rack loading tray .. B - Rack shutters CG - Rack retainers, D - Stepper motor E - Rack detection .., 3.3.3, Rack rotation tray 3.3.4. Rack sampler J... description .. jotor 3.3.5, Ejection, = = A Meghanical description foper motor Page 31 “18701799 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION Diag. mechanical principles are used in the PENTRA 120 to provide the mechanical movements of instrument parts Stepper motors : Loading of the cassette into the rotation tray. Rotation of the cassette into the rotation system Movement of the piercer in front of the cassette Ejection of the cassette into the ejection tray Extraction of the sample tube from the cassette Piercing of the tube stopper Cleaning of the manual sampling needle Activation of the commutation valve Activation of the sampling valve = DC motor ‘The movements of the cassett®into the instrument are a combinaison of the different principles: 1 -Loading cassettes : stepper motor 2- Rotation of the cassette to the sampling position : stepper motor 3- Movement of the piercer in front of tfie sample tube : stepper motor 4 Tube grabbing and extraction : air cylinders. 5 - Piercing of the sample tube stopper : alieylinder 6 - Re-insertion of the tube into the cassette air cylinder 7 - Rotation of the cassette to the ejection posifign : stepper motor 8- Ejection of the cassette : stepper motor” TOADING ROTATION l EXTRACTION, fl PIERCING] indB ~ Page a2 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION ycle descriptions Pneumatical and mechanical cycles are controlled by 2 different processes = R2D2 process controls the pneumatical cycle. CYSPEO process controls the mechanical cycle. ‘The CYSPEO process can be considered as the "master" process, R2D: ‘These 2 processes are directly linked for the correct instrument op: “attached” together as a pneumatical phase can occur during diffe the "slave" process. tions but they are not it mechanical phasis, Each process has different phases as follow Pneumatical cycle Phase A : Starting phase without priming Phase A_XXX : Starting phase with specific priming Phase B1_XXX : Sampling phase without measure Phase B2_XXX : Sampling phase with measure. Phase B3_XXX : Measure phase. > Phase B4_XXX : Neutral phase without action Phase C1_XXX : End phase specific to the,ahalysis type. Phase C : End phase. 2 $ XXX : can be CBC, DIF or RET. Aa ding to the analysis type. The pneumatical cycle unfolds as f Bliow fsSSETTE PNEUMATICAL CYCLE A B2_20KB3_OKBA_YOXKCI_ OK _C Diag.2 Each phasgias a duration of 30 seconds. The B_XXX phase corresponds to the analyses of the tubegfn the cassette, the B1_XXX represents the sampling of the first tube, the B3_XXX represofts the measure of the last tube of the cassette, ‘yh mechanical cycle includes the 2 cassettes A and B which can be loaded into the rotation fystem. The cassette A is always loaded in the position 0 of the rotation tray (position which is ‘acing the loader after an home command of the rotation system, see Diag. 3), the cassette B is loaded into the position 1 of the rotation tray. ‘The position 0 and 1 are identified on the rotation tray by 2 barcode labels, the barcode label 0 is facing the barcode reader when the cassette A is in the sampling position (see Diag.3). WAAOOTAING.B Page 33 FeO 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION \ BAR CODE \ LABEL 1 NN | | i] $ [+-CASSETTE 8 Diag.3 ‘The mechanical cycle includes 4+1 phases as folow - Loading cassette. Cassette identification. - Mixing cassette. - Cassette ejection. + sampling phase (of the previous cassette) which may occur any moment of the 4 phases. Each phase has a duration of 30 seconds. The mechanical cycles fsssere AOA 08 ween wore eal aad] exces ta baawree sone ele | adel a itl _ | HA k } ib g iB Diag.4 RAAOO7AIndB SSS Page 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION “The cassette identification includes a reading of the cassette barcode label as. as a tube presence detection NOTE The mechanical phases sequence can be modified according to some special ever aresampling request, or consecutive analyses of 2 different cassettes (CBC, DIFF, which requires a specific priming cycle, etc Pneumatical and mechanical cycles are combined as follow fel Diag.5 é ‘The diferent movements ofthe casspffe during the mechanical eycle phases are checked by specific switches and End Of Run getectors (switches or optical detectors). Morover, different cchecks occur during the oycle phases = - Loading ‘Amechanical cycle can onj/tart if a cassette is detected into the loader. ‘An empty place should bgfavaitable into the rotation tray (0 or 1). - Identification : The reading of the analysis type, the, Tube presence any probler rcode label of the cassette should validate the cassette number, the imber of positions of the cassette (10 or 15 tubes). fs to be confirm by the tube detector. ‘curs during the cassette identification, the cassette is automatically rejected, ‘sampling fing phase includes the following steps : reading of the tube barcode label, reading of fe label of the rotation tray position (0 or 1), grabbing of the tube by the grabber, 1 fxing, reading of the barcode label of the rotation tray position (should be the same than frst reading 0 or 1), re-positionning of the tube into the cassette. problem occurs during the reading of the position barcode label, an emergency stop is formed, Pages TSOT9S 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION per motors are controlled by the stepper motor command board which is able to command ferent movements. These movements are driven by 4 specific stepper motors under the of different opto-detectors and micro-switches. Run 2 (EOR2) giving the end of motion position. stepper motor includes also a position encoder. Sst Diag.6 -S: Speed = X : Total number of steps t&pe reached + Sst : Starting speed SI: Speed level - St: Final speed - Ra : Acceleration rate + Rd : Deceleration rate - Tol : Tolerance RAA007Aind.B Page a6 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION ‘The tolerance parameter acts as a security when an EOR sensor has to be reached. A generg order of (X+Tol) steps is effectively executed and the stop at the EOR has to be ingfided between the steps (X+Tol) and (X-Tol). This procedure is called Control by general counting, ‘Several test programs are available to check the motor oper applications are dedicated for maintenance purposes only on these applications will be executed. None of the sect be activated in these menus. Each of the 4 axis (sampler, rotation, ejection, loading) is command program accessible through the successive menus «MEN! «ADJUSTMENTS» ith a special «MOTORS» », ASSISTANCE», then Assistance’ I-statistics > 2-Recalculation > 1-Calibration recordsy 2-Inter vention recongs eagent. records ‘ontrol_ blood refonss eLc ings: 2-Connection (° A-Calibration 2-Open/closed tube 3-Hunan ‘blood 4-Control blood 5-Calibrator 6 gs 9 a elles > | |) SR Diag.7 ‘Several commands are, types are available : failable to get different movements and various tests. 2 main program sein res y | (Taree = A program «MOTOR MOVEMENTS: displaying on the same screen the usual commands of the 4 axis, J-Internal barcode reading 2-Initiating internal barcode 3-Sensor reading 4-Hotor adjustment 5-Piercing needle movenents 8-Rotating system movements ?-E jectar novenents B_Laading novenents G-Grabber noverents, A-Special cycles ve Diag.8 RAAQOTAIndB ~*~ TST Te0T95 Diag.9 Diag.10 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION PEP oe 3-Manual Sampling position 4-Cassette barcode position S-Cassette position data capture 6-Tube present (cassette 19 tubes) q ?-Tube 8-Hone 9-Turn clockwise thro 90 deg- @-Turn clockwise thro 180 deg. A-Turn clockwise thro 270 deg. Ejector - jection complete Loading flaps oe ~ 4 specific programs (1 for each axis) disblaying on the same screen for 1 axis the usual commands as well as some special commands, (ARTI TORE rae TIM WARNING : Before selecting an axN ensure that this is mechanically 9, osing 4-Opening / Closing S-Hovenent. paraneterable normal dirs B-Movenent. paraneterable opposite dir+ 7-No. of steps data capture 8-Hone recovery adjustment 9-Disconnect motors Q-Maintain ‘notor on full power A-Acknouledge error RAAOO7AindB Page a8 —FBOT78 3.2.2. Absolute and relative homes 3.2.3. Home recovering Programmable motion 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION 2 different figures can be described The motor has always the same motion from the starting point up to the EOR, ponds to the maximum amplitude. In such a case, the final speed is always the exact number of steps can be easely calculated. The motor home can home. This is the case of the loading motor, rotation motor and ejection - The motor has different motions according to the previous starting poi to reach the EOR. In such a case, speeds and phasis durations are calculated automatically afcording to the requested motion. As a matter of fact, when a home detection is requestedflhe final speed when the home is reached, can be different according to the motion durgfon. This can lead to some slight differences in the final stop position. In order to avoid fis problem during automatic cycles, the home reading is done according to the previous rybtion. Final speeds to the home are then constant and this is call relative home detection/This is the case of the sampling motor. ‘Only the first home detection at the instrument startup jf an absolute home detection. During the return to home phasis, the stepper Jnotor turns until the sensor change its status. “The motor stops at his moment. However, a stg in such a position very ctical can be dangerous as the sensor may easely change its statusibrations for exemple). In order to make sure that this problem will not arise, the motor is ABt stopping at the sensor detection, but few motor steps further. o This fixed number of steps is named “home recovering». It is adjustable through a mainte- nance program. A minimum valug 1S mandatory. Moreover, in order to cancell the sensor mechanical agjustments (index, a etc..., the «zero» position is corrected when adjusting this recovering value. This movement activatey/a motor «step by step» with a repeated pressure on the «ENTER» ints are possible corresponding to the rotation direction of the motors. foorresponding to 1 pressure on the «ENTER» key is programmable foommand when validated, stops the electrical supply of the 4 motors. This command Wws the manual motion of the 4 axis during mechanical adjustments for exemple. During a motion, a problem may occur and an error message is displayed. It appears in the message window on the right handside of the screen. As instrument is blocked, itis necessary to press the «ENTER» key to acknowledge the error and to be able to continue. If several errors occurs simultaneously, it is sometimes useful to acknowledge them all. This can be done in the «ERROR ACKNOWLEDGE» command. RAAOTAInd.B - “Page 38 TeOWS8 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION [CHANIC DESCRIPTION 3.3.1, Radke The sample rack holds 10 to 15 piercable (rubber-stoppered) ‘specimen tubes. Each rack is identified by means of a barcode label located on the bottom part of the rack. One rack holds the same type of requested results : 5 part differential result or cell blood count only Different sample racks can be mixed in the rack holder. Diag.11 Presence of specimen tubes in a radk is detected by an optical system including an emission transistor and a reception diode. 5 Each tube contained in a rack is identifietgby its position in the rack and by its barcode label % 8, Racks are made of special plastic algwing a perfect cleaning and desinfection NOTE | Most of the cleaning products can be Wged such as bleach, alcohol or solvants, ‘do not place sample racks into heated steNjzer as high temperature may 1 CAUTION! | provoque a loss of shape. 3.3.2. Rack loader ‘The rack loader is constituted with ~ rack loading tray a stepper motor with its reduction gears and home detection device -2 rack shutters +2 rack retainers ~ 3 microswitches to allow a rack presence and faulty position detections The rack loader mechanical adjustment is described in the maintenance procedure : RAS 10 A. z Z| 5 ind. 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION A Rack loading tray The rack loading tray holds up to 13 sample racks which gives a minimum of 1 tubes and a maximum of 150 sample tubes to be analyzed on a «walkaway» modgabout one hour without operator intervention). Sample racks can be added in the loading yy at any time without stopping the instrument operation. The rack loading tray is designed in a way that itis impossible for the opgtor to load sample racks improperly. Sample racks have to be loaded with their identiicayn number facing the front of the instrument, B - Rack shutters “The rack shutters located at the bottom of the rack loading tray, loading tray to the rotative tray (rack mixer). pw the rack transfer from the C- Rack retainers 2 rack retainers are associated to the rack shutters ar to allow only the passage of the bottom rack of the fare activated when the shutters open Page 3/17 _ ~F8/07799 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION D- Stepper motor The loading tray stepper motor allows the bottom rack of the pile to be loaded in the rotation tray. This motor turns always in the same direction and has an home given by an index and an optical detection. The motor home position is detected by an in- trated detection cell located at the rear of the loading tray. The home detection index is located on the motor gear (see Diag.13). The rack loader stepper motor is controled by the JCM340 board through the stepper motor command board. It is powered through the stepper motor power board (see Diag. 14). Diag. 14 FAAOO7 And. Page 3/12 TeOT55 RAAOO7Aind B Diag. 15 Diag.16 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION E- Rack detection 1; Rack presence detection Flack presence detection is done with the 2 microswitches located at the bottom font of the loading tray (see Diag.15). These 2 switches have to be OPEN (no rack) or CLOSED (racks) simultaneously for a correct rack detection 2» Rack position default ion A third switch allows the default detection. Itis situated above the left handside presence detection (see Diag. 16] age 07705 3.3.2\Qack rotation tray Diag.17 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION ‘A- Mechanical description he rack rotation tray allows the transfer of the cassette from the loading position to the sampling ition. The rotation tray has 4 stopping positions according to the mechanical cycles Cadgette loading position. e identification position, = Tube ddgbbing position. - Cassett\jection position. The rack rotatyp tray has a rotative axis which holds 2 sample racks, The rack rotation speed is XXX turns peNQour approximately. ‘The rotation tray meWpanical adjustment is described in the maintenance procedure : RAS 102 B - Stepper motor The rotation tray stepper motoPallows the mixing of the rack samples before piercing, It allows also the correct stop in the piercin@ position. This motor turns always in the same direction and has an home given by an index ané an optical detection located on a detection wheel. The rotation tray poston is detected ysng the 4 slots in the detection wheel and an optical detector (see Diag.17) % 1 - Home position detection 2 - Tray position detection RAAOOTAInd.B Page 3/14 TSS Diag.18 3.3.3, Rack sampler 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION ‘The rotation tray stepper motor is controled by the JCM340 board through the steppey command board. It is powered through the stepper motor power board (see Diag. 18) ROTATIVE TRAY COMMAND. sierra Toro : rower soanD AN) one Jom oro — posmon 340 coum NN cornot oan ‘A- Mechanical description ‘The rack sampler which is mobIfé from the back to the front of the instrument includes the following devices = The manual sampling neg - The sample tube grab! - The piercing needle The commutation v - The sampling va) ~The short samy The barcode le and its rinsing mechanism. fh its rinsing mechanism. /e between manual and automatic sampling, detection photocells C1 and C2. er. A sampler carriage - 2 EOR detection photocell ‘The sampler mechanical adjustment is described in the maintenance procedure : RAS 102 A. RAA007 Aind.B Page 3115, 7810793, 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION EOR2 0 Endless screw ENCODER Diag.19 B- Stepper motor Ww 4 The stepper motor drives the sampler(arriage to the correct sampling position for the tube piercing. The associated encoder control Poston of each carage stp below the sampling tubes. The EORI gives the rotation position for Hiren tray and the EOR2 gives the manual sampling position. ‘The sampler stepper motor is controled by thé JCM340 board through the stepper motor command board. It is powered through the steppé\motor power board (see Diag.20). Bus cPU STEPPER om. fet MOTOR coumano 340 BOARD ASE Wo. painreR BoaRo] oisTABUTION BOAR Diag.20 RAAOO7AIndB SS Page 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION 3.3.4. Ejection tray A- Mechanical description flection tray mechanism includes 9.21) : 1 - An ejection carriage. 2- A “ray full” switch. 3 - An endless screw. 4 - Astepper motor. 5 - An Home switch. 6 - An EOR switch, 7 - An ejection shutter with its drive cable and shutter switch. ‘When the ejection starts, the ejection carriage catches the rack on each side by the slots of the rack and extracts the rack from the rota- tion tray (Diag.22). ‘As the ejection shutter is linked to the ejection carriage, when the carriage starts to move, the shutter drive cable lifts up the ejection shutter to allow the ejection of the rack. AA stop retains the rack into the ejection tray when the carriage moves back in its home position. When the carriage reaches the EOR switch, the tray full switch has been already activated. When the ejection tray is full, the carriage cannot reach the tray full switch and the tray full alarm is triggered (Diag.23). The remaining space on the ejection tray allows to receive the 2 additional racks contained in to the rotation tray. The piercing mode then automatically stops. RAA0O7 Aind.B 7 Page 3117 T8019 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION Diag.23 B - Stepper motor ‘The stepper motor drives the ejection carriage from the rotation tra\\to the ejection tray. The stepper motor is controled in 2 phases : ~ the first step requires a low speed and an important torque in order to Move the cassette from the clips of the rotation tray. - the second step requires and lower torque but an increased speed to push the Agsette on the ejection tray. The ejection stepper motor is controled by the JCM340 board through the step command board. It is powered through the stepper motor power board (see Diag. 24). RAAOO7AInd.B Page 07105 Diag.24 RAKOOTAInG.B 3. MECHANIC PRINCIPLES & DESCRIPTION EJECTION TRAY COMMAND SONA JOM BOARD L ee ref exeren an fee} ay FUL ee} TION SHUTTER C - Ejection shutter The ejection shutter is a protection for the opegator to prevent any object introduction during the rotation of the cassettes. The shutter opgtis only when the rotation tray is stopped in its ejection position. The closed position is deigtted by a switch, e y a Page 3/18 Te0T793 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION CONTENT 4.1, POWER SUPPLY MODULE. 4.1.1, Description ener 4.1.2. Main supply socket 4.1.3. Main suppiy filter... 4.1.4. Toric transformer 4.1.5. Power supply board 4.1.6. Cooling fan 4.1.7. Vacuumipressure board 4.2, BOARD LOCATIONS PENTRA 120 VE 4.2.1. Mother board PENTRA 120 VE ir 4.2.2 OD signal and OD preampliter boards 8 4.2.2. Peumatical door area (backside) ......¢2.... 4.2.3. Instrument backside area rs 4.3. BOARD LOCATION PENTRA 120 VEC ANS VER .. 4.3.1, Mother board PENTRA 120 VEC land VER. 4.3.2. OD signal board nnn 4.3.3. OD preampliter board 4.3.4, Pneumatical door area (b 4.3.5, Laser bench board - 4.3.6. Instrument backside aga. 4.3. INPUTS/OUTPUTS 16 4.4, FLAT CABLES AND WIpAIGS se a 16 INECTION DIAGRAM 66 Page 471 TsI0T798 RAAT Bind. 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 4.1. POWER SUPPLY MODULE ‘The PENTRA 120 power supply is a complete module providing required supplies to the different parts of the instrument. It also provides aperture currents for the blood cell counts and the 5V logic voltage. It also controls the vacuum and pressure signals through the vacuum pressure g2"d located in the module. ‘The power supply module can be operated separately from the instrument. The maxitlqm usable power is 800VA. Instrument needs a maximum power of 750VA in peaks. The module Weltage selector allows the instrument operation under the following voltages (50/ 60Hz) : 100V, ov, 220v, 240V. ‘The power supply module’ -a main supply socket, a main supply filter q a toric transformer ¢ - a power supply board + ~ a cooling fan Q a vacuum/pressur board SS in supply socket y - The main supply socket is equipped with the @N/OFF switch, 2 primary fuses and a voltage selector, When instrument is operated on 100/120V, main When instrument is operating on 220/240V, main fu 'S Must be BA, slow-blow 120V. Must be 4A, slow-blow 250V. Main supply filter - A large band main supply filter is installed in the module to luce the electrical interferences. This shielded fiter is located behind the power supply board! 4.1.4. Toric transformer toric transformer provides the secondary voltages. This transform is equipped with a ther- ‘mal protection switch and gives the following secondary voltages : 120Vac for the compressor supply through a compressor relay (K‘1). 150Va¢ for the aperture currents. ~ 30Vac for the electrovalve operation. ~ 30Vac for the heater supplies. 30Vac for the SV logic supply. 30Va¢ for the 8V optical bench lamp supply. 22Vac for the +18V/ -18V for the preamplifier boards and the linear regulators. ~ 30Vac for the +12V logic and hard disk drive supplies. = 25Vac for the -24V (Pump motor driver board) and the -12V (RS232/FIFO printer boar RAAO07 Bind. A Page 472 1801789 4.1.5. Power supply board ‘The power supply board includes : 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION - Switching power supplies which provide the different direct and filtered supplies requyéd for the instrument operation * +5V logic voltage. Ji Diag.1 ¢ fev] Lane AA 007 B ind.A Page 4/3 TeOTS 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION * +12V logic voltage / hard disk supply. [Frey] * 424V electrovalve supply. -y The switching supplies are protected in short-circuits, the +5V athe +12V NOTE | are over voltage protected RAA0O7 Bind. A Page 414 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION * 424V heaters and robotic transfers. Jo Fo) fam | ae | Teese] oat robotic | LEILTER ba Diag.5 - Linear power supplies and high voltages for the gferture currents : +60V RBC aperture current, +60V WBC aperture current, +100V BASQAAperture current, and +60V LMNE aper- ture current a0 VAG-PRESS Board XAAI26 Pi Page 45 e019 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION * +18V/-18V for the preamplifiers : Diag.7 * -24 for the SDIFF pump motor © *-12V for the RS232 +, te Diag.8 RAA007 Bind. A Page 416 Te0T95 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION - Electrical connectors directly installed on the board to reduce the electrical wirings meaning less possible electrical interferences. * J5/S7/58 Vo%e@ |: ore ® \@ @ @ he cove hh» | 5 @ (CURRENTS: ‘AND BARCODE READER. 38 TO FANS oe * S29 aN WN 2D 1a ® ON On ey (5) 62 o fa) Oh BY 2 Retey) HEY NOY) Ct aoa aoa Naga A a “4 1 e or (7 4 ae By Oo? 5 O® @ Gy /J2 To oreamoli boards + (J9 From rectifiers: peta z _ wd 9 wn azavy \yaavay gay \ 38 favs) a\(e\ (mw) (1m) (18% seve Nava’ \yzave’ avn’ av) \ aay / a \(7\(" 6 1g) (23 \ezava’ \ezava! Sezeval Gi \ te) stay (6) (Ce) C8) (PY (ae wn Neon Naan ti) Gai) say J1 To hydraulic / pneumatic door Fa70T798 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION Diag. 13, tn OW. 8 sai) 0) 5 19 4 a) ain) av go - rH) (45 % ie TB) (16 J8 To mother Bard 7 “sv 21 204, (2 2 sy 24 aw “sn Diag.14 RAA007 Bind. A “Page 4/8 TB10T793 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION = Control LEDs for each of the provides electrical supply, associated with a test point, a protec, tion fuse and an adjustment potentiometer. ‘A commun ground point for all test points and adjustments, Test points are for control only, they should not debit (oscilloscope or amperemeter are prohibited). - Fuses characteristics are as follow : Fi: 3.18A 250 Siow biow F2: 315A 250V Slow blow F3: 2.58 250V Siow blow Fa: 6.3A 250V Slow blow F5: 10A 250V Slow blow F6: 0.2A 250V Slow blow F7: 1,254 250V Slow blow FB: 1:25A 250V Slow blow F9: 1.254 250V Slow blow . $ Fi2andF13: For 220/240V : 4A 250V glow biow For 110/120V : 8A 250\Siow blow a é Voltage selector positions 1: 100V 120V -3:220V 4: 240V RAAOO7 Bind. A Page 419 180195 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION Cooling fan The power supply module cooling fan is supplied in +12V and is located at the rear of the module. This fan aspirates air from the bottom of the instrument through the removable dust filters Diag. 15 1 - Cardcage fan 2 - Cardeage fan - Power supply module fan Compressor fan 4.1.7. Vacuumipressure board Purpose of the board : ~ Transforms vacuum and pressure into analogie signals. - Drives the front panel LED signals. Drives the compressor command signal from interface board to compres Board description and strap position : see Section 6. RAAOO7Bind.A Page aio Ta0T99 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 4.2. BOARD LOCATIONS PENTRA 120 VE 4.2.1. Mother board PENTRA 120 VE | | E (Ss) |e) S , Fe (ie 3 |e Seer E 14 13° 12 WW 10 9g 8 7 1 JOM340 CPU board 2 RS232 FIFO printer board 9 -Pulse #1 board 3 - Interface #1 board 19° Pulse #2 board 4- Interface #2 board oft - RBC/WBC/PLT/HGB board 5- LCD board $12 Resistive BASO signal board 6-Free P 13-Free 7- Pump motor driver board 44-14 Stepper motor command board SCSI adaptor boar and SCSI hard disk drive are located in the slots on the far NOTE | right of the mother board. 4.2.2. OD signal and OD preamp! 1 - OD signal board : This board is located on the right hand side of the mother board, next to the pressure and vacuum adjustment knobs and is identified with its 2 holes giving access to the absorbance signal and reference potentiometers (see Diag.17) [i 2 - OD preamplifier board : This board is located on the top of the optical bench in RAA007 Bind.A Page ait TSOTSS 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION neumatical door area (backside) 1+ Preamplifier #1 board 2 - Preamplifier #2 board 3 - Temperature control board 4- Cell board Diag. 18 4.2.3. Instrument backside area Stepper motor power board : This board can be seen when the instrument back panel on the left handside ['Ws,removed. Its located next to the vacuum/pressure tabs (Diag. 19). %, Vacuumipressure board : ING located at the bottom part of the power supply modi¥e. This board can be | seen from the left handside of We instrument when the cover is in its upper position (Neg.20).. RAAOO7BInd.A Page ait 1807799 4.3. BOARD LOCATION PENTRA 120 VEC AND VER 4 1, Mother board PENTRA 120 VEC and VER 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION CI °“Weuls es I J I J “Gaal ra I M4 13°12 «11 «10° 8 Diag.21 1 - Stepper motor command board o 2 Pump motor driver board $ 3 - Fluologic board (VER or Free (VEC) .>* 4 Alarm board s 5 - Pulse #1 board 6 - Pulse #2 board 7 -RBCIWBC/PLT/HGB board v 8 - Resistive BASO signal board 9 - Interface #1 board 10 - Interface #2 board 41-LCD board 12 - JCM340 CPU board 13 - RS232 FIFO printer board 14- Free NOTE 4.3.2. OD signal board FAA007BInd.A Page aia This board is located on the right hand side of the mother board, next to the RETIC laser bench location and is identified with its 2 holes giving access to the absorbance signal and reference potentiometers (see Diag.22). T8019 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 3-3. OD preamplifer board OD preamplifier board : This board is located on the top of the optical bench in order to receive the optical ss signal given by the optical flowcell (See Diag.23). Preamplifier #1 board - Preamplifier #2 board 3 “femperature control board RAKOO7BIngA TOT 3 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 4.36. Instrument backside area \Vacuum/pressure board : itis located at the bottom part of the power supply module. This board can be J) seen from the left handside of the instrument when the cover is in its upper position (Diag.27) RAAOO7 Bind. A “Page 415 1801789 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION .3. INPUTS/OUTPUTS, PENTRA 120 instrument has different Inputs/Outputs facilities. From the rear side (Diag.21) can be connected 1 - An external barcode reader 2- A graphie printer ‘An external computer through a RS232 output modem through a RS232 out put SCSI device such as an external SCSI hard disk drive. LN As A i i iy = i Diag 21 - An IBM PC type keyboard may ajso be connected instead of the integrated keyboard without modification. ¢ 4.4. FLAT CABLES AND WIRINGS a 8 For an easier troubleshooting action, all"fat cables and wirings in use in the PENTRA 120 instrument are described in the following pais with their connecting diagrams. < DESCRIPTION © RGGeeE Cable _| Barcode and scanner cable DAC 016 A Fat | Res-BASO signal board RBC-WBC-PLTNGB signal board | Gap ogi a WBC-RBC-PLT-HGB board/Pulse board DAD 082 A BUS SCSI DAD 083 A SCSI adaptortioppy disk drive DAD 084 A CPUILCD board DAD 085 A Display/LCD board DAD 086 A Matrix keyboard/LCD board DAD 087 A ‘Stepper motor power boardimotor command board AD 088 A Cell board/alarm board Dp 089 A RS ovtowRS printer board DAD 90 A Vacuum-pressure boardiinterlace board DAD os Barcode distribution board/RS printer board DAD 092 Vacuum-pressure board/power supply board DAD 097 A Backlightmatrix keyboard DAD 101A RAA007B ind. A Page 416 1801/55 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Wirings | Pneumatic door wirings Preamplifier boards/Power supply module Mother board/Power supply module BA 284 AS Power supply module/Front boards XBA 285 AS Floppy-Barcode-compressor-reagents XBA 286 AS Power supply module/rectifer bridge XBA 287 AS Power supply module/compressor XBA 288 AS HGB assy XBA 289 AS Pump motor filter board/pump motor g XBA 290 AS Tube presence and cover LED XBA 291 AS. PC keyboard and vacuum-prgsGure board XBA 293 AS ‘Stepper motors oe XBA 294 AS tegrated reagents © XBA 295 AS Piercing carriag XBA 296 AS. Optical fowc output XBA 302 A Blood dgfction cel XBA 304 AS 1 M2 stielding XBA 307 AS. XBA 308 AS Barcode/tube detection XBA 309 AS WBC electrodes XBA314 AS Cell boardichamber XBA319 AS DESCRIPTION MBER Compressor cable XCA 179 AS BASOLYSE heater assy XDA 499 AS RAAQO?BIngA ~~~ Pageaiy———SSCSCSCSC~S~S«w OTTO 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAC 016 AS Ind.A : DISTRIBUTION BOARD - BARCODE D J1-DISTAIBUTION BOARD uaewe/e (FEF ALCATEL: 012 04 88 oF EF ALCATEL: 6012 01 98 0) NOTA: Respecter le cablage de 1 vers 1 (pas d’affectat: de couleurs) 1/0 PORT-BAR CODE SCANNER Modification Désignation: CORDON SCANNER CODE A BARRES DACOIEA Ind Modif: A REF du document: DACOIGAS Plan dessiné le: 26/04/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA Ge plan est 1a propradté on ia société sBX et ne peut Sire reproguit ov commnlaud sane outer iaation RAAOO7B Ind A Page 4716 18/07/89 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 081 AS Ind.A : RESISTIVE BASO SIGNAL BOARD - RESISTIVE SIGNAL BOARD Long. de coupe 70 nm ‘Conducteurs 40 en P3 PI J3_RES-BASO [) Y8_RBC-WBC-PLT-HGB SIGNAL BOARD 4] fag >=| SIGNAL BOARD HE10-F 10 He 10-F 10 NOTA: se rétéref a 10 procédure de fabrication des limandes : ACFOI3A x [967077 fin [om | 03; Modification fon: CIWANDE RES-BASO ‘DADOSIA Ind Modif: & Plan _dessiné le: 01/03/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA 2 foe alan est 10 propriété de Ta société ABK et ne peut Btre repraduit ou communiqué i RAA007 BInd.A Page 419 E1019 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 082 AS Ind.A : RESISTIVE SI IGNAL BOARD - PULSE BOARD FLAT CABLE Conducteurs 10 J ce B ss = ao @ @ 2a 7 Ss 38 77.00 eF eee 55 ww aa P6/) Pa Sa od za 3g ay be aa tT cae ae = ae ce 4 _ on vetorio Vy HEAO-F10 35 $5 swe + sumoue S %, NOTA: Se référer 3 1a procédure de fabrication ges 1¥enaes : ACFOISA A }96/07/34] Création. = fin [ow] bate ogi fication Désignation: LIMANDE RES/BASO-GA-HB DADOB2A PLA-GB Ind Modif: A REF du document: DADOS2AS. - Nore 4 Pian dessin le: 04703/94 | Par: A, DA COSTA piagnoatica Te plan est 1a propriété ae Ta société Ask FAA 0076 ind. A ‘et ne peut kre reproduit ou Comminiaué sans autorisation Page 4/20 TSOT95 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 083 AS Ind.A : SCSI ADAPTOR 6 SCSI OUTPUT FLAT CABLE anaino 1898 wag CISK Pe Pa ouvoe vorvidvay 1s9s-2r re10-780 fo bet Rr ret TON Bian gaas iad Te 07 eae [Bark Ga COSTE By | ge aa Eb ei 7 i i |g \ Ig 1/4 Ha We RAAKOOT Bnd. A Page 4/27 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 084 AS Ind.A : Floppy-SCSI adaptor flat cable STO Aadons-er Ca ih di 4] ‘uvos ovewor nao-er "BETO CEMANGE FLOPPY-AGAPTATEDR S051 OATS [Bara GR EOSTE Pian gessiné- Te FEE ay eocunent OMOSERS RAAOO7BInd.A Page 422 Te0T99 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 085 AS Ind.A : CPU-LCD flat cable | | | | 2 2 g | 3 e z & J] 2 2) gS 8 al) is 8 g a2 | |g 8 z 8B Bas ae q13) = gigsa ae < } Hage g & 3 é | 8 + > 2 | ° | ¥| i 4) 3 nota: se rgfrer & 18 crocésure de Faorication des Tamances > ACFOISA [args 3 Wea LESE ION f-ion: CIMANDE CPU-LCD i DADOBSA Ing Modif: A None ad Plan dessiné 18: 44/04/54 [Par. A. DA COSTA siaanoarice Ge Flaw eat le broprite Ge To socitatAGi et ne peut Bere repratuit ov Comarioo sone ButrTseion RAAQO7BInd.A Page 423 Te07189 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 086 AS Ind.A : LCD board-display flat cable Lge coupe Congucteurs| 15, 1130_am CABLE PLAT MILTIBRING SOUS GATNAGE LINDE z a ere 20,00 g pees 8 2 2 2 8 a g 3 i g a J z 2 ae 8 2 , eee %, gl eer mac some-eion es fo) cass +3 scacen-Nyeoas2 cacuNo NOTA: Se rétérer a 1a rocédure de faprication ces iisances [ [2265 ]057i27eafatincer Te canteen vanpe A 1370774) création in [Ow] Bate Mods fication Designation: LIMANDE ECRAN LCD DADOBEA nd Modif. 8 PEF du document: OAD0SSAS | Nort Bian Gessin€ le: 12/04/94 [Parc A DA COSTA Se plan est Ia prooraéeé ge 1a société A8K RAA0O7Bind.A Page 4/24 HE ne peut @tre renroouit ov comuniGut sans sutarisation T8OT9S DAD 087 AS Ind.A : LCD board-matrix keyboard flat cable 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION orertestcomet cormiceeure A & z 8 8 A 5 a g a 6 z 8 z 8 8 = 8 e a ; a = HE10-F20 r HEL0-F20 7. NOTA: se rérgfer & 10 procéaure ve fapricetion des Tinances + ACrOI3A q [ogo77s4] création — ~| in Lompoats WeaTICataA Désigfation: LIMANDE CLAVIER MATRICIEL DADOB7A Tad Neds af ca Bae aREAT DADOSTAS Nor: Z > <4 Bian dessiné ie743/04/94 | Par: A, DA COSTA ecsonceree Te plan est 1a propradeé oe Ta société aBx ‘et ne peut Gere reoroduit ov Comunigud sane auvorisation RAA007Bind.A Page 4/25 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 088 AS Ind.A : Stepper motor command board-Stepper motor power board Long de coupe 1080 nm Conducteurs, 50 Qo PL. P7 g a ia 3 j a a 3 3 1 = oO z a i § i § 8 j g a A { a g = : g g g 5 | 5 3 1 2 a a 8 | 6 2 ¢ 3 5 x [os7077sa] création fin [OM] Date Modification Oésignation: LIMANDE MOTEURS PAS A PAS DADOBEA Ind Mogif: A REF du document: DADOSSAS Non Pian dessiné 1e, 13/04/94 | Par-A, DA COSTA Sragnoatics (Ge plan eat 1a propriété de Te société gx et ne peut Btre reprodust ou communiaue sane aulorieation RAAOO7BIndA = ~—~—~—~——~—SCSi age 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 089 AS Ind.A : Cell board-alarm board [Wong ae coune 765 on 26 Conducteurs | PS 2 8 - o- § q 3 g = a : g 9 4 g 9 é 4 & d 5 ¢ z 3 8 ereation Woaification nation: LIMANDE CELLULES DADOESA Ind Mooi f: A do-document DADOBSAS — wer > Bian dessiné ie 13/04/84 [Pari A, OA COSTA sineuontics Ge olen est Je propriété de Ta société ABK et ne peut Btre repraduit ou communiaué sane autorieetion RAA007 Bind. A Page 427 1810199 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 090 AS Ind.A : RS printer board-RS output 20 Lats sa 66 oe és 88 nan 55 ae 55 So ae ee EE az % 3a fa Het0-F10 % aq a 4 Ro ad % q ae covren 1 nif 15 conoucreuns 7 go 33 no ae aa wes-Mas NOTA: Se rétérer 8 1a procédure de fatrication des timanses Necror3a A] [osror7aa] création in _[Om| Date Modification Designation: LIWANDE SORTIE ASO32 N°4 DADOSOA SORTIE RS232_N*2 Ind Modif: A REF dy document: DADOSOAS iz — Nort Plan dessiné le: 13/04/94 [Par: A. DA COSTA prsomosric® Ge plan est Ia propriété de Ta société ABx et ne peut Atre reorodult ou commmniaod sang autorieation RAA007B ind. Page 4728 18101798 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 091 AS Ind.A : Interface board-Vacuum pressure board Tong de coupe Conducteurs 2 9 2 FL 3 a = 8 y w 2 5 & a ops pa a OF i Ap. «“ bb { = NE 3 z = = g é $ aes 3 weto-r10 g = + 3 ° v NOTA: se réténgh a 1a procédure de fabescation des lamandes ; ACFOI3A x 07/84] reat on fin_[OMg Date Modification Désyfnation: LIMANDE COMMANDES TTL DADOSIA Ind Mooi f: A gf du document. DADOSIAS. Nowa Plan dessiné le: 24/04/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA pinonmosric® Ge plan est 1a propriété de Ja société ABX et ne peut Gtre reoroduit au communlgue sane autarieation RAA007Bind.A Page 4/20 18101799 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 092 AS Ind.A : RS printer board-distribution board ("lenge cours [1080 mw congueteura 10 9 2 2 & 2 a § 8 3 g z 3 & 5 & E i 5 2 : é = g = a 4 g é = e aq % a 4 set0-ri0 , veroro NOTA: Se référer 8 1a orocédure de fabrication des 1imande’ Utilaser une nappe flexible du Type HI-FLEX (Ref. 3 ee : OM] Date Modification Désignation: LIMANDE CODE A BARRES PERCEUR DADOS2A Tad Modi t= A FEF du document. DADOSEAS ~ Nori Plan dessiné le: 21/04/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA srsowosTics Ge olan est 1a propriété ge la société ABK at ne peut Gtre reproduit ou communiaue sana eutorieetion RAA007 Bind. A Page 430 Te0798 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 097 AS Ind.A : Power supply board-Vacuum pressure board Long. de coupe [Feonaucteurs 9 g 2 & & é g 8 é 8 w g > 5 a a 2 a § @ a & « z & 3 g 3 é 8 2 g ; $ 3 2 5b 7 5 HELO-F20 NOTA: se oftérer & 0 procéoure de fabrication des 1imanges : RCFO13A a eeeation En Modification ‘Désis tion: LIMANDE ALIM VIDE-PRESSION DADOS7A. Ind Modif: A, Gu document: DADOS7AS | - Noe >| Pian dessing 1e.88700/84 [Pan A. DA COSTA srsomosrios (Ge olen est Ia orooriété de Te société ASK et ne peut etre reprodust ou communique sane autorisation 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 101 A Ind.A : Matrix keyboard-Backlight board U3-MATRICIAL KEYBOARD et2254 Pa CN4-SANYO BACKLIGHT BOARD ——S— NOTA: se rétérer (Gonducteurs L 3 1a procédure ve fabrication des limandes RCFO134 167147a4] creation [Aa [asaa fin] OM Date Modification O€signation: CIMANDE BACKLIGHT SANYO Ind Modif: A DADIO4A REF du document: DADIOIAS Nor: Pian dessiné le: 46/41/94 Par: A. DA COSTA 2 Ce plan est le propriété de Ta société 45x et ne peut tre reproduit ov comunigud sane aulorTaation” RAA007 Bind. A Page 42 ——Ts0T199 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION DAD 107 A : FLUOLOGIC board-Laser bench board e »-| 3 3 HEi0-FiA + teria 8 Tongue gure iz NOTA: se refbrer a 12 procéaure de fabrication des limances . ACFO23A Bi[erestion pour sane retic, Mods fication Désfonation LIWANDE CONTAOLE FLUOLOGIC DADIO7A VEGA VER Tod Modi A Edy document. DADIO7AS, Pian dessiné 16 34707796 | Par A. DA COSTA HEWATOLOGIE Blan GSt 1a Srapriecd oe Ta s0ciéts MBX et ne-deut Bure repreauit ou communique Sans autor ISation RAA007Bind.A Page 4733 Te0T85 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 282 A : Pneumatic door wiring i ‘HEHEHE ean GER | | RAAOO7B Ind. A “Page ai34 799 aaa RSSOS ETS Tianvaee SEIUVO_NOTLVINGAT I NOWOL “u Page 4/35 en 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION siglo i aans waMod sr- Ouvo8 TanvSud ¥.N-sr XBA 283 A Ind.A : Preamplifier board supply wiring sind.A 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 284 A Ind. : Mother board wiring i 4 : : re Fl = z= | = ; ee @ Is ° s i i | ® eI Av i ike at hl RAAOO7 Bind A ~~ Page 46 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 285 A : Front panel board supply wiring SES [fstanat RAAOO7BInd.A Page 437 TS101799 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 2 z z & e 3 & z 3 2 & 3 z < 3 z = < a g ‘A007 BInd.A Sar oer Wises vo “¥ “a] PerLO7ee 1810199 r sree 1 sovszaxs boat Te sossz@rs iPod 0 Page 4/39 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION Ouvoe A1dens waMOd-6r XBA 287 AS Ind.A : Diode rectifier bridge supply RAAOO7B ind. A 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION 4 a (IDE SLE a ong 16 GREEN-YELL 8B [a =L ene aaa sono Fr | 2 P stovc Qs we frome f= 2 3 sovAC JE BA = A40VAC 3 a = BAK srowne fo Ca 16 BE cypactton be 5 & camervon fo 6 a ie 6 & 29 é a 5 P44-WIRED COMPRESSOR Plan dessine 12 04708/94 [Bar A, BA COSTA in [OM] date | Modification Gee gratee TORGN COMPRESSEDA TEAZGEE AEF du _cocument: XBA28BAS | Oe olan est 19 oraprété oe la société facne AGK et ne aeut Fire reoroauit sy soaminlGIe sane aukorieatian RAAOO7B Ind. A Page 4/40 1807193 XBA 289 AS : HGB assy wiring 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION SSaNuvH HOOD M3NG-OWOAN OL 1 eee aE ERSESTS YEGRVEX-316¥I “WIXWOD GOH OL RAA0076 Ind.A Page 447 TeOTSS 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 290 AS Ind.A : PUMP MOTOR BOARDS WIRING 4 rotor + s8¢| soron + -s5v ceus po Ae Tacho 2 seef—Tacto + sorrow f= an tiserriviry oP WoTOR = = seerrivrT VIOLET ‘20TTOM 1—+s8v ces J3-PUMP MOTOR COMMAND BOARD & Ji-J4 PUMP MOTOR FILTER BOARD aBsds, A [26707734] création in [OM] Date Modi fication Désignation: TORON POMPE Ind Modif: A REF du document: XSA2S0AS. Nec: Pian dessiné Je: 26/07/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA Ge plan eat 18 propriété ce Te société ABK et ne peut Gre reprodult ou comuniqu sone autorieation RAAOO7BInd.A perv E80 AA gaueueaneeeceeareeremarecereeearecriaes TOTO 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 291 AS Ind.A : TUBE PRESENCE AND LED WIRINGS. OPENED TUBE PRESENCE SWATCH 5 g B fa ra a |s: g 24 = fear a CAMOLSA z 4 SE 2 2 2 a Ps > Pt 3 a edie 22 witTe-BROm x a w 8 Lote 2g c ‘22 WHITE-RED Lote T° 18 c a jac : ete) 38 g jee SS ofa] 32 LE am & jac ———Seeagt are fo zat é 2 [se 5 i g eB 3 $ = : ee 8 ro Las neisra J1-LIGHT BARS BOARD (RACK) L02, L04 = reen 1ight ber x [25707794 ferdat ion fin [OM] Datg Modi fication Désignatign: TORON PRESENCE TUBE-LED CAPOT Ind Modif: A Plan dessiné le: 26/07/94 | Par: A. DA COSTA Blan est le propriété oe Ta société ABK et ne peut Stre reproduit ou communigud sane avtorieation RAAOO7BInd.A Page 4743 TeOT99 4. ELECTRICAL DESCR XBA 293 AS Ind.A : KEYBOARI IPTION D AND VACUUM PRESSURE BOARD WIRINGS. nesaF6 (HH 3 J4 VACUUM-PRESSURE BOARD ee DINAI524 PC/PS2 KEYBOARD Fenale Botton view J3-ALARMS BOARD J3-LCD BOARD A 27/077 84] création. in [om] Date Modification Désignation: TORON CLAVIER-VIl REF du_document: XBA2SSAS DE/PRESSION Ind Modif: A Plan dessiné le. 27/07/@. Ce plan est 1a propriété do Ta société AX et RAAOO7Bind.A j4 [Par: A. DA COSTA ne peut tre reproquit ou communiqué sane autorieat ion —Pageaiag SS OTTO 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 294AS Ind.A : PIERCING CARRIAGE WIRING RAAGO7 Bnd. A Page 445 —Ta0T98 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 295 AS Ind. A : INTEGRATED REAGENT WIRING CEN 2 SSBNUVH SIN3OV3H-3009 HVB-AdaOTY EF RAAOO7B Ind. A Page 4/46 1801/99 XBA 296 AS Ind.A : PIERCING CARRIAGE WIRING 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION Toa TORN CARTOT PERCEDR 7 HaREEAS HEF ay oot RAAOO7 Bind.A Page 4/47 7810798 iN GeD2694 / Ait CS 235.00 4, ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 302 AS : LMNE CHAMBER OUTPUT SHIELDING Beg vENS t-coax UVE LMNE-XBA3084 B [2318 ]21/10/a4]aiiongenent ou blingage (passage par EVa4 avant isolateur) [26/08/94 i feclowposrel— at ion. Modification Désignation: LINDAGE SOATIE CUVE OPTIGUE Ind Modif: B REF du document: XBASOBAS ‘XBASOBA [xor: Plan dessiné le: 26/09/94 | Par: A, DA COSTA Ge plan est 18 propriété de la ocidté ABK et ne oeut Aire reproduit ou communiqué sane @utorieaviay RAAQO7TBIndA SSS Page 4748 TSS 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 303 AS : POWER SUPPLY MODULE RAAOO7B Ind. A Page 449 — 807799 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 304 AS : BLOOD DETECTION CELL v9i/utos 2 8 z & Nyro me = }—io00 CELL + 4/2 20 SEE ae mn osizose] auzaa g3 =a « a i aa 88 a a | Bo scons aa as # a as es 83 a E38 MB. 1/MB.2-BLOOD CELL v=P 1€0 8360 sess PhoToTRANGTSTOR a COUPER LA coMmEDRLON BASE EXTERNE A [es709/a4] création tn [om] Date Modification REF du_document: XBAS04AS Designation: CELLULES DETECTION SANG VEGA Ind Modif:A Plan dessiné le: 21/09/84 RAA 0076 ind. Page 4/50 Par: A. DA COSTA (Ce plan est 12 propriété de a société Roche ABX et ne peut Bire HEMATOLOGII Peproguit ou communiqué aane autorieation 180198 4. ELECTRICAL DESCRIPTION XBA 307 AS : M2 SLEEVING TUBE SHIELD sapesea EIS -VERS E10-C0AK. COVE LINE 2 : 2 cauos7 Modification fon: BLINDAGE TUSE GAINAGE M2 ‘XBASO7A Ind Modif: A document: XBA307AS Pian dessiné le: 26/09794 (Ce plan ext 1a propriété oe la société AEX et ne peut etre reproduit ou communiqué sane autorisation Par: A. DA COSTA RAKOO7B ind. A Page 41 T6198

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