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 University of Mosul

 College of Engineering
 Electrical Engineering

Power electronic models(AC-DC-AC)

pwm converter, for speed control of DC Motor
Using (BJT H-bridge)

Prepared by
(Ammar Zaal Misheal)&(Rdwan Mohammad Maree)
Supervised by
( Dr.Omar sh. ALyozbaky)
(AC-DC-AC) converters are part of a group of AC/AC converters.
At the first those converters convert a value of an AC which has a
magnitude and shaft phase angle(alternating with time) to a DC .

since this first operation of convert AC-DC is called "Rectification"

by using a suitable rectifier circuits have power switch devices to
obtain a value of DC

Then covert this getting DC, by using a suitable " inverter

circuites" , to a new AC value since the last has a new magnitude
and a new phase shaft angle.

Generally AC/AC converters take power from one AC system and

deliver it to another with waveforms of different amplitude,
frequency, and phase.

Those systems can be single phase or three phase.

The major application of voltage source AC / AC converters are
adjustable speed drives (ASDs) and adjustable speed generators
(ASGs) (variable speed generation systems).

The widely voltage source AC/AC converters utilize a DC-link
between the two AC systems,
and provide direct power conversion to the load also adjustable
the speed of the motors if the load is one of motor's types like as
(DC motor)which has speed control circuit by using(AC-DC-AC)BJT
power switch converter (BJT mean Bipolar Juunction
Transistor)work in saturation or cut off regions not in active
region or another useful applications of these powe electronic
Maybe wondering Why power electronics? Or
why we should study power electronics and what's it's using in
the system as a part of power system? to answer for this question
look at the block diagram below.

65% 35% ME EE 16.5%

Fuel Turbine
100KW G T Load(16.5KW)

( G:Generator ) ;
( T:Transformer) 6:1 saving(1kw)in theload
(by using PE cicuits)

saving(6kw)in this region

(Get only
(35+48.5)KW is
total losses at all 16.5KW at
Input power 100KW
the system parts the load
1.2 -What we mean by these?Means if we have givening(100 KW) of
power then we getting only (16.5 KW) at the load center remaining power
are getting lost in between the source and the load

Also that expected the fuels lowlast(exhausted)

Fuels low last Eneragy scenario

 1--Uranium will last for 50years. (Nuclear 6%)

2-second-Fossil fuel which are(3)type (87% where70%thermal)

 2a-Oil will last for 100 years.

 2b- Natural gas last for 50 years.
 2c- Coal last for 200 years.
 3-Renewable(modern application) (the rest%of energy scenario
Now the question rises or come to mind what will happen after 200
years?Honestly the answer we don't know what happen after
200years,and we can not simulated power system after(200)years
but we can extend this period it means to reduce primary
cosumption by 3 method :-
 (1)Using it efficiency

(2)-Improve the efficiency of energy conversion stages and the efficiency of

energy transfer and also optimizing its use in load center( All done by using
(P.E)power electronics devices or it's circuitsmean that point 2 is very very
important point to treatment the problem of power losses

3-Improve the percentage of getting renewable energy in order to

deceases of uses fossil fuel(point 3 also using P.E devices)therefor using
power electronics circuits and there applications is very important and useful
to saving power.
2- Concept of power electronics :-

The beautiful and very useful thing in power electronics circuits is that it is a
mixture between power circuits and electronic circuits. It belongs to both the main
families of electrical engineering science, as we know that we mean power circuits
that include electric power plants, electrical transformers, transmission lines and
all electrical loads from electric motors Electric heaters and other heavy and light
electrical loads. As for electronic circuits, they are small-sized giant circuits. The
goal, achievements, and uses that helped and enabled man to connect to the
moon, as well as make the world a small village through the use of modern
communication and information technology systems from computers,
communication networks and communication such as a networks The Internet is
the global electronic network,

as well as the use of these electronic circuits in all areas and fields of life. These
electronic circuits are made of semiconductor materials such as silicon (sand),
germanium and other well-known semiconductor elements used in this field of
electronics science and its devices such as diodes. Thyristors and transistors with
Various types, as well as the entry of these semiconductor materials into the
integrated circuit industry later, which caused a global scientific revolution, which
had the credit, after our God ALLAH, of course, in the development taking place in
all fields of life and the development of ways of living and building the land on
which God has appointed us in it. In sum, the work of power circuits and
electronic circuit that they are help together power circuits provide electricity for
people and for these electronic circuits to perform the specialized work required
of them. Power electronic circuits are the link between them to design and create
electrical circuits and global systems that serve humanity and facilitate people’s
lives and contribute to achieving a life of happiness and well-being for them and
avoiding them the hardships and difficulties of life.

3- Applications OF Power electronics (indeed some of their applications):-
1. Aerospace sciences :Space shuttle power supplies , satellite power supplies,
aircraft power system.
2. Military and armament applications :
Fighter aircraft, drones, missils and their system, and many other military
3.Commercial :Advertising, heating, air conditioning system , a central
refrigeration , computer and office equipment, uninterruptable power supplies,
elevators, light dimmers and flashers.
4. Industial :
Arc and industrial furnaces, blowers and fans, pumps and compressors , industrial
lasers, transformer-tap changers, rolling mills, textile mills, excavators, cement
mills, welding.
5-Residential :
Aconditioning , cooking, lighting, space heating, refrigerators, electrical –door
openers, dryers, fans, personal computers, other entertainment, vacuum
cleaners, wishing and sewing machines, light dimmers, food mixers, electric
blankets, food-warmer trays.
6- In Telecommunication seystem :
Battery chargers, power supplies(dc and UPS)
Battery chargers, traction control of electric vehicles, electric locomotive,street
cars, trolley buses, subways, automotive electronics.

8- Utility system : High voltage dc transmission (HVDC),excitation system, VAR
compensation, static circuit breakers, fans and boiler-feddpumps, supplementary
and Renewable energy system,(solar, wind)

3.1 Types of (P.E) converters :(PE)SYS.consists 1 or more(PE)converter

a-(AC to DC )converters(also called"RECTIFIERS",we will talk about it in our report).

b-(DC to DC)converters(called"CHOPPERS").

c-(DC to AC)converters("INVERTERS", we will talk about it in our report).

d-(AC to AC)converters(Two type 1-Regulators(I/O same frequancy) and

2-cycloconerters(I/O different frequancy).

( using "RECTIFIERS" & "INVERTERS" in same backage

3.2- Advantages and disadvantages of power electronics converters:
The advantages possessed by power electronic system are us under:
(i) High efficiency due to low loss in power-semiconductor devices.
(ii) High reliabitiy of power-electronic converter system.
(iii) Long life and less maintenance due to the absence of any moving parts.
(v)(P.E)converters Fast dynamic response as compared to the
electromechanical converter.
(iv) Small size and less weight result in less floor space and therefore low
installation cost.
(v) Mass production of power –semiconductor devices has resulted in lower
cost of the converter equipment.

3.3- Disadvantages :
Any system based on (P.E)devices,however, suffer from the following
(a) (Harmonics or Distortion)power electronics converter ciruit have a tendency to
generate harmonic in the supply system as well as in the load circuit.
(b) (AC to DC) or (DC to AC) CONVERTERS operate at a low input power factor
under certain operating conditions. In order to avoid a low pf,some special
mesasures have to be adopted.
(c) Power electronic controllers have low over load capacity. These converters
must, therefor, be rated for taking momentary overload. As such,cost of Power
electronic controller increase.
(d) Regeneration of power is difficult in Power electronic converters.
(AC-DC-AC) Converter, Report orbit.
simulation model of Speed Control of a DC Motor Using BJT H- Bridge

References :-

1-Dr.P.S.Bimbhra(POWER ELECTRONICS).Third Edition:sixth reprint 2002

2-POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVES(The Electrical Engineering
Handbook series(The Industrial Electronics Handbook SECOND
EDITION)Richard C. Dorf,University of Calfornia,Davis(2017).
3-Power Electronic Circuit,Devices and Application third Edition.
4- Mathworks.com(2010).simulink_Simulation and Model-Based Design.


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