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Top seven days of the week ranked

By: Wyatt tremewan

1. Saturday, this one is obvious everyone loves saturday. In Sweden, Saturday is often the
only day of the week when young children are allowed to eat candy.

2. Sunday, this one is controversial and is often debated if Friday is better. However I think
that the fact that it's still a weekend makes it just a bit better. Did you know, months that
begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them?

3. Friday, this day is a great day, waking up knowing that you only have to suffer through a
few hours worth of school or work and then you are free. Also did you know in the
maritime world, it is considered highly unlucky to begin a voyage on a Friday.

4. Wednesday, one of the hardest days to spell but I think that the halfway point of the week
is great. According to a survey, bosses are most receptive to requests from their
employees on a Wednesday.

5. Thursday is only below Wednesday because to me it feels like a tease, it has a feel of
hahaha you're almost to friday, which is almost to saturday, but you're not there yet. One
fact about Thursday is that back in the USSR during the 1970s and 1980s, Thursday was
known as the “Fish Day” of the week, where the nation’s food service companies would
serve fish rather than meat.

6. Tuesday, this day is better than Monday but that's about all it has going for it so here’s
two facts about Tuesday that I bet you didn't know. First, Californian people are less
likely to barbecue on a Tuesday than any other day of the week. Second, Tuesday gets its
English name from the Old English Tiwesdæg and the Middle English Tewesday,
meaning ‘Tiw’s Day.” Tiw was the Norse God of Single Combat, Victory, and Heroic

7. Monday’s are the worst, that's for sure.Monday is the start of the week, and you have to
wake up early and go to work or school. Here's a fact about Monday that might cheer you
up. Mondays are statistically the most likely day that the U.S. Stock Market will rise,
rather than fall.

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