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UAL Level 2 Diploma

Unit 8: Extended project in creative media production

The Final Major Project – Film Marketing

FMP unit is the summative unit within final term of the qualification. It will
provide students with a measure of self-directed learning through the
completion of a substantial creative media production and technology project.

The unit requires students to apply the skills, knowledge and understanding
developed over the entire course, to complete a creative media production project. It
will provide students with a measure of self-directed learning, and an opportunity to
further clarify their longer-term goals through their choice of an activity to explore in
greater depth

Student name Presley Bond

Student ID number 10648857

Selected film genre Horror

Please highlight Teen Coming of Age

Suggested film title The Opponent Process

1. Please write the synopsis for your chosen film idea below.

The must use 3 act structure

Incorporate 1 element of enigma
200 – 300 Words
In a large city there lived a young boy in his early teens named Sal, living the most
normal life someone like him could. He woke up, went to school, came home,
enjoyed some free time, went to bed, and repeated. He didn’t have a lot of friends,
only three; Sky, Tae and Angel, but he wasn’t lonely, he had enough to be happy.
But when they weren’t around, he was very prone to being picked on. He was
quite timid and not very strong, he could rarely stick up for himself, but he didn’t let
it bother him. And as far as he was concerned, that was it. That was his completely
normal life, and he was just okay with it. But one day, his life stopped being
normal. One day, he just got into the wrong place at the wrong time. One day, he
made a new friend.

Ever since, Sal has never been alone. He’s stuck sharing his life with another who
cannot leave. Another boy named Seán (pronounced Shaun). Shaun has no
physical body of his own, so since meeting Sal, they’ve had to share his. Seán and
Sal are seemingly permanently bound to one another, swapping between who gets
to have the living body whenever. When Sal has it, Seán is stuck as a ghost, a
ghost that can only be seen and heard by Sal. And when Seán gets control over it,
Sal becomes the ghost. And the body transforms to look just like the one that Seán
used to have when he was alive.

Over 600 years ago, a war took place between two societies. Two societies living
in a world of magic users during a time where magic was commonplace. A world
where every human was divided by the type of magic they practiced. Each type
was a different colour.. There was a city for those with red magic, another for those
with yellow, green, black, white, and so on. And this war that was declared by the
Followers of Blue against the Followers of Purple changed the course of history
forever. Seán and his family were Purple users, and they put up a good fight, but
eventually they were all wiped out, and Blue reigned supreme.

But Seán wasn’t content to let himself die, through sheer anger and will he was
able to keep his soul dormant until he could return, and now, thanks to Sal getting
a little too close to Seán’s resting place, he was back. And armed with the purple
magic he still held; he was ready to take back the city that was now lead by the
descendants of the Blue followers that tore his whole life down. Dragging Sal with
him against his will.

But what happened to all the magic in the world? What would happen if the
remaining blue followers heard that a purple follower has returned? And how is Sal
of all people worked up in all of this?

Well, you’ll never find the answers because this isn’t a real movie.

2. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film
Please highlight at least one

Teaser Trailer (MAYBE)


DVD Cover

Theatrical poster (landscape billboard)

5 Minute audio drama

3. You must pick one of the following to create to promote your film alongside
your main choice
Please highlight at least one

Teaser poster

Social media promotional image

Graphic storyboard

4. Why have you chosen these media products to market your film idea?
The posters are a simple concept that I think I can do quite well, while the others I
think would be harder and less fun. I’ll most likely only do the trailer if I feel I have
the motivation and ideas for it.

5. In the box below list all the sources you plan to research to aid you with
your project.
This can include
- Existing films
- Existing print materials
- Software tutorials
- YouTube videos

- Books / Comics
- Teaser Trailers
- Storyboards
- Filming / Photography techniques

I’ll look to existing films and their posters for inspiration like I did with my previous
posters, only for superhero movies instead of horror movies this time, like ones for
Marvel and DC movies. DC is more likely as the tone for the current idea I have
matches with their films better, but there are Marvel characters that have features
that are similar to my character as well such as Dr. Strange and Scarlet Witch.

And possibly some YouTube videos, Software Tutorials and Teaser Trailers as

An app or software to design the characters because god knows I’m not brave
enough to ask my peers to pose for it.

6. Please list below the resources / equipment you will require to create your
chosen media products
An Internet Connection
My phone to look up reference/inspiration pictures or guides while I work with the

7. Please list the skills you will require to complete this project
Not just technical skills
The primary tools in photoshop such as magic wand, transform, copy and paste,
filters, blur, sharpen, burn, add layer, background removal and so on
File management
Organisation Skills
Time management
Research skills
Communication skills

8. List additional personnel you may need and their responsibilities

My friends (Alexis from Ontario, Canada. Psy from California)

9. Who is the intended audience for your film campaign


People who like the superhero genre or films with fantasy elements, around early
to late teens, more directed towards males because the lead characters are males.

How to survive a final major project

1. Do something you enjoy – look back on projects this year and think about
what skills you’ve learnt and which you have really enjoyed. What job would
you like to do in the future? How can you apply it to your project?

2. Do lots and lots of research – primary and secondary are both essential.
Use a wide range of methods and resources (as covered in unit 2).

3. Manage your time. Just think how fast this year has gone so far. Plan ahead
and don’t fall behind. MAKE USE OF INDEPENDENT STUDY TIME.

4. You must document everything what happens as you go along. Your entire
journey from start to finish should be fully recorded. Describe and analyse as
you go along. Every aspect of your project should be fully considered. Your
Project Action Plan and Timetable will be vital to the success of your FMP

5. Research, design, experiment, build, evaluate. Your project should evolve

over the allotted time. Be flexible and adaptable if your FMP decides to go in
a different direction than first intended

6. Critically analyse and evaluate – this will refer to the research you undertake,
the pre-production, production and post-production. Don’t just describe but
analyse, interpret, research and evaluate.

7. Listen to advice from your lecturers in formative assessment

sessions throughout the project. You might just find that as we are used to
marking work we know what the requirements are to make good/exceptional
projects. Remember, your work will be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction,
so aim for the best grade you can and take advice on board when given

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