Contenidos de 1° A 5° Inglés

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“Santa Teresa de la Inmaculada”



1er Grado 2 do Grado 3er Grado 4 to Grado 5 to Grado
 Greeting and  Present simple  Present simple  Simple present  Simple past
Introductions: Formal e  Present continous  Past simple  Frequency adverbs  Present continuous
Informal.  Past simple  Past continuous  Present continuous  Past continuous
 Verbo to Be: Interrogative  Prepositios of time  Subordinating  Past simple  Present perfect
and affirmative form. and place- in, on, at conjunctions: when,  Present perfect  Reported speech-
 Question words:  Modals can, could while, so, as, because  Used to range of tenses
What/where/how/whow should, have to  Past participle verbs-  Second conditional  Perfect modals-
whose/ how many/ how  Connectors and, or, regular and irregular  Phrasal verbs should, might, may,
much/ what time/how so, because  Comparative and  Logical relationships could
often/.  Future with going to superlative adjectives  Present simple passive  Second conditional
 Alphabet  Adverb clauses if tune  Future with Will  Questions tags and Third
 Jobs, after, before, as soon  Going to  Modals, must,  Transportation
professions(occupations). as, when  Adverbs -ever, twice, can(deduction)  Types of vacacions
 Personal pronouns -  Zero conditional once, already, yet, just, might,may,(possibility)  Future forms
Subject  Would like to too, enough, so such must, haveto (obligation)  Articles
 Countries, nationalities  Want to  Prepositions – for,  Articles a/an and the  Structure
and languages  Like + ing since  Past continuous very/to/enough
 Cardinal numbers (0 –  Future with Will  Plurals  Reflexive pronouns  Comparisons
100)  First conditional  Prefixes  Adverbs of frequency  Plurals
 Indifinite Articles(a / an)  Much  How much, how many,  Adverbs of manners  Uncountable nouns
 Possessive adjectives and  Many a loto f  First conditional  Adjectives order
nouns.  A lot of  Some, any  Second conditional  Infinitives gerunds
 Imperative: affirmative  Some and any  Possesive adjective  Problemas y soluciones  Reflexive pronouns
and negative form  Modals  Possesive adjective  Productos fabricados  So do I / Neither do I
(instructions about the  May and must  Possesive pronouns  Talking about imaginary  Neither / either
classroom).  Imperative  Logical relationships situations.  Discussing about
 Expressions about the  Negative  Transport  Inventions manners, books,
classroom.  Comparatives  Sports  Predicction corporal language,
 Vocabulary about  Future posibilities,  Entertaining  Express deduction, invents, skills for
classroom and personal obligations  Discuss about the  Possibility Works, natural
objects.  Technology coustoms , habits,  Obligation disasters and
 Verb have  Places news, trips and  Needs emergencies.
 Vocabulary about  Accidents experiences.  Sequence events  Report an
relationships and family.  Express Feelings  Describe historic  Share personal interests. emergency.
 Possessive case (´s)  Describe obligations. events, vehicle  Express regret
 Physical and personality  Describe events and accidents.  Report news.
description: Verb to be news.  Interchange of  Logical relationships
+like  Ask and give advices personal information
 Conectors “and”- “but” -  Suggest and Plann an
“or” activity.
 Vocabulary: adjectives for  Express cause and
describing physical and effect
personality appearance.  Logical relationships
 Prepositions of place.  Discuss about
 Regular and irregular preferences
plural nouns.  Describe and
 Vocabulary about parts recommend films.
and objects of the house.  Instructions to go to
Adjectives to describe. any place.
 Demostrative adjectives.
 Definite article (the)
 Places and buildings.
 Prepositions
 There is / are (affirmative,
interrogative, negative
 Dates with ordinal
 Verbo to be + adjetives
about clime
 Seasons
 Months of the year
 Days of the week
 Abilities: Modal CAN
afirmative, negative e
interrogative forms
 Vocabulary to describe
 Adverbs of manner
 Ask of help
 Verb to be + like (Clime)
 Vocabulary to speak
entertaining activities.
 Simple present
 Present continous
 Auxiliares: do / does
 Verbs: I like + ing, I dislike/
hate + ing, I prefer + ing, I
love + ing, I really
like/dislike…… I like +
 Personal and object
pronouns (direct –
 Vocabulary para hablar de
actividades recreativas.
 Auxiliares: do / does
 Verbos: I like + ing, I
dislike/ hate + ing, I prefer
+ ing, I love + ing, I really
like/dislike…… I like +
 Personal and object
pronuns as direct and
indirect complement
 Present continuous
(afirmative, negative,
 Questions with verbo to
be + ing.
 Adverbial Expresions
 Contrast simple present
with continuous present.
 Adverbial Phrases
 Simple Present in
afirmative, negative,
interrogative forms
 Vocabulary: verbs related
with the daily life.
 The time
 Frecuency Adverbs.
 Conectores: and, after
that, but, because, before
that, or, then.
 Contables and
uncontables nouns: food
and drinks
 A / an / some / any
 How much/ how many
 Have + meal / food.
 Expresions: can I have…?
I’ll have… would you
like…? I’d like…How much
is it? Here you are.
 Past activities
 Description of job, school.
 Identify geographic
 Buy food

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