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Ibis (2023) doi: 10.1111/ibi.13181

Phylogenetic relationships and systematics of the

bamboo-specialist Amaurospiza blue seedeaters
Laboratorio de Ecologıa, Comportamiento y Sonidos Naturales (ECOSON), Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del
Noroeste Argentino (IBIGEO-CONICET), Salta, Argentina
Coleccio n Ornitolo gica Phelps, Caracas, Venezuela
Provita, Caracas, Venezuela
 n Venezolana de Ornito
Unio  logos, Caracas, Venezuela
Centro de Estudos da Biodiversidade (CBio), Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR), Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil
Burke Museum of Natural History, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Department of Biology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
Instituto de Zoologıa y Ecologıa Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela

The Amaurospiza ‘seedeaters’ are bamboo-specialized mixed strategists, most often found
in bamboos in vegetative state, feeding on buds, shoots, petioles and insects. As bamboos
die after flowering, birds may wander in search of live vegetative bamboo. The three
currently recognized species of Amaurospiza are allopatrically distributed: the Blackish-
blue Seedeater Amaurospiza moesta in the Atlantic Forest of Argentina, Brazil and Para-
guay, and in forest enclaves in the Cerrado; the recently described Carrizal Seedeater
Amaurospiza carrizalensis known from a few localities in southeastern Venezuela; and
the Blue Seedeater Amaurospiza concolor distributed patchily from Mexico to Peru.
Three subspecies are recognized within A. concolor: relicta in southwest Mexico, concolor
from southern Mexico to Panama and aequatorialis from southwest Colombia to nor-
thwest Peru. Full species status has been advocated for relicta and aequatorialis but evi-
dence supporting their recognition is weak, while relicta was described in the
monospecific genus Amaurospizopsis. Here we (1) test the monophyly of Amaurospiza,
(2) reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of all its constituent taxa using mitochon-
drial and nuclear markers, (3) re-assess species limits in Amaurospiza with the aid of
vocalizations and genetic and plumage data, and (4) discuss the link between bamboo
life history, biogeographical patterns and extent of genetic differentiation. Amaurospiza
was found to be monophyletic in both the ND2 and multilocus analyses. In the ND2
tree A. moesta and A. carrizalensis were sister to each other, A. concolor was found to be
paraphyletic because aequatorialis was placed as sister to moesta–carrizalensis, and a clade
including nominate concolor and relicta was sister to all the other taxa. The multilocus
tree showed the same relationships, but lacked nuclear samples of relicta. Mean ND2
pairwise distance between concolor and aequatorialis (8.3%) was greater than that
between moesta and carrizalensis (5.7%), while relicta diverged on average 1.0% from
nominate concolor. The South American clade has more slender bills and white unde-
rwing coverts, while the Central American clade has thicker bills and bluish underwing
coverts. All taxa exhibited typical Amaurospiza songs with quickly delivered, warbled,
pure and fairly high-pitched musical notes. Number of inflections/second exhibited a ste-
pped pattern, with concolor and relicta on the lower end and carrizalensis, aequatorialis

*Corresponding author.
Twitter: @Nachornis

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2 J. I. Areta et al.

and moesta on the upper end. Similarly, moesta, carrizalensis and aequatorialis had overall
more inflections per note than concolor and relicta. Linear discriminant analysis using nine
acoustic variables correctly assigned all 62 songs to the correct taxon. Morphology, plu-
mage, vocalizations and phylogenetic data indicate that aequatorialis should be afforded
full species status as the Ecuadorian Seedeater (A. aequatorialis), suggest keeping relicta
as a subspecies of A. concolor and support continued recognition of A. carrizalensis. Our
data support merging Amaurospizopsis into Amaurospiza.
Keywords: Cardinalidae, Chusquea, Merostachys, Neotropical, speciation.

The Neotropical Region harbours over 100 bird regardless of their ability to exploit mastings, popu-
species that specialize on the fluctuating resources lation numbers should decrease locally after such
provided by bamboos (Parker III et al. 1996, Krat- masting events, prompting individuals to wander in
ter 1997, Cockle & Areta 2013, Lebbin 2013). search of vegetative bamboo habitats (Areta &
Bamboo-specialist birds have been classified into Cockle 2012, Areta et al. 2016).
three main life history categories: insectivores, seed The three currently recognized species of Amau-
specialists and mixed strategists (Hilty et al. 1979, rospiza are allopatrically distributed from Mexico
Parker III et al. 1997, Sanchez 2005, Areta & to Argentina (Fig. 1). The Blackish-blue Seedeater
Cockle 2012). The population dynamics of bam- Amaurospiza moesta dwells in the Atlantic Forest
boo specialists is causally tied to that of the bam- of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, and is appar-
boos they inhabit (Neudorf & Blanchfield 1994, ently patchily distributed across the forest enclaves
Olmos 1996, Sick 1997, Areta et al. 2009, 2013, of the Cerrado of Brazil (Partridge 1954, Sick 1997,
Areta & Cockle 2012). Neotropical woody bam- Curcino & Feraboli 2010, Lopes et al. 2011); the
boos tend to flower massively and die after a fixed recently described Carrizal Seedeater Amaurospiza
number of years (typically c. 30 years for Merosta- carrizalensis is known from just a handful of locali-
chys and Guadua bamboos), creating a temporally ties in southeastern Venezuela (Lentino &
ephemeral food resource for seed specialists at the Restall 2003); and the geographically variable Blue
same time that habitat for mixed strategists and Seedeater Amaurospiza concolor is distributed
insectivores is decimated. Therefore, bamboo habi- patchily in forested environments from Mexico to
tats are highly dynamic through time, creating a Peru (Fig. 1, Howell & Webb 1995, Ridgely &
complex mosaic of spatiotemporal conditions that Greenfield 2001, Lentino & Restall 2003). Three
are difficult-to-impossible to predict for individual subspecies have been consistently recognized
birds (Areta & Cockle 2012). within A. concolor: concolor from Panama to south-
The genus Amaurospiza is a member of the Car- ern Mexico, relicta in southwest Mexico and aequa-
dinalidae, sister to a clade including all the torialis extending from southwest Colombia to
Cyanoloxia grosbeaks (Todd 1923, Klicka northwest Peru (Hellmayr 1938, Howell &
et al. 2007, Bryson Jr et al. 2014, Garcıa Webb 1995, Lentino & Restall 2003).
et al. 2016). Despite their vernacular name, the The species-level taxonomy and generic bound-
Amaurospiza ‘seedeaters’ are considered bamboo- aries of Amaurospiza blue seedeaters are not set-
specialized mixed strategists: they are most often tled. Species and subspecies limits in Amaurospiza
found in bamboos in vegetative state feeding on have primarily been based on subtle colour differ-
buds, shoots and petioles (Bertoni 1919, Areta ences and variations in bill shape and size (Caba-
et al. 2016, J. I. Areta & A. Bodrati unpubl. data) nis 1861, Sharpe 1888, Hellmayr 1904,
and insects, and can take advantage of the super- Griscom 1934, Orr & Ray 1945). Yet these same
abundance of seeding bamboos (Restall et al. 2006). characters have been considered conserved in the
The unique flared basal tomia of the maxilla in genus, resulting in a fairly homogeneous group
Amaurospiza (Lentino & Restall 2003) may help to (Lentino & Restall 2003). As a consequence, the
smash vegetable matter and seems to constitute an taxonomy of Amaurospiza has been largely idiosyn-
adaptation to bud and shoot foraging. As mixed- cratic and based strictly on museum specimen
strategists, Amaurospiza species may take advantage data, with no reference to natural history or vocal-
of episodic events of massive bamboo seeding, but izations of the forms involved. A recent molecular

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Amaurospiza systematics 3

Figure 1. Geographical distribution and sonograms of Amaurospiza taxa recognized in this study. Small black points are raw data
from eBird (, and large circles show localities of genetic samples included in this study (Table 1). Darker shading
indicates higher relief.

phylogenetic study found A. moesta to be closely In this paper we construct a hypothesis of molec-
related to A. carrizalensis and a paraphyletic A. ular phylogenetic relationships for all currently rec-
concolor, where a single sample of the subspecies ognized taxa in the bamboo-specialized genus
aequatorialis was more closely related to A. moesta Amaurospiza to: (1) test the monophyly of the
and A. carrizalensis than to nominate A. concolor genus; (2) reconstruct the phylogenetic relation-
(Bryson Jr et al. 2014), and the enigmatic taxon re- ships of its constituent taxa; (3) re-assess species
licta remains unsampled. Full species status has limits in Amaurospiza with the aid of vocalizations,
been advocated for the taxa relicta and aequatori- and genetic and plumage data; and (4) discuss the
alis (Hellmayr 1938, Howell & Dyer 2022, Howell link between bamboo life history, biogeographical
& Webb 1995, Lentino & Restall 2003) but evi- patterns and extent of genetic differentiation.
dence supporting their recognition is weak. Fur-
thermore, relicta was originally described in the
monospecific genus Amaurospizopsis based on
structural features such as a relatively short bill,
Molecular phylogenetics
large rounded nostrils and long rictal bristles,
whereas in plumage it was considered to be a ‘rep- To understand phylogenetic relationships within
resentative’ of Amaurospiza (Griscom 1934). Amaurospiza and to test the monophyly of the

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4 J. I. Areta et al.

genus, we expanded on previous work (Bryson Jr nuclear genes, we used International Union of Pure
et al. 2014) by adding more samples of each of the and Applied Chemistry ambiguity codes to repre-
three species as well as from subspecies concolor, sent apparent heterozygosities. New sequences
aequatorialis (including nuclear markers for this were deposited in GenBank (accession numbers
last taxon) and the little-known taxon relicta for OP380634–OP380668). Uncorrected pairwise dif-
the first time (Table 1). Our ingroup dataset con- ferences (p-distance), both within and among cur-
sisted of 19 specimens comprising all currently rec- rently recognized Amaurospiza taxa, were
ognized taxa in Amaurospiza, nine of which were calculated for the ND2 dataset using MEGA 7
newly sequenced; species in the genera Cyano- (Kumar et al. 2016).
compsa, Cyanoloxia, Passerina and Spiza were used Phylogenetic analyses for both the ND2 and the
as outgroups (Table 1), rooting in the more dis- multilocus datasets were performed using both
tantly related Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference
ludovicianus based on previous phylogenetic work methods. We ran the Maximum Likelihood analy-
in Cardinalidae (Klicka et al. 2007). sis in RAxML 8.2.9 (Stamatakis 2014) using the
We used published sequences (Bryson Jr Cipres Portal (Miller et al. 2010; http://www.
et al. 2014; Dryad: doi: 10.5061/dryad.tb50m) and This program implements a general
our nine new samples, for which total genomic time reversible model of nucleotide substitution
DNA was extracted using a DNeasy tissue extrac- with c-distributed heterogeneity among sites
tion kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA). All samples (GTR + G model) and support was determined via
were tissues with the exception of two samples of 1000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates based on a rapid
A. c. relicta from Morelos, Mexico, from which we bootstrap algorithm (Stamatakis et al. 2008). We
extracted DNA from toe-pads. DNA from toe-pad ran the Bayesian inference analysis in MrBayes
clips was extracted in a laboratory used exclusively 3.2.6 (Ronquist et al. 2012). The DNA substitution
for historical DNA, to avoid cross-contamination model was selected using jModeltest2 (Darriba
with other samples. We sequenced the complete et al. 2012) under the corrected Akaike Informa-
subunit 2 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydroge- tion Criterion (AICc). The selected model was
nase gene (ND2; 1041 base pairs (bp)) using pri- GTR with substitution rates following a c distribu-
mers L5215 (Hackett 1996) and TrC (Miller tion with a proportion of invariable sites
et al. 2007). For toe-pads we amplified fragments (GTR + G + I). We conducted our search using
of 200 bp that overlapped by at least 50 bp using four independent runs, each one conducted using
polymerase chain reaction (PCR; Table S1). PCR four chains (one cold, three heated) of Metropolis-
amplifications were performed in 12.5-lL reac- coupled Markov chains running simultaneously for
tions under the following conditions: denaturation 10 million generations each, with trees sampled
at 94 °C, followed by 35 cycles of 94 °C for 30 s, every 1000 generations (total of 40 000 trees). We
54 °C for 45 s and 72 °C for 1 min. This was fol- discarded the first 10% of generations of each run
lowed by a 10-min extension at 72 °C. For a sub- as burn-in. Similar strategies were used for our
set of samples (Cyanoloxia cyanoides, A. concolor, multilocus data but we applied a partitioned model
A. c. aequatorialis, A. moesta, A. carrizalensis; by gene in RAxML (GTR + G for each partition).
Table 1), we used published or obtained new In MrBayes, we used the following mixed model,
sequences of three nuclear introns, including unlinking all parameters: TIM2 + I for ND2;
951 bp of Aconitase 1 intron 9 (ACO1), 519 bp TPM1uf (Kimura three-parameter (K81) with
of b-fibrinogen intron 5 (FGB5) and 685 bp of unequal base frequencies (uf)) for ACO1;
Myoglobin intron 2 (MB), using primers specified HKY + G for FGB5; and TPM1 (K81) for MB. As
in Kimball et al. (2009). PCR amplifications were model selection based on different information cri-
performed under similar conditions as for ND2 teria might have an effect on tree topology (Hoff
but annealing temperatures were changed to et al. 2016), we ran an analysis using models
60 °C for all three nuclear genes. PCR products selected by the Bayesian Information Criterion,
were sent to the High-Throughput Genomics Unit TrN + I for ND2; F81 for both ACO1 and FGB5;
(HGTU) of the University of Washington for all and JC for MB, which were less complex than
subsequent DNA sequencing steps (in both direc- those found using AICc, but no differences were
tions). Some samples were kindly sequenced at found in tree topology or statistical support of dif-
other laboratories (see Acknowledgements). For ferent branches. We examined convergence of

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Amaurospiza systematics 5

Table 1. Samples of Amaurospiza and related taxa that were included in phylogenetic analyses in this study. See Table S4 for Gen-
Bank accession numbers.

Speciesa Museum Tissue no.b Country Locality [state/province/department]

Amaurospiza concolor concolor UNAM YACH302 Mexico Monumento Natural Yaxchilan [Chiapas]
Amaurospiza concolor concolor * UWBM 109 865(JK02-012) Guatemala San Felipe Retalhuleu, 5 km S [Retalhuleu]
Amaurospiza concolor concolor FMNH 434 109 El Salvador Municipio San Francisco Menendez [Ahuachapan]
Amaurospiza concolor concolor # STRI MJM4762 Panama Boquete [Chiriquı]
Amaurospiza concolor relicta # AMNH 778 553 Mexico ~o
Can  n de Lobos [Morelos]
Amaurospiza concolor relicta # AMNH 778 554 Mexico ~o
Can  n de Lobos [Morelos]
Amaurospiza [concolor] ANSP 183 549(18386) Ecuador Nanegalito [Pichincha]
Amaurospiza [concolor] LSUMNS B67239 Peru PN Cerros de Amotape; El Barco [Tumbes]
Amaurospiza [concolor] LSUMNS B67308 Peru PN Cerros de Amotape; El Barco [Tumbes]
aequatorialis #
Amaurospiza [concolor] LSUMNS B67314 Peru PN Cerros de Amotape; El Barco [Tumbes]
aequatorialis #
Amaurospiza carrizalensis * COP 80 450(IC594) Venezuela Rıo Caronı, frente Rio Claro, Isla Carrizal [Bolıvar]
Amaurospiza carrizalensis COP 80 449(IC569) Venezuela Rıo Caronı, frente Rio Claro, Isla Carrizal [Bolıvar]
Amaurospiza carrizalensis COP 80 451(IC589) Venezuela Rıo Caronı, frente Rio Claro, Isla Carrizal [Bolıvar]
Amaurospiza carrizalensis # COP 82 235(ML1319) Venezuela Sector Santa Rosa; Comunidad 5 de Marzo
Amaurospiza carrizalensis COP 82 236(ML1320) Venezuela Sector Santa Rosa; Comunidad 5 de Marzo
Amaurospiza carrizalensis # COP 82 270(ML1354) Venezuela Sector Santa Rosa; Comunidad 5 de Marzo
Amaurospiza moesta*,# ZMUC 119 601(JMS10) Brazil Fazenda Harmonia; Bonito [Mato Grosso do Sul]
Amaurospiza moesta DZUFMG 5771 Brazil Fazenda Baıa de Pedra [Mato Grosso do Sul]
Amaurospiza moesta LGEMA 11 440 Brazil Ortigueira [Parana ]
Cyanoloxia brissonii LSUMNS B18658 Bolivia Cordillera [Santa Cruz]
Cyanoloxia rothschildii LSUMNS B12708 Bolivia Velasco [Santa Cruz]
Cyanoloxia cyanoides * COP 81 377(IC968) Venezuela Sierra de San Luis; Cerro Galicia [Falco n]
Cyanoloxia glaucocaerulea ANSP 22 361(10255) Uruguay [Rocha]
Cyanocompsa parellina Unknownc CWT082 Mexico Chivela [Oaxaca]
Passerina caerulea LSUMNS B20958 USA Cameron Pa. [Louisiana]
Spiza americana MMNH JK95-047 USA Cameron Co. [Texas]
Pheucticus ludovicianus MMNH X7253 USA Brown Co. [Minnesota]

AMNH, American Museum of Natural History; ANSP, Academy of National Sciences of Philadelphia; COP, Coleccio n Ornitolo
Phelps; DZUFMG, Museo del Departamento de Zoologia da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; FMNH, Field Museum of Natural
History; LGEMA, Laborato rio de Genetica e Evolucßa
~o Molecular de Aves do Instituto de Biocie
^ ncias da Universidade de Sa~o Paulo;
LSUMNS, Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science; MMNH, University of Minnesota Bell Museum of Natural History;
STRI, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; UNAM, Universidad Nacional Auto  noma de Mexico; UWBM, University of Washington
Burke Museum; ZMUC, Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen. aMitochondrial ND2 was sequenced for all listed samples; *
indicates specimens for which nuclear ACO1 (intron 9), MB (intron 2) and FGB (intron 5) were sequenced, # indicates specimens
sequenced for this study. bWhen two numbers are associated with a tissue, the first refers to the voucher (as it appears on the insti-
tutional online catalogue) and the second to the tissue. cThis tissue was associated with UWBM in previous publications but neither
tissue nor voucher are held by this institution or any other collection where we have requested information. We included it here as it
is the reference for a sequence (deposited in GenBank) we used as one of the outgroups in the ND2 gene phylogenetic analysis.

log-likelihood and all parameter values using TRA-

Divergence dating
CER 1.5 (Rambaut & Drummond 2007), allowing
for effective sample size values for each parameter We tested for clock-like evolution of our ND2 data-
to be larger than 200. We also examined the phylo- set using a likelihood ratio test in Paup*4.0b10
genetic information provided by each nuclear gene (Swofford 2002). This test rejected the hypothesis
running independent gene analyses using of rate homogeneity (P < 0.05); consequently, we
Paup*4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). performed an Uncorrelated Lognormal Relaxed

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6 J. I. Areta et al.

Clock analysis using BEAST 1.8.4 to determine

divergence times (Drummond et al. 2012). The
commonly used calibration rate of 2.1% substitu- We assembled a database of songs of all currently
tions/site/million years is based on cytochrome b recognized taxa in Amaurospiza (Table S2). Sam-
(Cyt b) data (Weir & Schluter 2008). However, ple sizes were uneven, with single recordings avail-
our comparisons of pairwise genetic distances for able for carrizalensis (containing two songs) and
some of the taxa in our dataset from which we had relicta (containing four songs), being the only
comparable Cyt b data, as well as more general known recordings for these taxa. For all taxa, we
published comparisons with larger data sets (Smith analysed a single song from each individual male
& Klicka 2010), indicated that the ND2 gene after finding that songs had high repeatability
evolves at a higher rate than Cyt b (1.17–1.25 based on visual examination of consistency of
times). Consequently, we used a lognormal prior spectrograms of all available songs. As Amau-
for mutation rate of 1.25 9 10 2 substitutions/lin- rospiza can utter partial songs, we chose the song
eage/site/million years (equivalent to 2.5% substitu- with the larger number of notes in each sample
tions/site/million years between lineages) with a (i.e. the most complete song per individual).
standard deviation of 0.1, which accounts for varia- To compare the warbling quality of the songs of
tion around such estimates. We assumed a Yule all taxa we calculated the number of inflections per
process for the speciation prior and ran the analysis second and average number of inflections per note.
for 5 9 107 generations, sampling every 1000 gen- An inflexion was defined as a point in a note in which
erations. We used TRACER v1.5 to assess the mix- the previous frequency/time slope was swapped (i.e.
ing of Metropolis-coupled Markov chains in the each time a note switched from descending to
analysis (achieving reliable effective sample size val- ascending or vice versa). The ratio of the number of
ues >200) and discarded 10% of the generations as inflections per second for each species was obtained
burn-in. For the multilocus data, we used one indi- by dividing the sum of effective sound (i.e. adding
vidual for each currently recognized species in the the duration of all notes in all songs) by the sum of
genus (including subspecies aequatorialis, which is the total number of inflections in all songs. The aver-
potentially a different lineage from concolor; Bryson age number of inflections per note for each species
Jr et al. 2014) to reconstruct a time-calibrated mul- was obtained by dividing the sum of the total num-
tilocus species tree using *BEAST (Heled & Drum- ber of inflections in all songs by the total number of
mond 2010) in BEAST 1.8.4. Our goal was to notes analysed per species. These data were checked
contrast these results with previous ones obtained for normality with a Shapiro–Wilk test and for
with just ND2 data for aequatorialis (Bryson Jr homogeneity of variance with Levene’s test. As data
et al. 2014). We ran the analysis by 5 9 107 gener- on the number of inflections were not normally dis-
ations (sampled each 1000 generations), with simi- tributed, we applied non-parametric tests.
lar models used in previous MrBayes analyses All recordings were resampled at 44.1 kHz and
(based on AICc), constraining the node including 16 bits irrespective of their initial recording parame-
all Amaurospiza as monophyletic and using uncor- ters to facilitate standard measurements. Given the
related lognormal relaxed clocks (with similar rates spectral features of Amaurospiza vocalizations and
as used in Bryson Jr et al. 2014). Samples were the parameters measured, the effect of mp3 com-
summarized on the maximum clade credibility tree pression and posterior re-sampling should not have
using TREE ANNOTATOR1.8.4 (included with a noticeable effect on our dataset. All measurements
BEAST). Effective sample sizes were low for some were made with Raven Pro 1.4 (http://www.birds.
parameters, particularly those associated with sub-, Cornell Lab of Ornithology,
stitution models and molecular clock rates (ucld.- Ithaca, NY, USA) using default spectrogram param-
mean). Consequently, we selected simpler models eters (Window-Type: Hann, Size: 256 samples
(based on Bayesian Information Criteria as previ- (= 5.8 ms), 3-dB Filter Bandwidth: 248 Hz; Time
ously indicated) and a strict molecular clock model grid-Overlap: 50%, Hop size: 128 samples
for nuclear genes, a strategy that improved conver- (= 2.9 ms); Frequency grid-DFT size: 256 samples,
gence on all parameters, kept tree topology Grid spacing: 172 Hz). Note and song measure-
unchanged (compared to previous analyses) and ments were derived from onscreen selections
produced similar ages of divergence among taxa. including the whole time and frequency domain

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Amaurospiza systematics 7

expanses. We obtained measurements of 11 vari- homologous notes across taxa. These measurements
ables directly from the spectrograms (minimum fre- were used to test for differences in vocalizations
quency, maximum frequency, bandwidth 90%, among taxa with univariate and multivariate meth-
centre frequency, frequency 5%, frequency 95%, ods. To maximize our ability to uncover differences
peak frequency (i.e. frequency with the highest and to evaluate vocal diagnosability of all taxa we
energy), first quartile frequency, third quartile fre- performed a Linear Discriminant Analysis after scal-
quency, song duration and interquartile frequency) ing and testing for multivariate normality (Royston
and computed values for 11 derived variables con- test, H = 9.93, P = 0.30) and retaining variables that
structed by us (minimum frequency average of all were normally distributed and had normally dis-
notes per song, maximum frequency average of all tributed variances (Table S3). All vocalization anal-
notes per song, bandwidth 90% frequency average yses were performed using R 4.0.5 (R Development
of all notes per song, peak frequency average of all Core Team 2021).
notes per song, centre frequency average of all notes
per song, minimum frequency of first three notes,
maximum frequency of first three notes, peak fre-
quency of first three notes, centre frequency of first
Phylogenetic analyses
three notes, bandwidth of first three notes, song
duration of three first notes). We chose the first Amaurospiza was found to be monophyletic in
three notes because this increased the sample size both the ND2 and multilocus analyses (100%
and guaranteed the comparability of allegedly bootstrap; 1.0 posterior probability; Fig. 2). In the

Figure 2. Phylogenetic hypothesis of relationships within the genus Amaurospiza based on the (a) mtDNA and (b) multilocus data-
sets. Numbers on nodes represent maximum likelihood bootstrap support followed by Bayesian posterior probabilities. Asterisks indi-
cate 100% bootstrap or posterior probabilities equal to 1.0. Individuals are labelled based on sample numbers (Table 1). Illustration
of Blackish-blue Seedeaters Amaurospiza moesta by A. Chiappe from Pearman and Areta (2020); reproduced with permission.

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8 J. I. Areta et al.

ND2 mitochondrial gene tree A. moesta and A. aequatorialis to the moesta-carrizalensis clade and
carrizalensis were recovered as sister to each other showed these three taxa as sister to nominate con-
(86% bootstrap support, but with a low posterior color, and also enhanced the support for the sister
probability in the Bayesian analysis, posterior prob- relationship of the moesta-carrizalensis clade
ability = 0.82). As currently delineated, A. concolor (Fig. 2b).
was found to be paraphyletic because aequatorialis Mitochondrial genetic divergences among taxa
was placed as sister to the moesta-carrizalensis were an order of magnitude larger than those found
clade (100%; 1.0) and a clade including both nom- within taxa (Table 2), with the exception of relicta
inate concolor and relicta was sister to all the other in comparison to nominate concolor samples. Mean
taxa (Fig. 2a). A tree enforcing monophyly of A. ND2 pairwise distances between concolor and aequa-
concolor including aequatorialis was less likely than torialis were greater (8.3%) than those found
the phylogenetic hypothesis found in this study between moesta and carrizalensis (5.7%). In compar-
(S-H test: Diff –lnL = 20.11, P < 0.02, Shimodaira ison, the two available relicta samples from Morelos
& Hasegawa 1999). Haplotypes of relicta were diverged on average by 1.0% from nominate con-
recovered as monophyletic, either within a poly- color. Though we could not obtain complete ND2
tomy of concolor haplotypes in the ND2 gene tree sequences from these relicta samples
(Fig. 2), or as sister to concolor in the BEAST tree (AMNH778553: 571 bp, AMNH778554: 289 bp),
(Fig. 3). Nuclear genes varied in their phylogenetic the longest sequence from this taxon differed by four
information content: although the monophyly of or five substitution changes from samples of concolor
Amaurospiza was largely supported by each locus collected from Mexico (Chiapas) to Panama.
analysed (five synapomorphic characters in ACO1, The shallow genetic distances between geo-
six in FGB5 and nine in MB), relationships among graphically distant samples of A. moesta from Mato
species were less resolved. Although no phyloge- Grosso do Sul and Parana (Brazil) (c. 680 km, p-
netic structure was recovered by both FGB5 and distance = 0.0–0.7% for ND2) and those recovered
MB, the clade including moesta, carrizalensis and between the distant samples of nominate concolor
aequatorialis was supported by three synapomor- from Chiapas (Mexico) to Chiriquı (Panama) were
phic characters in ACO1. Moreover, multilocus similarly divergent (c. 1250 km, p-distance = 0.0–
data highly supported the sister relationship of 0.7% for ND2; Table 2). These genetic distances
are comparable to those recovered between sam-
ples of A. carrizalensis that come from a set of clo-
sely placed localities (c. 40 km, p-distance = 0.0–
0.7% for ND2). Interestingly, samples of relicta
from Morelos (Mexico) and of concolor from Chia-
pas (Mexico), c. 900 km away, showed a slightly
larger divergence (p-distance = 0.7–1.0% for
ND2), similar to the divergence between the same
Morelos samples of relicta to those of concolor from
Guatemala and Panama c. 1800 km away (p-
distance = 0.7–1.3% for ND2; Table 2).
Temporal estimates of divergence from our
relaxed-clock model using the mitochondrial
(ND2) dataset indicated a split of Amaurospiza
from its closest relatives (Cyanocompsa and
Cyanoloxia) during the Middle to Late Miocene
ranging from 11.6 to 6.0 million years ago (Ma)
Figure 3. Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction of Amau- (mean 8.7 Ma, Fig. 3). Diversification within
rospiza based on the mtDNA (ND2 gene) sequence data Amaurospiza began in the Late Miocene to Plio-
showing mean divergence times. Bars represent 95% highest cene, between 8.4 and 4.0 Ma (mean 6.1 Ma,
probability density of divergence time estimates. Scale at the
Fig. 3), with the divergence of Central and South
bottom shows time in million years before the present.
Plio = Pliocene, Pleist = Pleistocene. Black dots indicate 0.95– American groups, and continued during the Late
1.00 posterior probabilities (if lower, those are indicated by a Pliocene–Pleistocene with further differentiation of
number and an arrow directed to the node). South American lineages (mean 3.4 Ma, 95%

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Amaurospiza systematics 9

Table 2. Mean percentage uncorrected genetic distances (ND2, p-distance) among and within currently recognized Amaurospiza

Taxa concolor relicta aequatorialis moesta carrizalensis

concolor 0.5 (0.2)

relicta 1.0 (0.4) 0.0 (0.0)
[0.7–1.3] [0.0]
aequatorialis 8.3 (0.8) 8.8 (1.3) 0.2 (0.1)
[8.1–8.5] [8.0–9.6] [0.0–0.4]
moesta 9.2 (0.9) 9.0 (1.4) 6.0 (0.7) 0.5 (0.2)
[8.6–9.4] [8.2–9.7] [5.9–6.1] [0.0–0.7]
carrizalensis 9.5 (0.9) 10.0 (1.4) 5.8 (0.7) 5.7 (0.7) 0.4 (0.1)
[9.1–9.9] [9.1–11.0] [5.6–6.0] [5.3–6.2] [0.0–0.7]

Diagonal values represent genetic differentiation within each taxon. Bold values represent mean percentage uncorrected genetic dis-
tance, values within parentheses represent standard errors estimated with 500 bootstrap replicates and values within square brackets
provide the range of individual genetic distance values found in our dataset.

Table 3. Quantitative characterization of the inflections in the songs of Amaurospiza taxa: average values are followed by  stan-
dard deviation and ranges are given within parentheses.

Number of inflections/ Average number of Sample size (notes/inflections/

Taxon second inflections per note individuals)

A. moesta 21.51 2.76  1.37 (0–9)b 301/830/42

A. carrizalensis 17.28 2.83  0.75 (2–4)a,b 6/17/1
A. aequatorialis 20.09 2.10  1.26 (0–6)a 78/164/8
A. concolor concolor 7.90 1.22  1.14 (0–4)c 51/62/10
A. concolor relicta 13.85 1.57  1.13 (0–3)a,b,c 7/11/1

Different lower case letters indicate statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) between taxa in the pairwise Wilcoxon’s rank-rank
tests with Bonferroni correction.

highest posterior density (HPD) 4.7–2.1 Ma). Pop- suggesting a strong conservatism in overall pattern
ulations of relicta (based on the current number of in the genus (Fig. 1, Table S3). Aural examination
samples) diverged from concolor about 1 million of songs suggested that songs of moesta, carrizalen-
years ago (0.2–1.1 Ma), representing the youngest sis and aequatorialis were more warbled than those
divergence of a currently recognized Amaurospiza of concolor and relicta. The number of inflections
taxon (Fig. 3). Our multilocus species tree recov- per second exhibited a stepped pattern, with con-
ered an identical tree topology compared with the color and relicta on the lower end and carrizalensis,
ND2 and concatenated multilocus datasets, but aequatorialis and moesta on the upper end, corrob-
divergence times were younger (Fig. S1). Accord- orating our subjective impression of a notably less
ing to these estimates, the Amaurospiza split from warbled song in concolor and relicta (Table 3). The
its closest relatives occurred at 4.6 Ma (95% HPD same overall pattern was found with the average
6.1–3.3 Ma), diversification within the genus number of inflections per note, where moesta, car-
begun at c. 3.2 Ma (95% HPD 4.4–1.5 Ma) and rizalensis and aequatorialis had overall more inflec-
divergence within South American lineages started tions per note than concolor and relicta (Table 3).
about 1.9 Ma (95% HPD 2.7–1.0 Ma). Statistical comparisons lend partial support to this
idea, depending on the number of samples avail-
able for each taxon. Pairwise comparisons of aver-
age number of inflections per note showed that
All taxa examined exhibited typical Amaurospiza the better sampled taxa (with nine or more
songs constituted by quickly delivered, warbled, recordings) moesta, aequatorialis and concolor dif-
pure and fairly high-pitched musical notes, fered significantly from each other (P < 0.001),

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10 J. I. Areta et al.

whereas for the taxa for which only one recording all 62 songs to the correct taxon. Hence, the over-
was available, relicta was indistinguishable from all predictive accuracy was 100% and the jack-
other taxa (P range 0.226–1) and carrizalensis dif- knifed/leave-one-out cross-validation for this data-
fered only from concolor (P = 0.023; Table 3). set only had a slight decrease to 95%. This last
The linear discriminant analysis using nine procedure correctly classified 95.2% of moesta indi-
acoustic variables (Table S3) indicated that all taxa viduals, 90% of concolor individuals and all eight
can be successfully diagnosed (Fig. 4). Broadly, aequatorialis individuals; one concolor individual
two fairly contiguous groups can be separated (MLNS30440961) was misclassified as moesta
along the first axis: one with the South American whereas two moesta individuals were misclassified
taxa and the other with the Central American taxa as aequatorialis or concolor (XC55844 and
(Fig. 4). In the South American clade, moesta (the XC60845, respectively). The cross-validation tech-
taxon with the larger number of samples) exhib- nique accurately classified a high percentage of
ited the largest dispersion, the single sample of car- individuals for three taxa (moesta, aequatorialis,
rizalensis fell within data of moesta along the concolor), while the method itself was unable to
values in the first axis, whereas most aequatorialis attribute group membership to instances of a sin-
samples were clearly segregated along both axes gle sample such as the cases of relicta and
(Fig. 4). In the Central American clade, the single carrizalensis.
sample of relicta was closer to concolor than to any
South American taxon (Fig. 4). Importantly from
a taxonomic perspective, samples of the taxon ae-
quatorialis were the most distant from samples of Our study shows that the genus Amaurospiza is
concolor and relicta along the first axis (Fig. 4). The monophyletic and that genetic differentiation
first linear discriminant consisted mainly of maxi- among species is well marked. We identified two
mum frequency (Coefficient = 1.10), peak fre- largely divergent clades, one in South America
quency average of all notes per song (aequatorialis-moesta-carrizalensis) and one in Cen-
(Coefficient = 1.01) and song duration of the first tral America (concolor-relicta), a structure congru-
three notes (Coefficient = 1.04). Two of these ent with geography, vocalizations, plumage and
variables also contributed greatly to the second lin- morphology. The taxon aequatorialis was allied to
ear discriminant: maximum frequency (Coeffi- the South American species A. moesta and A. car-
cient = 1.03), peak frequency average of all notes rizalensis based on geography, vocalizations, plu-
per song (Coefficient = 1.54), as well as the aver- mage and morphology, instead of to A. concolor,
age of maximum frequency of all notes per song indicating an inaccurate species-level taxonomy as
(Coefficient = 1.45). Predicted performance was presently recognized (Remsen et al. 2023). These
high; linear discriminant analysis correctly assigned results suggest that underwing coloration, the ratio
of bill depth to bill width and general patterns of
vocalizations are underappreciated characters car-
rying phylogenetic signal in Amaurospiza (Table 4).

Our molecular phylogenetic hypothesis largely

reflects evolutionary relationships based on our
mitochondrial gene data (ND2) due to its greater
phylogenetic signal. It might be argued that this
can limit our ability to make inferences on species
limits and evolutionary processes. Indeed, one
mitochondrial gene tree hypothesis might differ
from the species tree because of sex-biased disper-
sal (mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited),
natural selection, introgression and/or hybridiza-
tion, or most importantly because of the uncer-
Figure 4. Comparison of songs of Amaurospiza taxa through
linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Plot of recordings according tainty associated with gene trees as representatives
to the first and second linear discriminant functions obtained of the historical relationships of populations due to
from nine song variables (see Tables S2 and S3). the random nature of the coalescence process

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Amaurospiza systematics 11

Table 4. Characterization of the two clades of Amaurospiza taxa uncovered in this study.

South American clade [aequatorialis,

Variable moesta and carrizalensis] Central American clade [concolor and relicta]

Vocalizations More warbled (faster) song with more Less warbled (slower) song with fewer
inflections per note inflections per note
Underwing coverts White Bluish
Bill depth/bill width ratio < 0.89 > 0.92
Genetic data Monophyletic group with three species One polytypic species with two subspecies

Bill depth/bill width ratio from Lentino and Restall (2003), plumage data from Griscom (1934), Hellmayr (1938), Howell and
Webb (1995) and Restall et al. (2006), and vocal and genetic data from this study.

(Funk & Omland 2003, Edwards & Bensch 2009, vocal analysis of the only known recording of this
Toews & Brelsford 2012). However, our nuclear taxon (Fig. 4), allows us to provide some thoughts
dataset provides phylogenetic signal (though weak) on the systematics of this mysterious taxon. Some
and phylogenetic hypotheses that are congruent authors considered relicta as a distinct Amaurospiza
with, and never contradict, our mitochondrial species (Orr & Ray 1945, Navarro-Sig€ uenza &
hypothesis (i.e. there is no nuclear–mitochondrial Peterson 2004) and even as a species in the mono-
discordance). Moreover, enhanced node support typic genus Amaurospizopsis (Griscom 1934, but
values on our concatenated nuclear–mitochondrial see Hellmayr 1938). This taxon occurs in Mexico
reconstruction, and congruence among our phylo- in the states of Guerrero, Morelos and Oaxaca, to
genetic hypotheses (including the coalescent multi- the west of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, and is
locus phylogenetic reconstruction) and patterns associated with the Sierra Madre del Sur (even
derived from other independent characters such as though it is not a strictly montane bird), as
morphology and vocalizations indicate that our opposed to concolor, whose populations occur to
hypothesis of species relationships is strong. the east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The Sierra
Madre del Sur is known for its high avian
endemicity (Hernandez-Ba~ nos et al. 1995) and
Species limits in Amaurospiza
phylogeographical studies have shown large diver-
The lack of monophyly of A. concolor, with aequato- gences among bird populations (Garcıa-Moreno
rialis being deeply divergent from concolor and more et al. 2004, Bonaccorso et al. 2008, Rocha-Mendez
closely related to other South American forms, et al. 2019). Genetic differentiation between relicta
together with the morphological and vocal differ- and concolor is well below the typical species-
ences between nominate concolor and aequatorialis, specific distances in other Amaurospiza. The near-
strongly indicates that aequatorialis should not be est samples of relicta and concolor separated by
retained as a subspecies of concolor (Figs 1–4, around 900 km showed a slightly smaller diver-
Table 4). Based on phylogenetic position (sup- gence than that between relicta and the southern-
ported by mitochondrial and nuclear genes), mor- most samples of concolor separated by around
phology, genetic differentiation and vocalizations 1800 km (Table 2), suggesting that the Isthmus of
(Lentino & Restall 2003, Bryson Jr et al. 2014, this Tehuantepec depression is a relatively minor bar-
study), we recommend affording full species status rier for this taxon. The isolating role of the Isth-
to A. aequatorialis. We propose adopting the com- mus of Tehuantepec has been shown to be
mon English name Ecuadorian Seedeater for A. pervasive in many avian taxa distributed across this
aequatorialis on account that most of its range lowland barrier, but although some lineages show
occurs inside Ecuador and that an alternative name deep phylogeographical structure across the barrier
Equatorial Seedeater (see Hellmayr 1938) conveys (e.g. Cortes-Rodrıguez et al. 2008, Barrera-
a sense of lowland tropicality that this species lacks, Guzman et al. 2012, Mendoncßa et al. 2021),
being a montane bird. We also propose to retain others exhibit small genetic differentiation or a
Blue Seedeater for A. concolor, a name with a long lack of it (e.g. Arbelaez-Cortes et al. 2010,
tradition of use. Zamudio-Beltran & Hernandez-Ba~ nos 2015,
Our finding that the taxon relicta is probably Zamudio-Beltran et al. 2020, Castillo-Chora
sister to concolor (Figs 2 and 3), together with our et al. 2021). Comparative phylogeographical

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12 J. I. Areta et al.

studies have shown multiple waves of colonization A. concolor concolor Cabanis 1861
across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Barber & A. concolor relicta (Griscom 1934)
Klicka 2010, Ornelas et al. 2013), suggesting dif- Ecuadorian Seedeater Amaurospiza aequatorialis
ferent factors such as lineage age and/or ecology as Sharpe 1888
potential drivers of such divergence time differ- Blackish-blue Seedeater Amaurospiza moesta
ences as shown across other important geographi- (Hartlaub 1853)
cal barriers in the Neotropics (Smith et al. 2014). Carrizal Seedeater Amaurospiza carrizalensis
The close geographical proximity of relicta (west Lentino & Restall 2003
of the isthmus) and concolor (east of the isthmus)
It has been suggested that the genus Amau-
in southern Mexico (Fig. 1) could be interpreted
rospiza be subsumed under Cyanoloxia (Klicka
as evidence of phenotypically divergent conspecific
et al. 2007). However, the morphological distinc-
populations or alternatively as evidence that a
tions (smaller bills with lateral flares and smaller
strong barrier may have interrupted genetic flux
overall size), faster vocalizations and bamboo spe-
between these populations, ending in speciation.
cialization of Amaurospiza, coupled to their long
Our small sample size does not allow us to test if
period of independent evolution (sharing a most
the small genetic divergence found is a product of
recent common ancestor around 9 Ma, Fig. 3),
a recent allopatric divergence, or if there is current
support the recognition of Amaurospiza and
gene flow among these populations, and a more
Cyanoloxia as separate genera (Lentino &
thorough study is required to understand the cur-
Restall 2003, Bryson Jr et al. 2014). Our data
rent status of these taxa.
unambiguously support the placement of relicta in
Previously reported differences in vocalizations
Amaurospiza instead of in the monotypic genus
between concolor and relicta (Howell & Webb 1995)
Amaurospizopsis (Griscom 1934, Hellmayr 1938).
were based on limited data but are currently
It is clear that Griscom (1934) oversplit genera,
thought to be minor, with relicta now being consid-
and subspecies-level taxa when describing the
ered a typical Amaurospiza with song and calls very
genus Amaurospizopsis for relicta and two sub-
similar to those of nominate concolor in southern
species within A. concolor (grandior and australis),
Mexico (S. Howell in litt. 2012). Our quantitative
which were later lumped with the nominate sub-
results (based on a single individual) suggest that
species (Hellmayr 1938, Orr & Ray 1945).
relicta is vocally similar to concolor (Figs 1 and 4).
The reduced genetic differentiation and similarities
in plumage, morphology and vocalizations suggest Diversification in Amaurospiza
that relicta should not be afforded species status,
Divergence times based on our multilocus species
and lead us to consider relicta as a subspecies of A.
tree reconstruction were younger than those
concolor. We highlight the need for further studies
obtained based on the mitochondrial ND2 gene.
including critical comparative examination of speci-
These results are congruent with previous biogeo-
mens, sound recordings and fresh genetic samples
graphical reconstructions in blue cardinalids (Bry-
to rigorously assess its taxonomic status.
son Jr et al. 2014), and are a recurrent pattern in
The deep genetic differentiation of the recently
other bird studies (McCormack et al. 2010,
described A. carrizalensis (Lentino & Restall 2003)
Schultz et al. 2019). Younger ages are expected
in comparison to its sister A. moesta (Figs 2 and
as multilocus analyses take into account random
3), and the single sample of the identifiable yet
coalescence events of gene trees and avoid poten-
relatively similar song (Table 3, Fig. 4), support its
tial overestimation of divergence times, as gene
continued recognition as a separate species.
divergence pre-dates speciation events (Edwards
We therefore propose the recognition of four
& Beerli 2000, Carstens & Knowles 2007). Fol-
species in Amaurospiza following the Biological
lowing our younger temporal estimates of diversi-
Species Concept (Mayr 1963) and the Recognition
fication, the origin of Amaurospiza occurred
Species Concept (Paterson 1980, 1985), including
between the Miocene and Pliocene, with a split
one polytypic species with two subspecies and
between Central and South American groups dur-
three monotypic species.
ing the Pliocene and Pleistocene, and most differ-
Blue Seedeater Amaurospiza concolor Caba- entiation within groups is dated as of Pleistocene
nis 1861 age.

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Amaurospiza systematics 13

Regardless of what divergence time estimation

Ecology and speciation in mixed-
we select for the diversification of the Amaurospiza
bamboo strategists
lineage, our results indicate that this genus has had
a long evolutionary history in the Neotropics. Pre- The ecology of Amaurospiza blue seedeaters is
vious biogeographical reconstructions of the com- poorly known, but all species seem to be locally
plete lineage of blue cardinalids suggested scarce and appear to be tightly associated with
colonization of this group into South America, vegetative and seeding bamboo stands. Amau-
with a split of the Amaurospiza and Cyanoloxia lin- rospiza moesta is known to use different bamboo
eages in the Late Miocene (about 6 Ma, Bryson Jr species across its distribution, involving small tan-
et al. 2014). Our estimates are younger (4.6 Ma) gling species (e.g. Chusquea ramosissima) and tall
but still indicate that divergence across the Pana- erect species (e.g. Guadua trinii, Guadua tagoara,
manian Isthmus is placed well before the suggested Guadua paniculata, Merostachys claussenni) and
formation of the landbridge between these conti- feeds on seeds, flowers, petioles and buds of Chus-
nents (3.1–3.5 Ma; Coates & Obando 1996), quea and Guadua bamboos in the Atlantic Forest
though temporal estimates overlap when consider- (Bertoni 1919, Belton 1985, Della-Flora
ing the uncertainty in our estimate of timing of et al. 2010, J. I. Areta pers. obs.). In Misiones,
Amaurospiza diversification (6.1–3.3 Ma). Older Argentina, populations of A. moesta seem to have
estimates for the Panamanian Isthmus have been peaked during the massive flowering and seeding
published pointing to Miocene landbridge connec- of M. claussennii, and at a specific locality, Parque
tions (Farris et al. 2011, Montes et al. 2012), allow- Provincial Cruce Caballero, their numbers
ing for congruent biogeographical scenarios of dropped down after the end of the masting with
dispersal in some groups (e.g. Copernicia palms, the disappearance of green stands of M. claussenni,
Bacon et al. 2012). The debate about these tempo- which seeds once every 30 years (Areta
ral estimates is ongoing (O’Dea et al. 2012, 2016, et al. 2009, Bodrati et al. 2010, A. Bodrati & J. I.
Jaramillo et al. 2017), and geological and phyloge- Areta unpubl. data). How far the birds involved
netic evidence points toward a continuous rather may have moved is not known, but this distance
than a discrete event with periods of discrete con- should be largely dependent upon the contingent
nection–disconnection between both continents setting of bamboo patches at any given time (see
(Cody et al. 2010, Smith & Klicka 2010, Pinto- Areta & Cockle 2012). Reports that A. moesta has
Sanchez et al. 2012, Jaramillo 2018). Moreover, a ‘marked predilection for a single habitat type:
several studies have suggested a Late Pliocene colo- the understorey formed by the lower strata of for-
nization of South America from Middle America, est vegetation in the more covered and shady
particularly in birds (Weir & Schluter 2008, Smith places’ (Partridge 1953: 88; our translation) may
et al. 2014, Gutierrez-Pinto et al. 2012), indicating have stemmed from overlooking the presence of
the potential for some geological, ecological or cli- bamboos in such forests or from sampling birds at
matic factors favouring such movements at the end times in which bamboos were dead. The local and
of formation of the landbridge. Regardless of these little-known A. carrizalensis is known from riverine
alternative scenarios, either the ancestor of Amau- areas (but also away from rivers) with vegetative
rospiza had a more continuous distribution across bamboo stands of Guadua venezuelae, Guadua lat-
the Panamanian landbridge around the Miocene or ifolia and Rhipidocladum sp., and has been
dispersal occurred by that time as a result of geo- observed feeding on seeds of G. latifolia and Chro-
logical or ecological factors. molaena odorata and on insects from the leaves of
Diversification of Amaurospiza within South an unidentified tree (Lentino & Restall 2003, M.
America occurred during the Late Pliocene and Lentino and J. Miranda pers. obs.). Both sub-
Early Pleistocene. These temporal estimates coin- species of A. concolor in Mexico (concolor and re-
cide with a period of intense climatic and land- licta) show predilection for bamboo stands
scape changes in the Neotropics, including the (Howell & Webb 1995) and although a nest of re-
glacial–interglacial cycles, and the final uplift of licta was outside bamboo, a group was observed
the northern Andes with its consequences for the nearby feeding ‘on bunches of dry seeds of a
regional climate and the river network system climbing vine’ (a climbing bamboo?) (Row-
(Hoorn et al. 2010, Pupim et al. 2019). ley 1962: 266). At El Imposible in El Salvador, A.

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14 J. I. Areta et al.

concolor is almost always associated with vegetative that can subsequently differentiate. Our phyloge-
bamboo in the understorey and its population netic reconstructions of the South American lin-
numbers seem to have increased in the years fol- eage resulted either in a polytomy of three species,
lowing a massive flowering and seeding event of moesta from the Atlantic Forest and isolated
Rhipidocladum racemiflorum, which seeds once patches of Cerrado forest, carrizalensis from the
every 13 years (Fagan 2009, J. Fagan in litt. 2010). Guianan Shield at the Orinoco River, and aequato-
The association of A. aequatorialis with bamboo rialis from the Andes (results based on Bayesian
has been proposed to be less strict than in other analyses of the ND2 gene or the species tree,
members of the genus, being at least as often in Fig. 2 and Fig. S1), or suggested a sister relation-
bamboo as away from it in Ecuador (Ridgely & ship between moesta and carrizalensis. Although
Greenfield 2001). However, most recent records there is no evidence to propose a biogeographical
in Ecuador pertain to birds feeding on seeds and hypothesis for the current distributions of these
insects in Chusquea and unidentified bamboos (D. taxa, either a scenario of widespread distribution
Brinkhuizen in litt., A. Solano-Ugalde in litt.) and and further extinction in most of the Amazonian
on Guadua bamboos (Restall et al. 2006), while basin or dispersal from one region to another asso-
records from Peru are also from Chusquea bamboo ciated with geological or climate changes as well as
stands (Angulo Pratolongo et al. 2012, Sanchez ecological factors could apply to these organisms.
et al. 2012). To sum up, the available evidence The differentiation of Amaurospiza could be
shows that all the Amaurospiza taxa are tightly related to different scenarios of dispersal patterns
linked to bamboo stands. but the tight association with bamboo cycles adds
The high mobility that mixed-strategist bamboo yet another dimension to be taken into considera-
specialists would need to have to cope with peri- tion when thinking about vicariance versus disper-
ods of food scarcity during bamboo die-offs (Areta sal models. Future work integrating models of past
et al. 2009, Areta & Cockle 2012) and their tight distribution of bamboo habitats and more exten-
dependence on bamboo habitats must impact the sive geographical sampling should help understand
genetic architecture and mode of speciation of the interplay between climatic and habitat fluctua-
mixed-strategists. We uncovered low levels of tions, dispersal and evolutionary differentiation in
intraspecific genetic differentiation between distant Amaurospiza and other bamboo-specialist birds.
populations that contrast markedly with the deep
divergences between the widely allopatric Amau-
rospiza species. Genetic differentiation among pop- We thank A. Solano-Ugalde, D. Brinkhuizen and J.
ulations within species for which we had widely Fagan for sharing field observations, and S. Howell for
distant samples (A. moesta and A. concolor; Fig. 1) sharing the only known sound recording of the taxon re-
was low and comparable to variation within the licta. We thank Paul van Els for sequencing Peruvian
samples of aequatorialis at Louisiana State University
local population of A. carrizalensis (Table 2). Museum of Natural Science facilities, Matt Miller for
Comparative phylogeographical studies are needed sequencing a sample of A. concolor from Chiriquı at
to further understand how the presumed patterns Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute of Panama, and
of mobility of mixed-strategists affect the spatial Brian Smith and Paul Sweet who were indispensable in
genetic structure in comparison with other co- obtaining toe-pads of relicta at the American Museum of
distributed taxa with other life histories. Natural History. We are also grateful to one anonymous
The deep genetic divergences and widely allo- reviewer for appreciating the importance of our work,
and to a second anonymous reviewer for making useful
patric distributions of species of Amaurospiza lead suggestions. M. Pearman and N. K. Krabbe provided
us to propose that their speciation could be trig- feedback on the usage of the name Ecuadorian Seedea-
gered by the appearance of exceptional distribu- ter. Gary Voelker contributed editorial comments that
tional discontinuities. Such discontinuities could in improved our work.
principle arise through the appearance of strong
extrinsic geographical barriers separating peripheral
populations (a precursor of this situation could be
the outlying Cerrado populations of A. moesta) or Juan I. Areta: Conceptualization; data curation;
might arise through unusual long-distance dispersal formal analysis; investigation; methodology; visual-
events in search of bamboos, thereby creating ization; writing – original draft; writing – review
effective long-term isolation between populations and editing. Marıa Juliana Benıtez Saldıvar: Data

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Amaurospiza systematics 15

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