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The mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, to promote high ethical standards, and to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Regular Meeting 1200 hours

August 22, 2011

Club Notes

President Amy Jernigan called Meeting to order: Flag Salute by Rotarian Jim Noor and Invocation by Rotarian Mike Spanfelner Table Introductions: Rotarian PPDon Remley mentioned 3 PP & Membership Chair enjoying the meeting for the day. Rotarian Charles Hurley introduced son Jordan Hurley 12 1/2 attending St. Thomas School Last year undefeated in cross-country his record of 5 min..22 sec. running 1.5 mile $10 recognition Rotarian Tori Carter, Home Furnishings and her table having good conversation with fellow rotarians, PP Mike Hutton introduced partner/Rotarian John Warren of Paradise Club visiting today, Rotarian Eric Almquist introduced Guest Tina Pruit of Daryls painting, Rotarian Regina Munster introduced a full table of Happy Great Rotarians, Rotarian Sal Rodriquez introduced guest and Husband of President Amy Jernigan Levi Jordan Great table, President Amy passed out the Sign Up sheets: Sept. 10 Saturday Painting Preparations for El Medio Fire Station, Monday Sept 19 Rotar Barbecue No noon meeting dinner only , Monday Sept. 26 No noon Meeting Snack Shack barbecue & Ice Cream Social at our Project Riverbend Park. Announcement: Annual 2nd Oct. Jeremy Bryson Softball tournament fundraiser is scheduled. Sal pulls a losing ticket... Recognition: Rotarian Sal Rodriquez $20 for return of his baseball cap which President Amy had recovered for him? Recognition: $20 Rotarian Jim Noor asked to discuss His company which offers Contract plumbing recently he has been on assignment out of town on apartment complex, Doing lots of remodel, instant hot water heaters, and repiping homes. Youngest daughter started High School today and excited to hear from her on her first day. Jim also was asked to report on the project for the Monday Club. He and Pittman installed the garbage disposer in lieu of prior use of the facility and completed our commitment to Monday Club a project long on the list of things to get done NOW COMPLETED. Thanks Jim! Recognition: Rotarian Toni Ruggle $20 for discussion about his growing up here in Oroville attending St. Thomas, Chico State and then work with Cal Water in Chico for 28 years. Recent opportunity to position of Manager of Oroville Office and had lots of fun at the 68-78 class reunion last weaken there was great, Music and good to be back in Oroville. Announcement: President Amy mentioned Rotarian Bud Tracy left his bottle of wine and Bud responded with 45 tickets for Cars 2 on Saturday he offered to donate to Interact Students to attend. Announcement: Rotarian Mr. James Plummer PT thinking that $10 a week until baby arrives is very overdue. We were all treated to another infamous Mike Smith story and enjoyed $10 recognition we also were treated to a rendition of the OREO song in the Mike Smith voice at the request of Rotarian Ramsey Rotarian Ramsey offered all Rotarians to come clean with any announcements missed. Rotarian Pat Sands offered news on the engagement of her daughter Kelly and offered $50 dollars for Soccer field project. Rotarian Sheldon Enochs offered report on his recent long vacation in Paso Robles $50 toward bellringer. Rotarian Sal Rodriquez was questioned/asked to come clean on recent events as reserve officer and his comments on Dee Faribanks, raising cows in Palermo, older gentlemen Ramsey missing the police barricade tape and some really face saving rhetoric. All enjoyed the discussion as Sal pretty much hammered everyone in the room and then gracefully complimented all in the room. Rotarian TC Dennis received a fine of $10 for getting caught Red Handed with Program: Rotarian Bryan Klingler Membership Chairman talked about Presidents gavel. membership and recruitment of members. He asked Mike Ramsey to sing the Rotarian Lisa Delaby was asked to discuss her work. She is Public Relations for Butte Mickey Mouse song an with his rendition we clapped?? Bryan mentioned Community Junior College and mentioned some collaboration with New college President 40,000 Rotary clubs worldwide with 1.2 million members. Considering a 10 and todays first day of college with an estimated 13,000 students. Some discussion on a year annual average. turnover rate in Rotary is 12%. North America 25%. fine per student that was reduced per capita for a $13 dollar recognition. EOBO ( Each One Bring One) is the Membership logo for this next year. He PPRotarian Don Remley discussed his very recent knee surgery which is coming along showed graphs with age groups of 15-20ages, 25-40 ages, boomers 40-65ages , and graciously thanked all for the Get Well Cards. the over 65 generation. He mentioned are group is pushing 60 year range averRotarian David Pittman was asked to also come age. Only way for club to survive is us to recruit on all aspects of the continuum clean with new activity and he discussed the of generations. New people are looking for something more than old tradiactivities with FYE Bruno Arruda from Brazil and tion service club. Social networking, service opportunity, flexibility in social Edwardo from Italy and yesterday boat trip on Lake network, plus middle of the day meeting, and flexibility in time commitment. Oroville and the news that Sunrise President Howard Flexibility with rules was commented by Sal as his club draw. 3 reasons for Sands Timex watch was taking a swim without membership personal, business and social growths are reasons to join Rotary. Howard and hopefully will be found during low Bring in the warriors of our community, public speaking, networking of busiwater conditions? On that trip we also lost Pittmans nessmen to talk about business. Opportunity, exposure, representing vocations, New Orange Swimmers Flag that resulted in $10 ways in which we do business, connecting & networking. And to see family recognition events where kids and children can participate. Core family values along with examples of service projects and teach them how to get out of pass paradigms. Pledge forms to be turned in to Shelton ASAP. Were expressions on the discussion. Next meeting 3 new members will be takRoadway Cleanup dates to plan for: Nov. 19, ing office. Bryan offered recruitment cards and applications for new members at Feb. 18, May 19, August 18 Road Cleanup front table to encourage new memberships. Remember EOBO is the challenge for all members to accomplish this year. A young rotarian in training!


Next Meeting Western Pacific Brewery on Monday August 29, 1200 hours. Discussion on Rotary Blood Drive, Guests Welcome
D. Pittman Newsletter author.

Membership Roster

P * P * P P P * P P P * P P P * P P * P * P P * P P * P * P P P P P

+ + + + + + + +

P + * P + * P P P P * P + P * P + P * P + * P + P + P P * P P * P P P P P + + + +

* P + P * P * P + P +

Almquist, Eric & Judy 02-12-07 Real Estate Investments 532-6406 532-6406 Bowles, Gil & Kay 10-22-01 Heating & Air Cond. Ret. 533-8754 Bradley, Larry & Nancy 02-12-07 Orchardist 893-5347 Brown, Mitch & Sue 11-20-00 Law Enforcement 538-2448 533-2616 Carter, Torrie & Mike 04-18-05 Home Furnishings-Ret. 532-7968 533-8137 Castleberry, Clay & Donna 11-21-57 S/A Public Works 533-3674 Cheff, Bill & Grace 09-20-82 S/A Dir.-Public Works 589-4235 Chimento, Sam & Lynn 01/06/03 Elementary School Admin. 533-4842x7 877-3047 Dahlmeier, John & Linda 07-11-88 Casualty Insurance 533-3424 534-7134 DeLaby, Lisa & Rich 09-16-06 College Public Relations 895-2937 533-2775 Dennis, Esther & T.C. 08-19-02 Residential Care 534-6495 533-7007 Dennis, T.C. & Esther 05-09-88 Water Service-Retired 533-7007 Dunn, Andrea & Barnes, Bob 10-25-06 Education 532-3000x3013 894-1544 Enochs, Shelton & Mary 05-22-95 Weatherization 538-2561 343-9748 PDGFairbanks, Dee & Donna 05-10-82 S/A General Engineering 533-3114 533-8586 Ford, Dustin & Christina 11-28-05 General Contracting 693-0848 533-7596 Grubbs, Candy & Jay 01-30-89 Clerk/Recorder-County 538-7654 589-4232 Hancock, John & Velda 05-07-90 Auto Repair 533-9475 533-0366 Hutton, Mike & Frances 06-03-91 General Accounting 534-9111 343-0979 Jackson, Brad & Bonnie 03-27-97 Glass - Auto/Home 533-3696 533-0417 Jernigan, Amy & Levi 03-31-08 Recycling Coordinator 693-0045 533-8982 Jewett, Phil 12-14-09 Agriculture 308-4573 679-0240 Liegmann, Kurt & Carrie 07-10-00 Senior Living 538-8480 538-8200 Loewe, John & Martha 04-06-09 Publisher 990-0509 533-6005 Klingler, Bryan, Finance 8-01-2010 Mastelotto, Angie 12-18-95 Title & Escrow Services 533-6680 Miller, Dave & Patti 07-29-91 Advertising News 533-2170 589-4128 Murphy, Frank, 03-11-68 S/A Physician 533-2831 Nolind, Racquel & John 07-13-09 Auto Body/Paint 534-8701 589-4439 Nore, Jim & Amy 03-31-08 Plumbing 533-2900 532-4788 Perkins, Scott & Holly 07-13-09 Property Development 864-1520 864-1520 Pittman, David Fire Service 7-5-2001 530-990-4191 Plummer, James & Susasn 10-19-09 Physical Therapy 533-2233 591-5634 Ramsey, Mike & Carroll 01-11-88 Prosecuting Attorney 538-7411 533-9604 Reichenbach, Rick & Martha 02-07-58 S/A RR Transportation 589-0174 Remley, Don & Penny 02-10-86 Elem. School Supt./Ret. 532-1257 Reynolds, Chuck & Sandie 10-19-09 Masonry Contractor 533-8310 532-0893 Ritchie, Nancy & Rod 01-04-99 Awards & Advt. Spc. 533-2222 589-0168 PDG Ritchie, Rod & Nancy 12-17-73 S/A Trophies & Bowl 533-2222 589-0168 Roberts, Oran & Cathleen 08-19-02 High School Dist. Supt. 538-2300x2 534-9336 Rodgers, Lori 10-19-09 Insurance 534-1927 532-9582 Rodriguez, Sal & Mayte, 532-1332, Landscape, Rogers, Kristen-Alan & Kirsty 5-8-2006 Dept. Store Manager 534-1082 Rotar, Lou & Judy 05-10-82 S/A Civil Law 589-1603 Saleh, Saeed & Diane 08-07-00 Pharmacist 533-1545 533-8673 Sands, Pat & Howard 04-12-99 Irrigation District 533-4578 533-5690 Smith, Jerry 04-12-99 S/A Cooperative Extn. 589-0914 Smith, Mike & Becky 08-29-94 Vinyl Fabrications 532-1236 534-9931 Spanfelner, Mike & Amy 09-05-98 Optometry 533-6604 898-9755 Spencer, Lorinda & Jim 02-04-02 Banking/Loans 532-0800 533-2946 Stefandies, Dean & Diane Hotel Manager3-9-10,, 534-5566 Steedman, Lonnie Banking office5305380140 cel5307814378 Stutznegger, Keith & Susan 11-26-79 S/A General Dentistry 534-8330 533-0219 Sutherland, Rich 09-25-06 Fast Food 534-9356 589-1594 Townsend, Al & Meryl 10-30-72 S/A Auto Tires - Retail 534-6463 Tracy, Bud & Linda 10-20-03 Real Estate - Commercial 534-1911 343-7273 Tracy, Linda & Bud 01-09-06 Photography 893-1909 343-7273 Walker, Dena 11-09-09 Dept. Store Zone Manager 534-1082 570-7745 P = Paul Harris Fellows

RotaRy Club oF oRoville, iNC. P.o. box 6227 oroville, Ca 95966 Website: Where to Make-up locally... tueSDay: Chico........... 12:00 Noon at elks Club Durham ...... 6:00pm at butte Creek Country Club yuba City ... Sutter buttes Sunrise - 7:00am at Hillcrest Catering Plaza Room oroville....... Sunrise - 7:00am at Western Pacific Brewing & Dining Marysville .. 12:00 Noon at Peach tree C. C. WeDNeSDay: yuba City ... 7 aM at Garys Place 130 9th St. Marysville tHuRSDay: Chico........... Morning Club - 6:45am at Canyon oaks Country Club Gridley ........12:15 at Gridley Community Center 1561 Hazel Street Paradise...... 12:00 Noon at elks Club Marysville .. yuba-Feather River Sunrise Noon at Hillcrest Catering Plaza Room 210 Julie Dr., yuba City DiReCtoRS: Club Service....................Saeed Saleh Community Service........Eric Almquist vocational Service ..........Mike Spanfelner youth Service ..................Amy Jernigan Public Relations..............Lisa DeLaby Service Projects ..............Dustin Ford international Service .....Lorinda Spencer

The Four-Way Test

of the things we think, say or do.

1. is it the tRutH? 2. is it FaiR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GooDWill and betteR FRieNDSHiPS? 4. Will it be beNeFiCial to all concerned?

* Denotes Past Presidents

+ = Paul Harris Sustaining Members

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