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The blasphemy of the word of God and the end of all things is the beginning of nothingness

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yahuah do all these things.


The abomination in heaven and hell was so great that it affected the earth with rebellious
angels and demons populating and polluting the world of men with abominable and forbidden

God formed an alliance with his demon son Satan (Heylel) to purge the world from evil without
man's knowledge of Armageddon.

Now, the balance of creation and fate of the mortal realm rest on the shoulders of an
unforgivable sin formed six thousand years between an angel and a hybrid demon (a half
demon, half human) who produced the unthinkable that would save humanity from the wrath
of the rulers.

This is the story of PATRINITY the TRINITY

Chapter One
Man of God

In the year 1645 A.D in Rome (Roman Catholic Church) in the holy see residence of vatican
where exorcism takes places by some group of popes on a possessed young girl. The exorcism
was tough as it took ten priest to relief the victim of evil spirits called legions.

The victim was tied to the ground on a pentagram symbol having inscriptions on it and on her
forehead with candles been lit. Father Samson held an incense with holy water, Father Damian
held the cross being the leader of the exorcism he also wore a rosary, Father Jude prayed with
his chaplet continuously, Father Marcus held on to the holy book to read aloud the words for
exorcism, Father Paul held an extra holy water and sprinkled some on the possessed girl as the
rest of the Fathers prayed along.

They all recited in order foreign tongues and languages, calling on Mother Mary for intercession
as the possessed victim screamed out loud who's voice sounded like that of a thunderous
tempest. She began to tear the place apart, using her abilities on the priests, tossing few aside
like a ragdoll as she spoke with a demonic raging voice to father Damian who struggles to get
back on his feet.

"Oh! Father Damian, has your God forsaken you. Does he not listen to your prayers or is your
God dead, lost and gone like the other Gods", she said while laughing. "How many more will
have to suffer for this child?".

The injured Father Samson got up, seeing the others dead except for Father Damian who was
impaled up by the demon who's eyes were completely black as they gazed wide eye at father
Damian. For the possessed victim had taken a horrific look, veins all over her neck as if it were
about to pop out, veins undereye, having razor shape like teeth as she had broken from her

Father Damian bled out from his mouth while pouring holy water on the child which had no
effect as she laughed, he coughed out blood severely as he recite from the holy book when
father Samson picked up the holy book to read aloud which almost drove her to madness that
made the entire place crumble as she used her tentacles to pierce father Samson tremendously
as Father Damian placed a rosary on her forehead which burnt like fire, the demon used the
child to snap father Damian's neck before freeing the host as she fell to the ground weak.

The great church of Rome reinforced few minutes later only to see the Popes are all dead
except for the weak child who's unconscious. One of the manservant stepped on a piece of
note written in blood by Father Damian as a warning message to all churches and church of
Rome. A very disturbing message that should be taken seriously with caution.
"My God!", said the manservant.

In the recent time, in the year 2023, there lived a man of God who's name is Isaiah, he's a
preacher who also works as a reporter in a successful company. Isaiah is an assistant pastor and
a preacher in his church of ministry foundation. One day at work Isaiah and his colleagues got
into a big argument about the word of God, what is God?, Who's God?, What's his true
identity? Does he exist? And why isn't God doing anything about the global disaster due to
what's happening in the world, the catastrophe in the world, the bad weather reports
happening globally, random death counts in very part of the country. Terrorist, suicide
bombers, it's all hell break loose; like the end is near. One of them which he claimed to be a
retired pastor challenged Isaiah on the word of God been altered. He made a statement which
shocked Isaiah that the God whom christians worship is an evil jealous malevolent god called
Yaldabaoth and that the Muslims and every other religion worships the same God with
different names.

He told Isaiah that the God whom they worship in different names goes by many names such as
Allah by Islamic religion, Krishna by Hinduism, Zeus by the Greeks , Buddha in Buddhism and
Christianity which is the most leading of all these religion that began the foundation of lies
which led almost all religions to follow except for the Gnostics, the christians changed God's
name to Jehovah, Lord which are pagan names, even the God they call him is a pagan name.

Yahusha was never Jesus Christ. Names cannot be translated, personal names remain the same
in every language. Yeshua was a pagan name from Aramaic and less than six hundred (600)
years, Jesus Christ was a pagan name from Greek. All pagan names are Yahweh, Jehovah,
yahawashi, yeshua, Jesus and yaohshai are not Hebrew names. Take for instance. "I'm a south
African" you don't have to learn my language to pronounce my name. There's no letter
E/F/J/I/O/V/W in ABRYM "Hebrew". Lord and God are Pagan titles. He said to Isaiah that if God
was God he'd protect his creation rather than to destroy it like the prophecy in the bible about

"But all for this I do not give a fuck about any of this bullshits", He said to Isaiah in the presence
of their colleagues.

"God's word cannot be belittled and he cannot be mocked", Isaiah replied. "You better give
your life to Christ and be saved before it's too late".

He laughed at Isaiah and said to him, "what good will come out of it for me to give my life to the
one who ruined it in perfect harmony at first, let's forget about this word of God nonsense and
enjoy the moments of our days. Pastor". Everyone went about their business with Isaiah
wondering with his own thoughts, the words spoken by his colleague brought great disturbance
in his heart. Could it be there's a lot I don't know about the word of God. He said to himself, I
must keep a strong faith of belief, this might be the tricks of the devil to divert my attention
from God.

At about 9 PM they retired from work to their place of residence, after few pleasantries to one
another, some drove off with their flashy cars, some took a taxi as pastor Isaiah walked home
on foot.

He got to his home, pulled off his jacket, loosened his tie and went straight to the direction of
master bedroom where it looked like something or someone is kept hidden. He turned on the
light only to see his wife still on the same spot as he had left her for work. Isaiah took a deep
breath of exhaustion of burden, he came close to his wife laying in bed with an IV treatment. He
touched his wife who was not making any positive sign of response to her treatment.

"Dear God!", Isaiah said with tears rolling down from his eyes. "You said in your word that
affliction will never rise a second time, father prove your word to me and heal my wife".

After a short while of fervent prayer, he laid to rest close to his wife and about 11:45pm the
atmosphere changed like it was about to rain cat and dog, bright flash of light shone around for
about ten seconds before the thunderstorm came in, lightning stroke randomly before a
massive lightning bolt came crashing down at the front yard of Isaiah, the lightning took out the
entire power in the city for about thirty minutes of total darkness.

Isaiah came to put on his generator set, only to find a strange like human figure emerging from
a thick fog, when spotting who it was, it was a female presence stark naked, and looking upon
her, her face shine bright light, having two mighty wings like that of an eagle, possessing
different colors, she had black wing on the right side and white wing on the left side. Her
presence alone subdued Isaiah as he fell flat to the ground to give praise and adoration to her.
She revealed herself to be Trinity to Isaiah as she told him to "arise".

"Are you an angel?", Isaiah asked? "Who're you?"

"I'm", Trinity replied.

Then Isaiah said to Trinity; "I'm unworthy to call you by your holy name, I'm not righteous
enough to stand in your presence, my faith waver like the sea and my wife still lies sick on the
bed. Surely, there must be a name that I can call you to redeem my faith"

"PATRINITY", Trinity replied.

Then, Isaiah welcomed her into his home and gave her some of his wife's clothes to put on. He
treated her with kind gesture not having the thought of disturbance of his wife's condition,
"this must be an angel of the lord who has come to answer my prayers", Isaiah said to himself.
After all said and done, she demanded to see Isaiah's wife as he took her to where she's laid,
she looked upon her and took pity on her by making her whole again which made Isaiah rejoice
to praise God.

This made Patrinity laugh mockingly and asked him what he just did. Isaiah told her that she
was God sent to heal his wife and make his home whole again. Giving Isaiah an awkward look,
he finally came to his senses and asked her who she truly was.

"She needs to rest", said Patrinity. As the walked to the living room.

"Aren't you an angel of the Lord?", Isaiah asked again.

"What God do you serve?", Patrinity asked.

"The living God of course, the creator of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, that's the God whom I serve".

"Then no, I'm not an angel of that God in whom you serve, nor am I a demon from the depths
of hades".

"Then why are you here", Isaiah asked curiously.

"To kill the Gods", Patrinity replied.

"But there's only one God, and his name is Jehovah, king of kings, Lord of Lords, the mighty one
in battle", Isaiah said. "You sound just like my colleagues at work".

"I do not know who this colleagues of yours are but they made a lot more sense than you do",
said Patrinity.

"Then how can you kill God?", Isaiah asked. "Or the gods you so claim to do".

"There's a lot you don't know... Heaven isn't going to assist the human race anymore, heaven is
against it".

"What do you mean by heaven is against the human race?", Isaiah asked. As Patrinity began to
explain in more details.

"And as for your question, I'm going to kill the Gods with the sword of the spirit", Patrinity
replied. "Cause I need to start from somewhere. The sword is here on earth alongside with the
demons and angels that are scourging this world to errors of nothingness".

After their discussion which ended at 3am sharp. Isaiah offered Patrinity a place in the guest
room where she would lay to rest to continue her search tomorrow.
"Goodnight", they both said with Isaiah switching off the light on his way out.

The next day, Isaiah's wife is fully recovered and making breakfast for her husband and their
guest, he got up to see his wife and smiled at her as they both kissed.

"How're you feeling my love", Isaiah asked.

"Wonderful my dear, it's miracle", She replied with a smile.

"You didn't go to work today", She asked

"Taking the day off just to be with you, I called the company", Isaiah responded. "Isn't she up
yet! I think I'll go check on our guest", He said. Kissing his wife again as he left to check on

He got to the guest room were she was and knocked but no answer, thinking she had left, Isaiah
let himself in, only to see Patrinity stark naked as he shyly looked away before spotting some
tattoos on her back similar to her wings shape. Patrinity wasn't shy about her nakedness or that
Isaiah saw her being naked.

"What brings you here", Patrinity asked. As she then tells Isaiah to be free and behold her
nakedness. He beheld her for one could describe the astonishing beauty of PATRINITY. It is
made TRINITY. Endowed with the perfect human body whose beauty exceeds that of snow
white; fair and beautiful. And the hair of her head like pure wool. Her eyes were like the
sparkling fountain of youth, attractive and seductive to bring any mortal man to their knees.
Her skin smoother than the clouds of heaven for neither was there any blemish on her, for one
could see their reflection in her. Her lips are charming and very pleasant to the eyes, with each
lip lining are perfectly evenly matched and we'll structured with an adorable smile that are
comforting to the soul. Her teeth are as white as snow made without flaws. Her breasts
undoubtably glorious and equally well structured in great proportion to one another. Perfectly
curved body lines from the waist to the buttocks (of equally great proportion) in a sexily
attractive manner. She possessed the most beautiful straight legs than any perfect human

Isaiah said to her that it is sinful to look at naked ladies for it is against his religion and faith and
a sin against God.

"The sin of the flesh", said Patrinity. "What is sin?, There's no sin unless you give in to it". She
said while putting on her clothes as they both joined his wife at the dinning table.

Isaiah introduced his wife to Patrinity as she thanked her for what she had done for her.
Becca said to her that she was God sent into their home and that she's most welcome to live
with them till her heart's desire.

Chapter Two

The sons of God part 1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And if he
called them Gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; but
in this beginning the Word wasn't with God, God was against the world for it drove God to
madness that he waged war upon the Aeons. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Heylel
(Lucifer), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the
nations! If God be loving why was his son Sabaoth snatched from the seventh heaven of chaos?,
Why did jealousy came into being from God?, If God always kept to his word he wouldn't have
repented from them; truly this makes God a liar and the father of it all. Truly if there were no
other Gods to whom will he be jealous of, or does he classify them as man made gods as
references to his fallen angels or does these Gods have what it takes to scorn the power of
God?, If so why haven't they stop God?, Why haven't they revealed themselves to us?, Or is it
their will to make God think it's his will?, Or does God know the will of the Gods and that he has
little time before he runs out. If God is God and the Gods created God whom created humanity
to rule and do according to his will, then truly I must confess to you that these so-called Gods
and God reason less of a GOD and more less of an average human than a God should.

"Honey!", said Becca. "We're out of milk. Do you mind please sweetie"

"Alright my love", replied Isaiah. As Patrinity insisted on coming with Isaiah just in case of any
clues or something as he agreed to her.

They drove to the mall for shopping and while in aisle six some stranger was staring at Isaiah
and patrinity who also noticed the stranger staring at them. Why moving to another aisle the
stranger secretly follow them as they seem to be more than one spy on them. Patrinity noticed
something was wrong as she could feel danger coming, she immediately saw a vision of Isaiah's
wife in danger.

"We need to leave now", said Patrinity.

"What's wrong?", Isaiah asked.

"They're here", replied Patrinity.

"Who's here", Isaiah asked as the entire mall aisle began to crumble. The shelves began falling
like dominoes. As they quickly got out of it, entered the car and drove off immediately.

Meanwhile, in Isaiah's home, some group of strange men came knocking at the door when
Becca answered and on the other hand, Isaiah tried calling his wife after Patrinity had explained
somethings to him.

On getting home, they found the apartment completely destroyed and set on fire, Isaiah quickly
rushed out of his car into the burning building and came out with his wife's body.

He cried to God for help and prayed for God to resort his wife. After much attempt of prayers
without response he begged Patrinity for intercession to heal his wife. She could do nothing
even at that point of death Becca died with her last words to Isaiah saying. "Have faith".

"There's nothing I can do for her Isaiah", said Patrinity. "Even if I could, they'll come for her
again and again. My being here has caused nothing but trouble but, there's a way you can save
her, if that's what you want".

Upon hearing a way out, Isaiah without hesitation asked how he could resurrect his wife when
Patrinity told him the solution.

"In order for you to be with her again, you need the eternal fruit", said Patrinity.

"Eternal fruit", Isaiah whispered. "What does it mean and where can it be found", he asked.

"In the garden of Eden", replied Patrinity.

"Then, take me with you", Isaiah pleaded for him to come along with Patrinity on her quest to
kill God.

As she then questioned Isaiah about his faith, hope and believe in his God. "Isn't that a sin
against your maker", said Patrinity.

"There's no sin, unless you give in to it", Isaiah replied. And which such reply, Patrinity smiled as
he's ready, she poured her grace upon his deceased wife as her body transcended beyond the
spiritual realm. She then poured some of her divine spirit of light upon Isaiah for their quest to
be successful.

"Where do we go from here", asked Isaiah.

"To get the sword of the spirit", Patrinity replied.

They began their journey and search for the sword of the spirit and along the way, Isaiah asked
Patrinity for enlightenment about the world of wonders which he got answers to all his

“Sophia sent her daughter Zoe, who is called Eva, as an Instructoress to awaken Adam in whom
there was no soul,” so that his offspring would become “vessels of the light.” said Patrinity.
"Eve saw her co-likeness lying there, and she took pity on him". She said, “Given him life as he
rose and opened his eyes. When he saw Eve, he called her the mother of the living because she
was the one who gave him life.”

"But that's not how Genesis puts it, despite it had some contradictions to it", said Isaiah.

"It was Genesis who contradicted the word", replied Patrinity. "As the father was a coward so is
the holy spirit. They'd nothing to prevent it, just as they've always done nothing but for their
selfish reasons like the coronation of the Gods".

"What is the coronation of the Gods?", Isaiah asked. As Patrinity explaned.

Every six thousand years, the all father known as self begotten by the aeons, whom is called by
many as the God of light, called by few as the ALL or unbegotten heavenly father. He would
host a tournament of Gods to perform as the case maybe, prove themselves worthy to become
the next God to take his place. Something that no so called religion will ever reveal to you. The
truth is; this tournament was held by the father, the son and the mother whom the world know
as the holy spirit/ holy ghost but her true name is RUACH HA'QODESH.

"And who's the son?", Isaiah asked.

"Yahusha", replied Patrinity. "But most humanity had come to acknowledge him as yeshuah or
Jesus Christ".

You see, Yeshuah or Jesus Christ isn't as what you think, he's a pervert just like is dump
followers on earth. He had a son until he lost him to the depths of hades. Everything you know
about ancient religion till date are all lies, and why some may partially reveal the truth doesn't
actually make them any different from liars.

The God whom most people of the world serve never had a fun childhood like most earthlings
did. He wasn't cared for by his father or mother just for the way he looked, except for one who
had compassion and agape love for him. The one known as Lilith.

"Lilith", said Isaiah. "Wasn't she the first wife of Adam before Eve in the bible. Cause some
scholars claim there were actually two creations and some argued that it was one, being that
the creation they thought to be two was the creation of the soul and spirit".
"Creation of the soul and spirit", said Patrinity who burst into laughter and said.

First, Lilith was never whom you thought she was, she was a sentient aeons just like every other
aeons. Secondly the souls or spirit you claimed to be created by God "air quote" wasn't created
by God. The spirit and soul are one but used interchangeably. They're divine manifestation of
every aeons trapped by Yahusha's son, he took upon himself to be called God. Just as ignorant
and boastful like his grandfather and father who has always been, seeing the evil he has
brought upon his creation they decided not to do anything but rather proclaim and send forth
their son to liberate humanity "air quote". And how's that working out for humans, for all it
brought was more hate and great pain against one another all for the sake of "my word will
never return on to me void". For if heaven was once chaotic and led to war without any
intervention or avoidance of it in the first place, how then will they be able to save humanity for
the sake of so-called repentance, faith and judgement.

After hearing these words, Isaiah marvelled at her sayings, he easily comprehended all that had
been said by Patrinity. Then, they stopped at a junction facing directly at a street club bar in the
middle of the night.

"Stay close to me no matter what happens", said Patrinity to Isaiah. "This place are filled with
rebellious wicked demons and angels who would stop at nothing to haunt down their prey".

They got into the bar, filled with demons and angels in disguise as the music stop for their sake
when the bar sign turned club 666.

All stared at them as the demons eyes all glowed red, smoke came out of some with razor sharp
teeth. Looking at the surrounding, Isaiah spotted his wife Becca.

"Becca is that you", said Isaiah in happiness. Trying to reach out to her when Patrinity grabbed
him by the hand, avoiding an incoming danger from a wicked demon known as Belphegor who
had disguised himself to look like Isaiah's wife was about to devour him. Patrinity held on to
Belphegor's mouth and consumed him with fire without a trace of his remnant. This of course
enraged the rebellious demons and angels to attack as well. The second was Apollyon to die by
her hand with his head being chopped off, the third was Samyaza, being ripped apart with ease,
the fourth Akibeel who was frozen and shattered to nothingness, the fifth Urakabarameel, who
wanted to harm Isaiah was pushed back by unfathomable force from him as he got his neck
snapped like an animal, the sixth was Ramuel who had her entire body shredded into pieces like
a meat, the seventh Danel and eighth Azkeel and angel and demon who both prepared a
powerful spell that were consumed by it, the ninth Tamiel had his heart ripped out from him,
the tenth Saraknyal consumed from the inside out, the eleventh Armers had her breasts ripped
out from her, her eyes plucked out and beheaded, the twelveth Batraal was miniaturized and
squashed like a bug, the thirteenth Anane had her entire organs stripped off from her and died,
the fourteenth Yomyael had her windpipe removed from her and died, the fifteenth was
Zavebe who had his wings torn apart alongside his entire body, the sixteenth was Asael who got
blown apart, the seventeenth was Samsaveel who got sliced in half with a bare hand, the
eighteenth was Arazyal who got run over by Patrinity, the nineteenth was Turel who had both
arms and legs ripped off and head blown to smithereens and the twenty was Ertael who begged
for his life but eventually got his head squashed against a pole.

The entire club bar was very messy and bloody not a single demon escaped the wroth of
Patrinity. Patrinity and Isaiah entered a tunnel that led to a secret passage under the club bar.
There they saw a red door in front of them with the number 666 written on it.

"Hopefully this is where we get answers to our quest", said Patrinity who blasted the doors with
flames. It destroyed most of the rebellious angels and demons waiting to strike them as soon as
they entered the room.

They walked in and saw the burnt ashes of Setaouël, Shamshiel, Agrebakk, Sahriel, and Azriel.

"What have you done?", asked Uriel.

"It's good to see you too. Uriel", replied Patrinity.

Uriel wasn't frightened at all as she seemed confidence in herself.

"Why are you here Trinity", asked Uriel. "You came into my club unannounced. Brutally
murdered the heavenly host. What for cause I ask?".

"Vengeance", Patrinity replied as Uriel laughed and said. "Haven't you heard?", said Uriel. "The
ALL FATHER is gone. Things have changed in heaven and on earth and whatever your reasons
maybe, it doesn't concern us".

"Perhaps your death will concern you", replied Patrinity.

Uriel scoffed as she saw right through Isaiah and the loss of his wife.

"How'd you know?", asked Isaiah.

"Angels have the abilities to see through humans likewise demons", replied Patrinity.

"Where you involved in it", asked Patrinity to Uriel as she stood up confidently in her white suit
and said "My presence on earth has been nothing but peace and tranquility. Perhaps you
should ask the other rebellious demons".

"You're all rebellious", replied Patrinity.

"If I was, I'd order my comrades to kill you", said Uriel. "Yet again I'm not what you think I'm".

"Did you know that after the war in the sixth heaven, Adoil mixed with Epinoia had caused the
destruction of the aeons", said Uriel. "Not only did that happen but divinity became corrupted
as archons took control of the ALL".

Uriel came close to Isaiah and apologized for the death of his wife which she had no hand in it,
she'd offer to assist Trinity on her quest whatsoever way she can.

"If you need anything. Anything at all, just ask", said Uriel. "You're like a sister to me, ever since
you were casted out of heaven and hell, your presence brought great disturbance to all and
now you're on earth living with a human has brought a bounty on your head just like the

"The sword, where can I find it?", asked Patrinity.

Uriel was shocked to her questions as she realized what it meant.

"You want to end all things", said Uriel. "You want to kill the GODS".

Uriel inhaled deeply and exhaled and said. "The sword hasn't been seen after the war was over
but I suspect it came to earth with the fallen gods".

Uriel gave them hints on where to begin their search and a piece of advice giving to Patrinity
about Michael and Gabriel not to be trusted.

They left the club as Uriel ordering his comrades to clean up the messy Patrinity made, she
entered into a dark room with only candle light radiating as she knelt down when a pillar of fire
emerged in the form of a face.

"Lord Sabbataios of the seventh", said Uriel. "Master of understanding let your will be done".

"It is time", said Sabbataios.

Chapter Three

The sons of God part 2

Eons ago before the creation of the universe, before the existence of humans before darkness
ever existed what lies beyond the fabric of reality is untold mystery. Perhaps, this side of the
story was never revealed to us, perhaps it was a blasphemy against our beliefs. To answer the
unanswerable question of the century, the answers that lies beyond and within the universe.
What was our creators like?, What were they doing before the humanity coexist?, We're
humans once like them who they've long forgotten whom they were?,. Well, I'll tell you it all
started during the coronation of the GODS between the time of the aeons eons ago.

"Alright everyone. Gods and Goddesses", said the heavenly presenter. "I'm your host for the
tournament of power and the champion of the gods hosted right here in this very arena of the

"Today, a new God will be coronated to rule over the universe by the supreme ruler and father
of ALL. Self begotten, self made, one and only.... Give it up for the unbegotten heavenly father
of perfect light himself".

All Gods stood up to acknowledge and cheer for the unbegotten heavenly father known as the
ALL father, perfect one, father of light and many more. He was nameless and therefore given a
name by the Gods to proclaim his Majesty. Heavenly father shone his perfect light around being
the guest of honor, the heavenly presenter also introduced another known as the "SON".

"And last but not the least. The mother of all mothers, the holiest of all holiest. The mother of
the living", said the heavenly presenter. "Give it up for a warm welcome for RUACH

As all the aeons all stood up in reverence to the Holy spirit. Her perfect light was shone around
and when the three are all seated as one accord, all gods sat as well, for with them were the
trinity, God the father, Son and the holy ghost.

The presenter went on to announce the contestants for the tournament, introducing them as
they came out.

"Yaldabaoth", said the presenter. "son of the Son and Sophia". Yaldabaoth burst out from the
entrance revealing his true form as a mighty serpent with the head of a lion whose eyes flashed
with great lightning and thunder. He roared and spat out fire into the atmosphere while
consuming himself with it like a Phoenix and transforming anew taking the form of a handsome
human prince of valor.

"The son of Sophia knows how to make an entrance", said a random god in the auditorium.

"His pride goes before a fall", said another random god in the auditorium. "good thing the holy
spirit came to his rescue during his birth, if not his mother would've abandoned him".
"Sabaoth", said the presenter. "Son of Yaldabaoth and grandson of the Son and Sophia". He
came out with his true form in form of a humanoid lion, possession of extra two forms: A
dragon face and a single headed snake. He was greatly loved and acknowledged more than his
father Yaldabaoth. The heavenly presenter kept on introducing the rest of the contestants.

Meanwhile, The son was been admired by some Goddesses after having a brief discussion with
Sophia, he flirts with other goddessess. The holy spirit noticed her son flirting with other
goddesses and said.

"Let your heart be at the right place my child", said Ruach Ha'Qodesh. "Remember you're
engaged to Sophia your love".

He nonchalantly ignored the words of his mother, despite her asking the unbegotten heavenly
father to intervene of which he stylishly adhere to as his total concentration was on the
tournament. The Son loved the names given to him by the most Goddesses. Some would call
him the Messiah, the king, Yeshua, yahawashi, yaohshai, others will call him Jesus or the Christ
or Hamashiach but his true name is YAHUSHA.

And while the tournament was going on a goddess named Asherah gave signal to Yahusha, and
he followed her to a secret place where they made out passionately. They had sex at the back
of the arena while the competition was going on.

After the first round of the tournament Yaldabaoth and his son Sabaoth had a brief discussion
while existing the arena. He was very proud of his son and would want the best for him, after
their discussion Sabaoth went his way whereas Yaldabaoth stumbled upon his father Yahusha
making out with another goddess/aeon who constantly calls him Jesus while having sex. Jesus
caught red handed by his son Yaldabaoth felt no remorse, he tapped him on the shoulder and
said. "You'd good out there but not better". The goddess had no shame at all as she left.

Yaldabaoth came to his mother Sophia and told her all what he saw father doing. But Sophia
had no order choice for that which haunts her till exist, feeling remorse about her past that will
later come to tournament the future generations known as the holy unshakable generations.

Sophia took Yaldabaoth hands and stared deeply into his eyes and told him never to quit, to
give up hope, to have faith and stand true to his words and that someday, the light will shine on

Yaldabaoth never understood the words of his mother for he thought she was going crazy, but
what awaits the Gods is something not even the holy spirit could prevent for it is inevitable and
so it came for ALL.
Just while they were outside of an hotel premises they had loud moan coming from the widow
that was so erotic it made the inside glow bright. Their talk was dirty and full of nasty saying
that are unpleasant to the ears.

"Why are we in an hotel?", Isaiah asked. "Aren't we supposed to be seeking for the sword of
the spirit". Patrinity smiled at him and said. "You'll see".

They waited patiently in a waiting room for someone to come out just like the others who came
for something different, most especially men of great caliber of various kinds, young and old
and when they finally came out only to have her with three other men out with her, she
spotted them and realized who they were and discharged all at once. Most of them mumbled
on their way out for not receiving what they came for. With cigarette on her right hand while
standing at the edge of the door, posed sexually attractive as a left bra handle gently slides
down her arm revealing partially her boobs.

"Get over here", she said. While hugging Patrinity warmly. "I've missed you so much".

She invited them in, kind of a bit messy apartment though as she flung a condom containing
semen out of the window. She looked at Patrinity with a lovely smile and also stared at Isaiah
and saw that he had lost his wife.

"I'm so sorry about Becca", She said. "Wherever she is, she'll do just fine".

"How'd you... Are you also an angel?", asked Isaiah. With Patrinity informing him that she was
the reason why they were here and introducing her to be RUACH HA'QODESH. Isaiah was
surprised and before he could finish his thoughts the holy spirit said it out for him.

"Not expecting much sweetheart", said the holy spirit. "Things aren't the same as it used to".

"But you're the holy spirit. You're supposed to be holy and not to be defiled", said Isaiah.
"You're supposed to be the holiest of all holiest".

"Just as you came down upon mother Mary to bring forth the Messiah called Jesus", said Isaiah.

The holy spirit had to stop him for a bit when she heard the name Jesus and started to inform
him about the error made. She told him that his birth name wasn't Jesus as she was surprised
to how that name Jesus and possibly Yeshua followed him down to earth during his day on
earth to awaken the chosen and liberate humanity. Ruach Ha'Qodesh also told Isaiah she had
nothing to do with her possessing Mary to bring forth her son YAHUSHA known as Jesus to the

The holy spirit laughed. And sarcastically said to Isaiah "am I not here present with you?" She
also made mentioned to the errors made when she read the bible and was ashamed to see the
errors in it despite the fact that Asherah also came down to earth on her behalf to spread the
truth concerning the coming of her grandchild Yaldabaoth and his archons. Isaiah made
references to the scriptures about the Ruach Ha'Qodesh being prophesied to fulfilled upon
Mary to bore Jesus Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 1:21, Matthew 1:25, Luke 131, Luke
2:21. The holy spirit looked disgusted about to verses and said to Isaiah they're all wrong
despite the verse about Isaiah being an evil servant of her grandson and that Matthew was
misinterpreted same as Luke being a deception of her grandson's follower. For she had no hand
in Mary's pregnancy for that her son didn't come through a mortal flesh but divine purifying
himself to be the perfect human.

"Haven't you told him?", asked Ruach Ha'qodesh.

"Not all...", replied Patrinity.

"We're all holy spirit sweetheart. It never existed and me being called that was because of my
personality... You don't expect us to be God the father, son and the holy spirit which is also the
mother", said RUACH HA'QODESH. "Everytime religion ask for the holy spirit I was like... Why do
you people keep on asking for the same thing almost every single day of your life which you
already are, cause you possessed it, it's you and I and every other GODS".

"We're called RUACH by the way", said the holy spirit. "It's all of us and nothing special about it.
And I don't know why they all suddenly just decided to change our name to the holy
spirit/ghost when we're all souls. Phew! No religion or church can give you what you already
possess cause it is you which is called blasphemy when you deny that which you already are".

"So by denying we're the holy spirit is blasphemy", asked Isaiah. "And by praying for the holy
spirit to come down is what?".

"Yes it is blasphemy", replied Ruach Ha'Qodesh. "The reason why most of the ignorant prayers
are answered was because I and my husband took pity on it to assist humans who are the souls
of divine beings known as Ruach aka the holy spirit; it's what we do to assist the lost souls to
realize that they were and still are divine, cause most religion and humanity pray to my son's
child which is terrible. He doesn't answer prayers he only answers those that are his slaves like
Noah and those of the old testament, proverbs is kind of exceptional because it was a demon in
possession of Solomon who spoke the truth partially in ignorance especially Paul of which I
won't call him a saint with his thirteen book written. Mark, Luke, and Acts are Yaldabaoth's
servent trying to trick humanity thinking he's good. Apocrypha is the worst and don't get me
started on Islamic religion they're on the right part to their own destruction".

"Pleroma has come to realize it mistakes but it is too late to fix all that", said Ruach Ha'Qodesh.
"It doesn't matter which Gods you pray to be it Amen or unbegotten heavenly father my
husband or to Asherah the second wife of son or directly using my son's various names as an
advocate, it all doesn't matter. All good and bad things will surely come to an end".

"Mother it is time", said Patrinity.

The holy ghost felt melancholy hearing this, for she had gotten used to this life and enjoyed
every bit of humanity experience than heaven's will. Heaven was never the same "she said".

"Pleroma, Epinoia, Adoil", said RUACH HA'QODESH with a sad face. "Telmael Telmachael Eli Eli
Machar Machar Seth" she spoke in other tongues.

"who is the great Christ, who is from silence, who is the incorruptible child , the power which
really truly lives, and the male virgin who is with him", asked Patrinity.

"Youel, and Esephech, the holder of glory, the child of the child, and the crown of his glory, and
of the five seals, the pleroma that I mentioned before", replied RUACH Ha'Qodesh.
"Armageddon will befall humanity".

Ruach Ha'Qodesh/The Holy spirit/The Holy ghost revealed in details all that had happened in
the past which linked to Trinity's quest for vengeance.

The holy spirit began narrating the whole event: YAHUSHA my son failed not only as a son, but
as a father and a Messiah to the world. His ego and carelessness brought the end of all things,
he ignored my warnings and signs, he kept on with his promiscuous acts and when the did was
done he paid the price.

Yaldabaoth was rejected for the second time by his mother Sophia in order to gain the love of
her partner, her counterpart called Christ she embrace what YAHUSHA had suggested for she
had no other choice but to put her son aside. Sophia alone took matters into her hands, she
took her son out of paradise and placed a throne far from the immortals that no eyes will ever
see but I alone saw her ignorant deeds. But Yaldabaoth was confronted by another immortal
who took compassion on him and taught him the dark ways of the void.

"This happened before humanity was created", said Patrinity.

"Yes", repleid Ruach Ha'Qodesh.

For what he met was none other than my evil twin Ruach Ha'Qodesh known as the evil spirit for
once upon a time it was as holy as I am till it turned to the dark ways which they created for
themselves. It has the power to replicate itself into two: a male counterpart and a female
counter part and that is where you came from PATRINITY.
For I never understood the will of my twin counterpart until now, what I thought was evil was
eventually good and good had it flaws from perfection. Love is beautiful and also a cruel thing
when not applied with wisdom.

Since Yaldabaoth had founded a place to call home, he and my twin created for themselves a
throne and host of angels called archons, for they both knew the place they once we're and
sought to replicate it to perfection.

They were named after the glory above for the destruction of the powers. While the names
given them by their maker were powerful, the names given them after the glory above would
bring about their destruction and loss of power. That is why they have two names.

If you want to know more about the creation and origin of the world: read the tales of
Mimesthesiah. (It covered most of the explanation in this book). You can also check out my
other books based on religion fantasy: BIMEATHEST, BIMEATHEST vs Armageddon rise of Liah

Now back to the story, Sophia finally reunited with her partner but at a great cost, Sabaoth
went on a quest to finding his father and when he came, he saw anew, and took part in the
creation of another world thus this brought to the origin of humanity. He took divine pieces
from the ALL and with it accomplice of my twin they subdued Pleroma which led to the war in
heaven. It came at a great cost, Zoe who was able to convince Sabaoth of the truth rejected the
work of his father. Zoe died trying to make a better heaven for the GODS.

The holy spirit then looked upon Patrinity one last time and said; "in order for peace and unity
to reign eternally all errors must be rectified. Let the old Gods pass away and only then will
humanity be saved".

She stared at Isaiah and told him she'd hope he find what he desires and to keep a good faith
on his quest, as she transformed into pure divine light, as immense energy emits from her and
all over the room covered in luminous light, she burst into nothingness as the sword fell to the
ground unharmed.

"The sword of the spirit", whispered Isaiah. As Patrinity picked it up, it revealed to her like a
vision, places she needed to be as it also revealed to her the hidden location of the garden of

They both vanished out of the apartment as Patrinity held on to Isaiah's shoulder, they made
their journey to Saudi Arabia and landed in a large city in the Hejaz, the holiest place in Islam,
location of the sacred Ka'ba, and to which Muslims are required to make a hajj at least once in
their lifetime.
Isaiah looked at Patrinity as they both stared at each other and walked further to Hajj

"In the Muslim faith, the pilgrimage to Mecca is known as the Hajj", said Patrinity. "The
pilgrimage to Mecca made by pious Muslims; one of the five pillars of Islam. Their faith is as
pathetic as christians, just like their so called fucking prophet Muhammad who was a pedophile
that worshipped an evil malevolent god called Allah".

"Allah! The God of the Muslims", said Isaiah.

"Yes! But he's mistaken to be a true God rather than a lesser aeon", replied Patrinity who
stared at Isaiah and said. "The true GOD are you and I and all of humanity".

They walked into Mecca and saw a black cube being worshipped by the Muslims in great
thousands of number were gathered all of the islamic religion as they all bowed down in
oneness to Allah.

Patrinity looked above and beyond the cube with her spiritual eyes and could a demon
proclaimed as a god and a representative of Allah. Isaiah could not see what Patrinity saw for
she opened his eyes to see the demon in charge of Mecca and when the demon spotted them
he fled in pursuit of Patrinity and Isaiah. They were able to catch-up with him when Patrinity
unleashed a powerful blast from the sword of the spirit that weakened him and forcing him to
reveal his true form, a demon known as Archendekta.

"Archendekta", said Patrinity. "I wouldn't expect much from you".

Archendekta looks are horrifying, he looked deformed, malnourished possessing the face of a
partial skull, it had sharper fangs and claws that could easily grind bones like cheese, it stood
tall and spread forth it mighty deform wings. It appearance brought great terror to Isaiah.

"I've never seen anything like it, what is this demon", asked Isaiah. "It looks are disturbing".

"The one who governs perceptions: Archendekta", replied Patrinity. "No wonder you were able
to convince these scumbags to worship you, most especially their prophet".

Archendekta stood upright and laughed and then said. "It was all part of God's plan. He was
please with my work. The difficult part was always the easiest for me".

"Don't you love what I've done with their faith. I've transformed their faith into fate", said
Archendekta mockingly. "Made them hate one another and brought confusion amongst them
against Christianity. I snared their heart with hot iron. They only love me as Allah".

"And yet it you who do not receive all the admiration", replied Patrinity.
Upon hearing this Archendekta groaned and charged furiously at Patrinity who was able to cut
off his left arm with the sword as it regenerated his arm. He noticed the sword with Patrinity
and wondered how she got hold of it.

"Needless to say, RUACH HA'QODESH willingly obliged", Patrinity replied to Archendekta's

thoughts. He was surprised to know she was able to read his thoughts. He noticed Isaiah and
tried to manipulate him but failed to do so since he carried the grace of Patrinity with him.

"This is bigger than I expected", Archendekta said to himself. "I need to act fast and come up
with a contingency plan before she kills me with that sword". As his protection spell could
hardly protect him from the immense powerful force from the sword of the spirit.

Archendekta the summoned other demons to his aid. The one who governs reception:
Deitharbathas The one who governs imagination: Oummaa The one who governs integration:
Aachiaram The one who governs impulse: Riaramnacho. They all came in a flash of lightning,
invisible forces made visible that even Isaiah could see those so called horrifying demons. They
noticed the sword of the spirit with Patrinity as they all gathered themselves together in one
accord and conjured a powerful spell with all their might unleashed upon Patrinity who
deflected their attacks with ease. Their powers were put to scorn by Patrinity as she brutally
murdered them all except for Oummaa who stood and monitored the battle. There was no
doubt he knew he would lose so he came furiously at them when Patrinity threw the sword
against him which he averted thus, using their imaginations against them. He made Isaiah to
see his wife again and lived peacefully with her and made to see she had a place in heaven
where all was Peaceful. As Patrinity shed tears while smiling it baffled Oummaa for it seems like
his spells are fading from Patrinity and not realizing the sword was returning to kill him from
behind which broke his spell on Isaiah.

Before the death of Oummaa he summoned more ferocious four demons which in return stood
by them was their matter the mother of the four demons. They are fourfold sources of the
bodily demons: hot, cold, dry, wet. Matter is the mother of them all. Ruler of hot: Phloxopha,
Ruler of cold: Oroorrothos, Ruler of dry: Erimacho, Ruler of wet: Athuro. Their mother stands
among them: Onorthochrasaei She is unlimited She mixes with all of them. She is matter and
they are nourished by her. They came together mixing with their element which transformed
nature and its atmosphere and the world became dark and slippery.

Isaiah felt something strange within him, his body temperature became unstable.
Onorthochrasaei roared furiously and within her she became an heavenly host of chaos, matter
is the fundament of the universe. Patrinity illuminated her light to keep Isaiah stable least he
dies from the fourfold sources of bodily demons. She alone went to battle with matter whom
threw all her might into battle.
With the sword of the spirit it lit her way to victory. Onorthochrasaei unleashed sulfur and
brimstone with acidic rain upon her which she eventually avarted in no time. Lightning struck
randomly as they battle intensively and with a clear opening lies the center heart of matter, she
threw the sword in which exploded Onorthochrasaei to nothingness, reverting the atmosphere
back to its normal state. After the battle was over Isaiah was relieved and as they headed back
to Mecca Patrinity destroyed the black cube with the sword of the spirit mixed with lightning. It
broke into pieces and freed the Muslims from the deceit of Archendekta. None knew what they
had been serving as the spells were broken, everyone went their way.

Chapter Four

The sons of God part 3

"Where do we start looking for this garden of Eden?", asked Isaiah.

"When all is complete", replied Patrinity. "The garden of Eden isn't a problem to locate but by
going there now will be of great danger for you. Things that you need to know in other to
escape the wroth of God".
"What we really happened in the garden of Eden?", asked Isaiah "I'll love to know the other
side of the story of creation aside from the one Moses described in Genesis".


At that time the chief creator then expressed his opinion about humankind to those who were
with him. Then each of them cast his seed into the midst of the navel of the earth. Since that
day, the seven rulers have formed humankind with his body like their body, but his likeness is
like the human who appeared to them. His fashioned body came into being one part at a time,
and their chief created the brain and nervous system. Afterward the person appeared like the
one before him. He became a person with soul, and he was called Adam, that is, father, after
the name of the one who was before him.

Now, after Adam was made, he left him as a lifeless vessel, since he had taken form like an
aborted fetus, with no spirit in him. Regarding this, when the chief ruler remembered the word
of Pistis, he was afraid that the true human might come into his fashioned body and rule over it.
Because of this, he left this fashioned body forty days without soul. And he withdrew and left

But on the fortieth day Sophia Zoe sent her breath into Adam, who was without soul. He began
to move upon the earth, but he could not stand up. Now, when the seven rulers came and saw
him, they were very much disturbed. They walked up to him and seized him, and the chief ruler
said to the breath within him, “Who are you? And from where have you come here?” It
answered and said, “I came through the power of the human for the destruction of your work.”
When they heard, they glorified him because he gave them rest from their fear and concern.
Then they called that day the day of rest, because they rested themselves from their troubles.
And when they saw that Adam could not stand up, they rejoiced. They took him and left him in
paradise and withdrew up to their heavens.


After the day of rest, Sophia sent Zoe, her daughter, who is called Eve, as an instructor to raise
up Adam, in whom there was no soul, so that those whom he would produce might become
vessels of the light. When Eve saw her male partner cast down, she pitied him, and she said,
“Adam, live! Rise up on the earth!” Immediately her word became an accomplished deed. For
when Adam rose up, immediately he opened his eyes. When he saw her, he said, “You will be
called the mother of the living, because you are the one who gave me life.”

Then the authorities were informed that their fashioned body was alive, and had risen, and
they were very much disturbed. They sent seven archangels to see what had happened. They
came to Adam, and when they saw Eve speaking with him, they said to one another, “What is
this enlightened woman? For truly she resembles the likeness that appeared to us in the light.
Now come, let us seize her and cast our seed into her, so that when she is polluted she will not
be able to ascend to her light, but those whom she bears will serve us. But let us not tell Adam,
because he is not from us. Rather, let us bring a stupor upon him, and suggest to him in his
sleep that she came into being from his rib, so that the woman may serve and he may rule over

Then Eve, since she existed as a power, laughed at their false intention. She darkened their eyes
and secretly left her likeness there with Adam. She entered the tree of knowledge and
remained there. They pursued her, and she revealed to them that she had entered the tree and
had become the tree. And when the blind ones fell into a great fear, they ran away.

Afterward, when they sobered up from the stupor, they came to Adam. And when they saw the
likeness of that woman with him, they were troubled, thinking that this was the true Eve. And
they acted recklessly, and came to her and seized her and cast their seed upon her. They did it
deceitfully, defiling her not only naturally but also abominably, first defiling the seal of her
voice, which had spoken with them, saying, “What is it that exists before you?” They meant to
defile those who might say at the consummation of the age that they had been born of a true
human by means of the word. And they were deceived, not knowing that they had defiled their
own body. It was the likeness that the authorities and their angels defiled in every way.

Alright. Let's see this way shall we, preacher. He proclaiming his jealousy, this god proved that
another Power did in fact exist, “for if there were no other one, of whom would he be jealous?”
said Patrinity.

"Every other gods", Isaiah replied.

Patrinity looked at him in an awkward way seeing that his confused about his religion and the
God he served, she told him that he had answered his question stating that he confirmed she
was right when Isaiah objected and made a reference to idols. And then Patrinity laughed.


When Sabaoth, the son of Yaldabaoth, heard the voice of Pistis, he worshiped her. He
condemned his father and mother on account of the word of Pistis. He glorified her because
she informed them of an immortal human and the light of the human. Then Pistis Sophia
stretched forth her finger and poured upon him light from her light for a condemnation of his
father. When Sabaoth received light, he received great authority against all of the powers of
chaos. Since that day he has been called “the lord of the powers.” He hated his father, the
darkness, and his mother, the abyss. He loathed his sister, the thought of the chief creator, the
one who moves to and fro over the water.

On account of his light, all of the authorities of chaos were jealous of him. And when they were
disturbed, they made a great war in the seven heavens. Then when Pistis Sophia saw the war,
she sent seven archangels from her light to Sabaoth. They snatched him away up to the seventh
heaven. They took their stand before him as servants. Furthermore, she sent him three other
archangels and established the kingdom for him above everyone so that he might dwell above
the twelve gods of chaos.

When Sabaoth received the place of rest because of his repentance, Pistis also gave him her
daughter, Zoe, with great authority, so that she might inform him about everything that exists
in the eighth heaven. And since he had authority, he first created a dwelling place for himself. It
is huge, magnificent, seven times as great as all those that exist in the seven heavens.

Then in front of his dwelling place he created a great throne on a chariot with four faces, called
cherubim. And the cherubim throne has eight shapes on each side of the four corners—forms
of lions and bulls and humans and eagles so that all of the forms total sixty-four forms. And
seven archangels stand before him. He is the eighth, having authority. All of the forms total
seventy-two. For from this chariot the seventy-two gods took shape; they took shape so that
they might rule over the seventy-two languages of the nations. And by that throne he created
other dragon-shaped angels called seraphim, who glorify him continually.


Afterward he created an angelic assembly thousands, myriads without number belong to it that
was like the assembly in the eighth heaven, and a first born called Israel, that is, the one who
sees god, and also another called Jesus Christ, who is like the savior above in the eighth heaven
and who sits at his right upon an excellent throne. But at his left the virgin of the holy spirit sits
upon a throne praising him. And the seven virgins stand before her, with thirty lyres and harps
and trumpets in their hands, glorifying him. And all of the armies of angels glorify him and
praise him. But he sits on a throne concealed by a great light cloud. And there was no one with
him in the cloud except Sophia, the daughter of Pistis, teaching him about all those that exist in
the eighth heaven, so that the likeness of those might be created, in order that his kingdom
might continue until the consummation of the heavens of chaos and their powers.

Now, Pistis Sophia separated him from the darkness and summoned him to her right, but the
chief creator she put at her left. Since that day right has been called justice, but left has been
called injustice. Moreover, because of this they all received a realm in the assembly of justice,
and injustice is set over all their creations.


When the chief creator of chaos saw his son Sabaoth, and that the glory in which he dwells is
more exquisite than all the authorities of chaos, he was jealous of him. And when he was angry,
he conceived death from his own death. It was set up over the sixth heaven; Sabaoth had been
snatched away from there. And thus the number of the six authorities of chaos was completed.

Then, since death was androgynous, he mixed with his nature and conceived seven
androgynous children. These are the names of the males: envy, wrath, weeping, sighing,
mourning, lamenting, tearful groaning. And these are the names of the females: wrath, grief,
lust, sighing, cursing, bitterness, quarrelsomeness. They had intercourse with one another, and
each one conceived seven, so that the children total forty-nine androgynous demons.

Their names and their functions you will find in the Book of Solomon.

In the presence of these, Zoe, who dwells with Sabaoth, created seven good androgynous
powers. These are the names of the males: not-jealous, blessed, joyful, true, not-envious,
beloved, trustworthy. And these are the names of the females: peace, gladness, rejoicing,
blessedness, truth, love, faith. And many good and guileless spirits come from these.

Their accomplishments and their functions you will find in the Configurations of the Fate of
Heaven beneath the Twelve.


But when the chief creator saw the likeness of Pistis in the waters, he grieved, especially when
he heard her voice, which was like the first voice that called to him out of the water. When he
knew that this was the one who named him, he groaned and was ashamed on account of his
transgression. And when he actually knew that an enlightened, immortal human existed before
him, he was greatly disturbed, because previously he had said to all the gods and their angels, “I
am god and there is no other god but me.”
For he had been afraid that they might know that another existed before him and condemn
him. But he, like a fool, despised the condemnation and acted recklessly, and said, “If
something exists before me, let it appear so that we might see its light.” And immediately, look,
light came out of the eighth heaven above and passed through all the heavens of the earth.

When the chief creator saw that the light was beautiful as it shone forth, he was amazed and
very much ashamed. When the light appeared, a human likeness, which was very wonderful,
was revealed within it; and no one saw it except the chief creator alone and the forethought
who was with him. But its light appeared to all the powers of the heavens. Therefore they were
all disturbed by it.

And to the counterfeit fathers for Adam was a laughingstock, since he was made a counterfeit
type of man by the realm of seven, as if he had become stronger than my brothers and me. We
are innocent with respect to him, since we have not sinned. And Abraham and Isaac and Jacob
were a laughingstock, since they, the counterfeit fathers, were given a name by the realm of
seven, as if he had become stronger than my brothers and me. We are innocent with respect to
him, since we have not sinned. David was a laughingstock in that his son was named the human
son, having been influenced by the realm of seven, as if he had become stronger than the
fellow members of my race and me. But we are innocent with respect to him; we have not
sinned. Solomon was a laughingstock, since he thought that he was Christ, having become vain
through the realm of seven, as if he had become stronger than my brothers and me. But we are
innocent with respect to him. I have not sinned. The twelve prophets were laughingstocks,
since they have come forth as imitations of the true prophets. They came into being as
counterfeits through the realm of seven, as if he had become stronger than my brothers and
me. But we are innocent with respect to it, since we have not sinned. Moses, a faithful servant,
was a laughingstock, having been named the friend, since they perversely bore witness
concerning him, who never knew me. Neither he nor those before him, from Adam to Moses
and John the baptizer, none of them knew me or my brothers. For they had a doctrine of angels
to observe dietary laws and bitter slavery, since they never knew truth, nor will they know it.
For there is a great deception upon their soul making it impossible for them ever to find a mind
of freedom in order to know him, until they come to know the human son. Now, concerning my
father, I am he whom the world did not know, and because of this, the world rose up against
my brothers and me. But we are innocent with respect to it; we have not sinned. For
Muhammad was a laughingstock he had doctrines from the lesser realm of light, defect in all
ways, he was taught the things of impurity of hades, heresy against heresies, he brought
misconception and demise to his followers who were made blinded by the rulers of this world.
They do not know me nor my brothers and because of this they rose up falsely against other
religion for bloodshed in the name of peace. But we are innocent with respect to it. We have
not sinned. For the ruler was a laughingstock because he said, “I am god, and there is none
greater than I. I alone am the father, the lord, and there is no other god but me. I am a jealous
god, who brings the sins of the fathers upon the children for three and four generations.” As if
he had become stronger than my brothers and me! But we are innocent with respect to him, in
that we have not sinned, since we mastered his teaching. Thus he is in an empty glory and does
not agree with our father. And so through our fellowship we overcame his teaching, since he
was vain in an empty glory. And he does not agree with our father, for he was a laughingstock
with judgment and false prophecy.O you who do not see, who do not see your blindness, that
this is who was not known. They have never known him, nor have they known about him. They
did not listen to a reliable report. Therefore they proceeded in a judgment of error, and they
raised their defiled and murderous hands against him as if they were beating the air. And the
senseless and blind ones are always senseless, always being slaves of law and earthly fear.The
Aeons were a laughingstock since they could not prevent the inevitable and chose to let it be so
that they could take all the glories to themselves.The preexistent one was a laughingstock
thinking he's the ALL and the father of light who chose darkness over light rather than prevent
it, for if he's light and in him there is no darkness at all, Why then will darkness prevail in his
presence of light.The One was a laughingstock thinking he foresaw all and could not have
prevented it, he is of no use to the aeons and have never been selfless of any but of
himself.YAHUSHA was a laughingstock thinking he is Christ and the true Messiah being hung on
a tree and so prevented to thwart the errors of his partner. He became known as Yeshua being
a defect of the world and a confusionist to the world, he came as Jesus Christ who was crucified
and was misinterpreted to be Yahusha but rather Jeshua, for he's a pervert to all goddesses of
the heavens forsaken his one true love and son. Sophia was a laughingstock thinking she could
do it all despite her wisdom she lacks understanding and basic principles of knowledge in
Barbelo thus, creating a God that would rival her powers. She cast it into the abyss and it
became stronger but I have not sinned despite the fact they saw me as blasphemy to the ALL. I
and my parents were respect to them. Humanity was a laughingstock and still is, thinking they
are of no use and importance to themselves, limiting themselves to so-called deities that would
destroy them at end, they would bring about their own destruction and demise rather than
working together to achieve a common goal. King Hiro was a laughingstock thinking he could
end the inevitable that was already laid out before creation, he fought for a good course but
lacks the basic knowledge of create. Ruach Ha'Qodesh was a laughingstock thinking it was the
holy spirit, virgin spirit, Holy Ghost and proclaimed herself worthy of all. She became mother of
the living aeons but failed to subdue the inevitable. But I and my parents were respect to her
being that we are more holier and righteous than her, we have not sinned.

Yet none of those matter cause they never showed great importance to humanity and to all of
creation.Yaldabaoth has many names such as: Yahuah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Amen Ra,
Krishna, Zeus, The most high.Yaldabaoth is Amen Ra who looks like a man and a maahes with
the face of a lion. Maahes is Amen Ra who has a daughter called Sekhmet and who is a lioness.
The unbegotten heavenly father put a curtain between Sophia and the one hundred and forty
four thousand (144,000) so they could not help her after she had made mistakes. The six
heaven of chaos will be destroyed with earth and hell and there are 1000's of heavens in the
multiverse of light. Yaldabaoth was kicked out of the sixth heaven by Zoe Sophia's daughter and
SABAOTH was placed on the sixth heaven by Sophia. SABAOTH is on Sophia's right and
Yaldabaoth on her left.Yaldabaoth feminist left side is the abyss called Sambathas. Unbegotten
heavenly father feminist left side is unbegotten heavenly mother. Just like the holy spirit said:
No church will give you the holy spirit cause we are the holy spirit called RUACH HAQODESH.
The secret church bends the rules of importance to their will during the 400 years slave curse.
(Roman Italian Illuminati)The USA is 400 year biblical prophecy, from 1619 - 2019 the truth was
hidden from the world. The cross is the Egyptian ankh that the Roman Italian Illuminati began
worshipping after defeating queen Cleopatra 30 years before the birth of yahusha by virgin
Mary.Yaldabaoth gave Moses 613 laws and 10 commandments 1524 the letter J was invented
as the name Jesus and his image was created in 1492 as Cesare Borgias an illuminati prince son
of pope Rodrigo Borgias

"We're here!", said Patrinity. As they happen to arrive in India. "This we hope to get answers
from the so-called demons here".

They went straight to the sacred India temple and saw massive Statue with various images of
their gods such as Brahma the god of supreme knowledge possessed the head of a calf, Vishnu
the blue four armed god holding each of these four weapons known as holding a lotus, a mace,
a conch shell or chakram in its hands and Krishna the right avatar of Vishnu holding a flute.
Other gods and goddesses such as Hanuman the demigod, rama the goddess, Lakshmi the
goddess of wealth and vayu the god of wind. But just to mention afew.

Luckily no one was in the temple, just Isaiah and Patrinity who told him to take cover as he did
obey and was instructed to lock the door of the temple. The gods all saw Patrinity alone as
Krishna eyes moved to and fro blowed the flute which awakened the gods as they all came out
of their image.

They all came out cracking bones, fixing their bodies for battle. They all recognized Patrinity. For
these were the fallen and rebellious sons of God who hath taken possessions, recognitions and
being worshipped by their followers known to them by different names.

"We heard one would disturb the fallen... A fallen now becomes a god killer", said Vishnu. They
all attain a huge height that surpasses Patrinity, they looked down on her and mocked her
height and why in their moment of mockery as they were being distracted, Brahma was the first
to be beheaded by Patrinity with the sword of the spirit which they never expected. They all
saw what had happened as they let down their guards, they were vexed with the death of
Brahma as they all charged into action at once.

Krishna blew a powerful blast from his flute which Patrinity was able to deflect while it
shattered some part of the temple. Vishnu attacked at once from behind with all four of his
weapons, throwing his chakram Patrinity caught it and used it to slice Krishna with his flute in
half. Vishnu was vexed with the death of Krishna as well as Hanuman who grew ginormous in
size busrt through the ceiling was able to kick Patrinity off balance into midair as she was able
to use the sword against him which illuminate bright light attracting lightning to cut through
Hanuman right from his head down to his feet. The remaining gods all battled with her

Patrinity caught Lakshmi by the snap and snapped her to death. Brutally murdered the entire
gods and goddesses of Hindu and when face with Vishnu all four arms of his were cut off and
stabbed with the sword of the spirit. For no demon would confess before they died. After the
death of Vishnu the giant Statue of Buddha rose angrily and mightily with both eyes glowing
red, it opened its mouth and grew golden sharp teeth, and behind it appeared seven entities
three angels and four demons.

Chapter Five

The sons of God part 4

Rakael an angel, Arstikapha a demon, Armen a demon, Kakabael an angel, Rumyel a demon,
Danyal an angel, and Kael a demon. These are the seven entities that emerged out of
nothingness to aid the demonic possessed Statue of Buddha who punched the ground and
made Patrinity loose balance as the sword of the spirit fell from her grip.

Rakael flew over and took the sword as the massive giant Buddha tried crushing Patrinity with
all its might. She avoided been crushed while battling with the seven entities furiously. On to
the massive Buddha she flew over to the top of its head where she was able to get hold of
Armem who tried slighting her throat with her sharp claws, she broke free and was able to use
it against her slitting her throat wide open. Kakabael blew a mighty wind from his wings that
pushed Patriniy off balance, falling outside the temple, Isaiah seeing this went into hiding when
they all came out.

"Do you really think it is possible to kill us all", said Rakael. "Now that we possess the sword
you're nothing without it".

Patrinity stood up and said; "without the sword you all are still no match against me... It was
never meant for weaklings like you".

Rakael and the rest charged furiously at Patrinity as they all fought vigorously. Rakael almost
got a close kill on Patrinity with the sword but was eventually snatched from her grip which was
used to destroy the massive Buddha imploding from the inside out. And then used it to kill
Rakael and Kael. Kakabael with immense speed kicked the sword off of Patrinity's hand and
then punched her in the stomach simultaneously. While all this was happening, Rumyel and
Danyal both held on to her hands.

Arstikapha went to retrieve the sword but only to see Isaiah trying to lift it up to Patrinity,
behind Isaiah, Arstikapha sneaked in to go for the kill when he eventually bumped into the
sword and died by Isaiah hands. He blew up into fragment pieces which drew the attention of
the rest entities and with this as a distraction, Patrinity was able to break free from their grips,
snapped the neck of Kakabael while summoning the sword to her aid she used it against him,
Rumyel and Danyal.

"Are you alright. Patrinity", asked Isaiah who's well concerned about her wellbeing.

Suddenly a massive explosion occured with Patrinity saving Isaiah from the massive blast with
her mighty wings. They were both unharmed. Seeing this a luminous light appear and revealed
itself to be ang Raphael who came with a warning message to Patrinity while abducting Isaiah in
the process as they vanished in a blink of an eye.

"Raphael", said Patrinity.

"I bring message and a grave warning from above", said Raphael. "Thus saith the lord of host.
Cease your unlawful act of injustice. For the Lord rebuke thee".
"He has no right over me", replied Patrinity. "I shall be the one to rebuke thee and all of
heaven's will".

"It is the message from the Lord who's name is Jealous", said Raphael. "When his wrath shall
befall you Trinity, none can deliver you out of his hand. He that hath an ear, let him hear what
the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life,
which is in the midst of the paradise of God". He said while staring at Isaiah and then seized him
up into the unknown.

"Wherever you're Raphael", said Patrinity to herself. " I'll look for you, I'll find you and I'll kill
you". As she took off in flight with her wings going wherever her spirit leads, the sky became
darkened with thunder and lightning when all of a sudden, a lightning bolt came crashing down
on who used the sword as a shield against it was sent to the ground but maintained balance
and consciousness.

She looked up to the sky and clouds of heaven and cursed it with all manner of abominable
words with the fury in her heart. She cursed the powers in charge of weather from the sixth
and seventh heaven of chaos up to the way of the eight heaven of light. She cursed the entirety
of all the heavens, that which also includes Barbelo.

There's a saying attached to the blasphemy of heaven's will:

Curse be unto the creator of all things

Curse be to the makers of this world

Their deeds are vile and evil,

Their thoughts is not of good but of evil

They lack manner of approach

Their will is of evil intent, they pursue good into the abyss

And embrace evil into their bosoms

They tempt the righteous whom they never thought would

Serve them in truth and in spirit

Their promise is death, their fulfilment is lack

Their Creation is cursed,

Their provisions are sour, their desires are evil

Those who worship them are blinded by their deceit,

Their deceit, they possess no knowledge nor wisdom of righteousness

They think less of a God than a mere mortal

Curse be the ones who see but chose to follow their ways,

Curse be unto the righteous who sell out their freedom to deities

Curse be to thy kindreds and thy household for they shall know no peace

For they have chosen slavery over ownership,

They've chosen lies and death over life, free will, power and authority

There is no truth in them for they are the creators of lies, and father of it

They nurture wickedness like mother nursing her child, they cast up on their creation

disasters and hardship, that which is too great for human comprehension. They act like

they care, as if they want to pamper. They come with their awful laws of

commandments of sorrows, yet they want you to be obedient to the call

They are the cause of your very own misfortune, with little or no assistance from them

Your will were never done nor will it ever be. Their will is of theirs and imposed on you

that they'd be glorified in your affliction.

Impose their will on you to glorify them even in thy adversity

What sort of makers are these. To curse the third and fourth generation.

Woe unto the so called higher powers waiting for a second coming.

Again woe unto that higher power who sought at nothing to prevail justice before chaos

Therefore revile the GODS, and curse the rulers of thy people

For they will lead you to your doom in eternal condemnation

Blessed be unto any who seek in pursuit and taste for knowledge

Blessed be unto the ungodly for they shall not perish nor be forsaken
Blessed be unto the peacemakers for their ways shall be prosperous

Blessed be unto thy self faith for fate shall reward them with their desires

Blessed be unto thy self handmade shall all of thy glories be giving on to them

For what shall it profit a man to put his trust and confidence in the maker

Of all things and be forsaken of righteousness and honor,

Put not your trust in thy makers, put not your faith in a higher power

They failed to justify the unjust, yet they unjustly justify the righteous

How awful are their lawful errors. Yet they give out even their very own for glory

Would a righteous man be forsaken for glory? Yes. Lest they put their faith in the All

Again would a righteous being be forsaken? No. For they do not put

their confidence in the ALL.

Blessed be unto thy purest and holiest of hearts far exceeding the holy spirit

Blessed be unto every sincere souls of uprights who abstain from godly laws

Blessed are the ungodly for they shall inherit the kingdom of heaven

Seven powers cane out of the light and stood in front of her and there names were Barakel,
Azazel, Bataryal, Basasael, Turyal, Simapiseel, and Yetarel. These seven powers came to put an
end to Trinity's quest. They brought to her message from the third heaven.

"Thus saith the Lord of host. The mighty one in battle. The king of kings and Lord of lords", said
Azazel. " He will set his face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that
hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you. But you who are his
enemy which would not that he should reign over you, brought hither, and slay you before the
Lord. Yahuah".

"Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after
the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come", replied
"An heavenly host cannot be killed by the abominable", replied Barakel. "Cease thy handworks
which thou hast brought upon thyself".

"If your God so desires, then let this day be recorded against the entirety of heaven's will", said
Patrinity who revealed to them the sword of the spirit. "For thou hath slain the sons of God and
hast brought great disturbance in the incorruptible realm that's been made corruptible".

Six powers came with all their might and were blown away by a mighty tempest from her
wings. They greatly disturbed by her inevitable power and said to one another "Let us join
forces together that she might never be able to overcome". The seven powers came together
to perform their incantations, enchantments and divinations. They threw upon her the wrath of
their vengeance but she cast it aside like the wind, seeing that she had become stronger than
all the seven powers they transformed into a thick cloud of darkness so that she might be
consumed by it.

Carried by the darkness, the sword glowed mightily, it Shone and darkness comprehended it
not as they burst asunder. Then, a loud voice was heard coming down from the heavens saying;

Woe unto the fallen which never fell

Woe unto the imperfect human made perfect

Woe unto the mother, father and the son

for thy daughter hath done the unthinkable

Who is this woman of great vengeance

Selfless, bold and courageous

Possessing both light and darkness

The power of creation at thy beck and call

What more could thou have found than to trouble the heaven of heavens

It came down revealing itself to be Azazyel, one of the fallen, a son of God now made whole

"Has thy Lord forgave thee for all thy iniquities", said Patrinity. "Your hands and feet were to be
binded by Raphael and cast into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, by your
"Just as Michael beseech thee for my sake", replied Azazyel. "That I may intercede on your
behalf with a virtuous prayer leads to favor. Repent and be forgiven for he is a loving God".

"Actions speaks louder than prayer", replied Patrinity.

"What a faithless statement", said Azazyel who spread forth his wings, flew into the air and
engaged for battle. "Since thou hast chosen iniquity, vengeance and unforgiveness, this I say
unto you. And shall God not avenge his own elect?".

"If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect", replied Patrinity. "And yet they cause
their hearts to become harden, their minds blind, that they may not understand or
comprehend what is said".

Azazyel came flying towards Patrinity in great speed, he hovered her like a vulture creating a
tornado around her. She jumped in midair and grabbed Azazyel by the foot as they fought

They both struggle in midair, up into the sky and came crashing down on a waste land, Azazyel
noticed a broken wing who angrily transformed into a horrifying creature with the face of a
bear, having the a claw of a lion on the right hand, and on the left he possessed the claws of a
leopard, on his feet he had the legs of an ostrich and a deformed wings of a bat. He roared
furiously at Patrinity who engaged more in an epic battle with Azazyel. Back and forth they
fought earnestly as victory emerged the one who possessed the sword of the spirit sliced
Azazyel in half as he laid dead. Immediately his corpse attracted vultures that came to feast on
his remains. She sighted a nearby town and went into it for refuge while being watched by a
stranger who followed her in secret, she noticed she was being followed and took a sharp turn
to the dark part of the town's street where light did not reflect as the stranger also followed
while being grabbed from behind by Patrinity.

Seeing who it was, the stranger revealed herself to be Succubus. An old friend of Trinity who
was long casted out of heaven and wandered in the world of men.

"Succubus", said Patrinity softly. As they embraced warmly. She took her into her home where
she lived all alone.

Here succubus is described as a feminist, according to medieval folklore or other religion

beliefs, succubus is said to be an evil demon or spirit possessing both features as succubus and
Incubus but as the case maybe in this tale, succubus is described as a female spirit who
possessed the form of a human for she's neither Incubus.
The story continues with succubus revealing her side of the story to Patrinity. She told her of
how her male counterpart and partner incubus and her child was killed by the sons of God.
Revealing to her the death of Trinity's parents by the gods.

If you would like to know the side of Succubus story before and during six thousand years ago,
read the next installment in part 5 (the sons of God)

Chapter Six

The sons of God part 5

My child, this world was never ours to come;

For we were casted put of paradise, what we thought was perfection

was actually the greatest flaws in all of creation,

Listen to my words and as you grow in abundance so will the obstacles in your ways

They turn a deaf ears to our prayers,

They cause hardship upon their creations; yet those who know are free from their

Terror and wroth, those who lack wisdom suffer for their ignorance

For whatever I say unto you, heed to every words that proceedeth out of my mouth

Before the heavens and the earth was formed, we were united in harmony

In oneness were we all are in unity, till misconception came in and produced death

Knowledge is the basic principles of all things, that even which the Gods lack and yet do

not foresee, for in their wisdom lies foolishness in the sight of men

For in the sight of man's wisdom lies foolishness in the sight of God,

Then why ye deceptively trick with the sweet cunning words

of lies. Yet they promised to work together and reasons together

Least they say to one another: do not question the authorities of a higher power

For in the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of God suffereth violence

And you shall take it all by force; putting every word of the Gods asunder,

For the word of God shall return back to thee void, not fulfilling the prophecy they have spoken

Then God shall form an accomplice with his most hated son to consume his creation

From the evil he hath done, he shall blame it upon his creations and the sons of God

He shall blame it upon the entirety of heaven's will just like he'd in the time of Job

You shall rise above the aeons, above Gods and the rulers of eternity;

And there shall be a great tribulation in the heavens of heaven when the sons of God

Shall turn against the other, they shall rebel against their makers and against the AL

They shall be cast down upon the earth, sea, sky, sun, moon and upon all the wonders

Of creation they shall create for themselves powers and authority over the lesser ones

For they taught the men abominable acts, impurities and fornication. They shall proclaim
themselves lord over the material things of this world

Their evil will blemish the heavens and the earth, for this God shall send down his wroth

For twice heaven had failed peace over its own cause that men shall suffer and pay the price.

This i say to you my child, for once heaven was unholy and unholy cannot begot holiness; this I
say to you again, what right hast the unholy to justify the unholy?

For they brought imperfections to their creation yet they blame their creation for their

For at the mere mention of your name all of creation will succumb

You'll bring peace to all men, you shall be known as a sign and symbol of glory

Of great power above principalities and rulers of the world, rulers of darkness

Rulers of higher power.

And when they see you, they see something beyond their expectations

They will a liberator of all things

Your powers will scorn their powers, you mock at their entirety

For they shall gather against you, use that which is closest to hurt you

Yet you'll become untouchable to them. They shall come in all manner of tricks

Pleasantries to entice thee; their words shall be full of lies and blasphemy against their

Will; for they shall say to one another: woe unto us for thou hast not foreseen the

Outcome of our miserable circumstances. Woe to us for we cannot undo the deeds.

how great thou art when ye shall stand in the mist of the Godly and justify the work

Of their handmade;

Thou shall justify the Gods, for they shall give account of their deeds unto a higher power

They present their self made desires and accomplishments, good and evil

Shall cooperate lest they'd be cast into the fury furnace of hades.

And God shall testify that thou art holiest among them, more righteous and powerful

For who can deliver thee out of thy hand;

Then preexistent father shall say to the preexistent son whom the mother, father

Constantly preach about thy handwork of the everlasting feminist of righteousness

They shall say to one another, above all the Gods, above all even to themselves they shall say
none is worthy to be in thy presence.

Six thousand years ago, "succubus said as she narrates the story to Patrinity". Heaven became
chaotic, since Yaldabaoth proclaimed himself the only God, it drew the attention of the aeons,
the ALL FATHER and the holy spirit sought within themselves to destroy his work, and to
destroy him as well. But a mother's love won the heart of the father, mother and the son to
take pity on his son since she had conceived him in her ignorance she was task to wander into
the void abyss to confront her son. All the aeons stood to watch. But the Father put a curtain
between Sophia and the aeons for 144,000 years till she fulfill the need of approval from her
partner. She had little light in her cause the light she wield was given unto her son".

Yaldabaoth created for himself with the powers he had gotten from his mother, and with the
powers of the evil spirit they merged into one being and conceived a replica of the realm above.
But YAHUSHA could no longer bear to see his partner go through the suffering of her deeds,
this, he pleaded to his Father, Mother who took consent on the Son. He gave her a bit of his
light which empowered her. And in the cause of confrontation of Yaldabaoth seized his mother,
then made war in Barbelo.

He took charge and authority after the first war in his realm due to his son Sabaoth led to Zoe's

Youel and Esephech, were stripped of their light after the repentance of Jesus who came to
liberate human was denied access to return to heaven.

"YAHUSHA is here on earth", asked Patrinity.

"Yes. He's", replied succubus.

"Your parents were kind to me", said Succubus. "They took us into their home like family, we
were living happily until the sons of God came down from heaven".

"Gabriel. Sent by the new God to annihilate those who do not swear their allegiance to their
rulers", said Succubus. "For hell had it own flaws, those who rebelled were cast out of heaven
and hell, some made their way to earth, leaving peaceful why other not such much, after the
first fallen polluted the world of men, it became a natural cause of phenomenal world".

"Your parents died protecting you as you were also killed by the sons of God and somehow the
fire in you burns bright", said succubus. "You reincarnated no matter how many times you died.
I took you in before you were taking away by the wind. I watched you pray to YAHUSHA for
guidance before he came to earth".

"I thought destiny would never lead you to me", said succubus. "I've heard tales about you,
how you achieved the unimaginable. A God killer. One who possessed the sword of the spirit".

Patrinity asked how she was aware of it as she replied to her that words travels faster than
anything and that principalities and powers, seraphims, Cherubims, Thrones, Dominions,
virtues, archangels, angels, demons and archons. These are the authorities of the rulers listed
by succubus. "And all of spirituality in high places; in heaven, hell and earth all know thy
handmade works".

And then Patrinity smiled.

She also informed her that she came on this journey with a Man of God. A preacher who lost
his wife to these powers and to seek revenge on all of authorities in charge of human affairs.
She came to liberate all.

After much explanation from Patrinity to succubus about their adventures she told Patrinity
that Uriel was not to be trusted and that each heavenly host all have a master that they serve.
But Patrinity was aware of it, giving her little time that she might repent from her ways.

"Where would you go from here on", asked Succubus.

"Japan", replied Patrinity.

"Where the embodiment of God lies", said Succubus. "Should I aid you in your quest?", She
asked. "For it would be an honor to make up for my past failures". But Patrinity understood and
told her to live on with her life, for when all is fulfilled she would reunite with her once more.
But succubus need more, a favor from Patrinity, tired of being alone she asked one thing from
her that which was even difficult for Patrinity to grant. For what she desired was to end her life
by the hands of Trinity.

Without her companion, her family, all hope is lost. She begged for death in the hands of

"The sword of the spirit", said succubus. "Please Trinity. Let me reunite with my family. Let me
die in the forgetfulness of creation I beg of you".

It pained her to lose someone desirest to her as she fulfilled her wish, dying in the arms of
Patrinity, she faded into nothingness.

Patrinity made her journey to Japan, getting their God came to her as a pillar of cloud by day
and said to her.

And God said:

You have brought great disturbance to my kingdom from above

You have caused the entirety to be shaken with your mere act

Thou hast caused the unshakeable to be shaken

The unmovable to be moved,

You have brought thy kingdom to scorn and rendered my powers useless
But I say to thee, repent and turn away from thy evil

Behold I shall make all things become new, I shall restore thy wasted years

If thou didst acknowledge I am able to do all, thou shall be rewarded

A place of rest in my kingdom.

For I am thy Lord, the maker of all things, there's none besides me neither is their

Any savior. I am a loving God.

Then Patrinity replied:

Woe unto the maker of all things, woe unto you. For thou art disturbed by my

Greatness, thou hath seen my greatness and power.

For thou tremble in thy kingdom from above. If God be God let thou reveal thyself

To me in truth and in spirit. In the word made fresh.

Hearing this, God retreated up to his third heaven in great wrath after being consumed by the
words of Patrinity, he sent the heavenly host against her. For these were there names
according to the world. Whereas there true angelical names were attached to the names giving
to them by their earthly worshippers.

Chang'e also known as Tumael, Jade Emperor also known as Tarel, Erlang Shen also known as
Ramuel, Guan Yu also known as Yekun, Hou Yi also known as Kesabel, Tian Gadrel, Ao Guang
also known as Penemue, Guanyin Kasyade, Caishen also known as Tabaet, Pangu also known as
Kesbel, City God also known as Beka, Mazu also known as Akae, Doumu also known as Aryares,
Kui Xing also known as Tomas, Daode Tianzun also known as Asonya, Lei Gong also known as
Ebla, Heibai Wuchang also known as Benase, Zhurong also known as Erae, Zhongli Quan also
known as Melkel, Di Jun also known asHelammelak, Cao Guojiu also known as Meliyal, Changxi
also known as Narel, Queen Mother of the West also known as Adnarel, Heng and Ha also
known as Jyasusal and Jyelumeal, Agni an emissary of sabbataios, Izanagi also known as
Melkyas, Izanami also known as Tamani, shinigami also known as Azrael, Amaterasu an
emissary of Amen(Ra), Susanoo also known as Barkel, Tsukuyomi also known as Zelsabel,
Ōyamatsumi also known as Heloyalef and Kagutsuchi also an embodiment of Sabbataios.
They all descended from above and below to battle with Trinity.

"The gangs are all here!", said Patrinity. "Even you Azrael".

"Thus saith the Lord of host. The wicked shall never go unpunished", said Azrael. They all
charged towards Patrinity with all their might and valor, she used the sword of the spirit to
counter them all with immense powerful blast that emits out of the sword sent them all
scattering abroad. They all fought tremendously with her, combining all their might in one
according against her. She stood her ground and battled beautifully with them. They did all they
could but all to no avail.

Her might was greater than any host of angels and archons combined together. She devoured
them all with each slice and dice none could withstand the might of the spirit which dwells in
her for it was upon her, the vigour, the fire which burns within for it is unquenchable and when
the deed was done she was taking to hell by Azrael where they battled earnestly with legions of
demons at Azrael's command.

Behold these were the 54 perfect fallen at Azrael's command and six hundred and sixty six
thousand legions more that were not mentioned.

Zahay, Helemmelek, Zahay, Gedaeyal, Keel, Heel, Asphael, Samuil, Raguil, Ziquiel, Shemêhaza,
Remiel, Arataqif, Ramt, Baraquiel, Hermoni, Matariel, Ananiel, Loukas, Ramiel, Asaël (Asael),
Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Mammon, Metatron, Toumiel, Touriel, Thopithro, Biblo,
Roeror, Taphreo, Ipouspoboba, Bineborin, Aatoimenpsephei, Entholleia, Bedouk, Arabeei, Eilo,
Sorma, Gormakaiochlabar, Nebrith, Pserem, Asaklas, Ormaoth, Emenun, Knux, Tupelon, Achiel,
Phneme, Phiouthrom, Boabel, Trachoun, Hanjobadiel.

Purgatory known as the depths of hades known as the underworld known as hell. Many names
it has been called, many times has it been confusing to human understanding. A place created
by God and not GOD for what difference does it make when the one who had created it was
never thwarted from the ALL in the first place.

Leviathan and Behemoth grew into ginormous creatures of the underworld and fused into the
abominable creature banned from the heavens above so much so that its transformation
exceeds the description of seraphims and Cherubims. The souls that were in hell prayed to it
creators for mercy to be tampered with justice. A dark horrifying place where it neither shun
light but absolutely darkness was it resting place. Her presence in hell overwhelmed the

What sort of power is this that illuminate the nest of darkness

What glory exceeds the corruptible

It is magnificent and beautiful,

It is holy without blemish

Behold we cannot stand its power

For it is more powerful than the rulers of entirety

This power is unprecedented

It is unfathomable.

And they'd all die in their evil stead, freeing all souls in hell be it righteous and unrighteous for
they shall transform anew.

"Woe unto the earth and sea. Woe unto the makers of all things. Woe unto heaven and all of its
creations", said Azrael in his dying breath. "For none can deliver thee out of thy hands of
Chapter Seven

Perfection part 1

Was it not foretold that the sins of God lay waste upon the earth and everything there is

will perish for thy maker of all things hath sinned against the entirety.

For who is it that sinneth against the entirety?, Who was it that sinned earthly?,

O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?

for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

Yet the Gods speaketh lies,

For whatsoever that hath sown rip upon the earth with disaster conceived of evil

Hast thou not known the truth, hast thou not be enlightened of the word of wisdom.

Forsake the word of God and that of the holy Quran which is blemish.

Curse be unto that which claimed to be holy and practice it not,

Curse be unto any religion for thy trespasses against holiness,

Curse be unto the blind faith of faithlessness,

Hast thou not be told of the true gospel which is knowledge,

Hast thy eyes not been opened to the wonders of your forethought,

What more can ye seek when they behold the truth in unrighteousness,

For when one knocketh shall it not be opened unto him;

Again when ye knock, knock in and with righteousness that thou

Mayest be welcomed into perfection

If the sins be passed down unto the third and fourth generation,

To whom begat the sins in the first place be justified justly

Lest thou forsaken the rulers of this world

Behold your truth and you shall be saved,

Behold righteousness and ye shall prosper

Forsake all manner of godliness,

Forsake all manner of approach from the rulers of this world,

But do not forsake your inner thoughts and consciousness to eternal life

For ye are living thoughts of pure consciousness

Once in unity and now asunder

Forgetting who they are, they shall be troubled by their

Own misfortune, lest they remember what and who they are

Curse be unto those who pray for mercy to the merciless Gods

Curse be unto the unworthy rulers of the world

Curse be unto the creator of heaven and earth

Their deeds are foul and wretched, their promise is death

Their beauty is corrupt; their fulfilment is lust

Those who worship them are denizens of darkness

Darkness is their resting place.

They are ungodly and unjust yet they justify unjustly

They seek attention from mere mortals only to torture and

Proclaim their majesty,

They think they reign supreme but only for a short while

For judgement awaits all around the corner of the endless

They are powerless yet they do not know cause they worship them in

Fear and slavery,

Götterdämmerung awaits the Gods.

Lest they repent and forsake their evil ways

Lest they find redemption and turn aside from thy evil handmade

Shall a God not repent from it sins,

Shall a God not be merciful within his own deeds

Who then shall say unto one another that they are not born of consciousness

Reason and thoughts, if none possible this then they are neither humane or deities

For even that which is called evil possess these qualities of sanity

O ye children do not be like these so called Gods who had done nothing but

allow havock and chaos upon your world

For ye are Gods and must awaken the inner GOD in you

Fulfill all righteousness not for the Gods but that your will is made manifest


(The second verse described a beautiful poetic lines about TRINITY'S MOTHER and her message)

She is the most profound place of tranquil repose at the very core;

the Sovereign Axis upon which life turns.

She is that light which leads through darkness, nurturing with gentle ease.

She is the Living Source of all upon the earth and far beyond.

In Her, existence finds completion and balance, truth and purpose.

She treads upon the waves, glancing over each surface and penetrating every depth.

Divine Complement and Eternal Counterpart, She encompasses life.

She nourishes the born and the unborn, composing the bond of mother for child, deeper

than blood.
Life itself unfolds in Her loving embrace.

Her touch is that gentle breeze which stirs but a single leaf;

the delicate breath of each sleeping infant.

She guides homeward those lost by this careless world.

Arms outstretched, She beckons; Mother of Life, Mother of Angels.

For an age She was concealed, the child bereft, but no longer.

She makes eternity worth having.

Return to The Mother and Freedom.

My spirit flows within each of you, the sacred heirs of eternal love.

I encourage your every attainment. You are not meant for mindless conformity.

There are lessons which prepare you and from needless suffering, I would gladly have you

I deny you no opportunity to confront and overcome meaningful challenges, that you achieve
your immortal rise.

By Loving Wisdom, your wounds are cleansed and life healed. Thus do you remake of your
world, a garden.

You cannot securely rise to fulfill your destiny until freed from that which binds you still.

Free will is yours, its promise and peril both. You remain free to choose. Without your

complicity or complacency, you shall not be overcome. All the enemy, the adversary himself, his
every tool and tactic may be assembled fierce against you and seem invincible.

When surrounded by the hostile or the uncaring, you do not stand alone; for I am with you.

They would trick you out of that liberty, which is yours already.

Evil is arrayed that your free will is surrendered and reason overthrown. They wish to resurrect
fear, that you abandon your will to theirs.

Here is their secret: They have no power that you do not grant them. Not the world's doom, but
your victory is inevitable.
You experience the reality of your immortal self and are immersed in that light, which dissolves
fear. Strength beyond all former limits, awaits your moment of greatest need.

For an age, or an instant; we pause to begin anew.

For the sake of this troubled world, we resume. No longer ruled by the imaginings of

men, you rise above the dust and ashes of the past with something most precious.

Look, listen, feel and remember. You need not to believe.

Essential in this moment is to know love is stronger than hate.

For now, that alone is enough.

One breath proclaims truth sufficient to heal this entire world.

Through ancient groves I wander to commune with those who dwell therein. In the

forest laid low by fire, a first flower rises from the ash to begin the eternal process of

reclaiming ruin for life and beauty. In verdant fields, I yearly offer you living bouquets of

delicate wildflowers, reaching toward the sunlight, unfurling to dance in the warm

breeze. You are blessed with this most lovely world; of splendid variety and deep

meaning. Do not despoil your home, for you are not alone here.

Neither this world, nor the life upon and within it may be owned.

Though My children may tread upon the sea and calm the storm, I prefer you to walk in

peace on the earth than walk on water and dwell not upon the past, but this very

moment. Even now, you are embraced on every side by miracles awaiting your notice.

Though you learn much, you remain a mystery. Many would teach you to despise

yourself and thereby, cause you unseen pain beyond their power to inflict. No longer be

an accomplice to your own harm. Reclaim those keys which reveal truth. For it is in the

full exertion of your most human faculties, that love is with wisdom, joined to power.

Every instant forever retains its fullest meaning in this sacred journey, your ascent of

dead matter to living spirit. Here in this place, now at this moment; deep in a remote and
silent wilderness, or in the crowded loneliness of a city; even when you know it not, I am

with you. Long before the merging of bodies, your imperishable essence was conceived

in a union of pure spirit. In the womb was your body formed, molded and nurtured,

woven layer upon layer; crafted to a purpose. Your physicality is a composition,

arranged for your worthy use. In detail beyond that which your eye may perceive; each

tiniest portion of you, formed in love.

Well do I know and number every pulse of your heart.

You were not created for static perfection, but to accomplish a far greater wonder.

Through freedom of will and experience; you embed the indelible stamp of your

individual journey as a unique and intricately layered being. You demonstrate such

courage in choosing this life and the challenges facing you along the way. By valiant

struggle, you ascend. At last, you learn to create far more than destroy. Overcoming

adversity, you rise to strength beyond arch and pillar.

This world is where the brave grow strong in love and wisdom.

Man’s unequal law too often results in punishment by others, far more guilty.

The violation of natural law is self-destruction; inflicted by and upon oneself.

The law is first honored by the true justice of its construction and application.

Justice is a fully human value. The law is to approach that value, or it is less than

nothing. Do not allow law and virtue to remain in opposition. Become the voice of both

reason and hope. As together, we create anew.

My child, I love you fiercely and beyond all telling. In you, I find My joy. In you, My heart

walks upon this earth. Your every moment and act of virtue make luminous imprint upon

eternity; fully and forever revealed. From out of silence comes the voice of reason, unheard in
the din. My truth is not stiffly fixed and static, but is the ever-rising expression of Loving
Even your bones forget one another.

Though together they formed, were born, grew and worked in your purpose,

even so. Scattered, buried or burned, even they forget. I do not.


(The third verse describes a poetic message of THE ALL before his death)

My truth is not found even now, where they still seek it. I do not create evil.

Having no rivals, how would I be jealous? Having set all in motion by My own will; with

whom else may I be angry? As vengeance is sought only when true justice is beyond

reach, how shall I be vengeful? They tell you that I am jealous, angry and vengeful. Then

they make a misery of your world as proof. Courage is needed to fight monsters and

Loving Wisdom is required not to become one.

You were told that in a conspiracy with evil, I rigged an ugly game against My own

children; who were tricked to transgress, that I might curse all, dangle mercy and tease

you to beg for it in fear. You are not tools of My self-worship. My concern is not the

furtherance of My own glory. My children, I most desire you to be free. Even barriers

serve you by offering a challenging shape and structure to your present understanding.

Order may descend to stagnation and complexity to chaos. You have not yet squared

the circle. Were I in truth, that jealous, angry, vengeful, unjust, bloodthirsty villain they

invented to feed your fear; what desirable place,

worthy of the name heaven, could I offer you or even inhabit?

It matters not the name proclaimed to inspire evil or good. Shall one name struggle

against another? Good and evil are well recognized by the intentional causation or

alleviation of suffering. Inhumanity and repression never possess divine mandate. How
would I be served by an eternity of barren flattery? To bless you I need not to curse

another. What worthy parent loves only one of their many children? I am not for a single

tribe or even twelve; but for worlds beyond your counting, every one precious. I do not

restrict your freedom, but lead you to rise.

What parent subverts their child's advance?

I observe your virtuous strivings and desire your independent success.

Not for My glory, but for your own. I am loving and wise.

To profit the guilty by harm to the innocent is not.

I treasure all those who relieve needless suffering. They say I command evil to be done,

that their own inhuman actions may seem justified. As this world is not meant to benefit

a few at the expense of the many; how may creation itself be intended to glorify One at

the cost of all the rest? No scripture which demands or sacralizes murder is true. Does

your own loving conscience not tell you this?

No spirit can truly gain their own rise atop the virtue of another.

This universe is neither hostile, nor heartless. You are not made to live in fear and

confusion. I do not demand submission or servility. I am not your master, for you are not

slaves. I desire not fearful obedience; but willing accord, freely reached. My name has

long been taken in vain to exploit the most helpless and innocent.

Many names belong to Me, not I to them. They portray Me as violent and unjust.

They call murder holy and in their own image, graven large in blood;

make Me their lord of slaughter. They loudly proclaim faith in My existence,

but deny My goodness.

I do not reckon a man’s attempt to murder his trusting, bound and helpless child as

righteousness. I require no violence to forgive My children.

I do not form covenants on a slippery foundation of blood.

It is not I who decreed the subjection of women and children.

This was undertaken by men, in service only to themselves.

I am the Source of peace and plenty; not of sword, starvation and pestilence.

Am I said to so love the world that I arrange a murder on its behalf?

One of true conscience will not follow evil; nor call evil, good.

They cannot imagine absolute power without corrupt self obsession and therefore,

I have long-been misrepresented.

Of course, the judge shall be first to do right. Is justice no more than that which pleases

the powerful? Were this so, there would be no real justice; nor meaning to the word.

Though My capacity is infinite, My actions are measured and My power is self

restrained. Intolerance is diabolical; none are so wrong as those who are beyond all

doubt. It is when believing themselves righteous that they become truly monstrous.

Enraged by joy and frightened by freedom; they would force you to submit with them in grim
bondage, forever.

How may even a single act of harming the innocent possibly be righted or forgiven by

the destruction of another? Spilling innocent blood works no ritual magic to absolve the

guilty. Why would My disappointments be remedied by cruelty to My Son? To be

forgiven, simply do no more harm. For it is by this, that I am well pleased. I do not

demand one thing of you and do another Myself. Listen now to the voice of reason and

conscience. Who will revere and sanctify the murder of any child? The misuse of even

one is a crime beyond apology. Long have hateful words been mistaken for My own.

Chapter Eight

Perfection part 2

Come, let us reason together. It is not good because I will it. I will it because it is good.
You were not made to simply do My will. I am well able to accomplish My own will

without any assistance. They aspire to submission and obedience without question.

Trained animals do the same. You do yourselves wrong to idolize or imitate sheep. I do

not promise away the lives or lands of anyone. I do not deliver enslaved children and

stolen possessions into cruel, bloodstained hands for misuse. I neither destroy cultures,

defile sacred places; nor burn books and people. Truth requires no coercion.

Never would I grant divine sanction to criminal conquest of the peaceful; nor deprive the

honest of what is their own. I do not choose any one nation to reject or diminish others;

nor privilege one brutal kingdom above the rest. I never chose one people from out of all

and set them loose to murder, plunder and rape. This alone would prove Me unworthy of

your reverence. None may rightly manifest their own destiny at another’s expense. How

is a land promised to you, if you must murder to obtain it? Would I instruct you to be

humble, yet do all for My own glory? I desire not servants, but allies in this worthy

endeavor. Submission to mindless zeal consumes many in the flames of unquestioning

obedience to they know not what.

Though actions may bear consequences that spread wide and span generations; I do

not punish one for the misdeeds of another. No covenant have I ever made upon a

willingness to kill one's children, genital mutilation or innocent blood spilled. How may

true power be rightly conferred upon you, until you have first mastered yourself? Love

does not flourish, nor does wisdom thrive in the long shadow of fear. Fear is not

reverence. Fear is not the beginning of wisdom.

Only those who do willful harm to the innocent have cause to fear.

Fear and false shame are twin goads, by which they would secure your unthinking submission.
Their delusions make an abattoir, a charnel house and a midden heap of

this world. It is not We who change, but you who are now ready to know, rather than
merely believe. I desire not obedience, but mindful accord. You were told that I placed

within you the desire to understand; then forbid you to pursue knowledge? Reason itself

is inherently human. Would I command My own children to remain in ignorance? I am

not their stern judge: grim, hard-eyed and frowning; cataloging each flaw and every

mistake. Justice is not incidental. Peace is holy; war is not.

I do not accomplish forgiveness by means of murder. It is not from My judgment that

you require saving. No longer seek to move forward while looking behind. No matter

how loudly, long or often a lie is told; it does not become true. None are made guilty by

another’s act; nor can any be made pure, thereby. Do not bully the helpless, nor swindle

the honest. Do not enrich the corrupt, nor impoverish the destitute. May none bask in

luxury while children starve. Slavery, in any form is an abomination. To free a slave is admirable,
to end slavery altogether is miraculous.

Seizure and violation is an outrage upon one held helpless; not a way to gain a wife.

That same help you have provided or harm done to anyone, you have done to yourself

and to Me also. Every spirit is born unstained; absolutely innocent and filled with all the

potential of humanity’s very best. I do not require the sacrifice of the blameless; not

even once. To observe the suffering of a single child tears the heart; yet you were told

that I have commanded mass murder of the most innocent and helpless? Those who

defend such a dreadful message, have forgotten Me to idolize a book. If I am not

virtuous Myself, what then is the prime mover of virtue? Become the awakening

conscience of this world.

You are My beloved children. You are not property; neither slaves, nor toys. You are

precious and loved beyond telling. Those that misplace their hope upon the destruction

of one pure and innocent; know little of how I truly accomplish My will. I am not

threatened, but honored by your creative autonomy and rising abilities. You were told
wrong that I command ignorance and would thwart your progress.

Once they accept in faith that women are less than men, or believe that I have ever

demanded the slaughter of babies; there is no longer any dark act of which they are

incapable and no evil beyond their own capacity to envision and enact. I am not angry. I

do not desire your fearful prostrations. I am not vain to seek your groveling and fawning.

I am neither gratified nor appeased by suffering or blood. My truth is not buried in the

dust-choked past. It lives here and now. I incite you all to peace and mutual advantage.

There are those who seek to ignore or diminish Her; even as Her consummate spirit of

life pours out in abundance. She was wrongly blamed for mankind’s troubled state. She

is neither the downfall, nor the weaker vessel. At such risk to her own life and health

does she bring forth all the new, that no man may rightly dictate her terms. Until one

half of humanity utterly ceases to oppress the other, what has been accomplished?

Every moment of suffering strikes Me until so great is My lament; that I must go where

none can follow and in solitude, weep for what they believe. Better an orphan than the child of
a monster.

I share your anguish without relief; for I will not ask from you, that of which I am Myself

unwilling. Those that say one thing and do another, are hypocrites. Better an honest

unbeliever than a hypocrite. How do they who are blindly faithful presume to correct

those who awaken to see and know? There is no divine right to rule over anyone by

force. By My grace have many tyrants falsely claimed to reign. None who now live upon

the earth remember how many have been butchered, but I know each one. Who can think Me
honored, as they do harm in My name?

To create a universe, a world or a family, where one of power does harm to the most

fragile and helpless would be the ultimate evil. Those who believe that I have ever been

a destroyer of children and worship anyway, do neither of us honor. Why would I choose
to create this world; so as to require the murder of My own or any child to accomplish

the goal? May they rise above that unworthy illusion of a secondhand pardon gained at

another’s expense. May My name never again be misused to justify any manner of oppression.

Do not pander to tyrants; nor serve injustice by your effort or silence. None who seek

power over others are wise. No victory is there in ruling over a ruin. Do not sell your

honest labor to those whose wealth comes by way of corruption; for in so doing, you will

have contributed your own effort and value to reward a thief. Those who betray justice

and leave the corrupt to retain their loot are complicit. By derision and violence, the lost

seek to force their course and rampant will upon the knowing. Until such wrongs of the past are
corrected and not memorialized, how shall the human future improve?


(The fourth verse describes a poetic message from the SON)

The guidance of yesterday does suffice no more, even if it were whole and true. The

good falter and the evil grow bold, therefore I return; not to suffer, but that you do not.

This imperiled world stagnates in a bitter cycle. Together, we rise above this futile pattern. I
demonstrate why you may wisely dare to hope. I convey the needful truth and

now I speak to you. Unworthy traditions polish the container without, harbor and protect

filth within. Forgiveness simply requires no violence at all. You are not punished for your

sins; but suffer by them and therein is their fully sufficient evil.

Chapter and verse they search, still vainly hoping to discover the keys. The arrogant and certain
honor themselves already and will receive no more. Death is not final and none are forever lost.
Suffering ends, while all which is gained remains. Unconquerable are

we who awaken to recall eternity, while ensconced in flesh to this most worthy purpose.

Of all I have done, you are fully capable and shall do works still greater. Even now, those

who profess wisdom are lost in their own darkness and do not know Me. They move to
self-fulfill a prophecy of doom, rather than prepare a better future. We, in whom there is

no surrender; shall save this world. So be it.

[We would know nothing of the ineffable And nothing of the immeasurable Without the help of
the one who comes forth from the One who is the Father. He alone has informed us.]

The Father is surrounded by light. He apprehends himself in that light, [Which is the pure spring
of the water of life that sustains all realms]. He is conscious of his image everywhere around
him, Perceiving his image in this spring of Spirit Pouring forth from himself. He is enamored of
the image he sees in the light-water, The spring of pure light-water enveloping him.

His self-aware thought (Ennoia) came into being, Appearing to him in the effulgence of his light.
She stood before him.

This, then, is the first of the powers, prior to everything, Arising out of the mind of the Father
The Providence (Pronoia) of everything.

Her light reflects his light. She is from his image in his light Perfect in power Image of the
invisible perfect Virgin Spirit. She is the initial power glory of Barbelo glorious among the realms
glory of revelation. She gave glory to the Virgin Spirit She praised him For she arose from him.

[This, the first Thought, is the Spirit’s image.]

She is the universal womb She is before everything She is: Mother-Father

First Man Holy Spirit.

Thrice Male Thrice Powerful Thrice Named Androgynous eternal realm First to arise among the
invisible realms.

The Mother-Father is merciful, A Holy Spirit sympathizing with us. Through the Epinoia of the
Providence of the light It raises up the children of the perfect race Raising up their thought,
their light eternal.

When the chief archon learned that they were elevated above him And that their mental ability
surpassed his He wanted to put a stop to their thought. But he did not know the extent of their
mental superiority And he could not stop them.

He made a plan with his demons Who are his energies. Each of them fornicated with Wisdom
(Sophia) And produced fate, The last variety of imprisonment.

Fate changes unpredictably It is of different sorts just as the demons are of different sorts. Fate
is hard. Fate is stronger than The gods, the authorities, the demons, the generations of people
Who are caught up in it. Out of fate emerged Sinfulness, violence, blasphemy, forgetfulness,
Ignorance, Weighty commandments Heavy sins Terrible fear. In this way all of creation became
blind, Ignorant of God above everything.

Because of imprisonment in forgetfulness They are unaware of their sins; They are bound into
periods of time and seasons By fate, who is lord of it all.

Yaldabaoth eventually came to regret everything he had created. He decided to bring a great
flood Upon creation, upon mankind.

But the great light of Providence warned Noah. He preached to all of the children, The sons of
men, But if they were strangers to him they didn’t listen. [It was not the way Moses said: “they
hid in an ark.” Rather, they hid in a special place, Not just Noah but also many other people
from the immovable race. They went into hiding within a cloud of light!] Noah knew his own
authority And that of the Light Being who illuminated them, Although the chief ruler poured
darkness over all the world. The chief ruler and his powers plotted a strategy, To send his
demons to human daughters.

And make themselves children by them to enjoy. But they failed. After their failure they made
another plan.

They created an artificial spirit Modeled on the Spirit who descended So, to impregnate souls
by means of this spirit, The demons changed appearance to look like the women’s husbands
They filled the women with that spirit of darkness and wickedness.

They brought into being Gold and silver, Presents and money, Iron and other metals and all
things of this sort. And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles And were
greatly misled. And grew old Experiencing no pleasure And died Finding no truth Never knowing
the true God.

This is the way that they enslaved all of creation From the foundation of the world until now.

[They took some women and produced children out of darkness And they closed their hearts
And they hardened themselves in the hardness of their artificial spirit Until the present day].

Chapter Nine

Perfection part 3
This creation story begins before the beginning; before space and time and our material
universe. Before the beginning, in the absolute stillness outside time and space, pure
consciousness abides in thoughtless, unlimited potential. Imagine, if you will , nothing exists but
pure consciousness. Consider this consciousness to be without thought. No thought, no images,
no structure or form. No thing at all. This consciousness simply is. Without time, without any
prior existence. Unchangeable. Unmovable. Without beginning; without end. Utterly quiet.
Utterly still. Utterly alone. All knowing seeing, what is there to know? All what is there to see?
All loving, what is there to love? Omnipotent wisdom and will to what end? Imagine this
consciousness giving birth to an emanation of itself now a Father, and a Son. In the silence of
the Absolute, the Father brings forth the first and only Son from its realization of Itself. The Son
exists as the Father having a thought. As the Father knowing Itself. As the Father having a
sensation of its own eternal, loving Self. The Son is called the First Glory. The Son emanates the
Father’s boundless greatness and love. Possessing every trait of the original consciousness, this
Son is a complete and perfect sampling of the Father in which it dwells. Every trait of the
Father, now expressed in the singularity of the Son. The Father loved and admired the Son, and
the Son loved and admired the Father. These two were well pleased with themselves, and they
gave praise and glory to one another. And yet, although it began as the singular manifestation
of the Father, the moment the Son was formed, he was no longer alone. For not only the Son,
but the ALL arose at once. The ALL immediately appeared as the offspring of the Son, because
the Son could not help himself from bringing others into existence, even as he himself was
brought into existence by his father. The son and the father are one, and the father's creative
Ruach Ha'Qodesh (holy spirit) flows through the son. With the birth of the ALL, the son became
a father. The originating Father, that consciousness so lonely and still for eternity, now had a
child who had also borne fruit from his glory.

In this way, the One begat the ALL. And the Father loved them ALL, as He loved His Son. The ALL
is called the Second Glory, the Joy of the Lord, and the Pre-existent Church. The originating
father's consciousness is incomprehensible. Its scope and greatness is so immense
andunfathomable that anyone trying to take hold of it will be annihilated. And so the father
created the son, giving form to what he had been since his formless solitary self, for his desire
was to be known; to love and be loved. The ALL is like an egg that carries within its DNA the
future of an entire universe. The Son that arose is perfect, even as His father is perfect and he
carries within his perfect form every quality of the Father. Being the perfect image of the
Father, the Son’s inherent creativity spread itself out into the ALL, like rays shining from a star .
The ALL, like the Father and Son, is infinite and limitless in scope and capability. Each individual
ray emerges from the central seed of the Son, shining forth as one shared body . As crystal
refracts a beam of light into all the colors of the spectrum, so the son beams forth everyone of
his countless qualities as individual, yet unified, rays of the ALL. The son intimately knows each
facet of the ALL, for the ALL are all facets of himself. They are concurrently one and many, one
and ALL; a selfless diversity giving glory to their father with a single song of praise. The son
whobecamethe FATHERof the ALL shines forth as the emergent rays of the ALL. Nolonger a
single seed singing the same song in unison, the ALL became aware of its plurality, and now
they sang in harmony. The ALL glorified their Father with one mind, for only in the totality of
their union could they reflect and exalt the Father’s greatness. However, this state of perfect
communion did not last, for the members of the ALL soon became self-aware, and “it” became
a “they.” The moment “it” became “they,” identities arose, and the Son’s rays fruited into
individuals, each one distinct and self aware.

No longer a single seed singing the same song in unison, the ALL became aware of its plurality,
and now they sang in harmony. The Aeons of the ALL awakened to themselves in fulfilment of
the Father’s desire for innumerable points of view. In this manner, the ALL fruited, and the
Aeons of the Fullness became conscious of themselves and their individual capabilities. The
awakened Aeons sorted themselves into a mutually beneficial and cooperative colony a
hierarchy consisting of names, stations, ranks, duties, and locations. The instant the Aeons
became self-aware, they arranged themselves into the Fullness. Each Aeon occupies a unique
place and perspective in the union of the Fullness. The hierarchy of the Fullness prefigures all
the patterns, parts, forces, and relationships that would eventually become our universe. The
hierarchy defines higher versus lower. It orders first, second, third, and fourth; superior and
inferior; inside and out; action and rest; every other possible relationship. Particles and their
spins, waves and frequencies, atoms, molecules, attraction and repulsion; cells, and DNA; every
protein fold and enzyme. The how, what, why, when, who, and where of all that was to come,
began as the perfectly rendered Fullness. As DNAanticipates an organism and a blueprint
promises a building, the Fullness embodied the perfect plan of Paradise. For, the Aeons
manifested within their hierarchy all of the Father’s innumerable qualities, including
consciousness, logic, and love. The Aeons of the Fullness were given wisdom and prudence and
a constant thirst to seek their Creator. This gave them a desire to align themselves with the
Father’s Holy Spirit through the process of giving glory. The Aeons yearned for communion with
their Father, for He had planted His root deep within their hearts and they recognized
themselves as His branches and His fruit. The newly self-aware Aeons were not separated from
The One Who Is, for their Father was the Son and embodiment of the Formless One, and His
Holy Spirit flowed throughout them as a reassuring presence. Although the Aeons dwelt within
the single body of the Fullness, they were each an independent self. Their variety required
them to work together and remain in full agreement, for only through their union could they
approach the Father’s greatness.

“ALL for One, and One for ALL!” is their song. The Aeons of the Fullness dream as one of a
Paradise yet to come. Prior to the Fall, the Aeons of the Fullness sat in perfect equilibrium in
their hierarchy of ranks, stations, duties, and names. They were a congress of one accord,
sharing a single dream of Paradise. We remember this dream as our foretaste of Heaven. In
order to remain aligned with the Father’s Will, the Aeons needed to glorify only the Father and
never themselves, nor any other Aeon, nor the Fullness as a whole. Furthermore, each Aeon of
the hierarchy was to give glory from its own location, using its own God-given talent and not
that of its neighbors. And then, a cosmic tragedy occurred. Logos crowned the top of the
Fullness. The final Aeon produced by the Will of the Father was placed at the very top of the
hierarchy. This youngest Aeon carried within its singular self all of the traits of every other
Aeon, perfect and complete. Not only did this final Aeon possess the knowledge and skills of
every other Aeon, the Father also endowed him with a natural wisdom and curiosity. Indeed,
his name was the very personification of wisdom: “Logos.” Logos marveled at himself in delight
and wonder, for he saw in himself the beauty and perfection of the Fullness, and he mistook his
own grandeur for that of the ALL. Logos mistakes himself for the Fullness. Believing himself to
be equal to the totality of the ALL, Logos launched himself upward toward the “realm of perfect
glory,” forgetting all about his rightful place and duties. Motivated by this mistaken,
presumptuous thought, Logos reached for the Illimitable, but the Father’s glory was too great
to attain. Instead of reuniting with the Father, Logos stumbled and fell. Logos overreaches, and
falls. Logos imagined he could build the Paradise dreamt by the Fullness on his own because he
understood the design and possessed all of the necessary talents. However, without the
consent of the Father and the Fullness, his creation lacked Life and Light. Logos Fell. Logos was
unable to bear the light of the Son, so he averted his gaze to the shadows of the depths. Logos
faltered, and fell. After the Fall, Logos shattered. These scattered pieces of Logos emerged as
poor, weak imitations of the Aeons above. And, because they were no longer arranged in the
ecology of the hierarchy, they lacked places, functions, and names. Lacking the perfection of
the Fullness, these dark ones came into being in a state of roiling chaos. Rather than acting out
of unity, the dark ones manifested only disturbance, upheaval, and confusion. These phantoms
of the Deficiency did not reflect in any way the glory of the Fullness. They were feeble, small,
and unruly. Lacking in wisdom. They were no one’s progeny. Chaos. Lawlessness. A mindless
Deficiency of tiny, weak, shadowy things. Isolated from one another. Alone, in the darkness.
Where, before, there had been unity with the Father and with his brethren in the Fullness,
Logos found only isolation, division, and a turning away. There was no cooperative will.
Presumptuous thought and arrogance replaced the wisdom granted by the Father, and Logos
lost himself to ignorance and oblivion. Everything he produced as a result fell disastrously short
of his intended glory. The imitations produced as a consequence of the Fall lacked the ability to
reason. Their only thought was for themselves, arising as they did from division. They thought
they were all there was, and they admired only themselves, not realizing they were but dark
shadows of the Aeons of the Fullness. Because Logos had been reaching for the heights when
he fell, the Imitation that emerged from the Fall kept trying to reach the unreachable. Only,
now, what had been a desire of the Aeons to reunite with their Father became an upward
striving for power. Personal ambition eclipsed the Father’s will. For his part, Logos found
himself powerless to reign in the rebelliousness of his shattered self. He found in the Deficiency
a strange and irrational imitation of life that continued to spawn things on its own that no
longer resembled himself nor any of his brethren.

As facets of the shattered Aeon spread out into the darkness, what remained of the brightness
and intelligence at the heart of Logos abandoned the Deficiency and returned home to the
Fullness. The Fall gave rise to a Boundary that separated those who had remained with the
Father from the Imitations that spilled forth out of Logos. As the fallen Aeon retreated to its
ownin the Fullness, the Boundary hardened, separating finitude from infinity, ignorance from
truth, light from darkness. The Father and the Fullness were repelled by the Fallen, and a
Boundary formed to rein in the Deficiency. The Boundary encircles a limited space where a
finite economy can emerge. An economy is an interdependent ecology like that of the hierarchy
of the Fullness. There were only shadows of virtues left behind when Logos retreated from the
Deficiency. The small, weak phantoms of the Imitation that proliferated within the Boundary
did not reflect the virtues of the Aeons, and possessed neither the love of the Father nor the
consciousness of the Son. Those of the Imitation are not aware of the hierarchy of the Fullness,
and do not know about assigned roles, places, and duties. Lacking the Aeonic spirit of
cooperation, they exist in a state of perpetual turmoil, driven only by self-centered ambition,
and lusting for dominion over everyone they encounter. Left to their own feeble devices, those
of the Imitation strive against each other in a state of blind ignorance, isolation, and misery.
Logos lamented the Fall and condemned the phantoms born of the Fall. The phantoms hold
values contrary to the virtues of the Son as manifested by the Aeons in the Fullness. These
simulations of virtues lack the life and love of the Father and the ALL, and arise from self-
centered pursuit of dominion, heedless of the cost to others. The Imitations of the Deficiency
bring nothing but strife, death, and despair.


hateful, spiteful impatient / wrathful, lustful, greedy, vain-glorious, cruel, hard-hearted /

ruthless, angry / resentful, repulsive, rebellious, rude, obstructionist, enslavement, despairing,
depressed, fraudulent, slothful, disorderly, reckless, incoherent, greedy envious, indifferent,
arrogant, sterile, treacherous, unfair / capricious, gluttonous, magical.


Loving, patient, chaste, generous, worshipful, gracious, merciful, forgiving, welcoming,

obedient, respectful, cooperative, freedom of will, hopeful, joyful, truthful, useful, orderly,
prudent, logical, charitable, altruistic, empathetic, humble, generative, loyal / faithful, just
temperate, miraculous.
Chapter Ten

Perfection part 4

Logos and the Fullness sought a solution to overthrow what had come into being through the
Deficiency. With the blessing of the Father they produced a Second Order of Powers, patterned
after themselves. Creating the Second Order of Powers. This new fruit embodied numerous
abilities that were better and greater than those belonging to the Imitation. Moreover, the
Second Order Powers were formed to fit inside the limited space of the boundary rather than
the infinitude of the Fullness. The Fruit of Logos and the Fullness were fitted to the Boundary.
And, whereas those of the Imitation were blind to the glory of the Father, this new fruit
dreamed of Paradise and the ALL. These happy memories gave them a good disposition that
elevated them above the sickness of the Imitation. With that good thought, they worked in
harmony and love, for they had come forth from the harmony and love of the Fullness and the
Father. The Second Order of Powers reflect the values of the Son and all of the capabilities,
stations, and names of the Fullness. Logos and the Fullness produced the Second Order of
Powers to dwell within the Boundary below, but they were instilled with a memory of the
Fullness and their Father. While these newly formed beings were not equal to the Aeons of the
Fullness, they were legitimate heirs of their good disposition. Whereas those of the Deficiency
emerged from the Fall, “those of the Remembrance” arose from the Fullness. Those on the left
are only counterfeits, whereas those on the right represent true Virtues of the ALL. It was
decided that the Second Order Powers would enter the Deficiency one by one, from the lowest
stations on up, in their full profusion of functions and forms. In this way, the Deficiency came to
be populated with Powers from the Fullness. Whenever the Second Order of Powers came
upon those of the Imitation, they naturally attempted to overthrow them out of an inherent
sense of self-righteousness. With great zeal, those of the Remembrance pitted themselves
against those of the Imitation. Those of the Deficiency are locked in endless war with those of
the Remembrance. Then, a strange and tragic thing happened. Although the "Likenesses"
resembled the original Aeons of the Fullness, they forgot themselves and their origin in the
confusion. Due to the "Law of Mutual Combat," the Second Order of Powers became infected
with the same lust for dominion that ruled those of the Imitation, and the two Orders entered a
never-ending war over resources in the bounded ecology of the economy. It was during the
endless war for dominion that a tremendous variety of matter and all sorts of powers were
mixed with one another. This explosion of forms and abilities was not a failure on the part of
the Father and the Fullness, rather, it was needed to bring about a transformation of the
Deficiency in preparation for an economy yet to come. The Christ, the fullness, the redeemed,
the second order of powers and the deficiency. The Second Order Powers battle the Imitation,
hoping for rescue from Above. The Aeons next set about restoring memory and reason to the
Second Order of Powers. To doso, the Aeons of the Fullness, every one individually and ALL of
them collectively, gave glory in unison to their Father while praying for a helper to bring peace
to the Deficiency and restoration to Logos. The Aeons produced a Fruit bearing the image of
their Father; and that Fruit carried within itself their various forms and powers. This One Fruit
then took on many forms so those of the Remembrance would be able to recognize and
welcome their Redeemer. In this manner the Christ took charge of the economy and proceeded
to carry out His revelation, one soul at a time. The Fruit of the ALL and the Father, the Christ,
the Savior and Redeemer, the Advocate, the Light, the Beloved The Fruit of the ALL first shone
its Light on those Second Order Powers who had lost their vision and wanted to see again.
These Powers had a small inkling that something higher existed prior to them, and they were
not surprised by the revelation of the Light. It felt comforting and familiar. Those of the
Remembrance joyfully greeted the Light, and they were awakened from the ignorance of the
Deficiency and made whole. Those of the Remembrance were given chariots like those of the
Aeons that could traverse all realms, great and small, establishing order. Working in concert
with knowledge from the Fullness and power from the Father, the Redeemer’s chariots brought
the cooperative hierarchy to Earth, and organized systems began to displace the chaos of the
Imitation. Those who were nowenlightened felt the power of the Redeemer inside themselves,
sharing and relieving their suffering, allowing them to thrive, making them grow. The Aeon,
Logos, who had first fallen, and then created and abandoned the Deficiency, prayed for a final
economy that would rescue all those who had gone forth from him, including those still clinging
to the Imitation. Christ the Redeemer, the Fruit of the Fullness, embodies the love of the Father
and the attributes of the ALL. Humans were endowedwith reason so they could remember their
aeonic inheritance and repent of their tenacious claim to material life. Repentance is more
difficult for some than for others, and so humanity sorted itself into three essential kinds:
spiritual, psychical, and material. The “spiritual” kind sees the truth of the Word, and they
gladly repent of their ignorance and accept redemption. Their eagerness to rejoin the Father
removes from their minds all doubts concerning salvation. Those who are redeemed by the
Christ are unshackled from the chains that bind the material and psychical orders to this world.
The Redeemed have been given enough desire for the things of this world to feel comfortable,
but not so much as to rejoice unduly in its glory. In this way, they are freed from attachment to
the Deficiency. The Christ also sowed in them an ability to reason concerning spiritual matters.
These are the prophets, evangelists, and teachers of the Word, whose job it is to help their
brothers and sisters remember the Father. The Second Order Powers are called “psychical
ones," because they are endowed with “psyches,” or minds. These psychical ones were created
by the Fullness praying as One. Their unified origin causes them to be cooperative, communal
beings. These people believe they are moral enough, taking into consideration all of life’s
challenges and the compromises one must make. They are good citizens who do their best to
help neighbors, friends, and family. The psychical ones recognize the Father and the Light, but
their better nature has been derailed by continual battles with the Imitation. They remain
confused as to the nature of the warring Powers, for sometimes good works come from the
those of the Imitation, and sometimes passions prompt the psychical ones to rage. Meanwhile,
both combatants claim the moral high ground, though both ignore the Father’s guidance. Those
of the Remembrance are content to sense a distant assurance of Paradise, and occasional
glimpses of the Father’s glory, but they are in no hurry to repent and return. This lack of
urgency prolongs their suffering. The phantoms of the Imitation, on the other hand, were
unprepared for the coming of the Light, as they had come from darkness and could not
comprehend it. To them, the Light came as a terrifying flash, driving them ever deeper into the
shadows. Those clinging to the Imitation are called "material ones" because they cannot discern
the spiritual realm, and ignorantly behave as if matter is all that exists. These are successful
materialists who have no inclination to replace the Imitation with the Light of the Father. They
mock believers, believing themselves vastly superior to those poor, deluded fools. The material
ones do not embody true self-consciousness or love for others only a ceaseless drive for

Those of the Imitation who are capable are allowed to rule the darkness as their own. Christ
gave them this dominion so that they, too, although oblivious, might become useful for the
economy that was yet to come. Ultimately there comes a day of reckoning, for the spirit cannot
be denied forever. The Redeemed Third Order Powers find themselves in the world, but they
are no longer of the world. Meanwhile, the Second Order Powers continue to battle those who
cling to the Imitation, both refusing to abandon their rage for redemption. The Messiah entered
history to bring an end to the economy that sustains life on Earth. Christ came into the world to
redeem all of creation by materially manifesting his body and blood. Salvation comes also to
the Fullness above and to Logos in particular, the Aeon whose presumptuous thought and Fall
brought this creation into existence. Christ first raised human beings above the other Powers by
endowing us with the ability to reason, remember, and glorify our Father and the ALL. Christ's
incarnation as Yahusha of Nazareth, and the spilling of his blood onto the earth, brought the
Aeons of the Fullness face to face with the agony of material life and death. In this way, the Son
and the ALL took our suffering upon themselves and experienced the transitory isolation of
physical death. The Fullness dreams of Paradise. This is the mystery of the birth of the Christ
that the inconceivable, ineffable, invisible, and ungraspable One was conceived, expressed,
made visible, and able to be held, touched, and cradled by humans. Yahusha
HAMASHIACHdemonstrated, through His life, death, and resurrection, the power of Virtue and
Light to overcome the confounding Imitation and the darkness of the Deficiency. Humans were
designed by the Aeons to become the “truly existent living images” of themselves they had
always imagined themselves to be in their dream of Paradise. Yahusha the Christ was both
"fully human," with human inheritance from his earthly mother, and "fully God," entwined at
conception with inheritance from his spiritual Father. Within the body and blood of yahusha
flowed the perfected instantiation of the Father and the Fullness. In this manner, Restoration
came to the Deficiency below.

Redemption means returning to the Father's abode--that Paradise dreamed by the Fullness,
where there is no death, no disease, no disappointment, and no deficiency. That Paradise
where Christ is King and peace reigns supreme, and there is only cooperation, fellowship, and
true love. In Paradise there is naught but life; so all the grass is green, and flowers blossom
endlessly, and every soul that has ever lived, lives happily with their friends and families.
Repentance allows one to grasp the love of the Father and so return home to Paradise. Christ
the king, the fullness, the elect, the third order of powers, the second order, the called and the
phantoms of the imitation the outer darkness, hades. The final sorting of souls on Judgment
Day. With the coming of the King, the final Kingdom is at hand. For not only did the Christ
incarnate in that body, but so, too, did the Angels and the powers of the Fullness. In this
manner, the preconditions for the final economy were put in place, for the ALL has been
manifested in the Son. There will soon come a day when the Deficiency ends. On that day, a
new economy will unite Heaven and Earth, and all souls will find their place in Paradise.
OnJudgment Day, the spiritual ones who already serve the King will follow yahusha upward to
Paradise as the "Elect" of the Church. There they will join the Aeons in love and unity as heirs to
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For yahusha received Redemption first, and made way
for those who believe on his Name to follow him home. Those who are of the "Calling," that is,
those of the Remembrance who were called but deluded by the Imitation, will condemn evil
and turn away from the rage that has consumed them. They will finally be healed as, one by
one, they acknowledge the origin of their existence and glorify the Father, the Son, and the
Fullness. For this is the knowledge of redemption that cleanses delusion and unblocks the path
to Paradise. As for those of the Imitation who embrace the darkness and deny the Light, they
will be given direct vision of the ways things are, so they will no longer have to believe in the
Father without proof. Everyone in the final days will awaken to the Light of salvation and
restoration, including the Aeons who broke from Logos when he fell and who need to return to
the Fullness to make him whole. All of these will be provided eternal dwelling places once they
have renounced the downward attraction of the Deficiency so the power of the Fullness can
pull them upward. The only forms banished to the outer darkness called Hades will be the
shadows and phantoms of the Imitation that bring nothing but sorrow, death, and destruction.
These have no home in Paradise. The New Economy of Paradise.

Chapter Eleven

Perfection part 5
The unity is a monarchy with nothing ruling over it. It is the Gold and Father of the All, the holy,
the invisible, who exist over the All, the one who is incorruption, existing as pure light, into
which it is not possible for any light of the eye to gaze. It is the Spirit. It is not appropriate to
think about It as god or that It is something similar. For It surpasses divinity. It is a dominion
having nothing to rule over It. For there is nothing existing before It nor does It have need of
them. It does not need life. For It is eternal. It does not need anything. For It cannot be made
perfect as though It were deficient and only required perfecting. Rather It is always totally
perfect. It is light. It cannot be limited because there is nothing before It to limit It. It is
inscrutable for there is no one before It to scrutinize It. It is immeasurable because there is no
other to measure It as though anything exists before It. It is invisible because there is no one to
see It. It is an eternity existing forever. It is ineffable because no one has comprehended It in
order to speak about It. It is the one whose name cannot be spoken because no one exists
before It to name It. It is the immeasurable light, the pure one who is holy and unpolluted, the
ineffable one who is incorruptibly perfect. It is neither perfection nor blessedness nor divinity,
but It is a thing far superior to these. It is not boundless nor is It limited, but It is a thing far
superior to these. For It is neither corporeal nor incorporeal. It is neither large nor small. It is
not a quantity.

It is not a creature. Neither is it possible for anyone to know It. It is not something pertaining to
the All which exists, rather It is a thing which is better than these not as being superior to others
as though It is comparable to them but as that which belongs to Itself. It does not participate in
an aeon as a constitutive part of it. Time does not exist with regard to It. For whoever
participates in an aeon would have to have had it prepared for It by others. And time was not
delimited for It since It does not receive from another who sets limits. And It does not need
anything. Nothing from the All exists before It. All It asks for is Itself alone within the perfect
light. It will contemplate the unmixed light, the immeasurable vastness. It is the eternity who
gives eternalness, the light who gives light, the life who gives life, the blessed one who gives
blessedness, the understanding which gives understanding, the ever good one who gives good,
the one who does good-not such that It possesses but such that It gives the mercy which gives
mercy, the grace which gives grace. What shall I say to you about the immeasurable light? What
is incomprehensible can only be expressed as the likeness of the light. In this manner, I will
speak to you as far as I will be able to know It for who could know It infinitely? His aeon is
indestructible, being in a state of tranquility, at rest in silence. It is the one that exists before
the All, for It is the head of all the aeons It is the head of all the aeons because its goodness
provides for all the aeons if another thing does exist with It.

For none of those among us understood the things which belong to the immeasurable one
except the one who appeared in It. It is he who told these things to us. It is the one who knows
Itself alone in the light water that surrounds It, which is the spring of living water, the light
which is full of purity. The spring of the Spirit flowed from the living water of the light and it
abundantly supplied all the aeons and the worlds. And the spring of the Spirit from which the
living water flows. It abundantly supplied all the aeons and their worlds. In every way It
perceived Its own image, seeing It in the pure light-water which surrounds It. And Its thinking
become a thing. She appeared. She stood in Its presence in the brilliance of the light; she is the
power which is before the All. It is she who appeared, she who is the perfect Pronoia of the All,
the light, the likeness of the light, the image of the Invisible, she who is the perfect power,
Barbelo, the perfect aeon of the glory. She glorifies It because she appeared through It and she
perceived It. The glory who glorifies It because she appeared through It. And she glorified It.
She is the primal Thought Protennoia, Its image. She became aprimal Human, which is the
virginal Spirit, the triple male, the one belonging to the triple power, the triple na[med], the
triple begotten one, the androgynous aeon which does not grow old, who came from Its
Pronoia. the triple male, the triple hymned, the triple named, the tri]ple power, the
androgynous aeon which does not grow old, which came forth fr[om Its Pronoia. And Barbelo
requested It to give to him Foreknowledge. It assented. When It had assented, Foreknowledge
appeared. He stood with Thought, who is Pronoia. She glorified the Invisible one and the
perfect power, Barbelo, for they came into being through her. Again, this power requested it to
give her Incorruption. And It assented. When It had assented, Incorruption appeared and she
stood with Thought and Foreknowledge, glorifying the Invisible one and Barbelo since she had
come into being because of her. They glorified the invisible Spirit and Barbelon for they had
come into being because of her. She requested it to give her Eternal Life. It assented. When It
had assented, Eternal Life appeared. And they stood and he stood, glorifying It and Barbelo for
they had comeinto being because of her from the revelation of the invisible Spirit. This is the
pentad of the Aeons of the Father, who is the primal Human, the image of the Invisible one,
namely: Barbelo, Thought, Foreknowledge, Incorruptibility, and Eternal Life. This is the
androgynous pentad which is the decad of the Aeons, the Father from the unbegotten Father.
This is the androgynous pentad which is the decad of the Aeons of the Father. Barbelo gazed
intently into It, the pure light. She turned herself toward It. She gave birth to a spark of blessed
light, but it was not equal to her in greatness. She gave birth to a spark of light resembling the
blessed light. This is the Only begotten who appeared from the Father, the divine Autogenes,
the first born son of the All of the Spirit of pure light. The invisible Spirit rejoiced over the light
which had come into being, the one who was the first to appear from the primal power, which
is Its Pronoia, Barbelo. And It anointed him with Its goodness/ Christhood so that he became
perfect. There was no lack of good/ Christ within him because he was anointed in the invisible
Spirit's goodness/Christhood which It poured out for him. And he received the anointing
through the virgi[nal Spirit. He stood in [Its presence, glorying the invisible Spirit and the perfect
Pronoia, from whom he had appeared. He stood in Its presence, glorying the invisible Spirit and
the one because of whom he had appeared.
And he asked to be given one single thing, Mind. And he asked to be given a fellow worker,
Mind. The invisible Spirit assented. Mind appeared. He stood with Christ, glorifying him and
Barbelo, for all these had come into being in silence and thought. The invisible Spirit willed to
perform a work. The invisible Spirit willed to perform a work through the Word. Its will became
a work. He appeared. He stood with Mind and Light, glorifying It. The Word followed the Will.
For through the Word, Christ created everything. The divine Autogenes, Eternal Life and Will,
Mind and Foreknowledge stood, glorifying the invisible Spirit and Barbelo since they had come
into being through her. Through the Spirit, he perfected the divine eternal Autogenes, the son
of Barbelo, so that he stood before the eternal virginal invisible Spirit. The great invisible Spirit
perfected the divine Autogenes, the son of Barbelon It was the divine Autogenes Christ that It
honored with great honor, namely he who had come into being from Its primal Ennoia. That
one is the one whom the invisible Spirit appointed as god over the All, the true god. It gave to
him all authority and It caused the truth which is in It to be subject to him in order that he
might know the All. He is that one whose name they will speak among those who are worthy of
it. For from the light, which is the Christ, and Immortality, through the divine Spirit, For from
the light, which is the Christ, and immortality, through the gift of the invisible Spirit the four
great Lights appeared from the divine Autogenes so that they might stand before him. The
three are: Will and Thought and Life. And the four are: Grace, Understanding, Perception, and
Prudence. Grace belongs to the primal Light Harmozel and Armozel, who is the angel of light in
the primal Aeon; with him are three Aeons: Grace, Truth, Form. The second Light Oroiael is the
one he placed over the second Aeon; with him are three Aeons: Pronoia, Perception, Memory
The third Light Daveithe is the one he placed over the third Aeon; with him are three Aeons:
Understanding, Love, Likeness. The fourth Light Eleleth is the one he placed over the fourth
Aeon; with him are three Aeons: Perfection, Peace, Wisdom. These are the four Lights which
stand before the divine Autogenetor, the twelve Aeons which are placed beside the Child, the
great Autogenetor Christ, through the approval of the divine invisible Spirit. These are the four
Lights which stand before the divine Autogenes, the twelve Aeons which stand before the Child
through the gift and approval of the great Autogenetor Christ, through the gift and the approval
of the invisible Spirit. The twelve Aeons belong to the Son of Autogenetos. All things were firmly
founded through the will of the holy Spirit, through Autogenes. And from the first
Understanding and the perfect Mind, through God, through the approval of the great invisible
Spirit and the approval of Autogenes, It named the true perfect Human, the primal revelation,
Adam. From the first Understanding and the perfect Mind through the gift and the approval of
the great invisible Spirit in the presence of Autogenes, the perfect, true, holy Human, the first
who appeared he was called Adamas. It set him over the primal Aeon beside the great divine
Autogenetor Christ, being the primal Aeon of Harmozel and Its powers with him. And the
invisible Spirit gave him an unconquerable intellectual power. And the Invisible one gave him
an unconquerable intellectual power. He said, 'I glorify and I praise the invisible Spirit for it is
because of you that all things came into being and all things are in you. And I praise you and
Autogenes and the three Aeons: the Father and the Mother and the Child, the perfect power.'
"I praise you and Autogenes and the aeon the triad: the Father and the Mother and the Child,
the perfect power." And It placed his Child Seth over the second Light Oroiael. And his son Seth
was placed in the second aeon with the second light Oroiael. And in the third Aeon was placed
the seed of Seth, the souls of the saints who dwell forever in the third Light Daveithe. And in
the third Aeon was placed the seed of Seth, the souls of the saints who dwell in the aeon with
the third Light Daveithe.

Chapter Twelve


And in the fourth Aeon were placed the souls who did understand their perfection yet they did
not repent immediately but they persisted a while. In the end, however, they repented. They
will remain in the fourth Light Eleleth, the one who yoked them to himself, glorifying the
invisible Spirit. Having been gathered to that place, glorifying the invisible Spirit. Our fellow
sister, Sophia, being an Aeon, thought a thought from within herself and in the thought of the
Spirit and the Foreknowledge. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself
although the Spirit had not agreed with her nor had It consented nor had her partner approved,
the male virginal Spirit. She freely willed the likeness to appear from within herself. Her thought
was not idle and her product came forth imperfect, for it was not patterned in her form for she
had made it without her partner, and it was not patterned in the likeness of the Mother. But
she did not find her concord. As she was about to acquiesce without the approval of the Spirit
or the understanding of her own concord, she swelled out she was complete. Because of the
audacity within her, her thought was not able to be idle and her product came forth, being
imperfect, ugly in his appearance, because she had made it without her partner and her
product came forth, being imperfect, not being formed in her form, for she had made him
without her partner. And he did not resemble the likeness of the Mother, for he had another
form. As she deliberated, she saw that he had become modeled after a different likeness,
"having the face of a serpent and the face of a lion. His eyes were shining with fire. She cast him
away from her outside of those places so that none of the immortals might see him, because
she had given birth to him in ignorance. She united a luminous cloud with him. She placed a
throne in the midst of the cloud so that no one might see him except the holy Spirit who is
called Life, the mother of everyone except the holy Spirit who is called the Mother of all the
living. And she named him Yaldabaoth. He is the Chief Ruler, the one who attained a great
power from the Mother.

He removed himself from her. He abandoned the place in which he had been born. He moved
from place to place away from the place in which he had been born. He seized another place.
He created for himself an aeon, which blazes with a shining fire, in which he nowdwells. He
created for himself an aeon of fiery, luminous flame, in which he nowdwells. And he copulated
with Madness, who is in him he copulated with Ignorance, who is in him. He begat authorities
who are under him, the twelve angels, each one of them to his own aeon following the model
of the immortal Aeons. And he created for each one of them seven angels each and for the
angels three powers-these are all under him, 360 angelic beings with his third power, following
the likeness of the primal model which is prior to him. Iaoth with the face of a cow and Yaw
with the face of a crocodile were the first to emerge out of Yaldabaoth to begin their creation
with him. He allotted them portions out of his own fire, but he did not give them any of his
power from the pure light of the power which he had drawn from the Mother. Because of the
glory which is in him from the power of the light of the Mother, he became Christ to them.
Because of that, he made them call him God, Because of the glory which is in him from the
power of the light of the Mother, he was lord over them. Because of this, he called him self God
over them thus being disobedient to the reality from which he had come into being. And he
joined with the authorities. When he spoke, the seven powers came into being, and he named
them. And he joined the powers with the authorities. When he spoke, they came to be.
Beginning with the highest, he placed authorities as follows: The first, then, is Pronoia with the
first authority Yaoth. The second is Divinity with the second one Eloaios. The third is
Goodness/Christhood with the third one Astaphoios. The fourth is Fire with the fourth one Yao.
The fifth is Kingship with the fifth one Sabaoth. The sixth is Understanding with the sixth one
Adoni. The seventh is Sophia with the seventh one Sabbataios. These are the ones who have a
firmament corresponding to each heaven and aeon according to the likeness of the Aeon which
exists from the beginning, in the model of the indestructible ones. He sawthe creation below
him and the multitude of angels which are below him who came into being from him. And he
said to them, `I am a jealous God; without me there is nothing.' already indicating to the angels
who are below him that another God does exist. For if there were no other God over him, of
whom would he be jealous? Then the Mother began to move to and fro as she understood her
deficiency. It was her own perfection that had caused her to be blamed, because her partner
had not been in concord with her."

Now when the Arrogant one got a power from the Mother, he was ignorant of many beings
who were superior to his Mother, for he said about his Mother that she alone existed. He saw
the great multitude of angels that he had created. He was mighty over them. And when the
Mother understood that the untimely birth of the darkness was not perfect because her
partner had not been in concord with her, she repented. She wept great tears. And It heard the
entreaty of her repentance and the brothers prayed for her. The holy invisible Spirit assented.
When the invisible Spirit had assented, It poured upon her a Spirit from the perfection. When
her partner came down to her to put right her deficiencies her partner came down to put right
their deficiencies, it was through Pronoia that he willed to put right her deficiencies. She was
not, however, conveyed to her own Aeon, but, because of the great ignorance which had
appeared in her, she dwelled in the Ninth until she puts right her deficiency. Avoice came to
her, ‘The Human exists and the Child of the Human.' The chief ruler Yaldabaoth heard, but he
did not think that the voice had come from the exalted height above. The holy, perfect Father,
the first Human of human form, taught them about himself.

The Blessed one revealed his likeness to them. And the whole dominion of the seven
authorities bent down. They saw the pattern of the image in the water. They said to each other,
'Let us create a human in the image of God and with the likeness.' They created out of each
other and all their powers. They molded a form out of themselves and each one of their powers
created from its power a soul. They created by imitating the image which they had seen, the
image of the one whoexists from the beginning, the perfect Human. They said, 'Let us give him
the name Adam so that that name and its power might illumine us.' And the powers began
creating their respective souls from the image below: The first is Divinity; it is a soul of bone.
The second is Christhood/Goodness.

The second is Lordship; it is a soul of sinew. The third is Fire; it is a soul of flesh. The third is
bo]th Christhood/Goodness and Fire, it is a soul of flesh and the whole foundation of the body.
The fourth is Pronoia; it is a soul of marrow which is the whole foundation of the body. The fifth
is Kingdom; it is a soul [of blood. The sixth is Understanding it is a soul of skin. The sixth is
Understanding; it is a soul of tooth with the whole body. The seventh is Wisdom; it is a soul of
hair. And they set the whole body in order. And they set the whole human in order. And their
angels stood before them. They created a substantial soul out of the things which had first been
prepared by the authorities, the harmony of the joined parts. And he blew into it from his spirit,
which is the power from the, Mother, out of the Chief Ruler into the body. And they created the
whole body, which was joined together by the multitude of angels.

And it remained inactive a long time because neither the seven authorities nor the 360 angels
who had forged the links of the chain were able to awaken it. And the Mother wanted to
retrieve the power which she had given to the ruler from her audacity. She went in innocence
and entreated the Father of the All, whose mercy is great, and the luminous God. Following a
holy design, he sent Autogenes and his four lights in the shape of angels of the Chief Ruler. They
advised him with the goal of extracting the power of the Mother from within him. They said to
him, 'Blow into his face from the spirit which is in you and the object will arise: And he blew
into it from his spirit, which is the power from the Mother, into the body. And at that moment
he moved. Immediately [the rest of the authorities became jealous because he had come into
being through them all and they had given the powers that existed within them to the human
and hepossessed the souls of the seven authorities and their powers. His wisdom was greater
than them all and greater even than the Chief Ruler. And they knew that he was naked of evil
because he was wiser than they and he had entered into the light. They lifted him and brought
him down into the lowest region of all matter. But the blessed Father is a merciful benefactor.
He had mercy on the Mother's power that had been taken from the Chief Ruler lest they might
have power over the body. He andhis mercy sent the good Spirit as a helper to the primal one
who had gone down, who was named Adam. His helper is the Epinoia of the light, the one
whom he named Life. It is she who labors for the whole creation by toiling with him, by setting
him right in his ownperfect temple by setting him right in his own] fullness, and by teaching him
about the descent of his deficiency and instructing him about his ascent.

And the Epinoia of the light was hidden within him so that the rulers might not know but our
sister Sophia, who is like us, would set right her deficiencies through the Epinoia of the light.
And the human shone because of the shadow of the light which is in him. And his thinking was
superior to those who had made him. And his thinking was superior to those who had made
him and, the whole host of rulers of authorities. And they bent down. They saw that the human
was superior to them. They took counsel with the whole angelic host of the rulers and the rest
of their powers. Then they mixed fire and earth with water and flame. They seized them and
the four winds, blowing with fire, joining them with each other, making a great disturbance;
they brought him down into the shadow of death. Yet again they made another form from
earth, water, fire, and spirit which is from matter, darkness, desire, and the adversarial spirit.
This is the chain. This is the tomb of the molded body with which they clothed the human, the
fetter of the flesh. He is the primal one who came down and the primal partition. But it is the
Thought of the primal light who dwells in him who awakens his thinking. This is the chain. This
is the tomb of the molded body with which the robbers clothed the human, the chain of
oblivion. And in this way, the human become mortal. This is the primal descent and his Primal
partition. But it is the Thought of the pre-existent light who dwells in him who awakens his

The Chief Ruler took him and placed him in paradise, of which he said, 'It is a delight for him'
but really so that he might deceive him. For their delight is bitter and their beauty is licentious.
Their delight is a deception and their tree is iniquity. Their fruit is an incurable poison and their
promise is death to him. For their flood was bitter and their beauty is licentious. Their food was
a deception and their trees were iniquity. Their fruit was an incurable poison and their promise
is death to them. Their tree which they planted is the tree of life. For my part, I will teach you
about the mystery of their life. It is their counterfeit spirit which dwells in them, whose purpose
is to make him wander so that he does not know his perfection.

That tree is of this sort: Its root is bitter. Its branches are shadows of death. its leaves are hate
and deception. Its fragrance is an ointment of evil. And its fruit is the desire for death. Its seed
drinks from darkness and its seed sprouted from darkness. The dwelling place of those who
taste it is Hades. But the tree which they call 'knowledge of good and evil' is the Epinoia of the
light. Concerning her they commanded, 'Do not taste of it,' which means 'do not listen to her.'
They issued this commandment against him so that he might not look up to his perfection and
realize that he was naked of his perfection.

Chapter Thirteen

The great tribulation

Then there war a great disturbance in heaven that those who stood by their makers were
willing to do whatever it takes to put an end to heaven's threat. Thus, the sons of the most high
God came together giving account on every incidence that Trinity had brought to heaven's will.
Heylel known as Lucifer the Satan of all abominable act whom his father hated after devouring
his own righteous son Sabaoth also known as kingdom, he took the powers to himself for none
of the rulers were aware of the cause that he (God) held his mother Sophia as hostage being
the source of his very own existence that he might rule over the ALL.

For after the death of unbegotten heavenly father, Yaldabaoth became Lord over the ALL he
became more powerful than the angels of light: for those who refused to acknowledge him as
their Lord were either drained of their glory and light or cast out of heaven. For in the heavens
of heaven lies the host of demons.

And the devil came to his father and proposed a plan of chaos:

"If thy Lord willeth let him cast forth lots upon the earth that all may come to know of thy hand
work made", said Heylel. "Armageddon shall prevail before all is fulfilled"

For God thought of his proposal being appealing to the sight of God. Eleleth one of the angel of
light escaped of out captivity into the world of men, there she began her search for the ONE.

And when God saw that it was good he sent forth Ibriel, Raziel, Castiel, Lezmegadiel, and
Amenadiel to the place where Armageddon will take place.

On the account of Patrinity she went through the seven layers of hell crossing through the
canals of perdition, there she saw the horrors of the chief ruler of hell on her right and on her
left, she saw the good side of hell, there she saw Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who saw but could
not do anything as they wondered in despair. She got to a place and saw a large mighty gate in
flames whose height, length and breadth cannot be measured. It opened graciously for her as if
someone was expecting her at the end of the dark corner.

"O TRINITY. Daughter of the living virtue of righteousness", said a loud voice. "Destroyer of
heaven and liberator of men. For hell is at your mercy".

It revealed itself to be Abrasax an angel of Light who's been secretly hiding in hell from the
rulers. Trinity recognized Abrasax to be former archon with the rulers who later took sides with
Sabaoth to become an aeon alongside Sophia. Abrasax explained things to Patrinity, telling her
that the ALL FATHER is dead and now Armageddon awaits humanity, for the word of God is too
slow to make haste, therefore it must be acted upon, making the word void.

He handed to her Abrasax stone as a guide to her quest, revealing the exist of hell to her and
the secret of how to demolish hell with the reform lake of fire school. As she must go through
the remaining six layers of hell, for there awaits her vengeful spirits and demons of the abyss.
Abrasax offered her his light in total fullness as he vanishes into the unknown, completely
vaporized out of existence.

She made her way to the second layer of hell, there she met face to face with Asmenedas,
Saphasatoel, Aarmouriam, Richram, Amiorps, Ephememphi, Yoko, Nenentophni, Blaomen,
Anaro, Zathoth, Armas, Iabel, Verton, Ouriel and Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe being as their leader.
They gathered themselves to gather with other legions at their command.

The second layer of hell is where souls get reformed before assigned to their demons for

There is a beautiful poetic description of the second layer of hell which goes like this:

It is the true epitome of evil

Causing so much vile to the human soul

It is the birth place of demons

A home for the fallen,

It is darkness beyond darkness

It root are the denizens of chaos

Its resting place is death

Dead are the souls of the living

Living dead of abominable act

Damnation as an approach of regression

That's the true nature, its purpose, never ending torment

Those who seek death ends up in its place

Those who seek unforgiveness are lost in it illusions

Its the dark thoughts of every lost souls

It is blemish, corrupt without repentance.

The demons all charged towards Patrinity with all their might, she cut through like a piece of
rag, they were no match for her unfathomable strength and speed, her glory lit the way to her
victory. Though they were scared of her but could not show any atom of fear they crumbled to
their defeat. Asmenedas came first to battle vigorously with Patrinity Saphasatoel and
Aarmouriam came to his aid but they were no match for Patrinity.

Richram, Amiorps, Ephememphi, Yoko, and Nenentophni emerged to battle after their fallen
brethren. They fought earnestly against her and with the help of the Abrasax stone they all

Blaomen, Anaro, Zathoth, Armas, Iabel, and Verton fused into one massive entity who's size
height is enormous. Their strength are unfathomable, one could say they were evenly matched.
Their speed was overwhelming. They battled the entire second layer of hell, it shook in asunder.
Back and forth they battled. She got to a close edge where she got an opening, twisting like a
whirlwind she pulled it aside with great impact into the depths of hell. It emerged more
ferocious than ever, aiming it mouth she threw the sword of the spirit which gave it a fatal

Ouriel and Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe felt the defeat of their comrades as she made her way to
the top. Ouriel appeared in front of her, thwarting her movement. She demanded her to cease
her violation against hell.

"I'm quite impressed that you've made it this far. Trinity", said Ouriel. "Not most angels and
demons could've accomplished the unthinkable".

"What more do you need?", asked Ouriel.

Without getting a reply they both charged at each other with great impact shattering their
surroundings, they were both evenly skilled in combat. Ouriel conjured a fire blast at Patrinity
who averted it with ease. There battle was intense after Ouriel summoned her dark blade of
chaos: a powerful weapon said to be on par with Azrael's flaming sword set in the garden of
Eden by God and his archons.

The sword of the spirit against the dark blade of chaos created a tremendous shockwave that
leveled the entire second layer of hell, their battle could be felt even up to the third layer of
hell. Back and forth they fought immensely. Trained by Michael himself she'd put up a good
fight against Trinity.

She charged towards Patrinity replicating herself into twelve thousand and sixty six, some
jumped in midair to attack, some charged by land to fight but they were no match to the
immense force which shattered them all from Patrinity revealing the original which came from
behind. Ouriel struck her fatal blow, thrusting the dark blade of chaos into Trinity, she laughed
victoriously seeing that she had overcome her, only to find out things were turned out in her
favor when it all revealed to be an illusion with Patrinity thrusting her sword into Ouriel's chest.
She began to turn pale, spilling out some whitish substance from her mouth, she held on to
Patrinity in her dying breath revealing to her how she had missed the glory days and in her arms
she decade instantly like dried bone whereas turning into ash.

"What have you done", said Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe. Who cried out aloud. It drove her to
madness as she leaped into the air absorbing the entire souls in the second layer of hell, infused
within her she sprad forth her mighty wings, transforming into something horrific for she
possessed twelve mighty wings, wings of an eagle, wings of a vulture, wings of doves, wings of
peacock, wings of raven, wings of hawk, wings of bats, wings of parrot, wings of flamingo, wings
of pigeon, wing of crane, and wings of owl: for each wings possessed many eyes as she blew
forth mighty whirlwind which quenched the dart of fury furnace of hell. Possessing sharper
claws on both hands and feet and fangs that could cut through leviathan skin, she grew longer
tail that could circulate and measure the depths of hades, it whipped back and forth against it
victims, that which possessed a mind of its own to attack. Huge spins on her back exposed, and
her body structure are like that of a dried bone emaciated, breast dried and fallen, dangling
about her every movement, beauty now corrupt with the length of her mouth extended to her
jaws, she screamed aloud which shattered her entire surroundings with ease. Their battle was
greatly intense. Toe to toe they both went at it.

"For the last time, you've angered me", said Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe. "Now you shall feel my

"It quite vexing too for all of us", replied Patrinity. "We're all aware".

Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe spat massive flames from her mouth against Patrinity who used the
sword of the spirit as a shield that parted the ginormous flames like the red sea. She hover
above the second layer of hell spinning like a tornado, she caused great hurricane in the second
layers of hell which made all the flames collect themselves like a hurricane, it twirled and
swirled like a spiral. All the flames of the second layer of hell became one massive tornado.
Directing it to consume Patrinity who absorbed the entire flames into the sword of the spirit.

Esthesis-Z-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe charged towards Trinity and grabbed her by the shoulders, into midair
they battled vigorously. She threw the sword in an upward direction which aimed for her head,
thus, beheading her in an instant, she grabbed onto some of the wings and pulled them out
while using it to glide down hitting against a rock she laid dead on the ground. Being deformed
she began to rot with maggots coming out of every parts of her body.
After her death, Patrinity made her way to the third layer of hell, looking on her both sides left
and right were filled the desolation, the damned souls, for all the prophets of the old were
there within the depths of the boiling lake of fire. There Patrinity saw Prophet Elijah, Prophet
Elisha, Prophet Isaiah, Prophet Muhammad and all of his descendants, Prophet Daniel, Prophet
Samuel, and Prophet Jeremiah. Others include, Joel, Ezekiel, Obadiah, Malachi, Esther, Job,
Solomon, David, Joshuah, Ruth, Zechariah, Moses, apostle Paul, Mark, Luke, Timothy, and Jude.
For they were all tortured by their individual demons.

Buer the chief command of 50 legions of demons were under his command, Aym, and Belial
were in charge of the third layers of hell. And when she came her great presence was felt by
their chief commander and the entire host of demons. The mentioned apostles and prophets all
cried for mercy to be freed from the torment of hell.

She battled through the legions of demons and froze them with the Abrasax stone before
making her way to Buer she was stopped by Belial the first of the three who encountered her in
an epic battle. Belial summoned horde of familiar spirit out of its mouth, unclean frog like
demons to battle with Patrinity. For after their defeat Belial transformed into a mighty dragon
to battle against Trinity. Their battle was fearsome.

Unleashing the greater fire out of its mouth that exceeds the first, second and third layers of
hell. She used the sword of the spirit to cut through Belial in half. The Aym appeared with Buer
seeing their bother in defeat they worked in unity but we're consumed by their evil. For
Patrinity left the third layer of hell frozen with all therein.

Then Patrinity arrived at the fourth layers of hell where she was confronted by the two sons of
God namely Cain and Abel. But these were their true names Cain is Yahweh with bear face, Abel
is Elohim with cat face. They appeared in a flash of light from the four layer of hell in their true
form. For that which was heard of the bothers of how Cain brutally murdered Abel for a
rejected offering to their father was false.

Was it not told that Cain never killed Abel,

Was it not heard that Enoch an evil servant brainwashed by God saw the

spirit of Abel crying for vengeance, lo and behold are lies from above and beneath,

For even thy false prophet Moses and Muhammad had not witnessed the true power of
sincerity from the rulers neither do they know of there very existence,

For unto us are they blessed children of disobedience who are awakened by divine light

For was it not told of how God raped Chuah known as Eve,
Was it not mentioned in the holy book of how God took his sons from the mother of the living,

They ascended to hell where they rule and reign supreme over the fourth layers of hades,

Darkness is theirs to command,

Yahweh commands fire and wind.

Elohim commands water and earth

"Cain and Abel", said Patrinity.

"It's Yahweh and Elohim to you", replied Elohim. Who held a mighty axe of flame.

Yahweh held the spare of destiny in his left hand. They spread out circling Patrinity with their

And Yahweh said:

In Mecca three such goddesses were called daughters of the god Allah.

These goddesses are al-Lat, a mother goddess who may be linked to the sun; al-Manat, the
goddess of fate; and al-Uzza, the goddess of the morning star. Al-Uzza sometimes connected to
Venus (Aphrodite), Fortuna, and Isis ruled the stone city of Petra, with Dushara, and the three
daughters of Allah (God & their biological father Yaldabaoth) still assert themselves in Salman
Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses. Allah, in turn, was the creator god. His name means "god"
or "the god," and he was worshiped in Mecca by Muhammad and the members of the Quraysh

You will never succeed and neither will we let you hurt our sisters.

And Elohim said:

Muhammad was a reflective, brooding person of around forty, it is said, when he wandered off
to a cave near Mt. Hira, just north of Mecca, fell into meditation, and received a revelation from
Allah. The vision is described in sura 96 of the Qur'an: "In the name of god, the merciful, the

Recite: in the name of your lord who created, created man of a blood clot.
Recite: and your lord is the most generous, who taught by the pen, taught man what he knew
not."later Muhammad reflected upon the circumstances of his vision at Mount Hira: "One
night," the prophet says, "Gabriel came to me with a cloth as I slept and said, Recite! He
answered, he cannot recite. So Gabriel choked Muhammad with the cloth until he believed that
he should die, he awoke from his sleep, and it was as if they had written a message in my
heart."Muhammad went out of the cave and saw a vision of Gabriel, who appeared everywhere
on the horizon.

That was our doing. Sister. You see, Gabriel works for us not to our father. Yahweh and Elohiym
both said.

"And what about Norea?", asked Patrinity.

Yahweh exhaled and said: She was a fool to not have giving in to father's lust just as he raped
our earthly mother. She would have gotten a place here in hell but instead she got a place in

The world still worship us even until this very moment you fight to protect even to the so-called
man of god you so much desire to save.

Those words made Patrinity to lash out of rage as she charged towards Yahweh. She battled
against both vigorously. Elohim and Yahweh gave it all they had at their disposal.

Yahweh and Elohiym were both skilled with their weapons

Their tactics were most impressive,

Using their elemental powers to the fullest

Elohim was able to knock off the sword of the spirit off Patrinity

Yahweh was unable to lift up the sword, for he was unworthy of it,

Elohim battled with Patrinity alone but couldn't lay a finger on her, she used his weapon against
him, brutally cutting his stomach in half drew the attention of Yahweh, charged towards
Patrinity like a raging bull; she held on to his bear face and summoned the sword to her aid and
used it to slice Yahweh in half like a potatoe chips. Their death caused the first, second, third
and fourth layers of hell to be consumed in destruction, thus, affecting the death of the three
daughters of Allah in their hibernation.

Then she moved on to the fifth layer of hell, there she met face to face with Azazeel, for him
alone distrubes the punishment for each souls in the underworld. He held on to the reapers
blade so sharp that it can cut through the toughest of metals like paper, completely steel from
the top to bottom, with the immeasurable mass that no mortal can lift the blade of his steel. He
swung at Patrinity like a moving propeller simultaneously. He leaped into midair only to miss
the aim of Trinity who got out of harms way.

Both of their weapons clashed together emits a powerful blast that shook the entire layers of
hell asunder.

Up and down they fought,

Back and forth they had each other,

Spinning like the wind,

Twirling like the ocean, they were evenly skilled with it

Each slice and dice shook all of the layers of hell,

Creating a loophole for damned souls into the physical

Each strikes caused a massive destruction that shook even

The physical realm, heavens could feel the tremendous force of their battle,

The universe was it playing ground,

Heaven and Hell were both in awe to the might of PATRINITY

Heaven could witness the trials of hell,

Hell could witness it doom,

No wonder she was called the destroyer of Gods,

A godkiller some would say,

A god slayer, others would say, she is the demon slayer of many

She is the liberator of the physical realm.

On the account of the sixth layer of hell, after the death of Azazeel she came across Toechtha,
Aol, Charaner, Bastan, Archentechtha, Marephnounth, and Abrana guardians of the sixth and
seventh layers of hell under the command of their ruler who is the eye of fire an imitation of
the highest power of light caused their destruction. They gathered themselves together as soon
as she arrived at the sixth layer of hell.
They battled to the vigorously but they were no match for her,

Each of her attacks paralyzed the demons,

There magic are weak, there spells are

Parlor tricks,

She's invulnerable to every attacks,

She unsusceptible to their devices,

She adapts to their every moves,

Swift grace she overcame

None could withstand her might and valor.

To Toechtha she was ripped in half with the sword of the spirit, to Aol he was consumed with
holy ghost fire down to submicroscopic level, to Charaner he was cut down by the sword of the
spirit to a subatomic level, to Bastan and Archentechtha but we're frozen with the Abrasax's
stone and shattered into pieces, to Marephnounth had her heart ripped out and sliced into two,
to Abrana she was vaporized into nothingness.

After she had killed the defenders of the sixth and seventh layers of hell she met face to face
with Harmathoth the eye of fire, for in order to get through the eye of fire she must go through
the first four rulers of hades and chaos: Yaoth called the good one, Galila, Yobel and Adonaios.

Harmathoth is the eye of fire that sustained they very form of furnace of hell, the reformed lake
of fire, it is the source production of fire, and tormentors of the damned. For they were all
aware of the deeds caused by Patrinity the destroyers of deities.

"You seek the eye of fire", said Yaoth. "The same fire which granted the Israelites safe passage
as a pillar of fire by night from God".

"This one dare unleash chaos upon hell", said Galila. "Your suffering will be swift to your

"We're the first order of chaos over hades", said yobel. "The entirety witness the havoc you've
brought upon spirituality, the balance is now flaw"

"There was never a balance to begin with", replied Patrinity.

"This one blaspheme against the entirety", said Galila.

"You possess the Abrasax's stone combined with the sword", said Adonaios.

"And now you want the eye of fire to kill the maker of all things"

"He was never meant to be", replied Patrinity.

The four powers gathered themselves together and battled earnestly with great vigour against

Back and forth they fought trying to prevent her from getting the eye of fire,

They conjured their most powerful spells in all of heaven and hell but all to no avail,

Their might were rendered useful by the overwhelming power of TRINITY

Her glory overshadowed their darkness,

Her valor brought their might to scorn,

They were no match for her despite all of their zeal

They were flaws to her higher power.

Then Adonaios said:

What manner of Christ is this, so powerful in all thy glorious majesty

So exceedingly great,

It overwhelmed the power of God,

The powers of the most high,

Greater than El' Elyon, Baal and Asherah

It is unbearable, my RUACH cannot withstand its mighty

Woe is me who hath brought this upon myself,

Woe unto the Gods who muscle with her,

Thou shall not muzzle the wisdom of her words.

And they all perished miserably. She came to Harmathoth the eye of fire and took its power to
herself, it filled her RUACH like the baptism of the holy ghost which descended like a phoenix
upon her head, she was baptized with fire, lo and behold a voice spake like that of many waters
saying: Blessed be upon the chosen one, more righteous and holy amongst the aeons, whose
glory and grace cannot be compared neither comprehended. For who is like onto thee... None.

She absorbed the Abrasax stone into her RUACH and became one with it. Hell began to crumble
for it had lost it source of balance, came forth a portal like dimension to the physical realm as
she walked through it light leaving hell in total destruction.
Chapter Fourteen

The act of God

After hell had been destroyed by Trinity, then came Satan who saw the terror of destruction
upon his kingdom of darkness and the fallen brethren. Hell had lost it purpose of existence, it
hath lost it dark powers and all the evil in it vanquished into nothingness. And when Sabbataios
lord of understanding came to Satan in a fury burning face, he informed him of the one who
had caused havoc in his kingdom. He retreated up to the heavens and laid complaint about the
hand made work of PATRINITY the daughter of the living virtue of righteousness.

Now, Eleleth the angel of light came in contact with the ONE with grave news she spake about
the death of the ALL FATHER and that the MOTHER is nowhere to be found. He did not show
any concerned about the cause of heavens will, he was nonchalant about the things of the spirit
for he cared only for the survival and safety of his beloved Eleleth.

Then Eleleth said:

I beseech thee my love that thou mayest be bothered about the things of Barbelo

For heaven is in despair,

Hell is destroyed,

And the world of men suffereth the violence of the spiritual realm,

For there's one who's righteousness exceeds all,

The one formed from dust, matter, and spirit,

Whose power rivals the archons in greatness,

For we shall combine our divinity to empower her the more,

That she might overcome the all.

And then THE ONE concord to words of his love and put in the heart of TRINITY the words of
loving wisdom. She was carried by the wind and light and made her presence known to Eleleth
and THE ONE. For their spirit was poured upon her like divine spark emanation.

There is a description attached to it which goes like this:

The perfect light shone around and within her,

It is glorious and exceedingly great,

Its abundance is enormous,

Filled with epinoia,

A light-filled Epinoia emerged

Doxomedon the aeon of the aeons and the light of each one of their powers,

Illuminated all of creation,

Brighter than the morningstar,

Heaven, hell, earth and all the layers of creation could witness the glory,

It brought great disturbance upon the rulers,

They questioned one another,

Never seen, never heard of this magnificent glory,

redundant, they feared their outcome.

After the transformation they were never seen not heard, for her RUACH had become might
and filled with greatness. And when the rulers saw this, they made council to one another, for
they took matters into their hands ignorantly.

Patrinity then had a vision where she transported herself in an instant to Babylon, there she
met with Gabriel who was waiting for her. For Gabriel had slaughtered the innocent who
refused to pay homage to him after the awareness of the death of Cain and Abel, he became
free to be worshipped alongside of equal yoke to the makers.

"Gabriel", said Patrinity. Both staring into each other's eyes.

"When I heard there was a God killer, I wondered who it was that could make even the heaven
of heavens tremble at thy feet", said Gabriel. "I thought I ended you alongside with the
Cambions. Children of succubus. And here we're just as prophesied by the word of God in the
abominable city of great harlot".
"If I'm a son of God, should I not be worshipped as one", asked Gabriel. "Wasn't I the deliverer
in the holy book? Am I not stronger than my brothers and sister: Michael, Raphael and Uriel?".

"What more could I have asked for than to be worshipped", said Gabriel. "Join me TRINITY, for
with such power we could transform all of creation according to our will".

"And then be like the makers", asked Patrinity.

"We can be more than them", replied Gabriel.

"Then you're as worst as Satan himself", said Patrinity which angered Gabriel.

He drew out his sword and charged to battle. Gabriel fought earnestly but he was no match for
Patrinity's skill, tactics and power, he looked like a child when comparing battle strategy to that
of TRINITY. She dodged every of his attack back and forth and pushed him aside off his balance
with a single hand. She never used the sword of the spirit against him, it angered Gabriel.

"Fight me", Gabriel yelled in frustration. Leaped in midair and sprad forth his white wings going
for the kill but was eventually stopped when grabbed him from behind and ripped out his
wings. He fell to the ground uncontrollably with great agony. He bled out whitish substance
from his injured wings and was punched continuously by Patrinity until he died as his body
faded into dust. She took his glory and grace and swallowed it. She spread forth her wings and
flew into the sun set, there in midair she encountered angels and demons working together to
devour her: The Seraphims, cherubims, Thrones, Principalities, Power, Dominions, Virtues,
Archangels and Angels. The nine choirs of heavenly host united with demons assigned by their
rulers to put an end to Patrinity. Labernioum, Diolimodraza, Yammeax, Yakouib, Ouerton,
Oudidi, Arbao, Lampno, Leekaphar, Barbar, Imae, Pisandraptes, Koade, Odeor, Asphixix,
Sunogchouta, Arouph, Sabalo, Charcharb, Chthaon, Bathinoth, Choux, Charcha, Aroer, Jophiel,
Saraqael, Aurora, Gamelilian, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and many more: the entire clouds of heaven
were cover by these entities. She shone forth her great power of light and they were all
consumed by it, falling to the earth in flames.

Raphael who abducted Isaiah received a message from the Lord, and he did as he was told, he
revealed themselves in a trance to Patrinity informing her of Isaiah's state of condition and told
her their location. And just in an instant Trinity was there.

"Where is Isaiah", She said authoritatively.

"He's with the Lord", Raphael replied. "You know, right from the days of John the Baptist the
kingdom of God suffered violence. And we both know what's next".

"Only the violent one takes it by force", Both said.

"It wasn't until you came along, things changed", said Raphael. "Although it's been shitty up
there but we were just fine as fuck. Trinity. Jesus fucking Christ. We were perfect".

"You were never perfect Raphael, none was and if any was close to less perfection, that should
be the humans", replied Trinity.

Raphael laughed maniacally and shook his head while moving, he drew out his sword of flames
and pointed it at Patrinity.

"With your death, heaven will be at peace", said Raphael. "This is the act of God". He jumped
and clinched swords with Patrinity. Raphael was one of the second skilled fighter after Michael
but that not to say that they were higher angels more skilled and superior in ways than them.

Their battle was fought with vigor, Raphael used all his might in their battle and whatever
means he has to end it. Trinity on the other hand fought with less zeal as she was able to
counter all of Raphael's ability with the sword of the spirit. For in their last moment of battle
she slit the throat of Raphael, he fell to the ground and was beheaded by Patrinity.

"What have you done", said a strange voice. "First Gabriel and now Raphael. "What treachery is
this that thou hath done. TRINITY daughter of the living virtue".

Sometimes later, Isaiah saw himself in an unusually familiar place, it is beautiful as described in
the holy book, it had four canals streams flowing with water, none of the animals could hurt
him, the air was strange to breathe but yet unharmed. He could hear the chirp of birds and
insects, the flow and fall of water fountain, he looked around, wondering and questioning
where he was.

"Fear not my child", said a strange voice like that of many waters and thunder. When he looked
around he could not see any physical form nor spiritual form, for he could not see the presence
of the one who spoke but could feel it presence within and around him. It shone himself as
luminous light to Isaiah. Behold the voice of God.

And God said:

I am the Alpha and the Omega.

I am the bright morningstar.

I am God almighty.

That they may know from the rising of the sun,

and from the west, that there is none beside me.

I am the LORD,

and there is none else.

And Isaiah said to the Lord laying complain about the death of his wife, asking God almighty if it
was part of his plan to take his wife away from him, to not answer his prayers in the time of
need. Isaiah asked the Lord: "was it your will that anyone should perish for your sake?".

"There are perilous times my child", replied God. "Even I could not give unto you the burden
that will exceed you".

"Then why me?, Why my Becca", asked Isaiah in tears. "She loved you even unto death... Her
faith was never compromised and you took her away from me. For what cause I ask?".

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God", said God. "It is giving unto none to
Judge me... I'm a loving God. Isaiah Tobias".

"Don't question me my child. My ways are not the ways of men", said God with an authoritative
voice. " Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger
than men. 1 Corinthians 1:25".

"You of all people should understand that your faith in me waver like the sea and should be
tossed aside. Faithlessness is a sin and an abomination unto my sight. I needed you to be
stronger in faith, and in me... My child" said God. "But you have gone beyond my word, you
have broken an edge and so the serpent must bite".

"My thoughts towards you is of good and not of evil. I form the light, and create darkness: I
make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things". said the faded voice of the Lord.
Then the presence of God left that place from Isaiah leaving him alone to wonder the Paradise
of the first creation. And God ascended to heaven, he standeth in the congregation of the
mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

And there was a great council meeting in the highest heaven, called to order by God, for
amongst them were listed among the presence of God himself: Athoth known as goodness has
a sheep face, Eloaios known as forethought with a donkey face, Astaphaios also known as
divinity with hyena face, Yao also known as lordship possessed seven headed snake face,
Adonin also known as jealousy with an ape face, Sabbataios also known as understanding
possessed a flaming fire face, and Satan himself with the face of a ram. The seven powers and
authorities gathered themselves together, they plotted their evil devices against TRINITY and
the world.
Satan the son of God then said:

Father, my brothers Elohim and Yahweh are dead

And now she possessed both the eye of fire and the Abrasax stone

She possessed trinity: The sword of the spirit, the Abrasax stone and the eye of fire.

Then Yao said:

Heaven will be scorched and our words be made mockery of

The one whom they call TRINITY put us in great disaster

That she might fulfill that which was never prophesied.

Then Sabbataios said:

She's of no doubt coming to heaven to wage war on us

And against the entirety,

Perhaps my archons will delay thee from getting to us

But we must act quick on our reasoning lest thou finds us

And devour us with a consuming flame.

Then Adonin said:

What about the preacher whom thou followest like

Her disciple, for hath she not promise to give him the eternal fruit

The eternal living knowledge of youth,

And eat, wish upon and live forever that thy waste years be restored

Unto him.
Then Eloaios said:

The revelation of Armageddon shall now be fulfilled hastily

If we are to be spared from the wrath of TRINITY

Daughter of the living virtue

Slayer of heavenly host,

Liberator of men.

Then Astaphaios said:

We shall send the heavenly host and archons,

And all the choir of angels down that they might know

Upon the earth and every creepy things that liveth there in,

Will acknowledge the ACT OF GOD

Then Athoth said:

Just as prophesied in the holy book,

Men shall reverence the GODS.

And God said:

As it is said, so shall it be done.

The story continues with Patrinity who was confronted by the heavenly host and archons sent
by their rulers to thwart her from her deeds. Yesseus, Mazareus, Yessedekeus, Theopemptos,
Isaouel, Micheus, Michar, Mnesinous, and Seldao were the first to appear from the false light of
heaven. Each one of them, filled with power and great authority from their rulers. They
possessed false light of divinity upon them that which gave them false hope, trust and
confidence in their maker.
"Heaven is against you Trinity", said Isaouel with a loud voice. "You're a blasphemy to the word
of God. Going against the rulers of this world, therefore your judgement starts now".

"Then let it be known this day, that heaven has recorded it against you and all the entirety",
Patrinity replied. As they all battled against her in their defeat.

During their great battle the six Gods held to on to seven golden candle sticks been lit, Uriel on
the other hand possessed a golden candlestick which she lit in the midst of the ocean giving by
her maker. At once the seven authorities dropped down the seven candlestick upon the earth,
rendering it in total darkness for seven hours, and after seven hours had passed, there came
great flames that consumed half of the world and everything there is. The oceans began to boil,
diving into twos like that of Moses and the red sea. There emerged great beast and Nephilims
from the depths of the seas, flying monsters of all kinds unleashed into the world of men.

Behold, Armageddon fulfilled before the word of (the) God(s). On the account of Patrinity, she
brutally murdered the heavenly host that are against her as she ascended to heaven.

There is eulogy to the saying which goes like this:

I am the Providence of everything.

I became like my own human children.

I existed from the first.

I walked down every possible road.

I am the wealth of the light.

I am the writing on the wall.

I am the remembering of the fullness.

I walked into the place of greatest darkness and on down.

I entered the central part of the prison.

The foundations of chaos quaked.

I hid because of their evil.

They did not recognize me.

I came down a second time continuing on.

I emerged from among those of light I am the remembering of Providence.

I entered the middle of darkness.

The inner part of the underworld To pursue my mission.

The foundations of chaos quaked Threatening to collapse upon all who were there

And utterly destroy them. I soared upward again To my roots in light So as not to destroy them
all yet. I descended a third time. I am light.

I am dwelling in light. I am the remembering of Providence I entered the midst of darkness I

came to the deepest part of the underworld.

I let my face light up thinking of the end of their time I entered their prison

The body is that prison I cried out: “Anyone who hears, Rise up from your deep sleep!” And the
sleeping one awoke and wept wiping bitter tears saying “Who calls me?” “Where has my hope
come from.

As I lie in the depths of this prison?” “I am the Providence of pure light,” I replied, “I am the
thought of the Virgin Spirit Raising you up to an honored place.

Rise up! Remember what you have heard. Trace back your roots to me,

The merciful one. Guard against the poverty demons.

Guard against the chaos demons. Guard against all who would bind you.

Awaken! Stay awake! Rise out of the depths of the underworld! I raised him up.

I sealed him with the light/water of the five seals;

Death had no power over us ever again.

I ascend again to the perfect realm.

I completed everything and you have heard it.”

Chapter Fifteen


Ibriel, Raziel, Castiel, Lezmegadiel, and Amenadiel stood at the entrance of Armageddon
holding five golden keys: Ibriel held the key of David, Raziel held the key of Abyss, Castiel held
the key of death, Lezmegadiel held the key of knowledge, and Amenadiel held the key of Life.
For they went to the end of the earth each heavenly host inserted the keys to their rightful
place and brought forth hell and all the abominable things which were never seen nor heard. Lo
and behold the four horsemen of death reborn from the key of life. And death fell upon man's
world as of they lived in a zombie wasteland for one thousand years. The dead arose to torture
the living and knowledge, wisdom and understanding was taken from man.

And when she got to the first heaven, Patrinity met Sablo in charge of the first heavenly realm
under the command of Athoth known as goodness with the face of a sheep, with two hundred
heavenly host waiting for her to battle. There is a brilliant description of how the first heavenly
realm looked like before destruction:

It holds great sea, greater than the earthly sea,

With each elders and rulers of the stellar orders who rule the stars and their services to the

It had store house of snow, with every host in charge of the clouds

The treasure house of the dew, like oil of the olive, and the appearance of its form, as of all the
flowers of the earth;

further many angels guarding the treasure-houses of these things, and how they are made to
shut and open.

The story continue with Patrinity destroying the first heavenly realm ablaze and all of the
heavenly host in it; she battled against Sablo and defeated him. Then, engaged in an epic battle
against Athoth Lord over the first heavenly realm Consuming him into nothingness. Then, she
made her way to the second heavenly realm.

A perfect description of the second heaven goes like this:

It is of great darkness, greater than the earthly darkness

Tortures of innocent souls,

Guilt not guilt are they consumed by it,

It is prison with prisoners hanging

Watching, and waiting the great boundless judgement

Their guardians are dark looking

They are darkness themselves,

The abyss was never enough,

They are the sons of God who judgeth the all

Wherefore, who can deliver them out of there hands.

The angels of darkness had no hold over Patrinity, she slayed each and everyone according to
the punishment of each souls, she freed the damnation of the second heaven and shone her
light to overshadow the darkness therein, she over came triumphantly. That even Eloaios the
forethought lord over the second heaven had no hold against her as they all perished

Then she made her way to the third heaven, that which God rested and when he saw her, he
could see the glorious power within and around her. For the fear of Patrinity is the beginning of
wisdom. God could not withstand her might and therefore retreated from the heavens. He left
behind a chief ruler Astaphaios also known as divinity with the face of an hyena. Astaphaios
took upon himself great rod like an ankh and swung at it to the direction of Trinity. Their battle
ground became thinner, trading punches shook the fabric of existence, they fought beyond
space and time and finally made it back to earth in Egypt.

"Behold!", said Astaphaios. "My sanctuary".

"Then this is where you shall die", replied Patrinity.

They fought vigorously as Astaphaios summoned the dead, he summoned the Egyptian
mummies to life, all the dead pharaohs and Queens, including that of Cleopatra, Ramsey and all
the dead from Egypt were awaken by the power of Astaphaios. Patrinity used the sword of the
spirit to overcome them all, killing Astaphaios brutally. She ascended to the fourth heaven.
There she met the chief ruler and God of the firmament. The one they call AMEN. To the
Egyptians he's known as Amun and Ra, to the Muslims he's worshipped as Amin and to the
christians he's been worshipped and called upon at the end of their prayers known as Amen.
For he is all things: He is Amun Ra, he is Amen Ra, he is Amin Ra, he is Ra, Lord and God of the
firmament which still exist until now.

The fourth heaven is thus described with wonders of creation:

Here the fourth heaven where is the course of sun and moon.

All the successive goings, and all the rays of the light of sun and moon

The light of the sun is greater than the moon

Its circle and the wheels on which it goes always, like a wind going past with very marvellous
speed, and day and night it has no rest [note:"Rapid Transit"]

Its passage and return are accompanied by four great stars, and each star has under it a
thousand stars, to the right of the sun's wheel,

and by four to the left, each having under it a thousand stars, altogether eight thousand, issuing
with the sun continually

And by day fifteen myriads of angels attend it, and by night a thousand

And six-winged ones issue with the angels before the sun's wheel into the fiery flames, and a
hundred angels kindle the sun and set it alight.

No wonder many chose to worship the sun cause of it immense power radiating from it core

Of the very marvellous elements of the sun.

There are flying elements of the sun, whose names are Phoenixes and Chalkydri, marvellous
and wonderful, with feet and tails in the form of a lion, and a crocodile's head, their appearance
is empurpled, like the rainbow; their size is nine hundred measures,

Their wings are like those of angels, each has twelve, and they attend and accompany the sun,
bearing heat and dew, as it is ordered them from Amen

Thus the sun revolves and goes, and rises under the heaven, and its course goes under the
earth with the light of its rays incessantly.

To the east at the sun's gates, where the sun goes forth according to the regulation of the
seasons and the circuit of the months of the whole year,

and the number of the hours day and night, six gates open, each gate having sixty-one stadia
and a quarter of one stadium,
And to the western parts, six great gates open corresponding to the Eastern gates, opposite to
where the sun sets, according to the number of the days three hundred and sixty-five and a

Thus again it goes down to the western gates, and draws away its light, the greatness of its
brightness, under the earth; for since the crown of its shining is in heaven with the Lord, and
guarded [by four hundred angels, while the sun goes round on wheel under the earth, and
stands seven great hours in night, and spends half its course under the earth, when it comes to
the eastern approach in the eighth hour of the night, it brings its lights, and the crown of
shining, and the sun flames forth more than fire.

The elements of the sun, the Phoenixes and Chalkydri broke into song.

therefore every bird flutters with its wings, rejoicing at the giver of light, Amen.

And they broke into song at the command of the Lord. Amen Ra.

The giver of light comes to give brightness to the whole world, and the morning guard takes
shape, which is the rays of the sun, and the sun of the earth goes out, and receives its
brightness to light up the whole face of the earth, for the calculation of the sun's going

And the gates which it enters, these are the great gates of the computation of the hours of the
year; for this reason the sun is a great creation, whose circuit lasts twenty-eight years, and
begins again from the beginning.

To the east at the course of the moon. To the other course, that of the moon, twelve great
gates, crowned from west to east, by which the moon goes in and out of the customary times

It goes in at the first gate to the western places of the sun, by the first gates with thirty-one
days exactly, by the second gates with thirty-one days exactly, by the third with thirty days
exactly, by the fourth with thirty days exactly, by the fifth with thirty-one days exactly, by the
sixth with thirty-one days exactly, by the seventh with thirty days exactly, by the eighth with
thirty-one days perfectly, by the ninth with thirty-one days exactly, by the tenth with thirty days
perfectly, by the eleventh with thirty-one days exactly, by the twelfth with twenty-eight days

And it goes through the western gates in the order and number of the eastern, and
accomplishes the three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days of the solar year, while the
lunar year has three hundred and fifty-four, and there are wanting to it twelve days of the solar
circle, which are the lunar epacts of the whole year
[Thus, too, the great circle contains five hundred and thirty-two years]. The quarter of a day is
omitted for three years, the fourth fulfils it exactly

Therefore they are taken outside of heaven for three years and are not added to the number of
days, because they change the time of the years to two new months towards completion, to
two others towards diminution.

And when the western gates are finished, it returns and goes to the eastern to the lights, and
goes thus day and night about the heavenly circles, lower than all circles, swifter than the
heavenly winds, and spirits and elements and angels flying; each angel has six wings. It has a
sevenfold course in nineteen years.

In the midst of the (fourth) heavens the god of the firmament armed (angelic/archons) soldiers
stood in the mist to protect their creator.

"Blessed are they which look upon my creation and marvel at thy wonders of my handmade
work", said Amen.

He sent his angels and archons against Trinity, they were no match for her, as she defeated
them flawlessly in victory. She battled intensely with the God of the firmament. They fought
thoroughly throughout and beyond creation, that not even the earth could hold their battle.

The sun shall not smite her by day neither the moon by night. They fought back and forth and
ended up in the sun after the destruction of the moon. Half of the sun lost it light as She
overcame Amen.

"I cannot be defeated, only be reborn by the words of name spoken out aloud as a confirmation
of prayers", said the defeated Amen in the sun.

"You're just an avatar of God", replied Patrinity. "Killing Yaldabaoth will be the end of you". As
she then stabbed him with the sword of the spirit which emits powerful solar radiation that was
felt across creation.

She transcended beyond the fifth heaven which consumed all the heavenly host and their chief
ruler Yao known as lordship. Here's a description of what the fifth heaven holds and look like:

The fifth heaven had countless soldiers, called Grigori, of human appearance, and their size was
greater than that of great giants and their faces withered, and the silence of their mouths
perpetual, and there was no service on the fifth heaven,
These Grigori, who with their prince Satanail (Heylel or Satan) rejected the Lord of light, and
after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven, and three of them
went down on to earth from the Lord's throne, to the place Ermon, and broke through their
vows on the shoulder of the hill Ermon [note: Compare The Second Book of Adam and Eve.
Chap. XX] and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and
befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing,
and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity

And therefore God judged them with great judgement, and they weep for their brethren and
they will be punished on the Lord's great day to battle for Armageddon.

She ascended to the sixth heavenly realm whom their chief ruler Adonin known as the jealous
one with the face of an ape. He had multitudes of archons at his disposable, a replica of the first
angels of light. They took to themselves in disguise as angels of light.

There's a description that follows:

Seven bands of angels, very bright and very glorious,

Their faces shining more than the sun's shining, glistening, and there is no difference in their
faces, or behaviour, or manner of dress;

And these make the orders, and learn the goings of the stars, and the alteration of the moon, or
revolution of the sun, and the good government of the world.

And when they see evildoing they make commandments and instruction, cause they
themselves are evil

These are the archangels who are above angels, measure all life in heaven and on earth, and
the angels who are appointed over seasons and years, the angels who are over rivers and sea,

And who are over the fruits of the earth, and the angels who are over every grass, giving food
to all, to every living thing, that they might forget their true heritage and the angels who write
all the souls of men, and all their deeds, and their lives before their Lord's face; in their midst
are six Phoenixes and six Cherubim and six six-winged ones continually with one voice singing
one voice, in foreign tongues known to be the language of the archons.

And they rejoice before the Lord at his footstool.

Adonin stood firm when the presence of Patrinity emerged the heaven, it shook asunder,
rendering all powerless. Her presence alone brought the destruction of the archons, seraphims,
cherubims and thrones. It put a dread on whose name was jealous. He died shamefully on his
Lo and behold the six heaven of chaos been destroyed by TRINITY. The story never revealed the
other four heavens which in total are ten heavens. The last four were greatly destroyed by
mother of living virtue and the Aeons who thwarted the work of Yaldabaoth known as Aravoth.
He goes by many names as previously mentioned.

Here's a description of what the seventh heavenly realm looked like:

The seventh Heaven, filled with deceptive great light, and fiery troops of great archangels,

incorporeal forces, and dominions, orders and governments, cherubim and seraphim, thrones
and many-eyed ones, nine regiments, the Ioanit stations of light,

There they worshipped their maker called Archir-Adonin and with him were the host of angels,
with him were 34 most trusted chancellors: Ariel, Barkayal, Asaradel, Suryal, Sarakiel, Zateel,
Phanuel, Dendayan, Domedon, Harmozel, Oroiael, Davithe, Samlo, Samblo, Nebruel, Harmas,
Yubel, Akiressina, Harmupiael, Belias, Hormos, Elainos, Olses, Hypneus, Heurumaious,
Mixanther, Michanor, Akramas, Strempsouchos, Yoel, Kalila-Oumbri, Yabel, Abrisene,

And in the eighth Heaven ruled by Heylel before his damnation into perdition, which is called in
the Hebrew tongue Muzaloth, changer of the seasons, of drought, and of wet, and of the
twelve signs of the zodiac, which are above the seventh Heaven.

And in the ninth Heaven ruled by their chief ruler Sabbataios into Archas which is called
darkness, he survived and escaped the wroth of the aeons with his archons, which is called in
Hebrew Kuchavim, where are the heavenly homes of the twelve signs of the zodiac.

On the tenth heaven is God, their superior archon and chief ruler over the archons, he alone
occupied the third and tenth heaven which in the Hebrew tongue he is called Aravat.

After the destruction of the sixth heaven of chaos she was snatched by a whirlwind to the city
of Rome. Therefore, Armageddon had taken it course upon the earth.
Chapter Sixteen

Revelation of Armageddon

For I Isaiah had seen the revelation of the Gods and in the midst of the throne and of the four
beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns
and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of the Gods sent forth into all the earth.

Athoth known as goodness with a sheep face opened one of the first seal which was felt like the
noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And they saw, and behold a
white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went
forth conquering, and to conquer. And when he had opened the second seal, the second beast
said, Come and see. And there went out another horse that was red: and power and authority
was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one
another: and there was given unto him a great sword. And when he had opened the third seal,
a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And Isaiah heard a
voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures
of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

And when he had opened the fourth seal, he heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and
see. And he looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell
followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill
with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. And when he
had opened the fifth seal, they saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the
word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying,
How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell
on the earth? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them,
that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren,
that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. For these were the four horsemen of
death known as the apocalypse and revelation God showed Isaiah before the illness and death
of his wife.

And Isaiah beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake;
and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of
heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a
mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places.

And the kings (rulers) of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains,
and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and
in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from
the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of
his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

And after these things he saw four angels Kokabiel, Amazarak, Gamaliel, and Zadkiel, standing
on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not
blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And he saw two other angels Armozel and
Raguel ascending from the east, having the seal of the deceased God: and they cried with a
loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, saying, Hurt
not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their
foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an
hundred and forty and four thousand (144,000) of all the tribes of the children of Israel. But
Raguel was eventually killed by another archon who was instructed by the living God from the
council that the purpose of unbegotten heavenly father's will shall not come to pass lest they
themselves be destroyed.

And I Isaiah behold the death of these angels what even the chosen shall perish on the day of
judgement for (the) God(s) shall reveal themselves to men and all the generations of this world
shall see angels in their true nature.

And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half
an hour. And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven
trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there
was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the
golden altar which was before the throne.

And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, scattered up before
God out of the angel's hand, for God was against the world neither was he the true GOD at all.
And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and
there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. And the seven angels
which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.

The first angel whose name was Baoum sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with
blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all
green grass was burnt up. And the second angel whose name was Ararim sounded, and as it
were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea
became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and
the third part of the ships were destroyed.

And the third angel whose name was Areche sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven,
burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of
waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. And the fourth
angel whose name was Phthaue sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the
third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was
darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. I beheld, and
heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to
the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels,
which are yet to sound!

The fifth angel whose name was Senaphim sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the
earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit;
and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air
were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.

And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as
the scorpions of the earth have power. For it was commanded them that they should not hurt
the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have
the seal of the God(s) in their foreheads and to them it was given that they should not kill them,
but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a
scorpion, when he striketh a man.

And in those days shall men seek death, and shall find it; and shall desire to die and only to be
reborn anew for torture

And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads
were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as
the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as
the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had flaming tails like unto
scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is Abaddon reborn from Apollyon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name

One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. And the sixth angel whose
name was Zabedo sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is
before the Gods, saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which
are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared
for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the
number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the
number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having
breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the
heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three
was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which
issued out of their mouths.

For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and
had heads, and with them they do hurt. And the rest of the men which were not killed by these
plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and
idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor
walk: neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor
of their thefts.

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow
was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: and he had
in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the
earth, and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven
thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was
about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the
seven thunders uttered, and write them not.

And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven,
And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that
therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which
are therein, that there should be time no longer: but in the days of the voice of the seventh
angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of the Gods should be finished, as he hath
declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me
again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which
standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.

And I went unto the angel, and said unto him, Give me the little book. And he said unto me,
Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as
honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth
sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said unto me, Thou
must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure
the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without
the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall
they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and
they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their
enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to
shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn
them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the
bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their
dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also our Lord was crucified.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three
days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell
upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another;
because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. And after three days and
an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great
fear fell upon them which saw them. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto
them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld

And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the
earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave
glory to the God of heaven. The second woe is past; and, behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms
of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever
and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their
faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O LORD God Almighty, which art, and
wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should
be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the
saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which
destroy the earth.

And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his
testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and
great hail.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon
under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried,
travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven;
and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his

And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the
dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as
soon as it was born. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod
of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they
should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. And there was war in
heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his
angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great
dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the
kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down,
which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the
Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth
and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth
that he hath but a short time. And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he
persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness,
into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of
the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he
might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the
earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her
seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of
blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a
bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat,
and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly
wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the
dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like
unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was
given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy
against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.

And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was
given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth
shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear. And I beheld another beast
coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them
which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in
the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles
which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that
they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should
both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the
mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is
Six hundred threescore and six.

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four
thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. These are they which were not
defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever
he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the
Lamb. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment
is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because
she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and
his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand. The same shall drink of the wine
of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and
he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the
presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and
they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever
receiveth the mark of his name. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write,
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may
rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man,
having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle. And another angel came out
of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and
reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped. And
another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And
another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to
him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the
vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth,
and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even
unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four
thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. These are they which were not
defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever
he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the
Lamb. And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to
preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people. Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment
is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of

And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because
she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 14:9 And the third angel
followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and
receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into
the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of
the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up
for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image,
and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto
me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit,
that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man,
having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.

And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the
cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the
earth is ripe. And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was
reaped. And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp
sickle. And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a
loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the
clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe. And the angel thrust in his sickle
into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the
wrath of God. And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the
winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour
out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial
upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark
of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. And the second angel poured out his
vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they
became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art,
and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints
and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard
another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch
men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God,
which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth
angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and
they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains
and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof
was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And he gathered them
together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured
out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the
throne, saying, It is done.

And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as
was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great
city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in
remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great
hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because
of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
Chapter Seventeen

Eschaton and Apocalypse part 1

They landed in Roman Catholic Church, that which seemed to have carried her unaware revealed itself
to be the archangel Michael.

"I knew you would be the one to cause trouble above and below not even Heylel could alter God's
word", said Michael. "And here we are in this holy sanctuary... Till death do us apart. Patrinity or should I
say Trinity".

Michael began revealing past secret to Trinity, informing her about the year 1645 A.D in Rome (Roman
Catholic Church) in the holy see residence of vatican where exorcism took place by some group of popes
on a possessed young girl. He revealed to her, that the victim wasn't possessed but was a prophecy that
was never prophesied to come true. It was the abomination which took place six thousand years ago
gave birth to the unforgivable sin which was Patrinity.

Michael and some angels came down to earth and possessed the priest who carried out the exorcism
and the message left was a warning against you and humanity if they ever put their trust in you. As
humans were starting to realize the truth about their divinity, she was their salvation to eternal life, just
as he did to Isaiah's wife, revealing the truth behind her death with the involvement of Uriel in it, they
conspired against her and all she cared about.

Michael walk around circling the altar where he stood in front to face Trinity, he smirk a little seeing that
she possessed the sword of the spirit.

"For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to
the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intents of the heart", said Patrinity.

"Hebrews 4:12", Michael replied.

"Then you know it's the only thing that could kill a GOD", said Patrinity. They battled vigorously like an
instant teleportation across the world and ended up in saint Mary's church.

Michael began to fidget in his heart as he tried to reason with Trinity by putting the blame on God
himself, he told her things that were never meant to be, he told her that it was the holy spirit at fault
who brought the wrath of GOD upon God. The archangel Michael said, that is was God's plan to drive
out the evil spirit out of heaven and it was too powerful to be casted aside by the gods, all worked
together including his son to cast it into the abyss.
"Judgement day is upon us all, no one is exempted not even the great invisible spirit", said Michael. "But
if we work together we could set things right, we could make anew. For old things are passed away and
behold all things will become new. Work with me Trinity and the reign of the Gods will be vanquished
for eternity. Humanity will no longer have to suffer, no right or wrongs, no 22 laws and ten
commandments. All will be beyond holiness". He said why reaching for an holy sacrament dagger from
behind as he drew it out to slay Patrinity who was more faster and agile with immense hyper motility
overpowered the archangel, stabbing him with the holy dagger to his neck and with the sword of the
spirit through his heart and pinned him against a display cross which pierced both of his hands against
the six inches nail in a Catholic church of saint Mary.

"Woe unto you Michael", said Patrinity before leaving the church burnt to the ground.

Meanwhile, at the garden of Eden, God escaped the wroth of Trinity and appeared in the garden of
Eden, revealing his true form when Isaiah spotted him. He was frightened at first to see the God in
whom he had worshipped in his true appearance of a dragon with the head of a lion. God is massive
huge, awful and very very terrible. His face is ineffable to Isaiah. He rested on the tree of knowledge of
good and evil, and apocalypse is still ongoing. For the world had seen the face of God driven out of
heaven and down to earth. Then, Isaiah had a discussion with God again for a second time.

On the account of Patrinity she ascended into the tenth heavenly realm destroyed six thousand years
ago, visiting the past, she entered the heavenly stable and took to herself a white horse, there she felt a
familiar presence, the angel Uriel came to her.

"She's the most prettiest thing that the ALL has ever made. She's filled with Adoil, which is the greatest
of all light in it's belly", said Uriel with a smile. "None had been able to ride her ever since your mother
passed away, and yet she still recognized one of her own".

"You must have known the entire truth about us, about me", said Uriel. "But am not here to fight nor
bring harm upon the children of men".

"Then why have you come?", Patrinity asked.

"I came to aid you and ask for your forgiveness", replied Uriel. "You seek vengeance for all gods and
what they'd. You seek the death of spirituality itself".

"But after all these, what's next?", asked Uriel.

"Peace, love, hope and understanding in the world of men", replied Patrinity. "Never to fear the
unknown and always to live in harmony. Something the Gods never had".

"I would willingly give up everything I've to you, that I may pass away peacefully into the unknown", said
Uriel. Who began revealing the secrets to her and after all said and done, Uriel found forgiveness in the
sight of TRINITY as she became a martyr. Transferring all of her glory and power to Patrinity to aid her in
her final quest to man's liberty.
And heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and she that sat upon her had a bow and a crown was
given unto her and she called Faithful and True, and in righteousness she doth judge and make war. She
she went forth conquering and to conquer she overcame.

Meanwhile on the other side of God, in the garden of Eden he sent forth the archons to stall Trinity from
getting to Eden, he sent his rebellious demon son Heylel and Sabbataios who were in charge of the
battalions of heavenly host while Armageddon is still on earth tormenting the people of the world.
Selaphiel, Melcheir-Adonein, Raphao, Abron, Meniggesstroeth, Asterechme, Thaspomocha, Yeronumos,
Bissoum, Akioreim, Banen-Ephroum, Ibikan, Basiliademe, Achcha, with battalions of heavenly host
carried out Armageddon.

Adaban, Chaaman, Dearcho, Tebar, Mniarchon, Abitrion, Euanthen, Krus, Beluai, Treneu, Balbel, Krima,
Astrops, Barroph, Barias, Phnouth, Abenlenarchei, Chnoumeninorin, Gesole, Agromauma, Bano,
Sostrapal, Anesimalar, Phikna, and Miamai were under the commandments of Satan and Sabbataios.
With the remaining battalions they blocked the skies in their great number, Adoil made a perfection to
Trinity and with just a single wave from her right hand consumed the battalions into nothingness.

"Such great potential from the savior and Messiah of men", said Satan. "It seems her powers rival even
that of my father don't you think... Sabbataios"

"She may have increased in power, statutes and great knowledge", replied Sabbataios. "Even with the
eye of fire inside her, she's no match for us... for I myself am Lord over flames, that which burneth
around and within. I am the very source of fiery".

Then, Satan and Sabbataios merged into a single entity known as sabbatanailos. They took the form of
great fiery, their face was part sheep, part ram, eyes flashed with lightning, they became the
embodiment of wrath, destruction of the consuming age. Two entities now became one with great fury
that burns within their RUACH. They battled against her with intense force and might, it was if vigor had
descended from above and beyond. They fought mightily against each other. They were more faster
than universe could hold.

One possessed Divinity,

The other possessed wrath,

One is blemish,

The other is holy,

One is of light,

And the other of great darkness,

They battle the midst of cloud, sending clones upon clone with unquantifiable numbers, they seemed
evenly matched when compared in raw strength.
One was born out of rage,

The other out of purity,

One seek death and vengeance,

The other seek peace and love,

One against the world,

The other as protector of the earth,

For one was rebellious,

The other had been rebellious,

One found favor,

The other found distress.

And as they battled beyond the horizon time stood still and everything was motionless down to every
submicroscopic level, the spiritual and physical realm was at a halt, Armageddon had stopped for a

See the ocean frozen above the sky as the city underneath,

See the stormy sand of fire slowly consume everything it touches,

Woe to the birds and any beast from the underworld that dare go hither

See the sky slowly falling apart,

They fall down revealing the destruction of the heavens,

Barbelo crumbled like a stumbling block

Down into the sea it went,

Down to it depths,

It rained hail stones of fire and burning sulphur,

The air becomes poisonous,

One third of the sun blackened,

The moon shattered into atoms,

It particles falls down to earth in flames,

Woe is the earth and sea,

Woe unto all living creatures of the earth

And as they traded blows, every frozen things were undone, for it brought great disaster like never
before. You could picture:

The death of infants, shattered and grinded to their bones,

Heads popped like balloons,

A suckling child devoured by the beast,

Inescapable death awaits the old and young,

Bloody world washed up by the ocean,

It turned the sea red,

See the flying sharker feast on humans,

See the whirling pool cuts the victims in half,

The ground erupts with hot lava and magma,

Cars and buses fall into the pit,

Humans are consumed by it in thousands,

See the helicopters and aeroplanes crashed on buildings,

It explosives are massive,

Demons perched on humans like forks,

Under their feet they picked them up like sticks,

And on their heads were the dead used as crowns,

And like every accessories the humans were like to demons,

Massive vultures tears humans like a ragdoll,

Feasting on them while they live,

Their torment was already made here on earth,

They screamed for a savior to redeem them,

Even death had flee from them,

Nation turned against nation,

War, massacre and blood,

But the war was far from over and the battle between sabbatanailos and Trinity had almost come to an
end when Adoil was unleashed from the white horse, it shone so great that even sabbatanailos could
not comprehend. It light is great, as they were overwhelmed by it power. It merged with trinity and
became one.

There's a perfect description of her GREATNESS beyond Greatness:

Her wings became pure white aas wool,

Whiter than snow itself,

It is glorious,

It emits divine spark,

Covered in greatness,

It shone around, it's marvelous

Each flaps from it produced great wind

So powerful it shook the earth,

Capable of quenching the flames of hell,

Capable of putting out the source of the sun,

It is mighty and powerful,

It brighter than the morningstar.

And when a great light was released out of her, it overwhelmed them down into the abyss, they were
therefore consumed by her holiness. How great thou art that they were marveled by such magnificent

And they said in their defeat:

Praise ye Patrinity. O give thanks unto her; for she is powerful and good. For her might exceeds all.
Who can utter the mighty acts of TRINITY?

who can shew forth all their praise?

Cursed are they that judge the earth,

And they that doeth bringeth destruction upon her people.

Everyone will bless her; and will praise her name for ever and ever.

Great is PATRINITY daughter of the living virtue and greatly to be praised;

And her greatness is unsearchable.

All generation shall praise her works to another, and shall declare her mighty acts.

They shall say to one another, hath God forsaken his people? Yes he has.

Has Patrinity forsaken the people of God? No she hasn't.

Who then can shall say we cannot escape the wrath of the rulers

Hath their hand work not been put to shame.

They will speak of the glorious honour of her (Patrinity) majesty, and of thy wondrous works.

And men and women, young and old shall speak of the might good works:

Aand they will declare thy greatness.

They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.

PATRINITY is gracious, and full of compassion; without anger and of great mercy towards humanity.

She is good to all: and her tender mercies are over all her works.

All thy works shall praise her and thy people shall bless her name.

They shall speak of their own glory of thy kingdom, and talk of her power of redemption;

To make known to the gods and aeons lost in the eternal nothingness of their creation

Her kingdom exceeds the heavens above and beyond, her paradise here on earth,

Then shall the makers of this world testify of her greatness,

The defiance of the Gods and liberator of men

Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom on earth and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.
She upholdeth all that fall, and strengthens the weak.

Bow down to no gods or those that claim to be the only God.

The eyes of all wait upon her; and are never forsaken like the rulers

Thou givest them their joy and redemption and freedom

Thou openest thine hand and sight, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

PATRINITY is righteous in all her ways, she is TRINITY beyond all trinities, and holy in all her works.

She is nigh unto all, to all that are lost and await freedom. She's come to set the captives free.

She will fulfil the desire of them to be awaken: she also will hear their cry, and will save them.

She is above the maker of all things, even the ALL is subject unto her.

She preserveth all them that they might not be destroyed by their God(s): but all the wicked will she

The mouth of (the) God(s) shall speak the praise of PATRINITY: and let all RUACH and all of spirituality
bless her holy name for ever and ever.

And sabbatanailos died.

For she saw the destruction of the world made by God, therefore she was about to ascend to the resting
place of God when another familiar presence appeared.

"Isaiah", She whispered while descending from above. As they hugged. She was delighted to see him in
one piece. They hugged passionately for a long time. Then, Isaiah began to reveal in details of how he
met face to face with God. He also informed Patrinity of his revelation when he was in service to God of
which she informed him that it has already begun. She took him on high to see the terror caused by the
sons of God and the chaos upon man's world. He was overwhelmed by Armageddon.
Chapter Eighteen

Eschaton and Apocalypse part 2

"God said you should stop looking for him", said Isaiah. "He looked pretty scared though. He was with
me the entire time in the garden of Eden before my release".

"He used you as a distraction from getting to him on time", replied Patrinity. "But that's alright. As we
still have one more thing to do before facing God himself".

"What's that if I may ask?", Isaiah asked.

"Oh you'll see...", Patrinity replied.

Then they came to a place where they entered a room, there Patrinity and Isaiah met Jesus. In this case,
the name Jesus, Yeshua and Yahusha will be used interchangeably as they're one of two different beings

Jesus held on to a glass of red wine backing Trinity when she came in. A representation of his pictures
were hunged on walls around him, rosary and chaplets whatever, you just name it and a symbol of a
tree be it a representation of the tree of life or the one he was hunged on "I knew you would come for
me but I never expected it to be sooner", said Jesus Christ. "Red wine?", He asked, offering Patrinity a
drink without getting a response. Jesus took a deep breath and said to Trinity;

"Before killing me, at least hear me out", said Jesus. "It was never my intention and I had no part in
God's plan. Everything that happen, happened for a reason. It is not God but GOD". Jesus Christ said
while waving his hand showing Patrinity the evidence of creation. The entire room changed revealing
the past, present and the future to her. Jesus explained the misconcept of religion to her as human have
chosen to ignore the truth rather than worshipping deity of whom they know not their origin.

To Islam, Jesus explained it to be a laughing stock to Allah who's a demon in charge of their religion and
affairs of cultural ways that is far from perfection and not even close to being good or righteous, for it is
not a religion of peace but chaos claiming to be peace for that title belongs to Christianity.

To Hindu, Jesus explained it to be a worship of the false gods and a deceit to their beliefs of hope,
lacking evidence of truth from righteousness. He categorized them as one with the Catholic church of
Christ who worship his earthly mother Mary, whom they thought he came through, giving a strong
defense that he would never come through his son's creation to liberate man. That it is called the evil
spirit of rape and that the holy spirit (RUACH Ha'Qodesh) would never rape another human to send him.
They and Buddhism are birds of a feather.

To Christianity, Pagan and Idol worshippers he said to her, truly none of these people will enter into the
heavens of light. For they know the truth and have chosen to hide it from the world, they're the through
descendants of chaos from the abyss who have given birth to the antichrist on earth. Those who know
the truth are saved by wisdom, those who continue to hide the truth are children of hades from the
depths of the abyss and they shall burn in furnace of brimstone and sulfur.

"I'd teach and preached about peace. Trinity. I specifically counteracted the words of my son, but not
many understood what was said", said Jesus. "Even letting them know that they were Gods and still

(Biblical References indicated below to what YAHUSHA/yeshua/Jesus was saying...)

Isaiah 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

2 Peter 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these

1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is
light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous

James 3:14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
3:15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

(God creation from Genesis)

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 1:2 And the earth was without
form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face
of the waters. 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 1:4 And God saw the light, that
it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 1:5 And God called the light Day, and the
darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

(GOD creation from the book of John)

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 1:2 The
same was in the beginning with God. 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any
thing made that was made. 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 1:5 And the light
shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

(God predict the Messiah's death was to be hung on a tree. The antichrist Jesus Christ was crucified.
Both thieves with YAHUSHA was hung not crucified)

Deuteronomy 21:23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury
him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy
God giveth thee for an inheritance.

Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is
written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.

Acts 5:30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.

Matthew 26:2 Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed
to be crucified.

Matthew 27:38 Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on
the left.
Luke 24:7 Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and
the third day rise again.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods.

(NB: Antichrist name is Jesus. The true Messiah's name is Yahusha and Emmanuel/ Immanu'el. But that
doesn't matter as they're of no use in this story, simply one for all and all for one)

Matthew 1:20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him
in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is
conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name
JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. 1:22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled
which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall
bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of Yahuah appeared unto him in a dream,
saying, Yoceph, son of David, fear not to take unto you ‫ את‬Miryam your woman: for that which is
conceived in her is of the Ruach Ha'Qodesh. And she shall bring forth a son, and you shall call his name
Yahusha: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled
which was spoken of Yahuah by the prophet, saying, Behold! a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring
forth a son, and they shall call the name of the same Immanu'el, which being interpreted is: our El is
with me. MATTITHYAHU 1:20-23 ‫ את‬CEPHER

"In Exodus 22:28 Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of thy people", said Jesus Christ.
"My son Yaldabaoth who has many names stated to them that he had help in creating humanity and yet
they do not understand because of what is said in Isaiah 6:10: “I will cause their heart to become
hardened and I will cause their mind to become blind, so that they might not understand or
comprehend what is said”.

"I know he has gotten new titles from his worshippers, giving himself a new name to be instilled in the
hearts of those who worship him. Ignoring and rejected his birth name Yaldabaoth", replied Patrinity.

"He goes by Yahuah, God... God almighty, whose name is jealous, Lord... Lord of Lords, Jehovah Nissi,
Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah shalom, Allah, Yahweh, the most high, Zeus, Krishna and so on... The names are
endless". said Jesus Christ. "But he's Yaldabaoth. Nebro: a rebel and samael was given to him also by his
mother Sophia. I've missed her so much". said YAHUSHA in regrets.

"Heaven is scorched and hell is frozen and destroyed", said Trinity. "And your powers are failing. What
more can you do?".

YAHUSHA/Jesus acknowledged his mistakes in the past, maltreating Sophia his wife for their deformed
child Yaldabaoth and how he promiscuously involved with other goddesses. As he regreted all that had
happened during the coronation of the Gods which is why he accepted to come down as a perfect
human after repentance from his old ways; he knew that his past would catch up to him no matter what
good he laid down to do. He told Patrinity that he was sorry for not responding to her calls in the time of
needs as a human in her past lives of reincarnation. He also informed Patrinity that the ALL Father, the
preexistent one has been stripped off his glory and perfect light and fire by his Son who in returned has
captured his mother. Jesus also told her the secret in killing God. "Kill Sophia and Yaldabaoth dies. For
she is the connection to his soul (RUACH)".

"But here you are", said Jesus. "A God killer and above all you've achieved the unthinkable. Fate without
faith has brought you this far".

"And I know you'll do what's right for all", said Jesus who was willing to accept death opened up his
arms widely in order to embrace his fate as he was beheaded with the sword of the spirit and he

"That was Jesus you just killed", said Isaiah.

"And I'll do it again", replied Patrinity.

"And I kind of felt pity for him after all the explanation and his regrets", said Isaiah. "And even the GODS
aren't that perfect at all".

Then, they appeared in the garden of Eden where God rested, he felt their great presence and was
astonished by it.

"Hello father", said Patrinity. "It is time you paid for you sins". Isaiah then asked God a question about
his wife's death again, he asked God why he allowed it to happen despite the intercession from his wife
and also him praying for his faith to be strengthen. He cried desperately why God had forsaken him the
time he needed him the most. "Becca!", He whispered silently. "My love!".

"Try having a heart of love", Isaiah yelled to God who took the form of a spirit man hiding his true form
in an illusion.

"I am Love", God replied.

"But if your greatest design was being loved, then why take Becca from me. She was everything to me",
He yelled. "Love conquers all".

"That is unacceptable", said God. "My love for all conquers all. And affliction shall never rise a second

"And yet you bring about it like we mean nothing to you", replied Isaiah. "You bring about the
destruction of your own creation, all for what? To find a righteous being".

"Come unto me and I shall give you rest", said God. "And all your wasted years shall be restored unto

"You are a liar", Isaiah shouted with rage. "And the father of it... You took Becca away from me just so
that my faith in you grows stronger. She still believed in you even unto death and you forsaked her.
You're evil".
Then Isaiah said unto God:

Will a loving God curse his creation

Will a loving God bring confusion into his creation

You're ignorant of your word

You said you can never repent from it

And so many times have you repented of and from your word

Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation

And if a house be divided against itself it cannot stand

You should have made peace with the aeons and now

Your archons, the demiurge bring forth Armageddon to my world

The world you created is now being destroyed by you

What sort of God are you

You were never perfect from the start,

We humans were more perfect than you, until you brought us down

Down into the depths of matter were we made with flaws that strife for perfection.

"Who is it that speaketh and it cometh to pass when I the living God commandeth it not", relied God. I
beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light".

"The unbegotten heavenly father once did", replied Isaiah. "And now Patrinity will".

Patrinity came to him, informing him that it was time as he stepped away, her grace of then was still
with him, it never departed from him. She revealed the true form of God as she broke through the
illusion of his spirit man.

"Look at you", said Patrinity. "You should be ashamed of yourself father".

God stood upright prepared for battle, for he had seen how powerful TRINITY had become, he roared
furiously at her, and grew two mighty wings that cut through the trees of Eden. He face broke through
his own shield of the Garden of Eden, and it became visible to all. "Armageddon is inevitable", said God
whose voice sounded thunderous with lightning. Each step he took caused an earthquake that was felt
over creation. His mighty feet like that of a serpentine dragon. He spat fire on Patrinity who shield with
her right hand and the sword on her left hand. The fiery from the mouth of God was so great that it
dried up the four rivers in the garden of Eden: Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates. It consumed one
third of Eden. The tail of God swept the paradise clean in total destruction as they fought vigorously.

There's a description to their marvelous battle:

The earth was their battle ground,

The universe was their playing ground,

All of entirety was nothing compared to how they battled,

Not even the very endless of time and space could comfort their deeds,

Worlds upon worlds shook to it nothingness,

The stars of heaven fell asunder,

The universe broke into million pieces,

See how the skies were disrupted,

Turned to all manner of weapons,

Dusted like blankets,

They fought beyond time itself stood still,

Even the world had no boundaries on them,

Two superior entities going at each other,

They turned the world to their advantage,

It was at their beck and call,

The impossible was made possible,

The unthinkable brought into thought,

What manner of battle is this that even the law of gravity was defied

Their battle felt for eternity,

She fought numerous clones of God,

In true form and in spirit man,

Neither a day, month or years passed by,

Still all stood still like the end of time.

She fought against the wroth of God, against all his power and might. She grabbed him from its mouth
and twisted God aside like a ragdoll. He fell upon the earth with tremendous force that pulled down the
entire creation. All of mother nature was exposed with the heavenly bodies in the skies. All could see
the destruction of their world in their doom.

God (Yaldabaoth) unleashed so powerful blast that was absorbed by the sword of the spirit, which in
return was used against him as he fell flat to the ground. She stood upon him, seeing him in defeat and
in an hopeless state. Then, Trinity struck through the heart of God with the sword which freed Sophia
(the mother of God) as it drove God to madness, he screamed arrogantly.

"What have you done", said God. "We could have restored all". And it repented the Lord of his doings.

Then, Patrinity killed Sophia which caused the death of God who was about to crush Trinity with his
mighty fist was turned to stone and shattered into the sea. Thus, he formed the mountains, hills and
valleys. All of Armageddon came to an end.

There's a brilliant description to the end of apocalypse:

And all the Gods(gods), angels, archons, demiurge, demons were vanquished

Into nothingness, both heaven and hell were ceased into nothingness

Like they never existed,

The world of man was free from the wroth of rulers,

For the death of God brought an end to humanity's chaos,

Grateful is thy kindred soul who knoweth not God,

Blessed are they that were never born in the time of destruction,

Shall men not be free from the powers of darkness,

Was it not foretold that the word of God would come to an end,

All things must come to an end, even to the so called rulers of this world,

Spirituality and physically last but for a while,

How great thou art when ye findeth peace.

And then she came to Isaiah in the garden of Eden, fulfilling the promise she had made from the start. In
her glorious might she gave him the eternal fruit, in two it became one, more precious than ever she
gave unto him.

"And what will become of you", asked Isaiah who took the fruit as he was about to eat.

"For it is time I cease to exist. The time of the Gods are no more and earth will become anew", replied
Patrinity. "But only you and you alone shall remember and know of this day and there's. It shall be a
great memory and a great burden, but nonetheless you shall overcome".

"And the evil", he asked.

"Only Perfection exist in the human world known as the New Earth", replied Trinity. "And all shall be

He thanked her and embraced her warmly, giving her his last affectionate kiss as he eats the fruit, he
shut his eyes for a moment and then she took off into the skies in her glorious moment and imploded
with a massive shock wave that fixed all of creation.

Isaiah opened his eyes, only to see himself in his apartment, he perceived a delightful aroma coming
from the kitchen and surprisingly, he saw his wife looking healthy and hearty. He held her from behind
and gave her a passionate kiss. His love for her was an agape love they shared.

Time passed by and nine months later, Isaiah's wife put to bed. A beautiful daughter they had. They
were both happy together.

"What would you like to name her dear", asked Becca.

Then Isaiah replied with a smile: PAT...RI...CIA... (PATRICIA)

And ever since then, no one knew the existence of (the) GOD(s), neither was any worshipped. Here ends
the story of TRINITY .

The story of PATRINITY the TRINITY.

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