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ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

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Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in

endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with
and without uterine infection
R.K. Baithalu a,∗ , S.K. Singh b , A. Kumaresan a,∗ , A.K. Mohanty c , T.K. Mohanty a , S.
Kumar c , S. Kerketta d , B.R. Maharana e , T.K. Patbandha d , N. Attupuram d , S.K.
Agarwal b
Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001, Haryana, India
Division of Animal Reproduction, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, UP, India
Animal Biotechnology Center, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132001, Haryana, India
Livestock Production Management, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal 132 001, Haryana, India
Regional Research Center (LUVAS), Veterinary Subunit, Uchani, Karnal, Haryana, 132 001, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Oxidative stress during peripartum period may compromise the uterine immunity. In
Received 4 July 2016 the present study, we assessed the oxidative stress and antioxidant status during peri-
Received in revised form partum period and studied their relationship with postpartum uterine infection in dairy
28 November 2016
cows. Peripheral blood concentrations of total antioxidant capacity (TAC), malondialde-
Accepted 12 December 2016
Available online xxx
hyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) were determined (day −21, −7, on the day of calving
and day +7, +21, +35) in normal (n = 11), puerperal metritic (n = 7) and clinical endometritic
(n = 6) cows. Endometrial biopsy was performed on the day of calving and expression of
CAT, GPx4 and SOD2 genes was studied using qRT-PCR. Puerperal metritic cows had sig-
Antioxidative molecules
Oxidative molecules nificantly (P < 0.05) lower TAC (on day −7, day 0, day +7, +21 & +35), higher MDA (on day
Nitric oxide −21, −7 & on the day of calving) and NO (on day 0, +7 & day +35) concentrations compared
Catalase to normal cows. Similarly, clinical endometritic cows had significantly (P < 0.05) lower TAC
Glutathione peroxidase (on day −7, 0, +7 & +21), higher MDA (on day −21, −7, +7 and +35) and NO (on day +7, +21
Superoxide dismutase & +35) concentrations compared to normal cows. The expression of CAT and GPx4 genes
Uterine health was lower (P < 0.05) and SOD2 gene was higher (P < 0.05) in endometrial tissue of cows that
Peripartum developed uterine infection compared to normal cows. The relationship of peripheral levels
of MDA and NO with antioxidant enzymes expression in endometrial tissue was found sig-
nificant. Receiver operator characteristic analysis revealed that the concentrations of TAC
on day −7 to day +35, MDA on day −21 to day +7 and NO on the day of calving to day
+35 were highly correlated to the development of postpartum uterine infection in cows. It
may be inferred that the low serum TAC level and high level of lipid peroxidation and NO
during peripartum period influenced the endometrial expression of anitioxidative genes
that compromised the uterine health during postpartum period.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

∗ Corresponding authors. In dairy cattle, postpartum uterine infection is one of

E-mail addresses: (R.K. Baithalu),
the most important causes of sub-fertility and infertil- (A. Kumaresan). ity leading to increased involuntary culling and economic
0378-4320/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
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ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

losses (Bartlett et al., 1986; Sheldon, 2004). The inci- Research Institute, Karnal, India. Sahiwal is one of the most
dence of uterine infection is quite high ranging from important descript dairy breed known for its high milk
12.7 to 47.9% in cattle and buffaloes including metri- yield (average 2270 kg of milk during a lactation), heat tol-
tis 20% (8–>40%); clinical endometritis 20% (5–>30%) and erance and disease resistance.
subclinical endometritis 30% (11–>70%) (Le Blanc et al.,
2002; Hammon et al., 2006; Goshen and Shpigel, 2006; 2.1. Experimental animals
McDougall et al., 2007).
During peripartum period, dairy animals undergo A total number of 40 cows were selected during prepar-
numerous physiological stresses leading to generation of tum period and out of these, 24 cows calved exactly one
pro-oxidative and oxidative molecules. The production of day before or after the expected date of calving, were con-
low or moderate concentrations of reactive oxygen or sidered for the experiment. All the cows used in the study
nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) is especially essential for were of 2–4 parity, apparently healthy, undergone nor-
a number of normal physiological processes related to mal calving without the occurrence of dystocia, retention
innate and acquired immune response. For instance, ROS is of fetal membrane and any other parturient problems and
necessary for the oxygen-dependent destruction of invad- were maintained under iso-managerial system under loose
ing pathogens (Valko et al., 2007) and can control the housing system. The nutrient requirements of the animals
magnitude and duration of the inflammatory response were mostly met with ad lib green fodder and measured
since it is involved in signal transduction pathways amount of concentrate as per National Research Council
leading to the expression of cytokines, eicosanoids and (NRC, 2001) requirement. Animals for present experiment
other immunoregulatory factors (Finkel, 2011). However, were duly approved by Institute Animal Ethics Committee
very high production of oxidative molecules surpassing (1705/Go/ac/13/CPCSEA).
the endogenous level of antioxidative molecules in the
host results oxidative stress situation where uncontrolled 2.2. Blood sampling protocol
release of oxidants modify and denature functional and
structural molecules of cells bringing cell injury and dys- Blood samples were collected from all the 24 experi-
functions (Vaziri, 2008). Several endogenous antioxidant mental cows on day −21, −7 (before calving), on the day of
defense mechanisms tightly regulate ROS accumulation calving (day 0) and day +7, +21 and
within tissues. Regulation of redox system is mainly +35 (post calving) through jugular venipuncture using
provided by antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dis- 9 mL blood serum collection tubes (Vacuette , Greiner Bio-
mutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase (Young and one Gmbh, Austria). Blood samples were kept at room
Woodside, 2001; Willcox et al., 2004). temperature for 1 h and centrifuged at 3000g for 15 min,
Several studies suggested that uncontrolled oxidative serum was separated and stored in cryovials at −20 ◦ C till
stress leads to host immune dysfunction and aggravate assay.
inflammatory responses that can increase the incidence
and severity of infectious diseases (Miller et al., 1993; 2.3. Endometrial biopsy sampling
Sordillo and Atiken, 2009). Recent reports on redox changes
during peripartum period have drawn attention to corre- Endometrial biopsy was performed using uterine biopsy
late these changes with uterine health. Kizil et al. (2010) forceps (54 cm; M/S Hauptner, Solingen, Germany) on
reported that acute uterine infection in cows was associ- the day of calving immediately after expulsion of fetal
ated with increased level of lipid peroxidation and altered membranes. All biopsies were performed by the same vet-
levels of antioxidative molecules. However, the influence of erinarian during the entire period of the study. Briefly,
these changes on uterine endometrial redox environment animal was restrained and epidural anesthesia was admin-
especially in relation to postpartum uterine health is poorly istered. Biopsy instrument protected by sanitary sheath
understood. was introduced into the vagina through the vulval open-
We hypothesized that alterations in oxidative and ing. The forcep was passed through the cervix, then to
antioxidative molecules in peripheral circulation may the previously gravid horn (site of biopsy i.e. at the level
influence the antioxidative defense mechanism in uterine of bifurcation of uterine horns) by trans-rectal palpation.
endometrium and contribute to development of uterine Endometrial tissue was clipped off by closing jaws and the
infection during postpartum period in cows. Thus the instrument was withdrawn. The tissue was washed with
aim of the present study was (i) to estimate periph- nuclease free water to remove any contamination of blood
eral concentrations of total antioxidative capacity (TAC), and placed in RNA later (Qiagen, Austin, US) at room tem-
malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) during peri- perature for 2 h and then samples were stored in −80 ◦ C till
partum period and (ii) to study the expression of catalase further processing. Uterine fluid samples were obtained by
(CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx4) and superoxide dis- using universal gun with blue sheath.
mutase (SOD2) genes in uterine endometrium in Zebu cows
that did and did not develop postpartum uterine infection. 2.4. Grouping of animals

2. Materials and methods All cows were evaluated for postpartum uterine infec-
tion on day 4, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28, 35 and 42 postpartum
The study was conducted on Zebu (Sahiwal) cows main- based on trans-rectal ultrasonography of uterus, uter-
tained at Livestock Research Centre of National Dairy ine fluid scoring and other clinical signs including rectal

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 3

temperature. Cows with different grades of uterine infec- integrity of isolated RNA was checked using 1.5% agarose
tions were diagnosed as defined by Sheldon et al. (2009). gel electrophoresis. The concentration and purity of the
Briefly, puerperal metritis were diagnosed, if cows had a RNA samples was determined using Nano Quant Infinite
fetid, watery uterine discharge with some necrotic debris, M200 PRO (TECAN, Seestrasse 103, and Switzerland). All
flaccid uterus and associated with systemic signs of dis- the samples had an A260/280 absorbance ratio between
ease such as dullness, anorexia, fever (>39.5 ◦ C) within 1.85 and 2.0. The concentration of RNA from all the samples
21 says postpartum (especially within 10 days postpar- was normalized to 500 ng/␮L. The cDNA was prepared from
tum). Clinical endometritis was confirmed when uterine RNA samples using cDNA synthesis kit (Thermoscientific,
or cervico-vaginal fluid was purulent or mucopurulent in U.S.) according to the manufacturers’ protocol.
nature at ≥3 weeks post partum. Cows that had undergone
normal puerperium without any postpartum uterine infec- 2.8. Optimisation of quantitative real time PCR
tion classified as normal (healthy) cows. Based on the above (qRT-PCR)
criteria, cows were grouped into either normal (n = 11) or
puerperal metritic (n = 7) or clinical endometritic (n = 6) PCR conditions for each gene were optimized
by semi-quantitative PCR using 0.5 ␮L of cDNA,
2.5. Estimation of TAC, MDA, NO in the blood serum Green Master Mix (Thermoscientific, Wyman Street,
Waltham) and primers (0.25 ␮M). Primers were
Total antioxidant capacity was estimated in blood designed from the bovine gene sequence data avail-
serum by colorimetric assay (Quantichrome Antioxidant able at NCBI GenBank using Primer 3 software
Assay Kit; Bioassay Systems, USA). Malondialdehyde was ( www.cgi).
estimated using ELISA kit (USCN, Life Science Inc, China) as Following optimization, the presence of a single product
per the protocols provided by the manufacturers. The stan- was confirmed on a 1.5% agarose gel by electrophoresis.
dard curve and the concentration of TAC and MDA were Primer pair sequences along with optimized annealing
calculated using GraphPadPRISM 5.01 software package temperatures are presented in Table 1.
(GraphPad software, USA). The minimal detectable concen- Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR) was per-
tration of TAC and MDA were 1.5 ␮M trolox equivalent and formed on Light Cycler- 480 II (Roche Diagnostics, Basel,
8.85 ng/mL, respectively. Switzerland) using 2X-SYBR green master mix (Roche Diag-
The concentration of NO in serum was estimated using nostics, Mannheim, Germany). For each sample and gene
modified Griess reaction as described by Shoker et al. transcript, a total reaction volume of 15 ␮L was prepared
(1997). Briefly, serum proteins were precipitated using ace- containing 1 ␮L of cDNA, 1 ␮L each of (0.125 ␮M) forward
tonitrile (1:1 vol), vortexed thoroughly and held at room and reverse primer, 2X-SYBR green master mix (7.5 ␮L)
temperature for a period of 1 h, followed by centrifuga- and rest of the volume adjusted with PCR grade water. To
tion at 7000 rpm for 5 min. Supernatant was transferred ensure reproducibility and reduce variability, all samples
to a 2 mL eppendorf tube and evaporated to dryness at were run on a single plate and a non-template control was
37 ◦ C. Contents were dissolved by adding equal volume also run on each plate in duplicate. The qRT-PCR analysis
of mili Q water (same as serum sample taken initially for was performed under following thermocyclic conditions:
deproteinization) and kept for 1 h at room temperature to 5 min 95 ◦ C, 40 cycles of 95 ◦ C for 10 s, annealing tempera-
ensure complete solubilization of the contents. The stan- ture (Table 1) for 10 s and final extension at 72 ◦ C for 15 s.
dard curve was made using 1.56–100 ␮M concentration To prevent acquisition of smaller non-specific products, a
of sodium nitrate (NaNO3 ). The nitrate content of sample melting curve analysis was performed. The relative gene
and standards were reduced to nitrite by taking samples expression was calculated using the formula 2−Ct where,
and standards in 96 well plate followed by addition of Ct = Ct of the sample from cows that later turned into
vanadium chloride then Griess reagents (Greiss I reagent; either puerperal metritis or endometritis – Ct of the cali-
2% sulfanilamide in 5% HCl and Greiss II reagent; 0.1% N- brator (sample from normal cows). The house keeping gene
Naphthylethylendiaminedihydrochloride). The plate was used in the study was bovine beta actin. The efficiency of
incubated at 37 ◦ C for 30 min and absorbance was read the qRT-PCR reactions was similar between the gene of
at 540 nm wavelength in spectrophotometer (TECAN, interest and housekeeping gene.
Seestrasse 103, Switzerland). The final concentration of
nitric oxide (␮M) in serum samples was calculated using 2.9. Statistical analysis
the linear regression equation.

2.6. Gene expression analysis Descriptive statistics were calculated for concentrations
of TAC, MDA and NO for all experimental groups (nor-
Real time expression of genes encoding antioxidative mal, puerperal metritic and clinical endometritic cows)
enzymes such as CAT, GPx4, SOD2 were studied in endome- and the results were expressed as mean ± SEM. Two way
trial tissue of cows that did and did not develop uterine ANOVA using general linear model was performed to find
infection during postpartum period. out the effects of experimental groups and period and
their interactions. Group wise multiple comparisons were
2.7. RNA isolation and quantitative real time PCR performed using Tukey’s post hoc test. The difference of
means was considered significant when the probability (P
Total RNA was isolated from 20 to 50 mg of endome- value) was < 0.05. All the analyses were performed using
trial tissue using RNeasy minikit (QIAGEN, Austin, US). The SigmaPlot 11 software (Systat software Inc., USA).

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Primers used in real time PCR.

Primer Name Sequence Ta Amplicon Size (bp) Ac. No.



Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curves were

performed to determine whether TAC, MDA and NO lev-
els can be potential marker for differentiating uterine
health status of cows during peripartum period. ROC
curves plotted sensitivity versus 1-specificity for the com-
plete range of cut-off points. Parameter was considered
for differentiation of uterine health status when area
under curve close to 1 is observed together with sta-
tistical significance (P < 0.05). Optimal cut off value of
TAC, MDA and NO was calculated with maximum sen-
sitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) for differentiating the
normal cows from infected cows. Furthermore, optimum
cut off value was used to dichotomise all experimen- Fig. 1. Peripartum changes in serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in
tal cows into two health categories (if samples were normal cows (NC) and cows that developed puerperal metritis (PM) and
clinical endometritis (CE). A, B differs significantly (P < 0.05) between NC,
above or below the cut off value indicated as nega-
PM & CE.
tive (normal cows)) and below or above that indicated
as positive (cows with uterine infection i.e. puerperal 3.2. Malondialdehyde
metritis or clinical endometritis) and a simple 2 × 2 con-
tingency table was constructed to predict the relative The mean serum MDA concentration was significantly
risk (RR) for development of uterine infection in Sahiwal low on day −21, −7 and on the day of calving in the
cows. normal cows than puerperal metritic cows. Although the
Comparisons of gene expression between normal cows mean serum MDA concentration was higher in clinical
and cows that developed puerperal metritis and clinical endometritic cows throughout peripartum compared to
endometritis were tested using the non-parametric Mann- normal cows, however, significant difference was observed
Whitney test. Results were represented as mean ± S.E.M., only on the day −21, −7 and on day +7 and +35. When
and considered as significant when P < 0.05. Spearman’s comparison was made across the days in each group, mean
rank correlation co-efficient was used to determine the serum level of MDA was significantly higher on the day of
correlation among the different genes expression and calving compared to other days in both normal and puer-
peripheral level of TAC, MDA and NO. peral metritic cows. However, such clear trend was not
noticed in clinical endometritic cows.

3. Results 3.3. Nitric oxide

3.1. Total antioxidant capacity The mean serum NO concentrations was significantly
(P < 0.05) higher on the day of calving, day +7 and +35 in
The normal cows that had undergone normal puer- puerperal metritic cows compared to normal cows. When
perium had significantly (P < 0.05) higher concentration the concentration of NO was compared between clinical
of serum TAC during peripartum period than the cows endometritic and normal cows, significant difference was
that suffered with either puerperal metritis (on day −7, observed on day +7, +21 and +35. On comparison across the
0, +7, +21 and +35) or clinical endometritis (on day −7, days in normal cows, the mean serum concentration of NO
0, +7 and + 21) (Fig. 1). There was no significant differ- was significantly high on day −7 and on the day of calv-
ence in the concentration of TAC in normal cows across ing than other days. Similarly, in puerperal metritic cows,
the sampling period, however, significant decrease in the the mean concentrations of NO was significantly higher
TAC concentration was observed on the day of calving and (P < 0.05) on the day of calving compared to day −21, +21
day +7 compared to concentration on the day −21 in cows and +35. However, the mean serum concentrations of NO
that developed puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis did not differ significantly across the days of sampling in
respectively. clinical endometritic cows (Figs. 2 and 3).

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 5

correlation of peripheral NO concentration with endome-

trial expression of CAT (P < 0.05) and GPx4 was observed,
however, the relationship between circulating NO concen-
tration and endometrial expression of SOD2 (P < 0.001) was

3.5. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis and

relative risk (RR)

Area under curve (AUC) and optimum threshold val-

ues of TAC, MDA and NO at different time periods, along
with their corresponding Se, Sp and RR are presented in
Table 3. ROC curve analysis suggested that the optimum
Fig. 2. Peripartum changes in serum malondialdehyde (MDA) in normal serum TAC cut-off point and relative risk for development
cows (NC) and cows that developed puerperal metritis (PM) and clinical of uterine infection was 120.6 ␮M and 3.75 times on day
endometritis (CE). A, B differs significantly (P < 0.05) between NC, PM & −7, 121.3 ␮M and 6 times on day 0, 119.3 ␮M and infi-
nite times on day +7, 129.5 ␮M and 8.05 times on day
+21 and 129.2 ␮M and 2.26 times on day +35, respec-
tively. Similarly, cutoff values and relative risk of serum
MDA concentrations for development of postpartum uter-
ine infection was 247.7 ␮g/L and 4.58 times on day −21,
323.8 ␮g/L and 4.0 times on day −7, 378.5 ␮g/L and 6.8
times on day 0 and 292.6 ␮g/L and 4.0 times on day +7. Like-
wise, the blood concentrations of NO on day 0 (28.62 ␮M
and 1.5 times), day +7 (12.33 ␮M and infinite times), day
+21 (12.28 ␮M and 3.3 times) and day +35 (10.67 ␮M and
6.5 times) were more suitable for identifying the risk of
developing postpartum uterine infection.

4. Discussion
Fig. 3. Peripartum changes in serum Nitric oxide (NO) in normal cows
(NC) and cows that developed puerperal metritis (PM) and clinical
endometritis (CE). A, B differs significantly (P < 0.05) between NC, PM & Impaired antioxidant to oxidative status leads to
CE. oxidative damage resulting in immunosuppresion and
aggravate the inflammatory conditions (Valko et al., 2007;
3.4. Endometrial expression of genes encoding CAT, GPx4 Bhattacharyya et al., 2014). Several studies suggested that
and SOD2 oxidative stress during peripartum period increased the
susceptibility of dairy cows to postpartum infectious and
The level of expression of genes encoding antioxidant metabolic diseases (Bernabucci et al., 2005; Castillo et al.,
enzymes in the endometrial tissues on the day of calv- 2005; Sordillo and Aitken, 2009). However, peripartum
ing are presented in Fig. 4. Expression of gene encoding changes in oxidative and antioxidative molecules and their
CAT enzyme was 10 and 5.2 folds lower in endometrial relationship with uterine health in dairy animals have not
tissue of cows that developed puerperal metritis and clin- been understood in detail. We report here that altered
ical endometritis, respectively, as compared to normal concentrations of TAC, MDA and NO in peripheral circu-
cows. Similarly, the endometrial tissue from cows that lation and expression of CAT, GPx4 and SOD2 gene in
developed puerperal metritis and clinical endometritis had endometrium significantly contribute to development of
lower GPx4 gene expression (3.4 and 2.06 folds, respec- uterine infection in cows.
tively) compared to normal cows. Contradict to above We observed that normal cows had high level of TAC
findings, endometrial expression of SOD2 gene was higher and low level of MDA and NO during peripartum period
in cows that developed uterine infection (2.02 folds higher than the cows that developed postpartum uterine infec-
in puerperal metritic cows and 2.3 folds higher in clinical tion. Further, it was observed that the TAC level in normal
endometritic cows) than the normal cows. cows was high and almost constant throughout peripartum
Relationship among circulating levels of TAC, MDA, period. However, in cows that developed puerperal metri-
NO and endometrial expression of antioxidative genes tis during postpartum, the concentration of TAC declined
The concentration of total antioxidants in the periph- towards parturition and lowest level was observed on the
eral circulation was positively correlated (P < 0.01) with day of calving. In clinical endometritic cows, the mean
the expression levels of antioxidative genes encoding CAT concentration of TAC declined significantly towards par-
and GPx4 in endometrial tissue and negatively corre- turition and lowest level was observed on day +7. In line
lated with gene encoding SOD2 (Table 2). The correlation with our observations, Hanafi et al. (2008) and Heidarpour
between MDA concentration was found negative (P < 0.01) et al. (2012) reported that low level of blood TAC level was
with endometrial expression of CAT, GPx4, and positive associated with endometritis in cows and buffaloes, respec-
with expression of SOD2 (P < 0.05). Similarly, a negative tively. Antioxidants are scavengers that detoxify excess

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

Fig. 4. Endometrial expression of genes encoding catalase (A), GPx4 (B) and SOD2 (C) on the day of calving in normal cows (NC) and cows that developed
puerperal metritis (PM) and clinical endometritis (CE) (*P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001).

Table 2
Relationship of peripheral TAC, MDA, NO level with expression of genes encoding antioxidative enzymes in endometrial tissue in Sahiwal cows.


MDA −0.804*** 1
NO −0.524 0.755** 1
Catalase 0.755** −0.804*** −0.671* 1
GPX4 0.86*** −0.783** −0.413 0.671* 1
SOD2 −0.886*** 0.666* 0.375 −0.68* −0.739** 1
SOD-3 −0.706** 0.895*** 0.86*** −0.853*** −0.699* 0.648* 1

*P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001.

oxidants, which help in maintaining the body’s delicate oxi- also reported that MDA levels were increased in a varieties
dant/antioxidant balance (Agarwal et al., 2012). However, of inflammatory conditions including mastitis in does (El-
at low level they are unable to protect the cells against oxi- Deeb, 2013) and cows (Castillo et al., 2006), pneumonia
dants resulting onset of various disease conditions (Miller in calves (El-Bahr and EL-Deeb, 2013), during parturition
et al., 1993; Sordillo and Atiken, 2009). In the present and early lactation in cows (Castillo et al., 2005, 2006). It is
study, we observed cows that had lower concentration of known that productions of inflammatory diseases are asso-
TAC during peripartum period developed postpartum uter- ciated with elevated levels of oxidants. Malondialdehyde
ine infection. It is possible that antioxidant concentrations is a reactive carbonyl compound and when its level is high
observed in these animals were not sufficient to protect shows damaging effect on cells and alters their functioning
cells and tissues against oxidative damage, compromising either by reacts with DNA to form DNA adducts or damage
the host defense system and ultimately resulted in devel- the cellular protein (Pratico et al., 1998; Marnett, 1999).
opment of uterine diseases. Cows that have been exposed to high level of oxidative
Malondialdehyde is considered as the final product of stress indicated by very high peripheral concentrations of
lipid peroxidation and a marker of oxidative stress. Maxi- MDA and low concentrations of peripheral TAC during peri-
mum level of MDA was observed on day −7, +7 with the partum period have suffered from acute uterine disorder
highest level on day of calving. In line with our obser- such as puerperal metritis during 10 days of postpartum.
vation, Heidarpour et al. (2012) have reported a higher After calving uterine endometrium is exposed to several
concentration of MDA in cows with uterine infection. It was infectious agents (Sheldon et al., 2009) and prone to damag-

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx 7

Table 3
Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) analysis of serum TAC, MAD and NO as predictor of postpartum uterine infections in Sahiwal cows.

Day AUC P-value Optimum threshold Se (%) 95% CI Sp (%) 95% CI RR


TAC (␮M)
−7 0.894 <0.001 120.6 83.33 58.58–96.42 90 55.50–99.75 3.75,
P <0.001
0 0.922 <0.001 121.3 88.89 65.29–98.62 100 69.15–100 6.00,
P < 0.001
7 0.969 <0.001 119.3 100 81.47–100 90 55.50–99.75 Inf.,
P < 0.001
21 0.927 <0.001 129.5 94.44 72.71–99.86 80 44.3–97.48 8.053,
P < 0.001
35 0.711 0.068 129.2 77.78 52.36–93.59 60 26.24–87. 84 2.26,
P = 0.020

Malonidialdehyde (␮g/L)
−21 0.897 0.001 247.7 84.62 54.55–98.08 88.89 51.75–99.72 4.58,
P = 0.002
−7 0.889 0.002 323.8 76.92 46.19–94.96 100 66.37–100 4.0,
P < 0.001
0 0.863 0.004 378.5 92.31 63.97–99.81 77.78 39.99–97.19 6.86,
P = 0.001
7 0.829 0.010 292.6 76.92 46.19–94.96 100 66.37–100 4.0,
P = 0.001

NO (␮moles/L)
0 0.552 0.66 28.62 38.46 13.86–68.42 81.82 48.2–97.72 1.52,
P = 0.386
7 1.000 <0.001 12.33 100 75.29–100 100 71.51–100 Inf.,
P < 0.001
21 0.846 0.004 12.28 76.92 46.19–94.96 81.82 48.22–97.72 3.33,
P = 0.014
35 0.846 0.004 10.67 84.62 54.55–98.08 100 71.51–100 6.50,
P < 0.001

AUC, area under curve;TAC, total antioxidant capacity; MAD, Malondialdehyde; NO, Nitric oxide; CI, confidence interval; Se, sensitivity; SP, specificity; inf,
infinite; RR, risk ratio.

ing effect of oxidants (Bernabucci et al., 2005; Castillo et al., conditions (Sioutas et al., 2008). Nitric oxide when reacted
2005), hence, high production of oxidants and low level with O2 − produced strong oxidant i.e. peroxidize deuto-
of total antioxidants may compromise the uterine defense nitrate (ONOO-) which damage the integrity of cells and
mechanism, resulting uterine health disorders. tissues and aggravate the inflammatory reactions (Padmaja
Peripheral NO concentration was maximum on day and Huie, 1993; Pacher et al., 2007). It has also been
−7 and day of calving then declined to low level during reported that ROS/RNS are also involved in the activa-
postpartum period in normal cows. However, puerperal tion of several transcription factors, such as NF-kB and
metritic cows had maximum concentration of NO on day AP-1 that leads to production of several pro-inflammatory
−7 and +7 with peak level on the day of calving and cytokines (TNF␣, IL-1␤, IL-6, IL-8) and adhesive proteins
then declined towards day +21. Similarly, those cows and aggravate the inflammatory reaction and inducing cell
developed clinical endometritis maintained a persistent death (Barnes and Karin, 1997). Hence, high concentrations
high level of NO during peripartum period with peak on of oxidants like MDA and NO and low concentrations of
day +21. Although literature pertaining to NO concen- antioxidants (TAC) during peripartum period (on day −7,
trations during peripartum period in cattle seems to be 0 and +7, +21 and +35) resulted oxidative stress condi-
scanty, however, Li et al. (2010) have reported high periph- tion which compromise the uterine defense mechanism
eral NO concentration in uterine infection than normal to eliminate the infection leading to colonization and per-
cows. Similarly, Mili and Pandita (2014) have observed sistence of infection resulting in development of uterine
high level of NO in buffaloes with uterine infection than health disorders.
normal buffaloes. Further, higher endometrial expression Role of oxidative and antioxidative molecules including
of gene encoding nitric oxide synthase (NOS) was also their levels has been well studied in different physiological
observed in cows that developed uterine infection during (Castillo et al., 2005; Konvicna et al., 2015) and disease con-
first week after calving (Herath et al., 2009). Nitric oxide ditions (Castillo et al., 2006; Hanafi et al., 2008; Heidarpour
is an inflammatory mediator synthesized by different cells et al., 2012), however, peripartum alterations in antiox-
e.g. macrophages, neutrophils, epithelial and endothelial idant and pro-oxidant molecules and their influence on
cells and play important role in mediating cytoimmunity endometrial expression of genes encoding antioxidative
and inflammation toxicity (Frean et al., 1997; Korhonen enzymes in cows has not been explored. We observed
et al., 2005). In human, increased level of NO (almost that genes encoding CAT and GPx4 expression were sig-
100-fold) is associated with pelvic inflammatory disease nificantly lower and gene encoding SOD2 expression was

Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
ANIREP-5518; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 R.K. Baithalu et al. / Animal Reproduction Science xxx (2016) xxx–xxx

significantly higher in endometrial tissue of cows that 5. Conclusions

developed uterine infection as compared to normal cows.
It is likely that lower antioxidant activity (i.e. CAT and In conclusion, the present study has highlighted the
GPx4) and higher SOD2 activity in endometrium provided peripheral changes in oxidant/antioxidant molecules (TAC,
an environment that was more prone to lipid peroxida- MDA and NO concentrations) in association with endome-
tion in cows that developed uterine infection. One possible trial expression of genes encoding antioxidative genes in
explanation for this differential expression is that higher relation to development of postpartum uterine infection
activity of SOD2 and lower activity of CAT and GPx4 may in zebu cows. Results suggest that low serum TAC level
lead to more productions of free hydroxyl radicals that and high level of MDA and NO during peripartum period
are highly reactive and could aggravate the inflammation influenced the endometrial expression of anitioxidative
and cell damage (Mello Filho et al., 1984) and compro- genes that compromised the uterine health resulting devel-
mise the uterine health in cows. We have also observed opment of postpartum puerperal metritis and clinical
a significant correlation between peripheral concentra- endometritis in cows. Hence, high magnitude of oxidative
tions of MDA, NO and antioxidant enzymes expression in stress during prepartum and immediate period after par-
endometrial tissue suggesting that endometrial expression turition could be the possible reason for development of
of antioxidative enzymes may be regulated by circulat- postpartum uterine infection in dairy cows.
ing level of oxidative and antioxidative molecules. Kizil
et al. (2010) have also reported lower concentration of CAT Conflict of interest
and GPx4 activity associated with high peripheral levels
of MDA in cows with acute metritis compared to normal None of the authors have any conflict of interest to
cows. Konvicna et al. (2015) have also observed a reduction declare.
of antioxidative defense activity including GSH-Px activ-
ity with increase of MDA and SOD activity during initial
period after parturition as compared to late pregnancy
and late lactation. Sordillo (2013) suggested that oxidative
The authors thank the Indian Council of Agricultural
stress could lead to dysfunction of host immune system and
Research, Government of India, the Director, ICAR-National
inflammatory responses that can increase the incidence
Dairy Research Institute, Karnal, Haryana and the Director,
and severity of infectious diseases also supports our results
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Bareilly, U.P.,
on altered expression of anti- and pro-oxidative molecules
India for providing necessary facilities and logistics support
in endometrium and systemic circulation associated with
to conduct the study.
uterine infection in cows.
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endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),
G Model
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Please cite this article in press as: Baithalu, R.K., et al., Transcriptional abundance of antioxidant enzymes in
endometrium and their circulating levels in Zebu cows with and without uterine infection. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (2016),

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