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== TZ Hotel Check-in eee A Pearl: Ave you paying with that card? Alicia: Yes, | am. 12H Convers: Vancouver ~ Alicia is checking in to the Columbia Frowers Hotell poaritiisttioverton Peart OK. lust need you to complete this registration Pearl: Good evening, ma'am. Alicia: Thank you. Uh, sorry, what's the date today? Alicia: Good evening. | want to chect Pearl: May 23rd. You're in Room 1631 Pearl: Do you have a reservation? Yes, | do. 1 Aly Conversation B s What nome? San Diego ~ Edgar Young is checking in to the Alicia: Romero, Alicia Romero Quantity Inn. Peart st armenert.Idontha you name agar yashave arom tee rigs? — o you have a reservation? Alicia: Try my company. That's Sagebrush Marketing. eee ea oes Edgar: No, | don’t, Clork: I'm sorry, sr. We're nearly fll Edgar: You don't have a room, then? Clerk: Well, we have a small room. I's at the back, right ‘over the kitchen Pearl: Ah, yes. | ave it here. Sa Market Street, San Diego. Ms, Ro for five nights, Alicia: Thats right Pearl: And Une room's reserved on your Visa card? Alicia: Yes, itis. rush Marketing, 1276 mero. A single room a 1. write down: 3 again. Find five reasons why the Your name / Your company’s name / Your company’s room eine race address / A type of credit card / Today's date A 4-cigit room number 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Then practice Conversation A, in pairs. Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity C Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity P 2 [1B Fy Listen to the rest of Edgar's conversation at the hotel, and check (/) the 5 2 Work with a different student, Ask and answer boxes. What facilities does Edgar's room have? about the completed registration cards from exercise 4. Facility Yes No Yes No What's (tis) family name? His farily name is (Young). King-sizebed Q CableTV aa Bath QQ Intoommovies Q Hotel reservations Shower QQ Minibar ry a Internet Q GO Roomsafe a connection ep == 9 Breakfast buffet ome 128 iy Conversation A & Conversation ¢ Eagar’ in his hotel in San Diego Edgar: Excuse me, i ther ary more ik? Waiter: Sue there is. Corning ght up. Edgar: Cornfakos . Cnoeios «Granola. No. Ae there any Rie Kispes? Waiter: Arent there any inthe bow? Edgar: No, there arent Waiter: Then we don't have any Rice Krspos. Edgar: No ice Kispes! I don't bev i Walter Sorry. But tis ine thy We servo broakfast fom sik Edgar: Good moming, Hostess: Good morning, sir. Table for ane? Edgar: Please. In the smoking section. Hostess: There isn't a smoking section, sit. Edgar: Pardon me? Hostess: There's no smoking in restaurants in California, sir. Right this way. [127 @ Conversation B Walter: Good morning. I'm Juan, and I'm your waiter for today, Tea or coffes? Edgar: Coffee, please. | Waiter: Can | recommend our buffet? That's $14.95, | Coffee's included. Edgar Yes, that's fne. The butt i Waiter: It's right over there, Help yourself, and enjoy your breakfast, ‘ 3 C 2 | 150 Sy What cold things are on Edgar's plate? Listen and check (/) the boxes. Fame ketchup o salt G barbecue sauce pepper 1128 fly what hot food is on Edgr’s plate? pieaeer a a Te Listen and check (/) the boxes. 5 ea (ee rt et we Q bacon 1 scrambled eggs ae ee See ate 3 Ask questions about Edgar's breakfast plate, 0.9. 1 hash browns boiled opus eiihesh brows outa fs there any ketchup? No, there isn't. / Yes, theres. visas asbestisactes ‘Are there any tried eags? No, there aren’t. / Yes, there are. G Enaish mutins French toast Hotel breakfasts = Lat A Conversation A Pear Liis the Reception Clerk at the Columbia Towers Hotel in Vancouver. Alicia: Can you mail these for me? Pearl: Sure, Where to? Alicia: Un, one to France, ane to San Diego, two to Boston and one to Toronto, please. Pearl: OK, one international, throo U.S.A. and one to Canada. That's $4.39 altogether, Alicia: Here's four fifty Pearl: Thank you. That's eleven cents change. 1m Wy Conversation B Woman: Can eave 8 mes ge for Alain Charest? He's a , do you know his room number? Woman: Uh, n0, I don't Pearl: That's OK. | can find it. 8 os A! tow are Thin 4s Vow here iw rin, nol @ VOcatt See you Soom, Love Mica 1 Look at Conversation A. Make conversations with these place names. Guess a price. International: Brazil, The U.K. Canada: Ottawa, Quebec U.S.A: Dallas, Boston 2 Write and address a postcard to a friend, 3 Look at Conversation B. Make conversations with this information: Alicia Romero / she / her room number Mr and Mrs, Steinway / they / their room number =— 10 Hotel reception qe a business rc jan cover \TS t on iS. aqreat city 138 Conversation © Alain: Good morning. Ave there any messages for me? Alin Charest. Room 1132 Peart: 1132? Yes, there's one. There you go. Alain: Thanks. And can you fax this for ms? Pearl: Two pages, to Montreal, (514) 087-9321? Alain: That's right. Can you charge it to my room? Peart: Of course, Wr, Charest 136 6 Conversation © Man: Excuse me, | have a problem with my room key Pea: Whats the problem, Mr. Pan? Man: It dosen't wor, cant open the door Pearl: The black side goes in the slot. Then you swipe it slowly. Man: I know. And it doesnt work Peart: No problem. I can program a new swipo card for you | Mae Dupo a | b-Rue Jean-Rerte. 4 Look at Conversation C. Make conversations with this informat for us / Mr. and Mrs. Steinway / Room 1819 / 4 pages / New York / (212) 974-4377 5 Look at Conversation D. Make a conversation with this information: room-safe key / safe / blue side / swipe it quickly © Language in Canada, Titles 157 HY tts eleven thy. Jack Hudson is at a fast food outlet in a mal Server: Next. Yes, sir? ack: [tke Big Burge, please Server: Big Burger. Anything oso? slack: Yes, With es Server: Regular orange fies? slack: Lage Server: Anything to crink? Jack: Yeah, cote, Server Is that everthing? Jacks Yup. Tat Server: OK. Thats @ Big Burger, wit large tes, and ‘cote Jack: Fight Server: Thats seven ninety three wth the tax dack: Inere you go. Server: Out of twenty. Twelve dollars and seven cents change. is coming right up. 1S Look at the conversation, and make more conversations with the menu. 2 158 fy Listen to Jack and the server. Then answer the questions: a Would he like vanilla or chocolate ice cream? b_ How much is it? © What bill does Jack offer the server? Can the server make the change? @ Does Jack have anything smaller? ~ Use the menu and role-play more conversations. Use the expressions in the Language Bank. 19 Fast food BIG BURGER WORLD | Ble BISER 4 0 burr : | fs | ESE. 402 cheba ; BACON BURGER 4 oz re Wit Canadian bon tas B16 DOG hot doy BIG SALAD jana bar Me NACHOS with hot dee “6 aie | FRIES 4 | Pgilar$ { fise terme frags | SOFT FREEZE KE REAw mf atl, choclate op ta | vant thea Bi SHAKE fle, Strawhery, hoolate Ba Bi «LA regular § | Mar $145 large d.t5 | \S | ~ x Reape t! All Big Burger packaging reat AI Big Burger wenty are from ‘ruety fre fara, | TLS TAK an | LANGUAGE BANK Server: Do you have anything smaller? the right / exact amount? Out of twenty? That's. Customer: {twenty-dollar bil). Sorry, loniy have a tfifty-pound note)? Sorry, can you change a Sorry, | don’t have anything smaller. Can Ihave (some quarters / dollar coins) in the change? 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity E ‘Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity R Taxes & Conversation A its lunchtime in Vancouver. ‘Simon: OK. It's twelve thirty. You're meeting Mr. at two, Do you feel like some lunch? Alicia: Sure, Simon: What kind of food do you like? Alicia: Anything. its up to you. imon: | usually go to an italian place near here, service, but the food's OK Alicia: That's fine. Let's go there, 69 6% Conversation B ‘Simon: Here's a tray. It a set lunch, They have @ Of four entrées, and you can choose a side salad, a roll ‘and butter, and a drink, Alicia: Thanks. Server: Hi. What can I get you? Alicia: Lasagne, please. Server: Do you want Parmesan cheese on that? Alicia: Yes, please, ‘Simon: Spaghetti Bolognese for me. No Parmesan. Server: Coming right up. Look at Conversation A. Make two conversations with this information. Conversation 1: 12:15 p.m. / meeting at 1:45 p.m Would you like some lunch? What sort of food ...? Chinese place downtown. Conversation 2: 1 p.m. / begin work at 2:15 pum How about some lunch? What do you feel like? Mexican restaurant / across the street. 24 LUNCH ees 120. Conversation ¢ Cashior: Are those together? Simon: Yes Cashier: That's twenty-five dllars and oighty- seven cents, Alicia: Lot me pay Simon: No. Ths ison Paco Rim Cruises Alicia: You're sure? Simon: OF courss, insist Dawson 1S sett Alicia: OK. Then let me pay next time Cashier: Hey! There's a line at the counter! Make up your minds Simon: Sorry. Thore you go. choice Boao aye Ph a Bide) eon ARTED RACE, 2 <>? Look at Conversation B, and make more conversations using the menus. Culture File 24] Paying 3 Who's going to pay? Look at Conversation C. Make conversations in groups of three using the Language Bank. LANGUAGE BANK Let me pay. Fill pay. This is on me. This is on the company, No, I'l get it. =——= 36 At the table [234 &) Conversation A ‘The party ftom the ship is waiting for their fist course at the Panama Hat restaurant. Cecilia: Can you pass me the bread, Josie? Josie: There you go. And the butter? Cecilia: No, thanks. Josie: Ken? Kenji: Yes, please, Mm, its warm, That's good. Aren't you having any bread, Josie? 1 © Look at Conversation A, and make more conversations using the Language Bank. LANGUAGE BANK Gould you pass (me) the bread? | Sure. Gan you pass (him) the bread? There you go. May I have the bread? Here itis, bread / butter / salt / pepper / water / ice 2 5° Look at Conversation B and the menu entrées from Unit 35. Make a conversation with a waiter who has these items for your party of fiv ‘two of the same items for John and Anna ne item for Peter one item for Diana the wrong item for you Py Conversation B Waiter: Hi... Who ordered the melon? Cecilia: That's for me. Walter: And whose is the tomato and mozzarella? Josie: That's mine. Thank you very much. Waiter: You're welcome, And the clam chowder? DDid anybody order the clam chowder? Konji: It's not mine. Waiter: Parcion me ... whose is the clam chowder? Im sorry. What did you order, sir? Kenji: | ordered the spinach and bacon salad, not the chowder. Waiter: Hmm. There must be a mistake. 'm really sorry. Hlbe right back with your salad. @y Conversation C Kenji: Hy, don't wait for me. Please start ‘Thanks. Do you want fo try somne of my salad? Itlooks really good ... are you sure? Josie: Suro I'm sure. Go ahead. help yourself Kenji: Great, Wel, enjoy your meal! 3 Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns {see Grammar File 5). a Don't worry. | can help b Anna, please help to salad. © Gome on everybody! You can all help 3 Tall Maria to help to wine. Good. We can all help to soup. f Ask him to help to vegetables. 4 ‘© Ask a partner about restaurants. Do you offer to pass people food? Do you ask people to pass you food? Do you offer people food from your plate? Do you talk about business during the meal? When do you talk about business in a restaurant? Do you invite people to enjoy their meal? How? Do you have a spectal word for toasting? Culture File $6) Starting a meal, toasting 249 Wy Conversation A Aci s leaving the Columbia Towers Hotel Alicia: 'm checking out today. Here are Pearl: Oh, really? We'll mi with us? Alicia: Yes, | dic. Very muct Pearl: That's good. Where are you going now? Alicia: 'm going on an A 0 take some pictures, Peart: Alaska? I'm sure you'll enjoy it. you. Did you enjay your stay 250 fly Conversation B Pear: Did you have anything from the minibar last night? Yoo. Armano w Ut printout Your check, It won take long 1 >. Role-play Conversation A replacing the ighlighted words, eg. leaving J Here's my Key card. / Was everyting allright? Yes, twas. Thanks. 7 to Toronto / do some sightseeing 2 ~~ Role-play Conversation B replacing the highlighted words, e.g three small whiskeys / half a bottie of champagne / two mineral waters / a bar of chocolate / a pack of peanuts /It'l only take a moment. Culture File |43| Minibars. 43 Checking out 2st Conversation C Peart: Do you want io just check this over? Thanks. Yes, everything’ tne : We have a record of your Visa ything to Visa rd, Do you want Please. Pearl: OK. Sign here. And here's a copy hope you'll stay with will. Ar 2 very welcome Guest Comments form? Alicia: Oh, yes. Thera you go. Wel, goodbye, Pearl: Goodbye. Have a good trp, for your records. thank you for all your help er, did you complete your MINIBAR LIST ed arc ha NAME: ist to the cashier on depart OOM No: NS = Champagne (1/2 bt) $20.75, Cola, Spite, Fanta $3.95 Vodka $359 Porrir, Evan 25 cl) $4.50, Wire (white, ed) $15.99 range, Apple juice $4.50 Boor $995 Assorted nuts $6.00 Whiskey $895 Abs, zona (600i) $3.18 Gin, Brandy, Rum — $8.95 Chocolate bar $3.50 COLUMN TOTAL (COLUMN TOTAL: 5 >. Role-play Conversation C replacing the highlighted words, e.g. ‘American Express / Do you want to put it all on your card? / Please come back and stay with us again, Thanks for everything, 4 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES ‘Student 4 - Go to Communication Activity K Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity X 5 (22 Complete the minitar list for yourself for 2 ‘weekend (or for Edgar Young). Interviow a partner. What did they have from the minibar? Be careful with a / an / some. 28H Conversation A “The ship is hack n Vancouver It's the end of theor Alicia: Well, goodbye, Josie, And thanks for everything, Josie: Goodbye. It was nice meeting you. Alicia: Don't forget. You have my adciess. Call me next time you're in San Diego. Josie: | will And call me if you're ever in Vancouver Alicia: OK. Goodbye, then. Josie: Goodbye, Take care. 25 8%) Conversation & Cecilia: Ken, | want to thank you for all your hard work. Kenji: Thark you, Ceci. ™m sorry that "m leaving. les ‘good working with you Covi: Trans. i's quite a surprise, but i's a good promotion for you. You deserve Kenji: tao 8 ouprise form, to. Cecilia: You'l be great. Enoy the job. Kenji: And thanks gan for suggesting me 1. 52 Role-play conversations using the expressions in the Language Bank. + Alicia saying goodye to Cecilia, + Ken saying goodbye to Alicia + A passenger saying goodbye to another passenger after a shipbosrd romance! 2 285 fly What's going to happen to everyone? Listen to some possibilities. Can you continue the story? 48 Goodbye eee 2 By Conversation C Josie: 8, you're moving tothe Paci Rim Explorer Good ick Keni Thank. Er... m going to migs you, Joie oslo: And Hi miss you. Keepin touch Ken Sure. cal you that's OK ¥ Order a meal and a drink. Use the menu and the pictures. E ss = f % Pa - o.. Pam 2 = ri & = — a a See age ed 3 Landing card —y 1 fly Convorsation A Josie Campbell is British. She is on an airplane flying from Vancouver to San Diego Flight Attendant: Excuse me, ma'am. Are you an. American citizen? Josie: No. No, 'm not. Flight Attendant: Do you have a visa for the United States? Josie: Yes, | do, Flight Attendant: Can you complete is card? It's for immigration, Josie: Allright. Uh, do you have a pen? Flight Attendant: No, | don’t. Sorry. 10M Conversation 8 dosie: Excuse me, do you have pen? Edgar: Yes, do. dosie: Un can borow i? Edgar: Dont you have one? dosie: No, Edgar: Hun. al ight. There you go. Josie: Thankyou 1 [2 Fy on the airplane there are instructions on video about the immigration form. Listen to the instructions, and complete 2 the U.S, Arrival Record with true information. 2 COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES Student 1 - Go to Communication Activity A : Student 2 - Go to Communication Activity N Asking questions 111 Hy Conversation C Josie: Here's your pen b Edgar: vo you here on vacation? dJosie: No, m not. 'm here on business Edgar: A you Bish? Josie: Yes, 1am, but | work in Vancouver Edgar: | workin Vancouver, 00 Josie: Are you Canackan? Edgar: No, 'm an American citizen, en, 3 Which question or questions do the replies match? Write A, B or C. Then practice Conversation C. Questions Replies ‘A Are you here on vacation? _Yes, | am B Are you here on business? _No, I'm not. 'm here © Why are you going on business. to San Diego? No, I ive in San Diego. —— I'min college there. I'm visiting friends. Pm visiting family, _ It's a business trip, I'm not. I'm changing planes there, Hy Conversation A Inmigration Control in San Diego, California, Listen and practice in groups of three. Immigration: ... From Taiwan? How long are you staying? Woman: One week. Immigration: Fine. Enjoy your stay. Guard: Step this way. Please stand behind the yellow ling ... Please stand behind the yellow line ... Go ahead, ma’am, Booth four... Step this way Immigration: Good afternoon, ma'am, Your passport, please, Josie: There you go. Immigration: How long are you staying in the U.S.A? Josie: About two weeks, Immigration: Thank you... that's it. Welcome to the United States, and enjoy yaur stay. 4 Welcome to the U.S.A, © Conversation B Guard: Please pick up your bags, and walkthrough to Customs Control. Please pick up your bags, ang walk through to Customs Control Customs: Welcome to the United States, Where are you traveling from? Josie: I'm traveling from Vancouver. Customs: Ave you British? Josie: Yes, lam, Customs: My grandiather's Brilish! He was born in York Do you know York? Josie: Yes, Ido. its a lovey city. ‘Customs: Do you have any prohibited items? Josie: No, | don't Customs: OK. Enjoy your stay here, Josie: Thank you. 5 fy Listen. Number the instructions in the correct order from 1 07, Go to Booth fifteen. Then please take your bags, Please show your passport. Jakob Sikorsky ‘Grandia Step right up to the yellow line. Proceed to customs control Please step this way, sit But please stand behind it rsa, Poland oooceco 2 Look at Suzanna’s family tree and make sentences. Use Vocabulary File 3, Frankie's her grandfather. He's Italian-American. He was bom in Italy. Maria Suarez Grandmater b. Monterey Mexico Frankie Rossi Ingrid Svenson Geandtather randmother brian aly “Tb. Stockhoim Sweden Jakob Sikorsky Annie Rossi Patter — Mother b.Los Angeles b. New York Cy ‘Suzanna Sikorsky chicago

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