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1. Discuss the importance of gestures or non-verbal actions in communication.

2. Experience enriches our life. To what extent do you agree with this
3. Movies can be used as a good source of education? How do you think?
4. Discuss criteria you consider when you choose a hotel for your holiday?
What is your top priority?
5. Natural beauty is the best? Do you agree?
6. Discuss ways to improve appearance.
7. Discuss ways to have a healthy life.
8. You are keen on healthy food or tasty food? Explain.
9. People’s personalities are more affected by nature or nurture. Do you agree
or disagree?
10. Artistic talent is genetic? Do you agree?
11. A child’s personality is much affected by his/ her order of birth? Do you
12. Art has nothing to do with our life? Do you agree?
13. Computers improve the way people communicate with each other a lot. Do
you agree or disagree?
14. We shouldn’t judge people by their appearance. Do you agree or disagree?
15. Is it better to be old-fashioned, open-minded or somewhere in the middle?


Topic 1: MOVIES

16.What‘s your favorite movie? Give detailed information about it.

● What kind of movies is it?
● Who’s in it?
● Who directed it?
● Why do you like it?
● When did it come out?
● Where was it filmed?
● How many times have you seen it?
● What happened at the end of the film?
● Would you recommend it? Why?
17.Are there any kinds of movies you dislike? Explain.
18.How often do you go to the movies?
19.What is the funniest movie you have ever seen? Explain.
20.What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? Explain.
21.Which do you like better, action movies or comedy movies?
22.Do you think that action movies are bad for children? Explain.
23.Do you like animated movies? Explain.
24.Do you watch movies at the theatre or at home?
25. If you could make a movie, what would it be?


1. What do you feel when you stay at a hotel?

2. What is the nicest hotel you have ever stayed at? Explain.
3. Which do you prefer to stay in when you travel: hotels, motels, dormitories,
etc. Explain.
4. Do you like staying at a hotel? Why or why not?
5. What are the most important factors when choosing a hotel:
● Price
● Location
● Service
● View from your room
● Cleanliness
6. How is staying in a hotel different from staying at home?
7. What makes you like the most when you stay in a hotel?


1. What are the advantages of owning a car?
2. What kind of car do you prefer? Explain.
3. Do you prefer driving or riding public transportation? Explain.
4. Do you think cars should be banned from city centers? Explain.
5. Who do you think better drivers: men or women?
6. Why is it important to follow the traffic rules?
7. Do you prefer to drive or to be a passenger?
8. What’s the most important factor when choosing a car?


1. How important is appearance in your daily life?

2. What do you do to make you more attractive?
3. Do you think people with many piercings and tattoos are beautiful?
4. What makes one person more attractive than another?
5. What do you think about cosmetic surgery?
6. Are you happy with your appearance? If not, what changes would you like
to make with your appearance?
7. How much money and time do you normally spend on your appearance?
8. What makes a person beautiful?
9. What makes a person less attractive?
10. Do you have a tattoo? What’s your opinion of tattoos?


1. What foods are you crazy about? Give details.

2. What foods do you dislike? Give details.
3. What foods do you avoid? Why?
4. Imagine you were overweight. What would you do to lose weight?
5. Describe one of your local dishes. You should say:
What’s the dish?
What’s in it?
What does it taste/ look like?

6. Do you usually eat healthy food? Explain.
7. Why are fast foods not good for your health? Explain.
8. What is your eating habit?


1. What do you do when your computer doesn't work properly?

2. Do you think a computer can bring us happiness?

3. Which do you like better, a laptop computer or a desktop computer?

4. Do you think people rely too much on computer?

5. What do you use computer for? Or which activities do you do the most with
your computer?

6. How important is your computer to you?

7. Do you think computers are important for daily life? Explain.

Topic 7: ARTS

1. Do you like to visit art museum? Why? Why not?

2. Who is your favorite artist? Why do you like him/her so much?

3. What kinds of art do you like: paintings, sculpture, ceramics, etc.?

4. Do you think art is an important part of life? Why?

5. Why Do you think people like to have painting (or other artwork) in their

6. Describe a work of art that you really like. Tell: What it looks like? Where you
first saw it? Why you like it? ...

7. What handmade item have you had? What is it made of?

8. Did you draw when you were a child? If yes, what did you draw?
9. Can you describe one of your favorite objects in your house?


1. Are you more introverted or more extroverted? Explain.

2. Do you think birth order make a difference in your personality?

3. What is one personality trait that many people don't know about you? 4.
Describe your personality

5. What kinds of personality traits do you have?

6. Do you think you have a strong personality?

7. Do you try to be a friendly person? Why?

8. If you can change one of your personality traits, what would you like to change?

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