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Solar Highway

Hello from the RV!

Solar Highway was written (and is still

being written as you read this) by Dakota,
or @cryptidsoda on Twitter if you wanna
see me there! I am also located at if you’d like to send
me your session experiences, ideas, or
general feedback!! Also all the art in the
game is made through MS Paint because I
think it suits the vibe, y’know?

This whole TTRPG is dedicated to the

Cryptid Friendclub. There’s a section for
all the people who helped me get this far
at the bottom. I appreciate you all very
much. Thanks!

Feel free to copy this doc, edit it, change what you need. This is meant to be a very open
ended system for you to take advantage of.

Anyway, get on with the reading, the RV isn’t gonna wait for you!

What You’ve Signed up for
A road that never ends, an RV with seemingly infinite room, and a party ready to go in any
location they stop at. Their longest road trip; their most memorable adventure.

What is Solar Highway?:

Solar Highway is a jokey, not-too-serious tabletop roleplaying game for 2-6 people running
on a hacky version of Powered by the Apocalypse. (feel free to GM more!) Solar Highway
focuses around players adventuring on the highway of the universe: The Solar Highway. A
road that traverses galaxies and planets, all while seemingly being a normal asphalt road
floating in space. The party adventures through it in an RV that is controlled by a driver.
Each player, called a Passenger, will have their own custom Passenger Type that has custom
and unique skills to work with the challenges new locations bring. Each location, which can
be split up into multiple sessions or simple one-shots, is completely different and brings the
passengers to adventure their way through it-- or out of it. The way the passengers explore
the location is told through the GM, or in this game: the Roadie. The Roadie will determine
when you roll, what the location brings, and basically the outline of the game for the
passengers to take advantage of.

Each session can take between 3-6 hours depending on how the Roadie runs it. The locations
can be serious and dangerous; stupid and nonsensical; entropic and terrifying-- or anything
the passengers and roadie wants. Like most TTRPGs, the game shouldn’t be determined by
just the GM running it, and hopefully you find that Solar Highway is a conversation between
what the players want, and what the GM wants.

The goal of Solar Highway, when I made it, was to create a game that people can show up to
and relax in. The setting of this TTRPG is quite helpful for this: a road that seemingly never
ends that brings you to places you’ve never been to before. All the passengers rest in an RV,
which means they can just chill there and not partake in specific locations and sessions. I
mainly play TTRPGs over the internet, and this was a way to handle people sometimes
missing sessions, having to go early, or other things that meant they couldn’t make it.
Anyway, with that, let’s move on to what you need.

What Do I Need?:
You’ll need a few things:
☐ This document.
☐ A person willing to GM
☐ Players!
☐ Player sheets and reference sheets.
☐ A LOT of d6’s and d8’s

Solar Highway takes most of its ideas from Monster of the Week, by Michael Sands, and
Dungeons and Dragons, by Wizards of the Coast.

The Setting
The universe is timeless for someone like you. Stars take millions of years to die out,
galaxies spin at rates you’ll never process in your life, but your time here is important.
Roads are being built, planets are being terraformed by megacorporations and although
the universe seems timeless, everything is always catching up to you.

The Setting:
To every location is an asphalt road and a sign, to follow that road is up to the creature
driving your fragile RV. Everything is close together on the Solar Highway, built by an
unknown entity in the hopes of controlling how the universe devolves into disorder. Disorder
is how the universe is made however, and every location seems to follow in that idea.
Although the way the road is strung around stars and planets using technology no one could
ever understand, most of the places you’ll come across haven’t even begun to process what
space is like.

And with that, everything is their own town, their own world and galaxy. People embark on
the Solar Highway to get out of their stable life into something more.. Entropic. That’s where
you are. In a beat-up old RV, travelling down winding and twisting asphalt roads in space,
destined to end up wherever the RV runs out of gas. All locations are completely different
from the rest, and new experiences are crafted every place.

Devoting the universe’s energy to creating these locations takes something called Entropy.
Entropy makes up the Solar Highway. Every location you’ll cross into has a layer of entropy
ready to take over and destroy the location. The longer you stay, the more spells cast and luck
dropped-- the less stable that location will be. Whatever town you’re in, mountain you’re
climbing, road you’re crossing: entropy will be waiting and changing everything around you.
The thing that once crafted the place you’re adventuring is the one to tear it down.

So: be fast. Be efficient with your exploring and your goals. Meet new people, let them come
with you if they wish-- the universe has infinite possibilities.

To the Roadie:
The universe can have a theme about whatever you desire. My first SH focused on a
corporation called SysKo ruling over the universe as a mega-megacorporation. Themes of
office-worker hell and misery somehow infecting every location somehow. What happens
when a capitalist megacorporation rules the Solar Highway, dictating costs and location’s
viability? Do the passengers put up a fight against that or simply observe and watch? The
passengers may choose a simple goal in Your RV, but feel free to create an overarching theme
that ties a thread between every location.

Game Flow
A passenger finds something’s off in one of the various hallways in this mansion. They roll
Perception and uncover a hidden tunnel that leads into a whole new city built underground.
Lights and noise, everything encapsulates them immediately.

Solar Highway will focus on a somewhat modded Powered by the Apocalypse and D&D type

Passenger Goal:
The goal of Solar Highway is to just have a fun time at the end of every week. Your passenger
is an individual lost in this universe. This game is a vessel to weave a story with your Roadie.
A very simple way of putting it in a list is:
☐ Just enjoy what’s going on.
☐ Write the story and world with your Roadie.
☐ Sightsee the awfully weird worlds.

As the roadie provides you information around the world you’re interacting in, you’ll be
describing what your passenger does to navigate the messed up place. The game is a
conversation between all the players! Try to find what your ideal road trip would be, describe
it, and let the roadie bring you to places that probably don’t match that but y’know, they’re

The game flows as all players describe their respective actions, and when events need to be
resolved, that’s where checks come in. Checks are moves you'll use that relate to the action
you want to take. To make a check, you take the relevant skill and roll for it using the rolling
method described in Stats & Skills. Hard moves are given out whenever you fail a roll, which
are dangerous actions the Roadie can take against the players.

Combat is a side part of SH and focuses on the lack of turns. All passengers have weapons
they can use to attack (see Weapons & Combat). Combat is more fluid and quick, letting
passengers flow into each other's moves and attacks.
☐ As an example: If one passenger attacks, the creature they attacked hits back--
and gives time to another passenger behind. Enemies will attack back when hit or
when you’re open, the passengers should be able to do what they want during

Entropy builds up as you cast spells and do various things. The Roadie may spend held
entropy to make locations more dangerous (see Entropy). Passengers may choose to throw a
location straight into Collapse or try not to raise it at all. Whatever it is: entropy will follow.

And at the end of all things weird, the highway will come to a stop. Now that’s enough
reading, go look at the passenger types!

The Captain of the team calls for the Eye to take aim and shoot the thirty foot long oil worm
that just destroyed the location's Saloon. The Dyanmicist enhances the Eye’s snubnose
revolver, and they shoot at the creature with an enchanted fire element. The world is
engulfed in flames as the bullet connects-- and the party ducks behind the only cover left of
that city.

What other place to start than the type of your passenger? None, this is where you’ll start.
You will be playing the role of a passenger on this road trip. Passenger types are separated by
their class (Observer, Dreamer, etc) and then their type (Archivist, Bully, etc). They’re
separated by the type of person you want to be on a road trip-- if you like staring out the
window during long drives, maybe you’d find the Dreamer classes interesting. Whatever you
choose, all of the passengers are dynamic and entropic. Everything changes, especially the
universe. Feel free to tweak specific things. Find your own groove within the passenger type!

You’ll be working with other passengers at your table, any chemistry works, just make sure
you won’t tear eachother up in the RV (too hard, that is.) Passenger types are split into 4
categories (currently). Here is the rundown of the type you’ll see.

The Observers (Analytical)

☐ The Archivist (explore, record)
☐ The Eye (observe, trespass)
☐ The Captain (shot-caller, lead)
The Dreamers (Creative)
☐ The Dynamicist (weird, magic)
☐ The Writer (create, ponder)
☐ The Musician (music, emotion)
The Ruffians (Muscle)
☐ The Bully (punch, shit)
☐ The Bulwark (protect, shit)
☐ The Decay (fate, entropy)
The Wanderers (Adventurous)
☐ The Dove (healing, helping)
☐ The Cryptid (X, Y)
☐ The Lost (X, Y)

A reminder that passengers are dynamic and what you want the most out of the experience.
Make whatever you want, don’t feel limited! The universe is massive, your character would
always exist on this road trip. Their ideas can change, moves can be altered, it’s your journey.
Consult with your Roadie if you have some questions! If you would like to learn more about
the mechanics before you read on, a great place to start would be on the “How to (Mostly)
Play” chapter.

How Do I Make a Passenger?!:
First, read up on the Stats & Skills and Rolling the Dice chapters. If you would like the
super-specifics on how everything works, check How to (Mostly) Play. This section will cover
the character template, which is located at the Solar Highway Character Template. Make a
copy of it!

The sheet will have various points of information on it. Whenever you take something from
below in the passengers, add it to the sheet.

1: This is the name of your character. It can be anything!

2: This is the level of your character. It starts at one.
3: This is your passenger type. The passenger type is the “class” you’ll pick below. If
you pick the Archivist, then your passenger type will be the archivist.
4: This is your character’s species. It can be a human, slug monster thing, a cat, it can
be anything you choose! Check Species for a list if you don’t have any idea on what to
5: This is your character’s pronouns. If you complain about that then you shouldn’t
be playing Solar Highway probably???

6: This is your background and lore for your character. You may choose to have none
if you wish!
7: This is your character size. It can be height, or just “big” if you’re playing a big
cryptid for example.
8: The character owner is your name! It is whoever owns that sheet.
9: These are your stats. You’ll change this value and it will automatically update the
ones below on 15. Whenever you pick a passenger type, these will go down, up, or
stay the same. If you pick “++ Sharp, - Cool”, you’ll increase Sharp by two and
decrease Cool by one. The numbers to the side dictate if you have a -1 ongoing or
forward, or any other positive or negative things that affect your roll.
10: You have 8 health in this game. Whenever you take damage, tick a box. For
example, if you take 3-damage, tick 3 boxes. You have 5 health left. When you reach
zero, you’ll be incapacitated (see How to Mostly Play)
11: Quick notes are where you can put things that are important and need to be seen
at a glance. For example, the cryptid has a few positive and negative types you would
put there.
12: This is your cash reserve of Double Dollars, space’s uniform currency. You may
choose to not have this currency as the Roadie. (see How to Mostly Play)
13: Every time you gain experience, tick a box. When you fill all of them, reset it and
increase your level by one.
14: You have 7 luck. Whenever you use luck, tick a box. (see Luck)
15: These are your skills. Whenever you roll, you’ll roll a skill with the specified stat.
When you pick a character, you can choose to increase a few skills. When you
increase a skill, increase it by one. Skills have a maximum of three. (see Stats &
16: This is where you’ll put your weapons and tools. Each weapon and tool will have
a name, damage value, a skill (Control, Tools, Muscle, etc) and some tags. When you
choose a weapon, write everything down there. There won’t be a specified skill when
you take it, so come up with the most understandable one (a baseball bat would be
muscle, a first-aid kit would be aid, guitar would be dandy or composure).
17: You’ll be taking moves and perks when you make a character. When it says “Pick
two Archivist Moves” or something similar, you’ll write the two you pick in this box.

Below which isn’t listed is the level up page and the notes & lore. When you level up, increase
a skill and tick one of the boxes. Then take the specified upgrade. When you get past level 5,
you’ll be taking futures and advanced bonuses. Don’t worry about that now!

The Observers
For analytical players that remember everything on road trips, memories,

The Archivist
The archivist wants to see the whole universe and archive what everything was.
They draw maps, take photos, and stay collected as they do what they need to get

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Sharp, - Tough
☐ ++ Weird, - Tough
☐ + Weird, + Cool, - Tough
☐ + Sharp, + Weird, - Tough

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take Archival Room, two Archivist Motives total and two normal Archivist Moves.
☐ Archival Room: You never lose what you keep. At the start of a session, you may
roll 3 dice and keep one result to use in any other roll for that session. It may be
additive to a dice, or it may just count as a success.

Archivist Motives
What you Do: (Take one)
☐Preserve History: You always can pass Lore rolls when relating to history.
☐Manage Machines: You can immediately identify and repair weapons /
☐RV’s Bookkeeper: Money is never an issue, for you, at least.

Why that’s Bad: (Take one)

☐ Handsy: You want to take everything.
☐ Snob: You don’t want to tell anyone what you know.
☐ Hunted: Your knowledge and preserved items come at a cost.

Normal Archivist Moves:

☐ Don’t Remember Saving That: Sometimes digging through your archive
yields… interesting things. Roll for fate. On a fail, pull out something dangerous. On
a success, pull out something useful for your situation. Must be used in the RV.
☐ I Choose You!: Small creatures (or willing creatures) may be archived safely in
RV storage and brought out later.

☐ Familiar Locations: You may find a perfectly safe place to rest within any
location once per session. This refreshes Archival Room.
☐ Carbon Copy: You know how it’s made and how to make it again. Any object
may be copied and forged with a bit of time. Roll for tools. On a failure, the copy
takes too many materials and comes out bad. On a success, the object is copied with
imperfections. On a great success, the object is copied perfectly, with tweaks to your
liking. Magical things are not carbon, and will change if copied.
☐ Yahtzee!: Archival room now lets you keep an additional dice.
☐ Know the Difference: You always know what stage of entropy the current
location is at. You can tell the difference between something normal and something
entropic. Take +1 forward whenever the entropy stage increases.
☐ DON’T TOUCH THAT: You can make anything seem very important, and that
can rub off on other people. Whenever someone takes something or steals
something, you can accost them. Roll Composure. On a failure, they’ll run off
thinking it’s valuable. On a mixed success, they’ll drop it. On a great success, they’ll
stand still and hand it back.
☐ Preserved Rolls: Add 2 additional dice to archival room.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick Two)
☐ Heavy Book (1-damage, heavy, blunt, innocuous)
☐ Confusing Tome (1-damage, magical, blunt, tome)
☐ Set of Pens (1-damage, throwable, innocuous)
☐ Thick Twine (2-damage, garrote, string)
☐ Snubnose Revolver (2-damage, close, reload, pistol)
☐ .600 Nitro Express Revolver (3-damage, close, loud, obvious)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ Monster of the Month Manual (hoe-scaring, tome)
☐ Cartography Set (map-making)
☐ Archival Gloves (gloves, traceless)
☐ Map & Compass (tool, navigation) [How do compasses work on the SH? Dunno]
☐ Zolaroid Camera (camera, flash)
☐ Pristine Macbook (tech, useful, reliable)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Sharp by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Archivist Move.
☐ Take another Archivist Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Take an Upgrade to the RV
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Archival Room. You may keep an additional dice. Add a ‘+’ suffix to the
move name.
☐ Improve two different Sharp skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Take another positive Archivist Motive
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Magic Future: You know your way around magic, and you seem to
specialize in that entropic area of the universe. All magic things are attracted
to you, and you might as well be the same for them. Add +magic to all your
☐ Preserved Future: You’re as well kept as your archived items,
preserving your own history as well as the things you want to save. At the
start of a session, roll a d6. You may heal equal to that result one time per

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Magic Future:

☐ Artificer: You may store a magic effect within a medium (usually an
object) to be used later. This can be done in preparation, or with a magic roll
on the fly. The magical effect is drained from the medium after it is used.
This cannot absorb magical attacks directed at your party.
☐ Lost in Knowledge: You can now cast entropic or magic spells without
the use of magic items.
☐ Magical Preservation: At the beginning of each session, give yourself 2
temporary health. This can go over max health, but cannot be healed.
Temporary health cannot be affected with armor. It is lost at the end of the
☐ Infinite Storage: Gain an item: Archivist’s Bag (magic, storage,
bottomless). You may store any item within the bag, no matter the size. It is
also innocuous, and cannot be searched by anyone but yourself. You may
explain narratively why and how you got the bag.
☐ In Time: Start each session with 1 temporary health. Take +1 ongoing
whenever you have temporary health.

Moves for Preserved Future:

☐ Bookmarked: At the beginning of each location, specify whether you
are resistant to physical or weird attacks. You gain +1 armor against those
attacks for the entire session.
☐ RV Blues: All of the RVs upgrades can now count as “occupied” even if
the person in it doesn’t fit the criteria. You can now access RV upgrades (like
the armory) while away from the RV once per session.
☐ Master Archive: Archival room now lets you roll an additional dice, and
lets you store an additional dice. Add a ‘+’ as a suffix.
☐ Glowing Hourglass: Whenever you use luck, flip a coin. On heads, you
do not mark off luck.
☐ Do Re Mi: If you get a straight of at least 3 dice, it grants a (or another)
success. (A 1, 2, 3 becomes a success; 3, 4, 5; etc.)

The Eye
The eye doesn’t forget what happened on the last road trip, the one before that, or
the one 15 years ago. They take information and use it to help or hurt others.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Sharp, - Cool
☐ ++ Sharp, - Tough
☐ + Sharp, + Tough, - Cool
☐ + Sharp, + Cool, - Weird

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take A Perfect Journal, two Eye Motives total and two normal Eye moves.

☐ A Perfect Journal: Sometimes your notes are so precise that educated

predictions are too easy. Once per gas station, you may determine any relevant
information as true or false instantly.

Eye Motives:
Something made you run, the first instance of fear that led you to escape in the RV.
You’ll be figuring out what that was as you make your way down the Solar
Highway. But first…

Everyone in the RV sees you as the… (Pick one)

☐ Straggler: You’re using this RV as your vessel to get information about “it”. (+1
☐ Detective: You’re the one who remembers everything about “it”. (+1 Perception)
☐ Bouncer: You get information about “it” with.. Unorthodox methods. (+1
☐ Stoic: You don’t reveal what you know.. Especially about “it”. (+1 Fate)

“It” could be a case that escaped you in your old days, “it” could be a person that
went missing and you failed to find, “it” could be anything.. so..

What was.. “It” to you? (Pick one)

Write what “it” was after picking an option below.
☐ Something unforgettable… and you’ll always be reminded of it, at every step of
your journey.
☐ Something terrifying… and you’re always prepared with weapons and gear to
stop something like that from ever happening again.
☐ Something wrong... and your journey matches that level of weirdness.
☐ Something hazy… and you’re trying to remember what it was.

Normal Eye Moves:
☐ Trespassers L: Signs and caution tape won’t stop you from getting to where you
want to be. Roll perception when breaking in somewhere. On a failure, someone’s
waiting for you. On a success, you find your way in, but not necessarily out. On a
great success, you find something useful along the way.
☐ Influencer Apology: When someone is lying to you, you know it.
☐ Watcher Suggestion: All perception rolls include a bonus amount of
information relating to what’s hidden, what’s out of place, or what’s missing.
☐ Contratempo: If you roll a 1 in any skill roll, you may add it to another dice you
rolled with it. This only works once per roll.
☐ Bad Cop: Any ambush or attack from behind gives you +1 damage.
☐ Hard Questions: Whenever you question someone beyond their comfort zone,
take +1 forward to Cool and gain 1 experience.
☐ Spat in its Eye: Sometimes letting your analytical side rule doesn’t get you the
results you want. Whenever you drop the notebook and flip tables, take +1 forward to
☐ Saxophone Soundtrack: Your actions are complemented with a soundtrack.
Whenever you get a great success on something Cool, you hear a righteous
saxophone lick in the distance. Everyone around you is intimidated.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick Two)
☐ Pen Knife (1-damage, close, sharp, innocuous)
☐ Suitcase (1-damage, blunt, innocuous)
☐ Boxing Tape (1-damage, fatigue, melee)
☐ Flashlight (1-damage, blunt, tool)
☐ 9.16mm Pistol (2-damage, medium range, reload)
☐ Silenced .22LR Pistol (2-damage, medium range, quiet, reload)
☐ Brush Gun (2-damage, lever action, long range, obvious)
☐ RV Gauge Shotgun (3-damage, blast, messy, reload)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ Lug Wrench (mechanics, tool)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Cigarette Carton (harm, + Cool, + Sharp, addicting)
☐ Rhodes Microphone (recording)
☐ Box o’ Statistics & Newspapers (lore)
☐ Fake Passport (deception)
☐ Fake Police Badge (deception)
☐ DSLR S&W 5000M Camera (camera, flash)
☐ First Aid Kit (long, heal)
☐ Custom Tool


Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Sharp by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Eye Move.
☐ Take another Eye Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Upgrade one gear and one weapon of choice.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: A Perfect Journal. You may also parse any irrelevant information to be
true or false. Add a ‘+’ suffix to the move name.
☐ Improve two different Sharp skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Take another positive Eye Motive
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Wasted Future: You may never understand “it”, but at least you can
quell that sadness with the poison that lies under the cap of a glass bottle.
You may always gain 1 success on Perception rolls while under the effects of
Alcohol, take +1 Threshold (Max of 3!)
☐ Perseverant Future: You will never stop looking and asking about that
fateful moment. It looms over you and guides your every move. Take two
perks as you press on.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Wasted Future:

☐ Home Tolerance: Threshold rolls made in a familiar location
automatically have +1 success.
☐ Forgetting: When you gain vital information and then try to use it and
forget it, gain +1 experience. Gain +1 ongoing for all rolls relevant to your
☐ What: When you drink, you may specify to black out. Roll threshold. On
a failure, you end up in a very bad location. On a success, you end up in a less
desirable location without a weapon (you can get it at the RV). On a great
success, you end up in a very useful location with something extra.
☐ It: Any mention of “it” turns you into a glorious mess. All attack rolls
made while crying gain +2 ongoing. After the fight, you have to cool down.
☐ Was: A perfect journal works twice per gas station. You may also reuse it
when you fail any Threshold roll.

Moves for Perseverant Future:

☐ Never Stopping: You may instantly gain +1 success when you
Intimidate using a firearm. During combat, you may use a pistol two times as
☐ Detective Eyes: You can exploit your quick senses to avoid using fine
motor colors. Instead of Control and Reflex, you may roll Perception instead.
☐ It’s So Easy: Weapons with the tag “reload” don’t need to be reloaded by
you, and can be instantly used again. Hitting someone with a weapon butt
deals 2-damage and knocks them down.
☐ Under all Radars: Move through clouds of smoke, alleys of darkness,
and every place where people wouldn’t look. While sneaking into places, gain
+1 ongoing to all related rolls.
☐ Lethal: Rolling 4 successes in a combat roll automatically defeats any
small enemy. Lethally or non lethally.

The Captain
The captain calls the shots around the Solar Highway. They manage their crew and
help to find the best way through the twisting road.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Cool, - Weird
☐ ++ Sharp, - Weird
☐ + Sharp, + Cool, - Tough
☐ + Tough, + Cool, - Weird

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take Voice of Authority, one Captain Type, and two Normal Captain Moves.
☐ Voice of Authority: Intimidation, Composure, and Deception are all increased
by one. Any time you use one of those skills, take +1 forward.

Captain Type:
Why are you a Captain? (pick one)
You’re known by everyone you’ve met for the one thing you stand out with.
☐ Fantastic Shotcaller (+1 Perception)
☐ Tie Breaker (+1 Composure)
☐ Controlled Force (+1 Control)
☐ All Muscle (+1 Muscle)
☐ Big Brain (+1 Lore)
☐ Most Liked (+1 Dandy)
☐ Imposing Nature (+1 Intimidation)
☐ Custom Type

What’s Wrong? (pick one)

Something seems to be affecting who you are, and you’ll need the support of your
crew to help you through your one weakness.
☐ Fleeting Time (-2 Luck)
☐ Entropic Decay (Entropic Weakness)
☐ Physically Lost (-1 Maximum Health)
☐ A Longing (What do you long for? A dangerous side of you shows whenever you
see it. Describe what happens.)
☐ Always Roadsick (You do not heal between sessions.)

Normal Captain Moves: (always take Captain’s Room, then pick two)
☐ Captain’s Room: You have your own room in the RV, with a cool name plate and
everything. You can store all your belongings here.

☐ Voice of Reason: Once per session, you may use force of reason to convince
others of your plan. Follow through with it, and if everything goes according to plan,
you and everyone who helped takes 1 experience. If it ended up being a horrible plan,
everyone who opposed you takes 1 experience.
☐ Arbiter of Things: It seems like every time something breaks down, you at least
know why it broke down; and whenever something’s lost, you at least know where it
went. Whenever you can’t solve something, you’ll try your damned hardest to figure
it out. If you roll a failure on a skill with 0 points, it’s not all bad and some of it is
☐ Bartering Fiend: On a great success roll with Composure, Intimidation, or
Deception, you may ask for something in return. They’ll give it if it is not too
important to them.
☐ Soapbox: Any time you give a long winded speech on a soapbox before a big
event, everyone gains 1 temporary health and +1 forward.
☐ Push Through: They’re part of you, and if you’re separated, you’ll do anything to
help them. Whenever you’re on a solo mission to save your crew, take +1 ongoing and
+1 additive ongoing (add 1 to a dice roll).
☐ Got the Feeling: Whenever you and another crew member both roll the same
skill to avoid something at the same time, you can give them any number of successes
you rolled. If you end up with 0, however, it’ll count as a failure for you.
☐ Signature Weapon: If you only have one weapon on you, it counts as upgraded.
☐ At Your Best: You’re at your best when you have your crew around. At the start
of every session, you can give everyone in your crew 1 temporary health.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick Two or One)
☐ Combat Knife (2-damage, intimate, messy)
☐ Boxing Tape (1-damage, fatigue, melee)
☐ Large Sword (3-damage, close, obvious)
☐ .22 Revolver (1-damage, close, reload, concealable)
☐ .38 Revolver (2-damage, close, reload)
☐ Fire Axe (2-damage, close, obvious, messy)
☐ Sawed-Off Shotgun (3-damage, close, messy)
☐ Hunting Rifle (3-damage, long range, messy)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ Bandages (quick, messy)
☐ First Aid Kit (long, heal)
☐ Toolkit (tool, repair)
☐ Stuffable Backpack (storage)
☐ Matchbook (fire, concealable)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (heal, threshold)


Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Cool by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Captain Move.
☐ Take another Captain Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ You may take another positive Captain Type.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Voice of Authority: Gain another +1 forward on a great success with one
of those skills. Denote the improvement with a ‘+’ suffix.
☐ Improve two different Sharp or Cool skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ You may improve two skills in any stat by 1. (Max of 3!)
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Determined Future: You push through and try to reach whatever goal
you’ve set out to achieve. Your crew is still important to you, and you use the
things you’ve been given to try your hardest. Your “What’s Wrong?”
condition gets slightly worse. Immediately take a Determined Future
advanced move.
☐ Crew Future: You’re nothing without your crew to back you up. Over
time, your helpfulness towards them has eased up on the curse that’s been

plaguing you. Your actions and efforts to help them don’t go unnoticed, and
your “What’s Wrong?” type no longer has a mechanical downside.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
Moves for Determined Future:
☐ Back Down: If you go down during a session and get back up, you count as
having 2-armor for the rest of the session. This does not stack with any other armor
☐ Social Engineering: Great successes with Intimidation, Composure, Deception,
also grant a great success with Perception. This can be used to grant perception into
who that person is, things around you, etc.
☐ Jumpstart: If you initiate combat, take +2 forward.
☐ Wildflower: Your “What’s Wrong?” gets even worse, however you may choose
from one of the following:
☐ Increase 4 Skills by 1.
☐ Increase a Stat.
☐ Take any upgraded tool and weapon.
☐ Valuable Target: You may direct all retaliation attacks to you, or direct all
retaliation attacks made against you to one of your crew members.

Moves for Crew Future:

☐ A Team: You’ve all stuck with it together, even through the roughest moments.
Everyone gains 1 max health if they have 8 max health.
☐ Tiny House: The highway brings the most learning moments, everyone in the
Solar Crew can take 1 perk and improve 1 skill. You may upgrade one weapon and
restore one luck.
☐ Don’t Mess with the Best(ies): Any time all relevant enemies are stunned, you
may initiate an all-out attack. Everyone rolls damage, with a minimum of one success
on every roll. This can only happen once per session.
☐ Lookout: You can always sense if something is there to be dangerous. If
announced, this grants +1 additive on any relevant roll to anyone warned. The
dangerous thing can be traps, people, faulty toilets, etc.
☐ Pass the Aux: You can now take the role of the Driver in the RV. The past driver
may become a passenger to occupy an RV upgrade. You always get the aux choice.

The Dreamers
For players that stare out the window during long, winding road trips, imagining
scenarios and stories.

The Dynamicist
The dynamicist manipulates elements and reality, abusing the entropy in the
universe. They use their knowledge of fate and magic to bend things to their liking.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Weird, - Tough
☐ ++ Weird, - Cool
☐ + Weird, + Tough, - Sharp
☐ + Weird, + Cool, - Tough

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take Spellslinger, choose your magic types, then choose two normal Dynamicist
☐ Spellslinger: You can cast up to O-Class spells using a specified magic item. You
can cast only A-Class spells without your magic item.
Magic Item: (Pick one)
☐ Spiral Staff (1-damage, blunt, elemental, magic)
☐ Blast Staff (1-damage, blunt, blast, magic)
☐ Wall Staff (1-damage, blunt, wall, magic)
☐ Magpie Wand (1-damage, sharp, creature, magic)
☐ Star Gem (magic, channel, storing)
☐ Tome of Mysteries (1-damage, blunt, heavy, tome)
☐ Bag of Sand (0-damage, elemental, magic, enchantable)
☐ Custom Magic Item

Magic Type: (Choose one base and one extra)

When using your magic item, your base will be channeled through it. You may
choose to use any tags of the base + extra when casting with your magic item.
Whenever you just cast with your magic item, roll magic.
☐ Base: Heat (2-damage, fire)
☐ Base: Snow (1-damage, restraint)
☐ Base: Nova (3-damage, dangerous)
☐ Base: Order (1-damage, tool)
☐ Extra: Large (add radius as a tag)
☐ Extra: Distant (add medium range as a tag)
☐ Extra: Damaging (add +1-damage to your base)

☐ Extra: Looming (+1 to intent rolls)

Normal Dynamicist Moves:

☐ Goddamn Space RNG: Any mistake related to your magic was entropy, not
you! When dealing with your own magical misfortune, you gain +1 reroll to use on
any relevant rolls.
☐ Type’s Charm: Magic can be fixed with the opposite or relevant element related
to your current location, without having to roll for element.
☐ “It Just Works”: Once per gas station, a spell can be cast at double its power
with +1 success. Take two -glitches on it. This may be used after rolling.
☐ Fudge: You may roll a fate check to alter another dice roll. On a failure, all dice
turn to 1’s and you take a disaster. On a success you may alter 1 dice, take 1-damage
and ignore armor. On a great success, you may alter x amount of dice, where x is
equal to the amount of successes you rolled over 1. Altered dice can be rerolled once.
☐ Blessed: The universe seems to be in tune with you, for every B-Class spell cast
per session, gain one temporary point (lost at the end of the session) in any chosen
☐ Magic!: Choose an extra.. Extra! A magic type extra, specifically.
☐ Channeled: You may take 1-damage to increase a dice result by 1. The roadie
may hold one entropy.
☐ Bouncing Flask: At the beginning of each session, if you start in the RV, you
may prepare a potion. Take one from each row whenever you choose to make a
☐ Shaped: Thrown, add +1 to effect ☐ Red: Heal 1-damage.
☐ Vial: Quick, add +1 to effect. ☐ Purple: Deal 1-damage.
☐ Bomb: Thrown, radius. ☐ Blue: Take +1 forward.
☐ Lasting: Linger, add +1 to effect ☐ Violet: Entropic effect (random)
☐ It’s Definitely Worse: Whenever you fail a magic roll, you may choose from
one of the following options.
☐ Fizzle: The spell fizzles before it has a chance of causing havoc. Take -1
☐ This is Gonna Suck: The spell is cast normally, but has every -glitch
except one.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapon (Pick One)
☐ Ritual Dagger (2-damage, obvious, messy, melee)
☐ Baseball Bat (2-damage, close, blunt, home-run)
☐ Infused Revolver (2-damage, enchantable, reload, close)
☐ Glock 18 (2-damage, concealable, medium range, reload)
☐ RV Gauge Shotgun (3-damage, blast, messy, reload)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick One)

☐ Mysterious Key (lore, unknown)
☐ Deck o’ Cards (throwable, enchantable)

☐ Cool Jimey’s Space Magic Kitz! (dandy, enchantable, magic)
☐ Entropic Charm (potent, entropy)
☐ Skateboard / Roller-skates (movement, dandy)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Weird by 1 (Max +5)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Dynamicist Move.
☐ Take another Dynamicist Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Upgrade your Magic items and tools.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Spellslinger. You may cast a B-Class spell without your magic item once
per session. Add a ‘+’ as a suffix.
☐ Improve two different Weird skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Pocket: You may store one magic roll for use later. (Eg. You can cast a fireball
and “pocket” it. You don’t cast it there, but you may cast it later with the roll you used
☐ Specialize in your future:

☐ Unchained Future: All your magic is powerful, and you know it. You
may pick another magic item and cast with both at the same time, adding
tags and damage from both. Reduce your maximum health by one.
☐ Controlled Future: You know your magic is random, but you’ve gotten
damn good at not fucking up with it. You resist entropic magic fully
(including your own.)

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Unchained Future:

☐ Best Mess: If you fail your magic roll during combat, you may
immediately pull out a weapon and start blasting. Roll a normal attack roll
immediately and deal +1 damage if it is a gun. At the end, however, there will
be consequences.
☐ Sleepwalkers: If you are incapacitated at 0 health, you may cast one
non-healing spell, once per gas station.
☐ Art of Disaster: Whenever you cast a B-Class spell without thinking
about it, take a +1 forward to your next move.
☐ Overflowing Energy: Every time you cast, add +1 to a counter.
Whenever you would take damage, add damage equal to the counter and
ignore armor. You may add the counter onto any magic roll and also split the
bonus between multiple dice. You may reset the counter whenever you are
not in combat.
☐ Is River: Take an additional magic base. If you choose to cast with both,
take 1 damage.

Moves for Controlled Future:

☐ Aura Armor: Gain +1 armor, that armor focuses around your base. (A
fire base would singe melee attackers, ice would freeze… etc)
☐ Don’t Worry: Gain +2 forward if you use your magic to help your
☐ Liturgy: Enchant your weapon with your current base permanently, it
gains the effects of the base. (Max 4-damage.)
☐ Channeled Knowledge: All lore rolls relating to magic gain +2 ongoing
on related rolls. You may instantly identify any magical item.
☐ Stop Walking & Start Swimming: Magic is part of you, and you’ve
unlocked a part of yourself that’ll always find a way to use it in the best way
possible. Others who you trust may channel magic through you, gaining a
success for each person involved in the process. This takes energy, time, and
entropy. This works only on your B-Class spells.

The Writer
The writer knows people, focuses on people, writes for people. Distant switchback
roads are moments of pen and paper. They write stories, play out scenarios, and
study their books.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Weird, - Cool
☐ + Weird, + Sharp, - Cool
☐ + Weird, + Cool, - Sharp
☐ + Weird, + Tough, - Cool

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take Inland Empire, a Writing Style, and two normal Writer Moves.
☐ Inland Empire: Once per gas station, you may tap into any location you’ve been
to and get a glimpse at what’s going on in the current moment. It’s only limited by
your imagination-- however it’s taxing, and is limited as a fleeting thought.

Writing Style (pick one)

Everyone has a way with words, but how do yours come off on paper? What do you
write? The way you write has a way with your moves..
☐ Short Stories
☐ Dry Novels
☐ Biographies
☐ Lost Lore
☐ Deep Fiction
☐ Fanfiction
☐ Scribbles
☐ Custom Style

Normal Writer Moves:

☐ 2000’s Reliable: Whether it’s a beat-up laptop from years ago, or that journal
you can’t get rid of, it still has that charm and that level of importance to you from
when you first got it. When dealing with any of your equipment you can gain +1 dice
to a relevant roll if you describe how old it is and how connected you are with it.
☐ Lost in Thought: Time just works differently with you. At the cost of time, you
can process future events that will happen in the session in relation to your writing
style. They may be helpful, confusing, or weird.
☐ Same Face Syndrome: People are all just shapes, really. Once per gas station,
when interacting with people, you may add someone into the conversation who
isn’t… There. They may give you relevant information, or be utterly baffled. They can
only remain for a short amount of time, however, and they only exist to you.

☐ I’m Just in a Story!: Well, that may be true. Once per gas station, you may
consult with someone who knows you well.. A little too well-- like they’re writing a
story with you as the character! You don’t know who they are, but they’ll definitely
have some vital information for you to work with.
☐ Kola Superdeep Borehole: Fate seems to throw you around and bring you
where you don’t want to be. When going to places you didn’t choose, roll for fate. On
a failure, you get lost immediately. On a success, you wander to an important
location. On a great success, you have control of yourself and know where most
things are.
☐ Already Been Done: Whenever you encounter a trope or a cliché you’ve seen in
a past Solar Highway location and mark it down in your journal, take +1 forward and
mark 1 experience. This can only happen once per session.
☐ Cosmic-comically Bad: Whenever you fail any combat roll, you may choose to
roll fate. You’ll be thrown into a menagerie of unlucky whims, but it may give you an
advantage. On a failure, you’re thrown into a much worse situation. On a mixed
success, you take a bit more damage but wind up in a desirable location. On a great
success, you comically end up in an advantageous position and take +1 forward.
☐ Pen and Paper: You may choose to roll Lore in place of Aid rolls.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick one)
☐ Pen Knife (1-damage, close, sharp, innocuous)
☐ Busted Rum Bottle (2-damage, sharp, messy, melee)
☐ Knuckle Dusters (2-damage, melee, fatigue)
☐ Improvised Weapon (x-damage, improvised)
☐ Slug Flare (2-damage, fire, slug, reload)
☐ Anti-Material Rifle (4-damage, difficult, long range, reload)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Always take Writer’s Notepad, and then pick three)

☐ Writer’s Notepad (quick, notes, key)

☐ Weird Tome (lore, tome, magic)

☐ Lockpicking set (concealable, lockpick)
☐ Frogtop Laptop (tech, useful)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Sketchpad & Charcoal (quick, notes)
☐ Set of Dice (magic, innocuous, throwable)
☐ Sexy Satchel (storage, deep)
☐ Beat-up Macbook (tech, unreliable, useful)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Weird by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Writer Move.
☐ Take another Writer Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Get your own room in the RV. Take 2 additional tools from any other passenger
type to store in there.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Inland Empire. You are encapsulated by that world. You may affect
things in that chosen area, but again-- only for a fleeting moment. Add a ‘+’ suffix to
the move name.
☐ Improve two different Weird skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Specify a move. That move is now upgraded (add a ‘+’ suffix). You may either let it
last 30 seconds longer, or gain an extra die while rolling for it.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Distant Future: Nothing affects you right now. You’re just moving along
on this road with an infinite amount of ideas to write and process. Gain 1
permanent armor on physical attacks and reduce your Tough by 1.
☐ Past Future: The only things you’ve experienced are the things in the
past, and you live your life around that. Gain 1 permanent armor on weird

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Distant Future:

☐ Infinite Notepad: The things in your notepad come alive when you
write them, only now you’ve gotten good at projecting it into reality. Once
per gas station, completely alter reality with one sentence in your notepad--
but only alter the story with something that would further the story in your
☐ Mirage: Everything falls into an abstract layer, a simple setup of shapes
and colors. Whenever you pull out a tool or weapon, you may alter it to your
writing style. A crossbow can become a high-tech Sysko rifle, a rum bottle
can become a large wrench, etc. After you are done using it, it reverts back.
☐ Way with Words: You’ve seen and heard enough to know anything, you
just let your ideas and concepts of language guide you through. You can
inherently read any language and speak any language fluently.
☐ Arbiter of Entropy: Once per session you may fully reverse entropy, or
accelerate it all the way to wild.
☐ Chronic, Blissful Headache: You see everything through a different
lens, a lens that enhances all but takes all out of you. Lose 2 max HP and
upgrade everything you have. (Moves, weapons, tools. Things you take later
do not apply.) (Moves that are once per gas station are now two per gas
station, moves that are short are longer, etc. Put your own spin on non-dice

Moves for Past Future:

☐ Timesick: Once per gas station, you may close your eyes and appear
where you were 5 seconds ago. This also gives you back health or items you
may have lost within those 5 seconds.
☐ Moveloop: This can be taken an infinite amount of times. Take a move
you have already taken. The effect stacks, it can be used again, etc.
☐ Dicecatch: Visions of numbers fog your mind, those from the past and
those from the present. Once per gas station, turn any dice roll into a failure.
This can include Roadie’s dice rolls.
☐ Continuity: All of your moves last for as long as you need them, if
☐ The End: Take two moves from another passenger type that is not in

The Musician
The musician conveys their life through notes and harmonies, through lyrics and
song. The RV is their vessel to bring them to lands where their soul hasn’t been.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Cool, - Tough
☐ ++ Sharp, - Tough
☐ + Weird, + Cool, - Sharp
☐ + Weird, + Sharp, - Tough

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Pick one Genre, and then pick one Subgenre.

Musician Type: Your rhythm and lyricism lead people to get.. lost in your music.
You're capable of playing other types of music, it’s just the type you’re the most
specialized in. Music rolls are either Dandy or Composure. Getting an effect from
your genre requires time.

☐ Death Metal: Your music is capable of dealing harm.
☐ Hyper-pop: Your music is capable of throwing people into extreme rage.
☐ Rare Sad Boy: Your music leads people to feel the extremes of sadness.
☐ Cowboy Bop: Your music is quite persuasive.
☐ Long Beach Vibes: Your music is very calming.
☐ Custom genre: Write your own effect!

☐ Smooth: Your music is smooth and goes down easily. When you roll for music,
the effect happens much more quickly.
☐ Avant-garde: Everything you play is quite different from the standard
interpretation of what it normally is. It makes it much more contextual, however.
When rolling for music, you may alter the intensity of the effect.
☐ Indie: With your lo-fi roots shining as you play in front of people at random
moments, you’ve learned how to entertain a crowd. All rolls relating to Intimidation,
Composure, Deception gain +1 dice when you add a background track.
☐ Electronic: You know digital effects and oscillators like the back of your pedal
board. Machines can now be altered with the effects of your genres and subgenres.
☐ Punk: You can start a grass-roots uprising with your music. Convincing large
amounts of people to do what you need is easier with the level of status-quo hating
you’re doing. When convincing mobs with your music, roll for Composure. On a
failure, it backfires, and you’re stuck in an angry mosh pit. On a success, they’ll go

along with your lyrics, however still being unpredictable. On a great success, the mob
continues to wreck shit as you play. The punk crowd will only destroy stuff.
☐ Custom Subgenre: Write what you want!

Instrument (Pick One)
☐ Guitar (2-damage, blunt)
☐ Drum (1-damage, loud)
☐ Piano (2-damage, blunt)
☐ Woodwind (1-damage, sharp)
☐ Brass (1-damage, metal)
☐ Hurdy Gurdy (1-damage, dandy)
☐ Custom Instrument

Weapons (Pick one)

☐ Large Sword (2-damage, close, sharp)
☐ Glove Box Door (1-damage, blunt, confusing)
☐ Microphone (1-damage, blunt, loud)
☐ Minimus 7’ Revolvers (4-damage, reload, messy, close)
☐ Thick Speaker Wire (2-damage, garrote, melee, tool)
☐ Tom Jones’ She’s a Lady 7” Set (2-damage, throwable, sharp)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ Vinyl Shield (wall, protect)
☐ Cassette Deck (record, tech, useful)
☐ Overblown Amp (loud, damaging)
☐ Pedal Board (2-damage, throwable, tool, heavy)
☐ Cigarette Carton (harm, + Cool, + Sharp, addicting)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Cool by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Musician Subgenre.
☐ Take another Musician Subgenre.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Get your own room in the RV. You may store one additional instrument in that
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Two Time: You may switch between the genre you chose, and another one
specified after taking this move on a whim. You may only have one current effect, and
you cannot play two genres at the same time.
☐ Improve two different Cool skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Take another Musician genre. You may play both.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Label Future: Your music is known around the Solar Highway at this
point. You were signed in a multi-million double dollar deal. You are famous
and loved. However, doing bad things may hurt your reputation. Take +1
dandy and take This isn’t Free. (Note: Label Future advanced moves aren’t
the best for you...)
☐ Free Future: You weren’t signed, but that’s for the best. Your music is
free, and so are you to do whatever you want with your music. People still
don’t know you, and you’re okay with that. Take +1 composure.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Label Future:

☐ This isn’t Free: Whenever the label asks for you to do something, you
must do it or be at risk of losing the deal. This also applies for when you do
things the label doesn’t agree with. Losing the deal makes you hunted by the
label. You may still choose from Label Future moves.

☐ It’s My Own Idea: You may “take inspiration” from another passenger
type’s future moves. The passenger type has to be in the Solar Crew
currently, and they have to have chosen the future move. Upgrade it if
applicable, because you put your own spin on it.
☐ Rich from Vinyl: Money is never an issue for you. You may dump as
much money as you want into any area (this does not apply to gas stations.)
This comes straight out of your label’s funds. If you take too much, they
might get mad.
☐ Eternally Popular+: Everyone follows you and gathers around, making
you sign their records and space cds. This is good for getting people to do
what you need, but it could be cumbersome. Roll for fate whenever you wish
to use your popularity in your favor. On a failure, you’re swarmed. On a
success, they’ll only do it when you do something for them. On a great
success, they’ll do it with no question.
☐ Hall of Fame: Gods of music past may shine their holy light down upon
you in your darkest hours. Look up, and find that the God of Hyper-pop has
granted you the ability to do what you need to do. When everything seems
hopeless, the God of (Your Genre) will grant you your perfect wish. This may
only happen a few times.
☐ Daily Streams: Whenever someone has a phone or object capable of
playing your music nearby, you may immediately channel your music
through it to gain +1 ongoing in a music roll.

Moves for Free Future:

☐ Genre-blasting: While allies can hear the effects of your music, they all
take +1 ongoing.
☐ Underground Cult Classics+: Your career comes with the most
dedicated fans. Due to your underground nature, contacting them for help
will be pretty easy with your status. Roll dandy. On a failure, you lose that
fan forever. On a success, they’ll do it only if you write a song about them. On
a great success, they’ll come to your aid and help you out.
☐ B Side: Cassettes can be stored with a specific element to be played
alongside your music. Whenever you play music, you may also roll element
to affix any element onto your music. (A small list of elements can be found
in the Dynamicist’s type.) All allies will have that elemental effect while they
hear your music.
☐ $5 Amp: You know the best way to find cheap equipment. All items in
stores (including gas stations) are cheaper.
☐ Instrumentalist: As you play an instrument, it is upgraded. Roll an
additional dice if you are playing music with it, and deal 1 more damage if
you use it as a weapon.

The Ruffians
For players that want to kick ass, be a hard ass, or just be an ass on road trips.

The Bully
The bully doesn’t care if they’re punching their friend or foe, just the connection
made between their fist and the opponent’s face is enough. They push their way
through unfair situations using their sheer strength and endurance.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Tough, - Cool
☐ ++ Tough, - Sharp
☐ + Tough, + Weird, - Cool
☐ + Tough, + Cool, - Sharp

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Pick one Bully Type and then take two normal Bully Moves.

Bully type: (Pick one)

☐ Collected Bully: You know how to get what you want with your imposing style.
Wrecking shit is still up your alley, but controlling it lets you get what you really
want. Your intimidation rolls always have +1 dice.
☐ Rage Bully: At any moment you could break loose and wreck shit. If you let
yourself loose and lose control for a bit, you may deal double damage to any…
random target(s). The effect may be short, long, it all depends on the situation.

Normal Bully Moves:

☐ Goon: Hey, maybe you should get paid for your path of death and destruction.
When someone gives you something you like as payment for wrecking shit, gain a +1
reroll on relevant dice rolls.
☐ Outta the Park!: On your attack rolls, you may roll for an additional Outta the
Park roll, which is a Muscle skill check. On a failure, you stumble and are exposed.
On a success, you launch the victim to a random place. On a great success, you
launch them to a place where you want them to be.
☐ Oblivious: When rolling, you may decide to roll after your action. The events that
follow after may be very, very bad.
☐ Pain Threshold: You just don’t feel pain as much anymore. When taking
damage, you may choose to ignore the damage and effects until after the combat
encounter finishes.
☐ First In, Last Out: When you charge into situations without hedging your bets,
take +1 ongoing.

☐ Improv: All improvised weapons deal +1 more damage.
☐ Buster: Any shields or cover can be broken through with a single melee swing.
The excess force can still cleave through whatever is behind it. This can also work on
thin walls.
☐ Explosive Anger: You may stack any positive combat effect an extra time. (ex:
with 2 successes over 1, you can take 2 “deal 1 more damage” to get 2 bonus damage.)
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick two)
☐ Busted Rum Bottle (2-damage, sharp, messy, melee)
☐ Knuckle Dusters (2-damage, melee, fatigue)
☐ Baseball Bat (2-damage, close, blunt, home-run)
☐ Tree Branch (2-damage, sharp, blunt)
☐ Delinquent’s Comb Knife (2-damage, sharp, concealable, close)
☐ Bent Wrench (2-damage, heavy, blunt, tool)
☐ Duct-taped Shotguns (4-damage, close, extremely dangerous)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick one)

☐ $$10 EXTREMEBASS Speaker (loud, obvious)
☐ Actual Comb (dandy, pompous)
☐ Class F Driver License (ID, tool)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Tough by 1 (Max +6)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Bully Move.
☐ Take another Bully Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Take an additional weapon, upgrade one weapon.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Bully Type: For Collected Bully, you may add an additional +2 (+3 total)
to your intimidation checks. For Rage Bully, your targets are less random. Add a ‘+’
suffix to the move name.
☐ Improve two different Tough skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Weaponin’: All weapons tagged “melee” or “close” are upgraded as you use
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Brawl Future: Who needs weapons? Your fists’ll do. Your unarmed
attacks are now (2-damage, intimate, unarmed). All unarmed attacks made
by you deal an additional 1-damage for every 6 you roll.
☐ Melee Future: Weapons are the future, why do you want to attack with
just your fists? All melee weapons relating to you deal 2 damage as a
minimum. This means you’ll deal a minimum of 2 damage, and take 2
damage minimum from melees.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Brawl Future:

☐ Smaaash!: Lose 2 max health. Increase unarmed damage from 2 to 3.
Change unarmed’s intimate tag to close.
☐ Barnblitz: You may challenge another creature to a brawl, fists only.
Roll fate. On a failure, they fight disrespectfully. On a mixed success, they’ll
fight you just until they start losing. On a great success, it’ll be a fair fight.
☐ Everybody is Afraid of Me: Whenever you land a great success with an
unarmed attack, gain +1 temporary health. (Maximum temporary health is
half of your health.)
☐ Swift Slaying: Whenever you score a great success with an unarmed
attack, you may choose to immediately attack again. If you do, lower the
damage you dealt by 1.

☐ Temporary Chassis: Whenever you receive temporary health, increase
it by 1.

Moves for Melee Future:

☐ Catchin’ Up: You can instantly close medium distance between you and
a target location. (Medium range is around 5m)
☐ Flare: You attack with such ferocity that the concept of physics is worried
about you. Attach “fire” as a tag to any of your weapons. When you hit
something with a fire tagged melee, you may specify that the thing it hits
catches on fire.
☐ Chicken: You can now throw melee weapons at medium range for their
full damage.
☐ Terrifying Presence: The first time you attack an enemy with
spectators nearby, you may choose to roll intimidation. On a failure, the
spectators turn on you. On a mixed success, they’ll watch and throw you
helpful things. On a great success, they’ll help you fight the attackers off.
☐ Stars: If you ever go unconscious, roll might. On a failure, you’re down
for the whole combat encounter. On a mixed success, you can pull yourself
back up for one turn. On a great success, you are stable with 1 HP. This can
only happen once per combat.

The Bulwark
The bulwark actually cares if they’re punching their friend or foe, and connects
protecting and fighting. They want to keep their friends alive, even if their enemies
pay for it.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Tough, - Weird
☐ ++ Tough, - Sharp
☐ + Tough, + Cool, - Sharp
☐ + Tough, + Weird, - Cool

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take D.W.’s Wall and two normal Bulwark Moves.
☐ D.W.’s Wall: Once per gas station, you may protect another entity from anything
directed at it if you are in range. Completely nullify it for them, at the cost of you
receiving it, however.

Normal Bulwark Moves:

☐ Big: Add two points to your maximum health
☐ I Can Help with That!: Helping out now gives other players your successes. You
may choose to give them dice you rolled in your “help out” roll. If your final result has
0 successes, however, you’ll take a hard move.
☐ Tight Synapses: Whenever you see someone you like getting attacked, you may
immediately do an attack roll against the attacker.
☐ Always Aware: You’ve gotten used to things sneaking up on you. They’re all
dangerous and unpredictable things, just the stuff you need to account for. Gain +1
dice while rolling to detect hidden things, you’re also much more apparent when
things are wrong.
☐ Ebb and Flow: Things just work better when everything’s going to plan. Every
great success gives you a +1 forward (additive) on the next roll.
☐ Respite: You’re able to set up camp anywhere safe, restoring some health and
sanity among your passenger friends. Bonus equipment grants more restoration
☐ Community: You can now heal others without a first aid kit or something similar
for the full effect, but it now gives temporary health. This takes a lot more time, and
cannot be used in combat or on someone with temporary health.
☐ Anything Works!: Whenever you get an improvised weapon for the first time,
you may attach any one tag to it.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!


Weapons (Pick two)
☐ Shield and Mace (2-damage, wall, blunt)
☐ Sledgehammer (3-damage, large, heavy, messy, blunt)
☐ Battering Ram (2-damage, large, tool)
☐ Improvised Weapon (x-damage, nearby)
☐ M14A14 Rifle (3-damage, large, obvious, long range, rifle)
☐ SYS-Sanctioned Grenade Launcher (5-damage, loud, messy, blast, dangerous)
☐ Beidhänder (3-damage, large, obvious, messy, sharp)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick two)

☐ Toolbox (tools, car repair)
☐ SysKo Worker Refresh Kit (1-use, strong heal)
☐ First Aid Kit (long, heal)
☐ Overflowing Wallet (currency)
☐ Camping set (tool, useful)
☐ Magic Hubcap (throwable, useful, magic, tool)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Tough by 1 (Max +5)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Bulwark Move.
☐ Take another Bulwark Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.

☐ Take an additional weapon, upgrade one weapon.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: D.W.’s Wall: Reduce effect / damage dealt to you by half.
☐ Improve two different Tough skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Wall Specialty: You always count as having 1 armor.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Protector Future: You still protect others with all your might and bring
yourself to fight for their aid. Take +1 Aid. When rolling to help others, you
may use retaliation against anything near you.
☐ Gleam Future: Whatever you do, it always comes down to your ability to
tough your way out of it. Take +1 Might. When taking damage, you may
Shrug it Off. Roll fate, on a failure, it’s worse. On a success, it stings just a bit
less- reduce the damage by 1 (minimum of 1) and take -1 forward. On a great
success, you reduce the damage by 1 (minimum of 1) and gain 1 temporary
health after you take the damage.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Protector Future:

☐ Always There for You: Whenever someone nearby in your party takes
3 or more damage, give them 1 temporary health. This only applies to other
☐ Superior: D.W’s wall now reduces effect / damage dealt to you by half.
This stacks with the normal bonus, allowing it to fully negate an effect.
☐ Hands Up: Healing you do to others is increased by 2. Alcohol no longer
heals you.
☐ Just Retail: Apply “shield” as a tag to one of your weapons. It can be
used as a full shield. Shields now reduce magical attacks directed at you.
☐ Everything’s a Nail: When rolling to help out others, if both of you end
up with a great success, you both take 1 temporary health.

Moves for Gleam Future:

☐ Mighty: You may roll for might instead of muscle in combat rolls. If you
choose to use might, take +1 forward.
☐ True Grit: Upgrade Shrug it Off. Whenever you get a great success, if
you immediately make an attack roll after, deal double damage. This only
works once per combat.

☐ Gleam: Whenever you take 2 or more damage, add 1 to a counter. This
resets at the end of sessions. You may use the number in the counter to add
damage to any attack roll. The counter resets when you do.
☐ Deus Ex...: You’re used to losing odds. Whenever someone in your party
goes below 0 HP, you may choose to immediately roll might. On a failure,
someone gets the upper hand on you. On a mixed success, they get back up
with 1 hp due to your overwhelming presence, take -1 forward. On a great
success, your might brings them back up with 2 hp. This can only happen
once per gas station.
☐ On Board: You can swap between weapons immediately.

The Decay
The Decay accelerates entropy as an agent of destruction and chaos, but with
enough reason, all forces can be interwoven with good.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Weird, - Sharp
☐ ++ Weird, - Cool
☐ + Weird, + Tough, - Cool
☐ + Weird, + Sharp, - Tough

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take The Order, Stage It, your Charm and Overseer, and two Normal Decay Moves

No Decay works alone. You are tasked by someone or something greater (called
your Overseer) to cause chaos. You may choose to work with them, or try to fend it
off as much as you can. This may be a cult, a powerful being, or something else.

☐ The Order: At the beginning of each session, you’ll receive an order, letter, or
message. This message will usually entail doing something bad or entropic at the
location. Failing to accomplish this by the end of the location will lead to bad events
via your overseer.
☐ Stage It: Once per session, you can increase or decrease the entropy stage by one,
with a maximum of Wild.

Pick a Charm and an Overseer. The Charm is meant to be tweaked and worked on
for your Decay. Feel free to edit your choice however you want; these are just ideas
for you! You may also add mechanical benefits / downsides if you feel it fits.

Pick one, this is why the Solar Crew doesn’t kick you out of the RV.
☐ You offer protection against entropy, although that doesn’t guarantee you won’t
cause it.
☐ You’re just that charismatic; your behavior is good enough to keep you just on the
good side.
☐ You are incredibly lucky, your entropic nature seems to help the passengers
wherever you go. (Usually.)
☐ You know everything about entropy and offer explanations and solutions to it.
☐ You can change entropy to help in certain situations.
☐ You don’t have a charm, you just keep showing up.
☐ Custom Charm


Pick one, this is the power above you that compels you to work with entropy.
☐ An underground space-cult.
☐ A person using entropy to stay in power.
☐ Something you can’t comprehend.
☐ A contract-welding individual.
☐ A power-hungry creature feeding off of entropy.
☐ California
☐ Custom Overseer

Normal Decay Moves:

☐ Feedback Loop: Whenever the entropy stage is mild or higher, you always deal
+1 damage.
☐ Color Me In: You may improve a Stat, but roll a d6 at the start of every session.
☐ 1-3: Lose 1 maximum health for the session. Gain it back at the end.
☐ 4-5: You cannot be healed while above 2 health for the session.
☐ 6: Take -1 ongoing while the entropy is under Mild for the session.
☐ Entropy Destiny: With energy reforming around you, you’ve become acquainted
with the idea of altering matter. You can cast up to A-Class spells, but you must
always take one -glitch. If you were to use a specified medium (with story
justifications), you will not have to take a -glitch.
☐ Can’t Get a Break: You know that bad things are about to go down whenever
entropy rears its head. Whenever the roadie increases the entropy stage, you may
warn all the passengers to give them +1 forward.
☐ Reform: You may reform your own matter and hide completely within dark
shadows undetected. You cannot access your inventory, attack or move. You cannot
be attacked or immediately detected.
☐ Blend: Attacks made while undetected deal +1 damage.
☐ My Fault: You’re the one that causes chaos around the location, so you should be
the one to blame. Whenever your party is caught up in entropy, everyone but you
takes +1 ongoing to a relevant Stat.
☐ Order in the Court: Add a tag to your order.
☐ Negotiable: You can negotiate rewards and tradeoffs.
☐ Safe: It only revolves about entropy, not about hurting individuals.
☐ Difficult: The Order is much more difficult, while the overseer is much
more appreciative of your work.
☐ Fun: The order is much more enjoyable.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick Two)
☐ Ritual Dagger (2-damage, obvious, messy, melee)
☐ Baseball Bat (2-damage, close, blunt, home-run)
☐ Silver Sword (2-damage, intimate, silver)
☐ Dynamics Tome (1-damage, entropic, magic, lore)
☐ Mysterious Staff (1-damage, magic, staff)
☐ Improvised Weapon (x-damage, nearby)
☐ .38 Revolver (2-damage, close, reload)

☐ Hunting Rifle (3-damage, long range, messy)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ Dynamics Tome (entropy, tome, magic)
☐ Lockpicking set (concealable, lockpick)
☐ Deck o’ Cards (throwable, enchantable)
☐ Entropic Charm (potent, entropy)
☐ Map & Compass (tool, navigation)
☐ Binoculars (tool, vision)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Weird by 1 (Max +5)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Decay Move.
☐ Take another Decay Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Choose a new overseer, take a perk.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change Stage It: You may decrease the entropy stage by 2 or increase it by 2 once
per location, to a maximum of Wild. Add a ‘+’ suffix to the move name.
☐ Improve two different Weird skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses

You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Over, Seer: Pick one:
☐ Leave: You may escape your overseer’s grasp with the experience you’ve
made on the Solar Highway. You may choose to end things the way you want.
Restore three luck, increase your max health by one, and remove The Order
☐ Stay: Through your whole adventure, you’ve stuck with your overseer and
you won’t leave now. Add the helpful tag to your overseer. Whenever you are
in need, roll aid. On a failure, the overseer is unhappy. On a mixed success,
they can send someone or themselves to help you, with questions. On a great
success, they fully help you, no questions. Restore two luck.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Firm Future: Working with dynamic energy all this time is quite a drag,
especially when it comes to mess you up. With your time spent, it seems like
your presence delays the inevitable effects of entropy. The entropic costs for
all stage advances are increased by 1.
☐ Wild Future: You love working with entropy. If locations are just a side
effect of entropy, then more adventures will surely await if you attract more
randomness. The entropic costs for all stage advances are decreased by 1
(minimum of 1.)

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Firm Future:

☐ Obscura: Whatever amount of entropy the roadie is holding, add that number to
your lowest dice result.
☐ Powerlessness: You are no longer negatively affected by any thermodynamic
store effects. All negative effects are reversed. (Ex. whenever you’d take -1 ongoing
from entropy, you’d take +1 ongoing, SLOWLY grants you +1 on your highest roll,
☐ Krenel: You’ve learned to prepare for the worst. Whenever the entropy stage is
mild or higher, you count as having 1-armor. This does not stack with other armor.
☐ Highwire: While random energy looms, so does your form. While the roadie is
holding two or more entropy, you cannot take more than 2 damage.
☐ Seven Years of Entropy: All roads end somewhere, and entropy is going to
follow you til that stop. When you take this move, reduce the amount of exp required
to level up by one. Every time you level up, you may improve a skill and take any
bonus aside from ones that give you a move.

Moves for Wild Future:

☐ Shapes: Add entropy as a tag to a weapon or tool. Weapons or tools with the tag
entropy can never be broken or lost.

☐ Partners in Crime: There’s nothing like escaping impending doom, it really
brings everyone together! If you finish a location on Wild with everyone escaping in
the RV, everyone gains 1 experience. If you finish a location that’s Collapsing with
everyone escaping, everyone gains 1 experience and a perk.
☐ Unravel: You can cast up to B-Class spells without any medium. Always take
-glitch if you are casting B-Class spells without a medium. If you have Entropy
Destiny, you do not have to take -glitch.
☐ Hearth: Whenever a hard move is made against you, you may let the roadie hold
entropy. Whenever you do this, take +1 forward.
☐ Round Form of Fantasy: Whenever the roadie holds entropy, you may also
hold entropy. You can go to the thermodynamics store and spend entropy against the
roadie. This can affect enemies, npcs, etc.

The Wanderers
For players that just want the road to take them somewhere else.

The Dove
The Dove provides support for those who are hurt while finding ways to make the
Solar Highway a safer place. They repel entropy, giving hope to those who have
nowhere to go.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ Cool, - Tough
☐ ++ Sharp, - Tough
☐ + Sharp, + Cool, - Tough
☐ + Tough, + Cool, - Weird

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Take your Operandi and two Normal Dove Moves.

Your operandi is how you function on the Solar Highway-- whether you aid in
diplomatic, medical, or support situations. It also determines your eternal oath.

Mode: (Pick one)

☐ Diplomatic: You specialize with charisma. Your words have a way of getting into
people. Whenever you get a great success on Intimidation, Composure, or Deception,
gain Hope. (Additive +1 to any roll, gone once used. Doesn’t stack)
☐ Medical: You specialize in helping those who are hurt. Whenever you heal at
least 1-damage, heal an additional damage.
☐ Support: You specialize in providing support to those in need. Whenever you’d
give +1 forward to another character, also give them Hope.

Oath: (Pick one)

Whether a mentor taught you, or if it is just an oath to yourself, you always have
one rule to stand by in space.
☐ Pacifist: No one deserves to be hurt. You wish to never harm anyone.
☐ Lawful: Every location has laws, and you should follow them.
☐ Stable: No location deserves entropy. You wish to never increase entropy.
☐ Custom Oath

Normal Dove Moves:

☐ Meet The…: First-aid kits can be used twice before running out of uses. When
you finish using it for the first time, denote it with a ‘-’ suffix. When you use first-aid
kit(-), take -1 forward on the aid roll. It is depleted after.
☐ Sympathetic: People are much more willing to put their trust into you. When
rolling Composure, people will confide in you.
☐ Good People: Whenever you leave a location with everyone having 1 damage or
less, you gain one experience.
☐ War Crime: You take 1 less damage from attacks if you are running away or are
disengaged with no intent to attack.
☐ One Shift More: When everyone is injured, you may roll aid to do a mass heal
with one first-aid kit. On a failure, you run out of supplies and the kit immediately,
while still taking time. On a mixed success, you can heal all affected characters with
half of the mixed first-aid kit result (rounded up). On a great success, you heal all of
the affected characters with half of the great first-aid kit result (rounded up).
☐ Also No Fear: Whenever you roll to Help Out on someone’s roll, your given
bonus is +2 additive instead of +1 additive.
☐ NO TIME: Whenever you need to escape something quickly, you may name the
route you’re going to choose and go for it. Roll Control. On a failure, you’re caught
halfway out. On a mixed success, you get out but it costs something (someone follows
you, you lose something, etc.). On a great success, you get out completely free.
☐ Trust Me: Whenever another passenger comes to you for advice and you give
them honest and accurate advice, they may take +1 Ongoing while following it.
☐ Custom Move: Write what you want!

Weapons (Pick One or None)
☐ Defender’s Shield (1-damage, shield, large)
☐ Multi-tool Knife (1-damage, tool, useful)
☐ Scalpel (1-damage, medical, tool)
☐ SYG P230 (2-damage, short range)
☐ Custom Weapon

Tools (Pick Two)

☐ First Aid Kit (long, heal)
☐ Surgical Gloves (tool)
☐ Outer Medical Vest (1-armor, heavy)
☐ Rez-agent (stabilizer, heal) [stabilize incap. passengers to 1hp, no roll]
☐ Universal Passport (locations, tool)
☐ Framed PhD Certificate (dandy, useful)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Modular Ammo Vest (ammo, heavy)
☐ Custom Tool

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve Cool by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4)
☐ Take another Dove Move.
☐ Take another Dove Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Take an additional tool, you may upgrade one tool.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Your Best: All passengers may hold up to two Hope, instead of one.
☐ Improve two different Cool skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Dynamic: You may choose to have another Operandi Mode.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Oathkeeper Future: You’ve kept your oath for your whole career now,
and the Solar Highway is never going to take it from you. At the start of every
session, start with one Hope.
☐ Oathbreaker Future: Things come and go, and sticking with a static
plan in an entropic universe is dangerous. You’ve passed up on your oath one
time (or even more!) and that’s just fine. Lose your oath.

Advanced Moves
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.

Moves for Oathkeeper Future:
☐ Modae: You may take an additional Mode.
☐ Overheal: All health that goes over the maximum health a passenger has, may be
converted to temporary health. This temporary health may go over the maximum.
☐ Horseman: Whenever you Protect Someone, on a great success, you and the
person you’re protecting are completely unharmed and out of danger.
☐ Longest Oath: You hold the party together, figuratively and literally. Hope now
grants +2 additive bonus to anyone who uses it.
☐ Beacon: While you are awake and close to the party, no passenger can die. They
may go to zero health and be incapacitated, but they cannot die. If you get
incapacitated, this move is not active.

Moves for Oathbreaker Future:

☐ Without a Warning: You reckon it’s always going to come to this, but at least
with your knowledge, you know where to strike. Take an additive +1 whenever you
Deal Damage.
☐ Cleaner Crew: You may choose to heal 1-damage at the end of every combat
☐ Oops: Well, it can only get better from here, right? Every time you break your
past Oath, take +1 forward. This can only happen once every few minutes.
☐ Learned this at the Office: You may choose to roll aid in place of intimidation,
composure, or deception.
☐ On the West Coast: Whenever anyone takes +1 forward, grant them +1 additive
as well.

The Cryptid
The cryptid resides by themselves, often alone and hidden. They’re monstrous, and
decide whether or not to impose their power, or stay composed.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ X, - Z
☐ + X, + Y, - Z

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Write your Unique Cryptid Move, take three total Cryptid Traits, take a weakness,
then take two Normal Moves
☐ Unique Cryptid Move: This is your cryptid’s defining move. What is their
special thing that defines them as that cryptid? What is a move this cryptid, and only
this cryptid can take?

Cryptid Traits:
Good! (Take two): Bad. (Take one)
☐ Quite Helpful ☐ Quite Scary
☐ Abnormally Strong ☐ Uncontrollable Being
☐ Deep Lore ☐ Always Tired
☐ Flight Capable ☐ Mostly Uncooperative
☐ Charisma Cryptid ☐ Slow Movement
☐ Carrying Expert ☐ Too Gigantic
☐ Kind Soul ☐ Anti-Smart
☐ Arcane Scribe ☐ Lone Cryptid
☐ Little Dude ☐ Bad Omen
☐ Custom Type ☐ Custom Type

Weakness: (Take one)

All cryptids have a weakness, their one poison that destroys their power.
☐ Entropy: Any entropic force is much more potent on you. Leading you to feel
more adverse entropic effects.
☐ Physical Substance: A specific metal, liquid, or material causes you to take
extra damage.
☐ Spoken Word: One word rules over you, specify that word and hope no one ever
speaks it. If you hear it, something bad rolls over you.
☐ Emotion: One emotion takes ahold of all your other senses when you are in a bad
situation. Whether it's anger, sadness, or something else, you decide.

Normal Cryptid Moves:

☐ Local Legend: You may have your presence be quite scary to locals, or quite
interesting. Either way, characters are drawn to you, and you can easily distract
☐ Dryptid: Using your newfound understanding of Dryp (space drip), you can
more easily conceal yourself and disguise as any other type of being using costumes
and trickery.
☐ No Limits: Push your body past its limits using entropy; nothing holds you back.
Roll for threshold or magic. On a failure, something goes horribly wrong. On a
success, whatever you’re doing comes at a cost. On a great success, you can push
yourself past your limits without any downside for a short amount of time. (If you
take this after taking Definition of a Cryptid, upgrade it)
☐ Out of this Universe: Add magic as a tag to your cryptid attack bases.
☐ I Never Want to See You Again: Learning how to shake people off your tail
comes with time. If you want someone to stop pursuing you, roll fate. On a failure,
they gain some ground. On a success, they’re gone for a while. On a great success, you
get away cleanly.
☐ Aether Zone: Clarify one skill you can roll for in place of another skill. (Ex. You
may roll for Tools instead of Muscle, try to theme it around your cryptid!) You keep
the stat on the original roll, but use the new skill.
☐ Hard to Kill: You always count as having 1-armor.
☐ Already Cursed: Whenever you are hit with a magic or entropic force, you may
roll might to negate most of the effects. On a failure, it is more potent against you. On
a mixed success, you block most of it, but it spreads somewhere else. On a great
success, you fully block it and take -1 forward.
☐ Custom Move: Write whatever you want! It’s your cryptid.

Equipment & Attacks:

Cryptid Attacks (Take one base and one extra, or two bases)
☐ Base: Claws [Muscle] (2-damage, hand)
☐ Base: Sharp Teeth [Might] (3-damage, intimate)
☐ Base: Entropic-force [Magic] (1-damage, entropy-magic, close)
☐ Base: Life-drain [Magic] (1-damage, life drain, intimate)
☐ Extra: Add ignore armor to a base
☐ Extra: Expand a base’s range (add close, hand, or intimate)
☐ Extra: Add +1 damage to a base.
☐ Extra: Add another non-range tag to your base.

Weapons (You may choose to have a weapon.)

☐ Another Passenger type’s weapon.

Tools (You may choose to pick two tools):

☐ ☐ Another Passenger type’s tool.

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4/6)
☐ Improve Y by 1 (Max +4/6)
☐ Take another Cryptid Move.
☐ Take another Cryptid Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Take an additional tool or weapon and upgrade it.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.
☐ Change: Cryptid Type. You may change whatever good traits and bad traits you
have, you may also change your weakness.
☐ Improve two different X skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Update and upgrade your Custom Cryptid Move. Add a ‘+’ prefix to its name.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Your Future: You write your own stories and play out your own destiny.
Wherever the RV brings you, no one knows who you really are until you show
them yourself. You may choose to duplicate and take one bonus if you take
this future, even if it is already chosen.
☐ Other’s Future: Cryptids are defined through stories, and you’re no
different. The name you use is chosen by others, your characteristics are
made and remade continually. You can choose to switch a skill’s value with
another skill’s value fully once per session, at any moment.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Your Future:

☐ The Definition of Cryptid: Whatever limit holds you back has been
worn down over the course of your journey. You are fluid without form,
unstoppable without end. If you have no limits, replace it with this and
upgrade it. Roll for x (defined by you), on a failure, it goes horribly wrong.
On a success, you can alter your form and perform any action, however: it is
taxing. On a great success, you may stay in an altered, incredibly dangerous
and strong form, you may change back whenever.
☐ FAFO: Add another extra to your Cryptid Attack, or add another base.
☐ Deadly: You may move twice as fast in combat, allowing you to take two
moves in the same amount of time during combat.
☐ Massive: Add 2 to your max health.
☐ Free Bird: Remove all your negative traits and gain +1 Fate if it is below
3. Create your own lore for your cryptid, and decide in new locations whether
or not your legend has been heard yet. People will act in relation to your
specified lore.

Moves for Other’s Future:

☐ Tales of Intrigue: Stories of your ventures have caught on around the
Solar Highway. Everyone knows you, and everyone knows what you’re
capable of. Clarify what story people would tell about you when you enter a
location. Everyone acts accordingly based on those stories.
☐ Polar Opposites: Specify a new Stat you choose to roll for a skill. (Ex.
You may choose to say magic now uses Cool instead of Weird.)
☐ Made and Remade: If a stat has a bonus of +1, increase it to +2. If a
skill has a +1 or +2 bonus, increase it to +3.
☐ Never Homesick: Any negative forward or ongoing is negated.
☐ Other’s Other: You may choose a future move from another passenger
type (non-cryptid.)

The Lost
The lost wound up in this RV, and now they move wherever it moves. They take no
initiative and they remain dynamic in this entropic universe.

Stats (pick one)

☐ ++ X, - Z
☐ + X, + Y, - Z

Skills (pick one, skills can only be chosen once)

☐ Increase two skills by 2. Increase one skill by 1.
☐ Increase one skill by 2. Increase three skills by 1.

Passenger Moves:
Write your Unique Lost Move, take two types, and then take two normal Lost Moves
☐ Unique Lost Move: What made your character become lost? What is their
special thing that defines them on their journey?

Lost Type
Why You’re Lost (Take one) Why That’s Bad (Take one)
☐ Running Away ☐ Chased Down
☐ Cash Pursuit ☐ Always Poor
☐ Better Life ☐ Unfulfilled Contract
☐ Nothing Better ☐ Police Time
☐ Free Food ☐ Always Watched
☐ Your Destiny ☐ Somewhat Hated
☐ Hitch Hiking ☐ Everything Breaks
☐ I Dunno! ☐ California
☐ Custom Type ☐ Custom Type

Normal Lost Moves:

☐ Only Success can Fail Me Now: On a successful roll, you may decide to roll
fate to double down on the roll. Could be double-bad, or double-good. On a failure,
it’s twice as bad. On a mixed success, it's twice as good, at a cost. On a great success,
the roll is quite divine.
☐ 7/4: The universe aligns with you, for the most part. Once per gas station, you
may immediately turn a failed roll into a great success (2 successes), but you may
have the Roadie turn one of your successes into a failure.
☐ Like Water: Roll fate. On a failure, you use a random, bad move from another
passenger type. On a success, you use a random, decent move from another
playbook, it counts as a success. On a great success, you choose any move you want to
use, it automatically counts as a great success.
☐ Road’s Best Friend: All skills have +1 while on the road, or any road for that
☐ True Wanderer: You may pass into and out of locations without questions from
guards or officials.

☐ One by One: You may spend one free luck every few locations, whenever you do,
a part of your past comes back to haunt you and the party.
☐ Hold Up: At the start of every session, if you’re on the road, you may stop the car
at a rest stop to take a break. In the bathroom, you find something particularly useful
for the crew.
☐ Like Home: The more inside joke contextual decorations and objects you fit into
the RV makes you feel more in line with the universe. If you end the session in the
RV, everyone takes +1 experience.
☐ Custom Move: Write whatever you want! It’s your journey.

Weapons (Pick two):
☐ ☐ Another Passenger type’s weapon.

Tools (Pick two):

☐ ☐ Another Passenger type’s tool.

Health starts at Okay and ends at Dying, and increases by the amount of Damage
you take.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Dying

Spend luck to instantly change a result to 2 successes, or to negate damage from an
attack against you.
Okay ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Entropic

Levelling Up:
Gain one point of exp after getting a failure on a move. Gain one point of exp when
you accomplish something big at a location.
EXP: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

When you reach a full exp bar, level up.
Take this and choose an additional bonus until Level 6. When you reach
Level 6, you may only take from the bonuses or the advanced bonuses.
☐ Improve one Skill

You may take from these whenever you level up.
☐ Improve X by 1 (Max +4/6)
☐ Improve Y by 1 (Max +4/6)
☐ Take another Lost Move.
☐ Take another Lost Move.
☐ Take a move from another Passenger Type.
☐ Take an additional tool or weapon and upgrade it.
☐ Take a perk, increase one skill by 1.

☐ Change: Lost Type. You may rechoose your lost types.
☐ Improve two different X skills by 1.

Advanced Bonuses
You may take from these whenever you reach level 6.
☐ Restore two luck.
☐ Mark two skills as “Advanced”
☐ Update and upgrade your Unique Lost Move. Add a ‘+’ prefix to its name.
☐ Specialize in your future:
☐ Hitchhiker Future: You left for your reasons, and those reasons will
follow you until the end of the highway; you’ll never be free from your past.
You may choose to set your Fate to 3, if you do, take another Why That’s Bad
type. Explain in character why this happens. If you already have 3 Fate, take
one Hitchhiker Advanced Move.
☐ Found Future: With everyone you’ve met, you’ve come to appreciate
your new home. The RV has your friends and people you possibly know
better than anyone else. You may choose to switch playbooks once, if you
stay Lost, lose 1 fate and immediately take an advanced move from the
Found Future Advanced Moves.

Advanced Moves
You may pick from here whenever you have specialized in your future. You can only
choose advanced moves from your current future.
☐ Take a move from another passenger’s future.
3x ☐ Take a move from your future after you have specialized.

Moves for Hitchhiker Future:

☐ Thumbs Up: All locations will have one friendly individual or.. Thing,
that will let shelter in their place. This counts as a gas station respite.
☐ Asphalt Bliss: At any moment if you are near a road, you may attempt to
hitchhike. Roll for fate. On a failure, someone you don’t want meets up with
you. On a success, they’ll only take you so far, and with a cost. On a great
success, they’ll bring you to where you need to go.
☐ Universe of Certainty: You can choose to roll for other people’s fate
rolls if you are nearby. If you are at a distance, take a -1 to the roll. You may
only roll for one other person’s fate roll. (If multiple people are making a roll,
you can only do one.)
☐ Lost to Time: You’ve become so fluid with time, things just… disappear.
Once per gas station, you may scrub any past information from the general
conscious. Roll for fate. On a failure, it comes to haunt you. On a success,
people who wouldn’t generally think about it forget it. On a great success, the
information is lost for everyone but you. This move is dangerous.
☐ Final Fate: When you would fully die, a minivan crashes out of nowhere
and instantly destroys whatever is harming you. This prevents death once.
After this happens, restore one luck and remove this move.

Moves for Found Future:

☐ A True Solar Crew: Whenever you start a group effort and succeed,
everyone in the Solar Crew gets +2 forward.
☐ Combat Driver: You’ve been thrown around in fights a lot, but as long
as you’re working with everyone else, things will never go wrong. As long as
there is another person helping you in combat, set your armor to 2.
☐ Wild Card: Fate drains from you. You may choose to switch your fate
with another skill and add +1 to both (max of 3!).
☐ Lifelink: Whenever you get a great success for an attack roll, you may
take “Lifelink: Heal yourself or another nearby passenger equal to the
damage you deal.” as a great success bonus.
☐ At Home: Healing done to you is doubled.

How to (Mostly) Play
This is a reference page to look back at when you don’t know what you’re doing.

Quick Topics:

☐ Playing the Game (see What You’ve Signed Up For)

Players (passengers) will tell their actions to the Game Master (Roadie) in which they
will go to locations as their driver (NPC) takes them there in an RV. Locations may be
simple one-shots or multiple sessions. They may be connected or completely

☐ Rolling the Dice (see Rolling the Dice):

Rolling the dice is composed of d6’s (easy) or d8’s (medium) where the two highest
numbers count as “successes''. (d6’s have 5 and 6’s; d8’s have 7 and 8’s). No
successes means you’ll take a hard move (see Moves). One success will give you a
mixed success (see Moves). Two or more successes will give you a great success (see
Moves again goddamnit!)

☐ Stats & Skills (see Stats & Skills)

Stats are Tough, Cool, Sharp, and Weird. Each has four unique skills listed
underneath. Stats have a maximum of 5 (unless listed as 4 elsewhere) and have a
minimum of 0. Skills have a maximum of 3 and a minimum of 0.

☐ Dice Rules (see Rolling the Dice)

☐ You cannot roll more than 5 dice at once.
☐ You cannot turn a ‘1’ into a success through bonuses (unless rerolled).
☐ When rolling with a negative skill, subtract from the highest roll.
☐ When rolling with a negative additive, subtract from the highest roll.
☐ When rolling a stat with ‘1’, roll 2dx and only get successes on the highest number.
☐ When rolling a stat with ‘0’, roll 2dx and only get successes on the highest
number. There is no chance for great success.

☐ Moves (see Moves):

Moves are actions passengers take to advance the story and do difficult things. They
are the central part of rolling in this game. Whenever you want to do something
difficult, find an appropriate move and roll the relevant skill. Follow the steps!

☐ Locations (see The Roadie)

The driver will bring the passengers to a location in which they’ll usually be caught
up in something. The passengers may explore and do things in the location. All
locations are separate on the Solar Highway, as they are just connected by a single
asphalt road.

☐ Combat (see Weapons & Combat)

Combat is flux and doesn’t rely on turns. Enemies will hit back once attacked and
deal damage through hard moves and mixed successes from the passengers.

☐ Weapons & Tools (see Weapons & Combat)

Weapons have a skill that you must determine when you use it. Melee’s are most
likely muscle while firearms can be control. They deal damage with a listed damage
value. Tools can be used to grant a +1 additive bonus on specific things. For example:
a toolbox would give you a +1 additive when repairing a car.

☐ Tags (see Weapons & Combat)

Tags are placed on weapons and tools and are flavors for your weapon. They
determine if they need to be reloaded after firing, or if they’re obvious and can’t get
into weapon-free zones.

☐ Magic (see Spellcasting)

Spellcasting is split up into three categories. A-Class (small spells, no entropy),
B-Class (medium spells with entropy), and O-Class (major spells with a lot of
difficulty). Spellcasting uses magic with an intent skill.

☐ Entropy (see Entropy)

Entropy is a constant in every location that resets at the end of every location. The
roadie may spend held entropy to give negative effects to the players. Every time you
do one of these, the Roadie may hold one entropy. The Roadie can store any amount
of entropy at once, and resets to 0 at the end of every location
☐ A passenger casts a B-Class+ spell.
☐ A passenger uses luck.
☐ A passenger rolls two+ 1’s on a failure.
☐ A passenger goes to 0 health.

☐ Healing (see Healing)

Healing on the Solar Highway is done through first-aid kits. When you use a first-aid
kit, it is depleted and only restorable at the RV with the infirmary upgrade, or at the
end of locations. There are a lot of specific quirks with healing so read Healing.

☐ RV (see RV)
The RV parks at a location and only comes with the passengers if it is able to make it
there. There is a driver in the RV who is an NPC that the players may swap out. The
RV has a maximum of one NPC (infinite room for players). NPC room can be
increased with RV upgrades that are given out by the Roadie at pivotal moments in
the game. All items are replenished when the RV departs from a location.

☐ Luck (see Luck)

Luck can be used at any moment to do one of these things:
☐ Reduce any incoming damage to zero.
☐ Add two successes onto a roll you made.
When you run out of luck you are Entropic, and bad things happen to you a lot.

☐ Gas Stations: (see Gas Stations & Magic Items)
Gas stations come at the end of every location and offer a few things. They replenish
all items with the (*) magic item suffix. Passengers may have a small sample selection
of magic items in the gas station.

☐ Perks: (see Perks)

Perks are lesser moves passengers can take as a level up bonus.

☐ Level 6+ & Futures

You unlock futures when you reach level 6. You stop taking skills whenever you reach
level 6. You may “specialize” in your future, which takes an entire level. Then as you
keep leveling, you can choose to take “Take a move from your future after you have
specialized.” You can only pick this three times, and you may pick from the future
you specialized in.

Stats & Skills
The Solar Crew’s Bully decides to lift a heavy chain that blocks the RV’s path. They roll for
muscle and lift the chain up for long enough to let the RV drive under it-- enough to not get
the windshield smashed fully.

What are Stats?:

☐ Stats (Tough, Cool, Sharp.. etc.) have a base value of 2. You roll d6’s equal to the
amount that stat has.
☐ Skills (Intimidation, Rhetoric, Deception… etc.) have a base value of 0 and
determine how much you add onto a single dice roll. Negative skills will always
subtract from the highest number rolled.
Whenever you pick a skill, it’ll have a specified stat with it. Tough has Intimidation, Might,
Muscle, and Threshold. Sharp has Deception, Perception… etc. All comprehensive lists are in
the Character Template and also listed below.

A measure of your strength and fortitude to push on.
☐ Intimidation
☐ Might
☐ Muscle
☐ Threshold
How composed, collected, and cool you are.
☐ Composure
☐ Control
☐ Aid
☐ Dandy
What you know that others don’t. A collection of your wits, knowledge, tactics.
☐ Deception
☐ Perception
☐ Tools
☐ Reflex
The weird side of the universe, entropic magic, fate.
☐ Magic
☐ Lore
☐ Element
☐ Fate

Rolling in general is always determined with a skill roll. Need to lift something heavy in a
pinch? Use a muscle roll. Need to cast something to make the road turn to dust? Roll for
magic (see Spellcasting). Rolls are success rate which means one dice needs a 5 or 6 to have a
success. Some rolls might require multiple successes, but those usually are harder. Generally,
when you need two successes and you only get one success, that would be a mixed success.

Mixed successes are trade-offs you’ll take for a slightly worse successful action. Whenever you
fail a roll by not getting any successes, the Roadie may take a hard move. (see The Roadie).
Whenever you fail a roll, gain one experience.

☐ As an Example: Jonh wants to try to lockpick into a CALC-CLASS 1 door. He narrows his
skill to Tools, which is under Sharp. He rolls # of d6’s equal to the amount of Sharp he has,
which is 2. Jonh is not too sharp.
He rolls a 1 and a 4. Since his Tools skill is a 1, he can add 1 to a single dice. He adds a 1 to his
4 roll, and gets a 5, mixed success! The lockpick gets the door open, but is fully jammed in
there when he tries to take it out.

So, let’s go down a list of all the skills, starting in each stat.

Intimidation (for rowdy boys, bad cops)
- Intimidation is used when you need to get something you want when you don’t have
the words to convince the other party. Useful when you’re obviously in the wrong and
all you need is some forceful motivation to get what you need.

Might (for tanks, the untouchable)

- Might is a measure of how long your body can keep up with difficult tasks. It relates
to muscle in the concept of how much you can take physically and mentally.

Muscle (for baseball bat wielding weirdos, fist fighting fiends)

- Muscle determines how hard you can hit, how much you can lift, how dangerous you
are. Muscle is primarily used for melee weapons and the like.

Threshold (for party goers, alcoholics)

- Threshold is your pain threshold or how much these nasty space drugs get to you!
You’ll get absolutely destroyed on a small amount of red wine if you have a low

Composure (for suave talkers, interesting dudes)
- Composure is how well you hold up in conversation, the ability to speak in front of a
crowd, to convince the masses.

Control (for the silent, well-footed)

- Control lets you stay on your feet and hold yourself up. It lets you sneak around,
controlling your body correctly to do what you need.

Aid (for medics, close friends)

- Aid helps with healing your besties, assisting them and understanding what they
need. Aid comes into play when you wanna fix a bad roll, bad decision, or just

Dandy (for the cool, the unique, the sunglass wearing- cigarette holding- new iphone
wielding people)
- Dandy is literally how cool you are. It’s a measure of how rad you are, how dandy you
are. Dandy rolls are helpful for dealing with easily impressed people. And to see how
well you pull off that thing you just described.

Deception (for liars, detectives)
- Deception is used to lie to people. Telling a lie is hard, telling a consistent lie is even
harder. With enough deception, your house of cards will never fall.

Perception (for watchers, keen passengers)

- Perception helps you see what you wouldn’t normally see. Finding patterns in the
rug, missing dust from walls, secret passageways.

Tools (for crafty passengers, mechanics)

- Tools measure your ability to use wrenches, pumps, and all things mechanical. Roll
some tools if you need something repaired.

Reflex (for quick thinkers, scout mains)

- Reflex is how well you act under fire. The ability to make actually-not-bad split
second decisions.

Magic (for the magicians, the entropic)
- Being inherently magical is hard, and magic is quite different in this section of the
universe. Magic is a measurement of how normal energy flows through you to
become entropic. What you take in naturally becomes different through the disorder
of the universe, and how magical you are is a measurement of that.

Lore (for the book bearers, detectors of magic)

- Lore is your knowledge of magic, your ability to resist and exploit ways around it. Use
Lore if you need to tap into knowledge of history, books, and how that weird boat

Element (for people who are stuck in a casing of ice, or pyro)

- Element lets you resist elemental effects and use your own abilities to abuse
elements. Use element rolls if someone’s trying to magically burn you.

Fate (for the lost, the wanderers)

- Fate brought you here. Fate is where you’ll end up, where you’ll go. Fate is entropy.

Advanced Skills
You’ll reach a point where you’re blasting through hordes of baddies and pickin locks like it’s
nothing. At that level, you’ll be able to unlock Advanced Skills, which lets you reroll one dice
on that skill’s roll.

Rolling the Dice
The die hits the table and the custom-made six sided die that Kyle owns rolls and hits the
floor. He quickly looks down and says it’s a six before picking it up. No one else saw it, but
everyone knows he’s bluffing.

The Dice
The dice you’ll be using are d6’s or d8’s
depending on the difficulty of the game.
A more relaxed game will have d6’s
while a tense game will use d8’s. You’ll
need a big set of both, so make sure to
have enough to roll for at least five dice
at a time!

When you choose to take a move (see Moves), find the relevant skill. A list is already given in
Stats & Skills, so check that out! Whenever you pick a skill, find the attached stat. For
example, Perception is in Sharp. You’ll take dice equal to the amount your Stat has, roll that,
and then add your Skill’s value to any one of the dice rolled.
As an Example: Your Tough is 3 and your Muscle is 2. You want to punch something, so you
roll 3d6’s and get a set of: “1, 3, 5”. You add two from your Muscle on the 3 and get: “1, 5, 5”, a
great success.

Bonuses give you benefits to your rolls.
☐ If it says: +1 forward, you will take +1 extra dice ONLY on your very next roll.
☐ If it says: +1 ongoing, you will take +1 extra dice on all rolls relating to the specific buff
until it stops or it wears off.

Whenever a passenger has one in a Stat:
☐ Roll 2d6 or 2d8. Need a 6 / 8 for a success.

Whenever a passenger has zero in a Stat:

☐ Roll 2d6 or 2d8. Need a 6 / 8 for a success. No chance of great success.

Whenever a passenger has a negative Skill:

☐ Subtract that number from your highest roll.

Passengers cannot roll more than 5 dice per roll. Skills have a maximum of ‘3’ and Stats
cannot go below 0. Rerolled dice can only be rerolled once.

And finally, if you rolled a one, that one cannot turn into a success through bonuses. (Turning
it into a success via something like Archival Room is allowed.)

Mass Rolls
Sometimes everyone will need to make a specified roll. When this happens, you’ll let
everyone roll the same skill. Take the amount of successes rolled total and compare it to half
the amount of passengers rolling (rounded up). If the amount of successes are over this
number, that is a party success, and everybody gets out scot free. If this amount is lower, that
is a party failure, and they take one hard move. No one takes experience in the case of a hard

This is done to speed up the process of everyone rolling and determining hard moves for
individuals in a group. Think of a party success as even if someone fails, they’re helped by the
others instead of them being completely solo’d out.

☐ As an Example: Let’s say everyone needs to dodge a massive fireball launched right at
their position. There’s five passengers in the way, and they all roll reflex. The rolls they got in
order with d6’s are: “1, 2”, “5, 4”, “2, 6, 3”, “1”, and “4, 5, 2”. There are five passengers, which
means the roll threshold needs three successes. In total, their successes are the 5, 6, and 5,
which means they hit the threshold and all dodge out of the way.

Hope is given out primarily by The Dove, but it can also be given out by the Roadie. Hope has
a maximum stack of one, and you may hold it and use it whenever to give any dice result a +1
additive bonus. It is consumed and lost after, and does not go between sessions.

The Roadie may give out hope at good roleplaying, good actions or just generally positive
things. They may only give it out to a passenger once per session.

The Dove quickly grabs a toolbox and tries to repair the RV while the horde of entropic
agents slowly starts to surround their location. They act quickly under pressure, and fix a
few fuses to turn on the RV’s defense system, sending the entropy agents back long enough
for the driver to make a clear path out of there.

What Are Moves?

Moves can be described as actions you take that require a bit of oomph to do so. These have a
chance of failing, a risk to using them for a reward: doing what you set out to do. Convincing
a crowd takes a bit more than just speaking into a mic, Act under Pressure and roll for
Composure as your move. If you’re in a situation where you’re able to do something with a
low chance of failure, feel free to not take a move.

Moves can also be related to what passenger type you took. They can describe specific aspects
of you: like Bulwark’s “Big” that gives them more max health. Most of them are something
you’ll roll for that’s specific to you.

So, let’s move onto the list of valid moves you can take. If there isn’t one listed for your use,
just simply roll a skill and let the Roadie determine how it plays out.

List of Moves
☐ Act Under Pressure | Skill: any
When you roll to act under pressure, choose any relevant skill.
☐ Mixed Success: You do what you set out to do, however the Roadie will make
you take a mixed success cost.
☐ Great Success: You do what you set out to do pretty darn well!

☐ Help Out | Skill: aid

You may help out other passengers with rolls. This may be done before or after the
roll is made. Roll aid.
☐ Mixed Success: You give the character a +1 on the roll but are exposed to
☐ Great Success: You give them a +1 on the roll with no downsides.

☐ Heal Someone | Skill: aid, threshold, or magic

You may attempt to heal someone with a variety of methods. First-aid kit, alcohol,
or magic. Follow the rules listed in Healing for a complete list. Below are the steps
listed for a first aid kid. Without a first aid kit, heal 1-damage maximum.
☐ Mixed Success: Heal yourself or someone for 1-damage and add your aid - 1.
(Min. of 0).
☐ Great Success: Heal yourself or someone for 2-damage and add your aid - 1
(Min. of 0) and the # of successes over 1.

☐ Deal Damage | Skill: any

Rolling to Deal Damage relies on the specific weapon you’re using. Unarmed is
muscle and so are most melees. Firearms like pistols are control, shotguns are
muscle. Magic attacks depend on the intent.
☐ Mixed Success: Deal normal damage and trade blows.
☐ Great Success: Deal normal damage and take a positive effect.
☐ Inflict more damage: Deal +1 damage.
☐ Move them where you want them.
☐ You suffer less damage in retaliation.
☐ You hit them in a very precise location.
☐ You give another passenger +1 forward, or take +1 forward.

☐ Protect Someone | Skill: might

Protecting someone means you’ll get in the way of any damage or effect hitting
them. Roll might.
☐ Mixed Success: You protect them but you’ll take some or all of the harm.
☐ Great Success: You protect them and take an extra:
☐ You suffer less damage (1-damage less)
☐ You deal damage back.
☐ You hold the enemy back.

☐ Cast Magic | Skill: magic

Casting magic requires an intent roll, taking a -glitch if you do not have a point in
the intent’s skill. Take a +glitch if your intent skill is 2+. If your intent was magic or
fate, take a -glitch for every 1 you roll. Roll magic.
☐ Mixed Success: Take a -glitch or let the Roadie hold another entropy.
☐ Attach an element to the cast.
☐ The spell’s effect length is different.
☐ The spell is much more or less powerful than you imagined.
☐ The effect has a larger or smaller area of effect.
☐ The spell has a side effect.
☐ Great Success: Take a positive effect.
☐ Take +1 magic forward
☐ Give another passenger +1 forward
☐ You may conceal or make the spell undetectable.

☐ Coerce Someone | Skill: intimidation, composure, or deception

You may choose to coerce someone into helping you. Determine your course of
action with how you do it. Roll Intimidation, Composure, or Deception.
☐ Mixed Success: They’ll help you at a cost.
☐ Intimidation: They’ll flee as soon as they help you out.
☐ Composure & Deception: They’ll do it right now but only if you show
them that you mean it. If you ask too much they’ll tell you what, if anything,
it’ll take for them to do it.
☐ Great Success: They’ll help you out with the reason you gave them. If you asked
too much they’ll tell you the minimum it takes for them to do it, or not at all if it isn’t

☐ Read a Situation | Skill: perception, lore
Reading a situation takes perception or lore. It reveals a set of things that let you
determine how safe a location is. You may choose to spend these holds now or later
to ask the listed questions. Roll perception or lore.
☐ Failure: Hold 1 anyway but take a hard move.
☐ Mixed Success: Hold 1.
☐ Great Success: Hold 3.
☐ What is the biggest threat?
☐ What should I lookout for?
☐ Are there dangers we haven’t noticed?
☐ How entropic is this location?
☐ What’s my best way in / out?

Hard Moves / Mixed Successes

The roadie will be able to apply “hard moves” whenever you get a failure on a roll. Hard
moves can be taken instantly or later, and generally involve a great negative effect that will be
weighed against the players.

As an Example: If someone rolled poorly on a Perception roll, the Roadie may choose to take
a hard move later that leads the party down a wrong path, gets them caught up in a horde of

Next are mixed successes. Mixed successes come when you only roll a single success on a roll,
and general choose one of these:
☐ Price to Pay
☐ Tough Choice
☐ Worse Outcome
Mixed successes will still get you closer to your goal, but hinder your total effectiveness at
getting to the end.

As an Example: The party’s Eye might want to act under pressure to catch up to someone
they’re chasing. They get a mixed success with their might roll and accidentally crash into
some merchant’s food stand, sending everything sprawling in a comical way. They lose
ground, but they’re still making their way towards that person.

Weapons & Combat
Weapons have:
☐ Associated Skill
An associated skill is determined on the spot or when you use the weapon. It picks
one skill that would let you use the weapon in the best way. Usually melee weapons
have muscle as their skill. Firearms like pistols and rifles would use control. However
stuff like shotguns use muscle, to keep it in your arms. Try to find a skill when you
use a weapon and write that down.!
☐ Weapon Damage
Weapon damage is always specified on the weapon. An explanation of the types and
severity of damage is below:
0-damage: These are usually things that don’t hurt but stun or disorientate. A
flashbang would be a 0-damage stun, and stuff like that.
1-damage: Weapons that deal one damage aren’t that strong, stuff that usually isn’t
a weapon: small hammers, guitars, boards.
2-damage: These are usually reserved for most weapons, small firearms, simple
melee weapons, and sharp things usually deal two damage.
3-damage: Big weapons and firearms take this spot with 3-damage. This is a big
number, so 3-damage weapons will usually be obvious. They’ll have a noticeable
sound or downside, like ‘messy’.
4-damage: One of the strongest, 4-damage is reserved for the biggest of biggest
guns: duct-taped shotguns, anti-material rifles, some really big melees. All are
various obvious.
5-damage: This is the highest damage you can deal in a single hit in SH. This is only
on stuff like mass riot Grenade Launchers and other high explosives. This almost
guarantees death for normal people.
☐ Weapons can also have specific tags on them to clarify what they are and how they interact
in specific situations (energy, loud, close, etc)
Tags aren’t mechanically proof. They are flavor to your weapon, and determine
various things. You can’t get into a venue that says “No Guns” if your firearm is
obvious. Messy causes blood (could just be torn clothing and stuff if you don’t want
blood!) to scatter. All tags are different and are used by the Roadie and you to
determine what the best course of action with weapons are. Tools also have tags, and
you can use tools in specific situations to grant bonuses.

Progress of weapons checks:

Roll for associated stat, add for the amount of skill you have.
☐ 0: Failure, something bad happens.
☐ 1: Success, normal damage
☐> 2: Take a positive effect and deal normal damage.

Solar Highway doesn’t focus on turns, enemies attack back when hit, and will attack on the
off chance you’re open.

Positive Effects:
☐ Inflict more damage: Deal +1 damage.
☐ Move them where you want them.
☐ You suffer less damage in retaliation.
☐ You hit them in a very precise location.
☐ You give another passenger +1 forward, or take +1 forward.

Combat Flow
Combat should not be taken in turns. As a passenger, if you really want to do something,
you’ll probably be able to do it! As the Roadie, determine when passengers are open to attack
or do other things; find whether they’ll be hit by an enemy if they prepare for other things.

In general, (for the Roadie) combat should be quick and NOT the central part of your
locations (unless the players want that!). For the players, let others take moves after you,
possibly helping out in their rolls or doing various things in the meantime. Combat is flux;
find the most narratively interesting way to handle situations.

Some helpful notes: Guns that have reload will be unusable in combat for a while after they
are used once (you cannot use it twice in a row). With multiple enemies, instead of dealing
with 5 different goblins attacking you, roll for a mass roll! (see Rolling the Dice).

Example of Combat:
Jonh has a 9mm Space Slug(TM) Pistol, he fires it at the scary demoGoblin.
9mm Space Slug(TM) Pistol uses Control, with (2-damage, medium range, reload)

He rolls for his Cool stat and gets: 1, 4, 5.

He adds a ‘2’ to his 4 with his points in Control. Giving him 2, 6, 5. (Two Successes)

Since he got 2 successes, he takes the “Inflict more damage: Deal +1 damage.''. Jonh
deals 3 damage to the demoGoblin. The demoGoblin retaliates against Jonh or
someone else. He targets Jonh with his extendoknife and deals 1 damage. Jonh dies.

Gear is going to usually be separated into tags and usefulness. Armor provides a small benefit
to skills or stats, or help against some damage you’ll be taking. The tags you’ll see on weapons
and items are going to help be a descriptor to how they function. As stated above, fights play
out in real time (in the game, and with limitations towards how flow works, of course.), and
so reloading that bazooka takes a good amount of time. That’s why (reload) as a tag is listed
on it, to help you figure out what’s fair and what’s interesting as you work with your gear to
Upgraded weapons and gear will be denoted with a ‘+’ at the end of their name. (Ex: Grenade
Launcher+) An upgraded weapon denotes one additional damage, and upgraded gear gives
you +1 dice when rolling to use it.

A List of Weapons & Tools to Browse

This page is to help you see all the weapons, in case you’re taking one from another passenger
type. There will be some stragglers here that are slapped in from sessions or other ideas. Feel
free to make your own custom weapons!

Melee Weapons
☐ Heavy Book (1-damage, heavy, blunt, innocuous)
☐ Confusing Tome (1-damage, magical, blunt, tome)
☐ Set of Pens (1-damage, throwable, innocuous)
☐ Thick Twine (2-damage, garrote, string)
☐ Pen Knife (1-damage, close, sharp, innocuous)
☐ Suitcase (1-damage, blunt, innocuous)
☐ Boxing Tape (1-damage, fatigue, melee)
☐ Flashlight (1-damage, blunt, tool)
☐ Ritual Dagger (2-damage, obvious, messy, melee)
☐ Baseball Bat (2-damage, close, blunt, home-run)
☐ Busted Rum Bottle (2-damage, sharp, messy, melee)
☐ Knuckle Dusters (2-damage, melee, fatigue)
☐ Large Sword (2-damage, close, sharp)
☐ Glove Box Door (1-damage, blunt, confusing)
☐ Microphone (1-damage, blunt, loud)
☐ Thick Speaker Wire (2-damage, garrote, melee, tool)
☐ Tom Jones’ She’s a Lady 7” Set (2-damage, throwable, sharp)
☐ Tree Branch (2-damage, sharp, blunt)
☐ Delinquent’s Comb Knife (2-damage, sharp, concealable, close)
☐ Bent Wrench (2-damage, heavy, blunt, tool)
☐ Shield and Mace (2-damage, wall, blunt)
☐ Sledgehammer (3-damage, large, heavy, messy, blunt)
☐ Battering Ram (2-damage, large, tool)
☐ Improvised Weapon (x-damage, nearby)
☐ Beidhänder (3-damage, large, obvious, messy, sharp)

☐ Snubnose Revolver (2-damage, close, reload, pistol)
☐ .600 Nitro Express Revolver (3-damage, close, loud, obvious)
☐ 9.16mm Pistol (2-damage, medium range, reload)
☐ Silenced .22LR Pistol (2-damage, medium range, quiet, reload)
☐ Brush Gun (2-damage, lever action, long range, obvious)
☐ RV Gauge Shotgun (3-damage, blast, messy, reload)
☐ Infused Revolver (2-damage, enchantable, reload, close)
☐ Glock 18 (2-damage, concealable, medium range, reload)
☐ RV Gauge Shotgun (3-damage, blast, messy, reload)
☐ Slug Flare (2-damage, fire, slug, reload)
☐ Anti-Material Rifle (4-damage, difficult, long range, reload)
☐ Minimus 7’ Revolvers (4-damage, reload, messy, close)
☐ Duct-taped Shotguns (4-damage, close, extremely dangerous)
☐ M14A14 Rifle (3-damage, large, obvious, long range, rifle)
☐ SYS-Sanctioned Grenade Launcher (5-damage, loud, messy, blast, dangerous)

☐ Cartography Set (map-making)
☐ Archival Gloves (gloves, traceless)
☐ Map & Compass (tool, navigation) [How do compasses work on the SH? Dunno]
☐ Zolaroid Camera (camera, flash)
☐ Pristine Macbook (tech, useful, reliable)
☐ Lug Wrench (mechanics, tool)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Cigarette Carton (harm, + Cool, + Sharp, addicting)
☐ Rhodes Microphone (recording)
☐ Box o’ Statistics & Newspapers (lore)
☐ Fake Passport (deception)
☐ Fake Police Badge (deception)
☐ DSLR S&W 5000M Camera (camera, flash)
☐ First Aid Kit (long, heal)
☐ Mysterious Key (lore, unknown)
☐ Deck o’ Cards (throwable, enchantable)
☐ Cool Jimey’s Space Magic Kitz! (dandy, enchantable, magic)
☐ Entropic Charm (potent, entropy)
☐ Skateboard / Roller-skates (movement, dandy)
☐ Weird Tome (lore, tome, magic)
☐ Lockpicking set (concealable, lockpick)
☐ Frogtop Laptop (tech, useful)
☐ Alcohol of Choice (quick, dizzying, heal)
☐ Sketchpad & Charcoal (quick, notes)
☐ Set of Dice (magic, innocuous, throwable)
☐ Sexy Satchel (storage, deep)
☐ Beat-up Macbook (tech, unreliable, useful)
☐ Vinyl Shield (wall, protect)
☐ Cassette Deck (record, tech, useful)
☐ Overblown Amp (loud, damaging)
☐ Pedal Board (2-damage, throwable, tool, heavy)
☐ $$10 EXTREMEBASS Speaker (loud, obvious)
☐ Actual Comb (dandy, pompous)
☐ Class F Driver License (ID, tool)
☐ Toolbox (tools, car repair)
☐ SysKo Worker Refresh Kit (1-use, strong heal)
☐ Overflowing Wallet (currency)
☐ Camping set (tool, useful)
☐ Magic Hubcap (throwable, useful, magic, tool)

Magical Weapons
☐ Monster of the Month Manual (hoe-scaring, tome)
☐ Spiral Staff (1-damage, blunt, elemental, magic)
☐ Blast Staff (1-damage, blunt, blast, magic)
☐ Wall Staff (1-damage, blunt, wall, magic)

☐ Magpie Wand (1-damage, sharp, creature, magic)
☐ Tome of Mysteries (1-damage, blunt, heavy, tome)

You’re bound to get slapped up and hit with bowling balls… probably. In the end, you’re
gonna need to help each other and heal. Healing comes at a cost, however. First aid kits aren’t
plentiful out in space, and you’ll have to make do with some alternate solutions. Here are the
basic guidelines for healing with various things. Feel free to experiment!

Healing with a First-aid Kit

Roll Aid, this takes a lot of time.
☐ 0: It goes wrong.
☐ 1: Heal yourself or someone for 1-damage and add your aid - 1. (Min. of 0) and the
# of successes over 1.
☐ ≥2 Heal yourself or someone for 2-damage and add your aid - 1 (Min. of 0) and the
# of successes over 1.
Whenever you use a first-aid kit, it is consumed and cannot be used again until
restored. The person healed also may not be healed again until much later.

Healing with Alcohol

Roll Threshold, this is very quick.
☐ 0: You’re wasted, take relevant -1 ongoing to specific stats.
☐ 1: You can heal for x where x is equal to your threshold skill, with a minimum of 1.
You’re still a little meat clown krunked, however.
☐ ≥2: You heal the same as a normal success and you didn’t even feel the alcohol.
Whenever you use alcohol to heal, it is consumed and cannot be used again until
restored, or until you find another bottle. Drinking too much will cause some harm.

Healing & Stabilizing with Other

Roll Aid, this is somewhat quick.
☐ 0: It goes wrong.
☐ 1: Stabilize a character if they are at or below 0 health (put them to 1 health). Heal
for 1 health temporarily.
☐ ≥2: Stabilize a character if they are at or below 0 health (put them to 1 health).
Heal for 1 health.
Whenever you heal without a first-aid kit or non-entropic means, you cannot heal
that character again until later.

Healing & Stabilizing with Magic

Use the steps above, rolling with the intent of Aid.

Short Rest
☐ If everyone is resting in a safe place, as long as there is enough time to have a short
rest, restore 1 health and each player's aid skill.

Ways to bring people back from the dead are limited, and locked behind only the most
destructive type of entropy. However, dying is pretty hard in this universe! If your passenger

falls below 0 HP, don’t fret, they didn’t die just by being smacked by Bonko. At this state,
your passenger is incapacitated and cannot move. Your passenger can die if they continue to
take damage. If they reach half their max health below zero, that’s the end of the Solar
Highway for them.
During the incapacitated stage, you can choose to roll 2d6 to get back up. Without help, you’ll
need to roll a great success to regain consciousness at 1HP. You’ll repeat these rolls until you
get up, which takes time in game. During combat, you’ll only be able to roll to get back up
after everyone goes through their punchin & shooty. If another passenger decides to heal you
with a healing item, they’ll go through the normal healing steps and you’ll revive with that
amount of HP. If they decide to try to resuscitate you without a healing item, they’ll roll aid.
Any success will get you to 1HP. If they fail, then you’ll take 1-damage.

The driver parks the RV in an empty paved parking lot, the stars above them painting the
sky with a beautiful, spotted world. But lurking within, entropy has caught up with them,
and their Dynamicist’s casting has accelerated the absolute end of this place. Lights around
start to warp slowly, paint lines on the ground peel up and stand-- it’s time to get out or be
destroyed by the universe.

The universe around you tends towards disorder. Locations you visit are created through
entropy, through a series of random events that create stable land. The road you traverse to
get there only functions through this randomness. In relation, you fight an uphill battle
towards stability and adventure; to capture a moment of peace while fighting everything
around you. It provides risk and danger, while allowing comfort and growth. But with all
things entropic, it could all come crashing down at any second.

As you cast spells, use luck, and fail rolls, the roadie will be able to hold entropy. Entropy has
specific levels of danger. They are listed below:
☐ Firm (Firm, low entropy)
☐ Fine (Fine, dangers become present)
☐ Slow (Slow, things are going wrong, world is breaking slowly)
☐ Mild (Mild, world is breaking, dangerous)
☐ Wild (Wild, very fast collapse, extremely dangerous)

All locations will (usually) start on Firm and only get worse as you spend time there. Entropy
is not a positive thing around you, and causes the location to follow a collapse. If you are a
non-entropic passenger, entropy is slightly out of your control. Dynamicists and Decays, bad
rolls and luck, all of these increase entropy. Rarely you’ll have the opportunity to decrease
entropy, but this requires a great amount of energy and time.

Holding Entropy:
As a roadie, you can “hold entropy.” You can hold any amount of entropy at any time, and
spend them to use moves against the solar crew. The moves have greater penalties the higher
entropy stages. As a side note: Using entropy should make the game suspenseful and more
difficult, not annoying and unfun. Don’t bully players with mean mechanics! Anyway, holding

Holding Entropy:
Hold one entropy whenever one of these happens. You may hold any amount of
☐ A passenger casts a B-Class+ spell.
☐ A passenger uses luck.
☐ A passenger rolls two+ 1’s on a failure.
☐ A passenger goes to 0 health.

When you have entropy, you may spend the entropy at the “Thermodynamics Store”. So,
would you like to increase the entropy’s stage? So do I, let’s look at that. Each entropy stage

will have a cost to advance. Each will have a custom move / passive, each is not unlocked
until you reach the stage. All passives go for every stage, when you unlock it.

The Thermodynamics Store:

Spend entropy here! For every Dynamicist, increase all the costs by two. For every
character that can cast B-Class spells, increase all the costs by one.

☐ Firm (Cost: 0)
☐ PEACE: All passengers gain 1 experience if they finish the location on
☐ Fine (Cost: 1)
☐ Firing Pin: (Cost: 1) A weapon jam happens.
☐ Chronicle: (Cost: 1) A tool breaks.
☐ Slow (Cost: 2)
☐ SLOWLY: All passengers have 1 subtracted from their highest roll.
☐ Dice Shard (Cost: 2) Reroll a dice result once (max).
☐ Mild (Cost: 3)
☐ Shatter: (Cost: 4) Break the world. -1 ongoing Cool for all passengers.
☐ Distort: (Cost: 4) Distort the world. -1 ongoing Sharp for all passengers.
☐ Bye: (Cost: 3) Disable access to the RV’s inventory.
☐ Wild (Cost: 4)
☐ FADES: Great successes require one more success.
☐ Reform: (Cost: 4) Make everything different. -1 ongoing Tough for all
☐ Wrong: (Cost: 4) Make everything wrong. -1 ongoing Weird for all
☐ Collapse (Cost: 6) Start the collapse.

If everything fails and the location is thrown into collapse due to the passengers' continued
entropic muckin’ about, then hope to Dan they’ll make it out alright. A collapse happens
when entropy fully takes over a location, ripping it apart and destroying it at the seam.
Escape must be imminent or the passengers will be lost with the location.

The location splits, distorts, reforms, and generally becomes wrong. These all culminate in
the end to collapse the location. When the collapse happens, the passengers have ~5-20
minutes of somewhat safe travelling. Past that, the roadie has infinite entropic credits and a
collapsing location at their disposal. To the passengers: get out of there immediately.

Time seems to pass differently out there. Entropy dictates where people end up, where life
begins and ends; where that road takes you, where you find your true self. Out there, on the
Solar Highway, the universe will find its way to rearrange your life and decide who you

“Magic” on the Solar Highway relies on the rearranging of energy. Entropy is used as a vessel
of magic for this purpose. To cast is to take what already exists in the universe, redirect it
through yourself, and create different (but already present) energy. You channel entropy, and
you have to have a reason and a way to be able to do this. Whether you cast through
emotions, words, a specific medium, or something else, you must be able to withstand the
effects. The universe is a place filled with entropy, letting you cast in any location. If you
cannot cast magic, there is no entropy, and therefore, that location is more mystical than the
rarest stars themselves.

To cast spells and channel entropy, there is one roll required (for A-Class and B-Class). First,
you will determine what your intent skill is. If you are healing someone, that’s probably aid. If
you are lighting a small fire, that’s probably element. If nothing applies, just take fate or
magic. After you determine that, you’ll roll magic and resolve that. You’ll then take a -glitch
if your intent skill is 0. See Rolling below for the effects and things to resolve.

Channeling entropy to cast comes in three separate forms, or “classes.” Starting with A-Class,
then getting stronger and more dangerous.

A-Class Spells:
A-Class spells are the easiest spells you can cast. The amount of entropy required to cast is
too small to measure. These spells do not require any preparation (other than a way to cast it)
and do not let the Roadie hold entropy. These spells are cast instantaneously, the effects of
A-Class spells should not last more than a few seconds.
A-Class spells are defined as: “Affecting only yourself or a small part of the location
minimally,” and a list of generic effects can be seen below. There are also listed example
skills, these fluctuate with the type of spell you’re casting.
☐ Heal 1-damage (self). (aid)
☐ Enchant a weapon, add magic tag temporarily. (magic)
☐ Create a small illusion. (deception)
☐ Channel something small through your intent. (any intent)

B-Class Spells:
B-Class spells are ones you’ll probably cast more often. They can greatly affect you or the
location, and let the Roadie hold entropy (see Entropy). These spells can be cast
instantaneously and have long effects.
B-Class spells are defined as: “Affecting yourself, others, or the location noticeably.” Below is
a small list of the types of spells that are B-Class, with relevant skills.
☐ Inflict 1-damage. (any intent)
☐ Trap a specific person or creature. (magic)

☐ Do one thing that is beyond human limitations. (any intent)
☐ Heal 1-damage (others). (aid)
☐ Channel something big through your intent. (any intent)
These spells let the roadie hold entropy. This generally is bad for you, so casting these spells
comes at a cost. Even if you fail the roll, the roadie still holds entropy.

O-Class Spells:
O-Class spells are an odd and dangerous type of casting. These spells can channel a level of
entropy that no living being can control (without being converted to plasma). Therefore,
casting O-Class spells requires a few things set by the roadie so that you don’t tear yourself
into ten separate universes. The roadie may take any number of these, depending on how big
the spell is.
☐ The spell requires multiple magic rolls and various intent rolls.
☐ The spell takes a very long time.
☐ The spell requires various components.
☐ The spell requires a set amount of people.
☐ The spell requires a specific item.
☐ The spell needs to be cast at a specific place or time.
☐ The spell requires a lot of entropy.
O-Class spells are defined as “Affecting many people or a large / entire location entirely.”
O-Class spells can also be concentrated against one thing (reviving a character, destroying a
powerful enemy).

Here are the steps of rolling:
1. Determine what your intent is, find a relevant skill for it.
a. If you cannot find one, pick fate or magic.
2. Roll for magic.
a. On a failure, something goes horribly wrong. On a mixed success, take a
-glitch or let the Roadie hold another entropy. On a great success, take a
positive effect.
3. Take one -glitch if your intent skill is 0 or take +glitch if your intent skill is 2+.
a. If your intent was magic or fate, take a -glitch for every 1 you roll.
4. Take your positive effects, if any.

Positive Effects:
You pick the positive effect.
☐ Take +1 magic forward
☐ Give another passenger +1 forward
☐ You may conceal or make the spell undetectable.

Whenever you have a -glitch, the roadie chooses the glitch and how it plays out. If
you have a +glitch, you choose the glitch and the effect of it.
☐ Attach an element to the cast.
☐ The spell’s effect length is different.

☐ The spell is much more or less powerful than you imagined.
☐ The effect has a larger or smaller area of effect.
☐ The spell has a side effect.

Spell Fatigue:
Casting the same spell in the same location will not yield positive results. A-Class
spells do not take a lot of entropy, but that energy has already been converted. Enough spells
of the same intent skill or.. Intent will cause more and more glitches, negative effects, and
entropy, even if the roll is a great success.

The Solar Crew is a diverse cast composed of robots and humans; cryptids and ghosts;
birdfolk and… computer viruses? Every location on the Solar Highway is different, and
they’re bound to run into more interesting characters.

Creating a list of every species on the Solar Highway would be impossible as there’s an
infinite list of the possibilities. However, I can give you a small list of potential ones to browse
through! Each species will have a short description and a tag. Again, feel free to make a
species up if you wish! This isn’t a comprehensive list and just a small place to get yourself
ready. Create whatever you want! Just make sure all the players and the roadie are okay with
it. As a Roadie, you may also use this list to pick out species to put in your sessions.

Human (familiar)
The one bipedal mammal everyone knows. Humans exist
on the Solar Highway in quite a frequent amount. They
don’t necessarily come from Earth. Humans are pretty
good with most skills, being able to get particularly
muscular or good with lore, tools, and possibly good at
threshold with enough practice. Humans are small to
medium size. Humans can be any passenger type.

Robot (mechanic)
Robots aren’t necessarily a species but a common creation
throughout the Solar Highway. They can be finely tuned to
be alright at any task, whether they’re precise with tools,
perceptive with perception, anything goes. Robots can be
any size and with any specific passenger type. Robots can
have a preprogrammed route or a full set of sentience.

Birdfolk (claws)
Birdfolk are bipedal creatures with a selection of wings,
either for their arms or on their backs. With talons and
high mobility, they can primarily have a strong suit in
control and reflex. Birdfolk are flightless, with a very
limited way to keep their form in the air. Birdfolk are small
to medium with a skillset that masters any passenger type,
possibly working with stealth.

Cretura (cryptid)
The Cretura is a class of cryptid that has a particularly
large body covered in fur. They can be bipedal or focus
more on quadrupedalism. They can have a large set of
claws, and are really strong at muscle and might. They
are probably most suited towards the cryptid
passenger-type while being large. Creatura’s like to
adorn their head with the skulls of another species (or
they just have the skull of another species, naturally.)

Nova (space)
Nova are the embodiment of leftover stars, leaving
behind matter that compressed enough to create a
simple being. Their bodies are made out of stardust,
and they can take on any form. They can be good at
any set of skills, working with dandy or fate. Any
particular passenger type works well.

Entropy Agent (entropy! wow)

Entropy agents are the embodiment of disorder in the
universe. They strive to cause chaos, and are
composed of shadows. Their bodies can reform
within dark locations. Entropy agents are great at fate
and magic, while working really well with the Decay
passenger type. Entropy agents take the form of a
rattlesnake, with a human body.

Lizan (scales)
The Lizan are a lizard-like race that are bipedal and
small to medium in size. They can have similar features
to those of humans and lizards, with an array of colors
adorning their scales. They are great at any skill set,
particularly tools and perception, and work well with
any passenger type. Lizan also look really god damn
dandy in whatever attire.

Venyx (flora)
The Venyx are a creature composed of vines and
plants. They have a visible maw that comes to a point
at their head, while forming a somewhat bipedal
stance. Their vines make up most of their body, and
they have really fine motor control, great with reflex
and control. They can be great at any passenger type
and can have any set of flower families growing with
them. Venyx are small, medium, or large in shape.

Space Bear (sleep)

The Space Bear is a species that enjoys resting within
quiet locations. They are primarily stoic and bipedal,
operating with any particular set of skills but primarily
muscle and intimidation. They are large, dangerous, and
(usually) ready to take action. They can be great as
Bulwark or Bully.

That’s the set of species that is a great jumping off point! Feel free to make any species your
own, tweak them to what you want. You can create a new species if you’d want, do whatever!
Just remember these few things.

Creating a Species
☐ Determine your species’ name.
☐ Find how big they are, small is around 3ft tall, medium is 5-6ft, and large is 7ft.
☐ Find what they’re strong at and their weaknesses.
☐ Find what skills they might be good at.
☐ Design or just simply write the look of the species.
☐ (Optional) Write any lore or background history!

And BAM, you’re part of the Solar Highway.

A looming crosshair, a perfect shot. A .45-70 caliber round fires out of an obscured brush
gun towards one of the Solar Crew members. They barely turn towards the shot before the
bullet simply grazes by them. The shot’s sound reverberates around the camp, and the crew
duck behind the RV, amazed that no one was hurt.

Luck is the one thing keeping you from stepping on that tripwire, running into that person
you didn’t want to see, or failing to cast that O-Class spell. Luck provides you an opportunity
to redo something bad, and make it into something great. Sometimes, entropy just lines up
perfectly in your favor.

Each passenger has seven luck points. At any moment, you may spend your luck to do one of
the following things.

Luck Options: (Pick one)

☐ Reduce any incoming damage to zero.
☐ Add two successes onto a roll you made.

Luck is an important, but limited, tool. But while its limited nature prevents you from using it
every roll, there’s another catch. Whenever you run out of luck, entropy has the full realm to
decide your fate. At this point, you’ve had enough positive randomness that your story must
have luck permanently against your favor. Most of your tasks seem to go wrong, your dreams
are filled with premonitions about yourself-- nothing is right. In short, you never want
entropy to work against your favor.

Mechanically, running out of luck leaves a character “entropic.” A roadie may choose to
purposefully affect that character in a negative way at any moment. Their tools and weapons
may break more often, their preparations may get ruined by some random event, anything
that could go wrong will probably go wrong.

As a roadie, your goal is to make that character’s life more of an uphill battle compared to the
passengers that have luck spare. You’re still a fan of the characters, and hope that they
succeed in whatever task., However, the ones that use the most entropy are the ones that will
have entropy come back and decide their fate.

Your RV
An old, beat up RV rolls up to an orange forest. Pillars of oil descend from the sky as three
passengers exit the vehicle. The beige and brown RV clashes with the reddish and orange
landscape around it-- the tires are worn, paint scratched, the passengers tired. However,
this is their road trip, and they’re goddamn destined to sightsee all the places in this cold

Your RV is your vessel of transportation around the SOLAR HIGHWAY. Treat it like your
baby, and it’ll go far, hopefully(?). Anyhoo, it’s not an RV if it isn’t filled to the brim with
inside jokes and random pieces of machinery that don’t work. Feel free to consult with your
fellow passengers to decide on what type of RV you want!

Your RV Name
☐ Write your RV’s name as a group!

Your RV will always be described as an RV, even if it is a Battle Bus or a darn Train.
However, all the functionality remains the same with a bit of a bonus when using the RV.

Your RV (pick one as a group)

☐ 1990’s Winnebago
- The true Solar Highway RV. You may fit an additional NPC for free in the
RV. (Read RV Upgrades for more info.)
☐ Battle Bus
- The RV can float once per session, allowing the passengers to get to very
hard to reach spots. They may also drop from the Battle Bus.
☐ Vengabus
- Everyone takes +1 dandy.
☐ Mystery Machine
- The RV starts with an additional pet that assists the Solar Crew.
☐ Ms. Liz’s Bus
- All passengers take an additional tool if this RV is chosen. Everyone takes +1
Fate if their fate is 0.
☐ Food Truck
- Grant the ability to cook any of the passenger’s favorite signature dishes
once per gas station. Signature dishes grant one +1 forward towards a
chosen stat, and can be saved and consumed whenever.
☐ Polar Express
- Can be called to the passengers once per gas station, if they are questioning
their belief in Santa.

And finally, take your RV’s type, which is mainly going to describe the type of locations and
predicaments you’re going to get yourself into. A monster-hunting crew is gonna be different
from a bounty-board type RV and such. Consult with your group to see which one suits you
all the best! The roadie can also weigh in on this and help you all decide.

RV Type (Pick one as a group!)
☐ The Solar RV
- The true Solar Highway RV. You don’t know where you’re going, but you do
know how to get there. Your journey is just made up of a road, and this RV is
gonna take you down that long.. Long road. Take any RV upgrade.
☐ Monster Hunting RV
- Protecting people or towns from monstrous threats; everywhere you go,
there seems to be some danger you need to stop. Take the Armory upgrade.
☐ Roaming Documentary RV
- Everything’s weird, why not make a large movie while you’re at it? You can
choose to focus on a specific thing (like a Cryptid Documentary, Space
Politics, etc..) to make a documentary on. Take the Sunroom upgrade.
☐ Bounty Hunting RV
- Someone’s always paying for a hit, why not take up the offer? Every location
has at least one hard to get to target that pays well when you turn 'em in.
Take the Observatory or Armory upgrade (depending on your bounty
hunting style.)
☐ Tour Bus RV
- The Solar Highway is just a perfect road to suit your newly formed band.
Follow the Musician’s Genre + Subgenre notes and come up with a name for
your RV’s band. If you don’t have an instrument, take one. If you do have an
instrument, upgrade it.
☐ Custom RV Type
- Want a mix of two? Your own custom type? You can! Write any as a group
and let the Roadie decide how to work with it!

RV upgrades are important to your journey on the Solar Highway. You’ll slowly accrue
teammates and other passengers that will ride in your beaten-up-piece-of-shit vehicle.
However there is only a limited number of seats, and simply expanding the RV’s rooms as
normal rooms is hard. When you pick an upgrade, it’ll function as a room in the RV that
NPCs and characters can rest in. These provide small bonuses when there’s no relevant NPC
in it. If an NPC that specializes in the trait is given the room, a much larger bonus will be
given to the passengers and everyone on board. At the start, you can only have the Solar Crew
(passengers and driver) and one NPC to rest in the back. When you upgrade a room, you can
place one more NPC in your RV. Expand your RV and get rolling on the Solar Highway!

Upgrades are given at landmark points in the story. As you work on your campaign or mix of
connected one-shots, you’ll receive upgrades. Unoccupied upgrades are usually still available
after being occupied. If it makes sense for the unoccupied bonus to be there, then keep it!

RV Upgrades
☐ Infirmary (Dreamers)
- Unoccupied: The health of one person in the party can be fully restored at
the RV per gas station.
Occupied: Everyone in the party can be healed fully once per gas station.
Characters may refill first aid kits at the RV’s infirmary once per gas station.

☐ Sunroom (Observers)
- Unoccupied: Nothing with the intent of harm can get into the vehicle while
the Solar Crew is inside.
Occupied: Only valid passengers of the RV can get into the vehicle, even if
the Solar Crew is not there. The sunroom’s occupant always has a record of
things they notice while parked.

☐ Armory (Ruffians)
- Unoccupied: The RV is stacked with some additional weapons. Add one
weapon from any passenger type to the RV’s armory, it can be taken while in
the RV. You may also stock the armory with weapons you find and bring
Occupied: Once per gas station, players may roll for an Armory check in
the RV. On a failure, they lose an item in the armory. On a success, they have
the item, but only the bare minimum. On a great success, they have whatever
weapon they’re digging around for.

☐ Observatory (Observers)
- Unoccupied: You may scout out a large amount of the current location
from the vehicle’s observatory.
- Occupied: The occupant of this room can scout locations ahead and give
vital information with dangers they’ve noticed of the place. They can see
things at night and through difficult conditions.

☐ Workshop (Dreamers)
- Unoccupied: You may choose to scrap items and things in your inventory
into something slightly more useful. This won’t always go well. Roll tools, on
a failure, the item is destroyed. On a success, it’s worth a little bit more. On a
great success, you can turn it into a tool.
Occupied: The Workshop’s occupant can upgrade one of your weapons or
tools for a great deal of money, time, and effort. You don’t have access to it
until the end of an extended period of time, and only one can be worked on at
a time.

☐ Library (Wanderers)
- Unoccupied: Lore checks can always be passed while inside the RV.
- Occupied: All magic items can be distinguished by the Library’s occupant.
Information and lore about the location the RV is parked at can be
distinguished at the library.

☐ Cockpit + AWD Upgrade (Driver)

- Vehicle is very capable of off-roading and getting to weird places.

☐ Luxurious (Full RV Upgrade)

- Feel like you’re riding in style. Dandy checks always succeed while the
vehicle is near.

☐ New Paint Job (Full RV Upgrade)
- Doesn’t it feel nice? Choose a cool paint job to slather the vehicle in. The
vehicle is now that color. Good job!

Perks are small bonuses that are applied passively to your passenger. They usually help them,
and provide small advantages with their related stat.

☐ Terrifying Presence - You don’t really exhume a nice aura. Intimidation checks can lead
to quite scared individuals.
☐ Lunk Alarm - Passively intimidate NPCs around you just by using your raw strength.
☐ Pegasusotz - Leg day was never skipped. While carrying very few things, run at double
your average speed.
☐ Party Bus!!!: All space drugs and alcohol grant more bonuses!
☐ Bad Beer: You never get wasted with alcohol and never take negative effects.
☐ Granola: Whenever you eat a full and good meal before a difficult roll, you may give
yourself +1 additive on it.
☐ Bet.: You always win arm-wrestles.
☐ Master Exploder: Whenever you use hope on a muscle roll, take a positive effect for

☐ Episode 3 Switch: Rolls involving firearms get +1 additive.
☐ Space Dandy: Dandy rolls can be used in conversations as composure.
☐ Quick-aid: You’re used to stressful situations, all aid is fast.
☐ Co-Driver: Driving is much easier, and you can navigate out of bad situations using your
driving prowess.
☐ Stealthin’: All rolls involving sneaking gain +1 additive.
☐ Forever Hidden: Take a +1 forward after you disengage from combat and hide with a
control roll.
☐ Cool Off: Whenever there’s full downtime in a location (over +3 hours) when you have
6-damage or more, heal one damage.
☐ Pick up the Pieces: Whenever you help out, give +2 on a great success.

☐ Office Worker at Heart <3: Embezzlement always works out in your favor.
☐ Stealth MK. II: Concealing weapons is much easier. You can now conceal large and
obvious weapons.
☐ Passively Perceptive: You’re much more aware of all your surroundings. Gain +1
perception and have heightened passive perception.
☐ Tool, Tools!: Tools can be used in weird situations.
☐ Bookworm Spaceventure: If you’re rolling and you’ve read about this sort of thing
before, specify the book name and author. You may give yourself a +1 additive if it makes
sense. This can be used once per session.

☐ Temple Reflexes: Reflex rolls dodging traps grants +1 additive.
☐ Life Savings: You know the conversion rate between every currency from memory, even
accounting for current inflation in real time.
☐ Looter’s Flowers: Whenever you gain double dollars, gain an additional $$10.

☐ Cryptid Friendclub: Convincing monsters to be on your side is made possible using
your suave cryptid talking techniques. Use composure.
☐ Elemental Individual: Clarify one element your character would be mostly resistant to.
You are now resistant to that element.
☐ Inherently Kostco: All magic items that have “recharge” can be cast one more time per
gas station at the cost of 3 damage.
☐ Coroner’s Gambit: A bit more fate is on your side. Take +1 Fate while dealing with
things out of your control.
☐ The State of the Universe: O-Class spells all have +1 ongoing.
☐ Just Suave: All gas station magic items are 10% off, just for you!!!
☐ Moving Mountains: If you rolled only successes on a magic roll, don’t let the Roadie
hold entropy.
☐ Waves, Floating: Take +1 forward when someone casts a spell at you.

Gas Stations & Magic Items
The RV rolls up to an old Haverick. The Eye gets out and quickly runs in, buying a whole
barrel of cheese puffs. The Cryptid quietly walks in and is confused by all the drinks with all
their weird colors. And finally, the driver comes out to have a smoke.

Gas stations are the most important part of the Solar Highway. The whole damn economy
teeters on the prices of gas with how many people are driving on it. Gas stations are the most
important thing in the whole universe. Okay-- maybe that was an overstatement. Gas
stations are ugly and old, usually needing repair on everything while being out of stock on
your favorite snacks.

Gas stations operate with the currency of Double Dollars (also called Star Remnants). To put
a point of relativity with the currency, the average price of gas in Utah in 1984 is equal to one
double dollar- a big restaurant burger is worth $$6.99. A double dollar is a round, faintly
glowing silver coin 2cm in diameter.

In Solar Highway, gas stations focus as a rest point between locations, not sessions. You
could have a 3-session long location and see a gas station right after. Gas stations are always
met up on the road after a location is finished and quickly restock everything that the party
lost during their past location. Other than that, gas stations are a good place for…

Passengers can chill and do simple roleplaying at gas stations. There may be an annoying
clerk they can deal with, a troubling bathroom, or other weird things. Every gas station will
be different, whether that’s just the place they’re at, color of the walls, or clerk service, each
gas station will have a somewhat different experience. One thing that’ll remain static during
every gas station is what you can…

Small purchases like cheese puffs or sodas won’t cost any double dollars as they’re pretty
cheap and negligible. Other things that have passive effects (see Buying Magic Items below)
will cost a fair set of double dollars.

Buying Magic Items

Within gas stations, passengers may browse and examine various things. They can purchase
snacks and hangout, preparing for the next location. Gas stations can sell a variety of things,
one of these being magic items. Magic items will be denoted with a (*) suffix.

Usually much more pricey and important, magic items are powerful weapons or tools that
have passives that can help (or harm). In this chapter there’ll be a list of all the potential
magic items you can buy. These items have a cost listed on them, but they can be tweaked
with how the Roadie wants it.

Usually these gas stations only have a small selection of these items, probably around 2-3.
These items can also be returned if not used for half the price they were bought for.

Passengers who hold more than one magic item will let the Roadie hold entropy equal to the
amount of magic items they’re holding at the start of every session. If the Solar Crew’s Eye
holds two magic items, the Roadie may hold two entropy whenever the session starts. If
they’re holding three, the Roadie will hold three. They may be bought and stored in the RV to
not have the entropy penalty.

All the Magic Items

These aren’t all the magic items in Solar Highway. For the Roadie-- Feel free to place these
throughout the world or use them just at gas stations. Tweak the effects and cost if you wish,
and also come up with your own to put in the gas station!

Recharge: Items with the Recharge tag will stop working once it is fully used and have to be
recharged at gas stations.

Lesser Magic Items

Lesser Magic Items will be at a lower cost and have temporary consumable effects. These
items will always be available in unlimited supply at every gas station.
☐ Cloudberry Boosters! | Cost: $$150
Float for 10 seconds! You cannot float more than 2 feet off of the ground.
☐ Jerky BURNT & EXTREME | Cost: $$50
“Take +1 Tough Forward when you chomp down on Jerky BURNT & EXTREME. The
raw, dry, and dusty taste will surely make you stronger.” Is written on the packaging.
The packaging has a funny man on it.
☐ Coolbreeze Mints | Cost: $$50
“Take +1 Cool Forward when you let these mints transport you into the absolute
realm of coolness and coldness. Let your mouth feel like a frozen tundra of sadness!”
Is written on the small blue box. There is an image of a polar bear smiling on it.
☐ Big Brain Vanilla Strips | Cost: $$50
“Experience +1 Sharp Forward as this vanilla strip rests on your tastebuds. With
flavors comparable to those of a full brick wall, find true comfort in this remarkable
snack.” Is on the small plastic packaging. It just has the logo.
☐ Anti-Tolerant Dust | Cost: $$51
The package doesn’t have anything specific on it, just the words. It feels like it would
give you +1 Weird when consumed.

Common Magic Items

Common Magic Items will potentially be sold at each gas station. They’re somewhat
expensive and
☐ Rat’s Wand | Cost: $$500 | Magic
The Rat’s Wand can convert any currency to another currency with a perfect
conversion rate. The roadie will determine how much a specific conversion works.
Roll for Magic when you’re doing this. On a failure you’ll lose a fair amount of the
money you’re converting and not convert it to the one you want. On a mixed success
you’ll get it all but with a somewhat bad conversion rate. On a great success you can
convert it almost 1:1.

Strong Magic Items

Strong Magic Items are powerful and expensive, rarely being sold. These items can range in
☐ Unforgettable Flag | Cost: $$2,500 | Magic | Recharge
The Unforgettable Flag is a large polyester flag with no clear symbols on it. It seems
to contain every possible symbol while saying nothing. Whenever you place the
Unforgettable Flag on a surface, unravel the surface to its bare components--
suspended in the air. It may stay there for a few minutes before falling off.

Solar Magic Items

Solar Magic Items are the most powerful in the universe and fully dictate how an entire arc
will play out.
☐ Entropic Rock | Cost: $$10,000 | Magic | Recharge
The Entropic Rock interior is covered in white stars and glowing masses; light barely
passes through the other side, it resembles looking up at the night sky. It’s entropic to
the touch. When used, this item may instantly put a location to Collapse.

The Roadie
The Roadie determines practically everything on the Solar Highway, from the damage you’ll
be taking to the book you’ll be grabbing from that infinite library’s shelf. The Roadie’s goal
isn’t supposed to make the game painful and unfun, and the passenger’s goal shouldn’t just
be to finish the location as quickly as they can to get over with the session for that night.

Whenever you craft a location, you’ll need to have a hook to keep the passenger’s there and
interested. This doesn’t always have to be the case, but it is a useful metric to keep the game
rolling. Below is a link to the Roadie’s reference packet, which has a lot of useful information.

Roadie Reference Packet

The reference packet includes:
☐ A session template
☐ A session example
☐ The roadie reference sheet

On the reference sheet, here is a notable section:

☐ Be a fan of the passengers!
☐ Make things difficult!
☐ Try to attract entropy!

Solar Highway Principles:

Solar highway is supposed to be a somewhat relaxing TTRPG, that doesn’t mean it should be
☐ Create weird environments
☐ Establish entropy as a danger
☐ Work with your hook.
☐ Nothing is ever safe.
☐ Figure out what’s happening off screen.
☐ Break items, separate the passengers.
☐ Give everyone equal time, don’t leave people out!
☐ Be a fan of your passengers!!!

All of these are important principles to keep the game going at a steady pace and keep
everything fun. Be a fan of all your passengers, don’t pick favorites or be excessively mean to
one of them. Solar Highway is supposed to be fun!

Hard Moves & Mixed Successes

Whenever a passenger completely fails a roll, you’ll be able to take a Hard Move against
them. This is a move you can take immediately or later which are complete negatives for the
passengers. They get caught up in something dangerous, they lose access to specific items or
another player, something really bad. Don’t forget to tell the passenger’s to mark their
experience when they fail.

Mixed successes are a little different. Let the passenger reach their goal with one of these
☐ Price to Pay
☐ Tough Choice
☐ Worse Outcome
They don’t specifically have to be those, but are a good way to keep things risky.

Okay, How do I Write a Session?

Brainstorm some ideas for a session. Your session is going to take place within a Location.
Locations are areas alongside the Solar Highway that are connected to it. They can be a whole
planet, a place that just exists next to the road, or something else. The road may just fade into
a location, with its own sky and atmosphere-- imagine it like actually taking a road trip across
your country. Make sure the locations are what you and your players want, whether that’s just
weird places, familiar places, or anything else. Then, write a hook around that. A giant
monster could be destroying a town and it rears its head when the passengers arrive-- An
economic collapse is unfolding and the party is stuck in a riot in that town. A golden rule is to
justify why the RV stops at a location. The RV won’t stop at Cleveland, Ohio.
Next, you’ll want to find why your locations exist and a short timeline. Write when it was
made, a small scale history, and some backstory. This helps with creating characters or lore
documents around the place.

After that, create some characters, npcs, dangers, traps. All of these are different per location,
and really depend on how you GM games! Dangers could be a large cryptid that has
2-damage (close, messy) claws, traps could be a Reflex roll tripwire. Characters and NPCs
could be people that interact with the party to bring them to places or be in the way.

You’ll be making entropy effects around the location. See Entropy to have your
Thermodynamics Store, and create some themed dangers. Entropy in a pumpkin patch would
probably revolve around roaming tractors with no drivers that start to follow the players.
Entropy in a snowy landscape would cause blizzards and extremely cold temperatures. Find
something that fits!

Finally, write the acts of the session. This’ll make it have a nice flow that lets you gauge where
the passengers are in your location. Act one could be where they arrive and find clues to a
mystery, Act two could be them finding a particular mansion with the crime scene… All the
way to the last Act where they confront the town’s serial murderer!!!

Then, you’ll have a session. Start with the RV rolling in with an optional gas station. Fade into
the location and let the passengers do what they need to do! Locations can have

Your passengers will gain experience over the course of Solar Highway. They’ll take one
experience for every failed roll, and one for every medium event finished (the roadie will
decide when that is)

Leveling up happens on the spot, and make sure they try to theme their level up around the
character. Would your Writer really take that one really OP Lost move?

All sessions end with these questions, make sure to ask them!
End of session questions:
☐ Passenger Lore - Did you learn anything about one of the passengers?
☐ 12 Bar Blues - Did you save someone (not a passenger) from immediate danger?
☐ Plot Device - Did you finish the current location?
☐ RV World - Did you act based on your RV Type in this location?
☐ Solar Highway - Did you learn something about the Solar Highway?
If you answer at least 3, all players can take 1 exp. If you answered 4 or more, take 2
exp. If you answered ALL of them, all players may have a free slice at Skrombolini’s

Tweakable Things
DICE: One thing I noticed in SH was that the games were getting a little too easy. All the
rolls were being passed, so I decided to try rolling d8’s with 7’s and 8’s and successes. You
may tweak whatever dice you need depending on the difficulty of the campaign.
DAMAGE: You may need to deal a lot more damage. You don’t have to increase the damage
you deal, maybe make it so players stumble into more dangerous areas, they lose their armor,
entropy increases, etc.

...And That’s Solar Highway!
Well, that’s the end of the document (for
now!) I finished writing most of it on
September 7th, 2021. (yeah i hate you it is
January 2nd and I barely have this done)
I couldn’t be more grateful for everyone in
the Cryptid Friendclub.

I’d like to specifically thank:

☐ Kayin <3
☐ Sean <3
☐ Wren
☐ Bug
☐ Nonex
☐ Shiba
☐ Kate
☐ Tetra
☐ Spider
☐ Gren
☐ Eel
☐ Arini
☐ Summer (not in the server but thank u)
☐ And everyone else in the server for being such a great person

I wanted to create something that all of us can enjoy playing and experiencing. I have such a
weird imagination when it comes to TTRPGs I just had to make my own system and
experience it. I genuinely love you all, and I want to thank you all so much for helping me
through the hardest points in my life. I hope the Cryptid Friendclub is a place where you can
truly feel safe, you can truly be yourself, because it’s where I feel like I’m at my best. Through
the worst times, we are all there for eachother, and through all the fucked up moments, I feel
like we’re all connected as friends. This is how I wanted to express my gratitude towards all of

And now, go get exploring that fucked up universe!

Thank you for everything,



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