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March 11, 2023
Sagehill Stables Appaloosa Room,
4180 Waverley Street, Winnipeg

Present: Domanie Schadek, Chairperson Karen Lagadi, Vice-Chair

Anneliese (Lisa) Fritz, Treasurer Jo-Ann Park, Secretary
Gwen Donohoe, Sagehill Stables Jeannine Huber-Taylor, 4-H Liaison
Joan Bernardin Becky Bernardin
Kris Bhattacharya Shannon Matthews
Michelle McConomy Robert McConomy
Florence van Dijk

Regrets: Liz McCandless

1 - Adoption of Minutes - February 25, 2023

Moved by Robert McConomy,

That the minutes of the February 25, 2023 meeting be approved as submitted.

2 - Think Spring Fundraiser Event

Members of the Fundraiser Organization Subcommittee provided a verbal update on the

status of the planning and preparations underway, and discussion ensued on the following:

• Confirmation that 2 Social Occasion Raffle Licenses were approved by the Liquor, Gaming &
Cannabis (LGCA) Authority of Manitoba for March 24 and March 25, 2023, with said
Licenses to be posted on-site at the Fundraising Event.

• The application by Sagehill Stables to be the Market Coordinator under the Farmers’ Market
Guidelines (Manitoba Public Health Act), for the operation of the Hot Dog Stand and Baked
Goods Table, has been filed. Awaiting final approval.

• Affirmation of Fundraiser set-up on the Main Floor of Sagehill Stables, accommodating the
CTH Tables for Books, Baking and the Hot Dog Stand in the Appaloosa Room. The Brumby
Room would host Krista Reid’s Velocity Jewelry and Artist Jennifer LaBella, along with
musician Allan Parker’s Palms Music Studio table/equipment. The wall-to-wall shelf in the
Brumby Room would display the various CTH Raffle Baskets.
Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 11, 2023

• Further discussion ensued on the appropriate location of the Ticket Sales Table: to be set
up within the Appaloosa Room as initially planned or to utilize the SHS front desk area.

• Coordination between the Front Door Greeter, and the processing the Waiver forms,
deemed essential to avoiding congestion at the Ticket Table.

• Recommendation that all volunteers involved with the Hot Dog Stand and Baked Goods Table
read the Farmers’ Market Guidelines, in particular, the sections pertaining to the handling of
food. Consensus to be taken as read.

• Recommendation that all volunteers for the Fundraising Event read the “Health and Safety
Considerations for Volunteering” as published by Volunteer Canada, dated April 2020.
Consensus to be taken as read. Volunteer checklist - Volunteering during COVID-19.pdf

• The process for asking individuals and local businesses for donations to include in the Raffle
Baskets, sharing a Donation Ask Letter via in-person visits and/or via email, including the
maintenance of a Prize Procurement List to track and document those contacted, and
donations received to date.
• Acknowledgement of a proposed deadline date of March 17 for donations, in order to
facilitate pick-up and then assembly of the Raffle Baskets by a volunteer.

• The donation of books, new and used, being accepted for sale during the Fundraiser, and as
advertised on the SHS Bulletin Board. Drop-off dates/times established, as well as
volunteers to assemble/sort by categories, including by adult/children materials.

• The donation and acceptance of baked goods for sale during the Fundraiser, in keeping with
the Farmers’ Market Regulations, and as outlined on the SHS Bulletin Board. Drop-off
dates/times established, including volunteers to arrange the goods prior to the Fundraiser,
as well as storage and clean up before/after the Fundraiser.

• Confirmation that a CTH Eventbrite account has been set-up and advance Entry Ticket sales
are currently underway.

• Affirmation of Entry Fee - 1 ticket per person for $10, includes access to pony rides, to
grooming stations, to watch the performance by the SHS Drill Team, along with access to
the CTH tables (hot dog stand, baked goods, books, 50/50 draw, raffle baskets) as well as to
the Vendors.

• All persons entering the facility, with the exception of the following are required to pay the
Entry Fee:
• CTH assigned volunteers and SHS staff on duty
• Complimentary tickets (2) given to each member of the Drill Team
• Boarders attending to their horses, not attending the Fundraiser.

• Suggestion of Hand Stamp at Ticket Sales Table to confirm entry into the Fundraiser

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Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 11, 2023

• Confirmation of the Fundraiser Ticket Price Structure

• 50/50 Draw - 1 ticket for $2, 3 tickets for $5
• Raffle Draws - 1 ticket for $2, 3 tickets for $5
• Bake Sale - 1 ticket for $5 - purchases 1 plate of baking
• Books Sale - 1 ticket for $5 - purchases up to 3 adult books or up to 5 children’s books
• Hot Dog Stand - 1 ticket for $5 - purchases a hot dog and a beverage (soft drink or water).

• Sagehill Stables has committed to ensuring the appropriate number of staff (coaches) are
hired during the fundraiser, incorporating volunteers where appropriate.

• A Volunteer Schedule (Checklist) for Inside Activities was circulated for discussion purposes,
and an updated version will be circulated prior to the next CTH meeting.

• Consensus that a volunteer be assigned as a Greeter, to manage traffic flow and facilitate
signatures on waiver forms, prior to patrons approaching the Ticket Table.

• Consensus that all CTH Volunteers should have some form of identification (i.e. “Hello My
Name Is” sticker or armband).

• Recognition of volunteers required during Books and Baking Drop-Offs, including sorting
of books received, and appropriate storage of baked goods.

• Consensus on the merits of an Out-Door Parking Lot Volunteer to facilitate and monitor
activity in the parking lot, as well as activity upon the grounds of SHS.

• Confirmation that the Square Reader has been purchased, connected to the Cambrian Credit
Union for automatic deposits upon ticket sales, and ready for use.

• Lisa Fritz (Treasurer), Karen Lagadi (Vice-Chair) and Jo-Ann Park (Secretary), the three
Cambrian Credit Union signatories for CTH, consented to be the designated three
operators of the Square for this Fundraising Event.

• Two volunteers to be designated for end-of-day reconciliation (i.e. cash float and tickets).

• A Bulletin Board display at Sagehill Stables dedicated to the Think Spring Fundraiser has
been assembled, highlighting the various aspects - pony rides, grooming stations, meet the
Drill Team, as well as posters asking for donations of books, baking and raffle items.

• Brief mention on the changing aspects of the Bulletin Board display leading up to the
event, as well as use of the bulletin board space to post the winners of the 50/50 Draw,
Raffle Baskets and Door Prizes, as well as a Thank You message, following the event.

• A second Bulletin Board display to be assembled in order to recognize the numerous

individual and business sponsors, as well as to post the required Licenses and Permit.

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Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 11, 2023

• Consensus on the addition of Door Prizes. One free Door Prize ticket included with each
Entry Fee Ticket purchased. Draws to take place at the end of each day. Designated prizes
are a Spring Floral Door Wreath on the Friday, and a Tapestry Wall Hanging on the Saturday.

• Suggestion for the addition of a Photo Booth for photos with a SHS School Horse welcomed.
Shannon Matthews to propose a ticket price and the booth operation (i.e. similiar to Photos
with Santa, all photos given to patrons, no retention by CTH) and report back.

• Review of a working document detailing Fundraiser Tasks, incorporating the various tasks
undertaken to date, those in progress, and those anticipated. Taken as read.

• Domanie Schadek offered to prepare a summary of tasks, outlined by areas of

responsibilities, for the set-up and take-down of the Fundraiser Event. Consensus.

• Introduction of a potential partnership with TOBA Centre for Youth and Children and
Connecting Through Horses. TOBA would like to set up an information booth at the CTH
Fundraiser. TOBA has also offered a donation for the Raffle.

• Consensus for Domanie Schadek and/or Lisa Fritz, including Gwen Donohoe from Sagehill
Stables, to explore opportunities for a potential partnership of CTH with TOBA.

• Consensus for TOBA to set up an Information Booth, in the alcove area in front of the
window to Arena 1, during Think Spring Fundraiser.

• Suggestion for the addition of a second Information Booth at the Think Spring Fundraiser by
the Manitoba Great Pyrenees Rescue. Shannon Matthews to explore opportunity and report
back on logistics.

3 - Executive Committee Update

Name Registration with MB Companies Office

Verbal update that request has been filed for the Name Search. No response back to date.

Letter of Inquiry
Verbal update that Donation Ask Letter for Raffle Baskets was utilized for Fundraiser. Letter
of Inquiry deemed premature. Deferred.

Budget Template
Discussion deemed premature and deferred.

4 - Seniors Stable Subcommittee Update

Verbal update that the Seniors Stable Subcommittee had not met in view of the planning for
the upcoming Think Spring Fundraiser, amongst other reasons.

Brief mention of another youth group (YMCA) that may be seeking an opportunity for a stable
visit and possible lead-line horse riding experience.
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Connecting Through Horses - - Minutes - March 11, 2023

Suggestion that the Subcommittee could be renamed to accommodate stable visits in general.

Recommendation that further discussion on the structure, mandate and membership of all
the various Subcommittees, including the different opportunities regarding stable visits, be
deferred until after the Think Spring Fundraiser. Consensus.

5 - Social Media and Website Update

Website & Social Media

Verbal update on the various website updates, and social media posts on FaceBook, to
advertise for the Think Spring Fundraiser. Volunteer requested to assistance with future
social media and website updates.

Photo Use Release

Verbal update on the prepared format for a Photo Use Release, one for Adults and one for
Minors, for consent for usage of images by Connecting Through Horses, including a Registry
of Names for the one-time approval process. Consensus.

Flyers, Posters, Program Production

No report.

Designation of Media Relations / Communications / Marketing Committee

Verbal update on the one-page submission titled “Communications Plan” dated March 10,
2023, prepared by Jo-Ann Park, assembling the various media, advertising and marketing,
potential partnerships and corporate outreach initiatives undertaken by the Members of
Connecting Through Horses to date.
• Consensus to be taken as read.
• Further discussion on Media Relations / Marketing deferred.

6 - Other Business

New Business
Discussion ensued relative to sharing documents on a common platform, and further
discussion deferred until after the Think Spring Fundraiser.

In the interim, the author/originator would format a document into Adobe PDF when sharing
same with other members of CTH. Consensus.

7 - Next Meeting Date

Consensus on the next meeting date.

Saturday March 18, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom
Gwen Donohoe requested to coordinate Zoom Meeting invite.

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