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Fundamentals of Engineering

Phase Diagram

Dr. Usman Liaqat

Phase Diagram
• Component
▫ Pure metal/compound of which alloys are made of

• Solute

• Solvent

• System

• Solubility Limit

• Phase
▫ Homogenous portion of a system that has uniform physical and
chemical characteristics
• Equilibrium
▫ Free energy is minimum under specified
temperature, pressure and composition

• Unary Phase Diagram

• Binary Phase Diagram

• Isomorphous
• Interpretation of Phase Diagram
▫ Phases present
 Single phase → composition of alloy is composition of

▫ Determination of phase composition

▫ Determination of phase amount

• Binary Eutectic System
▫ Eutectic reaction
▫ Eutectic reaction at single point
▫ Invariant reaction (single point reaction)
▫ Zero degree freedom
▫ Eutectic isotherm
▫ Lamellar structure
• Primary α

• Eutectic α

• Microconstituent
▫ Identifiable and characteristic structure
• Equilibrium Diagrams with Intermediate Phases and
▫ Terminal Solid Solution
▫ Intermediate Solid Solution
▫ Intermetallic Compound

• Eutectoid Reaction

• Peritectic Reaction

• Congruent Transformation
▫ No compositional alteration
▫ Allotropic change

• Incongruent Transformation
▫ At least 1 phase experience change in composition
▫ Eutectic point

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