Interview Assessment - Andy Windon

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● Who did you interview?

Andy Windon

● How did you get this interview?

I have previously talked to his wife, who generously gave me his
information to set up an interview.

● Where was your interview location?

It was an over the phone interview, I used the office for a quiet space and
my tablet to take notes.

● Did you feel comfortable and prepared?

I did, I had questions prepared which was easier because I was aware of his
field and the kind of information I wanted.

● Write a brief summary of what you learned at the interview:
The majority of this interview was technical based, but we also discussed
some things in regards to entering the field. I found much of what we talked about very
interesting and intend to look further into it.

● How would you evaluate this interview?

Poor satisfactory excellent exceptional

● Explain your rating of the interview:

I learned a lot of very valuable information for my future in this interview!

III. Will this interview lead to your mentor?


- Will you ask this person to be your mentor?

Possibly, I have one more contact I would like to talk to and I’ll make a decision
after that

- Did this interview lead to other connections?


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