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Sociology Part Two Articles

Hashtag activism
Written by Ying Xiong and Brandon Boatwright, this article focuses on the role
of social media and the follows the factors that lead to progress of movements
such as me too. It tracks the uses of tools such as hashtags and twitter in order
to look at how and where the movement ends up. It uses the feminism and
functionalist perspectives from sociology to further convey its messages. The
authors also provide a brief explanation into what social movements are and
how they come about to be. Even though the article is more focused on the
carrying out of the movement than the sociological perspectives associated
with them, it still is at its core about the me too movement and that is what the
focus of my article was. This issue provided a progressive and non-traditional
perspective on the me too movement, and one that was necessary for the
better understanding of the matter and how it came about to be.
Marxism and Class, gender and Race, Rethinking the trilogy
Penned by Martha E. Gimenez, this article was used as a reference to better
provide information on what the marxist perspective states about gender
inequalities within the workplace settings. According to the theory, the gendered
discrimination faced by women at their respective workplaces and in general
occurs mainly due to the way economic inequalities have been embedded into
the structure of our society. There are class divides at play mainly due to the
increasingly prominent becoming financial disparity. As the society divulges
more and more into this partisanship, it loses sight of equality and becomes
unfair and unjustified at its core. The issue is focused on more and other
aspects correlated to this divide such as race. This was a new and different
perspective to have been incorporated into the paper as it puts the Blame on
other partisanships within our society and highlights their direct relationship
with gender inequality.
Symbolic Interactionism
Authors Micheal J Carter and Celene Fuller are both renowned authors that talk
about one of the most interesting and often most over looked perspectives in
sociology, symbolic interactionism. This theory is highly applicable to the matter
at hand as it is different from all the other ones at this one looks at things on a
micro level. Through explanations of the society such as the one stating that
society operates on repeated interactions between humans, it brings the
readers attention to a completely unexplored place. Where all the other theories
look at solidarity and group roles as a potential cause for gender inequality, this
perspective is more focused on the individual cases and how the whole issue
arose from individual interactions. This issue brings depth to the paper and
moreover, it adds variety to the point of views used to examine the movement.

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