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Q1. Define the following terms

a. coefficient of discharge- is a dimensionless measure of the discharge rate of flow

b. coefficient of velocity-is a dimensionless measure of the average velocity of flow

c. coefficient of contraction- is a dimensionless measure of the average construction rate of a flow

d. coefficient of themac expansion -is the change in volume over the change in temperature

Q2. A copper hot water pipe ,30m cons forced and tested with water at 10c by how much will the
length of this pipe increase when it expands coefficient= 0,000016

-0,00006x 30 x 10= 0,0018m or 1,8cm

iii)A polythene waste pipe at 15c receive a discharge of hot water at 60c if the water pipe is 3m long
how much will this temperature increase ,cause it to lengthen coefficient =0,000018

-3m x 0,000018 x 45= 0,00243m or 2,43mm

Q5.Define the following terms

a. Arrows – are parts of a farming system that hold up a roof or wall

b. Soaker- are used to provide localized water damage control on walls and roofs

c. Sheet weatherings – is the result of perpendicular forces on a building surface , such as wind
cause the surface to slowly deteriorate

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