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भाग 1


a.m. : ante meridian पूवार्ह्न abbreviation of a name : [s. 2(1)(k), Trade and Merchandise
A abandon : to give up; to leave without help; to surrender Marks Act] नाम का सं�प े ; [s. 2(c), Emblems and Names
control or possession, frequently with the knowledge that the (Prevention of lmproper Use) Act] नाम का सं��प्त रूप
thing abandoned is left for the mercy of someone or something
abduct : to take away (especially a person) by fraud or force; to
else [s. 68(2), T.P. Act] प�रत्याग करना ; प�रत्यक्त करना induce a person to go from any place, by force or deceitful
abandon any of the objects : [s. 17(1)(e), Companies Act] means [s. 362, I.P.C.] अपहरण करना
उद्दे श्य� म� से �कसी को प�रत्यक्त करना
abduction : the action of abducting [s. 362, I.P.C.] अपहरण
abandon his application : [s. 21(2), Trade and Merchandise
aberration, mental : unsoundness of the mind, especially
Marks Act] अपने आवेदन का प�रत्याग करना
unsoundness insufficient to constitute insanity मान�सक �वपथन
abandoned assets : प�रत्यक्त आस्�तयां abet : to instigate or encourage the commission of a crime
abandonment : the action of abandoning [s. 30, expln., Indian [s. 3(1), General Clauses Act and s. 278, Income-tax Act] 1
Evidence Act, s. 4(c), Gift-tax Act and art. 39(f), Const.] दष्ु प्रेरण ; दष्ु प्रे�रत करना
प�रत्याग abetment : the action or fact of abetting [s. 30. expln.. Indian
abandonment of child : [s. 317, I.P.C.] �शशु का प�रत्याग Evidence Act, s. 278, Income-tax Act and ss. 89, fourthly, 107,
132, 135 and 138. I.P.C.] दष्ु प्रेरण
abandonment of works : संकमर् प�रत्याग
abetment of false returns : [s. 22, Companies (Profits) Surtax
abate: 1. to put an end to; to curtail [Or. 22, r. 1, C.P.C.]
Act] �मथ्या �ववर�णय� का दष्ु प्रेरण
उपशमन करना ; to come to naught [s. 14, Sick Textile
abettor : one who abets the commission of a crime [ss. 108 and
Undertakings (Taking Over of Management) Act] उपशमन
445, firstly, I.P.C.] दष्ु प्रेरक
होना ; 2. [s. 1, Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act]
abettor of the offence : [s. 445, secondly, I.P.C.] अपराध का
समाप्त करना ; 3. [s. 36, Indian Easements Act] हटाना ; 4. to
दष्ु प्रेरक
decrease कम करना
abeyance : a state of suspension प्रास्थगन
abate in equal proportion : [s. 49(2), Presidency-towns
Insolvency Act] समान अनप
ु ात म� कमी होना abide by : [art. 51A(a), Const.] पालन करना
abatement : 1. the action of abating; being abated [Or. 22, r. 1, ability : the quality or state of being able योग्यता
C.P.C.] उपशमन ; 2. decrease [s. 12(3)(b)(i), Specific Relief
abjure violence : [art. 51A(i), Const.] �हंसा से दरू रहना
Act] कमी ; [s. 46(1), Estate Duty Act] कम कर दे ना
able : having sufficient power or capacity समथर्; योग्य
abatement by reason of death : [Or. 22, r. 6, C.P.C.] मत्ृ यु के
able-bodied : समथा�ग ; समथर् शर�र
कारण उपशमन
able seaman : योग्य ना�वक
abatement certificate : उपशमन प्रमाणपत्र
abatement made by application of bonus : [IVth sch., form H abnormal profit : [s. 349(4)(d), Companies Act] अप्रसामान्य
para 7, Insurance Act] बोनस के उपयोजन द्वारा क� गई कमी लाभ
abatement of duty on damaged or deteriorated goods : [s. 22, aboard an unregistered ship : [s. 2(2), Citizenship Act] �कसी
Customs Act] उस माल पर शुल्क क� कमी िजसका नकु सान या �य अरिजस्ट्र�कृत पोत के फलक पर
हो गया है
abode, place of : �नवास-स्थान ; वास-स्थान
abatement of legacies : the proportional diminution or reduction
abolish : to put an end to; to demolish or destroy (mainly of
of the pecuniary legacies, when the funds or assets out of which
such legacies are payable are not sufficient to pay them in full institutions, customs and practices) उत्सा�दत करना ; उत्सादन
वसीयत संपदा म� कमी करना
abatement of nuisance : [s. 44C, Inland Vessels Act] न्यस
ू �स का abolished, is : [art. 17, Const.] अंत �कया जाता है
उपशमन abolition : [s. 15(e), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act,
s. 27(1)(d), Coir Industry Act and art. 110(1)(a) and art.
abatement of rent : [s. 7(xi)(f), Court-fees Act] भाटक का
117(1), prov., Const.] उत्सादन ; [long title, Rulers of Indian
States (Abolition of Privileges) Act] समाप्�त ; अंत
abatement of suit : [Or. 22, r. 1, C.P.C.] वाद का उपशमन
abolition of posts : पद� का अंत ; पद� क� समाप्�त
abatement of suit and bar of suit : वाद का उपशमन और वाद का abolition of privy purses : [long title, Rulers of Indian States
वजर्न (Abolition of Privileges) Act] �नजी थैल� क� समाप्�त
abatement of water pollution : [s. 16(2)(h), Water (Prevention abolition of titles : [art. 18, margin, Const.] उपा�धय� का अंत
and Control of Pollution) Act] जल प्रदष
ू ण का उपशमन
abolition of untouchability : [art. 17, margin, Const.] अस्पश्ृ यता
abatement, plea in : a plea taken with reference to actions at law
to the effect that the action is utterly dead and cannot be revived का अंत
except by commencing a new action उपशमन-अ�भवाक् abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in States : [art.
abbreviation : a shortened form of a written word or phrase used 169, margin, Const.] राज्य� म� �वधान प�रषद� का उत्सादन या सज
ृ न
for brevity in place of the whole [s. 98. Indian Evidence Act] aboriginal : आ�दवासी
aboriginal welfare officers : आ�दवासी कल्याण अ�धकार�
abortive : 1. fruitless [s. 7(2)(i)(b), Indian Telegraph Act] बेकार ; ill. (c), I.P.C.] अनप
ु स्�थ�त
व्यथर् ; 2. [s. 42(a), Income-tax Act] �नष्फल absence abroad : [s. 90(7), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] �वदे श
abortive exploration expenses : [s. 42(a), Income-tax Act] वास के कारण अनुपस्�थ�त
�नष्फल खोज के खच�
absence allowance : [s. 280(2)(e), Cantonments Act] अनप
ु स्�थ�त भत्ता
abortive trial : a trial in which no verdict is reached without any
improper act or conduct of the parties �नष्फल �वचारण absence from duty : कतर्व्य से अनप
ु स्�थ�त ; ड्यट
ू � से अनप
ु स्�थ�त
absence, illness or any other cause, owing to : [art. 65(2),
about to take steps : [s. 18(1), Arbitration Act] कदम उठाने वाला
Const.] अनपु स्�थ�त, बीमार� या अन्य �कसी कारण से
above all : beyond every other consideration सव�प�र ; सबसे बड़ी
absence of, during the : [art. 91(2), Const.] क� अनप
ु स्�थ�त म�
बात यह है �क
absence of evidence : [s. 35, ill., T.P. Act] सा�य का अभाव
above ground : [s. 2(2)(b), Mines Act] भ�ू म के ऊपर
absence of person : [s. 8, ill. (e), Indian Evidence Act] व्यक्�त क�
above named plaintiff : [sch. I, app. A, form No. 38, C.P.C.]
उक्त वाद�; ऊपर ना�मत वाद� अनप
ु स्�थ�त

above par : अ�धमूल्य पर ; सममल्

ू य से ऊपर ; औसत से ऊंचा absence on duty in his district : अपने िजले म� अन्यत्र कतर्व्यारूढ़ होने
के कारण अनुपस्�थ�त
above, referred to : [Or. 41, r. 14(2), C.P.C.] ऊपर �न�दर् ष्ट
absence without leave : [ss. 29(1) and 133(4), Navy Act and s. 92(b),
above the rank of : [s. 34, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act]
Air Force Act] ; छुट्ट� �बना अनुपस्�थ�त
क� पंक्�त के ऊपर
absent : 1. not present; being away in another place [s. 26(1), prov.,
abrasion : superficial injury to skin or mucous membrane from
Representation of the People Act, 1951] अनुपस्�थत ; 2. being
scrapping or rubbing art खर�च ; �छलना
elsewhere [s. 93(3)(a), Navy Act] अन्यत्र होना
abrasive wheel : [s. 30(1), Factories Act] अपघष� चक्र
absent from duty : ड्यट
ू � से अनप
ु स्�थत
abridge 2
abridge : to make shorter; to curtail; to diminish न्यूनन; [art. absent on leave : [2nd sch., para 11(b)(ii), Const.] छुट्ट� लेकर

13(2) and art. 31B, Const.] न्यून करना ; सं��प्त करना अनुपस्�थत

abridgement : cutting short; abbreviation preserving the essence absent otherwise than on duty : [s. 10(1), Registration Act]
ू न कतर्व्यारूढ़ होने से अन्यथा अनप
ु स्�थत

abridgement of the work : [s. 2(a)(iii), Copyright Act] कृ�त का absent, physically : वस्तुत: अनुपस्�थत

सं�ेपण absent without leave : [s. 13(1)(b), Unit Trust of India Act and
s. 13(2)(b), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] इजाजत के
abridges any of the rights : [art. 31A, Const.] �कसी अ�धकार को
�बना अनप
ु स्�थत ; छुट्ट� के �बना अनप
ु स्�थत
न्यून करता है
abroad, resident : [s. 230(1), Indian Contract Act] �वदे श �नवासी absorb
abrogate : to abolish by official, authoritative or formal action; to absentation from intoxicants : [s. 4(4), Probation of Offenders
annul a formal law by an act of the legislative power [s. 4, Navy Act] मादक पदाथ� से प्र�वरत रहना
Act] �नराकृत होना ; �नराकरण करना ; �नराकरण होना
absentee : अनप
ु स्�थत
abrogate the right guaranteed : गारं ट� �कए गए अ�धकार को
absentee statement : अनप
ु स्�थ�त �ववरण
�नराकृत करना
absolute : 1. unqualified; free from external restraint or limitation
abrogating any right : [s. 16. Copyright Act] �कसी अ�धकार को [s. 58(c), T.P. Act] आत्यं�तक; 2. free from doubt [s. 132(1), Army
�नराकृत करना Act] स्पष्ट; 3. complete and outright [s. 15, para 4, Indian
abrogation : [s. 2(50), Companies Act] �नराकरण Easements Act] पूण;र् 4. final and not liable to modification or
abscond : to hide away, especially to escape arrest; to go out of termination [second sch., item 6(2), Income-tax Act] अं�तम
the jurisdiction of the court to conceal oneself in order to avoid
legal process or to escape arrest [s. 8, ill., (h), Indian Evidence absolute deafness : पूणर् ब�धरता
Act] फरार होना absolute discharge : [second sch., item (42), Provincial Insolvency
Act] आत्यं�तक उन्मोचन
absconded or departed : [s. 32, Provincial Insolvency Act] फरार हो
गया है या चला गया है absolute interest : आत्यं�तक �हत

absconder : one who absconds; one who hides to escape a legal process absolute discretion : पूणत
र् : �ववेकाधीन
फरार� ; फरार absolute liability : liability irrespective of intention or negligence such
absconding debtor : फरार ऋणी as liability for the escape of dangerous things आत्यं�तक दा�यत्व

absconding person : a person against whom a warrant has been issued absolute majority : a majority comprising more than half of the total
and who has absconded so that such warrant cannot be executed number of votes [s. 132(1), Army Act] स्पष्ट बहुमत
[ss. 82 and 83, Cr. P.C.] फरार व्यक्�त absolute or conditional : [s. 129, Companies Act] आत्यं�तक या सशतर्
absence : 1. being wanting or non-existing [s. 109, T.P. Act] ; अभाव 2. रूप से
the state of being absent or away [s. 108, expln. 3, ill. (b) and s. 109, absolute, order made : [s. 133(1), Cr. P.C.] आदे श को अं�तम
करना abstaining : प्र�वरत रहना
absolute order of discharge : [s. 38(2)(a), Presidency-towns Insolvency abstention : the action of abstaining [s. 2(20), Employees’ State
Act and s. 41(2)(a), Provincial Insolvency Act] उन्मोचन का आत्यं�तक Insurance Act] प्र�वर�त
आदे श abstention from work : [s. 2(20), Employees’ State Insurance Act]
absolute owner : person capable of disposing the whole interest in काम से प्र�वर�त ; काम से अलग होना
immoveable property although it is charged or encumbered [first sch., abstinence : the action or practice of abstaining [s. 2(a), Indian
app. A, No. 13(2) and No. 35, C.P.C.] आत्यं�तक स्वामी ; पूणर् स्वामी Contract Act] प्र�वर�त
absolute power of disposition : [s. 23, expln., 1, Estate Duty Act] abstract : a summary or an epitome [s. 62, Mines Act and s. 165(3)(c),
व्ययन क� आत्यं�तक शक्�त Companies Act] सं��प्त ; सार ; अमत ू र् ; �नकालना
absolute privilege : �नरपे� �वशेषा�धकार; absolute privilege abstract book : सार पुस्�तका
renders defendant absolutely immune from civil liability for his
abstract contingent bill : सं��प्त आकस्�मक व्यय �बल
defamatory statements आत्यं�तक �वशेषा�धकार
absolute right : [sch. I, table A, interpretation 6, Companies Act] abstract, in the : �सद्धांत रूप म� ; सार रूप म� ; सारत:
आत्यं�तक अ�धकार abstract of tender : �न�वदा का सार
absolute title : आत्यं�तक हक abstract of the instrument : [s. 31(2), Indian Stamp Act] �लखत क�
absolute undertaking : [s. 3, Indian Carriage of Goods by Sea Act] सं��प्�त ; �लखत का सार
स्पष्ट प�रवचन abstract of the receipts of the company : [s. 165(3)(c), Companies
absolute warranty of seaworthiness : [s. 3, Indian Carriage of Goods Act] कंप�नय� क� प्राप्�तय� का सार
by Sea Act] यात्रा-योग्यता क� स्पष्ट वारं ट�
abstract theory : [s. 3(c), Patent Act] अमूतर् �सद्धांत
absolutely : in an absolute manner or degree; without condition or
abstracting water : [s. 20(2), Water (Prevention and Control of
limitation [ss. 7, 67 and 135, T.P. Act] आत्यं�तक रूप से ; [s.
Pollution) Act] जल �नकालना
8(2), Army Act] आत्यं�तकत: ; पण
ू र् रूप से
abstraction : [s. 39, Indian Electricity Act] �नकालना ; सं�प
े ीकरण
absolutely debarred : [first sch., app. D, form No. 3(5), C.P.C.]
आत्यं�तकत: �वविजर्त; पूणर् रूप से �वविजर्त abstractor : सं�ेपकार
absolutely foreclosed : [first sch., app, D. form No. 3(5), C.P.C.] absurd : अथर्ह�न ; बेतक
ु ा
आत्यं�तकत: पुरोबं�धत absurd argument : हास्यास्पद तकर् ; बेतक
ु ा तकर्
absolutely or conditionally : [s. 7, T.P. Act] आत्यं�तक रूप से या absurdity : अथर्ह�नता ; बेतक
ु ापन
सशतर् abuse : 1. misuse ; improper use ; perversion [s. 482, Cr. P.C.]
absolutely restraining the transferee : [s. 10, T.P. Act] जो अंत�रती दरु
ु पयोग ; 2. to misuse ; to take bad advantage of [art. 39(e), Const.]
को आत्यं�तकत: अवरुद्ध करती है दरु
ु पयोग करना
absolutely, transfer : आत्यं�तक रूप से अंतरण करना ; पूणर् रूप से abuse of powers : शक्�तय� का दरु
ु पयोग
अंतरण करना abuse of the process (of court) : improper use of a regular legal
process by which an unfair advantage is obtained by a party to the
absolutely vested : [s. 135, T.P. Act] आत्यं�तक रूप से �न�हत
proceeding over an opponent [s. 482, Cr. P.C.] कायर्वाह� का
absolutely void in law : [s. 49(d)(1), Indian Stamp Act] �व�ध क� दरु
ु पयोग
दृष्�ट से पूणर् रूप से शून्य
abusive language : [s. 120(b), Indian Railways Act] गाल�-गलौज क�
absolve from liability : [s. 342(2), Companies Act] दा�यत्व से मुक्�त पा भाषा
abut : [s. 2(iia), Cantonments Act] लगा होना ; सीमा स्पशर्न
absorb : to take in; to assimilate [s. 12(1)(f), International Airports
abutting : having a common boundary with [s. 52(2)(i), Inland Vessels
Authority Act] आमे�लत करना ; आमेलन करना
Act] संस्पश� ; साथ लगा हुआ
absorb in regular service 3
abutting navigable channels : [s. 52(2)(i), Inland Vessels Act]
absorb in regular service : [s. 12(1)(f), International Airports Authority
नौप�रवहनीय जलमाग� से संस्पश�
Act] �नय�मत सेवा म� आमे�लत करना
academic : �वद्या संबंधी ; शै��क ; शै��णक ; शास्त्रीय
absorbed areas : [s. 2(b), Absorbed Areas (Laws) Act] आमे�लत �ेत्र
absorbed employee : [s. 2(a), Goa, Daman and Diu (Absorbed
academic advisory committee : [s. 14, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Employees) Act] आमे�लत कमर्चार�
Act] �वद्या सलाहकार स�म�त
absorbed post : [s. 2(b), Goa, Daman and Diu (Absorbed Employees)
academic body : [s. 13(1), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act]
Act] आमे�लत पद
शै��णक �नकाय
absorbing State : [s. 2(a), Merged States (Laws) Act] आमेलक राज्य
abstain : to keep oneself away (from); to withold oneself from academic council : [s. 3(2), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act and
(participation or action) [s. 2(a), Indian Contract Act] प्र�वरत रहना s. 2(a), Aligarh Muslim University Act] �वद्या प�रषद्
abstain from a certain act : [s. 144(1), Cr. P.C.] कायर्-�वशेष न academic distinctions : [s. 6(1)(b), Institutes of Technology Act]
करना �वद्या संबंधी �वशेष उपा�धयां ; [art. 18(1), Const.] �वद्या संबंधी
सम्मान acceptability : स्वीकायर्ता
academic education : [s. 71A(c)(iii), Indian Railways Act] acceptable : worthy or likely to be accepted प्र�तग्राह्य
शास्त्रीय �श�ा acceptance : the action or fact of accepting; in its widest sense it
academic institution : शै��णक संस्था is the act of assenting to an offer [ss. 35 and 112, T. P. Act]
academic interest : [sch., statute 19(c), Aligarh Muslim प्र�तग्रहण ; स्वीकृ�त
University] शै��णक �हत acceptance, general 4
academic life : [s. 29(1)(n), Aligarh Muslim University Act] acceptance, general : साधारण स्वीकृ�त
शै��णक जीवन
acceptance house : 1. स्वीकृ�त गहृ ; 2. सकार घर
academic life of the university : [s. 26(m), North-Eastern Hill
acceptance must be absolute : [s. 7, Indian Contract Act]
University Act] �वश्व�वद्यालय का शै��णक जीवन
प्र�तग्रहण आत्यं�तक होना ह� चा�हए
academic matter : [s. 33(2)(a), Institutes of Technology Act]
acceptance of bill : the signification by the drawee of his assent
शै��क �वषय
to the order of a drawer �व�नमय पत्र का प्र�तग्रहण
academic merit : शै��णक योग्यता
acceptance of promise : [s. 9, Indian Contract Act] वचन का
academic officer : [s. 19(2), Aligarh Muslim University Act]
शै��णक अ�धकार�
academic performances : [sch., 2, 15(7)(b), Visva Bharati Act] acceptance of proposal : [s. 3, Indian Contract Act] प्रस्थापना का
शै��णक उपलब्�धयां प्र�तग्रहण
academic policy : [s. 25(1), Aligarh Muslim University Act] acceptance of tender : �न�वदा क� स्वीकृ�त
शै��णक नी�त
acceptance, qualified : सापे� स्वीकृ�त
academic post : [s. 5(6), University of Hyderabad Act] शै��णक
acceptances : स्वीकृत हुंडी ; स्वीकारोक्�तयां
acceptances book : स्वीकार बह�
academic qualifications : शै��णक योग्यताएं
accepted as authentic : [s. 52(r)(ii), prov., Copyright Act]
academic session : [sch., statute 29(2)(b)(i), Aligarh Muslim अ�धप्रमा�णत रूप म� स्वीकृत
University Act] शै��णक सत्र
accepted as correct : [s. 9(b), Companies (Profits) Surtax Act]
academic staff : [s. 27(k), Aligarh Muslim University Act] ठ�क मान कर स्वीकृत कर ल� गई
शै��णक कमर्चा�रवंद

acceptor : one who accepts [s. 7, Negotiable Instruments Act]
academic staff, non- : [s. 14(2)(a), Jawaharlal Nehru University प्र�तग्रह�ता
Act] अशै��णक कमर्चा�रवंद ृ
acceptor for honour : [s. 7, Negotiable Instruments Act]
academic step : [s. 5(2), North-Eastern Hill University Act] आदरणाथर् प्र�तग्रह�ता
शै��णक कायर्वाह�
acceptor of bill of exchange : the person who accepts a bill of
academic work : [sch., statute 25(1), Aligarh Muslim University exchange (generally the drawee) or who engages to be
Act] शै��णक कायर् primarily responsible for its payment [ss. 41 and 42,
Negotiable Instruments Act and s. 14, Indian Evidence Act]
academic year : शै��णक वषर्
�व�नमय पत्र का प्र�तग्रह�ता
academy : society of listed individuals united for advancement of
acceptor supra protest : one who accepts a protested bill of
art, science or literature; a school above the elementary level
exchange on which he is not already liable for the honour of
अकादमी some party to the bill, the accept, being liable to the holder and
all parties subsequent to the one for whose honour he accepts
accede to : [s. 517(1), Companies Act] सम्�म�लत होना ; to agree
[s. 7, Negotiable Instruments Act] प्रसा�याधीन प्र�तग्रह�ता
मान लेना
access : 1. approach, or the means, power, or opportunity of
acceding State : [s. 3, Government Trading Taxation Act] approaching; an opportunity for sexual intercourse [s. 112,
सम्�म�लत होने वाला राज्य Indian Evidence Act and s. 55(1), C.P.C.] पहुंच ; 2. to gain
acceding to : अंगीकार करना access to data, a file [s. 2(a), Information Technology Act]
acceding to convention : [art. 12(2), Foreign Awards अ�भगम ; 3. entry [s. 2(ze)(a), Information Technology Act]
(Recognition and Enforcement) Act] कन्व� शन को अंगीकार करना प्रवेश
accelerate the death : [s. 299, expln. I, I.P.C.] मत्ृ यु त्व�रत कर access and use of light : [s. 25(1), Limitation Act] प्रकाश का
दे ना प्रवेश और उपयोग
acceleration of estate : संपदा क� त्व�रत प्राप्�त access by scaling or climbing over any wall : [s. 445, secondly,
I.P.C.] �कसी द�वार पर सीढ़� द्वारा या अन्यथा चढ़कर पहुंच
accept : to take or receive with consenting mind [s. 2(b), Indian
Contract Act] प्र�तग्रहण करना ; प्र�तगह
ृ �त करना ; [art. 109(3), accessible : 1. capable of being reached [s. 12, Beedi and Cigar
Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act] पहुंच म� ; 2. easy to
Const.] स्वीकार करना
approach सग
ु म
accept the confidence : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] �वश्वास
accessible place : [s. 3E, Employment of Children Act] सग
ु म
ृ �त करना
accept the plea : अ�भवाक् प्र�तगह
ृ �त करना
accessibility : [s. 18(1), Indian Electricity Act] पहुंच accidents, fortuitous : [Rules for Policy, para 7, Marine
accession : 1. coming to as an addition; the mode of acquiring Insurance Act] आकस्�मक दघु ट
र् नाएं
property by which the owner of a corporal substance (as land accidents investigation officer : दघ
ु ट
र् ना अन्वेषण अ�धकार�
or cattle) becomes the owner of addition by growth, increase or
accommodation : 1. anything which serves the need of residence
labour; any property so acquired [s. 63, T.P. Act] अनवु द्
ृ �ध ; 2.
[s. 55(1), C.P.C.] वास-सु�वधा ; 2. room; space [s. 11(2)(b),
coming to the throne [s. 57(5), Indian Evidence Act]
राज्यारोहण ; 3. coming to an office [s. 57(7), Indian Evidence Plantations Labour Act] जगह ; 3. provision of what is needful
or desirable for convenience, such as, accommodation by way
Act] पदारोहण ; 4. increase by something added अ�ध�मलन ; of loan or other pecuniary assistance in emergency [s. 44, ill.,
5. assent [art. 57, Geneva Conventions Act] स्वीकृ�त Negotiable Instruments Act] सौकयर् ; 4. lodging [s. 198(4),
accession, instrument of : [art. IX(2), Foreign Awards Act] expln. (a), Companies Act] वास ; 5. quarters [sch. I, table D,
अंगीकार पत्र
3rd item, Companies Act] आवासन ; 6. convenience [s. 7(1),
accession to office : पदारोहण Indian Railways Act] सु�वधा ; 7. supplying of wants especially,
housing [s. 50(d), Indian Railways Act] स्थान-स�ु वधा
accommodation and conveyance : [s. 50(d), Indian Railways
accommodation for the crossing of a road
Act] स्थान-सु�वधा और प्रवहण
accessory : 1. an object or device is not essential in itself but that
adds to the convenience or effectiveness of something else; an accommodation, as an : [s. 44, ill., Negotiable Instruments Act]
adjunct or accompaniment [s. 2(a)(iii), Essential Commodities सौकयर् के �लए
Act and fifth sch., item 8, Income-tax Act] उपसाधन ; 2. accommodation draft : सौकयर् ड्राफ्ट
subsidiary; present along with something more important
accommodation for the crossing of a road : [s. 11(3)(c), Indian
[s. 33, Indian Easements Act] समनुषं�गक ; 3. one who aids or
Railways Act] सड़क पार करने के �लए सु�वधा
gives countenance to a crime [s. 6, Explosive Substances Act]
accommodation free of charge 5
accommodation free of charge : [s. 198(4), expln. (a),
accessory licence : a licence necessary for the enjoyment of any
interest or the exercise of any right [s. 55, Indian Easements Companies Act] प्रभार-मुक्त वास
Act] समनष ु ं�गक अन�ु प्�त ; आनष
ु ं�गक अन� ु प्�त accommodation holding : वास प्र�ेत्र
accessory obligation : an obligation subordinate to the main or accommodation, house : [s. 2(vi)(e)(2), Payment of Wages Act]
principal one; such as an obligation to pay annual rent under a गह
ृ वास सु�वधा
lease उपबाध्यता
accommodation, housing : [s. 10(20A), Income-tax Act] �नवास-
accessory of an automobile : [s. 2(a)(iii), Essential Commodities
Act] मोटर गाड़ी का उपसाधन
accommodation letter : सौकयर् पत्र
accessory products : समनष
ु ं�गक उत्पाद
accessory right : a right supplementary or secondary to a right of accommodation note : सौकयर् पत्र
greater or primary importance [s. 24, Indian Easements Act] accommodation note or bill : a note or bill made, drawn,
समनुषं�गक अ�धकार accepted or endorsed by one person for another without
consideration to enable that other to raise money or obtain
accessory to : [s. 30(1)(c), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
credit thereby [s. 59, prov., Negotiable Instruments Act] सौकयर्
का उपसाधन
पत्र या �वपत्र
accident : 1. a sudden event occurring without intent or volition
whether through negligence, carelessness, unawareness, accommodation of persons : [s. 3(2)(b), Requisitioning and
ignorance or a combination of causes and producing an Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] व्यक्�तय� क� वास-
unfortunate result; an unexpected happening causing loss or
injury which is not due to the fault of the person [s. 80, I.P.C.] सु�वधा
दघु ट
र् ना ; anything that happens घटना accommodation of travellers : [sch. I, table D, item 3,
Companies Act] या�त्रय� का आवासन
accident at sea : [s. 82(1), Indian Railways Act] समद्र
ु पर दघ
ु ट
र् ना
accident of the sea : [sch., art. IV(2)(c), Indian Carriage of accommodation officer : आवास अ�धकार�
Goods by Sea Act] समद्र
ु क� दघु ट
र् ना accommodation works : [s. 11(3)(a), Indian Railways Act]
सु�वधा संकमर्
accident prone area : दघ
ु ट
र् ना संभा�वत �ेत्र
accomplice : one concerned with another or others in the
accidental : happening by or pertaining to chance [s. 15, Indian commission of offence; an associate in crime or guilt [ss. 114,
Evidence Act and s. 57(v), Mines Act] आकस्�मक ill. (b), 133, Indian Evidence Act and s. 192, ill. (c), I.P.C.] सह
accidental fire : [s. 33B(iii), Income-tax Act] आकस्�मक आग अपराधी
accidental omission : [s. 152, C.P.C., s. 172(3), Companies Act
accomplish : to complete [s. 148, Indian Contract Act] पूरा करना
and s. 40(2), Children Act] आकस्�मक लोप
accomplishment of purpose : प्रयोजन पूरा होना
accidental slip : [s. 152, C.P.C. and s. 40(2), Children Act]
आकस्�मक भूल ; [s. 154, Customs Act] आकस्�मक चक accord and satisfaction : mutual agreement and fulfilment of

obligation समझौता और तुष्�ट
accidentally : in an accidental manner; without intention or
design [s. 58(1) (a), Representation of the People Act, 1951] accordance with, in : [s. 12(1), Maternity Benefit Act] के अनुसार
घटनावश ; [s. 75(6), Motor Vehicles Act] संयोगवश
accorded, given or granted : [s. 629A, Companies Act] द� गई या
अनुद� क� गई खाता
according as the state of business : [s. 3, Civil Courts Amins account, drawing : आहरण लेखा
Act] काम क� अपे�ानुसार
account, duplicate : [s. 203, Indian Succession Act] दोहरा लेखा
according to : [s. 235(2), Cr. P.C.] के अनुसार
account, exchange : �व�नमय लेखा
according to law : [s. 235(2), Cr. P.C.] �व�ध के अनुसार
account, falsification of : �मथ्या लेखा बनाना
accordingly : in accordance with the premises [s. 117, Cr. P.C.]
तदनुसार account, fictitious : बनावट� लेखा

account : 1. a statement of moneys received and paid with account, final : अं�तम लेखा
calculation of balance लेखा ; �हसाब ; 2. a formal record of account, finance : �व� लेखा
debits and credits relating to the person named or caption
account, fixed deposit : साव�ध जमा लेखा
placed at the head of the ledger account खाता ; 3. computation;
account for : 1. to give an account of; to answer for [s. 195, ill.
reckoning गणना ; 4. a statement of facts or occurrences व�
ृ ांत ;
(b), Indian Contract Act and s. 27C(2), Emigration Act] लेखा-
कै�फयत ; �ववरण
जोखा दे ना ; कै�फयत दे ना ; 2. to give a reason for; to tell the cause
account, abstract : सार लेखा
of [s. 114, ill. (a), Indian Evidence Act] कारण बताना ; 3. to render
account, bad debt reserve : डूबंत ऋण आर��त लेखा accounts [sch. I, app. F, form No. 10, C.P.C. and s. 143, ill. (a),
account, bad debts : डूबंत ऋण लेखा Indian Contract Act] लेखा दे ना ; उ�रदायी होना
account for the proceeds : [s. 195, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act]
account, balance an : लेखा संतु�लत करना
आगम� का लेखा-जोखा दे ना
account, balance on : लेखा संतुलन
account, goods : माल लेखा
account, banking : [s. 19(2)(b), Indian Partnership Act] ब�क म�
account head : लेखा शीषर्
खाता ; ब�क म� �हसाब
account, impersonal : अवैयक्�तक लेखा
account book : [ss. 34, ill. and 126, expln., ill. (c), Indian
Evidence Act and s. 2(3), Bankers' Books Evidence Act] लेखा account, income and expenditure : आय-व्यय लेखा
बह� account, indemnity insurance : ��तपू�तर् बीमा लेखा
account, brokerage : दलाल� लेखा ; दलाल� खाता account, initial : प्रारं �भक लेखा
account, capital : पूंजीगत लेखा account is to be taken or vouched : [Or. 20, r. 17, C.P.C.] लेखा
account, cash : रोकड़ लेखा �लया जाना है या प्रमा�णत �कया जाना है

account circle : लेखा स�कर्ल account, joint : संयुक्त खाता

account, nominal account jurisdiction : लेखा अ�धका�रता
account, clear an : लेखा शोधन account keeping : लेखा पालन
account clerk : लेखा �ल�पक account, leave out of : गणना म� से छोड़ना ; �गनती म� न लेना ;
account, close an : खाता बंद करना �हसाब म� न लेना
account, commission : कमीशन लेखा account, mines : खान लेखा
account, consignment : परे षण लेखा account, miscellaneous : प्रक�णर् लेखा ; �व�वध लेखा
account, contract : सं�वदा लेखा account month : लेखा मास
account, controlling : �नयंत्रक लेखा account, multiple cost : बहु�वध लागत लेखा
account, cost : लागत लेखा account, nominal : आय-व्यय लेखा
account, current : the amount of money a person has deposited account of activities 6
at a bank or which he can draw from or add to as may be account of activities : [s. 25(1), International Airports Authority
desired, generally no interest being chargeable on either side
Act] �क्रयाकलाप� का �ववरण
चालू खाता
account of interest demand : ब्याज मांग लेखा
account, deficiency : कमी लेखा
account of issues : �नगर्म लेखा
account, departmental : �वभागीय लेखा
account of, on : [s. 76(h), T.P. Act] के मद्धे ; मद्धे
account, deposit : जमा लेखा ; �न�ेप लेखा
account of profits : [s. 108, Patents Act] लाभ लेखा
account, depreciation : अव�यण लेखा
account of the credits : an account of the credit side entries
account, direct : प्रत्य� लेखा पावन� का लेखा
account, discount : बट्टा लेखा account of the winding up : [s. 497(1)(a), Companies Act]
account, doubtful debt : शंकास्पद ऋण लेखा प�रसमापन का व�
ृ ांत
account, on : [s. 3, High Denomination Bank Notes
account down to the time : [s. 571(2), Companies Act] समय तक का
(Demonetisation) Act] उस लेखे म�
account, on his : [sch. I, app. A, form No. 6, C.P.C] उसके लेखे ; account should be taken : [Or. 20, r. 16, C.P.C.] लेखा �लया
उसक� िजम्मेदार� पर जाना
account, open : [sch., art. 1, Limitation Act] खुला खाता account, single : एकल लेखा
account opened : [s. 10(3), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] account, single cost : एकल लागत लेखा
खोला गया खाता
account, sinking fund investment : �न�ेप �न�ध �व�नधान लेखा
account, operation : प�रचालन लेखा
account, sold ledger investment : �वक्रय खाता समायोजन लेखा
account, output cost : उत्पादन लागत लेखा
account, special goods : �वशेष माल लेखा
account, payee : पाने वाले का लेखा
account, stock : स्टाक लेखा
account payee : पा/खाता
account, store : भंडार लेखा
account payee cheque : पाने वाले के खाते म� दे य चैक
account, subsidiary : सहायक लेखा
account, personal : वैयक्�तक लेखा
account, take into : 1. to notice �वचार करना ; 2. to calculate
account, petty cash : खद
ु रा रोकड़ लेखा �गनना ; 3. [second sch., r. 2(ii), Companies (Profits) Surtax
account, post in : खाते म� प्र�वष्ट करना ; खाते म� डालना Act] �हसाब म� लेना
account, private : प्राइवेट लेखा account, terminal : साव�ध लेखा
account, profit and loss : लाभ-हा�न लेखा [s. 21(1)(i), Income-tax account, trading : व्यापार लेखा
Act] लाभ और हा�न लेखा
account, trading and profit and loss : व्यापार तथा लाभ-हा�न
account, profit and loss adjustment : लाभ-हा�न समायोजन लेखा लेखा
account, profit and loss appropriation : लाभ-हा�न �व�नयोजन account, trust : न्यास लेखा
account, value : मल्
ू य लेखा
account, proforma : प्रोफामार् लेखा
account, voyage : समद्र
ु यात्रा लेखा
account, progressive : प्रगामी लेखा
account, wages : मजदरू � लेखा
account, property : संप�� लेखा
account, workshop : कमर्शाला लेखा
account, public : लोक लेखा
account, write off an : लेखा बट्टे खाते डालना
account, purchase : क्रय लेखा
accountable : [s. 14, Charitable Endowments Act] जवाबदार;
account, purchase ledger adjustment : क्रय खाता समायोजन लेखा लेखादायी; दे नदार
account, real (property) : वास्त�वक (संप��) लेखा accountable or liable : [s. 543(1)(a), Companies Act]
account, realisation : नकद�करण लेखा दा�यत्वाधीन या लेखादायी

account, receipts and payments : प्राप्�त और संदाय लेखा accountable person : [s. 2(12A), Estate Duty Act] लेखादायी
व्यक्�त ; [s. 2(2), Taxation Laws (Continuation and Validation
account, regular : �नय�मत लेखा
of Recovery Proceedings) Act] दे नदार व्यक्�त
account, reserve : आर��त �न�ध लेखा ; आर���त लेखा
accountancy : the profession or practice of accounting
account, residuary : अव�शष्ट लेखा [s. 288(2)(v), Income-tax Act] लेखा-कमर्
account return : लेखा �ववरणी accountant : an officer in charge of the accounts; one who
professionally makes up accounts [s. 2, Public Accountants'
account, revenue : राजस्व लेखा
Default Act and s. 288(2)(v), Income-tax Act] लेखापाल;
account, rough : कच्चा लेखा/खाता लेखाकार
account, royalties suspense : स्वा�मस्व उचंत लेखा accountant, chartered : [s. 2(1)(b), Chartered Accountants Act
and s. 3(1)(iii), Working Journalists (Fixation of Rates of
account, running : चालू खाता
Wages) Act] चाटर् डर् अकाउं ट� ट
account, salaries : वेतन लेखा
accountant, divisional : प्रभागीय लेखाकार
account, sales guard book : �वक्रय गाडर् बक
ु लेखा
accountant general : महालेखाकार
account, separate : पथ
ृ क् खाता
accountant, junior : क�नष्ठ लेखाकार
account shall also be taken of the deductions : [s. 34(2), expln.,
Income-tax Act] कटौ�तय� को भी �हसाब म� �लया जाएगा accountant member : [s. 252(2), Income-tax Act] लेखा सदस्य

account, shall not taken into : नह�ं �गना जाएगा ; �हसाब म� नह�ं accounted for, cannot be satisfactorily : संतोषजनक रूप से

�लया जाएगा कै�फयत नह�ं �मलती है

accounting year accounting : लेखांकन ; लेखा-पद्ध�त

account shall not be taken : [s. 43A, second prov., Companies accounting arrangements : लेखा व्यवस्था
Act] �गनती म� न �लया जाएगा
accounting for : [s. 30(2)(f), Official Trustees Act] लेखा दे ना accrual of the income : [s. 93(3), expln. (c)(ii), Income-tax Act] आय
accounting period : [s. 32A(1), Industrial Finance Corporation का प्रोद्भवन
Act] लेखा कालाव�ध accrue : to fall (to any one) as a natural growth or increment; to come
as an accession or advantage; to come into existence as an
accounting system : लेखा प्रणाल�
enforceable claim [ss. 24, 55(1)(g), T.P. Act and s. 24, Indian
accounting unit : लेखा इकाई ; लेखा एकक ; लेखा यू�नट Trusts Act] प्रोद्भूत होना
accounting year : a period of one year for which accounts are accrue due : [sch., item 7, Limitation Act] प्रोद्भूत शोध्य
separately closed and balanced [s. 2(1), Payment of Bonus Act
and s. 29(1), Agricultural Refinance Corporation Act] लेखा वषर् accrue or arise : [s. 9(1), Income-tax Act] प्रोद्भूत या उद्भूत
accrued holiday remuneration : [s. 530(1)(c), Companies Act]
प्रोद्भूत अवकाश पा�रश्र�मक
accounts and audit 7 accrued income : प्रोद्भूत आय
accounts and audit : [s. 5. Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar
accrued interest : [s. 8, T.P. Act] प्रोद्भूत ब्याज
Sabha Act] लेखा और संपर��ा
accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise : [s. 5(1)(b),
accounts, books of : लेखा ब�हयां ; लेखा पुस्तक�
Income-tax Act] प्रोद्भूत या उद्भूत होती है या प्रोद्भूत या उद्भूत हुई
accounts, clear and accurate : [s. 19, Indian Trusts Act] स्पष्ट समझी जाती है
और सह� लेखा
accruing : [s. 53, Mines Act] प्रोद्भावी; प्रोद्भवन ; प्रोद्भूत होना
accounts, closed and balanced : [s. 2(1)(iii)(b), Payment of
accruing beneficial interest : [s. 3, T.P. Act] प्रोद्भवमान फायदाप्रद
Bonus Act] बंद और संत�ु लत लेखे
accounts have been made up : [sch. IV, pt. 1, Companies Act]
लेखा तैयार �कए गए ह�
accused is released on bail
accounts, initial : प्रारं �भक लेखे
accruing due from a person : [s. 429(1), Companies Act] �कसी व्यक्�त
accounts, manipulation of : लेखाओं म� हे रफेर करना
द्वारा शोध्य होना
accounts of profit : लाभ लेखा
accruing from day to day : [s. 212(1), Companies Act] �दन
accounts of receipts and balance : प्राप्�त और अ�तशेष लेखा प्र�त�दन प्रोद्भूत हुआ/हुई
accounts of the assessee have been made up to a date : [s. 3(b),
accruing from the transfer : [s. 170, expln., Income-tax Ac] अंतरण
Income-tax Act] �नधार्�रती के लेखे �कसी तार�ख तक के �लए तैयार
से प्रोद्भत

�कए गए ह�
accruing of the cause of action : [Or. 30, r. 1(1), C.P.C.] वाद-हे तुक
accounts of the States : [art. 149, Const.] राज्य� के लेखे
का प्रोद्भूत होना
accounts of the Union : [art. 110(1)(f), Const.] संघ के लेखे
accruing on the shares : [s. 32A(1), Industrial Finance Corporation
accounts officer : लेखा अ�धकार� Act] शेयर� पर प्रोद्भूत होने वाला
accounts, organisation of : लेखा संगठन accruing profit : [s. 8, T.P. Act] प्रोद्भवमान लाभ
accounts, records and other documents : [s. 16(4), Wealth-tax accruing rent : [s. 8, T.P. Act] प्रोद्भवमान भाटक
Act and s. 15(4), Gift-tax Act] लेखा, अ�भलेख या अन्य दस्तावेज
accumulate : 1. to collect or bring together [s. 23, ill. (f), Indian
accounts, settling of : लेखा प�र�नधार्रण Trusts Act] सं�चत करना ; संचय करना ; 2. to grow or increase
accounts shall be audited : [s. 619(3)(a), Companies Act] सं�चत होना ; 3. to go on increasing संचय करना
लेखाओं क� संपर��ा क� जाएगी
accumulated balance : [s. 10(12), Income-tax Act] सं�चत अ�तशेष
accounts stated : accounts rendered which by implied or express
acceptance have been agreed upon by both the parties as correct accumulated profits : [s. 2(22)(a), Income-tax Act] सं�चत लाभ
[sch., art. 26, Limitation Act] �ववर�णत लेखा accumulated profits earned by the company in previous years :
कंपनी द्वारा पूवर् वष� म� उपािजर्त सं�चत लाभ
accounts, statement of : लेखा �ववरणी
accounts structure : लेखा संरचना accumulated stock : सं�चत स्टाक
accumulation : 1. the action of accumulating [s. 17(2), T.P. Act]
accounts, verification of : लेखा सत्यापन
संचयन ; संचय करना ; 2. growing or increasing in quantity or number
accoutrement : apparel; outfit; equipment साजसज्जा सं�चत होना ; 3. heaping up; a heap or mass [s. 11(1)(a),
accreditation : प्रत्यायन Factories Act] ढे र
accredited : furnished with credentials; officially vouched for accumulation of income : [s. 27(7)(iv)(a), Estate Duty Act and
[s. 3(2)(a), Citizenship Act] प्रत्या�यत s. 93(3), expln. (a), Income-tax Act] आय का संचयन
accredited to the President of India : [s. 3(a), Citizenship Act] भारत के accumulative judgment : a second judgment to take effect after the
राष्ट्रप�त को प्रत्या�यत expiration of the first one पश्चात ् प्रभावी �नणर्य
accumulative legacy : a legacy which is given in addition to previously
accretion : अनव
ु द्
ृ �ध
made bequest अ�त�रक्त वसीयत संपदा
accrual : [s. 18(3)(d), Competition Act] प्रोद्भवन
accuracy : 1. precision [s. 63(a), Air Force Act] यथाथर्ता ;
2. correctness [s. 2(1)(c), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] करना ; अ�भस्वीकृत करना ; 2. [s. 19(b), Births, Deaths and Marriages
ु धता ; [s. 33, Chartered Accountants Act] ठ�क होना ; [s. 7(1 Registration Act] स्वीकार करना
)(b), Indian Fisheries Act] सह� होना acknowledgement : the action of acknowledging; a thing done or
accuracy, ascertain the : [s. 57(a), Air Force Act] यथाथर्ता का given in recognition of something received [ss. 3 and 60, T.P. Act
and s. 32(2), Indian Evidence Act] अ�भस्वीकृ�त
अ�भ�नश्चय करना
acknowledgement due, by registered post : रसीद� रिजस्ट्र� डाक द्वारा
accuracy of the copy : [s. 63(2), Indian Evidence Act] प्र�त क�
शुद्धता ; प्र�त�ल�प क� शुद्धता acknowledgement in writing : [s. 35, Indian Trusts Act] �ल�खत
accuracy of the forecast : [sch. II, pt. 1(3), Chartered Accountants अ�भस्वीकृ�त
Act] पूवार्नुमान का ठ�क होना acknowledgement of a debt : an admission, in writing that a debt is due
or that some claim or liability is still in existence [sch. I, item 1,
accuracy, verify the : [s. 13(2), Cardamom Act] शुद्धता को सत्या�पत
Indian Stamp Act] ऋण क� अ�भस्वीकृ�त
acknowledgement receipt : [sch., pt. II, item 15, Commercial
accurate : [s. 86, Indian Evidence Act] शद्
ु ध ; यथाथर् ; सह� ; ठ�क Documents Evidence Act] अ�भस्वीकृ�त रसीद
accurate description, containing : [Or. 21, r. 12, C.P.C.] यथाथर् acknowledgement with the coupon of the money order : मनी आडर्र
वणर्न अंत�वर्ष्ट करने वाला के कूपन स�हत पावती
accurately obey : ठ�क-ठ�क पालन करना acoustic presentation of the work : [s. 2(t), Copyright Act] कृ�त
accusation : an allegation against a person that he has committed an क� श्रव्य प्रस्तु�त
offence [ss. 389 and 499, except. 8, I.P.C.] अ�भयोग acquaint : to inform; to make aware [s. 143, ill (a), Indian Contract
accusation, prefer : [ss. 389 and 499, excep. 8, I.P.C.] अ�भयोग Act] अवगत कराना ; [s. 12, Indian Trusts Act] प�र�चत करना
लगाना acquainted : 1. being aware of अवगत ; 2. having personal
accuse : to charge with an offence [ss. 389 and 499, excep. 8, knowledge [s. 63(2), Registration Act] प�र�चत
I.P.C.] अ�भयोग लगाना acquainted with handwriting : [s. 417, Indian Evidence Act]
accused : a person against whom an allegation has been made that he हस्तलेख से प�र�चत
has committed an offence, or who is charged with an offence
acquainted with the facts of the case : [Or. 6, r. 15 and Or. 27, r.
[ss. 212 and 216, I.P.C. and s. 3, ill. to expln., Indian Evidence
1, C.P.C.] मामले के तथ्य� से प�र�चत
Act] अ�भयुक्त
acquatic animal : [s. 3(h), Marine Products Export Development
accused is discharged : अ�भयक्
ु त को आरोपमक्
ु त �कया जाता है
Authority Act] जलचर
accused is released on bail : अ�भयक्
ु त को जमानत पर छोड़ा जाता acquiesce : to give silent or passive assent to; to tacitly agree to; resting
है satisfied with any state of things [s. 23, Indian Trusts Act and s.
20(b), C.P.C.] उपमत होना
accused led to recovery of 8 acquiescence : the action or condition of acquiescing; the assent to an
infringement or rights, either express or implied from conduct, by
accused led to recovery of…. : अ�भयुक्त क� �नशानदे ह� which the rights to equitable or discretionary relief may be lost
पर......क� बरामदगी [s. 39, Indian Contract Act] उपम�त ; a consent inferred from
accused of any offence : [art. 20(3), Const.] �कसी अपराध के �लए silence; a tacit encouragement उपमत होना
अ�भयुक्त acquire : to gain as one’s own; to receive; to come into possession of
[s. 3(c), expln. 1 and s. 44, T.P. Act] अिजर्त करना ; [s. 23,
accused of the same offence : [s. 233(a), Cr. P.C.] एक ह� अपराध के
I.P.C.] अजर्न करना
�लए अ�भयुक्त
acquire foreign exchange : [s. 8(4), Foreign Exchange Regulation
accused person : [s. 24, Indian Evidence Act and art. 134(1)(a),
Act] �वदे शी मुद्रा का अजर्न करना
Const.] अ�भयक्
ु त व्यक्�त
act in good faith
accuser : अ�भयोक्ता
acquired, accrued or incurred : [s. 6(c), General Clauses Act]
accustomed to act : [s. 369(1)(b), Companies Act] कायर् करने के अिजर्त, प्रोद्भूत या उपगत
�लए अभ्यस्त acquired territories : [s. 2(a), Acquired Territories (Merger) Act]
achievement : accomplishment [s. I2A, Central Silk Board Act] अिजर्त राज्य�ेत्र
सफलता ; [art. 51A(j), Const.] उपलब्�ध acquirer : [s. 2(a), Hindu Gains of Learning Act] अजर्नकतार्
achieving synergy : [s. 7(2)(vi), Science and Engineering acquiring company : [s. 3(a), General Insurance Business (Nationalisa-
Research Board Act] सहचयर् प्राप्त करना tion) Act] अजर्क कंपनी
acidic or corrosive : [s. 326B, expln. 1, I.P.C.] अम्ल�य या acquiring insurer : [s. 52H(4), Insurance Act] अजर्क बीमाकतार्
acquiring property, person : [s. 3, expln. I, T.P. Act] वह व्यक्�त,
जो संप�� को अिजर्त करता है
acknowledge : 1. to admit as true; to admit a claim or liability; to avow
or assent to in legal form; to own as genuine or valid in law acquisition : the act of getting or becoming the owner of any
property; the act by which one acquires or procures property in any
[s. 17(1 )(c), Registration Act and ss. 30 and 467, I. P. C.] अ�भस्वीकार
thing [s. 2(1)(a), Arms Act, s. 73(2), T.P. Act, s. 80J(5)(a),
Income-tax Act and art. 11, Const.] अजर्न करना
acquisition and termination of Indian citizenship : [long title, act in law : �व�ध के अनुसार कायर्
Citizenship Act] भारतीय नाग�रकता का अजर्न और पयर्वसान
act in obedience : आ�ानव
ु तर्न म� कायर् करना
acquisition and transfer of right, title and interest : अ�धकार, हक
act in obedience to summons : समन के आ�ानुवतर्न म� कायर् करना
और �हत का अजर्न और अंतरण
act in pursuance : [s. 63(2), Mines Act] अनुसरण म� कायर् करना
acquisition of land : [long title, Land Acquisition Act] भू�म का
act in the execution of his office : [second sch., item 2, Provincial
अजर्न Small Cause Courts Act] अपने पद के �नष्पादन म� कायर् करना
acquisition of patent rights or copyrights : [s. 35A(1), Income- act in the ordinary course of business : [s. 27, prov., Sale of Goods
tax Act] पेट�ट अ�धकार� या प्र�त�लप्य�धकार� का अजर्न Act] कारबार के मामलू � अनक्र
ु म म� कायर् करना
acquisition of stowing : भरण का अजर्न act judicially : to exercise the functions of a judicial or quasi-
acquisition of the property : [s. 2(c)(1A)(iii), Income-tax Act] judicial character; to do judicial work [s. 20, I.P.C.] न्या�यकत:
संप�� अिजर्त करना कायर् करना
acquisition officer, land : भू�म-अजर्न अ�धकार� act of a routine nature : [s. 2(26), prov., Companies Act] नैत्�यक
acquit : to set free or deliver from the charge of an offence after trial स्वरूपी कायर्
[s. 237(3), Cr. P.C. and s. 27C(1), Emigration Act] दोषमक् ु त act of bad faith : [s. 55(3), C.P.C. and second sch., item 78(1),
करना Income-tax Act] असद्भावपूणर् कायर्
acquittance for delivery of : 1. a discharge in writing of a sum of money Act of dominion legislature : [s. 3(7)(a), General Clauses Act]
or duty which ought to be paid or done [s. 467, I.P. C.] के प�रदान के डोमी�नयन �वधान-मंडल का अ�ध�नयम
�लए �नस्तारण-पत्र ; 2. a release or discharge in respect of any debt act of firm : [s. 2(a), Indian Partnership Act] फमर् का कायर्
or obligation �नस्तारण act of God : an event which happens independently of human action
acquittance roll : �नस्तारण पंजी and which no human foresight or skill could reasonably be
expected to anticipate [s. 13 (2nd prov.), Motor Transport
acronym : [s. 15(1), Limited Liability Partnership Act] सं�ेपा�र Workers Act and s. 73(a), Indian Railways Act] दै वकृत
across : [s. 29(3)(b), Indian Electricity Act] आर-पार act of grace : a grant of general pardon or amnesty by a king or queen
across its face : [s. 124, Negotiable Instruments Act] उसके मुख भाग को in honour of some important royal event �मादान

काटते हुए act of indecency : [s. 120(b), Indian Railways Act] अ�शष्ट कायर्
across its face, cheque bears : [s. 124, Negotiable Instrument act of insolvency : [s. 9, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act and s. 2(8),
Act] चेक पर उसके मुख भाग को काटते हुए Sale of Goods Act] �दवा�लएपन का कायर्
act : 1. a law made by a competent legislature [ss. 1 and 5, act of insubordination : [s. 138, I.P.C.] अनधीनता का कायर्
I.P.C.] अ�ध�नयम (चट्टम) ; 2. a thing done; the process of
act of law : �व�ध का कायर्
doing; action [s. 33, I.P.C. and s. 3(2), General Clauses Act] कायर्
Act of legislature : [s. 23, ill. (i), Indian Contract Act] �वधान-मंडल
; to perform [s. 3(x), Army Act and art. 124(7), Const.] कायर् करना
का अ�ध�नयम
; 3. to perform as on the stage अ�भनय करना
act of misconduct : अवचार
act as principal : [s. 15, Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act] मा�लक
act of omission or commission : लोप या करण त्रु�ट
के रूप मे कायर् करना
Act of Parliament : [s. 3(7), General Clauses Act] संसद् का
act by notice in writing : [first sch., item 3, Arbitration Act] �ल�खत
सूचना द्वारा कायर् करना
Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom : [ss. 37and 57(b),
act done or purporting to be done : [second sch., item 1,
Indian Evidence Act] यूनाइटे ड �कं गडम क� पा�लर्याम� ट का ऐक्ट
Provincial Small Cause Courts Act] �कया गया या �कए जाने के
act of parties : [preamble, T.P. Act and s. 2(1)(a), Trade and
�लए तात्प�यर्त कायर्
Merchandise Marks Act] प�कार� का कायर्
act fitted to deceive : [s. 17(4), Indian Contract Act] प्रवंचना करने act of public enemies : [s. 73(c), Indian Railways Act]
योग्य कायर् लोकशत्रक
ु ृ त ; सावर्ज�नक शत्रु का कायर्
act in accordance with : [art. 74(1), Const] के अनस
ु ार कायर् करना act of trespassing, in the : [s. 25, Cattle-trespass Act] अ�तचार
act in aid of : [art. 144, Const.] क� सहायता म� कायर् करना करते हुए
act in a representative character : [s. 2(d), Arbitration Act] प्र�त�न�ध act of violence : [s. 4(6)(b)(i), Payment of Gratuity Act] �हंसात्मक कायर्
क� है �सयत म� कायर् करना act of war : [s. 73(b), Indian Railways Act] यद्
ु ध का कायर्
act in disobedience to (such) order : [s. 4, Dramatic act on behalf of : [s. 2(2), Workmen's Compensation Act] क� ओर से
Performances Act] (ऐसे) आदे श क� अव�ा करते हुए कोई कायर् करना
कायर् करना
act in good faith : [s. 99, I.P.C.] सद्भावपूवक
र् कायर् करना act on business principles : [s. 6(2), Food Corporations Act]
act in his behalf 9 कारबार के �सद्धात� के अनुसार कायर् करना
act in his behalf : [Or. 21, r. 74(2)(b), C.P.C.] उसक� ओर से कायर्
act or abstinence or promise : [s. 2(d), Indian Contract Act] कायर् या करना
प्र�वर�त या वचन acting in legislative capacity : [s. 3(7)(b), General Clauses Act]
�वधायी है �सयत म� कायर् करते हुए
act purporting to be done : [s. 80, C.P.C.] �कया गया तात्प�यर्त
acting judge : [s. 2(1)(g), High Court Judges (Conditions of
कायर् ; �कए जाने के �लए तात्प�यर्त कायर्
Service) Act] कायर्कार� न्यायाधीश
act to express dissent : [s. 35, T.P. Act] �वसम्म�त अ�भव्यक्त
acting partner : a partner who habitually acts in the business of
करने के �लए कायर् the firm [s. 24, Indian Partnership Act] कायर्कार� भागीदार
Act to have retrospective effect : [s. 5, Taxation Laws (Continuation acting principal : [s. 2(m), North-Eastern Hill University Act]
and Validation of Recovery Proceedings) Act] अ�ध�नयम का भत ू ल�ी कायर्कार� प्राचायर् ; कायर्कार� प्रधानाचायर्
action acting promotion : स्थानापन्न प्रोन्न�त
प्रभाव होना
acting service : कायर्कार� सेवा
act together : [s. 30(4), prov., Indian Partnership Act] एक साथ कायर् करना
action : 1, a proceeding [s. 2(d), Cr. P.C] कारर्वाई ; 2. a judicial
act traitorously : [ss. 34(d), 35(c) and 37, Navy Act] गद्दार�युक्त कायर् proceeding for the enforcement or protection of a right, the
करना redress or prevention of a wrong or the punishment of an offence
[s. 134, ill., Negotiable Instruments Act] अनुयोजन ; [s. 145, ill.
act under a warrent of arrest : [s. 47(1), C.P.C.] �गरफ्तार� के वारं ट
(b), Indian Contract Act and s. 36, Arbitration Act] अनुयोग ; 3.
के अधीन कायर् करना
doing; operating; a thing done [s. 6, Dakshina Bharat Hindi
act under colour of its process : [s. 80, Presidency Small Cause Prachar Sabha Act] कायर् ; काम ; 4. something done or doing [s.
Courts Act] कारर् वाई करने के नाम पर कायर् करना
2(1)(e), Arms Act] �क्रया ; 5. active operation against enemy [s.
act under his warrant : [s. 5, Shore Nuisances (Bombay and
34(g), Army Act] संघषर्; 6. a deliberative or authoritative
Kolaba) Act] उसके वारं ट के अधीन कायर् करना
proceeding [s. 146C, Representation of the People Act, 1951]
act under the authority : [s. 549(2)(c), Companies Act] प्रा�धकार के अ�भकायर्
action by an enemy 10
अधीन कायर् करना action by an enemy : [s. 33B(iv), Income-tax Act] शत्रु क�
act, undutiful : [s. 61, ill. (i), Indian Succession Act] कतर्व्य �वरुद्ध कारर् वाई
कायर् action by husband for loss of society of his wife : a husband
has an action for loss of society or consortium of his wife
act within the scope : [s. 3(8)(b)(i), General Clauses Act] प�र�ध के
caused by enticement, harbouring, inducing her to live away
भीतर कायर् करना from him, physical injury or imprisonment पत्नी के साहचयर् से
acted from cowardice : [s. 34(d), Navy Act] कायरता से कायर् �कया वं�चत �कए जाने के �लए प�त द्वारा कारर् वाई
acted from negligence : [s. 34(d), Navy Act] उपे�ा से कायर् action for breach of promise of marriage : �ववाह वचनभंग के
�कया �लए कारर्वाई
acted upon : [s. 30, Court-fees Act] कारर् वाई क� गई action for criminal conversation : the husband had under the old
law an action of trespass against the adulteror which was known
acting : 1. performing [s. 20, I.P.C.] कायर् करता हुआ ; कायर् as the action for criminal conversation आपरा�धक संसगर् के �लए
करने वाला ; 2. holding a temporary position; performing कारर् वाई
services temporarily कायर्कार� ; 3. an assumed or a dramatic action for money had and received : the plaintiff may waive the
part अ�भनय tort of conversion and sue for money had and received to the
plaintiff’s use, when his money or chattel has been converted.
acting allowance : [s. 280(1)(e), Cantonments Act] कायर्कार� The action is for breach of a fictitious contract known as quasi-
भ�ा contract on the part of the defendant to repay the money or the
value of the chattel प्राप्त धन के �लए कारर् वाई
acting appointment : [long title, Acting Judges Act] कायर्कार�
action for passing off : [s. 27(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks
Act] चला दे ने के �लए कारर् वाई
acting as a banker : [s. 2(1), Indian Stamp Act] ब�ककार के तौर
action, habits of : �क्रयामूलक आदत�
पर कायर् करने वाला ; ब�ककार के रूप म� कायर् करने वाला
action of debt : [s. 8, Sheriff’s Fees Act] सं�वदा भंग कारर् वाई
acting chairman : [sch., statute 33, University of Hyderabad Act]
action of replevin : in this action the plaintiff whose goods have
कायर्कार� अध्य�
been distrained and who disputes the legality of the distraint on
acting Chief Justice, appointment of : [art. 126, margin and art. 223, furnishing security or on payment of the amount due have the
Const.] कायर्कार� मुख्य न्यायमू�तर् क� �नयुक्�त things returned to him provisionally pending the decision of the
case माल क� अनं�तम वापसी के �लए कारर् वाई
acting in breach of regulations : �व�नयम� के भंग म� कायर् करना
action of trespass : the action of trespass was so called from the
acting in combination : [s. 2(q), Industrial Disputes Act] �मलकर name of the writ which commenced it ; the writ of trespass
कायर् करते हुए अ�तचार क� कारर् वाई
acting in concert : सामान्य म�त से कायर् करते हुए action, principles of : �क्रया �सद्धांत
acting in execution : [s. 82(a), Registration Act] �नष्पादन म� कायर् action taken in combating an enemy : [s. 33B(iv), Income-tax
Act] शत्रु का मक
ु ाबला करने म� क� गई कारर् वाई
action upon the case : [s. 8, Sheriff’s Fees Act] अव�शष्ट वग�य actual cost : [s. 43(1), Income-tax Act] वास्त�वक लागत
कारर् वाई actual cost of planting : [s. 33A(7), Income-tax Act] रोपण के
action, will in : �क्रयान्�वत इच्छाशक्�त वास्त�वक खचर्
actionable : affording ground for an action at law [ss. 8 and 130, actual damage or loss : [s. 74, Indian Contract Act] वस्तुत:
T.P. Act] अनुयोज्य
नुकसान या हा�न
actionable claim : [ss. 3, 8 and 130, T.P. Act] अनुयोज्य दावा actual day to day operation : [s. 292, expln. II, Companies Act]
actionable negligence : the breach or non-performance of a legal वस्तुत: �दन प्र�त�दन क� �क्रया
duty through neglect or carelessness, resulting in damage or
actual existing interest : [Or. 7, r. 4, C.P.C.] वास्त�वक
injury to another अनुयोज्य उपे�ा
�वद्यमान �हत
actionable wrong : a wrong in respect of which an action lies in
law [s. 10, Indian Evidence Act] अनुयोज्य दोष ; वादयोग्य दोष actual occupancy : [s. 55(1), prov., C.P.C.] वास्त�वक अ�धभोग
active concealment : an act of concealing what ought to be actual offender : [s. 10, prov., Payment of Gratuity Act]
revealed, requiring or implying action or execution [s. 17(2), वास्त�वक अपराधी
Indian Contract Act] स�क्रय �छपाया जाना
actual partiality : वास्त�वक प�पात
active concealment of a fact : [s. 17(2), Indian Contract Act]
तथ्य का स�क्रय �छपाया जाना actual possession : [s. 52(1), Sale of Goods Act] वास्त�वक कब्जा

active confidence : [s. 111, Indian Evidence Act] स�क्रय �वश्वास actual possession of the situation : [s. 21, expln. 2, I.P.C.] ओहदे
को वास्तव म� धारण करना
active duty : [s. 2(a), Central Reserve Police Force Act] स�क्रय
ड्यूट� actual sale : [s. 177, Indian Contract Act] वस्तुत: �वक्रय ;
वास्त�वक �वक्रय
active operation : स�क्रय सं�क्रया
actual seizure : [Or. 21, r. 43 and r. 51, C.P.C.] वास्त�वक
active partner : स�क्रय भागीदार
active service : [s. 65(1), Cr. P.C. and ss. 3(i) and 9, Army Act]
स�क्रय सेवा actual total loss : वास्त�वक कुल हा�न

actively conceal : [s. 26(c), Indian Trusts Act] स�क्रय रूप से actual travelling expenses : वास्त�वक यात्रा व्यय
�छपाना actual user : वास्त�वक उपयोक्ता
activist : स�क्रयतावाद� ; स�क्रय कायर्कतार् actually : in fact; really; indeed [s. 3(c), T.P. Act] वास्तव म� ;
activities : instances of being active as in an occupation, वस्तुत: ; वास्त�वक रूप म� ; वास्त�वक रूप से
recreation etc. [s. 2(a), expln., Agricultural Refinance
actually allowed : [s. 43(6), expln. 3, Income-tax Act] वस्तुत:
Corporation Act] �क्रयाकलाप
अनु�ात �कया गया
activities for the extension of knowledge : [s. 43(4)(i), Income-
tax Act] �ान के �वस्तारण के �लए �क्रयाकलाप actually and voluntarily reside : [s. 16, prov., C.P.C.]
वास्त�वक रूप से और स्वेच्छया �नवास करना
activities of the company : [s. 9(1), Metal Corporation of India
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] कंपनी के �क्रयाकलाप actually and voluntarily reside or carry on business or
personally work for gain : [s. 18(b), Presidency Small Cause
activity, individual and collective : [art. 51A(j), Const.]
Courts Act] वस्तुत: और स्वेच्छया �नवास करना या कारबार
व्यक्�तगत और सामू�हक ग�त�व�ध
चलाना या अ�भलाभ के �लए व्यक्�तगत रूप से कायर् करना
activity, political : राजनै�तक स�क्रयता ; राजनै�तक �क्रयाकलाप
actually due and payable : [s. 60, Indian Contract Act] वस्तुत:
actor : [ss. 80C(4)(i) and 80RR, Income-tax Act] अ�भनेता
शोध्य और दे य
actor dominae : manager of his master’s farm स्वामी-भप्र
ू बंधक
actor in rem suam : one who himself attends to his business
actuals received : वस्तुत: प्राप्त ; वास्तव म� प्राप्त
actually 11
actuals : वास्त�वक आंकड़े
actuarial calculation : calculation determined by actuaries;
acts and dealings : [s. 496(1)(b), Companies Act] कायर् और calculation relating to statistics especially of life expectancy
व्यौहार बीमां�कक गणना
acts of violence : �हंसात्मक कायर् actuarial investigation : [sch. I, para 1, Life Insurance
acts of violence or cruelty : [s. 2(a)(ii), Young Persons (Harmful Corporation Act] बीमां�कक अन्वेषण
Publications) Act] �हंसा या क्रूरता के कायर् actuarial liability : [sch. II, method A, Life Insurance
Corporation Act] बीमां�कक दा�यत्व
actual : real, existing in act or fact [s. 3(c), T.P. Act] वास्त�वक ;
actuarial valuation : [sch. I, item 2(1)(b), Income-tax Act]
बीमां�कक मूल्यांकन
actual command : [Or. 28, r. 1, expln., C.P.C.] वास्त�वक
actuaries : [s. 2(1)(a), Actuaries Act] बीमांकक
समादे शन करना ; वास्त�वक समादे श
actuary : one whose profession it is to solve monetary problems
actual conveyance : [s. 28(5), Indian Stamp Act] वास्त�वक depending on interest and probability in connection with life,
fire or other accidents, etc. [ss. 2(1) and 65(i), Insurance Act]
बीमांकक Companies Act] युक्�तका
ad hoc : made, established, acting or concerned with a particular addict : [s. 2(i), Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
end or purpose तदथर् Act] व्यसनी
ad hoc benefit : तदथर् लाभ addicted : [s. 58(1), Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
Children) Amendment Act] व्यसनी
ad hoc committee : [s. 4, Oil Industry (Development) Act] तदथर्
addicted to : [sch. I, form 1, Indian Lunacy Act] आद�
adding any other description or letters : [s. 7, Chartered
ad hoc indent : तदथर् मांगपत्र
Accountants Act] कोई अन्य अ�भवणर्न या अ�र जोड़ना
ad hoc judge : [s. 2(1)(c)(v), High Court Judges (Conditions of
adding to the standing orders : [s. 12, Industrial Employment
Service) Act and art. 127(1), Const.] तदथर् न्यायाधीश
(Standing Orders) Act] स्थायी आदे श� म� प�रवधर्न
ad hoc judges, appointment of : [art. 127, margin, Const.]
addition : title; designation [s. 2(1), Registration Act] अ�भवणर्न ;
तदथर् न्यायाधीश� क� �नयक्
ु �त
[s. 124, Negotiable Instruments Act] बढ़ाना ; the act or process
ad hoc offer : तदथर् प्रस्थापना
of adding [Or. 27A, r. 3, C.P.C.] जोड़ना ; [s. 10(2), Emigration
ad hoc tribunal : तदथर् अ�धकरण
Act] प�रवधर्न ; अ�त�रक्त ; अ�त�रक्�त
ad infinitum : �नरव�ध addition or subduction : [s. 9(2), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act]
ad interim injunction : अंत�रम व्यादे श घटबढ़
ad interim order : अंत�रम आदे श addition to, in : के अ�त�रक्त ; के साथ-साथ
ad litem guardian : [s. 103, T.P. Act] वादाथर् संर�क addition to the remuneration : [s. 10(3)(iii), Income-tax Act]
पा�रश्र�मक म� प�रवधर्न
ad-promisor : a surety; one who binds himself to perform the
same act as another प्र�तभू additional : 1. existing in addition; added [art. 115, margin,
Const.] अ�त�रक्त ; 2. existing in addition (when used with
ad valorem : in proportion to the value [s. 39(2), Indian Forest
Act] मूल्यानस
ु ार ; मल्
ू य का reference to designations) अपर
additional and acting judges, appointment of : [art. 224,
ad valorem duty : [s. 20(1), Indian Stamp Act] मूल्यानुसार शुल्क
margin, Const.] अपर और कायर्कार� न्यायाधीश� क� �नयुक्�त
adapt : to make suitable; to alter so as to fit for a new use or
conditions [s. 5(2), Goa, Daman and Diu (Extension of Code of additional Chief Presidency Magistrate : अपर मुख्य प्रे�सड�सी
Civil Procedure and Arbitration Act) Act] अनक ु ू �लत करना ; मिजस्ट्रे ट
ु ू ल बनाना ; अनक
ु ू ल करना ; अनक
ु ू लन additional collection : अ�त�रक्त वसूल�
adapt to the circumstances : [s. 12, Central Excise Act]
additional collector : [s. 2(44)(i), Income-tax Act] अपर कलक्टर
प�रस्�थ�तय� के अनक
ु ू ल बनाना
additional collector of income-tax : [s. 2(16), Income-tax Act]
adaptable : capable of being adapted अनुकूलनीय अपर आय-कर आयुक्त
adaptation : the action or process of adapting [s. 2(a), Copyright
additional court fee : [s. 47(2), C.P.C.] अ�त�रक्त न्यायालय फ�स
Act, art. 35(b) and art. 118(2), Const.] अनक
ु ू लन ; अनकु ू ल�करण
additional Custodian General : [s. 6(2)(b), Coal Mines (Taking
adaptation order : an order issued for the purposes of
adaptation, particularly an order modifying the exisiting laws so Over of Management) Act] अपर महा अ�भर�क
as to bring them in conformity with the new constitutional additional dearness allowance : [s. 2(b), Additional Emoluments
provisions अनुकूलन आदे श (Compulsory Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त महं गाई भ�ा
adapted : [s. 68(1), Motor Vehicles Act] उपयुक्त additional dearness allowance deposit account : [s. 5(1),
Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त
adapted, best : best suited [s. 61(4)(c), Mines Act] उपयुक्ततम
मंहगाई भ�ा �न�ेप खाता
adapting : [s. 2(k), Factories Act] अनुकूलन करना
additional director of inspection : [s. 2(viia), Gift-tax Act] अपर
add : 1. to join or unite (a thing to another) so as to increase the
number, quality or importance जोड़ना ; बढ़ाना 2. to unite into �नर��ण �नदे शक

one sum जोड़ना ; 3. to augment [s. 3(5), Seamen's Provident additional district magistrate : अपर िजला मिजस्ट्रे ट
Fund Act] प�रवधर्न करना additional evidence : [s. 367(1), Cr. P.C.] अ�त�रक्त सा�य
add on card : [s. 139, Income-tax Act] आ�श्रत काडर् additional expenditure : [art. 115(1)(a), Const.] अ�त�रक्त व्यय
add parties : [Or. 1, r. 10(2), C.P.C.] प�कार� का नाम जोड़ना additional fact : [Or. 18, r. 1, C.P.C.] अ�त�रक्त तथ्य
additional freight : [s. 2(20)(b), Indian Stamp Act] अ�त�रक्त
माल भाड़ा
add to, amend, vary or rescind : [s. 21, General Clauses Act]
जोड़ना, उनका संशोधन करना, उनम� फेरफार करना या उनका additional funds : अ�त�रक्त �न�धयां
�वखंडन करना additional grant : अ�त�रक्त अनुदान
add to the rules : �नयम� म� प�रवधर्न करना additional invoice : अ�त�रक्त बीजक
addendum : a thing that is added or is to be added [s. 217(3), additional issue : [Or. 14, r. 5(1), C.P.C.] अ�त�रक्त �ववाद्यक
additional judge : अपर न्यायाधीश करना
additional measure : [s. 31(2)(o), Oil Industry (Development) address to : l. at the address of [s. 63, Cr. P.C.] के पते पर ;
Act] अ�त�रक्त अध्यप
ु ाय 2. directed to [s. 47, expln., Indian Evidence Act] को संबो�धत
additional or acting judge 12 addressable system : [s. 4A(6), Cable Television
adjoining land
additional or acting judge : [art. 217(1), Const.] अपर या (Regulation) Act] सम्बोध्य प्रणाल�
कायर्कार� न्यायाधीश
addressed to : [art. 56 (1)(a), Const.] को संबो�धत ; के पते पर
additional or alternate director : [s. 261(2), Companies Act]
addressed to the President : [art. 124(2), second prov. (a), Const.]
अपर या आनुकल्�पक �नदे शक
राष्ट्रप�त को संबो�धत
additional or substituted security : [sch. 1, item 40(c), Indian
addressee : a person to whom a document etc. is addressed [s. 3(a),
Stamp Act] अ�त�रक्त या प्र�तस्था�पत प्र�तभू�त
Indian Post Office Act] प्रे�षती ; [s. 45(3), prov., Land Acquisition
additional protocol : [s. 7(1), Carriage by Air Act] अ�त�रक्त Act] संबो�धती
addressee's receipt : [s. 45(3), prov., Land Acquisition Act] संबो�धती क�
additional qualification : अ�त�रक्त अहर्ता रसीद
additional sessions judge : [s. 122(5), Cr. P.C.] अपर सेशन addresses and messages : अ�भभाषण और संदेश
न्यायाधीश addresses corrected up to date : [s. 21(2)(a), Presidential and Vice-
additional skill and experience : [s. 18(1), prov., Defence and Presidential Elections Act] अद्यतन शुद्धकृत पते
Internal Security of India Act] अ�त�रक्त कौशल और अनुभव
addressograph : पतालेखी
additional surcharge : [s. 3(a), Compulsory Deposit Scheme
addressograph machine : पतालेखी मशीन
Act] अ�त�रक्त अ�धभार
adduce evidence : [s. 50(2), Land Acquisition Act] सा�य पेश करना ; [Or. 21,
additional tax : अ�त�रक्त कर
r. 59. C.P.C.] सा�य दे ना
additional wages : [s. 2(c), Additional Emoluments (Compulsory
Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त मजदरू � adduced in disproof : [Or. 33, r. 6, C.P.C.] नासा�बत करने के �लए
additional wages and deposit account : [s. 17(b), Additional �दया गया
Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त मजदरू � �न�ेप ademption of legacy : 1. if anything which has been specifically
खाता questioned does not belong to the testator at the time of his death, or
has been converted into property of a different kind, the legacy is
additional written statement : [Or. 8, r. 9, C.P.C.] अ�त�रक्त adeemed; that is, it cannot take effect, by reason of the subject-matter
�ल�खत कथन having been withdrawn from the operation of the will वसीयत

additions and omissions : [s. 2(29), Companies Act] प�रवधर्न �वखंडन ; 2. division of legacy [s. 152, margin, Indian Succession

तथा लोप Act] वसीयत का �वखंडन ; वसीयत-बंटवारा

additions or alterations : [s. 55(1)(b)(i), Income-tax Act] adequacy : the condition or quality of being adequate यथायोग्यता;
प�रवधर्न या प�रवतर्न पयार्प्तता
address : 1. direction or superscription of a letter [s. 19L(1), adequate : commensurate in fitness; fully sufficient; legally sufficient;
Inland Vessels Act] पता ; 2. to direct a written message or lawfully and reasonably sufficient [s. 32(2)(e), Minimum Wages Act]
spoken words to [s. 8(5), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] यथायोग्य ; यथो�चत [sch. I, app. A, form No. 39, C.P.C.] पयार्प्त
संबो�धत करना ; संबोधन ; 3. a formal speech or written statement adequate accommodation : [s. 4(1)(c), Delhi School Education
directed to a person or group of persons [s. 2(n) Copyright Act Act] स्थान संबंधी पयार्प्त सु�वधा
and art. 86(1) Const.] अ�भभाषण ; 4. [s. 143(1), Army Act]
adequate compensation : [sch. I, app. A, form No. 39, C.P.C.] पयार्प्त
�लखना ; 5. to direct one’s attention to ; focus on [pt. xi, item 2,
प्र�तकर; यथायोग्य प्र�तकर
Chemical Weapons Convention Act] इं�गत करना
adequate consideration : [s. 4(1)(a)(iii), Wealth-tax Act] पयार्प्त
address by each House : [art. 124(4), Const.] प्रत्येक सदन द्वारा
प्र�तफल ; यथायोग्य प्र�तफल
adequate protection : [s. 42, Copyright Act] यथो�चत संर�ा
address for service : [ss. 3(a)(ii) and 121, Trade and
adequate provision : [s. 9, Limestone and Dolomite Mines Labour
Merchandise Marks Act] तामील के �लए पता
Welfare Fund Act] पयार्प्त उपबंध
address, last known : [s. 11A(6), Indian Lunacy Act] अं�तम �ात
adequate publicity : [s. 30(2)(e), Minimum Wages Act] यथायोग्य
प्रचार ; पयार्प्त प्रचार
address, shall : पत्र �लखेगा ; पत्र भेजेगा ; संबोधन करे गा ; संबो�धत
adequate reasons : [s. 276A, prov., Income-tax Act] पयार्प्त कारण
करे गा
adequate relief : [s. 8(b), Specific Relief Act] यथायोग्य अनुतोष ;
address such officer : [s. 143(1), Army Act] ऐसे आ�फसर को
पयार्प्त अनुतोष ; पयार्प्त राहत
adequate remuneration : [s. 13(2)(d), Income-tax Act] पयार्प्त
address the court generally on the whole case : [Or. 18, r. 2(2)
C.P.C.] पूरे मामले के बारे म� साधारणतया न्यायालय को संबो�धत पा�रश्र�मक
adequate security : [s. 13(2)(a), Income-tax Act] पयार्प्त प्र�तभू�त adjudicate upon : [s. 61, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act and
adequate step : [preamble, General Insurance (Emergency Provisions) Or 1, r. 10(2), C.P.C.] न्याय�नणर्यन करना ; न्याय�नण�त करना
Act] पयार्प्त कदम adjudicated insolvent : [s. 47, prov., Indian Partnership Act]
न्याय�नण�त �दवा�लया
adequately : पयार्प्त रूप से ; पयार्प्त
adjudicating authority : [s. 2(1), Customs Act] न्याय�नणार्यक
adequately, not represented : [art. 16(4), Const.] प्र�त�न�धत्व पयार्प्त
नह�ं है
adjudication : the action of adjudicating [s. 2(2), C.P.C.]
adherence : continued observance [s. 29(d), Assam Reorganisation
(Meghalaya) Act and art. 102(1)(d), Const.] अनष
ु क्�त
adjudication as to stamp : [s. 31, Indian Stamp Act] स्टांप के बारे
adhesion : to join संयुक्त होना ; आसंजन ; �चपकाव
म� न्याय�नणर्यन
adhesive : having a gummed back [s. 26, Court-fees Act] आसंजक ;
adjudication of claims : [long title, Waste Lands (Claims) Act] दाव� का
�चपकने वाला
adhesive or impressed stamp : [s . 2(11), Indian Stamp Act] आसंजक या
adjudication of disputes relating to waters of inter-state rivers or
छा�पत स्टांप river valleys : [art. 262, margin. Const.] अंतरराज्�यक न�दय� या नद�
adhesive stamp : a stamp having a gummed back [s. 43(b), घा�टय� के जल संबंधी �ववाद� का न्याय�नणर्यन
Employees’ State Insurance Act] आसंजक स्टांप ; �चपकने वाला स्टांप
adjudication of penalties : [s. 15, Stage-Carriages Act] शास्�तय� का
adits : [s. 2(1)(j)(vi), Mines Act] ए�डट ; पैठ ; पहुंच
adjacent : lying near to; adjoining [s. 133(1)(e), Cr. P.C.] पाश्र्वस्थ adjudication of the respective rights : [Or. 34, r. 2(3), C.P.C.]
adjacent country : लगा हुआ दे श अपने-अपने अ�धकार� का न्याय�नणर्यन
adjacent to property : [Or. 21, r. 54(2), C.P.C.] संप�� के पाश्र्वस्थ adjudicator : न्याय�नणार्यक

adjoining : [s. 13, ill.(a), Indian Easements Act] बराबर �मल� हुई ; adjudicatory functions : [s. 21, third. I.P.C] न्याय�नणार्�य क
[s. 118(1), Indian Railways Act] पाश्र्व के कृत्य
adjoining land : लगी हुई भू�म adjust : to arrange, compose, harmonise; to arrange suitably in
adjoining the platform 13 administration and publicity division
relation to something समायोजन करना ; अभ्यस्त बनना
adjoining the platform : [s. 118(1), Indian Railways Act] प्लेटफामर्
adjust accounts : [s. 75(c), C.P.C.] लेखाओं का समायोजन
से पाश्र्व के
adjust progressively : [long title, Rulers of Indian States (Abolition of
adjourn : to put off or defer proceedings to another day; to defer or put
Privileges) Act] धीरे -धीरे अभ्यस्त बनना
off [s. 309(2), Cr. P.C. and art. 101(4), prov., Const.] स्थ�गत
adjust the rights of the contributories : [s. 475, Companies Act]
करना ; स्थगन करना
अ�भदा�यय� के अ�धकार� का समायोजन करना
adjourn hearing : [s. 62(3), Estate Duty Act] सन
ु वाई स्थ�गत करना adjustable : [r. 4(3), Forward Contracts (Regulation) Rules]
adjourn sale : [Or. 21, r. 69(1), C.P.C.] �वक्रय को स्थ�गत करना ; समायोज्य
�वक्रय का स्थगन करना adjusted : [Or. 23, r. 3, C.P.C.] समायोिजत
adjourned hearing : स्थ�गत सुनवाई adjusted total income : [s. 280B(1), Income-tax Act] समायोिजत कुल
adjourned meeting : [s. 165(8), Companies Act] स्थ�गत अ�धवेशन आय
adjourned sitting : the next sitting after an adjournment स्थ�गत adjuster : समायोजक
बैठक adjustible : समायोज्य
adjournment : an action of adjourning [Or. 45, r. 7, 2nd prov.,
adjusting account : समायोजक लेखा
C.P.C.] स्थगन
adjusting entry : समायोजक प्र�वष्�ट
adjournment motion : स्थगन प्रस्ताव
adjusting ledger entry : समायोजक खाता प्र�वष्�ट
adjournment of the hearing : [Or. 17, r. 1(2), prov., C.P.C.]
सुनवाई का स्थगन adjusting operation : [s. 21(1), prov., Factories Act] समायोजन सं�क्रया
adjournment or stoppage of sale : [Or. 21, r. 69(1), C.P.C.] adjusting the costs : [Or. 11, r. 3, C.P.C] खच� का समायोजन करना
�वक्रय का स्थगन या रोका जाना adjustment : an arrangement whereby things are adjusted; the process
adjournment to view : [s. 112(1), Navy Act] अवलोकन के �लए of adjusting [s. 44A(2), C.P.C.] समायोजन
स्थगन adjustment, book : बह� समायोजन
adjudge : to decide judicially . [s. 34(1), C.P.C.] adjustment by transfer : अंतरण द्वारा समायोजन
न्याय�नण�त करना ; न्याय�नणर्यन करना
adjustment, eventual : [s. 8(5)(h), Personal Injuries (Compensation
adjudged insolvent : [s. 103, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] Insurance) Act] अं�तम समायोजन
न्याय�नण�त �दवा�लया
adjustment in respect of certain expenses and pensions : [art.
adjudicate : to award judicially ; to try and determine judicially 290, margin, Const.] कुछ व्यय� और प� शन� के संबंध म� समायोजन
[Or. 1, r. 10(2), C.P.C.] न्याय�नणर्यन करना ; न्याय�नण�त करना
adjustment of accounts : [Or. 26, r. 11, C.P.C.] लेखाओं का
समायोजन प्रशासन स�प दे ना
adjustment of rights : [s. 426(1)(g), Companies Act] अ�धकार� administration, grant of : [s. 2(f), Indian Succession Act]
प्रशासन का अनद
ु ान
का समायोजन
adjustment of suits : the settlement of the claims in suits by a administration, letter of : [s. 9, prov., Limitation Act] प्रशासन-
lawful agreement or compromise [Or. 23, C.P.C.] वाद� का पत्र
समायोजन administration of civil and criminal justice : [s. 2, Sonthal
Parganas Act, 1855] �स�वल और दां�डक न्याय का प्रशासन
adjustment register : समायोजन रिजस्टर
administration of justice : [s. 2(c)(iii), Contempt of Courts Act]
adjustment transaction : समायोजन संव्यवहार
न्याय प्रशासन
adjutant : एडजुट�ट ; एजुट�ट administration of medical benefit : [s. 22(a), Employees’ State
adjutant general : एडजुट�ट जनरल Insurance Act] �च�कत्सा-प्रसु�वधा का प्रशासन

admeasure : [s. 1(4)(a), Plantations Labour Act] माप म� administration of poison : [s. 7, ill. (c), Indian Evidence Act]
�वष दे ना
admeasuring : [sch., pt. III, Salarjung Museum Act] माप वाल�
administration of property : [s. 5(1), Charitable Endowments
adminicular evidence : corroborative or confirmatory proof
Act] संप�� का प्रशासन
संपोषी सा�य
administration of scheduled areas and tribal areas : [art. 244,
administer : 1. to manage the affairs of [s. 3(47), General
margin, Const.] अनुसू�चत �ेत्र� और जनजा�त �ेत्र� का प्रशासन
Clauses Act] प्रशासन करना ; [s. 263A(4), I.P.C.] प्रशासन
administration of the affairs : कायर्कलाप का प्रशासन ; काय� का
चलाना ; 2. to manage the property of a person who dies
intestate i.e. without a will or whose will will incompletely प्रशासन
disposes of his property or whose will lacks a competent administration of the affairs of the Union : [art. 78(a),
executor प्रबंध करना ; [s. 21 (fourth), I.P.C.] ग्रहण कराना ; 3. to Const.] संघ के कायर्कलाप का प्रशासन
give as a remedial measure, as medicine etc. [s. 37, ill. (a), administration of the estate : [s. 71(1)(d), Presidency-towns
I.P.C.] दे ना Insolvency Act] संपदा का प्रशासन
administer justice according to law : [s. 104(1), Navy Act] administration of the Union territories : [art. 239, margin,
न्याय का प्रशासन �व�ध के अनुसार करना ; �व�ध के अनस
ु ार न्याय Const.] संघ राज्य�ेत्र� का प्रशासन
administration of trust : [s. 92(1), C.P.C.] न्यास का प्रशासन
administer oath : [s. 13(a), Arbitration Act] शपथ �दलाना administration suit : a suit to secure due administration of any
administer oath or affirmation : [s. 104(1), Navy Act] शपथ property, particularly that of a deceased person [Or. 20,
r. 13(2), C.P.C.] प्रशासन वाद
�दलाना या प्र�त�ान कराना
administrative : pertaining to administration; executive as distin-
administer poison : to give poison [s. 37, ill. (a), I.P.C.] �वष दे ना guished from judicial [s. 124, expln. 3, I.P.C.] प्रशास�नक
administer to any party interrogatories : [s. 13(e), Arbitration
administrative ability : प्रशास�नक योग्यता
Act] �कसी प�कार से प�रप्रश्न� के उ�र मांगना
administrative affairs : [sch., item 17(2)(v), Aligarh Muslim
administer warning : [sch., item 4(4)(a), North-Eastern Hill
University Act] प्रशास�नक मामले
University Act] चेतावनी दे ना
administered by the President : [s. 3(41), General Clauses Act] administrative approval : प्रशास�नक अनुमोदन
राष्ट्रप�त द्वारा प्रशा�सत administrative authority : प्रशास�नक प्रा�धकार�
administered in a summary manner : [s. 106(1), Presidency- administrative capacity : [s. 2(e), Payment of Gratuity Act]
towns Insolvency Act] सं��प्त र��त से प्रशा�सत क� गई प्रशास�नक है �सयत
administering the property : [s. 66(1), Provincial Insolvency administrative charge : प्रशास�नक प्रभार
Act] संप�� का प्रशासन
administrative control : प्रशास�नक �नयंत्रण
administration : 1, management प्रबंध ; 2. the managing or
administrative convenience : प्रशास�नक स�ु वधा
conduct of an office, employment or institution; the
management of public affairs; the executive part of the administrative departments : प्रशास�नक �वभाग
government; the management and disposal of the estate of a
deceased person by an executor or administrator [s. 69A(10), administrative expenses : [s. 18(2)(b), Oil Industry
(Development) Act and art. 146(3), Const.] प्रशास�नक व्यय
T.P. Act] प्रशासन
administration and control : [long title, Rajghat Samadhi Act] administrative experience : [s. 3(2)(f), Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Act] प्रशास�नक अनभ
ु व
प्रबंध और �नयंत्रण
administration publicity division : प्रशासन और प्रचार प्रभाग administrative head : प्रशास�नक प्रधान
bond 14 admission or establishment of new States
administration bond : a bond (for due performance of duties) administrative instructions : प्रशास�नक अनुदेश
given by a person to whom the administration of another's
administrative officer : प्रशास�नक अ�धकार�
property is entrusted [s. 35, Guardians and Wards Act] प्रशासन
administrative powers : प्रशास�नक शक्�तयां
administration, commit the : [s. 219(c), Indian Succession Act] administrative sanction : प्रशास�नक मंजूर�
administrative service, Indian : भारतीय प्रशास�नक सेवा ग्रहण
administrative staff college : प्रशास�नक स्टाफ कालेज admission of fact : [Or. 12, r. 5, C.P.C.] तथ्य क� स्वीकृ�त
administrative system : प्रशास�नक प्रणाल� admission of parties : [Or, 35, r. 4(2), C.P.C.] प�कार� क�
administrative tribunals : [art. 323A, margin, Const.] प्रशास�नक स्वीकृ�त
अ�धकरण admission of petition : [s. 51(1), Provincial Insolvency Act] अज�
administrative unit : [s. 6(3)(b), Two-Member Constituencies को ग्रहण करना
(Abolition) Act] प्रशास�नक इकाई ; प्रशास�नक एकक
admission of plaint : [s. 18, Provincial Inslovency Act] वादपत्र
administratively subordinate : [s. 195(2), Cr. P.C.] प्रशास�नक को ग्रहण करना
तौर पर अधीनस्थ admission of students : [s. 17(1 )(a), Jawaharlal Nehru
administrator : a person appointed by court to administer the University Act and s. 7, prov., North-Eastern Hill University
estate when there is no executor; one who administers; one who Act] छात्र� का प्रवेश
has the faculty of organising [s. 2(i), Wealth-tax Act] प्रशासक admission standards
or establishment of new States : [art. 2, margin, 15
administrator, character of : [s. 335(2), Indian Succession Act] Const.] नए राज्य� का प्रवेश या स्थापना
प्रशासक क� है �सयत admission standards : [s. 33(2)(a), Institutes of Technology Act]
Administrator General : [s. 160(iii), Income-tax Act] प्रवेश स्तर
महाप्रशासक (एड�म�नस्ट्रे टर जनरल)
admit : 1. to accept for the purpose of consideration ग्रहण करना ;
administrator of Union territories : [s. 133(vi), C.P.C.] संघ 2. to admit anything as true स्वीकार करना ; स्वीकृत करना ; 3. to
राज्य�ेत्र� का प्रशासक let in सम्�म�लत कर लेना
administratrix : [Or. 31, r. 3, C.P.C.] प्रशा�सका admit a plaint : [s. 19(1), Provincial Small Cause Courts Act]
admiral : [s. 3(8), Navy Act] एड�मरल �कसी वादपत्र को ग्रहण करना

admiral of the fleet : [s. 3(8), Navy Act] फ्ल�ट एड�मरल admit an application : [s. 119(2)(b), Income-tax Act] आवेदन ग्रहण

admiralty : 1. the maritime branch of the administration of करना

justice [s. 41, Indian Evidence Act] नाव�धकरण ; 2. pertaining admit as a minor : allow to join (a firm) as a minor [s. 30(6),
to navy [s. 140(1), C.P.C.] नाव�धकरण �वषयक Indian Partnership Act] अप्राप्तवय के तौर पर सम्�म�लत करना

admiralty jurisdiction : [s. 140(1), C.P.C.] नाव�धकरण �वषयक admit document : [Or. 12, r. 2, C.P.C.] दस्तावेज को स्वीकार

अ�धका�रता करना

admissibility : allowability as judicial proof; the quality of being admit into the Union : [art. 2, Const.] संघ म� प्रवेश
admissible [sch. I, app. C, form No. 10, C.P.C.] ग्राह्ययता admit of application, words : [s. 80, Indian Succession Act]
admissibility of allowance : भ�े क� स्वीकायर्ता शब्द� के एक से अ�धक उपयोजन हो सकते ह� ; शब्द� का अनेक अथ�

admissible : 1. allowable as judicial proof; worthy of being म� प्रयोग हो सकता है

admitted or received [s. 197, I.P.C] ग्राह्य ; 2. capable of being admit the execution : [s. 35(1)(a), Registration Act] �नष्पादन को
allowed or conceded [s. 62, Employees’ State Insurance Act] स्वीकार करना
admit the truth : [Or. 12. r. I, C.P.C.] सत्यता को स्वीकार करना
admissible in evidence : [s. 42(2), Indian Stamp Act] सा�य म�
admit to bail : [s. 51(1), Cr. P. C] जमानत लेना ; जमानत ले लेना ;
जमानत मंजूर करना
admissible in proof : [s. 82, Indian Evidence Act] सा�बत करने के
admit to proof : [s. 431(a), Companies Act] सबूत प्र�क्रया म�
�लए ग्राह्य
सम्�म�लत करना
admission : 1. the admitting of anything as true [s. 17, Indian
admit to proof against the estate of the insolvent : [s. 431(a),
Evidence Act] स्वीकृ�त ; 2. the act of accepting or the fact of
Companies Act] �दवा�लए क� संपदा �वषयक सबूत प्र�क्रया म�
being accepted for the purpose of consideration ग्रहण ; 3. the
सम्�म�लत करना
fact of being admitted to a place, society, body or institution
प्रवेश admit to the benefits : [s. 30(1), Indian Partnership Act] फायद�
admission and rejection of proof : [s. 48, Presidency-towns म� सम्�म�लत करना
Insolvency Act] सबूत का ग्रहण और अग्रहण admit to the privileges of the university : �वश्व�वद्यालय के
admission committee : [s. 29(1)(m), Aligarh Muslim University �वशेषा�धकार दे ना
Act] प्रवेश स�म�त
admits of compensation in money : [s. 12(2), Specific Relief
admission fee : प्रवेश शुल्क ; प्रवेश फ�स Act] धन के रूप म� प्र�तकर हो सकता है
admission form : प्रवेश पत्र admittance : entrance [s. 47(2), Cr. P.C.] प्रवेश
admission into prison : [s. 177(f), Army Act] कारागार म� प्रवेश admitted claim : [s. 24, Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act] स्वीकृत
admission of appeal : the acceptance by court of an appeal for दावा
the purpose of consideration [Or. 41, r. 9, C.P.C.] अपील का admitted in evidence : [s. 56, Dekkan Agriculturists' Relief Act]
सा�य म� ग्रहण क� गई Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act] वयस्थ ;
admitted, may be : [s. 24(2), Advocates Act] प्र�वष्ट �कया जा वयस्क
सकता है adult consumption unit : [s. 18, expln. 2, Beedi and Cigar
Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act] वयस्थ उपभोग इकाई
admitted the plaintiff’s claim : [Or. 5, r. 1, C.P.C.] वाद� का दावा
; [s. 59(4), expln. 1, Factories Act] वयस्थ उपभोग यू�नट
स्वीकृत कर �लया
admitted to probate : [s. 91, excep. 2, Indian Evidence Act] adult education : प्रौढ़ �श�ा
प्रोबेट �मला है Adult Education Officer : प्रौढ़ �श�ा अ�धकार�
admitted to registration : रिजस्ट्र�करण के �लए गहृ �त adult franchise : वयस्क मता�धकार
admitting or appointing members : [s. 7(1), Institutes of adult male member of the family : [Or. 5, r. 15, C.P.C.] कुटुंब
Technology Act] सदस्य� को प्रवेश दे ना या उनक� �नयक्
ु �त करना का वयस्थ पुरुष सदस्य
admixture : [s. 6(1), Indian Power Alcohol Act] अ�ध�मश्रण
adult member : [s. 140(b), Income-tax Act] वयस्क सदस्य
admonition : an expression of authoritative warning; a gentle
reproof to a convict in lieu of punishment [s. 21(1)(a), Children adult messenger : वयस्क संदेशवाहक
Act] भत्र्सना adult school teacher : प्रौढ़ �वद्यालय �श�क
adolescent : a person in a age of adolescence i.e. grown from adult suffrage : [s. 4(2), Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils
childhood to maturity [s. 2(1)(a), Mines Act and s. 2(a), Act] वयस्क मता�धकार
Minimum Wages Act] कुमार
adult worker : [s. 52(1), Factories Act] वयस्थ कमर्कार
adopt : 1. to take as one's son or daughter [s. 40, Registration
adulterant : that with which anything is adulterated [s. 2(i),
Act] द�क ग्रहण करना ; 2. to endorse and assume responsibility
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act] अपद्रव्य
for [s. 215, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] अंगीकार करना ;
adulterate : to corrupt, debase or make impure by the addition of
[preamble, Const.] अंगीकृत करना
a foreign substance [s. 272, I.P.C.] अप�म�श्रत करना
adopt policy : [s. 80C(2)(b), expln. (ii), Income-tax Act]
adulterated : [s. 2(i), Prevention of Food Adulteration Act]
पा�लसी को अंगीकृत करना
adopted children : [s. 27(7)(ii), Estate Duty Act] द�क संतान adulterated drug : [s. 10(bb), Drugs and Cosmetics Act]
adopted son : [s. 7, Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act] द�क अप�म�श्रत ओष�ध
पुत्र adulteration : the action of adulterating; the condition of being
so adulterated; an adulterated substance [s. 272, I.P.C.]
adoption : 1. the action of adopting a child [s. 2(a), Indian
Majority Act and s. 3(20) General Clauses Act] द�क ग्रहण ;
2. taking as one's own [s. 303(1), expln. 3(i), Companies Act] adulteration of food and drugs : [s. 39(1)(iv), Cr. P.C.] खाद्य
अपनाना ; 3. endorsing and assuming responsibility for और ओष�धय� का अप�मश्रण
[s. 80C(2)(b), expln. (ii), Income-tax Act] अंगीकरण adulterer : one who has sexual intercourse with a person who is
and whom he knows or has reason to believe to be the wife of
adoption deed : [sch. I, item 3, Indian Stamp Act] द�क �वलेख another man without the consent or connivance of that man
adultery 16
adoption, give in : [s. 9, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act] [s. 41(2)(a), Special Marriage Act] जारकम�
द�क दे ना
adultery : [s. 497, I.P.C.] जारकमर्
adoption of or succession to the title : [s. 303, expln. (3)(i),
Companies Act] उस अ�भनाम को अपनाना या उस अ�भनाम को adultery, live in : जारता क� दशा म� रहना

उ�रा�धकार म� पाना advance : 1. money in whole or in part, forming the consideration

of an agreement paid before the same is completely payable
adoption of text : पाठ को अंगीकार करना [s. 13(d), Indian Partnership Act] अ�धदाय (एडवांस) ; अ�धदाय
adoption, take in : [s. 7, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance करना ; 2. a loan [s. 141, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] उधार
Act] द�क लेना (एडवांस) ; 3. to lend उधार दे ना ; 4. to make payment in
adoptive family : [s. 12, Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act] articipation [s. 23(1)(e), Industrial Finance Corporation Act]
द�क कुटुंब अ�ग्रम धन दे ना ; 5. to improve [s. 4, North-Eastern Hill
adoptive father : the father who has taken a child in adoption University Act] अ�भवद्
ृ �ध
[s. 3(20), General Clauses Act] द�क �पता
advance accounts : अ�ग्रम लेखे
adoptive mother : the mother who has taken a child in adoption
[s, 7, Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act] द�क माता advance copy : अ�ग्रम प्र�त

adoptor : द�कग्रह�ता advance deposit : [s. 280B(2), Income-tax Act] अ�ग्रम �न�ेप

adornment, personal : [s. 2(6), Gold (Control) Act] शार��रक advance entry : अ�ग्रम प्र�वष्�ट

अलंकरण advance, forest : वन अ�ग्रम

adrema operator : एड्रेमा प्रचालक advance, future : भ�वष्यत ् उधार ; [s. 79, T.P. Act] भ�वष्यवत�

adrift : [s. 45(1), Indian Forest Act] बहती हुई उधार

adult : having reached the age of maturity [s. 2(a), Beedi and advance increment : अ�ग्रम वेतनवद्
ृ �ध
advance knowledge : [s. 4, North-Eastern Hill University Act] फायदाप्रद �कसी अन्य उद्दे श्य को अग्रसर करना
�ान क� वद्
ृ �ध
advances or debits : [s. 79, T.P. Act] उधार या �वकलन
advance money : to make payment of money in advance [s. 415,
expln., ill. (g), I.P.C.] अ�ग्रम धन दे ना advances to contractors : ठे केदार� को अ�ग्रम

advance of pay : अ�ग्रम वेतन advances to distributors : सं�वतरक� को अ�ग्रम

advantage : benefit, profit or gain of any kind [s. 268, I.P.C.]
advance or loan : [s. 2(22)(e), Income-tax Act] अ�ग्रम या उधार
भलाई ; [s. 300, excep. (4). I.P.C.] लाभ ; [ s. 55(l)(b), Motor
advance payment : [s. 190(1), Income-tax Act] अ�ग्रम संदाय
Vehicles Act] फायदा ; [s. 3(2) (f), Insurance Act] सहू�लयत
advance, permanent : स्थायी अ�ग्रम advantage gained by fiduciary : [s. 88, Indian Trusts Act]
advance, repayable : प्र�तसंदेय अ�ग्रम वैश्वा�सक द्वारा उठाया गया फायदा
advance ruling : [s. 245N(a), Income-tax Act, s. 28E, Customs advantage of, take : [s. 300, excep. (4), I.P.C.] लाभ उठाना
Act] अ�ग्रम �व�नणर्य adventure : a pecuniary venture [s. 2(13), Income-lax Act]
advance, takavi works : तकावी संकमर् अ�ग्रम प्रोद्यम

advance tax : [ss. 2(37A)(i) and 139(8), Income-tax act] अ�ग्रम adversary's advocate : [s. 27. Legal Practitioners Act] प्र�तप�ी का
कर अ�धवक्ता
adverse : acting in a contrary direction; opposing [Or. 32, r. 4(1),
advanced accountancy : उन्नत लेखाकमर्
C.P.C.] प्र�तकूल
advanced banking : उन्नत ब�ककार�
adverse claimant : [s. 32(2)(b), Land Acquisition Act] प्र�तकूल
advanced by way of loan : [s. 58(a), T.P. Act] उधार के तौर पर
�दए गए
adverse distinction : [sch., art. 16, Geneva Conventions Act]
advanced computer system : उन्नत कंप्यट
ू र प्रणाल� प्र�तकूल �वभेद
advanced study and research : [s. 29(1)(m), Aligarh Muslim adverse entry : प्र�तकूल प्र�वष्�ट
University Act] उच्च अध्ययन एवं अनुसंधान
adverse party : [ss. 33, 66, prov. (2), and 161, Indian Evidence
advanced training : उच्च प्र�श�ण Act] प्र�तप�ी
advancement : 1. the promotion in life [s. 41, Indian Trusts adverse possesion : [s. 53(2), Estate Duty Act] प्र�तकूल कब्जा
Act] उन्न�त ; समन्
ु न�त ; 2. improvement [s. 34(e), Guardians
adverse remark : [s. 217(3), Companies Act] प्र�तकूल �टप्पण
and Wards Act] अ�भवधर्न ; [s. 5(1), Aligarh Muslim University
adverse report : प्र�तकूल �रपोटर्
Act] अ�भवद्
ृ �ध ; 3. furtherance [s. 2(15), Income-tax Act] अग्रसर
adverse to that of the minor : [Or. 32. r. 4(1), prov., C.P.C.]
करना ; 4. going forward [s. I5(2)(a), Salarjung Museum Act]
अप्राप्तवय के �हत के प्र�तकूल
ृ �ध
adverse to the title : [s. 34, expln., Specific Relief Act] हक के
advancement by new discovery : [s. 14, Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Act] नई खोज द्वारा समुन्न�त प्र�तकूल
advancement in life : promotion in life [s. 41, Indian Trusts Act] adversely : being in a contrary direction [s. 88, C.P.C.] के
जीवन म� उन्न�त करना प्र�तकूल ; प्र�तकूलत:
advancement of any other object : [s. 2(va), Gift-tax Act, s. 18, adversely affect the revenue : [s. 34A(2), Wealth-tax Act]
T.P. Act and s. 2, Charitable Endowments Act] �कसी अन्य राजस्व पर प्र�तकूल प्रभाव पड़ना
उद्दे श्य को अग्रसर करना advertise : to make publicly known by announcement in a
advancement of commerce : [s. 18, T.P. Act] वा�णज्य को अग्रसर journal, paper etc. [s. 55(2), Indian Partnership Act] �व�ापन
करना करना ; �व�ा�पत करना ; �व�ापन दे ना
advancement of defendant's interest, plea of : it is for the advertised for sale : [s. 69, ill, Indian Contract Act and Or. 21,
plaintiff to prove malice besides the other two ingredients of the r. 58(2), C.P.C.] �वक्रय के �लए �व�ा�पत
wrong, viz. conspiracy and damage, but if the defendants had
combined and willfully caused damage, it will be for them to advertised sale : �व�ा�पत �वक्रय
prove that their sole or predominant motive was the advertised tender : �व�ा�पत �न�वदा
advancement of their own interests and not to injure the plaintiff
advertisement : the action of advertising; a public notice or
प्र�तवाद� के �हत क� अ�भवद्ृ �ध का अ�भवाक्
announcement of a thing [s. 171H, I.P.C.] �व�ापन
advancement of learning : [s. 16(2)(a), Rampur Raza Library
Act] �वद्या का अ�भवधर्न advertisement assistant : �व�ापन सहायक

advancement of public justice : [s. 300, expln. 3, I.P.C.] लोक advertisement manager : �व�ापन प्रबंधक
न्याय क� अग्रसरता advertisement of the assignment : समनुदेशन का �व�ापन
advancement of religion : [s. 18, T.P. Act] धमर् को अग्रसर करना advertisement shall be inserted in some newspaper :
[s. 158(2), Companies Act] �व�ापन �कसी समाचारपत्र म�
advancement of religion, knowledge, commerce, health, safety
or any other object beneficial to mankind : [s. 18, T.P. Act] अंत:स्था�पत �कया जाएगा
धमर्, �ान, वा�णज्य, स्वास्थ्य, �ेम को या मानव जा�त के �लए advertisement shorts : [1st sch., Item 37, sub-item II(iii),
advertising consultant 17 affect, shall be deemed to
Central Excises Act] लघु �व�ापन �फल्म advocate on record : अ�भलेख अ�धवक्ता
advertising consultant : [s. 2(b)(v), Collection of Statistics Act] advocate, vakil or attorney : [s. 11(c), Indian Stamp Act and s.
�व�ापन परामश� 76, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] अ�धवक्ता, वक�ल या
advice : an opinion given or offered as to action [s. 69A(10), T.P. अटन�
Act] सलाह ; [s. 21(1)(a) Children Act] उपदे श ; information
advocating the object : [s. 10, ill., Indian Evidence Act] उद्दे श्य
का प�पोषण करना
advice note : सूचनापत्र ; सं�ापन पत्र aerated or other potable water : [s. 282(15), Cantonments Act]
advice of despatch : प्रेषण क� सच
ू ना वा�तत या अन्य पेय जल
aerated water : [sch. I, Employees’ Provident Funds and
advice of payment : संदाय क� सूचना ; संदाय सं�ापन
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] वा�तत जल
advice or concurrence : सच
ू ना या सहम�त
advice slip : सच
ू ना पच� aerial nevigation : [s. 3(1)(o)(i), Civil Defence Act] �वमान
advisability : [s. 64, prov., Arbitration and Conciliation Act] संचालन
ु तता
aerial ropeways : [s. 2(1)(j)(v), Mines Act] आकाशी
advise : to give advice सलाह दे ना ; to inform सूचना दे ना
adviser : one who gives advice or counsel; one who advises; one
designated to give advice [s. 129, Indian Evidence Act and aerial survey : [s. 18(1)(d), Air Corporations Act] आकाशी
[s. 18(2)(a), Oil Industry (Development) Act] सलाहकार सव��ण ; �वमान से सव��ण
adviser, honorary : अवैत�नक सलाहकार aero engine : [sch., para II(b), Air Corporations Act] वायव इंजन
adviser, housing : आवास सलाहकार aerodrome : [s. 2(1)(a)(iii), Essential Services Maintenance Act
and s. 2(2), Aircraft Act] �वमान �ेत्र, हवाई अड्डा (�वमान �नलयम ्)
adviser of factories : कारखाना सलाहकार
aerodrome of departure or destination : [sch. I, r. 12(1),
adviser, press : प्रेस सलाहकार Carriage by Air Act] प्रस्थान का या गंतव्य �वमान-�ेत्र
adviser, soil conservation : भू�म संर�ण सलाहकार aeronautical communication : [s. 12(5), International Airports
advisory board : [s. 2(b), Delhi School Education Act] Authority Act] वैमा�नक संचार
सलाहकार बोडर् aeroplane : [s. 4(ii), Air Force Act] �वमान
advisory board of education, central : क�द्र�य �श�ा सलाहकार aesthetic : [s. 20(2)(ii), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act] स�दयर्
बोडर् संबंधी
advisory committee : [s. 54B, Inland Vessels Act] सलाहकार aesthetic quality of surroundings : [s. 11(1), Delhi Urban Art
स�म�त Commission Act] आसपास क� स�दयर्परकता
advisory council : [s. 3(a), Industries (Development and aesthetic quality of urban and environmental design :
Regulation) Act] सलाहकार प�रषद् [preamble, Delhi Urban Art Commission Act] नगर�य और

advisory council, central : क�द्र�य सलाहकार प�रषद् पयार्वरणीय स्वरूप क� स�दयर्परकता

aesthetic value : [s. 2(l)(a)(ii), Antiquities and Art Treasures
advisory service : सलाहकार सेवा
Act] स�दयर् क� दृष्�ट से महत्व
advocacy : वकालत ; प� समथर्न
affairs : 1. business of any kind, commercial, professional or
advocate : 1. one who is qualified to plead before the higher public [s. 44(d), Indian Partnership Act] कामकाज ; [s.
courts of law [s. 2(a), Advocates Act] अ�धवक्ता (एडवोकेट) ; 2. 12(1)(d), Jayanti Shipping Company (Taking Over of
to support or recommend publicly [s. 13(1)(b), Unlawful Management) Act] कायर्कलाप ; 2. matters; concern [s. 32(6),
Activities (Prevention) Act] प� समथर्न करना ; [s. 10, ill.,
Indian Evidence Act] बात� ; [s. 6(1)(a), Prevention of
Indian Evidence Act] प�पोषण करना
Corruption Act] मामले
advocate, associate : सहयक्
ु त अ�धवक्ता
affairs and business : [s. 9(1), Unit Trust of India Act] मामले
advocate entitled to practise : �व�ध व्यवसाय करने के �लए हकदार और कारबार
affairs in matters of religion : [art. 26(b), Const.] धमर् �वषयक
Advocate-General : [s. 92(1), C.P.C.] महा�धवक्ता (एडवोकेट कायर्
affairs, maritime : [s. 37(2), Inland Vessels Act] समुद्र�य
Advocate General for the State : [art. 165, margin, Const.]
कामकाज ; समुद्र�य कायर्कलाप
राज्य का महा�धवक्ता
affairs of company : [ss. 2(24) and 3(3), Indian Iron and Steel
Advocate, Government : सरकार� Company (Taking Over of Management) Act] कंपनी के
अ�धवक्ता कायर्कलाप
advocate maintained : अ�धवक्ता इसी बात पर डटे रहे ; अ�धवक्ता affairs of customers : [s. 251(b), Companies Act] व्यवहा�रय� के
ने यह कहा कायर्कलाप
affairs of factory : [s. 2(n), Factories Act] कारखाने के कामकाज affinity : [s. 3(6), Indian Divorce Act] �ववाह-संबंध
affairs of family : matters of interest or concern to the family [s. affinity, direct : सीधा �ववाह-संबंध
32(6), Indian Evidence Act] कुटुंब क� बात� affirm : 1. to make a solemn affirmation [ s. 9, ill. (b), Indian
affairs of management : प्राबं�धक कायर्कलाप ; प्राबं�धक कामकाज ; Evidence Act] प्र�त�ान करना ; 2. to confirm or ratify अ�भपुष्ट
प्रबंध से संबं�धत कामकाज ; प्रबंध संबंधी कामकाज करना
affairs of State : matters of public nature with which the State is affirm or declare instead of swearing : [sch., item 1(4), Indian
concerned [s. 123, Indian Evidence Act] राज्य के कायर्कलाप Stamp Act] शपथ लेने के बजाय प्र�त�ान करना या घोषणा करना
affairs of the firm : [s. 44(d), Indian Partnership Act] फमर् के affirm the decision : �व�नश्चय क� अ�भपुष्�ट करना
कामकाज ; फमर् के कायर्कलाप affirmation : a solemn declaration without oath [s. 3(3), General
affairs of undertaking : [s. 28(a), Sick Texitle Undertakings Clauses Act] प्र�त�ान
(Nationalisation) Act] उपक्रम के कायर्कलाप affirmation shall be administered : [s. 130(1), Air Force Act]
affairs of the Union : [s. 6(1)(a), Prevention of Corruption Act] प्र�त�ान कराया जाएगा
संघ के मामले affirmative : positive [first sch., app. H, form No. 1, C.P.C.]
affairs of the university : [s. 12(2), North-Eastern Hill सकारात्मक
University Act] �वश्व�वद्यालय के कायर्कलाप affirmative agreement : [s. 42, Specific Relief Act] सकारात्मक
affect : to act or produce an effect upon [ss. 2 and 5, T.P. Act] करार
प्रभाव डालना ; प्रभा�वत करना
affirmed : [Or. 14, r. 1(1), C.P.C.] प्र�त�ात
affect injuriously : [s. 25, I. P.C.] ��तकारक प्रभाव पड़ना
affix a copy of the summons : [Or. 5, r. 17, C.P.C.] समन क�
affect prejudicially : [s. 51(b)(ii), Copyright Act] प्र�तकूल प्रभाव
एक प्र�त लगाना
पड़ना affix to : [s. 76(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
affect, shall be deemed to : प्रभाव डालने वाल� समझी जाएगी �चपकाया जाना ; �चपकाना
affixing bills on wall : [sch., item (28), Fort William Act] द�वार
affect the merits 18 पर इश्तहार लगाना age
affect the merits : [s. 11(1), Provincial Small Cause Courts Act]
affliction, mental or physical : [s. 27(8), Presidency-towns
गुणागुण को प्रभा�वत करना
Insolvency Act] मान�सक या शार��रक व्या�ध
affecting : प्रभाव डालने वाला
afford : प्रदान करना ; दे ना
affecting life, offence : [ch. 16, heading, I.P.C.] जीवन के �लए
afford assistance : [s. 105(1), Army Act] सहायता दे ना
संकटकार� अपराध
afford him the earliest opportunity : [art. 22(5), Const.] उसे
affecting the human body : मानव शर�र पर प्रभाव डालने वाला
शीघ्रा�तशीघ्र अवसर दे ना
affection : kind feeling; tender attachment स्नेह ; [s. 104(1), Navy
afford reasonable probability : [Or. 25, r. 1(2), C.P.C.]
Act] अनुराग युक्�तयुक्त अ�धसंभाव्यता है
affection or ill-will : [s. 104(1), Navy Act] अनुराग या वैमनस्य afford transfer credit : अंतरण क� सु�वधा प्रदान करना
affidavit : a written statement in the name of a person, called the
affording grounds for relief : [s. 3, T.P. Act] अनुतोष दे ने के �लए
deponent by whom it is voluntarily signed and sworn to or
affirmed [s. 3(3), General Clauses Act and s. 3(3), Oaths Act] आधार प्रदान करने वाला
शपथ-पत्र (ए�फडे�वट) afforestation : [s. 12(e), Damodar Valley Corporation Act]
affidavit in answer, filing : [Or. 11, r. 8, C.P.C.] उ�र म� �दए गए वनरोपण
शपथ-पत्र का फाइल �कया जाना afforestation officer : वनरोपण अ�धकार�
affidavit of valuation : [s. 2(1), Estate Duty Act] मूल्यांकन शपथ- affray : [s. 159, I.P.C.] दं गा
पत्र affreightment : the hiring of a ship to carry cargo माल वहन के �लए
affiliate : [s. 6(2), North-Eastern Hill University Act] संबंध करना पोत तय करना
affiliated : attached as a member or branch [s. 36(1)(b), affront : [s. 2, expln. 4(a), Prevention of Insults to National
Industrial Disputes Act and s. 23(2), Apprentices Act] संबंध ; Honour Act] अपमान
सहबद्ध afloat : borne on the water [s. 98, Navy Act] जल पर
affiliated college : संबद्ध महा�वद्यालय aforesaid : said or mentioned before [ss. 51 and 126, T. P. Act]
पूव�क्त ; [s. 59, T.P. Act] उपयक्
ुर् त
affiliating university : संबद्धक �वश्व�वद्यालय
aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the
affiliation : [s. 6(2), North-Eastern Hill University Act] संबद्ध
Railway : पूव�क्त रकम रे ल को समपहृत हो सकेगी
�कया जाना ; [preamble, Indian Red Cross Society Act] संबद्ध after acquired property : [s. 39(1)(d), Presidency-towns
करना Insolvency Act] पश्चात ् अिजर्त संप��
affiliation, grant : [s. 12A(5), U.G.C. Act] सहबद्ध �कया जाना after care home : उ�रर�ा गह

after care organisation : [s. 12(1), Children Act] पश्चात्वत� age of retirement : [art. 148 (3), prov., Const.] �नव�ृ � क� आयु
दे खरे ख संगठन age, particular : �व�शष्ट आयु
after care programme : पश्चातवत� दे खरे ख का कायर्क्रम age, under : [s. 114, ill. (iv), Indian Succession Act] वय से पहले
after completion of the assessment : [s. 171(6), Income-tax Act] ageing : [s. 29(iv), Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and
�नधार्रण पूरा हो जाने के पश्चात ् Senior Citizens Act] वद्
ृ धावस्था
after consultation with : [s. 12(1), Food Corporations Act] से agency : 1. the office or function of an agent [s. 185, Indian
परामशर् के पश्चात ् ; [art. 98(3) and art. 118(3), Const.] से Contract Act] अ�भकरण (एज�सी) ; अ�भकरण �ेत्र ; 2. माध्यम ;
परामशर् करने के पश्चात ् द्वारा

after deducting costs : [s. 5(4), Carriage by Air Act] खच� क� agency and branch cash book : अ�भकरण और शाखा रोकड़ बह�
कटौती करने के पश्चात ् agency, business of : [s. 215, Indian Contract Act] अ�भकरण का
after making allowance : [sch. I, item 2(1), Companies (Profits) कारबार
Surtax Act] मोक दे ने के पश्चात ् agency commission : अ�भकरण कमीशन
after making the exclusions mentioned : [sch. I, item 2, agency, credit : [s. 6(2)(f), Oil Industry (Development) Act]
Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] व�णर्त अपवजर्न करने के पश्चात ् प्रत्यय अ�भकरण
after presentment for sight : after being presented for being
seen (by the maker of a promissory note) [s. 21, Negotiable agency credit journal : अ�भकरण जमा जनर्ल
Instruments Act] दशर्नाथर् उपस्थापन के पश्चात ् agency ledger : अ�भकरण खाता
after previous publication : [s. 3, Registration of Foreigners agency of steam, by : [s. 2(5), Inland Vessels Act] वाष्प द्वारा
Act] पूवर् प्रकाशन के पश्चात ्
agenda : a list of business to be transacted कायर्सूची
after sight : [s. 21, Negotiable Instruments Act] दशर्नोपरांत
agent : a person employed to do any act for another or to
after taking into account : [s. 6(2), Companies (Profits) Surtax represent another in dealings with third persons [s. 2(1)(c),
Act] �वचार करने के पश्चात ् Mines Act] अ�भकतार् (एज�ट); [s. 61, ill. (v), Indian Succession
after the close of the investigation : [s. 12(4), Industrial Act] कतार्
Disputes Act] अन्वेषण समाप्त होने के पश्चात ् agent, bleaching : [1st sch., ch. 29, note 2(1), Customs Tariff Act]
after the disability has ceased : [s. 6(1), Limitation Act] �वरं जक
�नय�ग्यता का अंत होने के पश्चात ्
agent, clearing and forwarding : �नकासी और प्रेषण अ�भकतार्
after the year 2026 : [art. 81(3), prov., Const.] सन ् 2026 के
agent, commission : कमीशन अ�भकतार्
पश्चात ्
agent, del credere : प्रत्यायक अ�भकतार्
afterwards : तत्पश्चात ्
agent exceeds authority : अ�भकतार् प्रा�धकार के आगे बढ़ जाता है
again revive the same : [Or. 21, r. 33(3), C.P.C.] उसे पुन:
agent, forwarding : प्रेषक अ�भकतार्
प्रव�तर्त करना
agent, free : [s. 61, ill. (v), Indian Succession Act] स्वतंत्र कतार्
against : [s. 12, Indian Dock Labourers Act] �खलाफ ;
agent, general : साधारण अ�भकतार्
[s. 191(2)(h), Army Act] �वरुद्ध
agent, managing : प्रबंध अ�भकतार् ; प्रबंध एज�ट
against all risks : संपूणर् जो�खम स�हत
agent of the carrier : [s. 3(4), Carriage by Air Act] वाहक का
against, as : के मुकाबले ; के �वरुद्ध ; जहां तक ... का संबंध है ; के
agent of the defendant in charge of the property : [Or. 5,
against such defendant : [Or. 9, r. 13, prov., C. P. C.] ऐसे
r. 14, C.P.C.] प्र�तवाद� का ऐसा अ�भकतार्, जो संप�त का भारसाधक
प्र�तवाद� के �वरुद्ध
against the company, compensation : कंपनी से प्र�तकर agent of the owner or charterer : [Or. 5, r. 13(2), C.P.C.]
age : 1. the time that anything or person has existed or lived [s. 6, स्वामी या भाड़े पर लेने वाले का अ�भकतार्
ill. (a), I.P.C. and art. 124(2A), Const.] आयु ; 2. the time of
agent, particular : �वशेष अ�भकतार्
life at which one becomes naturally or conventionally qualified
agent, riot control : [article II, entry 7, Chemical Weapons
age something [s. 14, T.P. Act] वयस ् ; वय
forentry 19 Convention Act] बलवा �नयंत्रण, कमर्क agreed to be referred
age entry : वय प्र�वष्�ट
agent, selling : �वक्रय अ�भकतार्
age for suffrage : मतायु
agent, sole : एकमात्र अ�भकतार्
age, full : [s. 14, T.P. Act] पूणर् वयस ्
agent, special : �वशेष अ�भकतार्
age limit : [s. 30A(1), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] आयु
agent, travelling : यात्रागामी अ�भकतार्
agent's ledger : अ�भकतार् खाता
age, of full : [s. 2(i), Works of Defence Act] वयस्क
agents, remount and purchasing : अश्व प्रदाय और क्रय अ�भकतार्
age of majority : [s. 11, Indian Contract Act] प्राप्तवय
agglomerations, urban : [preamble; Urban Land Ceiling Act] agree to subscribe capital : [s. 13(d), Indian Partnership Act]
नगर बस्�तयां पंूजी लगाने का करार करना
aggravate : to make worse, more severe or more serious agree upon the same thing in the same sense : [s. 13, Indian
[s. 46(b), Army Act] गुरुतर बनाना ; [s. 61, Navy Act] बढ़ाना Contract Act] एक ह� बात पर एक ह� भाव म� सहमत होना
aggravate disease or infirmity : [s. 7(1)(l), Assam Rifles Act] agreed period : [s. 29, Industrial Finance Corporation Act] करार
रोग या अंग-शै�थल्य को गुरुतर बनाना पाई गई कालाव�ध
aggravated, injury has been : ��त गुरुतर हो गई है agreed statement of facts : सहमत तथ्य� का कथन
aggravating circumstances : circumstances attending the agreed stopping place : [first sch., item 1(3), Carriage by Air
commission of a crime or tort which increase its guilt or
enormity or add to its injurious consequences. Instances of Act] करार �कया गया रुकने का स्थान
these are : malice, gross recklessness, violence of language or agreed to : [s. 22, prov., Apprentices Act] तय पाई गई ; करार पाई
wantonly harmful kind of imputation calculated to outrage
feelings and cause mental pain to the plaintiff excessive गई
publicity, repetition of the libel, publishing fresh libels before agreed
agreed to
to be
by referred : [s. 3, Foreign Awards (Recognition and
the meeting 20
or after suit; refusal or neglect to retract or apologise, conduct Enforcement Act] िजसे �नद� �शत करने के �लए करार हुआ है
of the defendant during the trial of the action, an unsuccessful
plea of justification, persisting in that plea with knowledge that agreed to by the meeting : [s. 263(1), Companies Act] अ�धवेशन
it cannot be proved गुरुतरकार� प�रस्�थ�तयां म� मंजूर कर �दया गया
aggregate : 1. the sum total [s. 2(o), Unit Trust of India Act] agreed upon, as may be : [s. 21(4), Industrial Finance
योग ; 2. collected into one [s. 280X(2)(c), Income-tax Act] Corporation Act] जैसी करार पाई जाए
agreement : 1. concurrence [s. 37, ill. (a), I.P.C.] सहम�त ;
aggregate capacity : [s. 18(c), prov., Damodar Valley 2. every promise and every set of promises, forming the
Corporation Act] संक�लत �मता consideration for each other, is an agreement [s. 2(e), Indian
aggregate, in the : [s. 24, Industrial Finance Corporation Act] Contract Act and art. 73(1)(b), and art. 131, prov., Const.]
कुल �मलाकर ; िजसका योग ..... हो करार
agreement between the President of India acting on the
aggregate income : कुल आय
premises through the Controller of Stores : भारत के राष्ट्रप�त
aggregate of the funds : [s. 13(4), Income-tax Act] �न�धय� का जो इस �वलेख के प्रयोजन के �लए भंडार �नयंत्रक के माध्यम से कायर्
योग कर रहे ह�
aggregate pay : कुल वेतन agreement by way of wager : [s. 30, Indian Contract Act]
aggregate punishment : [s. 31(2), Cr. P.C.] संक�लत दं ड पंद्यम ् के तौर का करार

aggregate subject-matter : [Or. 2, r. 3(2), C.P.C.] संक�लत agreement contingent on impossible event : असंभव घटना पर
�वषय-वस्तु समा�श्रत करार

aggregate value of the realisation made from the sale : �वक्रय agreement, express : [s. 43, Indian Contract Act] अ�भव्यक्त
से क� गई वसूल� का संक�लत मूल्य करार
agreement for arbitration : [s. 2(a), Arbitration (Protocol and
aggregation of income : [s. 66, Income-tax Act] आय का संकलन
Convention) Act] माध्यस्थम ् करार
aggregation of property : [s. 34(1), Estate Duty Act] संप�� का
agreement for avoidance : [s. 44, Gift-tax Act] प�रवजर्न करने के
�लए करार
aggression, external : [s. 19(a), Passports Act] बाह्य आक्रमण
agreement for avoidance or relief of double taxation : [s. 44A,
aggressor State : आक्रामक राज्य Wealth-tax Act] दोहरे कराधान के प�रवजर्न या उससे राहत के �लए
aggrieved : injuriously affected; having a grievance [ss. 97 and करार
114, C.P.C.] व्य�थत
agreement form : करारनामा
aggrieved person : [s. 138, Navy Act] व्य�थत व्यक्�त
agreement, implied : [s. 32(2), Indian Partnership Act] �वव��त
agitate the question : प्रश्न उठाना करार
agitation : आंदोलन agreement in restraint of legal proceedings : [s. 28, Indian
agnate : a descendant by male links from a common male Contract Act] �व�धक कायर्वा�हय� का अवरोधक करार
ancestor [s. 3(1)(a), Hindu Succession Act] गोत्रज agreement in restraint of marriage : [s. 26, Indian Contract
agonising death : दख
ु द मत्ृ यु ; ददर् नाक मत्ृ यु Act] �ववाह का अवरोधक करार
agreement in restraint of trade : [s. 27, Indian Contract Act]
agrarian : भू�म संबंधी
व्यापार का अवरोधक करार ; [ss. 11(2), 36(2), 54 and 55(3),
agrarian law : भू�म संबंधी �व�ध
Indian Partnership Act] व्यापार अवरोधी करार
agrarian policy : भू�म संबंधी नी�त agreement in writing : [art. 2(2), Foreign Awards (Recognition
agree : 1. to enter into an agreement [s. 58(b), T.P. Act] करार and Enforcement) Act] �ल�खत करार
करना ; 2. to concur [s. 23, Indian Evidence Act] सहमत होना agreement is designated a criminal conspiracy :
[s. 120A(2), I.P.C.] सहम�त आपरा�धक षड्यंत्र कहलाती है tax Act, s. 2(e) (1)(i), Wealth-tax Act and s. 4(2), C.P.C.] कृ�ष
agreement is entered : [s. 12(3)(a), Foreign Exchange भू�म
Regulation Act] करार हो गया है Agricultural Marketing Advisor to the Government of India :
agreement of indemnity : an agreement by which one party [s. 3(1)(d), Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act] भारत
agrees to save the other from loss caused to him by the conduct
सरकार का कृ�ष �वपणन सलाहकार
of the promisor himself or by the conduct of any other person
[sch., app. A, form No. 20, C.P.C.] ��तपू�तर् का करार agricultural marketing society : [s. 2(a), State Agricultural
Credit Corporations Act] कृ�ष �वपणन सोसाइट�
agreement on trade related aspects of intellectual property :
[Introduction, Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout- agricultural operation : [s. 2(b), State Agricultural Credit
Design Act] बौद्�धक संपदा अ�धकार� के व्यापार संबंधी पहलू Corporations Act] कृ�ष सं�क्रया
�वषयक करार agricultural processing society : [s. 2(e), State Agricultural
agreement or memorandum of an agreement : [sch. I, item 5, Credit Corporations Act] कृ�ष प्रसंस्करण सोसाइट�
Indian Stump Act] करार या करार का �ापन agricultural produce : anything produced by agriculture
[s. 2(a), State Agricultural Credit Corporations Act and sch. II,
agreement relating to deposit of title deeds, pawn or pledge :
pt. 2, item 24, Income-tax Act] कृ�ष-उपज
[s. 29(a), No. 6 and sch. I, item 6, Indian Stamp Act] हक-
agricultural purpose : the purpose pertaining to agriculture
�वलेख� के �न�ेप, पणयम ् या �गरवी से संबं�धत करार
[s. 430, I.P.C.] कृ�षक प्रयोजन ; [s. 2(1)(a), Income-tax Act, s.
agreement shall not be discharged : [s. 6(1), Arbitration Act]
5(2), C.P.C. and s. 37, para 3, T. P. Act] कृ�ष प्रयोजन
करार प्रभावोन्मुक्त नह�ं होगा
agreement subsisting between the parties : [s. 51(1), Trade and Agricultural Refinance and Development Corporation : कृ�षक
Merchandise Marks Act] प�कार� के बीच अस्�तत्ववान करार पुन�वर्� और �वकास �नगम
agreement to do impossible act : [s. 56, Indian Contract Act] Agricultural Refinance Corporation : [s. 2(a)(i), Industrial
असंभव कायर् करने का करार Disputes Act] कृ�ष पुन�वर्� �नगम
agricultural service : कृ�ष-सेवा
agreement to lease : [s. 2(7), Registration Act] पट्टे पर दे ने का agriculture : the science or art of cultivating the soil and
करार harvesting crops [sch., pt. 2, Minimum Wages Act] कृ�ष

agreement to live apart : [s. 64(1)(iii), Income-tax Act] अलग- agriculture and allied service : कृ�ष और सहबद्ध सेवा
अलग रहने का करार agriculture, department of : कृ�ष �वभाग
agreement to sell : [s. 4(3), Sale of Goods Act] �वक्रय करने का agriculture holding : कृ�ष ध�ृ त
करार agriculture officer : कृ�ष अ�धकार�
agreement void for uncertainty : [s. 29, Indian Contract Act] agriculturist : a person making his living by agriculture
अ�नश्�चतता के कारण शन्
ू य करार C.P.C.] कृषक
[s. 60(1)(b), zone
agro-climate 21
agreement without consideration : [s. 25, Indian Contract Act] agro-climate zone : [s. 25(i), Haryana and Punjab Agricultural
प्र�तफल के �बना करार University Act] कृ�ष-जलवायु जोन
agricultural credit : कृ�ष उधार agro industries : कृ�ष उद्योग
agricultural credit adviser : कृ�ष साख सलाहकार agronomist : सस्य-�व�ानी
agricultural credit society : [s. 5, expln. (c), Rice Milling
agrostologist : घास �व�ानी
Industry (Regulation) Act] कृ�षक उधार सोसाइट�
aid : I. succour; anything helpful [s. 3(c), Iron Ore Mines Labour
agricultural credit (stabilisation) fund : [s. 23(a), State
Welfare Cess Act] सहायता ; साहाय्य ; 2. to give support to
Agricultural Credit Corporations Act] कृ�ष उधार (स्�थर�करण)
साहाय्य दे ना ; [s. 130. I.P.C.] सहायता दे ना
Agricultural Development Bank : [s. 6, Multi Unit Co- aid and advise : [art. 163(1), Const.] सहायता और सलाह दे ना
operative Societies Act] कृ�ष �वकास ब�क aid any title : [s. 14, Indian Trusts Act] �कसी भी हक क� सहायता
agricultural development allowance : [s. 35C(1), Income-tax करना
Act] कृ�ष �वकास मोक
aid, grant in : सहायता अनद
ु ान
agricultural farm : कृ�ष फामर्
aid material : सहायक सामान
agricultural implements : [s. 33(1)(c), Estate Duty Act and
aid of power : [s. 80H(2)(iv), Income-tax Act] शक्�त क� सहायता
s. 80-I(2)(a)(iv), Income-tax Act] कृ�ष उपकरण
agricultural improvements : [title, Land Improvement Loans aid, steps in : सहायता कदम
Act] कृ�ष संबंधी �वकास aide-de-camp (A.D.C.) : प�रसहाय (ए.डी.सी.)
agricultural income : [s. 2(1), Income-tax Act] कृ�ष-आय aided school : [s. 2(d), Delhi School Education Act] सहायता पाने
agricultural indebtedness, relief of : कृ�ष ऋ�णता से मक्
ु �त वाला �वद्यालय
agricultural land : field or soil pertaining to farming or capable aiding escape : [s. 166, Navy Act] �नकल भागने म� सहायता दे ना
for the purpose of agriculture or tilling [s. 2(14)(iii), Income-
ailment : [s. 10(e), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] व्या�ध
aim : ल�य ; उद्दे श्य air force discipline : [s. 65, Air Force Act] वायुसेना अनुशासन
Air Adviser : हवाई सलाहकार air force establishment or station : [s. 2(8)(a), Official Secrets
air ambulance service : [s. 18(1)(c), Air Corporations Act] Act] वायसु ै�नक बल का संस्थापन या आस्थान
रोगीवाहक वायु सेवा air force formation : [s. 8(1), Air Force Act] वायस
ु ेना फारमेशन
air bombardment : [IIIrd sch., art. 23, Geneva Conventions Act] air force operations : [s. 34(o), Air Force Act] वायुसै�नक
हवाई बमबार�
air borne trade : �वमान वा�हत व्यापार
air force prison : [s. 168, Air Force Act] वायुसेना कारागार
air carrier : वायव
ु ाहक air force reward : [s. 4(vii), Air Force Act] वायस
ु ेना इनाम
Air Chief Marshal : एयर चीफ माशर्ल air force staff employment, serving in : [Or. 28, r. 1(2), C.P.C.]
Air Commodore : एयर कमोडोर वायुसेना के स्टाफ �नयोजन म� सेवा कर रहा है

airconditioned accommodation : वातानक

ु ू �लत वास-स�ु वधा; air forces in the field : [s. 20(4), Air Force Act] फ�ल्ड म� वायु बल
ु ू �लत जगह air frame of aircraft : the frame of an aeroplane [sch., para
II(b), Air Corporations Act] वायय
ु ान का ढांचा
airconditioner mechanic : एयर कंडीशनर मैके�नक
air freight : �वमान वस्तु भाड़ा
airconditioning supervisor : वातानुकूलन पयर्वे�क
air consignment note : [sch. I, r. 12(3), Carriage by Air Act] air gunner : हवाई तोपची
�वमान परे षण पत्र Air India : एयर इं�डया
Air Controller : एयर कंट्रोलर air india international corporation : [ss. 2(iv) and 3(1), Air
Corporations Act] एयर इं�डया इंटरनेशनल �नगम
air cooler mechanic : एयर कूलर मैके�नक
airmail : हवाई डाक
Air Co-ordinator : एयर कोआ�डर्नेटर
airmail inspector : हवाई डाक �नर��क
air corporation : वायु �नगम
aircraft : any machine which can derive support in the airman : [s. 4(viii), Air Force Act] वायस
ु ै�नक ; एयरमैन
atmosphere from reactions of the air other than reaction of the Air Marshal : एयर माशर्ल
air against the earth's surface [s. 2(1), Aircraft Act] वायुयान
air navigation : [sch.I, item 34, Carriage by Air Act] �वमान
aircraft examiner : वायुयान पर��क
aircraft familiarization test : वायय
ु ान प�रचय पर��ण air navigation service : [s. 12(2)(e), International Airports
aircraft in flight : [s. 3(i), Anti-Hijacking Act] उड़ानरत वायुयान Authority Act] �वमान चालन सेवा
aircraft load sheet : [sch., pt. II, item 13, Commercial air navigation undertaking : [sch. I, item 34, Carriage by Air
Documents Evidence Act] वायुयान लदान-पत्र Act] �वमान चालन उपक्रम
aircraft log book : [sch., pt. II, item 9, Commercial Documents air officer : [s. 168, Air Force Act] एयर आ�फसर
Evidence Act] वायुयान लाग बुक
air officer commanding : एयर आ�फसर कमां�डंग
aircraftman : एयर क्राफ्टमैन
air officer incharge : एयर आ�फसर इंचाजर्
aircraft material : [s. 4(iii), Air Force Act] वायुयान सामग्री
air officer on special duty : �वशेष ड्यट
ू � एयर आ�फसर
aircraft, on board : [s. 45(a), Arms Act] वायुयान के फलक पर
air passage : वायम
ु ागर् व्यय
aircraft performing the carriage : [s. 3(1), Carriage by Air Act]
airport : [s. 2(a), International Airports Authority Act]
वहन करने वाला वायुयान
air-crash : [s. 20(1), National Airports Authority Act] �वमान
air route : [s. 5(1)(h), Aircraft Act] वायु मागर्
ु ट
र् ना
air screw : [sch., para II (b), Air Corporations Act] �वमान पंखा
air crew : एयर क्रू ; हवाई कम�दल air service : 1. service of a State analogous to or a part of the
air defence Commander : हवाई र�ा कमांडर ; वायु र�ा कमांडर military and naval services charged with the operation of
air defence reserve : [s. 5(2), Reserve and Auxiliary Air Forces aircraft [s. 140, I.P.C.] वायु सेवा ; 2. mail, passenger and freight
Act] वायु र�ा �रजवर् service provided by the operation of aircraft वायु सेवा ; �वमान

air despatcher : हवाई प्रेषक सेवा

air field : [s. 1(3)(ii), National Airports Authority Act] �वमान air ships : [s. 2(i), Air Corporations Act] वायु पोत

फ�ल्ड air signal : [s. 4(x), Air Force Act] वायु �सग्नल

air field safety operator : हवाई मैदान सुर�ा प्रचालक air space : 1. [s. 13(3), Factories Act] वायु कोष्ठ ; 2. air space
air force : that branch of a country's defence force, consisting of (of a country) आकाशी �ेत्र
aeroplanes and personnel to fight in the air either in the
offensive or in defence [s. 4(iv), Air Force Act] वायुसेना
air strip: एयर स्टाफ
air staff 22 A
air strip : [s. 2(b), International Airports Authority Act] �वमान
air force custody : [s. 4(v), Air Force Act] वायुसेना अ�भर�ा
पट्ट� Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act] जनता के �कसी वगर् को
air-tight cartons : वायुरोधी काटर् न पथ
ृ क् करना

air traffic : हवाई यातायात alienate the land : [s. 3(g)(iv), Land Acquisition Act] भू�म का
air traffic service : [s. 2(a), National Airports Authority Act] अन्यसंक्रामण करना
वायु यातायात सेवा alienation : the action of transferring property or any interest
air transport : [s. 2(b)(viii), Collection of Statistics Act] वायु therein to another [s. 64, C.P.C.] अन्यसंक्रामण

प�रवहन alienation is restricted : [s. 37, Estate Duty Act] अन्यसंक्रामण

air transport company : [sch., pt. II, item 11, Commercial �नब��धत है
Documents Evidence Act] वायु प�रवहन कंपनी alienation of property : [s. 2(xxiv), Gift-tax Act] संप�� का
air transport council : [s. 30(1), Air Corporations Act] वायु अन्यसंक्रामण
प�रवहन प�रषद् alienation of shares : [s. 37, Estate Duty Act] शेयर� का
air transport liaison officer : हवाई प�रवहन संपकर् अ�धकार� अन्यसंक्रामण
air transport service : [s. 2(b)(viii), Collection of Statistics Act] alienation office : अन्यसंक्रामण कायार्लय
वायु प�रवहन सेवा ; [s. 12(5); International Airports Authority Act]
alignment : 1. the act of aligning or the state of being aligned
वायु यातायात सेवा संरेखण ; 2. a line of things arranged संरेखा
air travel agent : [s. 65(3), Finance Act, 1994] वायुमागर् यात्रा alimentary salt : भोज्य नमक
अ�भकतार् ; [s. 137, Finance Act, 2001] वायम
ु ागर् यात्रा अ�भकतार् alimony : maintenance allowance payable by the husband or
wife, as the case may be, for other's support on separation
Air Vice Marshall : एयर वाइस माशर्ल
[s. 25, Hindu Marriage Act] �नवार्�हका ; �नवार्ह व्यय
air way : वायु मागर्
aliunde : from another place; independent of अन्यत्र से ; बाहर�
air way bill : [sch. II, item 5(1), Carriage by Air Act] �वमान-
स्रोत से ; अन्य स्थान से
alive : living [s. 315, I.P.C.] जी�वत
airworthiness : [sch., para II (a), Air Corporations Act] उड्डयन-
aliyasantana law : [s. 7(1), Estate Duty Act] अ�लय संतान �व�ध
alarm : 1. fear or terror arising from a sudden sense of danger all and every power : [art. 142(2), Const.] समस्त और प्रत्येक
[s. 3(2)(5), Defence and Internal Security of India Act] अलामर् ; शक्�त
2. a sound or signal giving notice of danger or calling attention all classes and sections of Hindus : [art. 25(2)(b), Const.] �हंदओ
ु ं
to some event or condition [ss. 503 and 505(b), I.P.C.] संत्रास
के सभी वगर् और �वभाग
alarming feature, most : अत्य�धक �चंता क� बात
all concerned should note : सवर्संबं�धत नोट कर� ; संबं�ध त
alcohol : [preamble, Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise
(प�कार/व्यक्�त( नोट कर�
Duties) Act] ऐल्कोहल ; मद्यसार
all convenient despatch : [sch. I, app. D, form No. 3(3), C.P.C.]
alcoholic liquor : मद्यसा�रक पान स�ु वधानस
ु ार त्वरा ; स�ु वधानस
ु ार पूणर् शीघ्रता ; [art. 86(2), Const.]
alderman : [s. 79, Delhi Municipal Corporation Act] पौरमुख्य ; सु�वधानस
ु ार शीघ्रता
ु य पौर all convenient speed : [Or. 21, r. 38, C.P.C.] सु�वधानुसार पूणर्
alerting service : [s. 2(a), National Airports Authority Act] शीघ्रता
सतकर् करने वाल� सेवा
all due and reasonable diligence : [Or. 5, r. 17, C.P.C.] पूर�
algorithm : [s. 3(2), Information Technology Act] एल्गो�रथ्म
सम्यक् और युक्�तयुक्त तत्परता
alibi, plea of : a plea by a person accused of an offence that he
was elsewhere—that having regard to the time and place when all due diligence : [s. 12(4), prov., Contempt of Courts Act] सब
and where he is alleged to have committed the offence, he सम्यक् तत्परता
could not have been present अन्यत्र उपस्�थत होने का अ�भवाक्
all-inclusive rate : [s. 4(1)(iii), Minimum Wages Act] सवर्समावेशी
alien : a foreigner [s. 83, C.P.C.] अन्यदे शीय दर
alien enemy : a person owing allegiance to an adverse belligerent All India Council for Technical Education : [s.11(e), expln.,
State; a person owing allegiance to a country which is at war
Institutes of Technology Act] अ�खल भारतीय प्रौद्यो�गक� �श�ा
with India [s. 83, C.P.C.] अन्यदे शीय शत्रु
alien friend : a person owing allegiance to a country which is in
alliance; a person owing allegiance to a country which is at All India Cultural Institution : अ�खल भारतीय सांस्कृ�तक
peace with India [s. 83, C.P.C.] अन्यदे शीय �मत्र संस्था
alienage : the state or legal standing of an alien अन्यदे शीयता All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health : अ�खल
alienate : to transfer one's interest to another अन्यसंक्रांत करना ; भारतीय सफाई और लोक स्वास्थ्य संस्थान
अन्यसंक्रामण करना All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi : अ�खल
alienate any section of the people : [s. 3(1), Terrorist and भारतीय आयु�वर्�ान संस्थान, नई �दल्ल�
All India Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, allegation of fact : तथ्य का अ�भकथन
Bombay : भौ�तक �च�कत्सा और पुनवार्स का अ�खल भारतीय allegation of misconduct : [sch., item 27(1), North-Eastern Hill
संस्थान, मब
ुं ई University Act] अवचार का अ�भकथन
All India Radio : आकाशवाणी allegations made on oath : [Or. 14, r. 3(a), C.P.C.] शपथ पर
All India Services : [art. 312, margin, Const.] अ�खल भारतीय �कए गए अ�भकथन
सेवाएं allege : to state positively [s. 8, expln. 2, ill. (b), Indian Evidence
All India Services (Compensatory Allowance) Rules, 1954 : Act] अ�भक�थत करना ; अ�भकथन करना
अ�खल भारतीय सेवा (प्र�तकरात्मक भ�ा) �नयम, 1954 alleged acts of insolvency : [s. 13(2)(b), Presidency-towns
All India Services (Conditions of Service—Residuary Insolvency Act] अ�भक�थत �दवा�लएपन के कायर् ; �दवा�लएपन के
Matters) Rules, 1960 : अ�खल भारतीय सेवा (सेवा क� शत�– अ�भक�थत कायर्
अव�शष्ट�य �वषय) �नयम, 1960 alleged embezzlement : अ�भक�थत गबन
All India Services (Death-cum-Retirement Benefits) Rules,
alleged inability : [Or. 21, r. 25(2), C.P.C.] अ�भक�थत असमथर्ता
1958 : अ�खल भारतीय सेवा (मत्ृ यु तथा सेवा �नव�ृ � प्रस�ु वधाएं)
alleged offender : [s. 18, Forfeiture Act] अ�भक�थत अपराधी
�नयम, 1958
alleged right : [s. 2, Shore Nuisances (Bombay and Kolaba) Act]
All India Services (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1969 : अ�खल अ�भक�थत अ�धकार
भारतीय सेवा (अनुशासन और अपील) �नयम, 1969
allegedly : अ�भक�थत रूप से ; जैसा �क अ�भकथन �कया गया है
All India Services (Leave) Rules, 1955 : अ�खल भारतीय सेवा allegiance : 1. the natural, lawful and faithful obedience that
(छुट्ट�) �नयम, 1955 every subject owes to the sovereign or a citizen owes to the
State and its Constitution [s. 131, C.P.C.] राज�नष्ठा ;
All India Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954 : अ�खल
राज्य�नष्ठा ; 2. loyalty to a person or cause [art. 69, Const.]
All India सेServices
वा (�च�कत्सा प�रचयार्)Fund)
(Provident �नयम,Rules,
1954 1955 23 allowance, compensatory
All India Services (Provident Fund) Rules, 1955 : अ�खल
allegiance, acknowledgement of : [art. 102(1)(d),
भारतीय सेवा (भ�वष्य �न�ध) �नयम, 1955
Const.] �नष्ठा को अ�भस्वीकार करना
All India Services (Special Disability Leave) Regulations,
allegiance, bear true faith and : [s. 13, Navy Act]
1957 : अ�खल भारतीय सेवा (�वशेष �न:शक्तता छुट्ट�) �व�नयम,
सच्ची श्रद्धा और �नष्ठा रखना
alleviating suffering : [s. 14, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
All India Services (Study Leave) Regulations, 1960 : अ�खल
Act, 1960] यातना न्यून करना ; यातना म� कमी करना
भारतीय सेवा (अध्ययनाथर्-छुट्ट�) �व�नयम, 1960
alley : [s. 2(m), Indian Electricity Act] अल� ; [s. 2(r), Delhi
All India Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules, 1954 : अ�खल
Police Act] वी�थ
भारतीय सेवा (यात्रा भ�ा) �नयम, 1954
alliance : the state of being allied; combination for a common
All India Soil and Land Use Survey : अ�खल भारतीय मद
ृ ा और object, especially between sovereign States मैत्री
भू�म उपभोग सव��ण allied activities : [s. 80P(2)(a)(vii), Income-tax Act] सहबद्ध
all local or other authorities : [art. 12, Const.] सभी स्थानीय �क्रयाकलाप
और अन्य प्रा�धकार� allied fibres : समवग� रे शे
all material circumstances : [s. 215, Indian Contract Act] सब allied or cognate subjects : [sch., item 22(vi), Aligarh Muslim
ताि�व क प�रस्�थ�तयां University Act] संबं�धत या एक जैसे �वषय
all or any of the following matters : [art. 110(1), Const.] allied organisation : सहबद्ध संगठन
�नम्न�ल�खत सभी या कोई �वषय allied service : सहबद्ध सेवा
all other matters relating to : [art. 11, Const.] से संबं�धत अन्य allied subject : [s. 39(2)(m), Cost and Works Accountants
सभी �वषय Act] सहबद्ध �वषय
all persons so interested : [Or. 1, r. 8(i). C.P.C.] ऐसे �हतबद्ध allied trade : सहबद्ध व्यवसाय
सब व्यक्�त ; इस प्रकार �हतबद्ध सभी व्यक्�त allies : [1st sch., art. 10, Geneva Conventions Act] �मत्र
all proceedings thereat to have duly taken place : [s. 195, allocable surplus : a surplus which is available for distribution
Companies Act] उसक� सब कायर्वा�हयां सम्यक् रूप से क� ग� [s. 2(4), Payment of Bonus Act] आबंटनीय अ�धशेष
all reasonable despatch, with : [s. 198(3), Indian Succession allocate and disburse : [s. 12(b), University Grants Commission
Act] युक्�तयुक्त शीघ्रता से Act] आबं�टत और सं�वत�रत करना ; आबंटन और सं�वतरण करना
all the three : तीन� allocated : [art. 159(3A), Const.] आबं�टत
all workers, agricultural, industrial or otherwise : [art. 43, allocation : allotment [s. 4(4), State Financial Corporations Act
Const.] कृ�ष के, उद्योग के या अन्य प्रकार के सभी कमर्कार and art. 77(3), Const.] आबंटन
allegation : an action of alleging; that which is alleged; a allocation of berthing accommodation to vessels : [sch., pt. 2,
statement by a party what he undertakes to prove अ�भकथन item 4, Commercial Documents Evidence Act] जलयान� को घाट
पर लगाने का स्थान �नयत करना allowance, extra shift : अ�त�रक्त पार� भ�ा
allocation of business : [s. 23(2), Cr. P.C] कायर् का आबंटन allowance, family : कुटुंब भ�ा
allocation of expenditure : व्यय का �व�नधान allowance for depreciation : [s. 72A(1), Income-tax Act]
allocation of seat : [long title, Delimitation Act and art. 80(2), अव�यण मोक
Const.] स्थान का आबंटन allowance for depreciation is admissible : [s. 42(b), Income-tax
allot : to appropriate to a special purpose or person; to assign Act] अव�यण के �लए मोक अनु�ेय है
shares authoritatively [Or. 26, r. 14(1), C.P.C.] आबंटन करना allowance, halting : �वराम भ�ा
allotment : the action of allotting [s. 4(4), State Financial allowance has to be made : [s. 32(2)(ii), expln. (ii), Income-tax
Corporations Act] आबंटन ; आबंटन करना Act] मोक �दया जाना
allotment book : आबंटन पुस्तक allowance, hill : पहाड़ भ�ा ; पवर्तीय स्थान भ�ा
allotment letter: आबंटन पत्र allowance, horse (conveyance) : घोड़ा (सवार�) भ�ा
allotment money : आबंटन धन allowance, household : गह
ृ स्थ भ�ा
allotment of fund : �न�ध आबंटन allowance, house rent : मकान �कराया भ�ा
allotment order : आबंटन आदे श allowance in case of volatile goods : [s. 70, Customs Act] वाष्पशील
allotment return : आबंटन �ववरणी माल क� दशा म� मोक

allotment sheets : आबंटन शीट allowance, Indian Army : भारतीय सेना भ�ा

allotment supervisor : आबंटन पयर्वे�क allowance, make : to allow deduction मोक दे ना

allottee : a person to whom allotment has been made आबं�टती allowance, marriage : �ववाह भ�ा

allow : 1. to permit [ss. 2(b), 6(g) and 34, T.P. Act] अन�
ु ात allowance, mileage : मील भ�ा
करना ; 2. to accept as true or correct [s. 84(1), Cr. P.C.] मंजूर allowance, motor car : मोटर कार भ�ा
करना allowance, non-practising : प्रैक्�टसबंद� भ�ा
allow an appeal : अपील मंजूर करना allowance, office : कायार्लय भ�ा
allow for : 1. to take into account गणना म� लेना ; 2. to admit of allowance, officiating : स्थानापन्न भ�ा
गुंजाइश रखना allowance on account of depreciation : [s. 73(3), Income-tax
allow in accounts : [s. 66(b), Indian Stamp Act] लेखां�कत करना Act] अव�यण लेखे मोक

allow the objection : [s. 18(2), C.P.C.] आ�ेप को अन�

ु ात करना ; allowance, outfit : सज्जा भ�ा
आ�ेप मंजूर करना allowance, outstation : बाह्यस्थान भ�ा
allow to work : काम करने दे ना allowance, overseas : �वदे श भ�ा
allowance : 1. a sum granted as a reimbursement or a bounty or allowance, overtime : अ�तका�लक भ�ा
as appropriate for any purpose [s. 57, C.P.C. and art. 59(3),
Const.] भ�ा ; 2. a reduction from the stated price; a concession; allowance, permanent travelling : स्थायी यात्रा भ�ा

rebate मोक allowance, project : प�रयोजना भ�ा

allowance, children education : संतान �श�ा भ�ा allowance, running : [ch. 14, r. 14.02(2)(b), Railway
Establishment Code] चालन भ�ा
allowance, city compensatory : नगर प्र�तकर भ�ा ; नगर
allowance, study : [app. 9, heading, Railway Establishment
प्र�तकरात्मक भ�ा Code] अध्ययन भ�ा
allowance, clothing : वस्त्र भ�ा allowance, sumptuary : सत्कार भ�ा
allowance, compassionate : अनक
ु ं पा भ�ा allowance, travelling : यात्रा भ�ा
allowance, conveyance : प्र�तकर भ�ा ; प्र�तकरात्मक भ�ा
allowance,compensatory 24 allowance, uniform : वद� भ�ा alternative promise
allowance, conveyance : सवार� भ�ा allowance, winter : शीत भ�ा
allowance, daily : दै �नक भ�ा allowances admissible : अन�
ु ेय भ�े
allowance, dearness : मंहगाई भ�ा allowances payable for the subsistence : [s. 57, C.P.C.] जीवन
allowance, depreciation : अव�यण भ�ा �नवार्ह के �लए संदेय भ�े
allowance, deputation : प्र�त�नयुक्�त भ�ा allowed by any law for the time being in force : [s. 7, T.P. Act]
तत्समय प्रव�
ृ �व�ध द्वारा अनु�ात
allowance, diet : भोजन भ�ा
allowed to pass : �नकल जाने �दया गया
allowance, duty : ड्यूट� भ�ा
allowing for the basic rate : [s. 4(1)(iii), Minimum Wages Act]
allowance, entertainment : सत्कार भ�ा
िजसम� मूल दर क� गुंजाइश रखी गई हो
allowance, extra duty : अ�त�रक्त ड्यूट� भ�ा alloy : a substance composed of two or more metals ultimately
mixed and united, usually by being fused together and dissolving alternative, in the : अनक
ु ल्पी ; अनक
ु ल्पत:
in each other when molten [s. 2(e), Gold (Control) Act]
�मश्रधातु ; �मश्रातु alternative, judgment in the : अनक
ु ल्पी �नणर्य
alluvion : an imperceptibly gradual deposit of soil from a river or alternative, may be charged in the : अनक
ु ल्पत: आरोप लगाया जा
sea forming new land [ss. 70, ill. (a) and 108(d). T.P. Act] सकेगा
alternative method : आनुकल्�पक ढं ग
alongside : [s. 52(2)(h), Inland Vessels Act] बगल म�
alternative, pray in the : [s. 29, Specific Relief Act] अनक
ु ल्पत:
alphabetical order : [sch., item 2(1), Aligarh Muslim University
Act] वणर्क्रम प्राथर्ना करना

alter : to make otherwise or different in some respect without alternative prayer : [s. 29, Specific Relief Act] आनक
ु ल्�पक
changing the thing itself; to modify [s. 2(1), Companies Act and प्राथर्ना
art. 114(2), Const.] प�रवतर्न करना
alternative promise : [s. 58, Indian Contract Act] अनुकल्पी
alter and add to the rules : [s. 55(1), Land Acquisition Act]
�नयम� म� प�रवतर्न और प�रवधर्न करना alternative provisions 25
alternative provisions : [s. 498, Companies Act] आनुकल्�पक
alter judgment : [s. 362, Cr. P.C.] �नणर्य म� प�रवतर्न करना
alter the boundaries : [art. 3(d), Const.] सीमाओं म� प�रवतर्न
alternative to some other relief : [Or. 21. r. 30, C.P.C.] �कसी
अन्य अनुतोष का अनुकल्प
alter the name : [art. 3(e), Const.] नाम म� प�रवतर्न करना
alternatively : अनक
ु ल्पत: ; आनुकल्�पक रूप से
alteration : the action of altering; a modification or change made
in altering anything [s. 2(1), Companies Act and art. 110(1)(a), alternator : 1. an electric generator for providing alternating
Const.] प�रवतर्न current प्रत्याव�तर्त्र (आल्टरनेटर) ; 2. one of them, especially other
alteration involves a transfer : [s. 18(3), Companies Act] प�रवतर्न than the one in question अनक
ु ल्पी
से यह अंतवर्�लत है �क अंतरण हो alumini association : [2nd sch., statute II(XVI), Jawaharlal
Nehru University Act] पूवर्छात्र संगम
alteration of areas : [s. 12, Charitable Endowments Act] �ेत्र� म�
aluminium ores : [7th sch., pt. A, item 1, Income-tax Act]
प�रवतर्न ; [art. 3, margin, Const.] �ेत्र� का प�रवतर्न
ऐलु�म�नयम अयस्क ; ऐलु�मनम अयस्क
alteration of rights : [s. 16, Companies Act] अ�धकार� म� प�रवतर्न aluminous clay : [7th sch., pt. B, item 16, Income-tax Act]
alteration of the surface or shape of a coin : [s. 2(a), Indian ऐलु�मनस �मट्ट�
Coinage Act] �कसी �सक्के क� सतह या उसके आकार का प�रवतर्न
always : [art. 124 (2), prov., Const.] सदै व
alterations embodied : [s. 23(1), Companies Act] �न�वष्ट amalgamate : to merge into a single body ; to mix ; to unite
प�रवतर्न [s. 17(1)(g), Companies Act] समामे�लत करना ; समामेलन करना
altered designation : [s. 4, Goa, Daman and Diu amalgamated company : [ss. 2(1A) and 33(3)(a), Income-tax
(Administration) Act] प�रव�तर्त पदनाम Act] समामे�लत कंपनी
altered or repealed or amended by Parliament : [art. 35(b), Const.] amalgamating company : [ss. 32A(6) and 33(3), Income-tax
संसद् द्वारा प�रव�तर्त या �नर�सत या संशो�धत Act] समामेलक कंपनी ; [s. 49(2), Income-tax Act] समामेल�
altered outlet : [s. 30(1), Water (Prevention and Control of कंपनी
Pollution) Act] प�रव�तर्त �नकास amalgamation : the act or process of amalgamating or the state
alternate : one that takes the place of another who is unable to of being amalgamated [s. 2(1A), Income-tax Act and s. 15(g),
perform his duty; a person that takes his turn often at regular Specific Relief Act] समामेलन ; [art. 31A(1)(e), Const.]
intervals with another or equal rank in an occupation or in
समामे�लत करना
performing a duty अनक ु ल्प ; अनक
ु ल्पी ; आनक
ु ल्�पक
amalgamation of companies : कंप�नय� का समामेलन
alternate director : [s. 313(1), Companies Act] आनक
ु ल्�पक
amalgamation of partnership : भागीदार� का समामेलन
�नदे शक
amanuensis : [s. 31, hdg., Persons With Disabilities (Equal
alternate nominee : आनक
ु ल्�पक नाम�नद� �शती Opportunities, Protection of Rights and full Participation) Act]
alternate scheme : आनक
ु ल्�पक स्क�म लेखक

alternating current : प्रत्यावत� धारा ambassador : a public minister or officer of the highest rank
clothed with high diplomatic powers, sent abroad by a
alternative : 1. the one or the other of two things; of two things sovereign State or prince with a legal commission and authority
such that one or the other may be chosen, the choice of either to transact business on behalf of his country with the
involving the rejection of another; that which is in the government or court of the country to which he is sent [s. 2(b),
alternative; either of two courses open to choose between Diplomatic and Consular Officers (Oaths and Fees) Act]
अनक ु ल्प ; 2. offering a choice of two or more things; expressing राजदतू
a choice or choices अनक
ु ल्पी ; आनुकल्�पक ambassadors or envoys of foreign States : [s. 19(u), Presidency
alternative accommodation : [s.3(2), prov. II, Requisitioning Small Cause Courts Act] �वदे शी राज्य� के राजदत
ू या दत

and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] आनकु ल्�पक वास- ambiguous : open to more than one interpretation [s. 93, Indian
स�ु वधा Evidence Act] सं�दग्धाथर्
ambiguous instrument : [s. 17, Negotiable Instruments Act] amount : 1. aggregate sum रकम ; 2. quantity प�रमाण ; मात्रा ; 3.
सं�दग्धाथ� �लखत
to come upto, resulting अनुसार होना ; 4. equalling in effect
ambit : a circuit, compass or circumference प�र�ध ; �ेत्र समतुल्य होना ; क� को�ट म� आना
ambulance driver : एम्बुल�स ड्राइवर amount attributable to immovable property : [s. 3(3), Estate
ambulance purposes : [ss. 42(3)(c) and 91(2)(d), Motor Vehicles Duty (Distribution) Act] स्थावर संप�त से मानी जा सकने वाल�
Act] रोगी वाहन कायर् रकम
ambulance room : [s. 45(4), Factories Act] एम्बुल�स कमरा amount column : रकम स्तंभ
ambulatory : [s. 3(3), expln., Mental Health Act] गमनीय amount designated : [s. 30, Court-fees Act] अ�भ�हत मल्
ू य
ameliorating the condition : [s. 9(d), Prevention of Cruelty to amount due : [s. 55(1)(d), T.P. Act] शोध्य रकम ; दे य रकम
Animals Act, 1960] दशा सुधारना
amount in difference : [2nd sch., item 2, Arbitration Act]
amelioration : improvement; the action of making better; being �ववादग्रस्त रकम
made better [s. 5(4)(a), Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act]
बेहतर� ; सुधार amount in dispute : [s. 31(6), Wealth-Tax Act] �ववादग्रस्त रकम
amelioration of social conditions : [s. 5(2)(a)(iv), Limestone and amount in law to felony : [s. 1A, Fatal Accidents Act] �व�ध के
Dolomite Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act] सामािजक दशाओं म� अनुसार घोर अपराध
सुधार amount of compensation : [s. 19(3), Damodar Valley
amenable to military authority : [s. 135(2), Army Act] सै�नक Corporation Act] प्र�तकर क� रकम

प्रा�धकार के अध्यधीन amount of punishment : दं ड क� मात्रा

amend : to alter formally by some addition, omission or amount of stock : [s. 150(1)(d), prov., Companies Act] स्टाक क�
substitution [preamble, T.P. Act] संशो�धत करना ; संशोधन करना रकम
amended charge : संशो�धत आरोप amount of such sum, as to : ऐसी धनरा�श के �वषय म�
amended convention : [s. 2(i), Carriage by Air Act] संशो�धत amount of the appropriation : [s. 4(d), Gift-tax Act] �व�नयोग
कन्व�शन क� रकम
amending Act : संशोधनकार� अ�ध�नयम amount of trouble and expense : कष्ट और व्यय क� मात्रा
amendment : the action or result of amending; any alteration amount outstanding : [s. 6(2)(h), prov., Oil Industry
made or proposed by adding, deleting or substituting something
(Development) Act] परादे य रकम
[Or. 1, r. 4, C.P.C.] संशोधन
amount, paid up : [s. 148(1), Companies Act] समाद� रकम
amendment Act : संशोधन अ�ध�नयम
amount placed under objection : आप��गत रकम
amends : reparation; satisfaction अ�भतुष्�ट
amenities : things that conduce to physical or material comfort or amount, prepaid : पूवon
amount refundable र् संदregular
� रकम assessment 26
convenience or to a pleasant and agreeable life [s. 2(rr)(ii), amount refundable on regular assessment : [s. 141A(4)(b),
Industrial Disputes Act] सुख सु�वधाएं Income-tax Act] �नय�मत �नधार्रण पर प्र�तदे य रकम
amenity clerk : सुख सु�वधा �ल�पक amount shall be allowed for : [s. 17(3), Land Acquisition Act]
amicable : friendly; done with mutual goodwill [s. 12(2), रकम गणना म� ल� जाएगी
Industrial Disputes Act] सौहादर्पूणर् amount standing to the credit of an assessee : [s. 5(1)(xvii),
amicable settlement : [s. 13(1), Industrial Disputes Act] Wealth-tax Act] �कसी �नधार्�रती के नाम जमा रकम
सौहादर् पूणर् समझौता amounting to murder : being equivalent to murder in the eyes
of law [s. 300, excep., thirdly, expln., I.P.C.] हत्या क� को�ट म�
amity : [s. 22(3), Life Insurance Corporation Act] मैत्री
amity and good relations : [s. 41(2), Air Corporations Act] मैत्री
amounts capitalised from reserves : [s. 36(1), prov., Income-
और अच्छे संबंध tax Act] �रजवर् म� से पंूजीकृत रकम�
ammunition : the projectile thrown against an enemy such as
bullets, shells, grenades and bombs with their necessary ample : व्यापक
propellants, detonators, fuses and primers [s. 2(b), Arms Act] amplify : increasing; making larger; stating in greater detail
गोला-बारूद प्रवधर्न
ammunition of war : [s. 3(2)(34)(a), Defence and Internal amputation : cutting off a limb �वच्छे दन ; अंगोच्छे दन ; अवयव
Security of India Act] यद्
ु ध सामग्री छे दन
amortisation : wiping out especially through a sinking fund
amusement : [s. 126(c), Representation of the People Act,
क्र�मक अपाकरण
1951] आमोद- प्रमोद
amortisation fund : क्र�मक अपाकरण �न�ध
amusement, for : [s. 87, ill., I.P.C.] आमोदाथर्
amortisation of certain preliminary expenses : [s. 35D(1),
anaesthetist : ऐनेस्थे�टस्ट
Income-tax Act] क�तपय प्रारं �भक व्यय� का क्र�मक अपाकरण
analogous post : a post similar in attributes सदृश पद
amortisation to debt : ऋण का क्र�मक अपाकरण
analogous products : [2nd sch., item 3, Drugs and Cosmetics
Act] सदृश उत्पाद animal disease : पशु रोग
analysis : a detailed examination of anything complex made in animal geneticist : प्राणी आनुव�ं शक��व� ; प्राणी आनव
ु ं�शक�
order to understand its nature or to determine its essential
features [s. 6(2)(d), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] �वश्लेषण
analysis of samples : [s. 16(3), Water (Prevention and Control animal health : पशु स्वास्थ्य
of Pollution) Act] नमून� का �वश्लेषण animal husbandry : [s. 2(a), Agricultural Refinance Corporation
analyst : [s. 53, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and art. 48, Const.] पशु पालन
Act] �वश्लेषक animal oil : [sch. 1, Employees’ Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] जावत तेल
Analytical Assistant : �वश्लेषण सहायक
animal production and breeding : पशु उत्पादन और प्रजनन
anand karaj : [s. 2, Anand Marriage Act] आनन्द कारज़
animal welfare : [s. 5(f), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
anatomy : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] शर�र रचना
1960] पश-ु कल्याण
animal, wild : वन्य जीवजंतु
ancestor : one from whom a person is descended [s. 3(c),
animate or inanimate : [s. 2(b), National Airports Authority Act
Hindu Marriage Act] पूवज
सजीव या �न ज�व
ancestor, descended from a common : [s. 3(c), Hindu
Marriage Act] एक ह� पूवज
र् से अवज�नत animate thing : [s. 2(b), National Airports Authority Act] सजीव

ancestral : belonging to or inherited from an ancestor [s. 53 वस्तु

C.P.C.] पैतक
ृ (�पत्रािजर्त) animus dedicandi : to intention of dedicating समपर्ण का आशय
ancestral house : पैतक
ृ गह
ृ annealing : toughening after fusion by exposure to continuous
and slowly diminished heat तापानुशीलन
anchorage : 1. लंगर स्थान ; 2. लंगर शल्
ु क
annex : to unite materially as an accessary उपाबद्ध करना ; राज्य म�
ancient : belonging to times long past प्राचीन
�मला दे ना
ancient lights : a defined aperture in a building through which
there has been actually enjoyed peaceably and as of right, an annexed easements : [s. 8, T.P. Act] उपाबद्ध सुखाचार
access to and use of light for the full statutory prescriptive
period without interruption प्राचीन प्रकाशमागर् annexed or attached : [s. 218(b), Companies Act] उपाबद्ध या
ancillaries : सहायक उपकरण
ancillary : subservient, related and supplementary [s. 2(b)(xiii), annexure : उपाबंध
Coal Mines Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions annexure papers : उपाबंध के कागज
Act] अनुषग ं ी ; आनष ु ं�गक ; सहायक ; अनग ु त ; [s. 2(viiib), anniversary : the yearly return of any remarkable date; the day
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act] प्रासं�गक on which some event is annually celebrated [s. 4, Indian
ancillary activity : आनष Majority Act] आब्�दक�
ु ं�गक �क्रयाकलाप
announce : to make public or give official intimation of [s. 64(2),
ancillary equipment : सहायक उपस्कर
Sale of Goods Act] आख्या�पत करना ; घोषणा करना
ancillary industry : [sch., item 5, Khadi and Village Industries
announcement : the action of announcing; public or official
Commission Act] आनुषं�गक उद्योग
notification [s. 64(2), Sale of Goods Act] आख्यापन ; घोषणा
ancillary or consequential : [s. 167(1), Companies Act]
आनुषं�गक या पा�रणा�मक announcer : एनाउं सर ; घोषक

ancillary or incidental : [s.28(1)(a), Wild Life (Protection) Act] annoy : to affect so as to ruffle, trouble, vex [s. 152, Indian
प्रासं�गक या आनष Evidence Act] �ुब्ध करना
ु ं�गक
ancillary powers of Supreme Court : [art. 140, margin, Const.] annoyance : the state of feeling caused by that which annoys; the
उच्चतम न्यायालय क� आनष state of being annoyed [s. 63(c), Air Force Act] �ोभ
ु ं�गक शक्�तयां
ancillary services : [s. 2(a), Road Transport Corporations Act] annual : reckoned by the term of a year वा�षर्क
अनुषगं ी सेवाएं ; आनुषं�गक सेवाएं annual accounts : [s. 29(1), University of Hyderabad Act] वा�षर्क
and so on : [form DDDD, Insurance Act] और इसी प्रकार लेखे
anesthesiology : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] annual accretion : [sch. IV, item 2(e), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क
संवेदनाहरण �व�ान
ृ �ध
anew : afresh; as a new action [s. 19J(3), Inland Vessels Act] नए annual accretion to the balance : [s. 17(1)(vi), Income-tax Act]
�सरे से अ�तशेष म� हुई वा�षर्क अनुवद्
ृ �ध
Anglo-Indian Community : [art. 331, Const.] आंग्ल-भारतीय annual administrative report : वा�षर्क प्रशास�नक �रपोटर्
समाज annual charge of balances : अ�तशेष का वा�षर्क प्रमाणपत्र
annualcertificate 27
anguish : मनस्ताप annual charge : [s. 27(iv), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क प्रभार
animal : [s. 47, I.P.C.] जीवजंतु ; [s. 2(a), Prevention of Cruelty annual depreciation : वा�षर्क अव�यण
to Animals Act, 1960] पशु annual dividend : [s. 5, Industrial Finance Corporation Act]
वा�षर्क लाभांश बा�तल �कया जाना
annual equated instalments : [s. 280D, Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क anomalous mortgage : [s. 58(g), T.P. Act] �वल�ण बंधक
समान �कस्त� anomaly : irregularity; deviation from the common or natural
annual financial statement : [art. 112, margin and art. 202, order [s. 24, Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] �वषमता
margin, Const.] वा�षर्क �व�ीय �ववरण anomaly map : �वषमता द्योतक मान�चत्र ; [s. 5(2)(a), Offshore
annual general meeting : [s. 2(1)(ii), Payment of Bonus Act] Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Act] असंगत
वा�षर्क साधारण बैठक ; [s. 159(1), Companies Act] वा�षर्क
साधारण अ�धवेशन anonymous : of unknown name; of unknown authorship [s. 507,
annual letting value : वा�षर्क भाटक मल्
ू य I.P.C.] अनाम
annual net profits : [Or. 26, r. 9, C.P.C.] वा�षर्क शद्
ु ध लाभ anonymous work of joint authorship : [s. 23(2), Copyright Act]
annual payment to certain Devaswom funds : [art. 290A, अनाम संयुक्त रच�यताओं क� कृ�त
margin, Const.] कुछ दे वस्वम ् �न�धय� को वा�षर्क संदाय anonymously : [s. 23(1), Copyright Act] अनाम से
annual rent : [s. 17(d), Registration Act] वा�षर्क भाटक answer : 1. something said or written in reply उ�र ; 2. to give
annual repairs : वा�षर्क मरम्मत reply उ�र दे ना 3. to be in conformity के अनुरूप
answer all cases, generally : [s. 198(3), Indian Succession Act]
annual return : [s. 43A(8), Companies Act] वा�षर्क �ववरणी
साधारणत: सभी मामल� के संबंध म� होगी
annual review : वा�षर्क पुन�वर्लोकन
answer interrogatory : [Or. 11, r. 6, C.P.C.] प�रप्रश्न का उ�र
annual statement of accounts : [s. 24(1), International Airports
Authority Act] लेखाओं का वा�षर्क �ववरण दे ना

annual stock-taking : [s. 541(2)(b), Companies Act] वा�षर्क answer in the negative : [s. 227(4), Companies Act] नकारात्मक

स्टाक पड़ताल उ�र दे ना

annual value : [s. 2(2), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क मल् answer material question : [Or. 10, r. 4(1), C.P.C.] ताित्वक प्रश्न
ू य
का उ�र दे ना
annually : प्र�तवषर्
annuitant : one who holds or receives an annuity [s. 80E(2)(e), answer the claim : [s. 27 and Or. 5, r. 1, C.P.C.] दावे का उ�र
Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क�दार दे ना ; दावे को पूरा करना
annuity : an amount specially of money payable yearly (or by answer the debt : [s. 330, Indian Succession Act] ऋण को चुकाना
extension at other regular intervals, as quarterly) for a certain or
answer the plaintiff’s demand : [Or. 7, r. 5, C.P.C.] वाद� क�
uncertain period [s. 36, T.P. Act] वा�षर्क�
मांग का उ�र दे ना
annuity certain business : [s. 2(c), General Insurance
(Emergency Provisions) Act] �नश्�चत वा�षर्क� कारबार answer to a charge : [s. 267(1)(a) and 2nd sch., form No. 1, Cr.
P.C.] आरोप का उ�र दे ना
annuity certificates : [s. 5(1)(xvi), Wealth-tax Act] वा�षर्क� पत्र
answer to their description : [s. 7, Sale of Goods Act] अपने
annuity contract : [s. 80E(1), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क� सं�वदा
वणर्न के अनरू
ु प
annuity deposit : [s. 280B(5), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क� �न�ेप
answerable : liable to be called to account [s. 37, prov., T.P.
annuity fund : वा�षर्क� �न�ध Act] उ�रदायी ; जवाबदार
annuity issued : [s. 4(2), Insurance Act] �नगर्�मत वा�षर्क� answerable in damages for the injury : [preamble, Fatal
Accidents Act] ��त के �लए नक
ु सानी का उ�रदायी
annuity, life : आजीवन वा�षर्क�
answering the description : [s. 80, ill. (i), Indian Succession
annuity system : वा�षर्क� प्रणाल� Act] वणर्न के अनुरूप
annuity, terminable : साव�ध वा�षर्क� antecedent : 1. [s. 53, Presidency-towns Insolvency Act]
annuity, to produce : [s. 343, Indian Succession Act] वा�षर्क� के पूवग
र् ामी ; 2. [s. 10(2), Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act] पूवव
र् �

ृ न के �लए antecedent debt : पूवग
र् त ऋण ; पूवव
र् त� ऋण ; पूवर् ऋण
annul : to make void or of no effect; to nullify [s. 115, T.P. Act] antecedent negotiations : [s. 6(3)(b), Hire-Purchase Act] पूवव
र् त�
बा�तल करना ; [s. 8(10), North-Eastern-Hill University Act] बातचीत
�नष्प्रभाव करना
antecedents of the offender : [s. 360(1), Cr. P.C.] अपराधी का
annul conviction : [s. 368(b), Cr. P.C.] दोष�सद्�ध को बा�तल

antedated : पूवर्�दनां�कत
annulment : the act of annulling; being annulled [s. 46(4),
Wealth-tax Act] बा�तल�करण ; बा�तलकरण ; बा�तल �कया गया antedated cheque : पूवर्�दनां�कत चैक

annulment of adjudication : [s. 21, Presidency-towns antedating : [s. 59(1), prov., Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
Insolvency Act] न्याय�नणर्यन का बा�तलकरण पूवर्�दनांकन

annulment of lease : [s. 69, ill., Indian Contract Act] पट्टे का ante-nuptial negotiations : [s. 40, Indian Divorce Act] �ववाह-पूवर्
व्यस्थापन any law that may be made by Parliament : [art. 10, Const.]
anterior to the debt : [s. 51(b), prov., Presidency-towns ऐसी �व�ध जो संसद् द्वारा बनाई जाए
Insolvency Act] ऋण से पूवर् any mineral : [art. 31A(1)(e), Const.] कोई ख�नज
anthropological importance : [s. 20(2)(ii), Antiquities and Art any of them : [art. 23(2) Const.] इनम� से �कसी
Treasures Act] मानव शास्त्र संबंधी महत्व
any office of profit or trust : [art. 18(3), Const.] लाभ या �वश्वास
Anthropological Survey of India : भारतीय मानव �व�ान सव��ण
का कोई पद
anthropologist : मानव �व�ानी
any officer : [art. 73(2), Const.] कोई अ�धकार�
anti-aircraft : वायुयान भेद�
any other act to the injury of any person : �कसी व्यक्�त को ��त
anti-apartheid : [title, Anti-Apartheid (United Nations
पहुंचाने वाला कोई अन्य कायर्
Convention Act] रं गभेद �वरोधी
any other law for the time being in force : [s. 4(1), C.P.C.]
anticipated credit : प्रत्या�शत उधार कोई अन्य तत्समय प्रव� ृ �व�ध [s. 23, Post Graduate Institute of
anticipated expenditure : प्रत्या�शत व्यय Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Act] तत्समय
anticipated revenue : प्रत्या�शत राजस्व प्रव�
ृ �कसी अन्य �व�ध
anticipation : 1. a prior knowledge [s. 464, expln. 1, ill. (e), any quantity : [rule No. 2(b), Red Tarriff No. 19] कोई मात्रा
I.P.C.] पूवार्नम
ु ान ; 2. expectation [s. 55(6)(b), T.P. Act] पूवार्शा ; any section of the citizens : [art. 29(1), Const.] नाग�रक� के �कसी
anticipatorybail : अ�ग्रम जमानत
pension 28 anything done or omitted to be done : [s. from
appeal 14(1),any finding
prov., Metal
anticipatory pension : प्रत्या�शत प�शन Corporation of India (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] कोई

anti-corruption officer : भ्रष्टाचार-�नरोध अ�धकार� बात जो क� गई या िजसके �कए जाने का लोप �कया गया
anything done or purporting to be done under this Act :
anti-corruption police inspector : भ्रष्टाचार �नरोध पु�लस
[s. 14, Charitable Endowments Act] इस अ�ध�नयम के अधीन क�
गई या क� जाने के �लए तात्प�यर्त कोई बात
antidumping article : प्र�तपाटन वस्तु apart from : 1. [s. 5, Personal Injuries (Compensation
antidumping duty : प्र�तपाटन शुल्क Insurance) Act] के अलावा ; 2. [s. 3(2)(h). Dock Workers
antigens : [2nd sch., item 2, Drugs and Cosmetics Act] एं�टजन (Regulation of Employment) Act] से अलग
apartment : a room or a set of rooms used as a dwelling and
anti-hijacking : [title, Anti-Hijacking Act] यान हरण �नवारण
located in a private house [s. 17A(2), prov.. Criminal Law
anti-malaria officer : मले�रया-�नरोध अ�धकार� Amendment Act, 1932] खंड ; [2nd sch., item 80(b),
antimony : एं�टमनी Income-tax Act] कोठर� ; [s. 47(2), prov., Cr. P.C.] कमरा ;

antinupital settlement : [s. 40, Indian Divorce Act] �ववाहपव

ू र् के अपाटर् म�ट

व्यवस्थापन apertures : �छद्र

antiquarian : of or belonging to old times [s. 45(c), Arms Act] apiarist : a bee-keeper मधम
ु क्खी पालक ; मधुमक्खी पालन
पौरात�नक ; पुरात�नक �वशेष�
antiquarian value : [s. 45(c), Arms Act] पौरात�नक मूल्य apology, make : �मा मांगना ; माफ� मांगना
antiques : [sch., pt. I, Salarjung Museum Act] प्राचीन वस्तए
ु ं apoplexy : [2nd sch., item 4, Coroners Act] रक्ताघात
antiquities and art treasures : [long title, Antiquities and Art
apparatus : सा�धत्र ; यंत्र
Treasures Act] पुरावशेष तथा बहुमल्
ू य कलाकृ�त
apparel of the ship : the equipment of a ship (such as masts,
antiquity : 1. a relic or monument of ancient times पुरावशेष ; sails, rigging and anchors) [s. 2(1), Naval and Aircraft Prize
2. a thing of antiquity पुरावस्तु Act] पोत सज्जा ; पोत क� सज्जा

antiquity assistant : पुरावस्तु सहायक apparent : 1. evident; clear; obvious to eye or mind [s. 5, Indian
Easements Act] प्रकट ; 2. seeming, as distinct from (though not
anti-sea erosion : समद्र
ु � कटाव �नवारण necessarily opposed to) what really is [s. 16(2)(a), Indian
anti-tank firearms : ट�कभेद� अग्न्यायुध Contract Act] दृश्यमान
antitoxin : [second sch., Drugs and Cosmetics Act] apparent authority : [s. 16(2)(a), Indian Contract Act] दृश्यमान
anti-waterlogging : जल-जमाव �नवारण
apparent cause : [s. 174(1), Cr. P.C.] दृश्यमान कारण ; दृश्यमान
antler : [s. 2(31)(b), Wild Life (Protection) Act] �हरण का सींग हे तुक
any hour, at : [s. 55(1), C.P.C.] �कसी भी समय apparent condition of the goods : [1st sch., item 8(j), Carriage
any law in force immediately before the commencement of by Air Act] माल क� प्रकट दशा
this Constitution : [art. 35(b), Const.] कोई �व�ध जो इस apparent consideration : [s. 269UA(b), Income-tax Act] प्रकट
सं�वधान के प्रारं भ से ठ�क पहले प्रव�
ृ थी प्र�तफल
apparent danger : दृश्यमान खतरा appeal, present : अपील उपस्�थत करना ; अपील उपस्था�पत करना
apparent easement : [s. 5, Indian Easements Act] प्रकट सुखाचार appeal, reference or revision shall be continued and disposed
apparent from the record : [s. 13(1), Companies (Profits) of : [s. 297(2)(c), Income-tax Act] अपील, �नद� श या पुनर��ण जार�
Surtax Act] अ�भलेख से प्रकट रखे जाएंगे और �नपटाए जाएंगे

apparent on its face : [s. 27(1)(b), Specific Relief Act] उसके appeal shall be heard ex-parte : [Or. 41, r. 17(2), C.P.C.] अपील
दे खने से ह� प्रकट एकप�ीय सुनी जाएगी ; अपील क� सुनवाई एकप�ीय रूप से क�
apparent on the face of record : [Or. 47, r. 1(c), prov., C.P.C.] जाएगी
अ�भलेख को दे खने से ह� प्रकट appeal shall lie : [art. 132(1), Const.] अपील होगी
apparent order : [sch., art. 3(c), Indian Carriage of Goods by
appeal to national symbol : राष्ट्र�य प्रतीक क� दह
ु ाई
Sea Act] दृश्यमान अवस्था
appeal to the court of sessions : सेशन न्यायालय म� अपील करना
apparent owner : [s. 229, ill. (a), Indian Contract Act] दृश्यमान
appeal to the sessions judge : सेशन न्यायाधीश को अपील करना
apparent success or failure : [s. 247(5)(i), Companies Act] appeal to the State Government : राज्य सरकार को अपील करना
दृश्यमान सफलता या असफलता appealable : that can be appealed against अपीलनीय ; अपील�य
apparent tenor : [s. 10, Negotiable Instruments Act] प्रकट शब्द appealable decree : [Or. 41, r. 5(2), C.P.C.] अपीलनीय �डक्र�
appeal : 1. a proceeding taken before a superior court or authority appealable order : [s. 246, Income-tax Act] अपील�य आदे श;
for reversing or modifying decision of an inferior court or
authority on ground of error; a case so appealed [Or. 41, r. 1(1), [s. 37, Arbitration and Conciliation Act] अपीलनीय आदे श
C.P.C.] अपील ; 2. a call for help; a language addressed to or appeals and applications : [s. 46(2)(c), Wealth-tax Act] अपील�
likely to influence some particular principle, faculty etc. दह
ु ाई ; और आवेदन
3. to make an appeal अपील करना ; 4. appeal from (a court) से
appeals division : अपील प्रभाग
अपील ; appeal from (a decree) क� अपील ; appeal to (a person)
appeals from appellate decrees : [Or. 42, r. 1, C.P.C.] अपील�
को अपील ; appeal to (a court or tribunal) म� अपील ; 5.
�ड�क्रय� क� अपील� ; अपील� �ड�क्रय� के �वरुद्ध अपील�
accusation अ�भयोग लगाना
appeals from orders : [Or. 43, r. 1, C.P.C.] आदे श� क� अपील� ;
appeal against the decree : [s. 45, Indian Trusts Act] �डक्र� के
आदे श� के �वरुद्ध अपील�
�वरुद्ध अपील
appeals to the prurient interest : [s. 292(1), I.P.C.] कामक

appeal, admit an : अपील ग्रहण करना
व्यक्�तय� के �लए रु�चकर
appeal, allow an : अपील मंजूर करना appear : 1. to present oneself formally before a tribunal, hence
appeal and limitation : [s. 249(1), Income-tax Act] अपील और also to act as a counsel उपसंजात होना ; हािजर होना ; 2. to seem
प�रसीमा [s. 161, ill. (b), I.P.C.] प्रतीत होना ; 3. to come forth into view
appeal arising out of any such suit : [s. 12(b), Suits Valuation प्रकट होना ; 4. to be present उपस्�थत होना
Act] �कसी ऐसे वाद से उद्भूत होने वाल� अपील
appear at an interview : सा�ात्कार के �लए हािजर होना
appeal be dismissed : [Or. 41, r. 17(1), C.P.C.] अपील खा�रज क�
appear by pleader : प्ल�डर के द्वारा उपसंजात होना ; प्ल�डर द्वारा
हािजर होना
appeal clerk : अपील �ल�पक
appear in person : [Or. 10, r. 4(1), C.P.C.] स्वयं उपसंजात होना ;
appeal, file an : अपील फाइल करना स्वयं हािजर होना
fromany order : �कसी �नष्कषर् से अपील
anyfinding 29 appear in public : [s. 55(1), prov., thirdly, C.P.C.,appellor
s. 47(2),
appeal from any order : �कसी आदे श के �वरुद्ध अपील prov., Cr. P.C. and s. 42, Indian Lunacy Act] लोग� के सामने
appeal has been disposed of : [Or. 13. r. 9(1 )(b), C.P.C.] अपील
�नपटा द� गई है appear under protest : [Or. 30. r. 8, C.P.C.] अभ्याप��पूवर्क
उपसंजात होना ; अभ्याप��पूवक
र् हािजर होना
appeal has been preferred : [Or. 13, r. 9(1 )(b), C.P.C.] अपील
appearance : 1. the action of appearing formally [s. 88, Cr. P.C.]
क� गई है ; अपील प्रस्तुत क� गई है
हािजर� ; 2. [s. 34(2), Registration Act] उपसंजा�त ; 3. looks
appeal in civil matters : [art. 133, margin, Const.] �स�वल �वषय� [s. 248, I.P.C.] रूप
से संबं�धत अपील
appearance of coin : [s. 248, I.P.C.] �सक्के का रूप
appeal is expressly allowed by rules : [s. 104(1)(i), C.P.C.]
अपील �नयम� द्वारा अ�भव्यक्त रूप से अनु�ात है appeared in his own name : [Or. 21, r. 50(1)(b), C.P.C.] स्वयं
अपने नाम म� उपसंजात ; स्वयं अपने नाम म� हािजर
appeal, leave to : अपील के �लए इजाजत
appearing : 1. plainly set forth in a document व�णर्त ; �दया हुआ ;
appeal lies : अपील होती है ; अपील हो सकती है
2. seeming भा�सत होने वाला ; 3. coming in view; being manifest
appeal, prefer : अपील प्रस्तुत करना ; अपील करना
प्रकट होने वाला ; प्रतीत होने वाला
appearing in evidence : [s. 313(1), Cr. P.C.] सा�य म� प्रकट होने appellate powers : अपील� शक्�तयां
वाला appellate tribunal : [ss. 2(4) and 252, Income-tax Act] अपील
appearing on behalf of : क� ओर से हािजर होते हुए अ�धकरण
appearing on the face thereof : [s. 604(2), Companies Act] Appellate Tribunal, Income-tax : आय-कर अपील अ�धकरण
उसके मुख पष्ृ ठ पर �दया हुआ
appellation : अ�भधान ; पदवी
appel or pourvoi en cassation : [sch. 2, art. 1(d), Arbitration
(Protocol and Convention) Act] अपील या पुन�वर्लोकन appellee : accused अ�भयुक्त

appellant : one who makes an appeal [Or. 41, r. 10(1), C.P.C.] appellor
appendage : accusor in criminal cases. He should be a private 30
subject demanding punishment on account of the particular
अपीलाथ� (अपीलांट) injury suffered, rather than for the offence against the public.
appellant submitted to that finding : अपीलाथ� ने उस �नष्कषर् को Now obsolete Motely & Whiteley entry appeal अ�भयोगकतार् ;
मान �लया अ�भयोक्ता
appellate : pertaining to appeal; taking cognizance of appeals [s. appendage : संलग्नक
108, C.P.C.] अपील� ; अपील
appendant : [s. 24, prov., Indian Forest Act] अनुलग्न
Appellate Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax : [s. 2(3),
Income-tax Act] सहायक आय-कर आयुक्त (अपील) appended to this Act : [s. 7, Coasting Vessels Act] इस

appellate authority : [s. 2(a), Industrial Employment (Standing अ�ध�नयम से संलग्न

Orders) Act] अपील प्रा�धकार� appendix : an addition subjoined to a document or book having
some contributory value but not essential to completeness
appellate board : [s. 2(a), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act]
[Or. 48, r. 3, C.P.C.] प�र�शष्ट
अपील बोडर्
Appellate Collector of Customs : [s. 3(b), Customs Act] appertaining : belonging as part to the whole; relating अनुलग्न ;
सीमाशल्ु क अपील कलक्टर संबद्ध ; संबं�धत
Appellate Controller of Estate Duty : [s. 2(1A), Estate Duty appertaining to the estate : [s. 112(2)(b), Presidency-towns
Act] संपदा-शुल्क अपील �नयंत्रक Insolvency Act] संपदा से संबं�धत
appellate court : [s. 107(1), C.P.C.] अपील न्यायालय appliance, copying and duplicating : नकल और अनु�ल�प सा�धत्र
appellate court-house : a place, hall or chamber where an appliance, sorting : छं टाई सा�धत्र
appellate court functions [Or. 41, r. 14(1), C.P.C.] अपील न्याय-
appliance, tabulating : सारणी सा�धत्र
appliances : [s. 2(1)(e)(iv), Arms Act] सा�धत्र ; a household or
appellate court of inferior jurisdiction : अवर अ�धका�रता वाला
office apparatus साधन
अपील न्यायालय
applicability : लागू होना
appellate criminal jurisdiction : [s. 186(b), Cr. P.C.] अपील�
applicable : capable of being applied; fit; suitable or right to be
दां�डक अ�धका�रता applied [s. 55, T.P. Act and s. 41, I.P.C.] लागू
appellate decision : अपील� �व�नश्चय applicant : one who applies [s. 2(a), Limitation Act] आवेदक
appellate decree : a decree passed on an appeal [s. 108(a), applicant has sustained substantial injury : [2nd sch., item 61,
C.P.C.] अपील� �डक्र� prov. (a), Income-tax Act] आवेदक को सारवान ् ��त हुई है
appellate functions : [s. 12(1), prov., Gift-tax Act] अपील� कृत्य application : 1. the action of applying; a petition or request
appellate jurisdiction : jurisdiction to hear and dispose of आवेदन ; 2. the putting of anything to use उपयोजन ; 3. practical
appeals [ss. 105(1), 106, C.P.C. and art. 132, margin, Const.] operation लागू होना
अपील� अ�धका�रता
application and allotment book : आवेदन और आबंटन पुस्तक
appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High
Court in certain cases : [art. 132, margin, Const.] कुछ मामल� म� application book : आवेदन पुस्तक
उच्च न्यायालय� से अपील� म� उच्चतम न्यायालय क� अपील� application by promisee : [s. 46, Indian Contract Act]
वचनगह ृ �ता द्वारा आवेदन
application for approval : [s. 80E(11)(b)(i), Income-tax Act]
appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High
Courts in regard to civil matters : [art. 133, margin, Const.] अनुमोदन के �लए आवेदन
उच्च न्यायालय� से �स�वल �वषय� से संबं�धत अपील� म� उच्चतम application for leave : 1. छुट्ट� का आवेदन ; 2. इजाजत के �लए
न्यायालय क� अपील� अ�धका�रता आवेदन
appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in regard to criminal application for leave to appeal : [s. 18(3), Andhra Pradesh and
matters : [art. 134, margin, Const.] दां�डक �वषय� म� उच्चतम Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Act] अपील करने क� इजाजत
न्यायालय क� अपील� अ�धका�रता के �लए आवेदन
appellate or revisional court : [Or. 32, r. 3(5) and s. 18(2),
application for maintenance : [s. 125(2), Cr. P.C.] भरणपोषण
C.P.C.] अपील या पुनर��ण न्यायालय
के �लए आवेदन
appellate or revisional jurisdiction : [s. 11, prov., Provincial
Insolvency Act] अपील�य या पुनर��ण अ�धका�रता application for restitution : [s. 144, C.P.C.] प्रत्यास्थापन के �लए
आवेदन appoint : 1. to designate a person to discharge the duties of an
office or trust; to nominate �नयक्
ु त करना ; 2. to fix by a decree,
application for review : [Or. 47, r. 6(1), C.P.C.] पुन�वर्लोकन का
order, command, resolve, decision or mutual agreement �नयत
आवेदन ; पुन�वर्लोकन के �लए आवेदन
करना ; 3. to settle स्था�पत करना ; स्थापन करना
application has been refused : [s. 25, Presidency Small Cause
appoint infirmaries : [s. 35(1), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Courts Act] आवेदन नामंजूर �कया गया है
Act, 1960] रुग्णावास स्था�पत करना
application is granted : [s. 2(16)(d), Indian Stamp Act] आवेदन
appoint receiver : [s. 94(d), C.P.C.] �रसीवर �नयुक्त करना
मंजूर कर �लया गया है ; आवेदन मंजूर �कया जाता है
appointed day : [s. 2(a), Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws)
application is maintainable : आवेदन चलने योग्य है ; आवेदन Act] �नयत �दन
संधायर् है
appointed destination : [s. 51(2), Sale of Goods Act] �नयत
application, letter of : आवेदन पत्र गंतव्य स्थान
application made by motion : प्रस्ताव द्वारा �कया गया आवेदन appointed in that behalf : [art. 6(b)(ii), Const.] इस प्रयोजन के
application made to a judge of a High Court in Chambers : �लए �नयुक्त
[s. 627(1), Companies Act] उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश से च� बर
appointed place : �नयत स्थान
म� �कया गया आवेदन
appointed to be guardian : [s. 18, Guardians and Wards Act]
application, make : आवेदन करना संर�क �नयुक्त �कया गया
appointee : �नयुक्त व्यक्�त
application money : आवेदन धन
appointer : one who appoints [s. 176(5)(b), Companies Act]
application of a treaty : सं�ध का लागू होना �नयुक्त करने वाला
application of certain provisions relating to Supreme Court to appointing authority : �नयुक्�त प्रा�धकार�
High Courts : [art. 218, margin, Const.] उच्चतम न्यायालय से
appointing of public warehouses : [s. 57, Customs Act]
संबं�धत कुछ उपबंध� का उच्च न्यायालय� को लागू होना सावर्ज�नक भांडागार� का �नयत �कया जाना
application of mind : मस्�तष्क का प्रयोग ; �ववेक का प्रयोग appointment : 1. the action of nominating to or placing in an
application of order : [Or. 37. r. 1, C.P.C.] आदे श का लागू होना office ; the office itself [art. 16(4), Const.] �नयुक्�त ; �नयुक्त

application of moneys : [s. 21(2), Faridabad Development �कया जाना ; �नयोजन

appointment ; 2. fixing
and conditions �नयत
……. �कयाCourt
High जाना 31
Corporation Act] धन का उपयोजन appointment and conditions of the office of a Judge of a High
application of provisions relating to distribution of revenues Court : [art. 217, margin, Const.] उच्च न्यायालय के न्यायाधीश
while a proclamation of Emergency is in operation : [art. क� �नयुक्�त और उसके पद क� शत�
354, margin, Const.] जब आपात क� उदघोषणा प्रवतर्न म� है तब appointment and term of office of members : [art. 316,
राजस्व� के �वतरण संबंधी उपबंध� का लागू होना margin, Const.] सदस्य� क� �नयक्
ु �त और पदाव�ध
application of retained assets : [s. 132A(1), Income-tax Act] appointment, by way of : [s. 67, Indian Succession Act]
प्र�तधा�रत आस्�तय� का उपयोजन �नयोजन के रूप म�
application of the provisions of this Chapter to certain class appointment clerk : �नयुक्�त �ल�पक
or classes of magistrates : [art. 237, margin. Const.] कुछ वगर् या
appointment in execution of a power of attorney, whether of
वग� के मिजस्ट्रे ट� पर इस अध्याय के उपबंध� का लागू होना trustees or of property : [sch. I, item 7, Indian Stamp Act]
application, words admit of : [s. 80, Indian Succession Act] मुख्तारनामा के �नष्पादन म� न्या�सय� का �नयुक्त �कया जाना या
शब्द� का अनेक अथ� म� उपयोग हो सकता है संप�� का �नयोजन
applied geology : अनप्र
ु युक्त भ-ू �व�ान appointment of a commission to investigate the conditions of
backward classes : [art. 340, margin, Const.] �पछड़े वग� क�
applied research : अनप्र
ु युक्त गवेषणा
दशाओं के अन्वेषण के �लए आयोग क� �नयुक्�त
applied such property : [s. 52(2) C.P.C.] ऐसी संप�� का
appointment of acting Chief Justice : [art. 126, margin and art.
उपयोजन कर �दया
223, margin, Const.] कायर्कार� मुख्य न्यायमू�तर् क� �नयुक्�त
apply : 1. to have practical operation; to have a valid reference to
appointment of additional and acting Judges : [art. 224,
[s. 4, I.P.C.] लागू होना ; 2. to use or employ for a particular
margin, Const.] अपर और कायर्कार� न्यायाधीश� क� �नयुक्�त
purpose; to appropriate and devote to a particular use, object,
demand, or subject-matter [s. 11, T.P. Act] उपयोजन करना ; 3. appointment of ad hoc Judges : [art. 127, margin. Const.] तदथर्

to make request or application [s. 92, ill. (c), I.P.C.] आवेदन न्यायाधीश� क� �नयुक्�त

करना ; 4. to lay or put in contact; to lay on as applique [s. appointment of authority for carrying out the purposes of
articles 301 to 304 : [art. 307, margin. Const.] अनुच्छे द 301
76(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] लगाना
से अनुच्छे द 304 के प्रयोजन� को कायार्न्�वत करने के �लए प्रा�धकार�
apply in writing : [s. 21, Arbitration Act] �ल�खत आवेदन करना
क� �नयुक्�त
apply trade mark or mark or trade description : [s. 76(1),
appointment of casual nature : [s. 2(b), Mulki Rules Act]
Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] व्यापार �चह्न या �चह्न या
आकस्�मक प्रकृ�त क� �नयक्
ु �त
पण्य �ववरण लगाना
appointment of dates : [s. 4. Presidential and Vice-Presidential anticipate (especially with anxiety, dread or fear) आशंका करना
Elections Act] तार�ख� का �नयत �कया जाना apprehend without warrant : [s. 13, Public Gambling Act]
appointment of district Judges : [art. 233, margin, Const.] वारं ट के �बना पकड़ना
िजला न्यायाधीश� क� �नयुक्�त
apprehended accident : [s. 9(2), Indian Railways Act] आशं�कत
appointment of Governor : [art. 155, margin, Const.] राज्यपाल
ु ट
र् ना
क� �नयुक्�त apprehended, industrial dispute is : [s. 10(1), Industrial
appointment of receiver : [Or. 21, r. 11(2)(j)(iv), C.P.C.] Disputes Act] औद्यो�गक �ववाद होने क� आशंका है
�रसीवर क� �नयुक्�त apprehended loss : [sch. 1, pt. 3, item 6, Indian Carriage of
appointment, permanent : स्थायी �नयुक्�त Goods by Sea Act] आशं�कत हा�न
appointment, power of : [s. 69, Indian Succession Act] �नयोजन apprehension : 1. being apprehended or seized in the name of
justice or authority [s. 52A, I.P.C.] पकड़ा जाना ; 2. anticipation,
क� शक्�त
chiefly of a thing adverse [s. 9(1)(b), Oil Industry
appointment, temporary : अस्थायी �नयुक्�त (Development) Act] आशंका
appointment to any office : [art. 16(1), Const.] �कसी पद पर apprehension of danger : [s. 105, I.P.C.] संकट क� आशंका
�नयुक्�त apprehension of the internee : [s. 4(3)(b), Foreigners Act]
apportion : to divide and distribute proportionately [s. 30(a), नजरबंद का पकड़ा जाना
prov., Industrial Finance Corporation Act] प्रभाजन करना; apprentice : a learner of a craft; one who is bound by legal
प्रभािजत करना agreement to serve an employer for a period, with a view to
learning some handicraft, trade etc. [s. 2(a), Apprentices Act]
apportionable : capable of being apportioned, liable to be
�श�ु (अप्रेन्�टस)
apportioned [s. 36, T.P. Act] प्रभाजनीय
apprenticeship : status as an apprentice; the time during which
apportionment : the action of apportioning; the division of rights an apprentice serves [s. 2(1)(e), Workmen's Compensation Act
or liabilities among several persons entitled or liable to them in
accordance with their respective interests : [s. 3A(2)(d), State and s. 17, prov. (a), Copyright Act] �श�ुता
Financial Corporations Act] प्रभाजन apprenticeship adviser : [s. 2(b), Apprentices Act] �श�ुता
apportionment account : प्रभाजन लेखा सलाहकार

apportionment of assets and liabilities : आस्�तय� और दा�यत्व� apprenticeship council : [s. 2(c), Apprentices Act] �श�ुता प�रषद्
का प्रभाजन apprenticeship deed : [sch. I, item 9, Indian Stamp Act] �श�ुता-
apposite : well put or applied उपयक्
ु त; प्रासं�गक �वलेख
appraisal : an act of estimating or evaluating especially by one approach : [s. 5(1)(a), Indian Dock Labourers Act and s. 3(2),
fitted to judge आंकना ; अंकन Indian Railways Act] पहुंच मागर् ; [s. 18(2), Protection of

appraise movable property : जंगम संप�� का अंकन करना Human Rights Act] अनुरोध करना ; [s. 12(i), Arbitration and
appraisement : an act of estimating or evaluating especially by Conciliation Act] प्रस्ताव करना
one fitted to judge [s. 59, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] approach, co-operative : सहयोगी भावना से संसगर्
approbation : approving; formal or authoritative approval [app.
appraisement or valuation : [sch. I, item 8, Indian Stamp Act] D, form No. 17, para 11, C.P.C.] अनुमोदन
आंकना या मल्
ू यांकन
approbation of marriage : [s. 128, ill. (vi), Indian Succession
appraiser : one that appraises (as real estate for determining tax Act] �ववाह का अनुमोदन करना
rates or sale price, imported articles for the assessing of tariff
duties, damaged goods for salvage, or the property of bankrupt appropriate : 1. to assign for a special purpose; to prescribe a
business for auction-sale value of assets) [s. 51, Presidency particular use for particular moneys, or for the payment of a
Small Cause Courts Act] अंकक; आंकने वाला; मूल्य �नरूपक particular demand [s. 58(d), T.P. Act] �व�नयोिजत करना;

appreciating the evidence : [s. 310(1), Cr. P.C.] सा�य का 2. specially suitable [ss. 54 and 55, I.P.C.] समु�चत
appropriate authority : [s. 2(e), Delhi School Education Act and
s. 2(1)(b), Representation of the People Act, 1951] समु�चत
appreciation : अ�धमूल्यन; मल्
ू यांकन; ठ�क-ठ�क समझना
प्रा�धकार� circulation
appropriate 32
appreciation of the state of the company's affairs : [s. 217(2),
Companies Act] कंपनी के कायर्कलाप क� हालत ठ�क-ठ�क समझी appropriate circulation : [s. 190(2), Companies Act] सम�ु चत

जाना चलने वाले ; समु�चत प�रचालन

appreciation or sifting of evidence : [s. 5, Union Territories appropriate fraction : [s. 35A(1)(ii), Income-tax Act] समु�चत
(Separation of Judicial and Executive Functions) Act] सा�य का प्रभाग ; [s. 11(1A)(b)(i), Income-tax Act] समु�चत �भन्नांश
मूल्यांकन या उसक� छानबीन appropriate fraction of the capital gain : [s. 11(1A)(b), Income-
appreciation/sifting of evidence : सा�य का मूल्यांकन; सा�य क� tax Act] पूंजी अ�भलाभ का समु�चत �भन्नांश
appropriate government : the proper government as indicated in
a statute or rule [s. 2(a), Indian Electricity Act, s. 2(a),
apprehend : 1. to seize in the name of law; to arrest; to lay hold Collection of Statistics Act, s. 2(d), Apprentices Act and s. 2(e),
upon �गरफ्तार करना ; [s. 477(4), Companies Act] पकड़ना; 2. to State Agricultural Credit Corporations Act] समु�चत सरकार
appropriate head : समु�चत शीषर्
approved superannuation fund : [ss. 2(6), 10(13), 17(2) and
appropriate proceedings : [art. 32(1), Const.] समु�चत
192(5), Income-tax Act] अनम
ु ो�दत अ�धवा�षर्क� �न�ध
approver : a person who confesses offence and who turns State's
appropriate proportion : [s. 195(2), Income-Tax Act] समु�चत evidence इकबाल� सा�ी ; अनमु ोदनकतार्
अनुपात approver's evidence : the evidence of a person who confesses
appropriate relief in the matter : [s. 132(11), Income-tax Act] उस offence and who turns State's evidence इकबाल� सा�ी का सा�य

बाबत समु�चत अनुतोष approving, order : [Or. 21, r. 34(3), C.P.C.] अनम
ु ो�दत करने

appropriate State : [s. 2(a), Central Sales Tax Act] समु�चत वाला आदे श ; का अनुमोदन करने वाला आदे श

राज्य approximate : nearest; approaching correctness, very nearly

exact [s. 5(1), Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act]
appropriate step : [s. 10(2)(b), Coir Industry Act] समु�चत कदम लगभग ; अनुमा�नत
appropriate to his character : [Or. 22, r. 4(2), C.P.C.] अपनी approximate stock account : अनम
ु ा�नत स्टाक लेखा
है �सयत के �लए समु�चत approximate trading account : अनुमा�नत व्यापार लेखा
appropriated to the contract : [s. 55(2), Sale of Goods Act]
approximately : nearly [Or. 7, r. 2, C.P.C.] लगभग ; अनम
ु ानत:
सं�वदा मद्धे �व�नयोिजत
appurtenance : that which appertains; an appendage or accessory
appropriation : 1. the action of appropriating; the thing or [s. 138, Indian Railways Act and s. 2(v), Delhi School
amount appropriate [s. 61, Indian Contract Act and art.
Education Act] अनुलग्नक
110(1)(d), Const.] �व�नयोग ; �व�नयोजन ; 2. [s. 4, expln.,
appurtenant : annexed or belonging legally to some more
Indian Easements Act] काम म� लाना important thing [s. 4, expln., Salaries and Allowances of
appropriation account : �व�नयोजन लेखा Ministers Act] अनुलग्न

appropriation Act : �व�नयोग अ�ध�नयम appurtenant thereto : [art. 31A, second prov., Const.] उससे

appropriation audit : �व�नयोग लेखापर��ा संलग्न

appropriation Bills : [art. 114, margin and art. 204, margin, aquarium keeper : मत्स्यालयपाल
Const.] �व�नयोग �वधेयक aquatic organism : [s. 2(e), Water (Prevention and Control of
appropriation for reduction or avoidance of debt : ऋण म� कमी Pollution) Act] जल�य जीव

या प�रहार के �लए �व�नयोग aqueduct : [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways Act] जलसेतु
appropriation of the revenues : [s. 50(d), Indian Railways Act] arable land : land fit for tillage [s. 35, Land Acquisition Act and
आमदनी का �व�नयोजन ; राजस्व� का �व�नयोजन s. 4, Agriculturists' Loans Act] कृष्य भू�म
approval : the action of approving [s. 126, prov. 1, C.P.C.] arbitrage : the principle of profiting from the difference in price
अनुमोदन which the same thing may have at different places at the same
time [s. 43(5)(c), Income-tax Act] अंतरपणन
approval is first sought : [s. 80-O(1), prov. Income-tax Act]
अनुमोदन पहल� बार मांगा है arbitral authority : [s. 7(a)(iv), Foreign Awards (Recognition
and Enforcement) Act] माध्यस्थम ् प्रा�धकार�
approval of the President : [art. 145(1), Const.] राष्ट्रप�त का
arbitral award : [s. 2(c), Arbitration and Conciliation Act, sch.
अनुमोदन item 2, Foreign Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act]
approval, on : [s. 24, Sale of Goods Act] अनुमोदनाथर् ; अनुमोदन माध्यस्थम ् पंचाट
पर arbitral tribunal : [art. 112(3)(f), Const., s. 16, Arbitration and
Conciliation Act] माध्यस्थम ् अ�धकरण
approval or sanction : [s. 3, Indian Railway Board Act]
अनुमोदन या मंजूर� arbitrary : depending on will or pleasure, based on mere opinion
or preference, hence capricious [s. 20, Specific Relief Act]
approve : to accept as good or sufficient for the purpose
intended; to confirm authoritatively अनम
ु ोदन करना; अनम
ु ो�दत
arbitrary power : मनमानी करने क� शक्�त
arbitration : determination of a matter in dispute by the
approved courses of study : [s. 4(1)(d), Delhi School Education
judgment of one or more persons, called arbitrators [s. 2(a),
Act] अनुमो�दत पाठ्यक्रम Arbitration and Conciliation Act and art. 51(d), Const.]
approved gratuity fund : [s. 2(5), Income-tax Act] अनम
ु ो�दत माध्यस्थम ्
उपदान �न�ध arbitration agreement : [ss. 2(b) and 7, Arbitration and
approved scheme of management : [s. 4(b), Delhi School Conciliation Act] माध्यस्थम ् करार
Education Act] प्रबंध क� अनुमो�दत स्क�म arbitration award : [s. 44A, expln. 2, C.P.C.] माध्यस्थम ् पंचाट
approved contractor : अनुमो�दत ठे केदार arbitrator : a person or one of two or more persons chosen by
parties or according to their agreement to decide the dispute
approved service : अनम
ु ो�दत सेवा between them [s. 2(aa), Industrial Disputes Act and s. 1, Indian
approved standard : [sch., para II(ii), note, Air Corporations Evidence Act] मध्यस्थ
Act] अनम
ु ो�दत स्तर arbitrator or umpire : [sch. item 1(12), Indian Stamp Act]
मध्यस्थ या अ�ध�नणार्यक decision [Or. 15, r. 3(1), C.P.C.] तकर् ; बहस
arboriculture officer : व�
ृ -संवधर्न अ�धकार� argument can not be sustained : तकर् माना नह�ं जा सकता; दल�ल
arboriculturist : व�
ृ -संवधर्न �व�ानी मानी नह�ं जा सकती है

arch : [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways Act] मेहराब argument or narrative : [Or. 41, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] तकर् या �ववरण
archaeological : [s. 20(2(ii), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act] argumentative matter : matter containing arguments (rather than
पुरातत्व ; [s. 33(1)(i), Estate Duty Act] पुरातत्वीय facts) [Or. 19, r. 3(2), C.P.C.] ता�कर्क बात�
arise : 1. to spring forth from its source; to come into existence
archaeological Officer: पुरातत्वीय संग्रहालय
Archaeologicalmuseum 33 armed police constable
[s. 3C, Employment of Children Act] उठना ; 2. [ss. 6(dd) and
Archaeological Officer : पुरातत्वीय अ�धकार�
21, excep, T.P. Act] उद्भूत होना ; पैदा होना
archaeological remains : पुरातत्वीय अवशेष
arise out of land : [s. 3(a), Land Acquisition Act] भ�ू म से उद्भत

archaeological sites : पुरातत्वीय स्थल होना
archaeological sites and remains : पुरातत्वीय स्थल और अवशेष arises, dispute : �ववाद उठता है
Archaeological Survey of India : [s. 24, Antiquities and Art
arises, if a question : य�द कोई प्रश्न उठता है ; य�द यह प्रश्न उठता है
Treasures Act] भारतीय पुरातत्व सव��ण
arising from an unknown or contingent event : [s. 2(19)(a),
archaeologist : पुरातत्व�वद् Indian Stamp Act] �कसी अ�ात या आकस्�मक घटना से उद्भूत
archaeology : a systematic description or study of antiquities
arising from property, income : [s. 17(1), T.P. Act] संप�� से
पुरातत्व �व�ान
उद्भूत आय
architect : [s. 80E(1), Income-tax Act] वास्तु�वद्
arising in the course of : [s. 4(2), Indian Iron and Steel
architectural : [s. 20(ii), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act] Company (Taking Over of Management) Act] के दौरान उत्पन्न
होने वाला
architectural assistant : स्थापत्य सहायक
arising on a contract : [s. 128(2)(f), C.P.C.] सं�वदा से उद्भत

architectural work of art : [ss. 2(b) and 3(c)(ii), Copyright Act]
वास्तु कलाकृ�त arising on a guarantee : [s. 128(2)(f), C.P.C.] प्रत्याभ�ू त से उद्भत

architecture : स्थापत्यकला arising on an enactment : [s. 128(2)(f), C.P.C.] अ�ध�नय�म�त से

archives : a place in which public or institutional records are उद्भूत

systematically preserved अ�भलेखागार arising out of : [art. 71(1), Const.] से उत्पन्न; से उद्भूत; से पैदा
archivist : अ�भलेखाध्य� होने वाला
arduous : hard to accomplish or achieve [s. 4(3), Maternity arising out of any proceedings : [s. 21(2), Workmen's
Benefit Act] क�ठन Compensation Act] �कन्ह�ं कायर्वा�हय� से उद्भूत

arduous nature of duties : क�ठन प्रकार के कतर्व्य arising out of confidence : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] �वश्वास से
area : a particular extent of surface range; scope [s. 1(3)(a), उद्भूत
C.P.C.] �ेत्र arising out of the administration of this Act : [s. 5(1), Drugs
area chaser : �ेत्र चेजर and Cosmetics Act] इस अ�ध�नयम के प्रशासन से पैदा होने वाला

Area Commander : [s. 84, Army Act] ए�रया कमांडर ; �ेत्र arising out of the same act : [Or. 1, r. 3, C. P. C.] एक ह� कायर् से पैदा

समादे शक होने वाला

area development : �ेत्रीय �वकास arithmetical calculations : गणना

area included in the territory of India : [art. 112(3)(d)(iii)), arithmetical error in the return : [s. 141A(2)(i), Income-tax
Const.] भारत के राज्य�ेत्र के अंतगर्त �ेत्र Act] �ववरणी म� ग�णत संबंधी गलती

area installation engineer : �ेत्रीय संस्थापन इंजी�नयर arithmetical mistake : [s. 152, C.P.C.] ग�णत संबंधी भूल
area of operation : [s. 11(3), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] arithmetical or clerical error : [s. 11(4), Metal Corporation of
े India (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] ग�णत संबंधी या लेखन क�
area of supply : [s. 2(b), Indian Electricity Act] प्रदाय-�ेत्र
arm : 1. a means of offence or defence [s. 2(1)(c), Arms Act]
area, sail : [s. 3(39), Merchant Shipping Act] पाल �ेत्र
आयुध ; 2. a combat branch [s. 142(2), Army Act] अंग
area served by the stock exchange : [s. 4(1)(b), Securities
arm’s length price : [s. 92F, Income-tax Act, 2001] आसन्�न कट
Contracts (Regulation) Act] स्टाक एक्सच� ज का व्यवहार �ेत्र
area superintendent : �ेत्र अधी�क
armament : munitions of war; arms and accessory equipment of
area supervisor : �ेत्र पयर्वे�क a combat or defence unit [s. 45(a), Arms Act] आयध
ु ा�द
argument : a connected series of statements intended to establish
armament directorate : आयध
ु �नदे शालय
or subvert a proposition or any specific statement therein; the
discussion by a counsel of the evidence in a suit and placing of armament officer : आयुध आ�फसर
various authorities for legal positions before a judge arrives at a
armament practice : [s. 8(a), Manoeuvres, Field Firing and
Artillery Practice Act] आयुध अभ्यास arms of such class or description : [s. 4, Arms Act] ऐसे वगर् या
armature winder : आम�चर वलयक वणर्न के आयुध

armed : [s. 3(x), Army Act] सायुध ; सशस्त्र arms, present : सलामी दे ना
armed conflict : [s. 17(2)(r), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] army : the national armed forces intended for military service on
सशस्त्र संघषर् land [s. 142(2), Army Act] सेना

armed constabulary : सशस्त्र पु�लस Army Commander : आम� कमांडर

armed forces : military force of a country [art. 136(2), Const.] Army in India Reserve of Officers : [s. 2(1)(f), Army Act] भारत
सशस्त्र बल म� के सेना आ�फसर �रजवर्
Armed Forces Headquarters Stenographers Services Rules,
Army, Navy or Air Force List : [s. 142(2), Army Act] सेना,
1970 : सशस्त्र बल मुख्यालय आशु�ल�पक सेवा �नयम, 1970
नौसेना या वायस
ु ेना सूची
armed forces medical corps : सशस्त्र सेना �च�कत्सा
Army Reserve Officer : आम� �रजवर् आ�फसर
arraign : to put upon trial; to accuse publicly दोषारोपण करना
armed forces medical services : सशस्त्र सेना �च�कत्सा सेवाएं
arraignment : accusation; indictment, [s. 105, Navy Act]
armed forces officers mess : सशस्त्र सेना आ�फसर मेस दोषारोपण
armed forces under his command : [s. 130(2), Cr. P.C.] वह arrange : 1. to make preparation इंतजाम करना; व्यवस्था करना;
अपने समादे शाधीन सशस्त्र बल [s. 44(2), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] प्रबंध करना; 2. to
armed guards : [s. 71A(c)(ii), Indian Railways Act] सशस्त्र गारद place in a desired order क्रमां�कत करना; क्रमवार लगाना
armed hostilities : [s. 19(c), Passports Act] सशस्त्र संघषर् arranged in order of merit : गुणानक्र
ु म म� क्रमां�कत
armed insurrection : the action of rising in arms or open arrangement : 1. a settlement of mutual relations, claims or
resistance (with arms) against established authority or matters in dispute [s. 35, Workmen's Compensation Act] ठहराव;
governmental restraint; an incipient or limited rebellion [s. 6,
2. the disposition of measures for a particular purpose [Or. 21,
ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act] सशस्त्र �वप्लव
r. 45(1), C.P.C.] इंतजाम ; [s. 2(a)(iv), Copyright Act] �वन्यास
armed mutineers : [s. 3(x), Army Act and s. 4(xviii), Air Force
arrangement, credit : [s. 23(1)(c), Industrial Finance
Act] सशस्त्र सैन्य�वद्रोह�
Corporation Act] उधार ठहराव
armed police constable : सशस्त्र पु�लस कांस्टे बल
arrangement, family : कौटुं�बक समझौता
armed rebels 34 article of food or drink
arrangement or understanding : [s. 247(3), Companies Act]
armed rebels : [s. 3(x), Army Act and s. 4(xviii), Air Force Act]
ठहराव या समझौता
सायुध बागी
arrangement with creditors : agreement between a debtor and
armed resistance : [1st sch., art. 2, Geneva Conventions Act] creditors for settlement of claims [s. 63, ill. (e), Indian
सशस्त्र प्र�तरोध Contract Act] लेनदार� से ठहराव
armed rioters : [s. 3(x), Army Act and s. 4(xviii), Air Force Act]
arranger, proof : प्रूफ �वन्यासक
सायुध बल्वाकार�
arrear : that which remains unpaid though due [s. 8, T.P. Act]
armed ship : [s. 2(j), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] सशस्त्र पोत बकाया
armed with deadly weapon : [ss. 144 and 398, I.P.C.] घातक arrear report : बकाया कायर् �रपोटर्
ु से सज्िजत
arrear statement : बकाया �ववरण
armistice : a short truce �वराम सं�ध ; a suspension of hostilities, arrears, amount of : [s. 4A(3), Workmen's Compensation Act]
truce [1st sch., art. 15, Geneva Conventions Act] युद्ध-�वराम बकाया रकम
armlets : [art. 39, Geneva Conventions Act] भुजबंध arrears of interest : [s. 8, T.P. Act] ब्याज क� बकाया
armourer : [sch., item 2, Assam Rifles Act] आयु�धक; आमर्रर arrears of land revenue : [Or. 33, r. 14, C.P.C.] भ-ू राजस्व क�
armoury : a place where arms are kept [s. 2(1)(b)(ii), Navy Act बकाया
and s. 21, expln., Arms Act] अस्त्रागार ; शस्त्रागार ; आयुधागार
arrears of rent : लगान/�कराया/भाटक क� बकाया
armoury officer : शस्त्रागार आ�फसर
arrears of revenue : [s. 23, ill. (i), Indian Contract Act] राजस्व
armoury sentry : शस्त्रागार संतर� क� बकाया
arms : weapons of offence or defence [s. 52A, I.P.C. and s.
arrears of salary : [s. 15(c), Income-tax Act] वेतन क� बकाया
2(1)(c), Arms Act] आयध
ु ; शस्त्र
arrears of tax : [s. 229, Income-tax Act] कर क� बकाया
arms clerk : शस्त्र �ल�पक
arrest : 1. the restraining of the liberty of man's person in order
arms, coat of : [art. 53, Geneva Conventions Act] राज�चह्न to compel obedience to the order of a court of justice, or to
prevent the commission of a crime, or to ensure that a person
arms, in : armed; ready to fight उद्धतायुध charged or suspected of a crime may be forthcoming to answer
arms, laid down : [1st sch., art. 3, Geneva Conventions Act] शस्त्र it [s. 132, Indian Evidence Act] �गरफ्तार� ; 2. to make an arrest
डाल �दए ह� �गरफ्तार करना
arrest the vessel : जलयान बंद� बनाना Customs Act] वस्तुएं िजन पर मूल्य के अनस
ु ार शुल्क लगता है
arrest under civil process : [s. 135, C.P.C.] �स�वल आदे �शका के articles not liable to duty : [s. 19(c), Customs Act] वस्तए
ु ं िजन पर
अधीन �गरफ्तार� शुल्क नह�ं लगता है
arrest without warrant : [s. 2(c), Cr. P.C.] वारं ट के �बना articles of association : a written agreement prescribing
regulations for the government of a company [s. 2(2),
�गरफ्तार करना
Companies Act and s. 26(1), Specific Relief Act] संगम-अनच्
ु छे द
arrested : [art. 22(1), Const.] �गरफ्तार �कया गया
articles of charges : आरोप क� मद�
arrival of conveyance : [s. 30(1)(b), Customs Act] प्रवहण का
articles of clerkship : [sch. I, item 9, Indian Stamp Act] �श�ुता
arrived at by agreement, settlement : करार द्वारा �कया गया articles of convention : [art. XI(a), Foreign Awards
प�र�नधार्रण (Recognition and Enforcement) Act] कन्व� शन के अनुच्छे द
arrived at, no settlement is : कोई प�र�नधार्रण नह�ं होता articles of partnership : rules and regulations drawn up for the
conduct of partnership [sch. I, app. A, form No. 49, C.P.C.]
arsenal : a storehouse or source of supply of arms, ammunition
and other military equipment; an establishment often भागीदार� के अनुच्छे द
maintained by the government, for the manufacture, repair, articles of war : the rules for the government of troops on active
storage or issue of arms and other military equipment [s. 59, service (issued under the prerogative of the Crown, prior to the
Navy Act] आयुधशाला Mutiny Act, 1803) [s. 57(3), Indian Evidence Act] युद्ध क�
arson : wilful and malicious burning of property [s. 59, Navy �नयमावल�
Act] आग लगाना articulated vehicle : [ss. 2(1A) and 2(2), Motor Vehicles Act]
art : human skill; application of skill to subjects of taste, as संलग्न यान
poetry, music etc.; skill as the result of knowledge and practice;
certain branches of learning, which are of the nature of artificer : [s. 1, Fort William Act] कार�गर ; [sch., item 2, Assam
instruments for more advanced studies or for the work of life Rifles Act] �शल्पी ; प�र�शल्पी
[s. 45, Indian Evidence Act and art. 80(3), Const.] कला artificial : opposite to natural; made by or resulting from art or
art and culture : कला तथा संस्कृ�त artifice; made by art in imitation of, or as a substitute for, what
is natural or real [s. 431, I.P.C.] कृ�त्रम
art executive : कला प्रबंधक
artificial channel : in artifical channels, owners of lands abutting
art object : कला वस्तु them have no natural rights to the use of water or to its flow but
art or process : [s. 2(c), expln., Industrial Finance Corporation may acquire easements; either as against other persons owning
lands above or below, or as against the maker or owner of the
Act] कार�गर� या प्र�क्रया channel. In the latter case the channel should not be temporary
arterial road : [s. 10(2)(d), National Capital Region Planning or precarious but must be of a permanent character so that a
Board Act] धमनी मागर् grant of an easement by its maker to persons using it may be
article : 1. a division of a document or statute (designated as presumed कृ�त्रम जलसरणी
such) [s. 26(1), Specific Relief Act] अनच्
ु छे द; 2. (in plural) a artificial fibres : [s. 2(e), Sick Textile Undertakings (Taking Over
of Management) Act] कृ�त्रम तंतु
formal agreement अनुच्छे द; 3. a thing [s. 51, Cr. P.C.] वस्तु;
artificial humidification : [s. 13(2)(e), Child Labour
[app. A, form No. 4, C.P.C.] चीज; 4. a generally short
(Prohibition and Regulation) Act] कृ�त्रम नमीकरण
nonfictional prose composition usually forming an independent
portion of a publication (as a newspaper or magazine) लेख Artificial Insemination Officer : कृ�त्रम गभार्धान अ�धकार� ;
कृ�त्रम वीयर् सेचन अ�धकार�
article, critical : समालोचनात्मक लेख
article in finished form : article made ready for use [s. 2(b), artificial juridical person : [s. 2(31)(vii), Income-tax Act] कृ�त्रम
Gold (Control) Act] प�ररू�पत चीज ; प�रसा�धत चीज �व�धक व्यक्�त

article, informative : सूचनात्मक लेख a

article of clothing : [s. 166(1), Cantonments Act] प�रधान वस्तु artificial
t silk fabrics : कृ�त्रम रे शम के कप���
article of commerce : [s. 29, ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] i
artificial stream : a water course formed by the work of man,
वा�णज्�यक वस्तु such as a ditch or canal कृ�त्र म स�र ता
article of food or drink : [s. 272, I.P.C.] खाने या पीने क� वस्तु; c
artificially : [s. 15(1), Factories Act] कृ�त्रम रूप से
article of value 35 i as follows
[s. 2(a), Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act] खाद्य artillery
a : 1. mounted projectile; firing guns [s. 2(1)(e)(i), Arms
या पेय पदाथर् Act]
l तोप� ; 2. that branch of an army which manages the cannons
in war तोपखाना
article of value : [s. 5, Public Gambling Act] मल्
ू यवान वस्तु p
article or thing : [s. 7, Obstructions in Fairways Act and schs. 5 r
artillery practice : तोप दागने का अभ्यास
and 11, Income-tax Act] वस्तु या चीज artisan
: one skilled in some kind of mechanical art or craft
articled clerks : [s. 2(2)(iv), expln., Chartered Accountants Act] s 2(1)(f)(i), Emigration Act] कार�गर; �शल्पी
आबद्ध �श�ाथ� u
r : one who professes or practises an art in which conception
articles liable to duty with reference to value : [s. 19(b), eand execution are governed by imagination and taste; one

whose vocation involves drawing, painting, designing or layout यथासंभव शीघ्रता के साथ
work कलाकार
as far as may be : [Or. 7, r. 8, C.P.C.] यावत्शक्य; यथाशक्य; जहां
artistic, aesthetic, historical, architectural, archaeological of
anthropological importance : [s. 20(2)(ii), Antiquities and Art तक हो सके
Treasures Act] कला, स�दयर्, इ�तहास, स्थापत्य, पुरातत्व अथवा as far as may be practicable : यावत्साध्य; यथासाध्य
मानव शास्त्र संबंधी महत्व as far as possible : [s. 30(4), Indian Partnership Act] यावत्संभव ;
artistic character : [s. 2(b), Copyright Act] कलात्मक स्वरूप यथासंभव
artistic craftsmanship : [s. 2(c)(iii), Copyright Act] कलात्मक as far as practicable : [s. 30(8), Industrial Finance Corporation
�शल्पका�रता Act] यावत्साध्य ; यथासाध्य ; [art. 55(1), Const.] जहां तक साध्य
artistic importance : [s. 80G(2)(b), Income-tax Act] कलात्मक
महत्व as follows
from the dayAct] �नम्न�ल�खत रूप म�
: [preamble, 36
as from the appointed day : [s. 5(2), Official Languages Act]
artistic work : [s. 180, Income-tax Act] कलात्मक कृ�त
�नयत �दन से ह�
arts, fine : ल�ल त कला
as from the date : [s. 5(5), Citizenship Act] (उस) तार�ख से ह�
as : 1. in that way प्रकार से; 2. in the manner of के तौर पर ; के रूप म� ;
as he thinks fit : [art. 101(3), Const.] जो वह ठ�क समझे
यथा; 3. in the character or capacity of के नाते; क� है �सयत से;
as hereinafter directed : जैसा इसम� इसके पश्चात ् �न�दष्ट है
as hereinafter provided : जैसा इसम� इसके पश्चात ् उपबं�धत है;
as a general rule : साधारणतया; सामान्यतया; साधारण रूप से;
इसम� इसके पश्चात ् यथा उपबं�धत
सामान्य रूप से; सामान्यत:
as if enacted in this Act : मानो (वे) इस अ�ध�नयम म�
as a matter of fact : यथाथर्त:; वस्तत
ु :
अ�ध�नय�मत हो
as a matter of law : �व�ध के अनस
ु ार ; �व�ध क� दृष्�ट से
as indicated earlier : जैसा पहले इं�गत �कया जा चुका है
as a whole vehicle : [s. 2(7), Motor Vehicles Act] संपूणर् यान
as it may be that : चाहे जैसी भी स्�थ�त हो
as aforesaid : [s. 126, T.P. Act] यथापूव�क्त; [art. 4(2), Const.]
as in force for the time being : तत्समय यथाप्रव�
ृ ; यथा तत्समय
पूव�क्त प्रकार क�

as against : [s. 3, expln. 3, prov., T.P. Act] जहां तक.... का संबंध
as incidental to : [sch., pt. II, Minimum Wages Act] आनष
ु ं�गक
है ; के मक
ु ाबले; के �वरुद्ध; के स्थान पर
रूपी ; के आनुषं�गक रूपी
as against any person : [s. 3, expln. 3, prov., T.P. Act] जहां तक
as is mentioned in : म� यथाव�णर्त; म� जैसा व�णर्त है
उस व्यक्�त का संबंध है
as it thinks fit : [art. 2, Const.] जो वह ठ�क समझे
as against creditors : [s. 4, ill. (c), Indian Trusts Act] लेनदार� के
�वरुद्ध as may be acquired : [art. 1(3)(c), Const.] जो अिजर्त �कए जाएं

as amiable compositeur : [s. 28(2), Arbitration and as may be agreed upon : जैसा करार पाया जाए
Conciliation Act] सुलहकतार् के रूप म� as may be determined by Parliament by law : [art. 59(3) and
as an act of grace : अनग्र art. 148(3), Const.] जो संसद्, �व�ध द्वारा, अवधा�रत करे ; जैसा
ु हपूवक
संसद् द्वारा �व �ध द्वारा अवधा�र त �क या जाए
as and when : जैसे ह� और जब ; जब भी ; जब कभी
as may be determined by the rules of procedure : [art. 91(2),
as arrears of land revenue : [s. 45A(2), Employees’ State
Const.] जो प्र�क्रया के �नयम� द्वारा अवधा�र त �कया जाता है/जाए
Insurance Act] भू-राजस्व क� बकाया के तौर पर
as may be fixed in this behalf : जो इस �न�म� �नयत �कया जाए
as auditor : संपर��क के नाते
as best to subserve the common good : [art. 39(b), Const.] as may be just : [Or. 30, r. 9, C.P.C.] जैसी �क न्यायसंगत हो
िजससे सामू�हक �हत का सव��म रूप से साधन हो as may be necessary : [art. 4(1), Const.] जो आवश्यक ह�
as between him and them : जहां तक उसका और उनका संबंध है as may be prescribed : जैसा �व�हत �कया जाए ; जो �व�हत �कया
as between himself and subsequent mortgagee : जहां तक जाए
उसके अपने और पाश्�चक बंधकदार के बीच का संबंध है as may be prescribed in that behalf by or under any law made
by Parliament : [art. 84(c), Const.] जो इस �न�म� संसद् द्वारा
as between third persons : अन्य व्यक्�तय� के बीच
बनाई गई �कसी �व�ध द्वारा या उसके अधीन �व�हत क� जाए
as common jurors, to serve : सामान्य जूर� सदस्य� के तौर पर सेवा
as may be recognised : िजसे मान्यता द� जाए
as much expedition as may be : [s. 128, Navy Act] यथाशक्य
as determined : यथा अवधा�रत
as effectively as it may : [art. 38(1), Const.] भरसक प्रभावी रूप से
as nearly as circumstances admit : [s. 4A(2), Industrial Finance
as evidenced : यथासा��यत Corporation Act] उन प�रस्�थ�तय� म� यथासाध्य �नकटतम
as expeditiously as possible : [s. 33(5), Industrial Disputes Act] as nearly as may be : [s. 154(2), Representation of the People
Act, 1951] यथाशक्य �नकटतम ascending line, direct : [s. 25, Indian Succession Act] सीधी
as nearly as possible : [s. 18(2), Wild Life (Protection) Act] उपरल� परपंरा
यथासंभव �नकटतम रूप से ascertain : to find out or learn for a certainty : to make sure of;
as next hereinafter mentioned : जैसा इसम� इसके ठ�क पश्चात ् get to know [s. 73, Indian Evidence Act] अ�भ�नश्�चत करना ;
व�णर्त है ; जो इसम� इसके ठ�क बाद व�णर्त है अ�भ�नश्चय करना

as occasion requires : जैसा अवसर अपे��त करता है ; जैसा ascertain the accuracy : [s. 57(a), Air Force Act] यथाथर्ता का
अवसर अपे��त करे ; अवसर क� अपे�ानुसार अ�भ�नश्चय करना

as of right : सा�धकार ascertainable : capable of being ascertained अ�भ�नश्चेय

ascertainable at the time of export, is not : [s. 18(1)(a)(ii),
as often as may be : [s. 41(b), Arms Act] �कतनी ह� बार; िजतनी
Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] �नयार्त के समय अ�भ�नश्�चत
भी बार करना हो
नह�ं �कया जा सकता है
as originally enacted : [art. 6(a), Const.] मूल रूप से यथा
ascertained : [s. 67(1)(a), Income-tax Act] अ�भ�नश्�चत
ascertained by taxation : made sure by assessment [s. 118,
as otherwise expressly provided : जैसा अन्यथा अ�भव्यक्तत: C.P.C.] �व�नधार्रण द्वारा अ�भ�नश्�चत
उपबं�धत है ; जैसा अन्यथा अ�भव्यक्त रूप से उपबं�धत है ascertained goods : goods the identity of which has by some
as Parliament may by law determine : [art. 82, Const.] जो means or other been determined [s. 58, Sale of Goods Act]
अ�भ�नश्�चत माल
संसद् �व�ध द्वारा अवधा�रत करे
ascertained sum of money : [Or. 8, r. 6(1), C.P.C.] धन क�
as part of the transaction : संव्यवहार के भागरूप
अ�भ�नश्�चत रा�श
as precisely as possible : यथासंभव यथाथर्ता से
ascertaining : [Or. 26, r. 9. C.P.C.] अ�भ�नश्चयन
as regards : के �वषय म�
ascertainment : [s. 295(2)(a), Income-tax Act] अ�भ�नश्चय
as respects : के बारे म�
ascertainment of costs : [s. 118, C.P.C.] खच� का अ�भ�नश्चय
as set forth in the first schedule : प्रथम अनुसूची म� उपव�णर्त रूप म�
ascertainment of price : [s. 9, Sale of Goods Act] क�मत
as shall for the time being remain due and unpaid : जो उस समय
अ�भ�नश्�चत करना
दे य हो �कन्तु िजसका संदाय न �कया गया हो
Asian and pacific region : [long title, Persons with Disabilities
as soon as may be : यथाशक्य शीघ्र [art. 89(2) and art. 114(1), (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Const.] यथाशीघ्र Participation) Act]ए�शयाई और प्रशांत �ेत्र
Asiatic descent, unmixed : [s. 2(d), Indian Succession Act]
as soon as may be convenient : यथाशीघ्र सु�वधानुसार
अ�मश्र ए�शयाई अवजनन वाला
as soon as practicable : यथासाध्य शीघ्रता से
aspect : a way in which a thing may be viewed or regarded पहलू
as specified in the : [art. 1(2), Const.] जो ............. म� �व�न�दर् ष्ट
asportation 37
है asportation : taking the thing away from the plaintiff's
as such officers : ऐसे आ�फसर� क� है �सयत से possession सापराध स्थानांतरण

as the case may be : [art. 101(3), prov., Const.] यथास्�थ�त; जैसी assailant : one who assaults [ss. 100 and 101, I.P.C.] हमलावर
भी स्�थ�त हो Assam : असम
as to : के बारे म� ; के �वषय म� ; �वषयक assassination : हत्या
as to afford reasonable probability : [Or. 25, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] assault : 1. an onset with hostile intent [s. 351, I.P.C.] हमला ;
िजनसे यह युक्�तयुक्त अ�ध संभाव्यता है
2. to make an assault [s. 41(1), Children Act] हमला करना
as to compensation : प्र�तकर के बारे म� assay : to make a trial of metals by touch, fire etc. [s. 2(s), Gold
as to constitute under-cutting : [sch. I, item (11), Cost and (Control) Act] परखना
Works Accountants Act] (वैसा करना) दस ू र� के मकु ाबले म� assay master : अ�धपारखी
अपे�ाकृत कम वेतन पर काम करना है
assayer : पारखी
as to delivery : प�रदान �वषयक
assemble peaceably : [art. 19(1)(b), Const.] शां�तपूवक
र् सम्मेलन
as to the amount of such sum : ऐसी रकम के �वषय म�
asbestos cement sheets industry : एस्बेस्टास सीम�ट चादर उद्योग
assembled together : [art. 86(1), Const.] एक साथ समवेत
ascendant : a relation in the ascending line; one who precedes in
assembling : 1. fitting together various parts so as to make into
geneological order [s. 31(f)(ii), Hindu Marriage Act] पूवर्पुरुष an operative whole [s. 2(d), Collection of Statistics Act]
ascendant, lineal : an ascendant in direct line of ascent संमजन, 2. meeting समवेत होना ; 3. bringing or summoning
[s. 3(f)(ii), Hindu Marriage Act] पारं प�रक पव
ू र्परु
ु ष together into an assembly [s. 101(3), Navy Act] समवेत करना
ascending degree : a degree counted in the order of ascent
assembling the court : [s. 101(3), Navy Act] न्यायालय को समवेत
[s. 13(1), Hindu Succession Act] उपरल� �डग्री
करना assessment by way of penalty : [s. 80E(1)(b)(iii), Income-tax
assembly : [s. 3, Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act] Act] शास्�त के रूप म� �नधार्रण
जनसमूह ; सभा assessment of discontinued business : बंद व्यापार का �नधार्रण
assembly constituency : [s. 2, Representation of the People Act, assessment of loss : हा�न �नधार्रण
1950] सभा �नवार्चन-�ेत्र
Assessment Officer : �नधार्रण अ�धकार�
assembly of court : [s. 191(2)(d), Army Act] अ�धकरण का समवेत
assessment on success in business : व्यापार म� सफलता पर
assembly of persons : a company of persons collected together in
one place usually for some common purpose [s. 141, I.P.C.] assessment on succession : उ�रा�धकार पर �नधार्रण
व्यक्�तय� का जमाव assessment order : �नधार्रण आदे श
assembly, unlawful : [s. 141, I.P.C.] �व�ध�वरुद्ध जमाव assessment year : [s. 2(8), Income-tax Act, s. 2(d), Welath-tax
assent : 1. an official, judicial or formal sanction; the concurrence Act, s. 2(iva), Gift-tax Act and s. 2(3), Companies (Profits)
of one's will [art. 31A, prov., Const.] अनुम�त ; 2. to give Surtax Act] �नधार्रण वषर्

assent; to express one's agreement अनुम�त दे ना ; अनम assessment year next following the financial year :
ु त होना
[s. 211(1)(i), Income-tax Act] �व�ीय वषर् के ठ�क बाद का �नधार्रण
assent to Bills : [art. 111, margin and art. 200, margin, Const.]
�वधेयक� पर अनुम�त वषर्

assert : to aver; to affirm [s. 3, expln., Indian Evidence Act] assessor : a person associated with the judge of a court to advise
and direct the decision of such judge; a person appointed to
प्राख्यान करना ascertain or fix the value of taxes, rates etc. [s. 140, C.P.C.
assertion : the action of asserting; the thing asserted [s. 13, s. 166, Indian Evidence Act and s. 3A, Cinematograph Act]
Indian Trusts Act] प्राख्यान असेसर; कर-�नधार्रक
assertion of right : [s. 37(2), Specific Relief Act] अ�धकार का asset, block : ब्लाक आस्�त
प्राख्यान asset, circulating : प्रचल आस्�त
assess : to fix or settle a sum to be levied or paid; to make a
asset, current : चालू आस्�त
valuation or official estimate (of property or income) for the
purpose of taxation; to fix or determine the rate or amount of asset, fictitious : आभासी आस्�त
[s. 17(b), Wealth-tax Act] �नधार्रण करना
asset, floating : चल आस्�त
assess or reassess : [s. 17(b), Wealth-tax Act] �न धार्रण या
asset, intangible : अमूतर् आस्�त
पुन�नर्धार्रण करना
asset, liquid : द्रव आस्�त
assessable : [s. 2(17)(iii), Income-tax Act] �न धार्रणीय; �नधार्य
asset representing expenditure : [s. 35(2), expln. (ii) and
assessable for assessment year : [s. 8(b), Companies (Profits) s. 41(3), Income-tax Act] ऐसी आस्�त जो व्यय के रूप म� है
Surtax Act] �न धार्रण वषर् के �ल ए �न धार्यर्
asset, tangible : मत
ू र् आस्�त
assessed as a company : [s. 2(17)(iii), Income-tax Act] कंपनी के
asset, wasting : �यी आस्�त
रूप म� �न धार्�र त �क या गया
assets : the property of a person available for the inheritance of an
assessed net wealth : [s. 18, expln. 1(iii), Wealth-tax Act] heir or for the payment of his debts or legacies; property in
�न धार्�र त शुद्ध धन general; all that one owns [s. 2(e), Wealth-tax Act, s. 64, expln.,
assessed rent : �नधार्�रत �कराया C.P.C. and s. 93(4)(a), Income-tax Act] आस्�तयां

assessed tax : [s. 12(c)(i), Interest-tax Act and s. 215(5), Income- assets and liabilities : [s. 29(5), State Agricultural Credit
tax Act] �नधार्�रत कर Corporations Act] आस्�तयां और दा�यत्व
assets appertaining to the controlled business of an insurer :
assessed value : �नधार्�रत मल्
ू य
[s. 7(2), expln.. Life Insurance Corporation Act] बीमाकतार् के
assessee : one upon whom a payment is assessed [s. 2(7),
Income-tax Act, s. 2(1), Companies (Profits) Surtax Act and �नयं�त्रत कारबार से अनल
ु ग्न आस्�तयां
s. 2(iii), Gift-tax Act] �नधार्�रती assets, combined : [sch. II, para 24(3)(b)(i), Companies Act]
assessee has once exercised the option : [s. 3(4), Income-tax सम्�म�लत आस्�तयां
Act] �नधार्�रती ने �वकल्प का प्रयोग एक बार कर �लया है assets, depreciable : अव�यी आस्�तयां
assessee in default : [s. 2(c)(iii), Wealth-tax Act] व्य�तक्रम करने assets, follow the : [s. 360, Indian Succession Act] आस्�तय� का
वाला �नधार्�रती पीछा करना
Assessing Authority : �नधार्रण प्रा�धकार� assets of the company passing on the death : [s. 19, expln.,
Estate Duty Act] मत्ृ यु पर संक्रांत होने वाल� कंपनी क� आस्�तयां
Assessing Officer : �नधार्रण अ�धकार�
assign : 1. to make over or set over to another [art. 76(2),
assessment : the action of assessing; official valuation of
property or income for the purposes of taxation; the amount Const.] स�पना ; 2. to transfer, as to assign property or some
assign for valuable consideration 38
assessed [s. 2(2), Customs Act, s. 2(ca) Wealth-tax Act, s. 2(iv), interest therein समनुदे�शत करना ; 3. [ss. 4 and 8(2)(a),
Gift-tax Act and s. 2(8), Income-tax Act] �नधार्रण Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] �नयत करना
assessment and appeals : �नधार्रण और अपील� assign for valuable consideration : [s. 10, Limitation Act]
मूल्यवान प्र�तफलाथर् समनुदे�शत करना (को�चंग)
assign good cause : [Or. 9, r. 7, C.P.C.] अच्छा हे तक
ु �दखलाना Assistant Accounts Officer (Compensation) : सहायक लेखा
assign interest : [s. 6(i), T.P. Act] �हत का समनद
ु े शन करना अ�धकार� (प्र�तकर)

assign the mortgage-debts : [s. 60A (1), T.P. Act] बंधक ऋण Assistant Accounts Officer (Compensation Claim) : सहायक लेखा
समनुदे�शत करना अ�धकार� (प्र�तकर दावा)

assignable by will : [s. 80E(3)(d), Income-tax Act] �वल द्वारा Assistant Accounts Officer (Construction) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार�
ु े शनीय (सन्�नमार्ण)
assignability : [s. 37, Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] Assistant Accounts Officer (Expenditure, Fuel and
समनुदेशनीयता Inspection) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार� (व्यय, �धन और �नर��ण)

assigned area : �नयत �ेत्र Assistant Accounts Officer (Finance) : सहायक लेखा
assignee : a person to whom an assignment is made [s. 135, T.P. अ�धकार� (�व�)
Act and s. 18(3), Copyright Act] समनुदे�शती Assistant Accounts Officer (Finance Budget) : सहायक लेखा
assignee for valuable consideration : [s. 542(2)(d), Companies अ�धकार� (�व� बजट)
Act] मूल्यवान प्र�तफल वाला समनदु े �शती
Assistant Accounts Officer (Goods) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार�
assignee in insolvency : [s. 431(a), Companies Act] �दवाले क�
दशा म� समनद
ु े �शती
Assistant Accounts Officer (Simplification) : सहायक लेखा
assigning authority : समनुदेशन प्रा�धकार�
अ�धकार� (सरल�करण)
assignment : the action of assigning; the document effecting an
assignment [s. 2(xxiv), Gift-tax Act, s. 28(1), Indian Forest Act Assistant Accounts Officer (Stores) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार�
and s. 135, T.P. Act] समनुदेशन ; [s. 9(1), Esso (Acquisition of (भंडार)
Undertakings in India) Act] कतर्व्यभार ; सुपुदर्गी Assistant Audit Officer : सहायक संपर��ा अ�धकार� ; सहायक
assignment in writing : [s. 2(1)(a), Trade and Merchandise लेखापर��ा अ�धकार�
Marks Act] �ल�खत रूप म� समनदु े शन
Assistant Auditor : सहायक संपर��क/लेखापर��क
assignment of office : [s. 312, Companies Act] पद का समनुदेशन
Assistant Bacteriologist : सहायक जीवाण�ु व�ानी
assignment officer : सप
ु ुदर्गी अ�धकार�
Assistant Barco Machine Operator : सहायक बारको मशीन प्रचालक
assignor : one who makes an assignment [Or. 31, r. 18(2),
C.P.C.] समनद Assistant Block Inspector : सहायक खंड �नर��क
ु े शक
assimilate : [long title, Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws) Assistant Bridge Engineer : सहायक पुल इंजी�नयर
Act] एकरूपता करना Assistant Bridge Engineer (Development) : सहायक पुल
assimilation : absorbing into the system एकरूप करना ; एकरूपता इंजी�नयर (�वकास)
assist : to give support to in some undertaking or effort सहायता Assistant Bridge Inspector : सहायक पुल �नर��क
करना Assistant Bromide Printer : सहायक ब्रोमाइड मद्र
ु क
assistance : the action of assisting; the help afforded; aid; relief
Assistant Cabin Master : सहायक के�बन मास्टर
[ss. 105 and 187, I.P.C.] सहायता
Assistant Car Refreshment Room Manager : सहायक यान उपाहार
assistance extended by India : भारत द्वारा द� गई सहायता
क� प्रबंधक
assistance, secretarial : स�चवीय सहायता
Assistant Carpenter Mistry : सहायक काष्ठ �म स्त्री
assistance to States by deployment of armed forces or other
forces of the Union : संघ के सशस्त्र बल� या अन्य बल� के Assistant Carriage Cleaning Inspector : सहायक �डब्बा सफाई
अ�भ�नयोजन द्वारा राज्य� क� सहायता �नर��क
assistant : helper; an employee whose duty is to help his superiors, Assistant Cashier : सहायक रोक�ड़या
to whom he must look for authority to act [s. 57(12), Indian
Assistant Cashier and Paymaster : सहायक रोक�ड़या और वेतनपाल
Evidence Act] सहायक
Assistant Catering Inspector : सहायक खानपान �नर��क
assistantship : [s. 5(xxviii), Maritime University Act] सहायक
व�ृ � Assistant Catering Storekeeper : सहायक खानपान भंडार�

Assistant Accounts Officer : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार� Assistant Catering Supervisor : सहायक खानपान पयर्वे�क

Assistant Accounts Officer (Administration and Assistant Central Intelligence Officer : सहायक क�द्र�य आसूचना
Commercial) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार� (प्रशासन एवं वा�णज्य) आ�फसर ; सहायक क�द्र�य आसूचना अ�धकार�
Assistant Accounts Officer (Books) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार� Assistant Chargeman : सहायक चाजर्मैन
(लेखा-बह�) Assistant Chemical Examiner to Government : सरकार का सहायक
Assistant Accounts Officer (Coaching) : सहायक लेखा अ�धकार� रासाय�नक पर��क
Assistant Chemist : सहायक रसायन �व�ानी (�नर��ण)
Assistant Chief Auditor (Central) : सहायक मुख्य संपर��क Assistant Controller of Stores (Liaison) : सहायक भंडार �नयंत्रक
(क�द्र�य) (संपकर्)
Assistant Claims Inspector : सहायक दावा �नर��क Assistant Controller of Stores (Metric System) : सहायक भंडार
Assistant Claims Prevention Inspector : सहायक दावा �नवारण �नयंत्रक (मीटर प्रणाल�)
�नर��क Assistant Controller of Stores (Out Depot) : सहायक भंडार
Assistant Clerk : सहायक �ल�पक �नयंत्रक (बाहर� �डपो)

Assistant Coal Conveyor Attendant : सहायक कोयला वाहक Assistant Controller of Stores (Works) : सहायक भंडार �नयंत्रक
प�रचर (संकमर्)
Assistant Collector of Customs : [s. 3(d), Customs Act] Assistant Dental Surgeon : सहायक दं त सजर्न
सीमाशुल्क सहायक कलक्टर
Assistant Depot Store Keeper : सहायक �डपो भंडार�
Assistant Commandant : [s. 2(2), Assam Rifles Act] सहायक
Assistant Deputy General Manager : सहायक उप महाप्रबंधक
कमांड�ट Assistant Director of Inspection : [s. 2(vii)(a), Gift-tax Act]
Assistant Commercial Inspector : सहायक वा�णज्य �नर��क सहायक �नर��ण �नदे शक
Assistant Commercial Inspector (Budget) : सहायक वा�णज्य Assistant District Superintendent : सहायक िजला अधी�क
�नर��क (बजट) Assistant Divisional Commercial Inspector : सहायक प्रभागीय
Assistant Commercial Inspector (Job Analysis) : सहायक वा�णज्य �नर��क
वा�णज्य �नर��क
Assistant (कायर् �वश्
Commercial लेषण)(Claims)
Officer 39 Assistant Draftsman : सहायक प्रारूपकार
Assistant Permanent Way Inspector
Assistant Commercial Officer (Claims) : सहायक वा�णज्य Assistant Driver : सहायक चालक
अ�धकार� (दावा) Assistant Driver (Electric) : सहायक चालक (�बजल�)
Assistant Commercial Officer (Claims Disposal) : सहायक वा�णज्य Assistant Efficiency Officer : सहायक द�ता अ�धकार�
अ�धकार� (दावा �नपटान)
Assistant Engineer : सहायक इंजी�नयर
Assistant Commercial Officer (Complaints) : सहायक वा�णज्य
Assistant Engineer (Bridges) : सहायक इंजी�नयर (पल
ु )
अ�धकार� (�शकायत)
Assistant Engineer (Headquarters) : सहायक इंजी�नयर
Assistant Commercial Officer (General) : सहायक वा�णज्य
अ�धकार� (साधारण)
Assistant Engineer (Planning) : सहायक इंजी�नयर (योजना)
Assistant Commercial Officer (Outstanding) : सहायक वा�णज्य
Assistant Engineer (Planning and Development) : सहायक
अ�धकार� (बकाया)
इंजी�नयर (योजना और �वकास)
Assistant Commercial Officer (Railway Freight) : सहायक
Assistant Engineer (Ring Railway) : सहायक इंजी�नयर (�रंग रे ल)
वा�णज्य अ�धकार� (रे ल भाड़ा)
Assistant, Enquiries : पूछताछ सहायक
Assistant Commercial Officer (Reservation) : सहायक वा�णज्य
Assistant Estimator : सहायक प्राक्कलक
अ�धकार� (आर�ण)
Assistant Commercial Officer (Tickets) : सहायक वा�णज्य Assistant Filter Plant Operator : सहायक �फल्टर संयत्र
ं प्रचालक

अ�धकार� (�टकट) Assistant Fitter : सहायक �फटर

Assistant Commercial Publicity Officer : सहायक वा�णज्य प्रचार Assistant Food Supply Inspector : सहायक खाद्य पू�तर् �नर��क
अ�धकार� Assistant Foreman : सहायक फोरमैन
Assistant Commercial Superintendent : सहायक वा�णज्य Assistant Foreman (Maintenance) : सहायक फोरमैन (अनुर�ण)
अधी�क Assistant Foreman (Mechanical) : सहायक फोरमैन (यां�त्रक)
Assistant Commissioner of Income-tax : [s. 116(d), Income-tax Assistant Foreman (Mechanical and Maintenance) : सहायक
Act] सहायक आय-कर आयक् ु त
फोरमैन (यां�त्रक और अनुर�ण)
Assistant Complaints Inspector : सहायक �शकायत �नर��क
Assistant Foreman (Plant) : सहायक फोरमैन (संयंत्र)
Assistant Controller of Estate Duty : [s. 2(5), Estate Duty Act]
सहायक संपदा-शल् Assistant Godown Manager : सहायक गोदाम प्रबंधक
ु क �नयंत्रक
Assistant Controller of Stores : सहायक भंडार �नयंत्रक Assistant Goods Clerk (Travelling) : सहायक माल �ल�पक (यात्रा)

Assistant Controller of Stores (Construction) : सहायक भंडार Assistant Government Currency Notekeeper : सहायक

�नयंत्रक (�नमार्ण) सरकार� कर� सी नोट र�क

Assistant Controller of Stores (Inspection) : सहायक भंडार �नयंत्रक Assistant Grade-A Lecturer : सहायक ग्रेड-ए प्राध्यापक
Assistant Grade-B Lecturer : सहायक ग्रेड-बी प्राध्यापक अ�धकार� (प्रकाशन)
Assistant Gunner : सहायक गनर Assistant Plant Inspector : सहायक संयत्र
ं �नर��क
Assistant Headmaster : सहायक मख्
ु याध्यापक Assistant Progress Inspector : सहायक प्रग�त
Assistant Head Signaller : सहायक प्रधान �सगनलर �नर��क

Assistant Hospital Steward : सहायक �च�कत्सालय स्टूवडर् Assistant Progress Supervisor : सहायक प्रग�त

Assistant Hospital Storekeeper : सहायक �च�कत्सालय भंडार� पयर्वे�क

Assistant Hostel Warden : सहायक छात्रावासपाल Assistant Public Prosecutor : [s. 301(1), Cr.P.C.] सहायक लोक
Assistant-In-charge : प्रभार� सहायक
Assistant Public Relations Officer : सहायक जन संपकर् अ�धकार�
Assistant, Indent : मांगपत्र सहायक
Assistant Radiologist : सहायक �व�करण-�च�कत्सक
Assistant Instructor : सहायक �श�क
Assistant Rail Hotel Manager : सहायक रे ल होटल प्रबंधक
Assistant Janitor : सहायक द्वारर�क
Assistant Rates Inspector : सहायक दर �नर��क
Assistant Labour Supervisor : सहायक श्र�मक पयर्वे�क
Assistant Rates Officer : सहायक दर अ�धकार�
Assistant Landing Supervisor : सहायक अवतरण पयर्वे�क
Assistant Rates Officer (Coaching) : सहायक दर अ�धकार�
Assistant Linen Keeper : सहायक वस्त्र र�क
Assistant Linen Supervisor : सहायक वस्त्र पयर्वे�क
Assistant Rates Officer (Goods) : सहायक दर अ�धकार� (माल)
Assistant Litho Machineman : सहायक ल�थो मशीनमैन
Assistant Research and Development Inspector : सहायक
Assistant Loco Foreman : सहायक लोको फोरमैन
अनुसंधान और �वकास �नर��क
Assistant Maintenance Inspector : सहायक अनुर�ण �नर��क
Assistant Road Van Inspector : सहायक सड़क वाहन �नर��क
Assistant Matron : सहायक मैट्रन
Assistant Running Shed Supervisor : सहायक इंजन शैड
Assistant Mechanical Engineer : सहायक यां�त्रक इंजी�नयर
Assistant Medical Officer : सहायक �च�कत्सा अ�धकार� Assistant Scherzer Bridge Operator : सहायक शेत्र्सर सेतु
Assistant Medical Officer (Administration and General) :
सहायक �च�कत्सा अ�धकार� (प्रशासन और साधारण)
Assistant School Teacher : सहायक �वद्यालय �श�क
Assistant Medical Officer (Pathology) : सहायक �च�कत्सा
Assistant Secretary : सहायक स�चव
अ�धकार� (�वकृ�त �व �ान)
Assistant Secretary to General Manager : महाप्रबंधक का
Assistant Medical Officer (Physiology) : सहायक �च�कत्सा
सहायक स�चव
अ�धकार� (शर�र �क्रया �व�ान)
Assistant Security Officer (Crime) : सहायक सुर�ा अ�धकार�
Assistant Medical Officer (Radiology) : सहायक �च�कत्सा
अ�धकार� (�व�करण �च�कत्सा)
Assistant Security Officer (Special Intelligence) : सहायक सरु �ा
Assistant Medical Officer (Surgery) : सहायक �च�कत्सा
अ�धकार� (�वशेष आसूचना)
अ�धकार� (शल्य �क्रया)
Assistant Security Officer (Training) : सहायक सुर�ा अ�धकार�
Assistant Mistress : सहायक अध्या�पका
Assistant Monotype Caster : सहायक मोनोटाइप ढलाईकार
Assistant Sessions Judge : सहायक सेशन न्यायाधीश
Assistant Movement Inspector : सहायक संचलन �नर��क
Assistant Silviculturist : सहायक वन संवधर्नी ; सहायक वन-व�

Assistant Operating Superintendent : सहायक प�रचालन
�व �ानी
Assistant Steward : सहायक स्टूवडर्
Assistant Operator : सहायक प्रचालक
Assistant Storekeeper : सहायक भंडार�
Assistant Operator (Sub-station) : सहायक प्रचालक (उप स्टे शन)
Assistant Storeman : सहायक भंडारकम�
Assistant Paymaster : सहायक वेतनपाल
Assistant sub-head : सहायक नायब प्रधान
Personnel Way Inspector : सहायक रे लपथ �नर��क
Inspector 40 associated operation
Assistant Sub-Inspector : सहायक नायब �नर��क; सहायक
Assistant Personnel Inspector : सहायक का�मर्क �नर��क
उप�न र��क
Assistant Personnel Officer : सहायक का�मर्क अ�धकार�
Assistant Sub-Postmaster : सहायक नायब डाकपाल
Assistant Personnel Officer (Construction) : सहायक का�मर्क
Assistant Superintendent of Archaeology : सहायक पुरातत्व
अ�धकार� (सन्�नमार्ण)
Assistant Personnel Officer (Publication) : सहायक का�मर्क
Assistant Superintendent of Police : सहायक पु�लस अधी�क
Assistant Superintendent (Power) : सहायक अधी�क (�बजल�) Assistant Workshop Foreman : सहायक कमर्शाला फोरमैन
Assistant Supervisor (Mechanical) : सहायक पयर्वे�क (यां�त्रक) Assistant Yard Foreman : सहायक याडर् फोरमैन
Assistant Supply Officer : सहायक पू�तर् अ�धकार� Assistant Yard Master : सहायक याडर् मास्टर
Assistant Surgeon : सहायक शल्य�च�कत्सक ; सहायक सजर्न Assistant Yard Supervisor : सहायक याडर् पयर्वे�क
Assistant Surgeon (Out-patient Department) : सहायक सजर्न associate : 1. one who is united to another by community of
interest; a partner, comrade, companion or colleague [s. 94,
(ब�हरं ग रोगी �वभाग) ; सहायक सजर्न (बाह्य रोगी �वभाग)
expln. 1, I.P.C.] साथी; सहयुक्त; 2. joined in companionship,
Assistant Surveyor : सहायक सव��क function or dignity [s. 2(3), Companies Act] सहयुक्त; 3. to join
in any action or in companionship for a common purpose
Assistant Telecommunication Inspector : सहायक दरू संचार सहयुक्त करना; 4. to accompany; to be with सह
�नर��क associate advocate : सहयुक्त अ�धवक्ता
Assistant Telegraph Inspector : सहायक तार �नर��क associate member : सहयुक्त सदस्य
Assistant Timekeeper : सहायक समयपाल associate planner : सहयोजनाकार
Assistant Track Supply Superintendent : सहायक रे लपथ पू�तर् associate professor : सह-आचायर्
अधी�क associated : 1. joined in companioship [s. 310, I.P.C.] सहयुक्त;
Assistant Traction Power Controller : सहायक कषर्ण शक्�त 2. joined in loose combination सहचार�; [s. 13(2) (d) (iii),
�नयंत्रक Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act] संबं�धत
Assistant Traffic Officer (Coaching) : सहायक यातायात associated operation : [s. 93(1)(b), Income-tax Act] सहयुक्त
अ�धकार� (को�चंग) सं �क्रया ; सहय
associated orुक्substantially
त �क्रया identical trade marks 41
Assistant Traffic Officer (General) : सहायक यातायात अ�धकार� associated or substantially identical trade marks : [s. 54(1),
(साधारण) Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] सहयक् ु त या सारत: तद्-रूप
व्यापार �चह्न
Assistant Traffic Officer (Movement) : सहायक यातायात
associated signal : [s. 2(c), Cable Television Networks
अ�धकार� (संचलन)
(Regulation) Act] सहचार� �सगनल
Assistant Traffic Officer (Stock) : सहायक यातायात अ�धकार� associated trade mark : [s. 2(1)(b), Trade and Merchandise
(स्टाक) Marks Act] सहयुक्त व्यापार �चह्न
Assistant Traffic Officer (Survey) : सहायक यातायात अ�धकार� associated with : [s. 9(2), University Grants Commission Act] के
(सव��ण) साथ सहयुक्त ; से सहयुक्त ; [art. 25(2)(a), Const.] से संबद्ध
Assistant Traffic Officer (Transit) : सहायक यातायात अ�धकार� associateship : उपसदस्यता
(अ�भवहन) association : 1. a body of persons associated for a common
purpose [s. 2 (xxi)(a), Gift-tax Act, s. 2(17)(iii), Income-tax Act
Assistant Train Inspector : सहायक गाड़ी �नर��क
and s. 5, T.P. Act] संगम ; 2. joining in any action or in
Assistant Transhipment Inspector : सहायक यानांतरण �नर��क
companionship for a common purpose सहयोजन
Assistant Transit Inspector : सहायक अ�भवहन �नर��क association dangerous to the public peace : [long title, Criminal
Assistant Transportation Superintendent : सहायक प�रवहन Law Amendment Act, 1908] लोक शां�त के �लए खतरनाक संगम
अधी�क association dissolved or business discontinued : [s. 177(1),
Income-tax Act] �वघ�टत संगम या बंद कर �दया गया कारबार
Assistant Vigilance Inspector : सहायक सतकर्ता �नर��क
association of employers : [s. 36(2)(a), Industrial Disputes Act]
Assistant Vigilance Officer : सहायक सतर्कता अ�धकार� �नयोजक संगम
Assistant Wagon Inspector : सहायक माल �डब्बा �नर��क association of individuals : [s. 18(1D)(a), Working Journalists
and Other Newspaper Employees’ (Conditions of Service) and
Assistant Wagon Movement Inspector : सहायक माल �डब्बा
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] व्यष्�टय� का संगम ; व्यष्�ट-संगम
संचलन �नर��क
association of persons : [s. 2(xxi), Gift-tax Act and s. 2(35),
Assistant Wardkeeper : सहायक वाडर् र�क Income-tax Act] व्यक्�तय� का संगम
Assistant Water and Drainage Inspector : सहायक जल और assume charge : कायर्भार ग्रहण करना
जल�नकासी �नर��क assume management of forests : [sch., pt. I, Damodar Valley
Assistant Water Softening Inspector : सहायक जल मद
ृ क
ु रण Corporation Act] वन� का प्रबंध हाथ म� लेना
�नर��क assume office : [sch., item (7), Aligarh Muslim University Act]
पद ग्रहण करना
Assistant Welfare Inspector : सहायक कल्याण �नर��क
assume superintendence : [s. 41(1)(b), Guardians and Wards
Assistant Work Order Clerk : सहायक कायर् आदे श �ल�पक Act] अधी�ण संभालना
Assistant Works Manager : सहायक कमर्शाला प्रबंधक assume to himself : [art. 356(1)(a), Const.] अपने हाथ म� लेना
assumed character : a pretended simulated appearance [s. 170, साथ
I.P.C.] बनावट� रूप ; धरा रूप
at large : [s. 11, Indian Lunacy Act] स्वच्छं द ; व्यापक तौर पर
assumed pay : कल्�पत वेतन
assuming to act in the exercise of the option : [s. 37, prov.,
at liberty : free to act, think, move, etc. [s. 12, T.P. Act] स्वतंत्र
Indian Partnership Act] �वकल्प का प्रयोग करने क� धारणा से कायर्
at liberty to withdraw : [s. 55(1), C.P.C.] हट जाने के �लए स्वतंत्र
करते हुए
at more frequent intervals : [s. 11(1), prov., Workmen's
assumption : 1. the action of assuming, taking or seizing [s. 4,
Railways (Employment of Members of the Armed Forces) Act] Compensation Act] लघुतर अंतराल� पर
ग्रहण ; 2. [s. 17(4)(ii)(c), Estate Duty Act] धारणा at or about any place : [s. 2(8), Inland Vessels Act] �कसी स्थान
assumption of charge : भार ग्रहण पर या उसके आसपास
assurance : 1. insurance, the action of insuring or securing the value at par : at the face value [s. 20A(1), prov., Indian Trusts Act]
of property in the event of its being lost or of securing the payment सम-मूल्य पर
of a specified sum in the event of a person's death [s. 14, ill.
at random : सहसा ; सरसर� तौर पर
(m); Indian Evidence Act] बीमा ; 2. the deed of conveyance of
property [s. 59, T.P. Act] हस्तांतरण पत्र ; 3. a positive at sea : [s. 31(4)(b), Navy Act] समद्र
ु म�
declaration intended to give confidence आश्वासन at sight : [s. 21, Negotiable Instruments Act] दशर्न पर
assurance amount : बीमे क� रकम at the bar : before the bar; before the court न्यायालय म�
assurance on the life : जीवन का बीमा at the commencement of : [art. 5, Const.] के प्रारं भ पर
assure : आश्वासन दे ना ; बीमा करना at the cost of : the expense to be met by [s. 60, T.P. Act] के खचर्
assured rates : [s. 3(2)(f), Insurance Act] बीमा दर पर
at the counting of votes : [s. 47, Representation of the People
astern : [s. 52(2)(h), Inland Vessels Act] पीछे से
Act, 1951] मत� क� गणना के अवसर पर
asthma : दमा
at the earliest opportunity : [s. 21(5), Employees’ State
asylum, lunatic : पागलखाना Insurance Act] शीघ्रतम अवसर पर
asymmetric crypto system : [s. 2(f), Information Technology at the election of the plaintiff : [s. 21, Presidency Small Cause
Act] असम�मत गूढ़ प्रणाल� Courts Act] वाद� के �वकल्प पर
at a discount : [s. 165, ill. (b), I.P.C.] बट्टे पर ; �म �त काटे पर at the expense of : by putting (someone) to loss [s. 17, Indian
Trusts Act] क� हा�न करके ; [s. 188(1), Companies Act] के व्यय
at a higher rate : उच्चतर दर पर
at a premium : [s. 165, ill. (b), I.P.C.] प्री�मयम पर
at the expiration of : [art. 123(2)(a), Const.] क� समाप्�त पर
at all events : सवर्था
at the expiration of that period : [art. 75(5), Const.] उस अव�ध क�
at all times : [s. 7(1), Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act] सभी
समाप्�त पर
समय� पर
at the foot : [Or. 6, r. 15(1), C.P.C.] पाद भाग म�
at any hour : [s. 55(1), C.P.C.] �कसी भी समय
at the head, Prime Minister : [art. 74, Const.] िज सका प्रधान,
at any rate : कुछ भी हो ; बहरहाल
प्रधान मंत्री होगा
at bar : अ�धवक्ताओं द्वारा ; न्यायालय के सम�
at the instance of : on being urged by क� प्रेरणा पर
at both the places where it occurs, for the word “....” :
[s. 25(b), Finance Act, 1981] ‘‘.....’’ शब्द के स्थान पर, दोन� स्थान� at the instance of accused : अ�भयक्
ु त के बताने पर
पर, जहां वह आता है at the option of 42
at both the places where they occur, for the words “....” : at the option of : at one's power or liberty of choosing के �वकल्प
[s. 14, Finance Act, 1982] ‘‘.....’’ शब्द� के स्थान पर, दोन� स्थान� पर
पर, जहां वे आते ह� at the pleasure of : as or when one pleases के प्रसादानुसार
at fair prices : [preamble, Sick Textile Undertakings at the rate of : के �हसाब से ; क� दर से ; क� दर पर
(Nationalisation) Act] उ�चत क�मत� पर
at the request of : के अनुरोध पर
at first : आरं भ म�
at the three places where they occur, for the words “...........” :
at his discretion : according to his discretion [s. 60, Indian [s. 10(10AA)(ii),4th prov., Income-tax Act] “………” शब्द� के
Contract Act] स्व�ववेकानुसार
स्थान पर उन तीन स्थान� पर जहां वे आते ह�
at his instigation : [Or. 21, r. 98, C.P.C.] उसक� उकसाहट पर
at the time of convicting : दोष�सद्ध करते समय
at his own cost : [s. 10(2), prov., Motor Transport Workers Act]
at the time of passing the decree, order : [Or. 20, r. 11, C.P.C.]
स्वयं अपने खचर् पर
�डक्र� पा�रत करते समय आदे श दे ना
at (his) request : (उसके) अनुरोध पर
at variance with : से �वसंवाद�
at improper length : [Or. 11, r. 3, C.P.C.] अनु�चत �वस्तार के at war with : [long title, Trading with the Enemy (Continuance of
Emergency Provisions) Act] के साथ युद्धरत attachment shall relate back to the date : [sch. II, item 51,
Income-tax Act] कुक� उस तार�ख को हुई मानी जाएगी
at will, partnership : [s. 7, Indian Partnership Act] इच्छाधीन
attack : 1. the falling upon with force of arms आक्रमण ; 2. to
make an attack आक्रमण करना
atlas : a bound collection of maps मान�चत्रावल� (एटलस)
attacks of giddiness : [Second sch. Motor Vehicles Act] �सर म�
atlas branch : मान�चत्रावल� शाखा ; एटलस शाखा
चक्कर आने के दौरे
atmosphere : 1. the air in any particular place, especially as
affected by heat, cold, purifying influences etc. [s. 278, I.P.C.] attain full age : वय प्राप्त हो जाना
वायुमंडल ; 2. a conditioning surrounding influence, mental or attain majority : arrive at an age at which one becomes legally
moral environment वातावरण capable of conducting his own affairs [Or. 32, r. 4(1), C.P.C.]
प्राप्तवय होना ; [s. 80C(2)(b), expln. (ii), Income-tax Act] वयस्क
atmospheric pressure : [s. 31(1), Factories Act] वायम
ु ड
ं ल�य दाब
Atomic Energy Commission : परमाणु ऊजार् आयोग
attain the age of : [s. 11, Maternity Benefit Act] क� आयु पूर� कर
Atomic Energy, Department of : परमाणु ऊजार् �वभाग
लेना ; क� आयु प्राप्त कर लेना
atomic minerals : परमाणु ख�नज attainable : capable of being attained or obtained [s. 97(19),
Atomic Minerals Division : परमाणु ख�नज प्रभाग Navy Act] प्राप्य ; [sch., art. 8, Item 18, Chemical Weapons
atomic power : परमाणु शक्�त Convention Act] साध्य
attach : to seize (property) by authority of a writ of attachment ; attainment : [s. 5(21), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] प्राप्�त
to take property into the custody of law कुकर् करना ; संलग्न attainment of object : [sch. I, table C, item 3(b), Companies Act]
करना उद्दे श्य क� प्राप्�त
attach by seizure : अ�भग्रहण द्वारा कुकर् करना attainment of qualification : [s. 24A(1)(ii), Chartered
Accountants Act] अहर्ता का प्राप्त करना ; अहर्ता प्राप्त करना
attachable proportion : a proportion, which is liable to be or
capable of being attached कुक� योग्य अनप
ु ात attempt : an effort or endeavour to do something प्रयत्न ; to try
attache : सहचार� ; अताशे to accomplish or attain any action or object प्रयत्न करना

attache, military : सै�नक अताशे attempt to murder : [sch. II, item 2, Extradition Act] हत्या करने
का प्रयत्न
attache of an embassy : [s. 10(6)(ii). Income-tax Act] �कसी
ू ावास का सहचार� attempt to ravish : [s. 155(4), Indian Evidence Act] बलात्संग का
attached : 1. fastened to another संलग्न ; बद्ध ; 2. subjected to
attachment कुकर् क� गई attempted : प्रयत्न �कया गया ; प्रय�तत
attached decree : a decree subjected to attachment [Or. 21, attempted alienation : [s. 12, T.P. Act] प्रय�तत अन्यसंक्रामण
r. 53(6), C.P.C.] कुकर् क� गई �डक्र� attempted sale : [s. 69(4), T.P. Act] प्रय�तत �वक्रय
attached office : संलग्न कायार्लय attempting to wreck : [s. 126, Indian Railways Act] ध्वस्त करने
attached to court : [art. 146(1), prov., Const.] न्यायालय से का प्रयत्न करना
संलग्न attend : 1. to present oneself at a meeting, etc. in order to take
attached to earth : fastened to the earth [s. 3, T.P. Act] भब
ू द्ध part in the proceedings हािजर होना ; 2. to perform पालन करना ;
attaching creditor : a creditor at whose instance an attachment 3. to look after; to take care दे खभाल करना
is made [app. E, form No. 36, C.P.C.] कुकर् कराने वाला लेनदार attend diligently to duties : to apply steadily to one’s duties
attaching officer : an officer, who effects an attachment [Or. 21, [s. 12(b), Indian Partnership Act] कतर्व्य� का तत्परतापव
ू क
र् पालन
r. 43, C.P.C.] कुकर् करने वाला आ�फसर करना
attachment : 1. the action of attaching or the fact of being attend in person : [s. 174, I.P.C.] स्वयं हािजर होना
attached [Or. 21, r. 30, C.P.C.] कुक� (जब्ती) ; 2. [s. 28(2)(a),
attend on : look after; to take care of [s. 25(2), Mines Act] क�
Factories Act] संलग्नक
दे खभाल करना ; सेवा म� उपस्�थत रहना
attachment and sale of property : [Or. 21, r. 30, C.P.C.] संप��
attend to : to look after क� प�रचयार् करना
क� कुक� और �वक्रय
attend to duties, to : कतर्व्य करने के �लए
attachment before judgment : [Or. 38, r. 5(1), C.P.C.] �नणर्य के
attend to the injured person, immediately to : [s. 134(a),
पहले कुक� Motor Vehicles Act] आहत व्यक्�त क� तरु ं त प�रचयार् करना
attachment by actual seizure : [s. 21(2), Provincial Insolvency
attend with danger : [s. 23(1), Indian Railways Act] खतरा होना
Act] वस्तुत: अ�भग्रहण करके कुक�
attachment by seizure shall not be excessive : [sch. II, item 34, attendance : the action or state of attending हािजर� ; उपस्�थ �त
Income-tax Act] अ�भग्रहण द्वारा कुक� अत्य�धक नह�ं होगी attendance at the service of their faith : [IIIrd sch. art. 34,
Geneva Conventions Act] अपने धमर् के अनस ु ार अचर्ना म�
attachment officer : कुक� अ�धकार�
सम्�म�लत होना
attendance by the jurors : [s. 21, Coroners Act] जूर� सदस्य� का 127, 128, Indian Evidence Act, s. 119, C.P.C. and s. 60(3),
Companies Act] अटन� ; न्यायवाद�
हािजर होना ; जूर� सदस्य� क� हािजर�
attorney and client : [s. 22, Presidency Small Cause Courts
attendance, medical : �च�कत्सा प�रचयार्
Act] अटन� और क�ीकार
attendance of retired judges at sittings of the Supreme
Attorney General : [s. 15(3), expln. (a), Contempt of Courts Act
Court : [art. 128, margin, Const.] उच्चतम न्यायालय क� बैठक�
and Or. 27A, r. 1, C.P.C.] महान्यायवाद� (अटन� जनरल)
म� सेवा�नव�
ृ न्यायाधीश� क� उपस्�थ �त Attorney General of India : [Or. 27A, r. 1, C.P.C. and art. 88,
attendance of witnesses 43 Const.] भारत का महान्यायवाद� audit, internal
attendance of witnesses : [Or. 16, r. 1, C.P.C.] सा�� य� क� Attorney of High Court : [s. 171, Indian Contract Act and s.
हािजर� 2(15), C.P.C.] उच्च न्यायालय का अटन�
attendance officer : उपस्�थ �त अ�धकार� attorney or agent : [s. 409, I.P.C.] अटन� या अ�भकतार्
attendance register : हािजर� रिजस्टर ; उपस्�थ �त रिजस्टर attornment : acknowledgement by a tenant or bailee to attorn for
a new owner or party अपने को उसका अ�भधार� मानना
attendance, witness in : [Or. 17, r. 1(2), prov., C.P.C.] हािजर
सा�ी attributable to neglect, is : [s. 27(2),Cardamom Act] उपे�ा के

attendant : one who attends or accompanies as a servant or फलस्वरूप �कया गया माना जा सकता है ; [s. 12(5), Contempt of
keeper प�रचारक ; प�रचर Courts Act] उपे�ा के कारण हुआ माना जा सकता है
attendant circumstances : [s. 81, Indian Trusts Act and s. 90(3), attributable to such business, is : [s. 72(1)(ii), prov., Income-
Factories Act] तत्संबद्ध प�रस्�थ�तयां tax Act] ऐसे कारबार से हुआ माना जा सकता है

attendant, laboratory : प्रयोगशाला प�रचर attributable to the enhancement of compensation : प्र�तकर क�

attendant, mono : मोनो प�रचर वद्

ृ �ध के कारण हुआ माना जा सकने वाला
attended with imminent danger, is : [sch. II, form 22, Cr. P.C.] attributable to the enhancement of the compensation, capital
खतरा आसन्न है gain : [s. 54B(2)(b), Income-tax Act] प्र�तकर क� वद्
ृ �ध से हुआ माना
attended with personal injury : [s. 85, Indian Railways Act] जा सकने वाला पूंजी अ�भलाभ
शार��रक ��त हुई हो attribution : Authority [s. 11, margin. hdg., Information
attending at private residences : [s. 78(g), Registration Act] Technology Act] अ�धकार
प्राइवेट �नवास-स्थान� पर हािजर होना auction : a public sale of property conducted by biddings नीलाम;
attention : earnest direction of the mind [s. 145, Indian Evidence to make an auction नीलाम करना ; नीलामी
Act] ध्यान ; [s. 61, ill. (vii), Indian Succession Act] ध्यान रखना
auction on his account : [app. A, form No. 6, C.P.C.] उसके लेखे
attest : to affirm to be true or genuine; to witness and authenticate
by signing as a witness [s. 3, T.P. Act and ss. 70 and 72, Indian नीलाम
Evidence Act] अनुप्रमा�णत करना auction platform : [s. 2(c), Tobacco Cess Act] नीलामी मंच
attest with signatures : [s. 20(1), Registration Act] हस्ता�र� से auction purchaser : [Or. 21, r. 92(4), C.P.C.] नीलाम क्रेता
अनुप्रमा�णत कर दे ना auction sale : a sale by auction [s. 64, Sale of Goods Act] नीलाम-
attestation : the action of attesting [s. 3, T.P. Act] अनुप्रमाणन ; �वक्रय
the proof or evidence by which something is attested [s. 69, auctioneer : one who conducts sale by auction [s. 194, ill. (a),
Indian Evidence Act] अनुप्रमाण Indian Contract Act] नीलामकतार्
attestation parade : [s. 17, Air Force Act and ch. VII, hdg.,
auctioneering agreement : नीलामी करारनामा
Border Security Force Act] शपथ समारोह
auctioneer's commission : नीलामकतार् कमीशन
attested : [s. 3, T.P. Act] अनुप्रमा�णत
audience is limited : दशर्क समह
ू सी�मत है
Attesting Officer : अनप्र
ु माणन अ�धकार� ; सा�यांकन/तसद�क
audio-video electronic means : [s. 164(1), prov., Cr. P.C.] श्रव्य-
दृश्य इलैक्ट्रा�नक साधन
attesting witness : a witness who has attested the document
[ss. 69 and 71, Indian Evidence Act] अनप्र
ु माणक सा�ी audio-visual aids : दृश्य-श्रव्य सहाय्य तंत्र

attitude : disposition of mind with regard to a person or thing रुख audio-visual education : दृश्य- श्रव्य �श�ा
attitude of the Government : सरकार का रुख audio-visual publicity : दृश्य-श्रव्य प्रचार
attorn : to agree to become tenant to one as owner or landlord of audit : an official examination of accounts with verification by
an estate previously held of another अपने को उसका अ�भधार� reference to witnesses and vouchers [s. 5, Dakshina Bharat
Hindi Prachar Sabha Act and art. 110(1)(f), Const.] लेखापर��ा;
मानना ; (in case of a bailee) to acknowledge that he holds a
संपर��ा to examine (accounts) officially लेखापर��ा करना ; a
property on behalf of a new party अपने को नए स्वामी का अ�भधार�
calling to account generally संपर��ा
मानना ; अपने को नए प�कार का अ�भधार� मानना
attorney : one duly appointed or constituted to act for another in audit, administrative : प्रशासक�य संपर��ा
business or legal matters; a properly qualified legal agent who audit against propriety : औ�चत्य संपर��ा
conducts litigation, preparing the case for barristers [ss. 126,
audit against regularity : �नय�मतता संपर��ा audited statement : संपर���त �ववरण
Audit and Accounts Office : लेखा और लेखापर��ा कायार्लय ; audited and admitted : संपर���त और स्वीकृत
संपर��ा और लेखा कायार्लय auditing : संपर��ण ; लेखापर��ण
Audit and Accounts Order, 1936 : लेखापर��ा और लेखा आदे श, auditor : one who audits or whose business is to audit संपर��क
(आ�डटर) ; लेखापर��क
audit, annual : वा�षर्क संपर��ा
auditor, senior : ज्येष्ठ लेखापर��क/ संपर��क
audit, balance sheet : तुलनपत्र संपर��ा
Auditor-General : महालेखापर��क
audit certificate : संपर��ा प्रमाणपत्र
auditoria : [s. 5(iv), Maritime University Act] सभा भवन
audit check : संपर��ा जांच
auditorial function : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा कायर्
audit circle : संपर��ा स�कर्ल
auditor's civil liability : संपर��क/ लेखापर��क का �स�वल दा�यत्व
audit clerk : [s. 16(b), Chartered Accountants Act] संपर��ा
auditor's criminal liability : लेखापर��क/संपर��क का आपरा�धक
audit code : संपर��ा सं�हता
auditor's lien : संपर��क/ लेखापर��क का धारणा�धकार
audit comments : संपर��ा आलोचनाएं ; संपर��ा ट�का�टप्प�ण यां auditory signal : [s. 45(a), Persons with Disabilities (Equal
audit, continuous : �नरं तर संपर��ा Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act] श्रवण संकेत
audit department : लेखा पर��ा �वभाग ; संपर��ा �वभाग
augment : वद्
ृ �ध करना ; संवधर्न करना
audit, detailed : ब्यौरे वार संपर��ा
augmentation of foreign exchange : [preamble, Conservation
audit, efficiency : द�ता संपर��ा of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities
audit, efficiency-cum-propriety : द�ता-सह-औ�चत्य संपर��ा Act] �वदे शी मद्र
ु ा का संवधर्न
augmentation of the production : [preamble, Sick Textile
audit fee : लेखा पर��ा/ संपर��ा फ�स
Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act] उत्पादन म� वद्
ृ �ध
audit, final (or completed) : अं�तम (या पूण)र् लेखा पर��ा/ संपर��ा
aunt and niece : फूफ� और भतीजी ; मौसी और भांजी
audit, first : प्रथम लेखा पर��ा/ संपर��ा aural transmission : [s. 36(d), Prevention of Terrorism Act]
audit, interim : अंत�रम लेखा पर��ा/संपर��ा कणर्गत पारे षण
audit, internal : आंत�रक लेखा पर��ा/संपर��ा
audit interpretation 44 authentic text of a treaty : सं�ध का प्रमा�णकauthority
पाठ incharge
audit interpretation : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा �नवर्चन authenticate : to give legal validity to; to establish the
genuineness of; to make an authentication i.e. an attestation
audit lapses : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा चक
ू made by a proper officer by which he certifies that the record is
in due form of law, and that the person who certifies it is the
audit memoranda : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा �ापन officer appointed to do so [ss. 21(4) and 21(10), I.P.C.]
audit, nominal : वैयक्�तक संपर��ा अ�धप्रमाणीकृत करना ; [art. 77(2), Const.] अ�धप्रमा�णत करना
audit note : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा �टप्पण authenticate records : [s. 15(2), University of Hyderabad Act]
अ�भलेख� को अ�धप्रमा�णत करना
audit objections : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा आप�� यां
authenticated by the signature : [s. 11(1), Rampur Raza Library
audit observations : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा संप्रे�ण Act] हस्ता�र से अ�धप्रमा�णत ; [s. 41(1), Inland Vessels Act]
audit of accounts : लेखाओं क� लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा हस्ता�र द्वारा अ�धप्रमाणीकृत
audit office : संपर��ा कायार्लय ; लेखापर��ा कायार्लय authenticated copy : [Or. 45, r. 8(d), C.P.C.] अ�धप्रमाणीकृत
audit officer :; संपर��ा अ�ध कार�; लेखापर��ा अ�धकार� प्र�त; अ�धप्रमा�णत प्र�त
audit paragraph : संपर��ा/ लेखापर��ा पैरा authentication : the act of authenticating अ�धप्रमाणीकरण ;
audit, partial : आं�शक लेखापर��ा/ संपर��ा अ�धप्रमाणन
author : 1. creator; originator; maker; he who gives rise to an
audit, periodical : आव�धक लेखापर��ा/ संपर��ा
action, event, circumstance or state of things रच�यता ; कतार् ; 2.
audit procedure : संपर��ा/ लेखापर��ा/ प्र�क्रया
the writer or composer of treatise or book लेखक
audit programme : संपर��ा लेखापर��ा/कायर्क्रम
author of the trust : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] न्यासकतार् ;
audit register : संपर��ा/ लेखापर��ा/ रिजस्टर (ट्रस्टकतार्)
audit reports : [art. 151, Const.] संपर��ा प्र�तवेदन author of work : [s. 21, Copyright Act] कृ�त का रच�यता
audit ruling : लेखापर��ा/संपर��ा �व�नणर्य authorisation : 1. the action of authorising [s. 10, Working
audit section : लेखापर��ा अनुभाग; संपर��ा अनुभाग Journalists (Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act] प्रा�धकरण ; 2.
sanction; warrant [s. 19 (5)(a), State Financial Corporations
audit, sectional : अनुभा�गक संपर��ा/लेखापर��ा
Act) प्रा�धकार ; 3. to authorise [s. 32(4)(b), Copyright Act]
audited account : संपर���त लेखा ; पर���त लेखा
प्रा�धकार दे ना Companies Act] संकल्प का प्रा�धकार
authorisation of expenditure : व्यय का प्रा�धकरण authority of a State : [art. 73(2), Const.] राज्य का प्रा�धकार�
authorise : to empower; to give right or authority to act; to clothe authority of the same high contracting party : [sch. I, item
with authority, warrant or legal power [s. 67(d), T.P. Act] 1(4), Carriage by Air Act] उसी उच्च सं�वदाकार� प�कार का प्रा�धकार
प्रा�धकृत करना authority of the University : [s. 10, Jawaharlal Nehru
authorised by law : [art. 115(1)(a), Const.] �व�ध द्वारा प्रा�धकृत University Act] �वश्व�वद्यालय का प्रा�धकार� ; �वश्व�वद्यालय का
authorised capital : [s. 148(1), Companies Act] प्रा�धकृत पूंजी प्रा�धकरण
authorised dealer : [s. 2(b), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] authority, person in : प्रा�धकारवान व्यक्�त
प्रा�धकृत व्यवहार� ; [s. 2(42A), Income-tax Act] प्रा�धकृत व्यौहार�
authority, special : �वशेष प्रा�धकार ; �व शेष प्रा�ध कार� ; �व शेष
authorised depository : [s. 21(6)(a), Foreign Exchange
प्रा�ध करण
Regulation Act] प्रा�धकृत �न�ेपधार�
authority to adopt : [s. 40(2), Registration Act] द�क प्रा�धकार ;
authorised enrolling officer : [sch., Central Reserve Police
Force Act] प्रा�धकृत अभ्यावेशन आ�फसर द�क ग्रहण करने का प्रा�ध कार ; द�क ग्रहण प्रा�ध कार

authorised in writing : [s. 60(1), Companies Act] �ल�खत रूप म� authorisation : [s. 7(2), prov., Registration Act] प्रा�धकरण
प्रा�धकृत authorised capital : [s. 3A(2)(a), State Financial Corporations
Act] प्रा�धकृत पूंजी
authorised interpretation : प्रा�धकृत �नवर्चन
authorised depository : [s. 14(1), Foreign Exchange Regulation
authorised leave : प्रा�धकृत छुट्ट� Act] प्रा�धकृत �न�ेपधार�
authorised person : [s. 5(2), Coal Mines (Taking Over of authorised to dispose of transferable property : [s. 7, T.P. Act]
Management) Act] प्रा�धकृत व्यक्�त अंतरणीय संप�� के व्ययन के �लए प्रा�धकृत
authorised to break up : [s. 12(5), Indian Electricity Act] तोड़ने authors, publishers and owners of copyright : [s. 44, Copyright
के �लए प्रा�धकृत Act] रच�यता, प्रकाशक तथा प्र�त�लप्य�धकार के स्वामी
authorised translation : [s. 2, Authorised Translations (Central autism : [long title, s. 2(a), National Trust for Welfare of Persons
with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple
Laws) Act] प्रा�धकृत अनुवाद
Disabilities Act] स्वपरायणता
authorisedly forbidden : [s. 73, Indian Christian Marriage Act]
प्रा�धकारे ण �न�षद्ध Auto Exchange Assistant : आटो क�द्र सहायक
authoritative book : [s. 3(a), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] Auto Lathe Setter : आटो खरा�दया
प्रामा�णक पुस्तक
automatic device : [s. 28(2)(c), Factories Act] स्वचा�लत युक्�त
authoritative pronouncement : प्रामा�णक �नणर्य ; प्रा�धकारपूणर्
automatic numerator : स्वचा�लत नंबरमशीन
�नणर्य automatic reappointment : [s. 263(2), prov., Companies Act]
authoritative text : [s. 5(b), Official Languages Act] प्रा�धकृत अपने आप ह� पुन�नर्युक्�त : स्वत: पुन�नर्युक्�त
पाठ automobile : मोटरगाड़ी
authority : 1. a right; an official or judicial command; also a automobile anciliaries : [sch. V, item 20, Income-tax Act]
legal power to do an act given by one man to another प्रा�धकार ; मोटरगाड़ी के अनष
ु ंगी सामान
2. the person or body having the authority प्रा�धकार� ; 3. weight automobile association : [s. 7(6), Motor Vehicles Act]
of testimony [s. 59(2), Companies Act] प्रमा�णकता ; प्रामा�णकता आटोमोबाइल एसो�सएशन
; 4. body having authority प्रा�धकरण Automobile Officer, Police : पु�लस मोटर वाहन अ�धकार�
authority, appointing : �नयुक्�त प्रा�धकार� ; �नयुक्�त करने वाला autonomous : possessing self-government [s. 4(b),
प्रा�धकार� Representation of the People Act, 1951] स्वशासी ; स्वायत
autonomous college : [s. 5(16), North-Eastern Hill University
authority, assessing : �नधार्रण प्रा�धकार�
Act and s. 5(16), University of Hyderabad Act] स्वाय�
authority, cadre : काडर प्रा�धकार�
authority delegating such powers : [s. 40, University of
autonomous district : [s. 2(b), Manipur (Hill Areas) District
Hyderabad Act] ऐसी शक्�त का प्रत्यायोजन करने वाला प्रा�धकार�
Councils Act] स्वाय� िजला
Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction :
autonomous organisation : [s. 3(2)(10)(j), Defence and Internal
औद्यो�ग क और �व�ीय पुन�नर्मार्ण प्रा�धकरण
Security of India Act] स्वाय� संगठन
authority in writing : a legal power in writing to do an act given
autopsy : शव-पर��ा
by one man to another [s. 99, expln. 2, I.P.C.] �ल�खत प्रा�धकार
auxiliary : assisting or supporting [s. 12, prov., Army Act]
authority incharge : [s. 40(1), Unit Trust of India Act]
authority a magistrate 45 avoid
auxiliary corps : सहायक कोर
authority of a magistrate : [art. 22(2), Const.] मिजस्ट्रे ट का
प्रा�धकार auxiliary duty : [s. 44, Finance Act, 1982] सहायक शल्
ु क
authority of a resolution : [sch. I, table C, interpretation 32(2), auxiliary force : सहायक बल
auxiliary nurse : सहायक नसर् averment of the performance : [Or. 6, r. 6, C.P.C.] पालन का
avail of leave : [s. 4(4)(b) Maternity Benefit Act] छुट्ट� का प्रकथन
उपभोग करना avert : [s. 44, Indian Forest Act] टालना
availability of funds : �न�धय� क� प्राप्यता ; �न �ध य� क� aviation : act, method or science of flying by mechanical means
available : capable of being turned to account; at one's disposal; aviation adviser : �वमानन सलाहकार
within one's reach उपलभ्य; उपलब्ध; प्राप्य aviation, civil : �स�वल �वमानन
available assets : उपलब्ध आस्�तयां aviation construction circle : �वमानन सन्�नमार्ण स�कर्ल
available surplus : [s. 2(6), Payment of Bonus Act] उपलभ्य avocation : a subordinate or a minor occupation [s. 2(j),
अ�धशेष Industrial Disputes Act] उपव्यवसाय ; [art. 39(e), Const.]
availing of the judicial remedies : [s. 33(7), prov., Gram रोजगार
Nyayalyas Act] न्या�यक उपचार� का उपभोग करना avoid : 1. to escape; to evade; to keep out of the way बचना ;
avalanche : a hustling mass of snow, with ice and rock, प�रवजर्न करना ; 2. to make void; to annul शून्य करना ; 3. to
descending a mountain side [s. 35(1)(c)(i), Indian Forest Act]
expel (doubt) (शंका) दरू करना ; (शंका का) �नवारण करना
aver : to declare in a positive manner as in confidence of avoid a contract 46
asserting the truth; to set out distinctly and formally [s. 16(c), avoid a contract : [s. 19, ill. (c), Indian Contract Act] सं�वदा को
Specific Relief Act] प्रकथन करना शून्य करना
aver performance : [s. 16(c), expln. (ii), Specific Relief Act] avoid any process of the court : [Or. 38, r. 1(a), C.P.C.]
पालन करने का प्रकथन करना न्यायालय क� �कसी आदे �शका से बचना
average : an arithmetical mean औसत avoidable cause : a cause that can be obviated or got rid of [s. 73,
average amount of profit : [s. 73, ill. (i), Indian Contract Act] ill. (e), Indian Contract Act] प�रहायर् हे तुक ; प�रवजर्नीय हे तक

औसत लाभ क� रकम avoidable delay : प�रहायर् �वलंब ; प�रवजर्नीय �वलंब
average annual rent reserved : [sch. I, item 35(a)(iii), Indian avoidable extra expenditure : प�रहायर् अ�त�रक्त व्यय
Stamp Act] आर��त �कया गया औसत वा�षर्क भाटक
avoidance of double taxation : [s. 295(2)(h), Income-tax Act]
average annual turnover : औसत वा�षर्क आवतर् दोहरे कराधान का प�रवजर्न
average bank rate : [sch., para IV, Metal Corporation of India avoidance of double taxation of income : [s. 90(b), Income-tax
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] औसत ब�क दर Act] आय के दोहरे कराधान का प�रवजर्न
average business in force : [sch., I, para II, expln., 1(b), Life avoidance of doubt : [s. 55, Representation of the People Act,
Insurance Corporation Act] प्रव�
ृ औसत कारबार 1951] शंका का प�रवजर्न ; [s. 3(3), Estate Duty Act] शंका को दरू
average clause : 1. औसत धारा ; 2. बीमा ��त धारा करना
average cost : औसत लागत avoidance of income-tax : [s. 94(3)(a), Income-tax Act] आय-कर
average due date : औसत दे य तार�ख का प�रवजर्न
avoidance of income-tax was exceptional : [s. 94(3)(b), Income-
average emoluments : औसत उपलब्�धयां
tax Act] आय कर का प�रवजर्न असाधारण था
average loss, particular : [s. 60(2)(ii), Marine Insurance Act]
avoidance of liability of taxation : [s. 93(3)(a), Income-tax Act]
�व�शष्ट औसत हा�न
कराधान के दा�यत्व का प�रवजर्न
average market rate : [sch. 3(3A)(iii)(c), Essential Commodities
avoidance of loss : [long title, Public Accountants Default Act]
Act] औसत बाजार दर
हा�न से बचाव
average net weight : [s. 5(1), Cotton Ginning and Pressing
Factories Act] औसत कुल भार avoided, amount : रकम जो बचा ल� गई
average of the results : [s. 75(3), Trade and Merchandise Marks avoiding service, for the purpose of : for evading service of any
Act] प�रणाम� का औसत process [Or. 5, r. 20(1), C.P.C.] इस प्रयोजन से �क (उस पर)
तामील न होने पाए
average pay : [s. 2(aaa), Industrial Disputes Act] औसत वेतन
avoiding service of process : [Or. 9, r. 5(1)(b), C.P.C.] आदे �शका
average rate of exchange : �व�नमय क� औसत दर
क� तामील होने दे ने से (अपने को) बचाए रहना
average rate of income-tax : [s. 2(10), Income-tax Act] आय-कर
क� औसत दर
average rate of tax : कर क� औसत दर
average unless general : [sch., para 13, Marine Insurance Act]
साधारण नह�ं तो आं�शक हा�न
averment : the action of averring; that which is averred [Or. 6, r.
6, C.P.C.] प्रकथन
award : 1. a decision given by an arbitrator or umpire; the
document embodying it [s. 2(b), Arbitration Act] पंचाट ; 2. a
sentence or decision after examination; the document
embodying it [s. 2(a), Requisitioning and Acquisition of
Immovable Property Act] अ�ध�नणर्य ; 3. to adjudge अ�ध�नण�त
करना ; 4. something that is conferred or bestowed upon a
person [s. 17(1)(a), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] पुरस्कार ;
5. to give out (a degree etc.) [s. 18(1)(c), Banaras Hindu
University Act] प्रदान करना
award compensation : प्र�तकर अ�ध�नण�त करना
award costs : [s. 35A(2), prov., C.P.C.] खचार् अ�ध�नण�त करना ;
खचार् �दलवाना
award enforceable as a decree : [s. 44A, expln. 2, C.P.C.] पंचाट
�डक्र� के रूप म� प्रवतर्नीय
award, make : पंचाट करना ; अ�ध�नणर्य करना
award of punishment : [s. 84(1), Air Force Act] दं ड का
award statement : अ�ध�नणर्य का �ववरण
awardable : fit to be awarded; rightly or lawfully to be awarded
[ss. 71 and 72, Army Act] अ�ध�नण�य
awarding authority : अ�ध�नणर्य प्रा�धकार�
awareness : [sch. I, item (iii), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act]
चेतनता ; चेतना ; जानकार� ; �ान
aware of, be : to be cognizant or informed of [s. 30(1), Arms Act]
का �ान होना ; क� जानकार� होना ; िजसका �ान हो
awnings : a covering to shelter from the sun or the weather
axiom : स्वयं�सद्�ध
axle : [s. 19(1)(c), Indian Railways Act] धुरा
axle weight : [s. 2(1B), Motor Vehicles Act] धुर� वजन
B B.G. (broad guage) : [rule No. 2(c), Red Tariff No. 19] ब.
ला. (बड़ी लाइन)
badli workman : [s. 25M(1), Industrial Disputes Act] बदल�
bachelor : a man, who has never been married [s. 14(3), baffle : something for deflecting, checking or otherwise
Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act] कंु वारा regulating the flow [s. 37(2), Factories Act] व्यारोध (बे�फल)
background : पष्ृ ठभू�म baggage : [s. 2(3), Customs Act] यात्री सामान
background note : पष्ृ ठभू�म -�टप्पण ; पष्ृ ठभू�म क-�ट प्पण baggage check : [sch., pt., II, item 12, Commercial Documents
Evidence Act] यात्री सामान जांचपत्र
backward classes : [art. 164(1), prov., Const.] �पछड़े वगर् 47
Backward Classes Commission : �पछड़े वग� का आयोग bagging : [sch., part B, item (3), Child Labour (Prohibition and
backward tribes : �पछड़ी जनजा�तयां Regulation) Act] बो�रय� म� भरना

back-up copy : [s. 52(1)(aa)(ii), Copyright Act] पू�तर्कर प्र�त bail : 1. temporary release from imprisonment on furnishing
surety or security to appear for trial; the security so given
bacteriologist : जीवाणु�व� [s. 205, I.P.C.] जमानत ; 2. to deliver (goods) in trust upon a
bacteriology : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] जीवाणु contract उप�न�हत करना
�व�ान bail, anticipatory : अ�ग्रम जमानत
bad and doubtful debts : [s. 33(2), Food Corporations Act and
bail, become : [s. 205, I.P.C.] जमानतदार बनना
s. 22(2), Industrial Development Bank of India Act] डूबंत और
bail bond : a bond given by a prisoner and his surety to ensure
शंकास्पद ऋण ; डूबा और शंकास्पद ऋण the appearance of the former in court on a fixed day or when
bad and doubtful debts reserve : [IIIrd sch., item IV, Banking called upon [s. 74, except., Indian Contract Act] जमानतनामा;
Regulation Act] डूबंत और शंकास्पद ऋण आर���त [s. 436(2), Cr. P.C.] जमानतपत्र
bad and unworkmanlike manner : defective and unskilled bailable : in which bail is to be granted as a matter of right
manner [app. A, plaint No. 17, para 3, C.P.C.] बुरे प्रकार से और [s. 18(1), Children Act] जमानतीय
अकुशलता से
bailable offence : [s. 2(a), Cr. P.C.] जमानतीय अपराध
bad and written off debt : [s. 349(4)(o), Companies Act] डूब गए bailee : one to whom goods are bailed [s. 148, Indian Contract
और अप�ल�खत ऋण Act] उप�न�हती
bad behaviour : दव्ु र्यवहार ; कदाचार bailee of the goods : [s. 26, Sale of Goods Act] माल का
bad blood : बैर उप�न�हती
bad character : a person whose general conduct and behaviour is bailee’s particular lien : [s. 170, Indian Contract Act] उप�न�हती
bad or is not free from blemish [s. 54, Indian Evidence Act]
का �व�शष्ट धारणा�धकार
बुरा शील ; दश्ु च�रत्र
bailiff : an officer entrusted with the duty of executing warrants
bad conduct : दरु ाचरण etc. or making arrests under orders of court [s. 300, excep. I,
bad debt : a debt about which there is no reasonable expectation ill. (e), I.P.C.] बे�लफ
of recovery; debt believed to be unrecoverable [s. 6(1), bailiff of the court : [s. 43, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]
Interest-tax Act] डूबंत ऋण ; [s. 36(1)(vii), Income-tax Act] न्यायालय का बे�लफ
डूबा ऋण
bailment : [s. 148, Indian Contract Act] उप�नधान
bad debt recovered account : डूबंत ऋण वसूल� लेखा bailment of pledge : the bailment of goods as security for
bad debt reserve fund : डूबंत ऋण आर��त �न�ध payment of a debt or performance of a promise [s. 172, Indian
Contract Act] �गरवीरूप उप�नधान
bad faith : opposite of good faith; generally implying or
involving actual or constructive fraud or design to mislead or bailment, termination of : [s. 153, ill., Indian Contract Act]
deceive another; a neglect or refusal to fulfil some duty or उप�नधान का पयर्वसान
some contractual obligation, not prompted by an honest
mistake as to one’s rights and duties, but by some interested or bailor : [s. 148, Indian Contract Act] उप�नधाता
sinister motive [s. 55(3), C.P.C.] असद्भाव ; दभु ार्व baiting : to harass by setting on dogs etc. to worry and bite
bad faith, act of : असद्भावपूणर् कायर् [s. 6C, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1890] कु�े आ�द
bad faith, in : [s. 30C(2), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] को छोड़कर सताना
असद्भावपूवर्क ; असद्भाव से baiting any animal : [s. 11(1)(n), Prevention of Cruelty to
bad in law : not valid �व�ध क� दृष्�ट से दोषपूणर् Animals Act, 1960] �कसी पशु को सताना

bad livelihood cases : कुजी�वका के मामले baker : बेकर

bad security : a security which is substantially defective [s. 220, bakery : बेकर�
ill. (a), Indian Contract Act] बुर� प्र�तभू�त bakery instructor : बेकर� �श�क
badge : a distinctive or distinguishing mark, token, device or sign balance : the difference between the debit and credit side of an
(of membership etc.) usually worn on the person [s. 4(vii), Air account; the remainder [s. 79, T.P. Act and s. 171, Indian
Force Act] बैज Contract Act] बाक� ; [s. 15(j), Trade Unions Act] अ�तशेष;
badge pay : [s. 82(e), Air Force Act] बैज वेतन
2. संतल
ु न ballot, secret : गुप्त मतदान
balance at the credit of those funds : उन �न�धय� म� जमा ban : legal prohibition [s. 12, Gold (Control) Act] पाबंद�
अ�तशेष band : [s. 2(1)(l), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] पट्ट�
balance carried over : अग्रनीत अ�तशेष bandy : [s. 2(36), Metalliferous Mines Regulations] ब�डी
balance, closing : अंत अ�तशेष bank : 1. any establishment which carries on the business of
banking [s. 2(2), bankers, Books Evidence Act] ब�क ; 2. to keep
balance, contra : प्र�तप�ी अ�तशेष
an account with a banker [s. 50, ill. (a), Indian Contract Act]
balance, credit : जमा अ�तशेष खाता होना ; खाता रखना ; �हसाब रखना ; 2. ट�ला
balance, debit : नामे अ�तशेष bank accounts, to operate : ब�क के खाते म� धन जमा करना या
balance in hand : हस्तगत अ�तशेष �नकालना ; ब�क म� खाते चलाना
balance has been struck : [second sch., item 29(c), Provincial Bank Award Commission : [s. 2(c), Industrial Disputes
Small Cause Courts Act] आय-व्यय का �हसाब कर �लया है (Banking Companies) Decision Act] ब�क अ�ध�नणर्य आयोग
balance, minus debit of : अ�तशेष के ऋण �वकलन द्वारा bank balances : [sch. VI, pt. 1, Companies Act] ब�क म� अ�तशेष
balance of accounts, general : समस्त लेखाओं क� बाक� ; समस्त bank bill : ब�क �बल
लेखाओं का अ�तशेष bank charge : ब�क प्रभार
balance of convenience is in favour of : स�ु वधा क� दृष्�ट से .... bank column : ब�क स्तंभ
का पलड़ा भार� है ; ............ को अ�धक सु�वधा होगी
bank, commercial : वा�णज्�यक ब�क
balance of the deficiency 48 bar
bank, co-operative : सहकार� ब�क
balance of the deficiency : [s. 44A(1), Income-tax Act] ऊनता का
bank deposit rate : [s. 7(1), Additional Emoluments
(Compulsory Deposit) Act] ब�क �न�ेप दर
balance opening : आ�द अ�तशेष ; प्रारं �भक अ�तशेष
bank discount : ब�क बट्टा
balance, outstanding : बकाया अ�तशेष
bank draft : ब�क ड्राफ्ट
balance remaining in hand : [s. 165(3)(c), Companies Act] हाथ
bank, exchange : �व�नमय ब�क
म� बचा अ�तशेष
bank for international settlement : अंतरराष्ट्र�य समाशोधन ब�क
balance sheet : a statement in a summarised form of the balance
of the ledger accounts remaining after all revenue and expense bank guarantee : ब�क गारं ट�
accounts have been closed by transfer of revenue or profit and
loss account [s. 5(2)(b), expln. 1, Income-tax Act and s. 34.(1), bank, indigenous : दे शी ब�क
Food Corporations Act] तल ु नपत्र (सव�या) bank, industrial : औद्यो�गक ब�क
balance sheet, consolidated : समे�कत तुलनपत्र bank, joint stock : संयक्
ु त स्टाक ब�क
balance the books : ब�हय� क� बाक� �नकालना bank, land mortgage : भ�ू म बंधक ब�क
balance to the credit of an employee : [fourth sch., item 2(d), bank note : a promissory note or engagement for the payment of
Income-tax Act] कमर्चार� के जमाखाते म� अ�तशेष money to bearer on demand, issued by a bank and intended to
circulate as money [s. 489A, expln., I.P.C.] ब�क नोट
balance, unspent : अव्य�यत अ�तशेष
balanced accounts : accounts of which the balance has been bank or shoal : ट�ला या उथल� जगह
struck [s. 2(1)(iii)(b), Payment of Bonus Act] संत�ु लत लेखे bank overdraft : ब�क ओवरड्राफ्ट
balancing : बाक� �नकालना ; संतल
ु न bank pass book : ब�क पास बुक
balancing and reconciliation : बाक� �नकालना और समाधान bank post bills : [s. 17(6), Reserve Bank of India Act] ब�क प्रेष-
करना; संतुलन करना और समाधान करना �वपत्र
baled : [s. 14 (ii), Central Sales Tax Act] गांठ-बंद bank reconciliation statement : ब�क समाधान �ववरण
ballast : [s. 7, Obstructions in Fairways Act] रोड़ी पत्थर ; स्�थरक bank reference : ब�क प्रमाणपत्र
भार bank reserve : ब�क आर���त
ballast checker : �गट्ट� पड़तालकतार् bank, savings : बचत ब�क
ballast inspector : �गट्ट� �नर��क bank series : [s. 112A(b), expln. 2, Income-tax Act] ब�क श्रंख
ृ ला
ballistics expert : प्रा�े�पक� �व�ानी bank treasury : ब�क खजाना
ballot box : [s. 58(1)(a), Representation of the People Act, 1951] banker : a person, corporation or a company, who carries on the
मतपेट� (बैलट बाक्स) business of banking [s. 2(2), Bankers’ Books Evidence Act]
Ballot Officer : मतपत्र अ�धकार� ब�ककार ; [s. 79, ill., T.P. Act] महाजन ; ब�कर

ballot paper : मतपत्र banker of the company : [s. 49(5)(a), Companies Act] कंपनी का
bankers' books : [s. 2(3), Bankers’ Books Evidence Act] ब�ककार bar of silver : चांद� क� �ट
बह� ; [s. 5A, expln., Prevention of Corruption Act] ब�ककार bar of suits in civil courts : [s. 293, Income-tax Act] �स�वल
ब�हयां न्यायालय� म� वाद� का वजर्न
banker’s pass book : [sch. 1(1), Indian Stamp Act] ब�ककार क� bar to interference by courts in disputes arising out of certain
पासबुक treaties, agreements, etc : [art. 363, margin, Const.] कुछ
banking : accepting (for the pupose of lending or investment) of सं�धय�, करार� आ�द से उत्पन्न �ववाद� म� न्यायालय� के हस्त�ेप
deposits of money from the public repayable on demand or का वजर्न
otherwise [s. 5(b), Banking Companies Act] ब�ककार� bar to interference by courts in electoral matters : [art. 329,
banking accommodation : [preamble, Industrial Finance margin, Const.] �नवार्चन संबंधी मामल� म� न्यायालय� के हस्त�ेप
Corporation Act] ब�ककार� सौकयर्
का वजर्न
banking account : [s. 19(2)(b), Indian Partnership Act] ���क
bar to the suit : वाद के �लए वारक ; वाद का वजर्न
म� खाता ; ���क म� �हसाब
b Barco Machine Operator : बारको मशीन प्रचालक
a bare denial : कोरा प्रत्याख्यान
n company : a company which carries on the business of
k [s. 2(b), Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee bare trusteeship of treasurer : [s. 8(1), Charitable Endowments
i Act] कोषपाल का केवल न्यासी होना
b n bareboat charter : [s. 115V(a), Income-tax Act] अनाव�
rg ृ नौका
b p n चाटर् र
b k rn
ri bareboat charter-cum-demise : [s. 115V(b), Income-tax Act]
rn अनाव�ृ नौका चाटर् र सह पट्टांतरण
banking n
tia regulation : [long title, Banking Regulation Act]
ब� in ककार� �व �न यम
gk bargain : an agreement between two parties settling the part of
io each in a transaction between them; that which is acquired by
banking g
cn transaction : ���क संव्यवहार bargain [s. 165, ill. (a), I.P.C.] सौदा ; सौदा करना
b o g
ra bargaining price : [s. 36A(2), expln., MRTP Act] �रयायती क�मत
bankruptcy iccn
n : �दवाला ; शोधन अ�मता barge : a kind of boat [s. 59, Navy Act] बाजर् ; a small sailing
o k
bankruptcy ris court : [s. 117(b), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] vessel बजरा
l�दवाला न् यायालय
ai:t barge driver : बजरा चालक
bankruptcy in
ti or insolvency : [s. 39(i), Guardians and Wards Act]
शोधन अ�मता या �दवाला
i��� barge serang : बजरा सेरांग
e�� barn : [s. 11B, expln., (i), Tobacco Board Act] कोठार
banks rtss� : खाता रखता है
ei.क barrage : an artificial bar across a river [s. 22(2)(ii), Damodar
banks :a local clearing : स्थानीय समाशोधन ���क
:�� Valley Corporation Act] बराज
banns n
2 : [s. 73, Indian Christian Marriage Act] �ववाह घोषणा
([ व्यवस्था
u barratry : a fraudulent breach of duty or wilful act of known
baptism ��
r:b : immersion in or sprinkling with water as a religious illegality on the part of the master of a ship or of the mariners
.क [sch. 1, item 24, Indian Stamp Act] बप�तस्मा to the injury of the owner of the ship or cargo and without his
[) consent (as running away with the ship, sinking or deserting
bar�� : 1. that which obstructs entry or egress वारण ; 2. excluding her or embezzling the cargo) [s. 2(e), Marine Insurance Act]
bar 0 a suit
from �नगम
consideration वजर्न ; 3. a piece of wood, metal or other 49 ना�वक कतर्व्य भंग bathymetry
A material, long in proportion to its thickness and frequently barred by law : excluded from consideration or prohibited by
used as a barrier fastening or obstruction शलाका ; 4. barristers any law �व�ध द्वारा विजर्त

) advocates collectively बार ; 5. an addition to a medal, a

u barred by limitation : [s. 2(b)(ii), Displaced Persons (Claims)
, of metal below the clasp फ�ती ; 6. to obstruct वारण करना ; Supplementary Act] प�रसीमा से विजर्त
t खजाना
erp to exclude from consideration विजर्त करना
7. barred by time : [s. 31(b), Extradition Act] काल विजर्त
barr a suit : [ss. 66(2) and 95(2), C.P.C.] वाद का वजर्न करना barrel : पीपा ; पीपे म� रखना
barlv against : का वजर्न barrel chest : �वकृत व�
bar.Dand bench : अ�धवक्ता और न्यायपीठ barrier : a material obstruction which bars advance or prevents
i access [s. 57(m), Mines Act] रोध ; नाका
bar, at the : before the bar; before the court न्यायालय म�
barrier clerk : नाका मुंशी
bar, n called to the : admitted as a barrister or advocate बै�रस्टर या
cअ�धवक्ता के रूप म� स्वीकार करना barrister : a member of one of the four inns of Court who has
t been called to bar by his inn [s. 3(4), General Clauses Act]
Bar iem Council : �व�ध� प�रषद् (बार काउं �सल) बै�रस्टर
Bar ,- Council of India : भारतीय �व�ध� प�रषद् barter : an exchange of goods for goods वस्तु-�व�नमय ; to trade
barA t of jurisdiction : [s. 16, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act] by exchanging one commodity for another; to exchange by
Ica bartering वस्त-ु �व�नमय करना
n का वजर्न
bartering : [s. 7, Seeds Act] वस्तु-�व�नमय bathymetry : [s. 5(2)(a), Offshore Areas Mineral (Development
bas-relief : sculptural relief in which the projection from the and Regulation)
Battalian Act] गहराई मापन
Commander 50
surrounding surface is slight and no part of the model form is Battalian Commander : बटा�लयन कमांडर
under-cut [s. 30(1)(iii), Ancient Monuments and
battery : 1. a small division of artillery for tactical purposes
Archecological Sites and Remains Act] �नम्न-उद्भ�ृ त
[s. 89(1), Army Act] बैटर� ; 2. this is the name given to the
base : 1. that on which something rests or stands [s. 34, expln.
intentional application of force to a person without lawful
II(a), Payment of Bonus Act] आधार ; 2. debased खोटा ; 3. place justification, and corresponds to the offence known as the use
from which operations are conducted [second sch., art. 43, of criminal force in the Indian Penal Code (s. 350) प्रहार
Geneva Conventions Act] अड्डा
battery attendant : बैटर� प�रचर
base coin : खोटा �सक्का
battery charging technician : बैटर� चाजर्कार� तकनीक��वद्
Base Engineer Officer : बेस इंजी�नयर आ�फसर
battery gunner : बैटर� तोपची
base line : [s. 2(gg), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] आधार
bay : [s. 2(gg), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act] खाड़ी
रे खा
bay, gulf, harbour, creek or tidal river : [s. 2(28), Customs
Base Victualling Officer : बेस रसद आ�फसर Act] खाड़ी, अखात, बंदरगाह, संकर� या ज्वार�य नद�
base year : a year which is adopted as a basis for any calculation
be all and end all : एकमात्र उद्दे श्य ; सवर्स्व
or the like [s. 280ZD(b)(a), Income-tax Act] आधार-वषर्
be denied : [art. 22(1), Const.] वं�चत रखा जाना
basement : [s. 3(j)(iii), Delhi Apartment Ownership Act] तहखाना
be in addition to and not in derogation of : के अ�त�रक्त ह�गे न
basic : forming a base आधार� ; आधा�रक ; आधारभत
ू ; बु�नयाद� ;
�क उसके अल्पीकरण म�
be overcome : [s. 36(1), Factories Act] अ�भभूत होना
basic and intermediate products : [sch. XIII, pt. II, item 4,
Companies Act] आधार� और मध्यवत� उत्पाद be that as it may : चाहे जैसी भी स्�थ�त हो ; बहरहाल

basic components : आधार� घटक beach : [s. 45(1), Indian Forest Act] �कनारा

basic education : बु�नयाद� �श�ा Beachmaster : बीचमास्टर

Basic Education Officer : बु�नयाद� �श�ा अ�धकार� beacon : बीकन

basic features : आधारभूत ल�ण bear the cost : [s. 24(1)(i)(a), Income-tax Act] खचर् वहन करना;

basic features of Constitution : सं�वधान के आधारभूत �वशेषताएं ; खचर् उठाना

basic form : आधार� प्ररूप bear the expense : [s. 44(1), Indian stamp Act] व्यय दे ना

basic industry : [sch. XIII, pt. I, item 8, Companies Act] बु�नयाद� bear true faith and allegiance : [s. 13, Navy Act] सच्ची श्रद्धा

उद्योग और �नष्ठा रखना

bearer : he who bears or carries [s. 219(1), Companies Act]
basic pay : मूल वेतन
basic period : मल
ू अव�ध
bearer bond : [s. 2(a), Indian Securities Act] वाहक बंधपत्र ;
basic rate of wage : [s. 4(1)(ii), Minimum Wages Act] मजदरू � क�
वाहक बांड
ू दर bearer certificate : [s. 2(c), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act]
basic rent : [s. 2(a), Delhi Rent Control Act] आधा�रक �कराया धारक प्रमाणपत्र
basic scale of pay : मल
ू वेतनमान bearer cheque : वाहक चेक
basic service tier : [s. 4A(9) expln. (b), Cable Television bearer of a share warrant : अंश अ�धपत्र (शेयर वारं ट) का वाहक
Networks (Regulation) Act] आधा�रक सेवा श्रेणी bearer security : [s. 19(7)(b), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act]
basic structure : आधा�रत स्वरूप ; आधारभूत स्वरूप ; आधा�रक वाहक प्र�तभू�त
संरचना ; बुनयाद� ढांचा bearing : अनुषग
ं ; a direction �दशा
basic structure of Constitution : सं�वधान का बु�नयाद� ढांचा bearing a stamp of not less value : [s. 49(d)(6), Indian Stamp
Act] िजस पर उससे कम मूल्य का स्टांप न हो
basic tradesman : बु�नयाद� दस्तकार ; बु�नयाद� कार�गर
bearing on, having : having relation with से संबं�धत
basic training : बु�नयाद� प्र�श�ण
basic wages : [s. 2(b), Employees’ Provident Funds and bearing on the question : प्रश्न से संबं�धत
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] आधा�रक मजदरू � Bearing Recorder Operator : बेय�रंग �रकाडर्र आपरे टर
basin : a tract of country drained by rivers and its tributaries bearing the stamp required for an instrument : [s. 108(1),
[s. 2(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] द्रोणी ; बे�सन Companies Act] �लखत के �लए अपे��त स्टांप लगे हुए
basis of charge : [ch. II, heading, Income-tax Act] प्रभार का bearing upon : से संबं�धत
आधार beast of burden : [s. 9(d), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
bathing ghat : [art. 15(2)(b), Const.] स्नानघाट 1960] बोझा ढोने वाला पशु
beat : 1. हलका ; 2. to strike repeated blows पीटना behaviour, good : [s. 123(10), Cr. P.C.] सदाचार ; सद्व्यवहार
beat guard : गश्ती गारद ; टप्पा चौक�दार behaviour of goods : [ s. 2(1)(u)(iii), Trade and Merchandise
Marks Act] माल क� प्र�त�क्रया
beatman : गश्तवाला
behaviour of the accused : [s. 9(5), Defence and Internal
beat postman : गश्ती डा�कया Security of India Act] अ�भयुक्त का व्यवहार
beat of drum : ड�डी �पटवाना behest of, on : [s. 61(1), Madhya Pradesh Reorganisation Act] के
beaterman : ग� तीवाला आदे श से
become bail : [s. 205, I.P.C.] जमानतदार बनना being at large without security : [s. 116(4), Cr. P.C.] प्र�तभू�त
become concerned or interested : [art. 317(4), Const.] संबद्ध के �बना स्वच्छं द रहना
या �हतबद्ध है being cognizant : सं�ान रखते हुए
become enforceable : प्रवतर्नीय होना being concerned in any quarrel, affray or disorder : [s. 42(a),
Air Force Act] �कसी झगड़े, दं गे या उपद्रव से संपक्
ृ त हुए ; जब
become interested : [art. 317(4), Const.] �हतबद्ध होना
�कसी झगड़े, दं गे या �वच्छृखंलता से संपक्
ृ त है ; जब �कसी झगड़े,
become liable to forfeiture, has : [s. 128(2)(f)(ii), C.P.C.]
समपहरणीय हो गई है दं गे या �वच्छृंखलता से संबं�धत है
become subject to any of the disqualifications : [s. 15(2)(a), being in command : [s. 64(a), Army Act] समादे शन करते हुए
Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils Act] �कसी भी �नरहर्ता से being or suffering person to travel on railway with infectious
ग्रस्त हो जाना ; [art. 101(3)(a), Const.] �कसी �नरहर्ता से ग्रस्त or contagious disorder : [s. 117, Indian Railways Act]
संक्रामक या सांस�गर्क �वकार से ग्रस्त व्यक्�त का रे ल पर रहना या
उसको यात्रा करने दे ना
becoming exercisable : [s. 224(4), Companies Act] प्रयोक्तव्य हो
being retaken : �फर से अ�भग्रहण �कया जाना
being sunk : [s. 2(1)(j)(ii), Mines Act and s. 2(b)(ii), Coal Mines
bed of stream : [s. 24(2)(b), Water (Prevention and Control of
Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] गलाए जा
Pollution) Act] स�रता का तल
belief 51
bedding : [s. 60(1), prov. (a), C.P.C.] �बछौना
belief : a conviction of the truth of a proposition, existing
bee keeper : मधुमक्खी पाल/पालक subjectively in mind; the mental action, condition, or habit of
trusting to or confiding in a person or thing or statement
before : 1. in front of के सामने ; 2. in the presence of; under the
[preamble, Const.] �वश्वास
jurisdiction or consideration of के सम� ; 3. in advance; ahead;
believe : to give credence to; to have confidence or faith in
earlier than के पहले ; से पहले ; के पूवर् �वश्वास करना
before cited : पूवर् क�थत believing in good faith : सद्भावपूवक
र् �वश्वास करते हुए
before district magistrate : िजला मिजस्ट्रे स्ट के सम� bell-hop : सूचक ; संदेशी
before parting with : समापन करने से पूवर् ; �नणर्य सुनाने से पूवर् belligerent rights : rights pertaining to war or to those engaged
before such settlement : ऐसे स्�थर�करण से पहले in war as recognised by the Jaw of nations यद् ु धमान-अ�धकार;
युद्धमान के अ�धकार
before the end : खत्म होने से पहले
belong to the force : [s. 29(1), Army Act] बल का अंग होना
before the expiration : [art. 123(2)(a), Const.] समाप्�त से पहले
belong to the service : सेवा का अंग होना
before the rising of the court : [s. 140, Navy Act] न्यायालय के
belonging to a particular denomination : [art. 16(5), Const.]
उठने से पूवर्
�कसी �व�शष्ट संप्रदाय का होना
beg : [s. 2(b), Children Act] भीख मांगना
belonging to them in common : जो उनक� साझे क� है
beggary : the act of begging, especially as a livelihood �भ�ाव�ृ � belongings : personal effects [s. 8, Metal Corporation of India
begging importunately : [s. 118(a)(iv), Cantonments Act] पीछे (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] माल-असबाब
पड़कर याचना करना below ground : [s. 2(2)(a), Mines Act] भू�म के नीचे
begging the question : to take as true the matter of dispute
below high water marks : उच्चतम ज्वार �चह्न के नीचे
�ववादग्रस्त बात को सच मान लेना
below par : अवमल्
ू य पर
begotten : procreated गभार्�हत ; ज�नत ; गभार्धान �कया गया
below poverty line : [s. 7(5), prov., Right to Information Act]
behalf, act in his : उसक� ओर से कायर् करना गर�बी क� रे खा के नीचे
behave with contempt : अपमानपव
ू र्क आचरण करना beltman : पट्टे वाला
behaviour : the manner of conducting oneself [s. 22(1), prov.,
benami : बेनामी
Children Act] आचार; [s. 265, Cr. P.C.] आचरण; [s. 9(5),
benamindar : one whose name appears in benami transaction but
Defence and Internal Security of India Act] व्यवहार; the who is not the real proprietor of the right indicated [s. 2(n),
peculiar reaction of a thing (under given circumstances) Limitation Act] बेनामीदार
[s. 2(1)(u)(iii), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] प्र�त�क्रया bench : a court to decide particular matter or matters [s. 255(1),
Income-tax Act] न्यायपीठ (ब�च) benefit, dependency : आ�श्रत प्रसु�वधा
bench clerk : न्यायपीठ �ल�पक benefit directly, take : फायदा सीधे लेना ; सीधे फायदा लेना
bench fitter : ब�च �फटर benefit for the advantage of employee : [s. 17(8), Defence and
Internal Security of India Act] कमर्चार� के फायदे के �लए
bench mark : �नद� श �चह्न
bench of judges : [s. 6(2), Oaths Act] न्यायाधीश� क� न्यायपीठ
benefit fund : प्रसु�वधा �न�ध
bench of the High Court : [s. 108(3), Trade and Merchandise
Marks Act] उच्च न्यायालय क� न्यायपीठ benefit, maternity : प्रसू�त प्रसु�वधा
benches shall hold sittings : [s. 255(5), Income-tax Act] benefit of a class of persons : [s. 15, T.P. Act] व्यक्�तय� के �कसी
न्यायपीठ बैठक� कर� गे वगर् का फायदा
bend : 1. मोड़ना; मड़
ु ना; 2. झक
ु ना; 3. मोड़; 4. झक
ु ाव benefit of doubt : the advantage derived from doubt about guilt,
benefaction : the act of benefiting; a benefit conferred, the a possible error or the weight of the evidence संदेह का फायदा ;
bestowal of money for a charitable purpose [s. 8, Aligharh संदेह लाभ
Muslim University Act] उपकृ�त
benefit of exception : अपवाद का फायदा
beneficial : conferring benefit; advantageous फायदाप्रद;
benefit of the deductions or disbursements : कटौ�तय� या
फायदाग्राह� ; �हतप्रद ; �हता�धकार�
सं�वतरण� का फायदा
beneficial and healthy use : फायदाप्रद और अच्छा उपयोग
benefit of the lessor : [s. 10, T.P. Act] पट्टाकतार् का फायदा
beneficial enjoyment : enjoyment in one’s own right and for
one’s own benefit and not as a trustee of another [s. 2(e)(ii), benefit of the public : [s. 18, T.P. Act] लोक का फायदा ; जनता का
Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] फायदा
फायदाप्रद उपभोग
benefit period : [s. 2(2), Employees’ State Insurance Act]
beneficial interest : an interest which carries a benefit to the प्रसु�वधा कालाव�ध
person having such interest [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] फायदाप्रद
benefit society : [s. 223(1), Companies Act] प्रसु�वधा सोसाइट�
�ह त
beneficial interest in movable property : [s. 3(c), T.P. Act] benefit to the revenue : [s. 104(2)(ii), Income-tax Act] राजस्व को
जंगम संप�� म� फायदाप्रद �हत फायदा

beneficial interest in such shares : ऐसे शेयर� म� फायदाप्रद �हत benefiting the land : [s. 8(c), Land Improvement Loans Act] भू�म

beneficial owner of shares : [s. 2(32), Income-tax Act] शेयर� का को लाभप्रद

�हता�धकार� स्वामी benefits not to be combined : [s. 65, Employees’ State Insurance
Act] प्रसु�वधाओं का समुच्चय न �कया जाना
beneficial ownership, by way of : [s. 77(2), prov. (c),
Companies Act] �हता�धकार� रूप म� स्वा�मत्व benefits to arise out of land : [s. 3(26), General Clauses Act]
भ�ू म से उद्भत
ू होने वाले फायदे
benevolent reserve fund : [32B, Industrial Finance Corporation
beneficial to mankind : [s. 18, T.P. Act] मानवजा�त के �लए
Act] �हतकार� आर��त �न�ध
bequeath : to leave property by will to a person वसीयत करना ;
beneficial winding up : [s. 68(1) (c), Presidency-towns
Insolvency Act] फायदाप्रद प�रसमापन दे ना (वसीयत द्वारा)

beneficial winding up of the company : [s. 457(1)(b), bequeath a legacy : [s. 61, ill. (ii), Indian Succession Act]
Companies Act] कंपनी का फायदाप्रद प�रसमापन वसीयत संपदा क� वसीयत करना

beneficially entitled : entitled to receive and appropriate bequeathed by deceased person by will : [s. 43A(1), prov.
[s. 15(c), Specific Relief Act] फायदा पाने का हकदार (b)(ii), Companies Act] मत
ृ व्यक्�त द्वारा �वल के ज�रए �दया
beneficially held : [s. 2(18)(b), (i)(b), Income-tax Act] फायदाप्रद
रूप से धा�रत bequeathed to government : सरकार को वसीयत �कया
bequeaths, devises and : [s. 182, ill. (iv), Indian Succession Act]
beneficially interested : फायदा पाने वाल� के रूप मे �हतबद्ध
�वल �लखकर वसीयत करता है
bequest 52
beneficiary : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] �हता�धकार�
bequest : [s. 13(a), Indian Easements Act] वसीयत
beneficiation : [s. 18(2)(c), Mines and Minerals (Regulation and
Development) Act] सज्जीकरण bequest, object of the : [s. 93, Indian Succession Act] वसीयत का
उद्दे श्य
benefit : 1. profit; good [s. 88, ill., I.P.C.] फायदा ; 2. anything
that is for the good of a person or thing प्रसु�वधा bequest over : परवत� वसीयत

benefit accruing to the company : [s. 24(1)(e), Air Corporations bequest, specific : [s. 333(1), Indian Succession Act] �व�न�दर् ष्ट
Act] कंपनी को प्रोद्भूत होने वाला लाभ वसीयत
benefit assured by the rules : फायदा, िजसका आश्वासन �नयम� berth : बथर्
द्वारा �दया गया है berthing accommodation : [sch., pt. 2, item 4, Commercial
Documents Evidence Act] घाट पर लगाने का स्थान betterment levy : सुधार उदग्रहण
berthing of vessels : [s. 17(1), Inland Waterways Authority of betting : making of bets; wagering बाजी लगाना; [s. 2(24)(ix),
India Act] जलयान� को घाट पर लगाना
Income-tax Act] दांव; दांव लगाना
besiege, to : [art. 15, Geneva Conventions Act] घेरा डालना betting of any form or nature : [s. 74A(2)(f), Income-tax Act]
best : 1. most good सव��म; 2. largest; most सवार्�धक हर एक प्रकार या प्रकृ�त का दांव
between dusk and lights out : [IIIrd sch., art. 25, Geneva
best adapted : उपयुक्ततम
Conventions Act] सायंकाल और ब�ी बुझाने के समय के बीच
best commercial standards : [s. 7(3), Industries (Development
and Regulation) Act] सव��म वा�णज्�यक मानक between parties : [s. 31(2), Arbitration Act] प�कार� के बीच

best endeavour : सव��म प्रयास between persons, relation : व्यक्�तय� के बीच का संबंध
beverage : a liquid for drinking, especially such liquid other than
best fitted : most suitable सवार्�धक उपयक्
ु त
water [sch. I, item 13, Employees Provident Funds and
best judgment assessment : [s. 144, Income-tax Act] सव��म Miscellaneous Provisions Act] पेय; सुपेय
�ववेकबुद्�ध के अनुसार �नधार्रण beyond : 1. farther away के परे ; से परे ; से अ�धक ; 2. in addition
best of ability : [s. 149, Cr. P.C.] पूर� सामथ्र्य to के अ�त�रक्त ; के अलावा ; 3. past; later than के पश्चात ्
best of information : [s. 55(1)(c), T.P. Act] पूर� जानकार� beyond a period of : क� कालाव�ध से परे ; क� कालाव�ध से अ�धक
best of my ability, to the : [art. 159, Const.] अपनी पूर� योग्यता beyond a period of seven years : [s. 23(1) (h), Industrial
से Finance Corporation Act] सात वषर् क� कालाव�ध से अ�धक

best of my judgment, to the : अपनी सव��म �ववेकबुद्�ध से; अपने beyond India, shall be dealt with : [s. 3, I.P.C.] भारत से परे

श्रेष्ठ �नणर्य के अनस

ु ार ; अपनी पूणर् �ववेकबुद्�ध से बरता जाएगा
best of skill and ability : [first sch., Agricultural Refinance beyond the scope of authority : प्रा�धकार के �वस्तार के परे
Corporation Act] सव��म कौशल और योग्यता beyond the scope of the agreement : [s. 7(2)(c), Arbitration
best price obtainable : अ�धकतम प्राप्य मल्
ू य (Protocol and Convention) Act] करार के प्र�वषय के बाहर

best rent : rent which is the best i.e. most advantageous beyond midnight : मध्यरा�त्र के पश्चात ्
[s. 65A(2)(b), T.P. Act] सव��म भाटक beyond the maximum period : [art. 22(4)(a), prov. Const.] उस
best serve the interests of the general public : [s. 31(2), अ�धकतम अव�ध से अ�धक अव�ध के �लए
Copyright Act] साधारण जनता के �हत� क� सव��म सेवा
beyond the said period : [art. 22(2), Const.] उक्त अव�ध से
bestiality : carnal knowledge and connection by a man or woman
with a beast [s. 27(1), Special Marriage Act] पशुगमन अ�धक अव�ध के �लए

bestow designation : [s. 24A(1)(ii), Chartered Accountants Act] bhoodan or sampattidan movement : [s. 5(xv), Gift-tax Act]
पदा�भधान प्रदान करना भूदान या संप��दान आंदोलन

betrothal : [second sch., item 35(g), Provincial Small Cause bias : a one-sided inclination of mind; any special influence that
Courts Act] सगाई sways the mind प�पात

better appreciation of cultural heritage of India : [s. 14(2)(ii), biased judgment : प�पातपूणर् �नणर्य ; पूवार्ग्रहपूणर् �नणर्य
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act] भारत क� सांस्कृ�तक �वरासत Bibliographer : संदभर् सूचीकार
का समु�चत आकलन
bibliography : संदभर् सूची
better government : [long title, Fort William Act] सुशासन bicameral legislature : a legislature having two chambers
better implementation : [s. 15(2)(v), Protection of Civil Rights [s. 135A(1)(a), C.P.C.] द्�वसदनीय �वधान-मंडल; दो सदन� वाला
Act] बेहतर कायार्न्वयन �वधान-मंडल
better offer : [s. 9, ill. (d), Indian Evidence Act] अ�धक अच्छ� bid : 1. an offer by an intending purchaser to pay a designated
प्रस्थापना price for property which is about to be sold at auction बोल�;

better prevention : [preamble, Epidemic Diseases Act] बेहतर 2. to make a bid बोल� लगाना

रोकथाम bidder : one who makes a bid [s. 64(2), Sale of Goods Act] बोल�
better protection of trade marks : [preamble, Trade and लगाने वाला
Merchandise Marks Act] व्यापार �चह्न� का अ�धक अच्छा bidding : a bid बोल�
bidding sheet : बोल� पत्र
better securing : [s. 64, Navy Act] अ�धक सुर��त करना
biennial : happening or appearing once in two years द्�ववा�षर्क
better security : बेहतर प्र�तभू�त bigamy : entering into a marriage with one person while still
legally married to another [s. 43, ill. (c), Indian Evidence Act]
better statement : [Or. 6, r. 5, C.P.C.] अ�धक अच्छा कथन
better title : बेहतर हक
bigamy with adultery : [s. 3(7), Indian Divorce Act] जारकमर्
betterment fund : सध
ु ार �न�ध
स�हत द्�व�ववाह
bilateral : [art. VII (1), Foreign Awards Act] द्�वप�ीय bill of export : [s. 2(5), Customs Act] �नयार्त-पत्र
bilge : �न�ल bill of lading : an official detailed receipt given by the master of
a vessel to the person consigning goods by which he makes
bill : 1. a bill of exchange �व�नमयपत्र; �वपत्र; 2. the draft himself responsible for the safe delivery to the consignee
submitted to the legislature for discussion and adoption as an [s. 2(4), Indian Stamp Act and s. 137, expln., T.P. Act] वहन-पत्र
Act �वधेयक; 3. a written document पत्र; 4. a note of charges
bill of parcels : [s. 147(1) (c), Companies Act] पासर्ल� का �बल
for goods delivered or services rendered �बल
bill of rights : अ�धकारपत्र
bill, accept a : �बल स्वीकार करना
bill of sale : a written instrument effecting a transfer of moveable
bill, accommodation : सौकयर् पत्र property, especially a document given as security for money
borrowed authorising seizure of the property on default [s. 139,
bill at maturity, dishonour the : [s. 130, ill. (b), Indian Contract
ill. (b), Indian Contract Act] �वक्रया�धकार-पत्र
Act] �व�नमयपत्र को उसके प�रपक्व होने पर अनादृत कर दे ना;
�व�नमयपत्र का उसके प�रपक्व होने पर अनादर करना bill of transhipment : [s. 157(2) (a), Customs Act] यानांतरण पत्र

blank : कोरा �बल

bill, book bill, pay : वेतन �बल
bill 53 blanket property insurance
bill book : �बल पुस्तक; �बल बह� bill, protesting a : �बल क� �शकराई

bill broker : �बल दलाल bill, retirement of : �बल का पूवर् भग

ु तान

bill buying : �बल क्रय करना bill, tenure of a : �बल क� अव�ध

bill, clean : अप्रलेखी �बल bill, term of a : �बल क� अव�ध

bill clerk : �बल क्लकर् bill, trade : व्यापार �बल

billet : a small bar of metal [s. 14(c), Central Sales Tax Act]
bill counter : �बल काउं टर
bill, discount a : बट्टे पर �बल भुनाना billeting : assigning quarters [s. 3(1), Civil Defence Act]
bill, discharge of : �बल चक
ु ाना आवासादे श दे ना
bill, dishonour a : �बल का अनादरण; �व�नमय पत्र का अनादरण
billeting of evacuated persons : [s. 3(2)(45), Defence and
bill, documentary : प्रलेखी �बल ; दस्तावेजी �बल
Internal Security of India Act] �नष्का�सत व्यक्�तय� को
bill, duplicate of a : �बल क� प्र�त�ल�प आवासादे श दे ना
bill, foreign : �वदे शी �बल bills discounted : [IIIrd sch., item 5(ii), Banking Regulation Act]
bill-head : a form used for business accounts, with name and �म�तकाटे पर �दए गए �व�नमय पत्र
address of seller on the top [s. 595(d)(i), Companies Act] �बल bills for collection : [IIIrd sch., item 5(ii), Banking Regulation
शीषर्क Act] संग्रहण के �लए �बल

bill, honour a : ��ल का आदरण करना ; �व�नमयपत्र का आदरण bills payable : दे य �बल
करना bills payable book : दे य �बल बह�
bill, honoured : आदृत �बल bills receivable : [IIIrd sch., item 6, Banking Regulation Act]
प्राप्य �बल
bill, inland : अंतरदे शीय ��ल
Bills reserved for consideration : [art. 201, margin, Const.]
Bill is rejected by Council : [art. 197(1)(a), Const.] प�रषद् द्वारा �वचार के �लए आर��त �वधेयक
�वधेयक अस्वीकार कर �दया जाता है
bills, set of : [s. 132, Negotiable Instruments Act] �व�नमयपत्र� का
bill journal : ��ल जनर्ल संवगर्
bill, lost : खो गया �बल bin card : �बन काडर्
bill, negotiate a : ��ल का परक्रामण binary : [sch., art. 2, item 3, Chemical Weapons Convention Act]
bill, noting of a : ��ल क� �नकराई दोहर�
bill of attainder : an Act of Parliament whereby sentence of bind : to constrain, especially by legal authority आबद्ध करना
death was pronounced against the accused; bills of pains and
penalties were acts denouncing milder punishments within the bind over : to bind by a bond बंधप�त्रत करना
meaning of the U.S. Constitution, bill of attainder includes bills binder : िजल्दसाज
of pains and penalties ��ल आफ अट� डर
binding : obligatory; restrictive; coercive [s. 49(2), Damodar
bill of coastal goods : [s. 157(2)(a), Customs Act] तट�य मालपत्र Valley Corporation Act and art. 141, Const.] आबद्धकर;
bill of costs : खच� का �बल बाध्यकार�

bill of entry : [s. 2(4), Customs Act] प्रवेश पत्र binding, book : िजल्दसाजी

bill of exchange : [s. 5, Negotiable Instruments Act] �व�नमयपत्र binding boy : सहायक िजल्दसाज
bill of exchange payable on demand : [s. 2(3), Indian Stamp binding on : [s. 45, Arbitration Act] के �लए आबद्धकर
Act] मांग पर दे य �व�नमयपत्र
binding upon : पर आबद्धकर
biodegradable : [s. 80JJA, Income-tax Act] जैव अवक्रमणीय; Act] स्फोटक
[sch. II, item 3 (i), Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
block : 1. [s. 78(c), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] ब्लाक; 2.
Cess Act] जैव अवकषर्णीय
a mass of stone, metal etc. �ट; 3. a connective group खण्ड
biological : [s. 12(2) (c), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] जीवी; जैव
block and signal maintainer : ब्लाक और �सगनल अनुर�क
biological products : [2nd sch., item 2, Drugs and Cosmetics
Act] जैव उत्पाद Block Development Officer : ब्लाक �वकास अ�धकार�

biologist : जीव �व�ानी block foil : ब्लाक पणर्

biomedical : [pt. XI, item 17, Chemical Weapons Convention block inspector : ब्लाक �नर��क
Act] जैव �च�कत्सा block instrument mistry : ब्लाक उपकरण �मस्त्री
biophysics : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] जीव भौ�तक� block maker : ब्लाक �नमार्ता
bipartite : द्�वदल�य block of assets : [s. 2(ii), Income-tax Act] आस्�त समह

birth : जन्म block of gold : a solid piece of gold सोने क� �ट
birth, legitimate : [s. 7, Indian Succession Act] धमर्ज जन्म block of mineral : ख�नज खण्ड
birth live : जी�वत जन्म block of shares : [s. 118D(1), Companies Act] शेयर� के ब्लाक
birth mark : जन्म �चह्न block paragraph : ब्लाक पैरा
birth place : जन्म स्थान block signaller : ब्लाक �सगनलर
birth rate : जन्म दर block signalman : ब्लाक �सगनलवाला
birth, still : मत
ृ जन्म blocked account : [s. 10(1), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act]
bit or harness : [s. 15(e), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, �नरुद्ध खाता
1890] लगाम के दहाने या जुआ blood : the red liquid circulating in the arteries and veins of man
black list : काल� सच
ू ी and higher animals; descent; lineage; parentage रक्त ; कुल वंश

black listing : काल� सच

ू ी म� नाम डालना blood, consanguine : समरक्त
blood fued : a fued between the members of different clans or
black mail : भयादोहन families arising out of a crime or violence (as a killing)
black marketing : चोर बाजार� committed by a member of one upon a member of the other
and requiring a continuing series of alternative retaliation in
blacksmith : लुहार kind [s. 153, ill. (d), Indian Evidence Act] कुल बैर
blame for the litigation : मुकदमे के �लए दोष blood, full : two persons are said to be related to each other by
blank, endorsement in : [s. 16(1), Negotiable Instruments Act] full blood when they are descended from a common ancestor
�नरं क पष्ृ ठांकन by the same wife पूणर् रक्त
blood, half : two persons are said to be related to each other by
blanks property insurance : बहुव्यापी संप�� बीमा
blanket 54 half blood when they are descended from a common bodilyancestor
blanks : vacant spaces [s. 20(1), Registration Act] खाल� स्थान but by different wives अधर्रक्त
blasting operation : [sch. II, item (xv), Workmen’s blood relationship : रक्त नातेदार�
Compensation Act] �वस्फोटन सं�क्रया
blood transfusion officer : रु�धर आधान अ�धकार�
blasting powder : [s. 4(1)(a), Explosives Act] स्फोटक बारूद blood, uterine : being descended from a common female; two
bleach : to whiten by washing and exposure or by chemical persons are said to be related to each other by uterine blood
processes �वरं िजत करना when they are descended from a common ancestress but
different husbands [s. 3(1)(e), Hindu Succession Act] एकोदर
bleeding injury : ��त िजससे रक्त बह रहा था; रक्तस्रावी ��त
blemisk : [s. 11B, expln., (ii), Tobacco Board Act] कलष

blow given : [s. 71, ill. (b), I.P.C.] �कया गया प्रहार
blend : mixing together �मलाना; सम्�मश्र करना; सम्�म श्रण
bludgeon : [s. 30(a), Delhi Police Act] स�टा
blend property : संप�� को �मला लेना
blue print : ब्लू �प्रंट
blended gasoline : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Act]
सम्�मश्र पेट्रोल blue printer : नील मद्र
ु क
blends or mixture of oil : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) blunt : कंु द; कंु ठ
Act] तेल का सम्�म श्र या �मश्रण board : a number of persons appointed or elected to sit in council
blind and physically incapacitated members : [s. 4, Salary, for the management or investigation of a public or private
Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament Act] business, trust or other organisation or institution [s. 2(4),
Companies (Profits) Surtax Act and s. 2(12), Income-tax Act]
दृष्�ट ह�न और शार��रक रूप से असमथर् सदस्य
blindness : [s. 2(b), Persons with Disabilities (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Board, District Development : िजला �वकास बोडर्
Act] अंधता board, free : the distance measured vertically downwards amid
blister : [pt. iv(A), item 6 (c)(ii), Chemical Weapons Convention ships from the upper edge or the deck line to the upper edge of
the related load line [s. 3(14), Merchant Shipping Act] शीषा�तर शै�थल्य
Board of Company Law Administration : [s. 10E(1), bodily injury : injury to the body [s. 299, I.P.C.] शार��रक ��त
Companies Act] कंपनी �व�ध प्रशासन बोडर्
bodily pain : [s. 319, I.P.C.] शार��रक पीड़ा
board of conciliation : सुलह बोडर्
bodily weakness : weakness of the body शार��रक दब
ु र्लता
board of control : �नयंत्रण बोडर् body : 1. a number of individuals spoken of collectively, usually
Board of Directors : �नदे शक बोडर् associated for a common purpose, joined in a certain cause or
united by some common tie; the main central or principal part
Board of Education, Central Advisory : केन्द्र�य �श�ा सलाहकार [art. 110(2), Const.] �नकाय ; 2. physical or material frame of
बोडर् a man or animal शर�र ; 3. gang of thieves etc. �गरोह ; समूह ; 4.
Board of Examiners : पर��क बोडर् (in connection to plant) [s. 11B, expln., (ii), Tobacco Board
Act] तना
Board of External Mural Studies : ब�ह:शाल अध्ययन बोडर्
body corporate : a corporation aggregate; an incorporated body
Board of Film Censors : [s. 3(1), Cinematograph Act] �फल्म
[s. 2(17), Income-tax Act] �नग�मत �नकाय [s. 10(23BBA),
स�सर बोडर्
Income-tax Act] समष्�ट �नगम; �नगम �नकाय
Board of Khadi and Village Industries : खाद� ग्रामोद्योग बोडर्
body guard : अंगर�क
board of residence : [s. 29(1)(m), Aligarh Muslim University
body, in a : �नकाय के रूप म� ; सब �मलकर
Act] �नवास बोडर्
body of individuals : व्यष्�ट �नकाय ; व्यष्�टय� का �नकाय
board of revenue : [s. 3(10)(a), General Clauses Act] राजस्व बोडर्
board of school : [s. 18(4), University of Hyderabad Act] body of men : [s. 49, Indian Evidence Act] मनुष्य� का �नकाय
�वद्यापीठ का बोडर् body of motor vehicle : [s. 32A, Motor Vehicles Act] मोटरगाड़ी
Board of Secondary Education, Central : [sch., Jawaharlal क� बाडी
Nehru University Act] क�द्र�य माध्य�मक �श�ा बोडर् body of municipal commissioners : [sch. I, item 52, Indian
board of studies : पाठ्य स�म�त ; पाठ्य बोडर् Stamp Act] नगरपा�लका आयुक्त� का �नकाय
board of trustees : न्या�सय� का बोडर् ; न्यासी बोडर् body of persons : [s. 2(xviii), Gift-tax Act] व्यक्�तय� का �नकाय;

board, on : के फलक पर व्यक्�त-�नकाय

b body of port commissioners : [s. 3(13), General Clauses Act]
o प�न आयुक्त� का �नकाय
boarder : [s. 4(1), prov., Indian Lunacy Act] आवासी
r a ship or an aircraft : [s. 34(e), Finance Act, 1979] body of soldiers : [s. 475(2), Cr. P.C.] सै�नक� का �नकाय
�कसी पोत या वायुयान पर चढ़ना
d body of strangers : [s. 177, ill. (b), I.P.C.] अनजाने लोग� का
boarding house : [s. 2(a), Protection of Civil Rights Act] बो�ड�ग �गरोह
s body of suspicious characters : [s. 177, ill. (b), I.P.C.] सं�दग्ध
l officer : नौ-आरोहण अ�धकार� शील के लोग� का �गरोह
boarding school : बो�ड�ग स्कूल body of this code : [s. 96, C.P.C.] इस सं�हता का पाठ
boarding stations : [s. 10, Customs Act] नौ-आरोहण के स्थान body of villagers : [2nd sch., form No. 25, Cr. P.C.] ग्रामीण� का
o : केवट समूह
n body supporting garments : [1st sch., item 22D, Central Excise
boat note : [s. 35, Customs Act] नौका पत्र
Act] शर�र को सहारा दे ने वाले वस्त्र
: rowing : [s. 3(39), Merchant Shipping Act] खेई जाने वाल�
bogus transaction : �मथ्या संव्यवहार
च boiler : a part of a steam generater in which water is converted
य Storekeeper : बोसुन भंडार� into steam बायलर
न politic and corporate : [s. 4, Fatal Accidents Act]
Boiler Assistant : बायलर सहायक
राज्�यक और �नग�मत �नकाय
boiler bed : [s. 2(a), Emergency Risks (Undertakings) Insurance
�� : of or relating to the body शार��रक
��ड Act] बायलर का स्थल
bodily distress : [s. 16(2)(b), Indian Contract Act] शार��रक कष्ट boiler flue : [s. 36(5), Factories Act] बायर फ्लू
bodily feeling : physical sensation; feeling of the body as against
boiler house : बायलर घर
mind शार��रक संवेदना
boiler house operater : बायलर घर प्रचालक
bodily harm : bodily harm is used here in the sense in which hurt
bodily infirmity
is defined in the Indian Penal Code [s. 319] and means bodily 55 boiler maker : बायलर मेकर book
pain, disease or infirmity. Hurt is defined in Legal Glossary as
bodily injury in the I.P.C. [s. 319] शार��रक अपहा�न boiler maker chargeman : बायलर मेकर चाजर्मैन

bodily infirmity : an informity i.e. physical weakness especially boiler maker foreman : बायलर मेकर फोरमैन
from old age, some permanent disease, accident or something
boiler supervisor : बायलर पयर्वे�क
of that kind pertaining to the body अंगशै�थल्य ; शार��रक
boilers and steam generating plant : बायलर और भाप उत्पादन bonds, capital investment : [s. 5(1)(xvi), Wealth tax Act] पूंजी
संयंत्र �व�नधान बंध-पत्र
bolt or key : [s. 26(1)(a), Factories Act] काबला या क�ल� bonds, sold in : [s. 71(4), Marine Insurance Act] बंधपत्र के अधीन
bomb : [s. 2(1)(b)(i), Arms Act] बम �वक्रय

bona fide : 1. in good faith, सद्भावपूवक

र् ; सद्भाव से; सद्भावी; bone : [s. 2(4)(b)(iii), Indian Forest Act] हड्डी
2. acting or done in good faith सद्भा�वक; सद्भावपूण;र् bonus : a sum paid for services or upon some other consideration
but in addition to or in excess of that which would ordinarily
वास्त�वक; वास्तव म� be given; an extra dividend paid out of surplus profits; a
bona fide baggage : [s. 79, Customs Act] वास्त�वक यात्री सामान portion of the profits of an insurance company distributed pro
rata to the policyholders [s. 2(21)(iv), Payment of Bonus Act]
bona fide commercial transaction : [s. 93(3)(b), Income-tax
Act] सद्भावी वा�णज्�यक संव्यवहार
bonus loading : [s. 40B(1), Insurance Act] बोनस भरण
bona fide defence : [s. 8. Wild Birds and Animals Protection
Act] सद्भावपूवक
र् प्र�तर�ा bonus shares : [s. 75(1)(b), Companies Act] बोनस अंश (शेयर)

bona fide employ : [s. 77(2)(c), Companies Act] यथाथर् �नयोजन book : 1. a collection of sheets of paper or other substance, blank,
written or printed, fastened together so as to form a material
bona fide error : [s. 99, C.P.C.] सद्भा�वक गलती whole, especially that fastened together at the back and having
bona fide holder : a holder in good faith [s. 51, T.P. Act] a cover [s. 2(2), Registration Act] पुस्तक ; 2. a bound volume
र् धारक consisting of sheets of paper not printed, containing manuscript
book adjustment 56
bona fide interest : real and genuine interest, not fraudulent or entries; a book of account बह� ; 3. to write or enter in a book;
colourable [Or. 36, r. 5(2)(b), C.P.C.] सद्भावपूणर् �हत to engage in advance ; to make a reservation in advance बुक

bona fide invitation : [s. 603(3), prov., Companies Act] सद्भावी करना

आमंत्रण book adjustment : बह� समायोजन

bona fide list of subscribers : [s. 9(2)(b), Indian Post Office Act] book and paper : [s. 2(8), Companies Act] बह� तथा कागजपत्र
वास्त�वक ग्राहक–सच ू ी book asset : [sch. II, expln. 1, Companies (Profits) Surtax Act]
bona fide military or police purpose : [s. 27(a), Prevention of बह� आस्�त
Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960] वास्त�वक सै�नक या पु�लस
book balance : बह� शेष ; खाता शेष
book binder : िजल्दसाज
bona fide mistake : a mistake committed in spite of good faith
[Or. 1, r. 10(1), C.P.C.] सद्भा�वक भूल book, bought : क्रय बह�

bona fide payment : [s. 321(3), Companies Act] सद्भावी संदाय book debts : [s. 125(7), Companies Act] बह� ऋण

bona fide possession : [s. 10, Estate Duty Act] वास्त�वक कब्जा book, invoice : बीजक बह�
book-keeper : one who keeps the accounts of a business or
bona fide purchaser : सद्भावपूणर् क्रेता ; सद्भावपूवर्क क्रेता
public office [s. 160, ill., Indian Evidence Act] लेखाकार; बह�
bona fide religious observance : [s. 19(7), Antiquities and Art
Treasures Act] वास्तव म� धा�मर्क कृत्य
book keeping, principles of double entry : दोहर� प्र�वष्�ट वाला
bona fide resident : वास्त�वक �नवासी
बह� खाता रखने क� प्रणाल�
bona vacantia : स्वामीह�न होना ; [art. 296, Const.] स्वामी�वह�न
book, main : मुख्य बह�
book, memorandum : 1. a book containing an informal record of
bond : [s. 2(5), Indian Stamp Act] बंधपत्र something that one wishes to remember or preserve for future
bond for appearance : उपसंजा�त के �लए बंधपत्र ; हािजर� के �लए use याद्दाश्त पुस्तक ; 2. a book containing a brief or informal
note in writing of some transaction or an outline of an intended
instrument �ापन बह�
bond for good behaviour : [s. 445, Cr. P.C.] सदाचार के �लए
book of account : लेखा पुस्तक; लेखा बह�
book of original entry : मूल प्र�वष्�ट क� बह�
bond, personal : स्वीय बंधपत्र ; मुचलका
book post : बुक पोस्ट; पुस्तक डाक
bond tester : बंधपत्र पर��क
bond to keep the peace : [sch. II, form No. 12, Cr. P.C.] book print : बुक �प्रंट
प�रशां�त कायम रखने के �लए बंधपत्र book profit : [ss. 40(b)(v)(1) and 115(j)(1), Income-tax Act] बह�
bonded labour system : [title, Bonded Labour System लाभ ; खाता लाभ
(Abolition) Act] बं�धत श्रम पद्ध�त
book, purchases : क्रय बह�
bonded warehouse : a warehouse under bond to the government
for payment of duties and taxes on goods stored or processed book, remittance : प्रेषण बह�
[s. 3(2)(a), Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) book, returns inward : �वक्रय वापसी बह�
Act] बं�धत भांडागार
books, returns outward : क्रय वापसी बह�
book, sales : �वक्रय बह� boring mechanic : बो�रंग मैके�नक
books, statistical : सांख्यक�य पुस्तक boring mistry : बो�रंग �मस्त्री
book, subsidiary : सहायक बह� boring operator : बो�रंग आपरे टर
book transactions : खाता संव्यवहार born, natural : [s. 111(5), Indian Succession Act] अकृ�त्रम
book transfer : बह� अंतरण (संतान)
book value : the value of an asset or liability as recorded in the borne on the books : [s. 133(3), Navy Act] पुस्तक� म� चढ़ा हुआ
books of a business [s. 24(1)(f), Air Corporations Act] बह�
borne on the cadre : काडर म� ; काडर के
ू य borne on the establishment : [s. 16(1), Payment of Wages Act]
book written down value : [s. 115VK, Income-tax Act] स्थापन द्वारा धा�रत ; स्थापन म� के
अव�ल�खत बह� मूल्य borrow : to take something on credit on the understanding of
returning it or an equivalent उधार लेना
booked between two specified stations : [s. 46(c)(g), Indian
borrowed funds : उधार ल� गई �न�धयां
Railways Act] दो �व�न�दर् ष्ट स्ट� शन� के बीच बक
ु क� गई
borrower : one who borrows उधार लेने वाला
booking clerk : [s. 2(h), Motor Transport Workers Act] बु�कं ग
क्लकर् ; �टकट बाबू borrowing by States : [art. 293, margin, Const.] राज्य� द्वारा
उधार लेना
booking clerk, assistant head : सहायक प्रधान बु�कं ग क्लकर्;
borrowing by the Government of India : [art. 292, margin,
सहायक प्रधान �टकट बाबू
Const.] भारत सरकार द्वारा उधार लेना
booking clerk, chief : मुख्य बु�कं ग क्लकर् ; मुख्य �टकट बाबू
borrowing government : उधार लेने वाल� सरकार
booking clerk, head : प्रधान बु�कं ग क्लकर् ; प्रधान �टकट बाबू borrowing institution : [s. 37A, Small Industries Development
booking superviser : बु�कं ग पयर्वे�क Bank of India Act] उधार लेने वाल� संस्था
books in constant use : ऐसी ब�हयां, जो �नरं तर उपयोग म� रहती ह� borrowing of money : [art. 110(1)(b), Const.] धन उधार लेना
books of a ship : [s. 133(3), Navy Act] �कसी पोत क� पुस्तक� borrowing power : [s. 26, Road Transport Corporations Act]
books of account : [s. 4(1), Metal Corporation of India उधार लेने क� शक्�त
(Acquistion of Undertaking) Act] लेखा ब�हयां borrowing rate : उधार दर
borrowings : [s. 4(1), Metal Corporation of India (Acquisition of
books of accounts and other books and papers : [s. 209A(4), Undertaking) Act] उधार
Companies Act] लेखा ब�हयां और अन्य ब�हयां और कागजपत्र
borstal school : [s. 45(2)(b), Children Act] बोस्र्टल स्कूल
books or documents of reference : encyclopaedia, dictionaries
borstal institution : [s. 2(b), Prisoners (Attendance in Courts)
and other authoritative treatises on different subjects and
important and authentic documents of which the court may Act] बोस्र्टल संस्था
take judicial notice and to which it may refer without the same Botanical Assistant : वनस्प�त सहायक
being formally proved [s. 57(13), Indian Evidence Act] �नद� श
Botanical Survey of India : भारतीय वनस्प�त �व�ान सव��ण
पुस्तक� या दस्तावेज�
books to be open to inspection : [s. 73,, Indian Stamp Act] Botanist : वनस्प�त�
पुस्तक� �नर��ण के �लए खुल� रह� गी Botanist, Economic 57
Botanist, Economic : अथर् वनस्प�त�
boom-man : बूम मैन
both the places where it occurs, for the word “…….” at :
boot maker : मोची
[s. 25(b), Finance Act, 1981] “………” शब्द के स्थान पर, दोन�
booth : [s. 282, Cantonments Act] बूथ स्थान� पर जहां वह आता है
booth capturing : [ss. 58A and 135A, Representation of the both the places where they occur, for the words “……..” at :
People Act, 1951] बूथ का बलात ् ग्रहण [s. 14, Finance Act, 1982] “………” शब्द� के स्थान पर, दोन�
booth, polling : मतदान कोष्ठ; मतदान बूथ स्थान� पर जहां वे आते ह�
Border Police Inspector : सीमा पु�लस �नर��क bottomry and respondentia bonds : [s. 8(1)(f), Notaries Act]
बाटमर� और जहाजी माल बंधपत्र
border roads development board : सीमा सड़क �वकास बोडर्
bottomry on the ship : a species of mortgage or hypothecation of
bore : 1. the interior tube of a gun [s. 13(3)(a)(ii), Arms Act] बोर; a ship by which her keel or bottom is pledged as security for
2. to make a hole by boring बोर करना; वेधन करना; अंतव्य
र् ास the repayment of a sum of money [s. 425, ill. (f), I.P.C.]
बाटमर� (पोत आढ�धराण)
bore hole : [s. 2(j)(i), Mines Act] बोर �छद्र
bought ledger : क्रय खाता
bore into subsoil : [s. 4(2), Land Acquisition Act] अवमद
ृ ा का
bought ledger adjustment account : क्रय खाता समायोजन लेखा
वेधन करना
bought ledger control account : क्रय खाता �नयंत्रण लेखा
borer : बोरक
bound by law : [s. 69, Indian Contract Act] �व�ध द्वारा आबद्ध
boring : बो�रंग
bound to do that act : [s. 108, expln. 1, I.P.C.] उस कायर् को करने breach of privilege : �वशेषा�धकार भंग
के �लए आबद्ध breach of promise : वचन-भंग
bound to furnish : [s. 38, prov., Wealth-tax Act] दे ने के �लए breach of the peace : [s. 37(b), Cr. P.C.] प�रशां�त-भंग
आबद्ध breach of regulations, while acting in : [s. 51B, Employees
bound to prove : सा�बत करने के �लए आबद्ध State Insurance Act] �व�नयम� के भंग म� कायर् करते समय

boundary : सीमा breach of rule : �नयम का भंग; �नयम भंग

boundary alignment : सीमा संरेखा breach of trust : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] न्यास-भंग (ट्रस्ट भंग)
breach of warranty in diminution or extinction of the price :
boundary mark : [s. 13(a), Indian Railways Act] सीमा-�चह्न
[s. 59(1)(a), Sale of Goods Act] क�मत कम या �नवार्�पत करने म�
boundary wall : सीमा द�वाल
वारं ट� का भंग
bounded by India : [s. 17(3), Tea Act] भारत द्वारा सीमाबद्ध breadth of territorial sea : [s. 18, Offshore Areas Mineral
bounty : an extra allowance to induce entry into the armed (Development and Regulation) Act] राज्य�ेत्रीय समद्र
ु क� चौड़ाई
services [s. 49(2)(b), Navy Act] बाउं ट�
break : to interrupt व्यवधान; खंडता
bowman : बोमैन
break bulk on board any vassel : �कसी जलयान के फलक पर के
boxing instructor : मुक्केबाजी �श�क माल म� से �नकाल दे ना
boy : लड़का break down of machinery : मशीनर� का ठप्प हो जाना
boy scouts : बालचर ; बाय स्काउट break for nursing : [s. 11, Maternity Benefit Act] पोषणाथर्
brakesman : ब्रेकमैन �वराम; पोषण के �लए �वराम
brain drain : प्र�तभा पलायन break in service : सेवा म� खंडता ; सेवा म� व्यवधान
brain insult : [s. 2(e), Persons with Disabilities (Equal break into any house : 1. [s. 445, I.P.C.] गहृ भेदन करना;
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation)
Act] �दमागी आघात 2. [s. 36(b), Army Act] �कसी गह
ृ म� अन�धकृत प्रवेश करना
brain stem death : [s. 2(d), Transplantation of Human Organs break of gauge transhipment : [rule 108, 2(1), Red Tariff No.
Act] मस्�तष्क स्तंभ मत्ृ यु 19] आमान प�रवतर्न के कारण यानांतरण

bran : [s. 3(gg), Rice Milling Industry (Regulation) Act] चोकर break of journey : यात्रा �वराम

branch : a division; a sub-division; a department; a component break open : [s. 56, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] तोड़कर
portion of an organisation or system शाखा खोलना
branch of learning : [s. 5(1), Aligarh Muslim University Act] break out of barracks : बैरक� से अन�धकृत रूप से �नकल जाना
�वद्या क� शाखा
break the news : तुरंत जानकार� म� लाना
branch office : [s. 2(9), Companies Act] शाखा कायार्लय
break the public peace : [s. 504, I.P.C.] लोक शां�त भंग करना
brand : [s. 2(1)(j), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] छाप; ब्रांड
break up value : residual value अव�शष्ट मूल्य; अलग-अलग
brand name : [s. 8(2)(c), Tobacco Board Act] ब्रांड नाम
brass : [s. 118(1)(g), Cantonments Act] झांझ मंजीरा
breakage : टूट-फूट
brattice : ब्रै�टस breaking bulk : to remove , transfer or displace part of a load or
brazing : [s. 37(4), Factories Act] पीतल का टांका लगाना cargo माल म� से �नकाल लेना

breach : the action of breaking भंग breaking in animals : [sch., item (10), Fort William Act] पशुओं

breach is continuing : भंग बराबर हो रहा है को �सधाना

breach of a condition subsequent : �कसी उ�रभावी शतर् का भंग; breaking into premises : [s. 245, Cantonments Act] प�रसर म�

�कसी उ�रभाव्य शतर् का भंग बलपव

ू र्क प्रवेश करना

breach of conditions of discharge : उन्मोचन क� शत� का भंग breaking out of ship : पोत से अन�धकृत रूप से �नकल जाना

breach of confidence : �वश्वास भंग breaking up : तोड़ना, �वघटन ; [s. 3(j)(i), Insecticides Act] �हस्सा
breaking up ship : [s. 2(k)(v), Factories Act] पोत �वघ�टत करना
breach of contract : सं�वदा-भंग ; सं�वदा का भंग breast milk substitute : [r. 37B(1), Prevention of Food
breach of discipline : अनश
ु ासन भंग ; अनुशासन का भंग Adulteration Rules] मां के दध
ू का प्र�तस्थानी

breach of duty : कतर्व्य-भंग breath test : [s. 203, Motor Vehicles Act] श्वास-पर��ण

breach of law : �व�ध का भंग breathing apparatus : [s. 36(3)(b), Factories Act] श्वसन सा�धत्र

breach of partnership articles : भागीदार� के अनुच्छे द� का भंग breeder : 1. अ�भजनक ; 2. [s. 2(c), Protection of Plant Varieties
and Farmers’ Rights Act] प्रजनक
breeds : [art. 48, Const.] नस्ल� broad principles : व्यापक �सद्धांत
brevity : सं�ेप broad principles of orthodox finance : परं परा�नष्ठ �व� के
brewing : [s. 581B (1)(g), Companies Act] �नसवन व्यापक �सद्धांत
broad sheet : ब्राड शीट
bribe 58 broadcast reproduction right : [s. 2(m)(iv), Copyright
bribe : a reward or gift bestowed or promised with a view to प्रसारण पुनरुत्पादन अ�धकार
perverting the judgment or corrupting the conduct of a judge or
broadcasting : the act of transmitting speech and visual images
other officer, witness or other person [s. 171B, I.P.C.] �रश्वत
etc. by radio or television प्रसारण
(लांच) ; �रश्वत दे ना
broadcasting authority : [s. 37(1), Copyright Act] प्रसारण
bribe and bribery : �रश्वत और �रश्वतखोर�
bribery : the offer or acceptance of bribe [s. 171B(1), I.P.C.]
�रश्वत (लांच) broadcasting station : [s. 2(a), Indian Electricity Act] प्रसारण
bride : a woman about to be married or very recently married वधू
bridegroom : a man about to be married or very recently married broadly : in a broad manner मोटे तौर पर
वर broadly speaking : मौटे तौर पर
bridge : [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways Act] पुल brochure : [s. 80QQ(3), Income-tax Act] �ववर�णका
bridge engineer : पुल इंजी�नयर
bridge of boats : [s. 3(2), Indian Railways Act] नौकाओं का पुल
broken kernels : kernels smaller than splits but higher than
brief : 1. a summary of acts and points of law drawn up for
nooks टूट� �गर�
counsel in charge of a case ब्रीफ; प�पत्र; प�सार; 2. concise;
broken period of service : interrupted period of service खं�डत
succinct सं��प्त
सेवा काल
brief memorandum : सं��प्त �ापन
broker : a middle man or agent who, for a commission on the
brief statement : [s. 5(3), Passports Act] सं��प्त कथन value of the transactions negotiates for others a purchase or
sale of stocks bonds, commodities or property of any kind or
brigade : a sub-division of army [s. 8, Army Act] �ब्रगेड who attends to the doing of something for another [s. 3(b), Tea
brigade area : �ब्रगेड �ेत्र Act] दलाल

Brigadier : �ब्रगे�डयर brokerage : the business of a broker; commission paid to a

broker [s. 165(3)(h), Companies Act] दलाल�
bright’s disease : ब्राइट रोग
broker’s bought note : दलाल क्रय नोट
bring an action : [s. 36, Arbitration Act] अनुयोग लाना
broker’s contract note : दलाल सं�वदा नोट
bring home to : बोधगम्य बनाना; समझाना; �वश्वास �दलाना
broker’s note : [s. 17(3), Customs Act] दलाल क� पुज�
bring into action : to bring into the battle [s. 34(a), Navy Act]
समर-रत करना broker’s sold note : दलाल �वक्रय नोट
bring into force : [s. 1(3), Land Acquisition (Mines) Act] प्रवतर्न bromide printer : ब्रोमाइड मुद्रक
म� लाना brook : [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways Act] नाला
bring into hatred : [s. 124A, I.P.C.] घण
ृ ा पैदा करना brothel : a house appropriated to the purpose of prostitution [s.
2(d), Children Act] वेश्यागह

bring offenders to justice : [s. 21(eighth), I.P.C.] अपरा�धय� को
न्याय के �लए उपस्�थत करना brother by full blood : a brother by the same parents पूणर् रक्त का
bring the case before a court : मामले को न्यायालय के सम�
brother by half blood : a brother by the same father but different
mother अधर् रक्त का भाई
bring to book : जवाब तलब करना
brother, consanguine : समरक्त भाई
bring to notice : [s. 154(2)(b), Income-tax Act] ध्यान म� लाना
brought forward : अग्रनीत
British calendar : [s. 3(35), General Clauses Act] �ब्र�टश कल� डर
brought to book : मामला दजर् करना; जबाब मांगना; िजम्मेदार
British Crown : the King or Queen of Great Britain in his or her
public capacity as a body politic [s. 81, Indian Evidence Act] ठहराना
�ब्र�टश क्राउन brought to the account : लेखा म� �लया गया
British India : [s. 3(5), General Clauses Act] �ब्र�टश भारत bruise : [s. 174(1), Cr. P.C.] नील ; a surface injury to flesh रगड़
British possession : [s. 3(6), General Clauses Act] �ब्र�टश brushwood : [s. 2(7), Indian Forest Act] झांड़-झांखड़
कब्जाधीन �ेत्र brutal : inhuman, stupidly cruel [IIIrd sch., art. 89, Geneva
broad gauge : बड़ी लाइन Conventions Act] पाश्�वक
budget : बजट
budget and finance : बजट और �व� [s. 5(1)(a), Indian Dock Labourers Act] खल
ु ा स्थोरा
budget, balanced : संतु�लत बजट bulkhead : द�वाल; पोतभीत
budget, deficit : घाटे का बजट bulk indent : थोक मांगपत्र
budget estimate : [s. 51(2)(ii), Manipur (Hill Areas) District bulk inspection : सामू�हक �नर��ण
Councils Act] बजट का प्राक्कलन; बजट प्राक्कलन
bulk licencee : [sch., item IX (1), Indian Electricity Act] थोक
budget head : [s. 13(2)(x), Central Silk Board Act] बजट शीषर्
Budget Officer : बजट अ�धकार�
bulk purchase : थोक क्रय
budget proposals : बजट प्रस्ताव
bulk supplies : [s. 2(2), Delhi Municipal Corporation Act] थोक
budget provision : बजट व्यवस्था प्रदाय
budget, reappropriation : पुन�वर्�नयोग बजट bull : edict or mandate issued by Pope or Bishop पोप आ�ा; बुल
budget, revised : पुनर���त बजट bulldozer operator : बुलडोजर आपरे टर
budget, sanctioned : स्वीकृत बजट bullet : a small metal projectile, part of a cartridge for firing from
budget session : बजट अ�धवेशन small arms गोल�

budget, supplementary : पूरक बजट bulletin : बुले�टन

budget, surplus : बचत का बजट bullion : [s. 69A, Income-tax Act] सोना-चांद�; बु�लयन; सोने या
चांद� का धातु-खंड
budget speech : बजट भाषण
bullion gold : स्वणर् बु�लयन ; धात-ु खंड के रूप म� सोना
budgetary control : बजट �नयंत्रण
bullion or ingot : [s. 2(f), Foreign Exchange Regulation Act]
bugler : [sch., item 2, Assam Rifles Act] �बगुलची बु�लयन या �सल्ल�
build : to construct [s. 73, ill.(1), Indian Contract Act] �नमार्ण bullish trend : तेजी क� प्रव�ृ �
bungalow, inspection : �नर��ण बंगला
build up : something produced by building up �नमार्ण
bunkering of vessels with liquid fuel : जलयान� म� तरल �धन
builder : one who builds �नमार्णकतार् भरना
building : that which is built �नमार्ण [art. 31A, second prov., buoy : a piece of wood or cork or a barrel, raft or other thing,
भवन ; इमारत
Const.] bye-laws
building 59 made secure and floating upon a stream
business or bay; in
of dealing intended as a
guide and warning to mariners, by marking a spot where water
building bye-laws : [s. 2(1)(a), National Capital Territory of is shallow or where there is a reef or other danger to
Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act] भवन �नमार्ण संबंधी navigation, or to mark the course of a devious channel बोया;
उप�व �धयां बोय
building clerk : �नमार्ण �ल�पक burden of obligation : [s. 37, T.P. Act] बाध्यता का बोझ
building division : �नमार्ण प्रभाग burden of proof : [s. 101, Indian Evidence Act] सबूत का भार
building fund : [IIIrd sch., item 2(iii), Banking Regulation Act]
burden of proving : [Or. 18, r. 3, C.P.C.] सा�बत करने का भार
भवन �न�ध; भवन �नमार्ण �न�ध
burdened with onerous covenants : [s. 535(1)(a), Companies
building laws : [preamble, Government Buildings Act] इमारत Act] दभ
ु रर् प्रसं�वदाओं से यक्
ु त
बनाने संबंधी �व�धयां ; �नमार्ण संबंधी �व�धयां
bureau : ब्यरू ो
building let in tenements : [s. 282(14), Cantonments Act] अलग-
bureau, intelligence : आसूचना ब्यूरो
अलग भाग� म� उठाए जाने वाला भवन
building materials : [s. 191, Cantonments Act] भवन �नमार्ण u
bureau of higher education : उच्चतर �श�ा ब्यूरो
सामग्री b e
a of scholarships and scientific research : छात्रव�ृ � और
building operation : �नमार्ण-सं�क्रया bureau
building stone : इमारती पत्थर वै
bureau of school education : स्कूल �वद्या ब्यूरो
building supervisor : �नमार्ण पयर्वे�क u

bureaucracy : नौकरशाह� ; अ�धकार� तंत्र
buildings are crowded : [s. 138(1), Cantonments Act] इमारत�
burial place : a place for the burial of the dead कब्रस्थान ;
का अत्यंत �भड़े होना fo
c तान
buildings remarkable for their antiquity : [s. 23, Religious
Endowments Act] भवन जो अपनी पुरातनता के �लए प्र�सद्ध ह� ◌ा
burn : [s. 304B(i), I.P.C.] दाह
b and burial ground : [s. 99(2)(d), Cantonments Act]
bulk : 1. volume प�रमाण ; [s. 3(h), Coffee Act] आयतन; 2. the e
श्ि◌ lnमशान और क�ब्र स्तान
mass प्रपुंज; 3. [s. 8(1), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] माल थोक it
bursary क
c : a college scholarship वजीफा
bulk cargo : cargo or goods not in packages, boxes, bags etc.


burser : बसर्र business plan : कारबार योजना
burthen of vessel : [s. 4, Coasting Vessels Act] जलयान का टन business practice : कारबार पद्ध�त
भार business premises : कारबार प�रसर
bus driver : बस चालक business principles : [s. 9(2), Unit Trust of India Act] कारबार के
bus-queue-shelter : बस पंक्�त आश्रय �सद्धांत
bus station or shelter : [s. 48(3)(xix), Motor Vehicles Act] बस business profits tax : [s. 9(13), expln., (iv), Income-tax Act]
कारबार लाभ कर
अड्डा या आश्रय
business : 1. trade; commercial transaction or engagements; com business purchase account : व्यवसाय क्रय लेखा
mercial enterprise as a going concern [art. 19(1)(g), Const.]
business reply card : कारबार जवाबी काडर्
कारबार; 2. that about which one is busy कामकाज; कायर्
business reputation : कारबार ख्या�त
business affairs : [s. 39(2)(f), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act]
कारबार� �क्रयाकलाप business secret : कारबार संबंधी गुप्त बात
business already in existence : [s. 80H(2)(i), Income-tax Act] business, sudden and urgent : अचानक और अज�ट कायर्
पहले से ह� �वद्यमान कारबार business to be dealt with at the meeting : [s. 188(1)(b),
business appertaining to life insurance business : [s. 2(3), Companies Act] कामकाज िजस पर उस अ�धवेशन म� �वचार होता
expln., Life Insurance Corporation Act] जीवन बीमा कारबार से है ; अ�धवेशन म� �वचारणीय कामकाज
ु ग्न कारबार
business transaction : कारबार� संव्यवहार
business auxiliary services : [s. 65, Finance Act, 1994] कारबार
business trust : [s. 115UA (1), Finance Act, 2014] व्यावसा�यक
सहायक सेवाएं
business cycle : व्यवसाय चक्र
business year : कारबार वषर्
business deduction : व्यवसाय कटौती businessman : [s. 13(2)(d)(iii), Haryana and Punjab Agricultural
business enterprise : [s. 2(f), Factoring Regulation Act] कारबार Universities Act] व्यवसायी
उद्यम busy season : अ�धक कारबार का समय
business exhibition : [s. 65(19), Finance Act, 1994] कारबार butler : बटलर
प्रदशर्न buy : to purchase खर�दना ; क्रय करना
business expediency : [s. 40A(3), prov., Income-tax Act] कारबार buy back : [s. 94(1), Income-tax Act] क्रय द्वारा वापस लेना
संबंधी समीचीनता buy in : to buy back for the owner, e.g., at an auction when the
business expediency, considerations of : [s. 40A(3), prov., bids are too low [s. 38, Indian Trusts Act] अंत:क्रय करना
Income-tax Act] कारबार संबंधी समीचीनता क� बात�
buyer : one who buys [s. 2(1), Sale of Goods Act] क्रेता
business hours : [s. 166(2), Companies Act] कामकाज का समय
buyer, cash : नकद क्रेता
business house : व्यवसाय गह
ृ buyer, non-resident : अ�नवासी क्रेता
business in Parliament : [art. 120(1), Const.] संसद् म� कायर्
buyer of goods : [s. 38(1), Sale of Goods Act] माल का क्रेता
business is no longer in existence : [s. 35A, expln., Income-tax
buyer, resident : �नवासी क्रेता
Act] कारबार अस्�तत्व म� न रहा हो
buyer’s option : क्रेता का �वकल्प
business letter : व्यवसाय पत्र
buyer’s rights : क्रेता के अ�धकार
business, list of : कायर्-सूची; कायर् क� सूची
buyer’s risk : [s. 26, Sale of Goods Act] क्रेता का जो�खम
business manager : कारबार प्रबंधक
buyers’ market : a condition in a market where demand is low
business method : व्यवसाय पद्ध�त relative to supply, so that prices tend to be low and therefore,
business name : व्यवसाय नाम to the advantage to buyers as apposed to seller’s market क्रेता

business occupation : [s. 303(1)(a), Companies Act] कारबार� बाजार

उपजी�वका buying agent : [s. 358(1), Companies Act] क्रय अ�भकतार्

business of booking passages : [s. 32(1), Foreign Exchange buying and selling of shares : [s. 49(4), Companies Act] अंश�
Regulation Act] यात्रा बुक करने का कारबार (शेयर�) को खर�दना और बेचना
business of dealing in securities : [s. 17(1), Securities Contracts
buying information : क्रय सूचना
business Act] प्र�तभof
of generation �ू तय� म� व्यौहार का कारबार
electricity 60 by rule require
buying power : क्रय शक्�त
business of generation of electricity : �वद्युत के उत्पादन का
buying rate : क्रय दर
business paper : [s. 76(1)(e), Trade and Merchandise Marks buying section : क्रय अनुभाग
Act] कारबार कागज by a diversity of means : [s. 4, Indira Gandhi National Open
University Act] �व�भन्न साधन� द्वारा �कसी �व�ध के प्रा�धकार द्वारा या उसके अधीन
by assignment in writing : [Or. 21, r. 16, C.P.C.] �ल�खत by order : आदे श से ; आदे श द्वारा
समनुदेशन द्वारा by parol : given by word of mouth [s. 46(b), Companies Act]
मौ�खक रूप से
by authority of : के प्रा�धकार से
by post : डाक द्वारा
by authority of law : [art. 300A, Const.] �व�ध के प्रा�धकार से
by product : a secondary or additional product उपोत्पाद
by beat of drum : ड�डी �पटवा कर
by reason of absence : अनुपस्�थ�त के कारण
by count : गणना द्वारा ; गणना के अनुसार
by reason of death : [s. 5(2), Carriage by Air Act] मत्ृ यु के कारण
by duly authorised agent : [s. 42, Registration Act] सम्यक् रूप
से प्रा�धकृत अ�भकतार् द्वारा by reason of mistake of law : [s. 76, I.P.C.] �व�ध क� भूल के
bye-election : [s. 147, Representation of the People Act, 1951] कारण
उप-�नवार्चन by reason of the appointment of a treasurer : [s. 12, Charitable
Endowments Act] कोषपाल क� �नयक् ु �त के कारण
by endorsement, transferable : पष्ृ ठांकन से अंतरणीय
by reason of youth : [s. 491, I.P.C.] �कशोरावस्था के कारण
by error in writing : [s. 49(a), Indian Stamp Act] �लखने क�
गलती से by registered post acknowledgement due : रसीद� रिजस्ट्र� डाक
by escheat or lapse or as bona vacantia : [art. 296, Const.] द्वारा
राजगामी या व्यपगत या स्वामी�वह�न होने से by rule : [art. 146(1), prov., Const.] �नयम द्वारा
by force : बलपव
ू क
र् ; बल द्वारा by rule require : [art. 146(1), prov., Const.] �नयम द्वारा अपे�ा
by general or special order : साधारण या �वशेष आदे श द्वारा byकरना
sea, land or air 61
by sea, land or air : [s. 10, Arms Act] समुद्र, भू�म या वायु मागर्
by hand : दस्ती द्वारा; समुद्र, भू�म या वायु द्वारा
by hand peon : दस्ती चपरासी by show of hands : हाथ उठाकर
by instalment : �कस्त द्वारा by subjecting : अध्यधीन करके
by land : भूमागर् द्वारा ; भू�म द्वारा by suppression : दबाकर
by law : �व�ध द्वारा ; �व�ध अनुसार ; �व�धना ; [s. 2(c), Indian by the action of : क� �क्रया से
Statistical Institute Act] उप�व�ध
by the variance : फेरफार के कारण
by law, capable : �व�ध अनस
ु ार समथर् ; �व�धना समथर् by this Act is to be prescribed : इस अ�ध�नयम के अनस
ु ार �व�हत
by law established : �व�ध द्वारा स्था�पत �कया जाना है
by-laws : उप�व�धयां by uniting two or more : [art. 3(a), Const.] दो या अ�धक को
by majority of the total number of members : [art. 108(4), �मलाकर
Const.] सदस्य� क� कुल संख्या के बहुमत द्वारा
by virtue of : by force of; by authority of; by reason of; because
by means of : के द्वारा of [art. 88, Const.] के आधार पर; के आधार से; के फलस्वरूप
by metes and bounds : माप और सीमांकन करके by virtue of any interest for life : �कसी आजीवन �हत के आधार
by name : नाम से पर

by name or designation : नाम या पदा�भधान से by virtue of commutation of sentence : [s. 222, I.P.C.] दं डादे श

by name or style : नाम या अ�भनाम से के लघक

ू रण के आधार पर

by name or title : [s. 631, Companies Act] नाम या टाइ�टल by virtue of officer : [s. 15, General Clauses Act] पदा�भधान से

(सन्नाम) से by volume : आयतन के अनस

ु ार
by necessary implication : आवश्यक �वव�ा से by warrant under his hand : [s. 83(1), Navy Act] स्वहस्ता��रत
by operation of law : [s. 2(1)(w), Trade and Merchandise Marks वारं ट द्वारा
Act] �व�ध क� �क्रया से by way of appointment : [s. 67, Indian Succession Act] �नयोजन
by or on behalf of : द्वारा या उसक� ओर से के रूप म�
by or under : द्वारा या उसके अधीन ; के द्वारा या अधीन by way of beneficial ownership : [s. 77(2)(c), Companies Act]
�हता�धकार� स्वा�मत्व के रूप म�
by or under any law : [art. 102(1)(e), Const.] �कसी �व�ध द्वारा
by way of depreciation : [s. 6(a), Payment of Bonus Act]
या उसके अधीन
अव�यण मद्धे
by or under law : [art. 125(2), Const.] �व�ध द्वारा या उसके
by or under the authority of any law : [art. 7, prov., Const.]
by way of development allowance : [s. 6(b), Payment of Bonus
Act] �वकासाथर् मोक के रूप म�
by way of exchange : [s. 32, expln. (2), Income-tax Act] �व�नमय
के रूप म�
by way of penalty : शास्�तस्वरूप ; शास्�त के तौर पर
by way of tender for acceptance : [s. 49(c), Indian Stamp Act]
प्र�तग्रहण के �लए �न�वद� �कए जाने के �लए
by way of wager, agreement : पंद्यम ् के तौर का करार
by weight : भार के अनुसार
by whatever form of words : [s. 4A(2), General Clauses Act]
चाहे �कन्ह�ं भी शब्द� म� ह�
by whatever name called : चाहे �कसी भी नाम से �ात हो; चाहे
�कसी भी नाम से पुकारा जाए
by word of mouth : वा�चक
by word or action : वचन या कमर् द्वारा
by writing under his hand : [art. 56(1)(a) and art. 94(b),
Const.] अपने हस्ता�र स�हत लेख द्वारा
by writing under his hand addressed to the President : [art.
156(2), Const.] राष्ट्रप�त को संबो�धत अपने हस्ता�र स�हत लेख
bygone age : [s. 2(1)(a)(iii), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act]
गत युग
bye law : [art. 13(3)(a), Const.] उप�व �ध
bye products : [s. 2(cb), Factories Act] उपोत्पाद
C C.I.F. (Cost, Insurance and Freight) value : लागत, बीमा
और भाड़ा मूल्य
को संकट म� डालने के �लए प्रकल्�पत
calculated to the nearest multiple of : [s. 113(3), prov., Indian
Railways Act] के �नकटतम गुणज तक संग�णत
Cabin man : के�बन वाला
calculating machine : प�रकलन यंत्र
cabin master : के�बन मास्टर
cabinet : 1. a council advising a sovereign or head of a State calculating machine operator : प�रकलन यंत्र प्रचालक
मं�त्रमंडल ; [sch., pt. I. Salarjung Museum Act] के�बनेट calculating machine supervisor : प�रकलन यंत्र पयर्वे�क
Cabinet Affairs, Department of : मं�त्रमंडल कायर् �वभाग calculation : the action of reckoning [s. 51, expln., C.P.C.]
गणना ; संगणना ; [s. 280E(b), Income-tax Act] प�रकलन
Cabinet Minister : मं�त्रमंडल सदस्य
calculation device : [s. 32AB, expln., (a), Income-tax Act]
Cabinet Secretariat : मं�त्रमंडल स�चवालय
प�रकलन युक्�त
Cabinet Secretary : मं�त्रमंडल स�चव 62
cable : a heavy strong rope; a wire rope or metal chain of great calculation of interest : [s. 243(2), Income-tax Act] ब्याज का
strength [sch. II(ix), Workmen’s Compensation Act] के�ब ल;
प�रकलन ; ब्याज �नकालना
[fifth sch., item 7, Income-tax Act] केबल
calculation of means : [s. 51(e)(c), expln., C.P.C.] साधन� क�
cable conductor : केबल कंडक्टर
cable foreman : केबल फोरमैन calculation of “net proceeds” etc. : [art. 279, margin, Const.]
cable guard : केबल र�क ‘‘शुद्ध आगम’’ आ�द क� गणना

cable jointer : केबल योजक calculator : गणक ; केलकुलेटर

cable operator : [s. 2(a), Cable Television Networks calendar month : कल�डर मास
(Regulation) Act] केबल आपरे टर
calendar of returns : �ववरणी डायर�
cable supervisor : केबल पयर्वे�क
calendar year : [s. 2(e), Copyright Act] कल�डर वषर्
cable television networks : [s. 2(a), Cable Television Networks
calendar year, succeeding : [s. 27(5), Motor Transport Workers
(Regulation) Act] केबल टे ल��वजन नेटवकर्
Act] अगला कल�डर वषर्
cablegram : केबल तार
calibrate : अंशशोधन करना
Cadastral Surveyor : भू-कर सव��क calibration : [s. 2(a), Standards of Weights and Measures Act]
cadet : कैडेट अंशांकन

cadet corps : कैडेट कोर calibre : [pt. iv(A), item 2(g)(ii), Chemical Weapons Convention
Act] अ�धव्यास
cadre : काडर ; संवगर्
caliper : कै�लपर
cadre authority : काडर प्रा�धकार�
call : 1. demand; a demand upon the holder of partly paid up
cadre, emergency : आपात काडर shares in a company for payment of the balance, or an
instalment of it [s. 127, ill. (a), T.P. Act] मांग ; 2. to demand
cadre register : काडर रिजस्टर
मांगना ; 3. to summon by a call पुकारना ; 4. to name , to
cadre, regular : �नय�मत काडर
address कहना ; an option to buy a certain amount of stock at a
cadre strength : काडर सदस्य-संख्या ; संवगर् सदस्य-संख्या fixed price at or within a certain time [s. 2(g), Forward
cafe : [s. 2(aa), Protection of Civil Rights Act] केफे Contracts Regulation Act] काल
cage : [s. 28(1)(d), Factories Act] �पंजर call account : [sch. VI, pt. I, Companies Act] आह्वान खाता
caisons, dry dock : सूखे डाक के कैसून call book : काल बुक ; �नलं�बत मामल� क� बह�
calamity : a disastrous event �वप�� call evidence : सा�य पेश करना ; सा�य पेश कराना
calculate : 1. to reckon गणना करना ; संगणना करना ; [s. 2(10), call for : to demand [s. 325(3), Cr. P.C., art. 78(b), and art.
167(b), Const.] मांगना ; मंगाना
Income-tax Act] प�रकलन करना ; प�रक�लत करना ; 2. plan or
contrive to achieve a purpose प्रकल्पना करना call for an explanation : स्पष्ट�करण मांगना

calculated to deceive : [s. 489E, I.P.C.] प्रवंचन के �लए प्रकल्�पत call for information : [s. 37, Gift-tax Act] जानकार� मांगना

calculated to deprive : [s. 64(c), Indian Stamp Act] वं�चत करने call for inspection : �नर��ण क� मांग

क� प्रकल्पना से call for the record : [s. 115, C.P.C.] अ�भलेख मांगना ; अ�भलेख

calculated to embarrass : [s. 19(3), Navy Act] उलझन उत्पन्न मंगाना

करने के �लए प्रकल्�पत call in : to collect or withdraw [s. 40, Indian Trusts Act] वापस

calculated to embarrass relations : [s. 19(3), Navy Act] संबंध� म� �नकालना ; वापस लेना

उलझन उत्पन्न करने के �लए प्रकल्�पत call in arrear : बकाया मांग

calculated to imperil the success : [s. 34(1), Army Act] सफलता call in question : [s. 36, Indian Stamp Act, art. 77(2), and art.
122(1), Const.] प्रश्नगत करना ; [ss. 14(2), 14(4)(b), 18(2) and
20(2), Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils Act] आप�� camp-follower : [sch., item (3), Fort William Act] �श�वर
करना अनुचार� ; �श�वर अनुचर
call money : मांग रा�श ; अ�वलंब रा�श camp officer : �श�वर अ�धकार�
call notice : मांग सूचना campaign officer : �वशेष प्रचार अ�धकार�
call on capital : पूंजी क� मांग camper : �श�वरक
call or land : [s. 29(2), Customs Act] ठहरना और उतरना campus : [s. 3(2), North-Eastern Hill University Act] �नवेश
call out : [s. 2(1)(e), Army Act] आहूत करना canal : an artificial water course [s. 67(c), T.P. Act] नहर
call out for service : [s. 2(1)(d), Army Act] सेवा के �लए आहूत canal dues : [s. 46, Northern India Canal and Drainage Act]
नहर� दे य
करना ; सेवा के �लए बुलाना
canal officer : नहर अ�धकार�
call paid in advance : मांगपूवर् संदाय
canalising adequate credit, with a view to : [s. 14(1) (c),
call, unpaid : असंद� मांग
Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act] पयार्प्त प्रत्यय क�
call up : to summon for action or service आहूत करना ; [s. 99, व्यवस्था करने के उद्दे श्य से
Companies Act] आह्वान करना ; [s. 7(1), Indian Reserve cancel release : [s. 12(1), Conservation of Foreign Exchange and
Forces Act] बुलाना Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act] छोड़ा जाना ; रद्द करना
call up for training : [s. 73, Navy Act] प्र�श�ण के �लए बुलाना cancel the charge : आरोप को रद्द करना
call up into actual service : [s. 73, Navy Act] वास्त�वक सेवा cancel the pardon : [s. 180, Army Act] �मा को र ��द करना
करने के �लए बुलाना cancellation : the action or process of cancelling [s. 477, I.P.C.
call upon : to make a demand upon [s. 3(1)(a), Requisitioning and art. 31A(e), Const.] र ��द करना ; र ��द करण ; र ��द
and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act] से अपे�ा करना �कया जाना
call upon to give evidence 63 cancellation of allotment : आबंटन र ��द करना capacity
call upon to give evidence : [Or. 26, r. 16(a), C.P.C.] सा�य दे ने
cancellation of indent : मांगपत्र र ��द करना
के �लए बुलाना
cancellation of instrument : [ch. V, heading, Specific Relief Act]
called for explanation or information : [s. 32(5)(b), State �लखत का र ��द �कया जाना
Agricultural Credit Corporations Act] स्पष्ट�करण या जानकार�
cancellation of nomination : [s. 280W(2)(f), Income-tax Act]
मांगी नाम�नद� शन का र ��द �कया जाना
called, held and conducted : [s. 186(2), Companies Act] बुलाया cancellation of registration : [s. 186(1), Income-tax Act]
गया, आयोिजत और संचा�लत रिजस्ट्र�करण का र ��द करण

called on for hearing : [Or 9, r. 3, C.P.C.] सुनवाई के �लए पुकार cancelled draft : र ��द ड्राफ्ट
हुई candidate : one who seeks or offers himself, or is put forward by
others for an office, privilege or honour [s. 171A, I.P.C.]
called to the bar : admitted as barrister or advocate बै�रस्टर या अभ्यथ�
अ�धवक्ता के रूप म� प्र�वष्ट ; बै�रस्टर या अ�धवक्ता के रूप म� candidate at an election : [s. 40, Representation of the People
स्वीकृत Act, 1951] �नवार्चन म� अभ्यथ�
called upon to do so : [art. 51A)(d), Const.] आह्वान �कए जाने candidate for election : [s. 32, Representation of the People Act,
पर 1951] �नवार्चन अभ्यथ�

calligraphist : सल
ु ेखकार candidate, rejected : as opposed to a selected candidate नह�ं चुना

calling : profession , trade or occupation [s. 2(j), Industrial गया प्रत्याशी

Disputes Act] आजी�वका candidature : the act or fact of being a candidate [s. 30(c),
calling upon : [s. 30(4), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] Representation of the People Act, 1951] अभ्य�थर्ता
अपे�ा करने वाल� cane binder : ब�तसाज
calls, heavy : [s. 122, ill., Indian Succession Act] भार� मांगे Cane Development Officer : ईख �वकास अ�धकार�
camera attendant : कैमरा प�रचर canning : [s. 581B (1)(g), Companies Act] �डब्बाबंद�
camera, in : [s. 22(1), Hindu Marriage Act] बंद कमरे म� cannot adequately express himself : [art. 120(1), prov., Const.]
अपनी पयार्प्त अ�भव्यक्�त नह�ं कर सकता है
cameraman : कैमरामैन
cannot stand together : [s. 88, Indian Succession Act] एक साथ
camera, meeting in : गुप्त बैठक ; बंद कमरे म� बैठक
नह�ं रह सकते
camp : [s. 3(2)(a)(ii), Indian Electricity Act] �श�वर ; क�प
canoe : [s. 3(39), Merchant Shipping Act] ड�गी
camp commandant : क�प कमांड�ट
canon : 1. rule of law or decree of the church, specially one laid
camp commander : [IIIrd sch., art. 96, Geneva Conventions
down by an ecclesiastical council धमर्�नयम ; 2. general rule or
Act] क�प कमांडर
principle �सद्धांत
canons of financial propriety, to observe : [art. 360(3), Const.] दं डनीय
�व�ीय औ�चत्य संबंधी �सद्धांत� का पालन करना
capital account : पूंजीगत लेखा
cannons of financial propriety : �व�ीय औ�चत्य के �सद्धांत
capital and revenue accounts : पूंजीगत और राजस्व लेखे
canteen : [s. 16(1)(c), Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act] क�ट�न capital asset : [s. 2(14), Income-tax Act] पूंजी आस्�त

canteen adviser : क�ट�न सलाहकार capital, authorised : प्रा�धकृत पूंजी

canteen manager : क�ट�न प्रबंधक capital balance sheet : पंूजीगत तल

ु नपत्र

canteen supervisor : क�ट�न पयर्वे�क capital budget : पंूजी बजट

cantonment : a permanent military station or military town often capital, called up : मांगी गई पूंजी
connected with a town or city [s. 3(2)(ii), Indian Electricity
capital charge : [s. 24(1)(iv), Income-tax Act] पूंजी प्रभार
Act] छावनी (क�टोनम� ट)
cantonment authority : a local authority entrusted with the capital, circulating : प्रचल पूंजी
administration of a cantonment [s. 60, expln. 3(i), C.P.C.] capital cost : [s. 34(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] पूंजी
छावनी प्रा�धकार�
cantonment board : [s. 2(c)(ii)(b), Income-tax Act] छावनी बोडर्
capital credited as paid up : [s. 2(32), Companies Act] पंज
ू ी
cantonment executive officer : छावनी कायर्पालक अ�धकार� िजसे समाद� के रूप म� जमा �दखा �दया गया है
canvas : कैनवैस capital depreciation reserve fund : पूंजी अव�यण आर��त �न�ध
canvass : soliciting support or votes [s. 130(1)(a), Representation
capital, dormant : �नष्�क्रय पूंजी
of the People Act, 1951] संयाचना ; संयाचना करना
capital embarked : [s. 150, ill., Indian Succession Act] लगाई गई
canvass for any custom : [s. 120A(1), Indian Railways Act]
ग्राहक� क� संयाचना करना पूंजी
capital employed in the business : [s. 35D(3)(b), Income-tax
capability : power of action of acting �मता ; सामथ्र्य
Act] कारबार म� �नयोिजत पूंजी
capable : possessing capacity [s. 122, T.P. Act] समथर् ; योग्य ;
capital expenditure : [sch. II, item 3(d), Payment of Bonus Act]
शक्य पूंजीगत व्यय ; 2. [s. 33, Damodar Valley Corporation Act]
capable by law : [s. 108, expln. 3, I.P.C.] �व�ध-अनुसार समथर् ; पूंजी व्यय
�व�धना समथर् capital, fixed : स्�थर पंज
ू ी
capable of being perceived : [s. 3(1), Indian Evidence Act]
capital, floating : प्लवमान पंूजी
capital formation : पूंजी संचय
capable of correction : [s. 20(1), Specific Relief Act] शद्
ु �धशक्य
capital gain attributable to the enhancement of the
capable of delivery : प�रदान क� जा सकने वाल� compensation : [s. 543(2)(b), Income-tax Act] प्र�तकर क�
capable of execution : [Or. 21, r. 8, C.P.C.] �नष्पादन योग्य ; वद्
ृ �ध के कारण हुआ माना जा सकने वाला पूंजी अ�भलाभ
�नष्पादनीय capital gains : gains accruing from the sale or exchange of
capable of making defence : [s. 146(a), Army Act] प्र�तर�ा करने capital assets [sch. II(ii), Wealth-tax Act] पूंजी अ�भलाभ ; पूंजी

म� समथर् म� अ�भलाभ

capable of manual delivery : [s. 58(1), Presidency-towns capital gains tax : पूंजी अ�भलाभ कर
Insolvency Act] जो हाथ से �दए जा सकते ह� capital goods : [s. 23(1)(b)(ii), Industrial Finance Corporation
capable of meeting the charge : [s. 19(1), Wealth-tax Act] प्रभार Act] पूंजी माल
capital improvement : [s. 14(i), Haryana and Punjab
को पूरा करने के �लए समथर्
Agricultural Universities Act] पूंजीगत उन्नयन
capacity : 1. legal qualification; capability [s. 92, prov. (1),
Indian Evidence Act] सामथ्र्य ; �मता ; 2. a position enabling capital, issued : �नगर्�मत पूंजी
one to do something [s. 466, I.P.C.] है �सयत ; 3. a containing capital issues : [title, Capital Issues (Control) Act] पूंजी �नगर्मन
space, area or volume [s. 265, I.P.C.] धा�रता capital levy : पूंजी कर
capacity, aggregate 64 captain
capital loss : [1st sch., item 3(c), Payment of Bonus Act] पूंजी
capacity, aggregate : [s. 18(c), prov., Damodar Valley
Corporation Act] संक�लत �मता
capital machinery : पूंजीगत मशीनर�
capacity, mental : [s. 16(2)(b), Contract Act] मान�सक सामथ्र्य
capital nature : [s. 41(3), Income-tax Act] पूंजीगत प्रकार
capacity, official : पद�य है �सयत
capital, nominal : प्रा�धकृत पूंजी
capita, per : प्र�त व्यक्�त
capital : 1. money actually contributed for employment in capital of the company : [s. 17(7), Companies Act] कंपनी क�
business [Or. 21, r. 46(1)(b), C.P.C.] पंज
ू ी ; 2. principal पंूजी
[s. 57(2)(c), T.P. Act] मल
ू धन ; 3. punishable with death मत्ृ यु से capital of the corporation : [s. 4A(2)(b), Industrial Finance
Corporation Act] �नगम क� पूंजी capitation fee : प्र�तव्यक्�त फ�स
capital offence : a crime punishable with death [s. 214, I.P.C.] capitation tax : प्र�तव्यक्�त कर
मत्ृ यु से दं डनीय अपराध capricious : not guided by steady judgment, intent or purpose
capital outlay : पूंजी प�रव्यय [s. 61, ill. (viii), Indian Succession Act] अनु�चत ; चंचल ;
capital, paid up : समाद� पूंजी अस्�थर मन
capricious partiality : [s. 61, ill. (viii), Indian Succession Act]
capital plant : [s. 10(15)(iv)(c), Income-tax Act] पूंजी-संयंत्र
अनु�चत प�पात
capital profit : पूंजीगत लाभ
capriciously retract their consent : [s. 128, ill. (iv), Indian
capital punishment : punishment of death मत्ृ यु दं ड Succession Act] अनु�चत रूप से अपनी सहम�त वापस लेना
capital receipts : पूंजीगत प्राप्�तयां captain : 1. chief head, the master or commander of a vessel of any
kind कप्तान ; 2. [s. 62, Navy Act] कैप्टन
captive 65
capital redemption : पूंजी मोचन
capital redemption business : [s. 2(3), expln., Life Insurance captive : [s. 2(8), Electricity Act] आबद्ध
Corporation Act] पूंजी मोचन कारबार captive animal : [s. 2(c), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act]
capital redemption reserve : [sch. I, table A, interpretation 96, बंधुआ पशु
Companies Act] पूंजी मोचनाथर् आर���त/�रजवर् captive animals : [s. 2(5), Wild Life (Protection) Act] बन्द� प्राणी
capital redemption reserve account : [s. 80(1)(d), Companies captive consumption : आबद्ध खपत
Act] पूंजी मोचन आर���त खाता
captivity : state of being kept in confinement [3rd sch., art. 14,
capital redemption reserve fund : [sch. I, table A, interpretation Geneva Conventions Act] बंद� स्�थ�त
46(b), Companies Act] पूंजी मोचन आर��त �न�ध
captivity or confinement : [s. 2(c), Prevention of Cruelty to
capital, reduction of : पूंजी घटाव Animals Act, 1960] बंधआ
ु हालत या प�ररोध
capital reserve : [sch. IV, pt. III, item 7(1)(c), Companies Act] captor : 1. one who takes by force a prisoner or a prize at sea [s. 1,
पूंजी आर���त/�रजवर् ; आर��त पूंजी Indian Trust Act] प्रग्रह�ता ; 2. [s. 9(1), Naval and Aircraft Prize
capital sentence : [s. 416, margin., Cr. P.C.] मत्ृ यु दं ड Act] पकड़ने वाला

capital, share : शेयर पूंजी capture : the fact of taking forcibly or by stratagem [s. 114, ill. (b),
Indian Evidence Act] पकड़ना ; [s. 66E(b), Information
capital stock : [s. 20(bb), Indian Trusts Act] पूंजी स्टाक
Technology Act] �चत्र खींचना
capital structure : 1. the composition of the capital (of a
company) [s. 32(ix)(g)(i), Payment of Bonus Act] पंूजी क� capture card : [3rd sch., art. 70, Geneva Conventions Act] कैद�

संरचना ; 2. [s. 3(2A)(b), Insurance Act] पूंजी संघटन काडर्

capital structure earning prospects : [s. 3(2A)(b), Insurance capture, seizure, prize and reprisal : [s. 4(3), Naval and Aircraft
A Prize Act] पकड़ना, अ�भगह ृ �त करना, प्राइज के तौर पर लेना और
c प्र�तशोधवश लेना
t sum : 1. [s. 57(a)(1), T.P. Act] मूलधन ; 2. [s. 35A(4),
I] captured animal : [s. 2(1), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
n 1890] पकड़ा हुआ पशु
c��� subscribed : [s. 148(1), Companies Act] प्र�तश्रुत पूंजी
�� capturing force : [s. 9(2), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] पकड़ने
c o
�� संघटन उपाजर्न संभावनाएं
m वाला बल
c a
c p a
-i captures : [s. 2(e), Marine Insurance Act] प्रग्रहण
c a p
tti car : [s. 292(2), excep. (b)(ii), I.P.C.] रथ
c p a
ia car refreshment room manager : यान उपाहार क� प्रबंधक
c p lxta
capitalisation tA
ip : [sch. I, table A, interpretation 97(2)(b), caralace : [s. 2(31)(b), Wild Life (Protection) Act] पष्ृ ठ वमर्
C carat : a twenty-fourth part used in expressing the proportionate
ru fineness of a gold alloy [s. 2(e), Gold (Control) Act] केरे ट
capitalisation l,a
m of profits : [s. 205(3), Companies Act] लाभ� का
lcd ं ू ज ीकरण carcass of animal : [s. 36(1)(vi), Income-tax Act] जीवजंतु का शव
ip carcass utilisation : पशश
w of reserve : आर��त �न�ध का पूंजीकरण ु व उपयोग
io card cabinet, index : सच
ilera of revenue expenditure : राजस्व व्यय का ू क काडर् के�बनेट
:d ूंजीकरण ; संचालन व्यय का पूंजीकरण
kk card, dead : बेकार काडर्
capitalised .:n
d A : [s. 2(22), Income-tax Act] पूंजीकृत card games : [s. 74A(2)(d), Income-tax Act] ताश के खेल
c g c: card, guide : �नद� श काडर्
2 ◌्
c अ ][:7 card, index : सूचक काडर्
c isअ

◌ं card index clerk : काडर् सूचक �ल�पक

c i�� 1

a card index drawer : काडर् सूचक दराज

)a ू
p म
f2 �र
card, name : नाम काडर् carriage : 1. means of conveyance especially a wheeled vehicle
[s. 4, Explosives Act] गाड़ी ; 2. [s. 3(10), Indian Railways Act]
card ticket : [s. 65, Indian Railways Act] काडर्-�टकट
सवार� �डब्बा ; 3. the act of carrying वहन
card, trade : व्यापार काडर्
carriage account : वहन लेखा
cardamom growing interest : [s. 4(3)(c)(ii), Cardamom Act]
इलायची उपजाने म� �हतबद्ध carriage and cartage account : वहन और ढुलाई लेखा
cardamom trade interest : [s. 4(3)(c)(iii), Cardamom Act] carriage and wagon inspector : सवार� और माल �डब्बा �नर��क
इलायची के व्यापा�रय� के �हत
carriage charges : वहन प्रभार
cardinal principle : मुख्य �सद्धांत
carriage cleaner : गाड़ी क्ल�नर
carding : the process in which fibres (as cotton etc.) are
manipulated into silver form prior to spinning [sch. I, item 25(d), carriage cleaning inspector : �डब्बा सफाई �नर��क
Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act] carriage cleaning supervisor : �डब्बा सफाई पयर्वे�क
carriage inward : आवक वहन व्यय
carding machine : [sch. I, item 8(1), Industries (Development and
carriage of goods : [sch. I, art. I(e), Indian Carriage of Goods by
Regulation) Act] धुनन यंत्र ; धुनाई यंत्र
Sea Act] माल वहन
cardiology : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] हृदय रोग
carriage of mail and postal packages : [2nd sch., item 2(2),
�व�ान Carriage by Air Act] डाक और डाक के पैकेज� के वहन
cardio-thoracio and vascular surgery : [1st sch., Indian carriage of passengers or goods by land, water or air :
Medical Council Act] हृदय, व� और वा�हका शल्य �व�ान [s. 2(1)(a)(ii), Essential Services Maintenance Act] भूमागर् ;
care : 1. charge; responsibility for well-being [s. 466(1), Cr. P.C.] जलमागर् या वायु मागर् द्वारा या�त्रय� या माल का वहन
दे ख-रे ख; दे खभाल; 2. serious attention, especially attention,
carriage of records : अ�भलेख� का वहन
accompanied by caution, wariness etc. [s. 52, I.P.C.] सतकर्ता ;
carriage outward : जावक वहन व्यय
carriage performed in extraordinary circumstances : [2nd sch.,
care and caution : [s. 80, I.P.C.] सतकर्ता और सावधानी
item 35, Carriage by Air Act] असाधारण प�रस्�थ�तय� म� �कए गए
care and custody of the goods : [s. 44, Sale of Goods Act] माल क� वहन
दे ख-रे ख और अ�भर�ा
carriages, end-opening : [rule 121(3), Red Tariff No. 19] �सर पर
care and pains : [s. 22(1), Guardians and Wards Act] सतकर्ता खुलने वाले �डब्बे
और प�रश्रम
carried down : अधोनीत शेष
care, entrusted to his : [s. 56(2)(d), Navy Act] उसे र�ाथर् न्यस्त
carried forward : [s. 33(3)(b), Income-tax Act] अग्रनीत �कया गया
care or charge : [s. 3, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act] दे ख- ; [3rd sch., item 3(iii), Payment of Bonus Act] अग्रनीत
रे ख या भारसाधन carrier : one who carries; one employed or engaged in the business
career : व�ृ � ; व्यवसाय
carrier attendant
of carrying goods for hire by land, water or air [preamble, Indian 66
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act] वाहक
career development : कै�रयर का �वकास
carrier attendant : वाहक प�रचर
career, educational : शै��णक जीवन
carrier, common : सामान्य वाहक
career management : व�ृ � प्रबंध ; व्यवसाय प्रबंध
carrier vessel : [s. 3(c), Marine Products Export Development
career planning : कै�रयर �वषयक योजना Authority Act] वाहक जलयान
careful observance : सतकर् अनप
ु ालन ; सावधानी से अनप
ु ालन carry : to convey [s. 4, Army Act] वहन करना ; ले जाना
carelessness, common : [s. 114, ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act]
carry back of losses : �पछले लाभ से हा�नपू�तर्
सामान्य असावधानी
carry forward : to transfer to the succeeding column, page or book
caretaker : केयरटे कर ; अ�भर�क or to the next account अग्रनीत करना ; [s. 52(4), prov. II, Mines
cargo : goods shipped for carriage [s. 2(aa), Dock Workers Act] अग्रनयन
(Regulation of Employment) Act] स्थोरा
carry forward of loss : [s. 66, Income-tax Act] हा�न को अग्रनीत
cargo loaded : [sch., pt. II, item 1(i), Commercial Documents
Evidence Act] लादा गया स्थोरा
caricature : grotesque or ludicrous representation by exaggeration carry forward rule : अग्रनयन �सद्धांत
of parts, as in a portrait [s. 3, ill. 3 and s. 32, ill. (m), Indian carry into effect : [s. 180, Army Act] �क्रयान्�वत करना ; कायार्न्�वत
Evidence Act] उपहासांक ; उपहासांकन
करना ; प्रभावी करना ; प्रभावशील करना
carnal copulation : [form 43, Indian Divorce Act] ल��गक संभोग
carry on any occupation : [art. 19(1)(g), Const.] कोई उपजी�वका
carnal intercourse : sexual intercourse [s. 377, I.P.C.] इं�द्रय भोग करना
carnival : [s. 124(1), Cantonments Act] आनन्दोत्सव carry on business : to keep up business [s. 17(1)(a), Companies
carpenter : [sch., item 2, Assam Rifles Act] बढ़ई Act and art. 19(6), Const.] कारबार करना ; [s. 6, expln. 2, Indian
Partnership Act] कारबार चलाना
carpenter rigger : बढ़ई सज्जक
carry on business for profit : [s. 232(3)(c), Companies Act] लाभ cartridge : [s. 4(1)(b), Explosives Act] कारतूस
के �लए कारबार करना carving : decorative sculpture [preamble, Ancient Monuments and
carry on general insurance business : [s. 2(e), General Insurance Archaeological Sites and Remains Act] नक्काशी
(Emergency Provisions) Act] साधारण बीमा कारबार चलाना case : 1. condition; state of being; situation [s. 44(a), Indian
Partnership Act] दशा ; 2. a cause of suit; a state of things
carry or wear : ले जाना या धारण करना
requiring discussion, decision or investigation [s. 127(2), expln.,
carry out : 1. to carry into practice [s. 5(b), Plantations Labour
Income-tax Act] मामला (केस) ; 3. a decided case �नणर्य ;
Act] कायार्न्�वत करना ; 2. to execute [s. 6(1)(b), Coal Mines
4. covering; box [s. 2(1)(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
Labour Welfare Fund Act] �नष्पादन करना ; संपादन करना ; 3. to पेट�
accomplish पालन करना ; �नभाना ; 4. to put into operation
case be remanded : [s. 99, C.P.C.] मामला प्र�तप्रे�षत �कया जाए
case book : compilation of extracts from leading cases on a
carry out functions : [s. 21(1)(d), Damodar Valley Corporation particular subject, designed as a teaching aid �नणर्य पुस्तक
Act] काय� का संपादन करना
case has no merit : मामले म� कोई सार नह�ं है ; मामले म� कोई दम
carry out obligations : [s. 11(c), Army Act] बाध्यता �नभाना
नह�ं है
carry out orders : [s. 12(c), Army Act] आदे श� का पालन करना
case law : law established by judicial decisions �नणर्यज �व�ध ;
carry over : अग्रनीत करना �नणर्यजन्य �व�ध ; �नणर्य �व�ध
carry over facilities : [s. 9(2)(g), Securities Contracts (Regulation) case of a continuing failure, in the : [s. 15B(3), Wealth-tax Act]
Act] �म�त बढ़ाने क� सु�वधाएं चालू रहने वाल� असफलता क� दशा म�
carry to the credit of the Central Government : [s. 11, Coasting
cash : नकद� ; रोकड़
Vessels Act] क�द्र�य सरकार के नाम जमा करना
cash advance : [s. 369(2)(b), expln., Companies Act] नकद अ�ग्रम
carry token : [s. 26, Plantations Labour Act] टोकन पास करना
cash and pay department : रोकड़ और वेतन �वभाग
carrying capacity (C.C.) : [rule 2(e), Red Tariff No. 19] वहन
cash at bank : ब�क नकद�
�मता (व. �.)
cash balance : 1. [s. 4(1), Metal Corporation of India (Acquisition
carrying capacity of rolling stock : [s. 93, Indian Railways Act]
of Undertaking) Act] रोकड़ बाक� ; नकद बाक� ; 2. [s. 3(2), Indian
चल स्टाक क� वहन �मता
Iron and Steel Company (Taking Over of Management) Act]
carrying forward : अग्रनयन नकद अ�तशेष
carrying interest : [s. 21(1), prov., Industrial Finance
cash balance in hand : [s. 454(1)(a), Companies Act] हाथ म� नकद
Corporation Act] ब्याजू
अ�तशेष ; हाथ म� रोकड़ बाक�
carrying into effect the purposes of this Act : [s. 13(d),
Charitable Endowments Act] इस अ�ध�नयम के प्रयोजन� को cash balance report : रोकड़ शेष �रपोटर्
कायार्न्�वत करना cash basis : रोकड़ आधार
carrying into execution : 1. [s. 41, Plantations Labour Act] cash book, bank column : ब�क स्तंभ रोकड़ बह�
�नष्पादन करना ; 2. [s. 113, Factories Act] �नष्पादन कराना ;
cash book, columnar : खानेदार रोकड़ बह�
�नष्पा�दत करना
cash book, day book or journal : [s. 3, Bankers' Books Evidence
carrying on any duty imposed : [s. 40(2)(b), Finance Act, 1979]
Act] रोकड़ बह�, दै �नक बह� या रोजनामचा (जरनल)
अ�धरो�पत �कसी कतर्व्य का �नवर्हन करना
cash book, petty : खुदरा रोकड़ बह�
carrying on of activity for profit : [s. 2(15), Income-tax Act] लाभ
cash book, three columnar : तीन खान� वाल� रोकड़ बह�
के �लए �क्रयाकलाप का चलाया जाना
carrying on the business of banking : [s. 80P(2)(a)(i), Income-tax cash charges : नकद प्रभार
Act] ब�ककार� कारबार म� लगा हुआ cash clerk : [s. 2(h), Motor Transport Workers Act] रोकड़ क्लकर् ;
carrying on trade : [art. 19(6)(ii), Const.] व्यापार चलाया जाना रोकड़ �ल�पक

carrying out inquiries : [s. 7(2)(a), Sugarcane Act] जांच करना cash consideration : [s. 2(22)(e)(i), Income-tax Act] नकद प्र�तफल
carrying out the provisions : [s. 15(1), Chartered Accountants cash counter : रोकड़ पटल ; रोकड़ काउं टर
Act] उपबंध� को �क्रयान्�वत करना
cash counter clerk : रोकड़ पटल �ल�पक
carrying rejection communication : [s. 28(5), Foreign Exchange
cash credit agreements : [s. 293, expln. II, Companies Act] नकद
Regulation Act] नामंजूर� संसू�चत करने क� संसूचना
प्रत्यय ठहराव
cart : [s. 4(4), Explosives Act] छकड़ा ; गाड़ी
cash credit arrangement : रोकड़ उधार व्यवस्था
cartal : [s. 2(c), Competition Act] व्यापार संघ
cash crop : नकद� फसल
cart-man : [sch., item 2, Assam Rifles Act] गाड़ी हांकने वाला
cash equivalent : [s. 59(3), Factories Act] नकद समतुल्य
cartographer : मान�चत्रकार ; नक्शानवीस
cash in hand 67
cartoonist : one who draws cartoons [s. 2(f), Working Journalists
cash in hand : [s. 4(1), Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation)
and Other Newspaper Employees’ (Conditions of Service) and
Act] हाथ नकद� ; [s. 4(1), Metal Corporation of India
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] व्यंग �चत्रकार
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] हाथ क� रोकड़ casual and non-recurring nature : [s. 10(3), Income-tax Act]
आकस्�मक और अनावत� प्रकृ�त
cash in transit : मागर्स्थ रोकड़
casual artist : नै�म��क कलाकार
cash memorandum : [s. 9(1), Drugs (Control) Act] कैश मैमो
casual election : [s. 2(vi), Cantonments Act] आकस्�मक �नवार्चन
cash order : नकद� आदे श
casual labour : नै�म��क मजदरू
cash paid book : संद� रोकड़ बह�
casual leave : [s. 7, Working Journalists and Other Newspaper
cash payment in lieu of the payment of the annuity : Employees (Conditions of Service) and Miscellaneous Provisions
[s. 80C(2)(g)(2), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क� के संदाय के बदले म� Act] आकस्�मक छुट्ट�
नकद संदाय
casual service : नै�म��क सेवा
cash, petty : खद
ु रा रोकड़ casual vacancy : a vacancy occurring not by efflux of time but
cash price instalment : [s. 7(1)(a), Hire-purchase Act] नकद casually, such as by resignation, removal or death of an
incumbent [s. 150, Representation of the People Act, 1951]
क�मत �कस्त आकस्�मक �रक्�त
cash purchases : नकद क्रय casual workman : [s. 25M(1), Industrial Disputes Act] आकस्�मक
cash received book : प्राप्त रोकड़ बह� कमर्कार
cash recovery : नकद वसूल� casualty : 1. an unfortunate occurrence [s. 32(b), Inland Vessels
Act] अपघटन ; 2. serious accident दघु ट
र् ना
cash refunds : नकद प्र�तदाय
casualty officer : आपात अ�धकार�
cash remittance : नकद प्रेषण
casus omissus : a case not provided for (as by a statute) and
cash requisition, emergency : आपात नकद अध्यपे�ा
therefore governed by common law अनुबं�धत �वषय
cash reserve : नकद आर���त ; नकद आर��त �न�ध catalogue : 1. a list of books etc. [s. 76(1)(c), Trade and
cash sale : नकद �वक्रय Merchandise Marks Act] सच ू ीपत्र ; 2. a complete enumeration of
items arranged systematically in a pamphlet [s. 2(d), Weekly
cash transaction : नकद संव्यवहार
Holidays Act] प्रसच
ू ी ; 3. [s. 28(2)(i), Salarjung Museum Act]
cash value : [s. 2(b)(i), Employees’ Provident Funds and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] नकद मूल्य
cashier : 1. an officer or agent whose business is mainly to take cataloguer : सच
ू ीकार
care of the money of an institution or a private person, or of a catalytic convertor : [s. 110(1)(n), Motor Vehicles Act] उत्प्रेरक
firm or public company [s. 499, 7th excep., I.P.C.] रोक�ड़या ;
प�र वतर्क
खजांची ; 2. to dismiss with disgrace [s. 2(2), Army Act] सकलंक
catamarans : दोनाबा
पदच्युत करना
catching : [s. 80P(2)(a)(vii), Income-tax Act] पकड़ना
cashier, chief : मख्
ु य रोक�ड़या
catchment area : the entire area from which drainage is received
casing : 1. [s. 2(p), Indian Electricity Act] केस ; के�संग ; 2. [s. by a body of water (as a reservoir, lake or river) [s. 48(5)(ii),
3(4), Indian Telegraph Act] वेष्टन Punjab Reorganisation Act] आवाह �ेत्र ; जलागम �ेत्र
cask : [s. 2(b), Indian Standards Institution (Certification Marks) catchword : सूचक शब्द
Act] मंजूषा category : 1. a class, group or classification of any kind [s. 25G,
casket : [s. 2(1)(l), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] संदक
ू ची Industrial Disputes Act] प्रवगर् ; 2. [s. 197A, Companies Act] को�ट

cassab : कस्साब ; कसाई category of amount : [s. 58A(7)(b), expln., Companies Act] रकम

cast : 1. to throw down; to drop छोड़ना ; संत्यक्त करना ; का प्रवगर्

2. something that is formed by casting in mould or form category of persons : [s. 4(1), Departmental Inquiries
[s. 2(za), Copyright Act] कास्ट ; 3. the assignment of various (Enforcement of Attendance of Witnesses and Production of
Documents) Act] को�ट के व्यक्�त
parts of a play to several actors पात्र योजना
category of securities : [s. 9(2)(a)(i), Securities Contracts
cast away : to throw away संत्यक्त करना (Regulation) Act] प्रवगर् क� प्र�तभ�ू तयां
caste : [s. 7, North-Eastern Hill University Act and art. 15(1) and
category of staff : [s. 2(b), North-Eastern Hill University Act] प्रवगर्
art. 23(2), Const.] जा�त
के कमर्चार�
caster : ढलाईकार
caterer : खानपान प्रबंधक
casting vote : the vote given by the Chairman or President of a
deliberative assembly in case of equality of votes [s. 132(4), catering establishment : [s. 7(2)(n), Payment of Wages Act]
Army Act and art. 100(1), Const.] �नणार्यक मत खानपान स्थापन
castings and forgings : [sch. I, item 1-A(3), Industries catering inspector : खानपान �नर��क
(Development and Regulation) Act] ढाल कर और पीट कर बनाई
catering supervisor : खानपान पयर्वे�क
गई वस्तए
ु ं
cattle : 1. beasts subject to ownership [s. 425, ill. (h), I.P.C.] ढोर ;
casual : 1. subject to or produced as a result of chance आकस्�मक ;
2. [s. 3, Cattle-trespass Act] पशु
2. occasional आकस्�मक ; नै�म��क
cattle breeding : पशु प्रजनन cause to be cast away : [s. 425, ill. (e), I.P.C.] संत्यक्त करा दे ना
Cattle Development Officer : पशु �वकास अ�धकार� cause to be destroyed (any dog) : [s. 119(3)(a), Cantonments Act]
(कु�ा) मरवा दे ना
cattle feed : पशु खाद्य ; पशु दाना
cause to be produced : [s. 35(1)(b), Gift-tax Act] पेश करवाना
cattle insurance : पशु बीमा
cattle pounds : [s. 29(1)(v), Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils causeway : [s. 2(m), Indian Electricity Act] काजवे ; [s. 2(r), Delhi
Act] कांजी हाउस Police Act] सेतु
cause ways : [s. 2(e)(ii), Control of National Highways (Land
cattle shed : पशुशाला ; पशुओं के �लए सायबान ; [s. 2(54), Delhi
and Traffic) Act] सेतु मागर्
Municipal Corporation Act] पशु शैड
cause written notice to be served : [s. 83, T.P. Act] �ल�खत सूचना
cattle sterility officer : पशु बंध्यता अ�धकार�
क� तामील कराना
cattle trespass : पशु अ�तचार
cause wrongful loss : [s. 418, I.P.C.] सदोष हा�न पहुंचाना
causal relation : causal relation means that the plaintiff should
prove that the breach of duty by the defendant was the legal caused to him : [s. 54(b), Indian Contract Act] उसको का�रत हुआ
cause of the damage complained of by him. Link in the chain of
causes of its summons : [art. 87(1), Const.] आह्वान के कारण
causation, relation between cause and the effect/result कारण
संबंध causing fear of hurt : [2nd sch., form No. 32, Cr. P.C.] उपह�त का

cause : 1. a suit or litigation, an action of law [s. 161, ill. (a), I.P.C.] भय का�रत करना
मामला ; 2. that which produces an effect or result [s. 69A(2), causing of miscarriage : [s. 311, I.P.C.] गभर्पात का�रत करना
T.P. Act] हे तुक ; 3. reason [sch., item 40(3), Aligarh Muslim
cause an election to be held 68 causing restraint : [2nd sch., form No. 32, Cr. P.C.] अवरोध का�रत
University Act] कारण ; 4. to bring about an effect; to be the करना
cause of [s. 301, I.P.C.] का�रत करना ; 5. to induce (to do) कराना causing the loss : that which causes loss [s. 44(b), Limitation Act]
cause an election to be held : [s. 8, Religious Endowments Act] हा�न पहुंचाने वाल�
�नवार्चन कराना
causing the mortgage to be merged : [s. 101, T.P. Act] बंधक का
cause and effect : कायर्-कारण �वलयन का�रत करना
cause, apparent : [s. 174(1), Cr. P.C.] दृश्यमान कारण ; दृश्यमान caution : 1. the taking of heed [s. 80, I.P.C.] सावधानी ; 2. a precept
हे तुक or warning against evil of any kind चेतावनी
cause apprehension : [s. 94, I.P.C.] आशंका का�रत होना ; आशंका caution list : सतकर्ता सूची
का�रत करना
caution money : अवधान-द्रव्य ; जमानत का रुपया
cause death : to effect or bring about death [s. 304A, I.P.C.] मत्ृ यु
का�रत करना caveat : a legal notice given by an interested party to some officers
cause disturbance of public tranquility : [long title, Prevention of not to do a certain act until the party is heard in opposition
Seditious Meetings Act] लोक प्रशां�त म� �वध्न होना के�वयट

cause list : मामला सूची caveator : one that files a caveat के�वयटकतार्

cause of action : the fact or combination of facts which gives rise cease : [s. 6(4), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act] नह�ं रह
to a right to sue [s. 20 and Or. 7, r. 1(e), C.P.C.] वाद हे तुक जाना ; [art. 94(a), Const.] न रहना ; प�र�वरत हो जाना ; प्र�वरत हो
cause of action joined in one suit : [Or. 2, r. 6, C.P.C.] वाद हे तक
ु , जाना ; समाप्त हो जाना ; छोड़ दे ना
जो एक ह� वाद म� संयोिजत है ceasefire : a suspension of active hostilities युद्ध�वराम
cause of collision : a case of collision टक्कर का मामला cease on becoming insolvent : [s. 12, T.P. Act] �दवा�लया होने पर
cause of complaint : [s. 62, Navy Act] प�रवाद करने का हे तुक समाप्त हो जाना
cause of exceptional nature, by any : [Or. 7, r. 11, prov., C.P.C.] cease on marriage : [s. 9(6), Hindu Minority and Guardianship
असाधारण प्रकृ�त के कारण से Act] �ववाह हो जाने पर समाप्त हो जाना

cause of Hindi : �हन्द� का �हत cease to be : to discontinue; to become extinct [s. 36(1)(c), Indian
Partnership Act] न रहना
cause of salvage : a legal proceeding involving claim to a reward
payable to those by whose exertions, ships or goods were saved cease to be a partner : [s. 36(1)(c), Indian Partnership Act]
from the danger of the sea, fire etc. [s. 140, C.P.C.] उद्धारण का भागीदार न रहना
मामला cease to be enforceable : [s. 2(j), Indian Contract Act] प्रवतर्नीय न
cause of towage : a case of towage [s. 140, C.P.C] अनक
ु षर्ण का रहना
मामला cease to be levied : [s. 6, Terminal Tax on Railway Passengers
Act] उद्गह
ृ �त नह�ं �कया जाएगा
cause or matter : [art. 136(1), Const.] वाद या मामला
cease to be member : [s. 5(2), Press Council Act] सदस्य न रह
cause, showing : हे तुक द�शर्त करना
cause them to be laid, shall : [art. 115(1), Const.] उनको रखवाएगा
cease to continue in being : [s. 8(1), Industries (Development and
Regulation) Act] अस्�तत्व म� न रहना central adjustment register : क�द्र�य समायोजन रिजस्टर
cease to exercise jurisdiction : [s. 326(1), Cr. P.C.] अ�धका�रता Central Advisory Board of Education : क�द्र�य �श�ा सलाहकार
का प्रयोग न करना बोडर्
cease to exist : [s. 23, T.P. Act] अस्�तत्वह�न होना Central Advisory Council : क�द्र�य सलाहकार प�रषद्
cease to have effect : [s. 17(3), Air Corporations Act] प्रभावह�न हो central audit : क�द्र�य लेखापर��ा ; केन्द्र�य संपर��ा
जाना Central Board of Direct Taxes : [s. 2(v), Gift-tax Act] क�द्र�य
cease to hold office : [s. 3(5), Burn Company and Indian Standard प्रत्य� कर बोडर्
Wagon Company (Taking Over of Management) Act and art.
Central Board of Excises and Customs : [s. 2(a), Central Board
148(4), Const.] पद धारण करने से प्र�वरत हो जाना ; पद पर न रह
of Revenue Act] क�द्र�य उत्पाद-शल्
ु क और सीमाशुल्क बोडर्
Central Board of Film Censors : क�द्र�य �फल्म स�सर बोडर्
cease to operate : प्रव�
ृ न रह जाना ; [art. 123(2), Const.] प्रवतर्न म�
Central Board of Irrigation and Power : क�द्र�य �संचाई और
नह�ं रहना
�वद्युत बोडर्
cease to reside : [s. 19-I, prov., Inland Vessels Act] �नवास करना
Central Board of Revenue : [s. 2(f), Wealth-tax Act] क�द्र�य राजस्व
छोड़ दे ना
cease to warrant continuance of approval : [fourth sch., pt. B,
item 2(1), Income-tax Act] अनम Central Board of Secondary Education : [second sch., item
ु ोदन का जार� रखना ; सम�थर्त
11(1)(xix), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] क�द्र�य माध्य�मक
नह�ं करना
�श�ा बोडर्
ceased, after the disability has : �नय�ग्यता का अंत होने के पश्चात ्
Central Budget : क�द्र�य बजट
ceded reassurance : [s. 27, Insurance Act] अध्य�पर्त पुनब�मा
Central Building Research Institute : क�द्र�य भवन-�नमार्ण
ceiling : the uppermost limit (of prices, wages, possessions etc.)
[s. 4(2), Hindu Succession Act and art. 31A, second prov., अनुसंधान संस्थान
Const.] अ�धकतम सीमा Central Bureau of Correctional Services : क�द्र�य समाज र�क
ceiling, fixation of : [s. 4(2), Hindu Succession Act] अ�धकतम ब्यूरो
सीमा �नयत करना Central Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance :
ceiling or top : [s. 11(1)(d), Factories Act] छत या ऊपर� �हस्सा क�द्र�य �श�ा और व्यवसाय मागर्दशर्न ब्यूरो

ceiling price : अ�धकतम क�मत Central Bureau of Intelligence : क�द्र�य आसूचना ब्यूरो

celebration of ceremony : [s. 34(e), Guardians and Wards Act] Central Bureau of Investigation : क�द्र�य जांच ब्यरू ो
ृ कमर् का अनुष्ठान Central Civil Services (Medical Examination) Rules, 1957 :
cell : प्रकोष्ठ क�द्र�य �स�वल सेवा (�च�कत्सीय पर��ा) �नयम, 1957
Central Civil Services (Safeguarding of National Security)
cellars : [s. 3(j)(iii), Delhi Apartment Ownership Act] तलक�
Rules, 1953 : क�द्र�य �स�वल सेवा (राष्ट्र�य सरु �ा का अ�भर�ण)
cemetary endowment fund : श्मशान �वन्यास �न�ध
�नयम, 1953
censor : स�सर
Central Civil Services (Temporary Services) Rules, 1965 : क�द्र�य
censor officer : स�सर अ�धकार� �स�वल सेवा (अस्थायी सेवा) �नयम, 1965
censorship of films : चल�चत्र� का स�सर Central Claims Organisation : क�द्र�य दावा संगठन
censure : an unfavourable criticism [s. 119(ii), Navy Act] प�र�नंदा ; Central Committee for Food-Standards : [s. 4(3)(xiii),
to blame or condemn; to criticize unfavourably [sch. 5(4), Insecticides Act] क�द्र�य खाद्य मानक स�म�त
Aligarh Muslim University Act] प�र�नंदा करना Central Co-operative Bank : [s. 2(dd), Deposit Insurance and
censure motion 69 Central
Credit Guarantee Corporation क�द्र�यWorks
Act] सहकार�Department
censure motion : प�र�नंदा प्रस्ताव Central Detective Training School : क�द्र�य गुप्तचर प्र�श�ण स्कूल
censure, vote of : प�र�नंदा प्रस्ताव Central Drug Laboratory : [s. 5(2)(iii), Drugs and Cosmetics Act]
Census, 1971: [art. 55(3), expln., prov. and art. 81(3), prov., क�द्र�य ओष�ध प्रयोगशाला
Const.] 1971 क� जनगणना Central Drugs Research Institute : [s. 5(2)(viii), Drugs and
census figures : [s. 2(e), Delimitation Act] जनगणना के आंकड़े Cosmetics Act] क�द्र�य ओष�ध अनस
ु ध
ं ान संस्थान

census of firearms : [s. 42(1), Arms Act] अग्न्यायुध� क� गणना Central Electricity Authority : क�द्र�य �वद्युत प्रा�धकार�/प्रा�धकरण

census officer : जनगणना अ�धकार� Central Electricity Board : क�द्र�य �वद्युत बोडर्

central accounts : क�द्र�य लेखे Central Electro-Chemical Research Institute : क�द्र�य �वद्युत-
रसायन अनुसंधान संस्थान
central accounts office : क�द्र�य लेखा कायार्लय
Central Electronic Engineering Research Institute : क�द्र�य
central accounts section : क�द्र�य लेखा अनुभाग
इलैक्ट्रा�नक इंजी�नयर� अनस
ु ंधान संस्थान
Central Act : [s. 3(7), General Clauses Act] क�द्र�य अ�ध�नयम
Central Emergency Relief Training Institute : क�द्र�य आपात यां�त्रक इंजी�नयर� अनुसंधान संस्थान
सहायता प्र�श�ण संस्थान Central Mining Research Station : क�द्र�य खनन अनस
ु ंधान क�द्र
Central Excise : क�द्र�य उत्पाद-शुल्क Central Monitoring Organisation : क�द्र�य अनुश्रवण संगठन
Central Excise Collectorate : क�द्र�य उत्पाद-शुल्क कलक्टर� Central Ordnance Depot : क�द्र�य आडर्न�स �डपो
Central Excise Department : क�द्र�य उत्पाद-शुल्क �वभाग Central Power Commission : क�द्र�य �वद्युत आयोग
Central Excise Tariff : क�द्र�य उत्पाद-शुल्क टै �रफ Central Prisoners of War Agency : [3rd sch., art. 30, Geneva
Conventions Act] क�द्र�य युद्धबंद� अ�भकरण
Central Finger Print Bureau : क�द्र�य अंगु�ल छाप ब्यूरो
Central Provident Fund Commissioner : क�द्र�य भ�वष्य �न�ध
Central Flood Control Board : क�द्र�य बाढ़ �नयंत्रण बोडर्
ु त
Central Food Laboratory : क�द्र�य खाद्य प्रयोगशाला
Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute : क�द्र�य
Central Forensic Institute : क�द्र�य न्यायाल�यक संस्थान
लोक स्वास्थ्य इंजी�नयर� अनस
ु ंधान संस्थान
Central Forestry Commission : क�द्र�य वन आयोग
Central Public Works Department : क�द्र�य लोक �नमार्ण �वभाग
Central Fuel Research Institute : क�द्र�य �धन अनुसंधान संस्थान
Central Reference Library 70
Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute : क�द्र�य कांच और Central Reference Library : क�द्र�य संदभर् पुस्तकालय
म�ृ �का अनुसंधान संस्थान
Central Regional and Urban Planning Organisation : क�द्र�य
Central Government : [s. 3(8), General Clauses Act] क�द्र�य प्रादे �शक और नगर�य योजना संगठन
Central Registry : क�द्र�य रिजस्ट्र�
Central Government accounts : क�द्र�य सरकार के लेखे Central Research Institute : [s. 5(2)(iv), Drugs and Cosmetics
Central Government Health Services : क�द्र�य सरकार स्वास्थ्य Act] क�द्र�य अनस
ु ध
ं ान संस्थान
सेवा Central Revenue : क�द्र�य राजस्व
Central Government Intelligence Organisation : क�द्र�य सरकार Central Road Fund : क�द्र�य सड़क �न�ध
आसूचना संगठन Central Sales Organisation : क�द्र�य �वक्रय संगठन
Central Government Special Deposit Scheme : क�द्र�य सरकार Central Sales Tax : क�द्र�य �वक्रय कर
�वशेष जमा स्क�म
Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute : क�द्र�य
Central Hindi Directorate : क�द्र�य �हंद� �नदे शालय नमक और समुद्र� रसायन अनस
ु ंधान संस्थान
Central Indian Medicinal Plants Organisation : क�द्र�य भारतीय Central Scientific Instruments Organisation : क�द्र�य वै�ा�नक
औष�ध पादप संगठन उपकरण संगठन
Central Industrial Security Force : [long title, Central Industrial
Central Secretariat Clerical Service : क�द्र�य स�चवालय �ल�पक
Security Force Act] क�द्र�य औद्यो�गक सुर�ा बल
Central Institute for Training in Industrial Relations : क�द्र�य
Central Secretariat Services Selection Board : क�द्र�य स�चवालय
उद्योग संबंध प्र�श�ण संस्थान
सेवा प्रवरण बोडर्
Central Institute of Education : क�द्र�य �श�ा संस्थान
Central Silk Board : क�द्र�य रे शम बोडर्
Central Institute of Fisheries Operatives : क�द्र�य मीन उद्योग
Central Social Welfare Board : क�द्र�य समाज कल्याण बोडर्
प�रचालन संस्थान
Central Statistical Organisation : क�द्र�य सांख्�यक�य संगठन
Central Institute of Research and Training in Employment
Service : क�द्र�य अनुसंधान तथा रोजगार प्र�श�ण सेवा संस्थान Central Storage Department : क�द्र�य संचयन �वभाग
Central Institute of Research of Indigenous System of Central Stores Department (India) : क�द्र�य भंडार �वभाग (भारत)
Medicine : क�द्र�य स्वदे शी �च�कत्सा पद्ध�त अनुसंधान संस्थान
Central Tabulation Unit : क�द्र�य सारणीयन एकक
Central Investigation Agency : क�द्र�य अन्वेषण एज�सी
Central Tasar Research Station : क�द्र�य टसर अनुसंधान क�द्र
Central Land Mortgage Bank : [s. 2(c), Agricultural Refinance
Corporation Act] क�द्र�य भू�म बंधक ब�क Central Tea Board : क�द्र�य चाय बोडर्

Central Law : क�द्र�य �व�ध Central Tobacco Research Institute : क�द्र�य तंबाकू अनस
ु ंधान
Central Leather Research Institute : क�द्र�य चमर् अनुसंधान
संस्थान Central Treasury Rules : क�द्र�य खजाना �नयम

Central Legal Service : [s. 252(2), Income-tax Act] क�द्र�य �व�ध Central Treasury Section : क�द्र�य खजाना अनुभाग

सेवा Central University : क�द्र�य �वश्व�वद्यालय

Central Legislature : [s. 3(6), General Clauses Act] क�द्र�य �वधान- Central Vigilance Commissioner : क�द्र�य सतकर्ता आयुक्त
मंडल Central Wage Board for Plantation and Mining Industry :
क�द्र�य पादप रोपण और खनन उद्योग मजदरू � बोडर्
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute : क�द्र�य
Central Warehousing Corporation : क�द्र�य भांडागारण �नगम certificate as to fitness : [Or. 45, r. 3, C.P.C.] औ�चत्य के बारे म�
Central Water and Power Commission : क�द्र�य पानी और �बजल� प्रमाणपत्र ; योग्यता के बारे म� प्रमाणपत्र
आयोग certificate, character : च�रत्र प्रमाणपत्र
Central Water Laboratory : [s. 51(1)(a), Water (Prevention and certificate, clearance : [ch. 4, rule 404(3), Railway Establishment
Control of Pollution) Act] क�द्र�य जल प्रयोगशाला Code] अनाप�� प्रमाणपत्र
centralisation : to draw to or concentrate at the centre क�द्र�यकरण certificate, completion : समापन प्रमाणपत्र
centralised arrangement : क�द्र�यकृत प्रबंध certificate, continuous discharge : चलत उन्मोचन प्रमाणपत्र
centre : [s. 5(12), North-Eastern Hill University Act] क�द्र certificate, contribution : [s. 2(c), Unit Trust of India Act]
अ�भदाय प्रमाणपत्र
Centre, Maternity and Child Welfare : प्रस�ू त और �शशु कल्याण
certificate for appeal to Supreme Court : [art. 134A, margin,
Const.] उच्चतम न्यायालय म� अपील के �लए प्रमाणपत्र
centre, non-resident student : अ�नवासी छात्र क�द्र certificate for deduction at lower rate : [s. 197(1), Income-tax
centre of study : [s. 2(g), North-Eastern Hill University Act] Act] �नम्नतर दर पर कटौती के �लए प्रमाणपत्र
अध्ययन क�द्र
certificate, last pay : अं�तम वेतन प्रमाणपत्र
Centre, Primary Health : प्राथ�मक स्वास्थ्य क�द्र
certificate, loadline : [s. 3(19), Merchant Shipping Act] भार रे खा
ceramic expert : म�ृ �का-�शल्प �वशेष� प्रमाणपत्र
ceramist : म�ृ �का �शल्पी certificate lodged : [s. 112(3)(a), Companies Act] प्रमाणपत्र
cereal : [sch., item 10, Khadi and Village Industries Commission �न�वष्ट कर �दया गया
Act] अनाज
certificate, medical : स्वस्थता का �च�कत्सीय प्रमाणपत्र
cerealist : धान्य�वद्
certificate of administration : a document certifying that a person
cerebral palsy : [s. 2(e), Persons with Disabilities (Equal has been granted authority to administer a particular property or
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) estate of a particular person [s. 51, Guardians and Wards Act]
Act] प्रमस्�तष्क घात प्रशासन प्रमाणपत्र
ceremonial matters : समारोह कायर् certificate of airworthiness : [sch., pt. I, s. 14, Commercial
Documents Evidence Act] उड्डयन योग्यता का प्रमाणपत्र
ceremonial parade : समारोह परे ड
certificate of appeal : a certificate that the case is fit for appeal to
the higher court [1st sch., app. G. No. 12, C.P.C.] अपील करने के
ceremonial uniform : [ch. XIX, Railway Protection Force Regula-
tion] समारोह� वद� �लए प्रमाणपत्र
ceremonials : formal rites and ceremonies enjoined by law, certificate of attendance : उपस्�थ�त प्रमाणपत्र
protocol or customs for observance in religious worships, social
certificate of auditor : लेखापर��क का प्रमाणपत्र
affairs or court procedure [s. 184(2)(k), Navy Act] औपचा�रकताएं
ceremonies : outward rites or observances held sacred (used with certificate of committal : [s. 17(1), Extradition Act] सप
ु ुदर्गी का
reference to religion) [s. 34(e), Guardians and Wards Act] गहृ प्रमाणपत्र
कमर् ; गह्
ृ यकमर् certificate of competence : स�मता प्रमाणपत्र
ceremony, marriage : [s. 496, I.P.C.] �ववाह-कमर्
certificate of competency 71
ceremony, religious : धा�मर्क कमर्
certificate of competency : [s. 21(1), Inland Vessels Act] स�मता
certain : 1. fixed; exact; sure; inevitable �नश्�चत ; 2. particular
[s. 25(1), Sale of Goods Act] अमुक ; 3. some [s. 380, Cr. P.C.]
certificate of fitness : [s. 33(1), Motor Vehicles Act] ठ�क हालत म�
कुछ ; [s. 70 ill. (a) and (b), T.P. Act] कोई
होने का प्रमाणपत्र ; [s. 27, Plantations Labour Act] योग्यता
certain cases : क�तपय दशाएं ; कुछ दशाएं
प्रमाणपत्र ; योग्यता का प्रमाणपत्र ; आरोग्यता प्रमाणपत्र ; स्वस्थता
certain classes of persons : [preamble, Payment of Bonus Act]
का प्रमाणपत्र
व्यक्�तय� के क�तपय वगर्
certificate of fitness of transport vehicle : [s. 33(1), Motor
certain goods : [s. 72, ill.(b), Indian Contract Act] अमक
ु माल Vehicles Act] प�रवहन यान के ठ�क हालत म� होने का प्रमाणपत्र
certain marks : [s. 11(a), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
certificate of identity : [s. 4(2)(b), Passports Act] पहचान-पत्र
क�तपय �चह्न ; कुछ �चह्न
certificate of incorporation : [s. 23(1), Companies Act] �नगमन
certain parts of law : [long title, Indian Contract Act] �व�ध के
क�तपय भाग
certificate of insurance : [sch., pt. I, s. 9, Commercial Documents
certainty : [preamble, Indian Majority Act] �नश्�चतता Evidence Act] बीमा प्रमाणपत्र
certificate : a writing by which an officer or other person bears
testimony that a fact has or has not taken place, etc.; a written certificate of issues : �नगर्म प्रमाणपत्र
testimony to the truth of any fact [s. 5(2), University of certificate of leave : छुट्ट� प्रमाणपत्र
Hyderabad Act] प्रमाणपत्र
certificate of naturalisation : [s. 6(1), Citizenship Act] दे शीयकरण
प्रमाणपत्र certified in writing : [s. 86(3), C.P.C.] �ल�खत रूप म� प्रमा�णत
certificate of non-satisfaction of decree : [app. E, No. 3, C.P.C.] certified purchaser : a purchaser to whom a certificate of sale has
�डक्र� क� तुष्�ट न होने का प्रमाणपत्र been granted [s. 66(2), C.P.C.] प्रमा�णत क्रेता
certificate of origin : [s. 4, Commercial Documents Evidence Act] certify : to vouch for the truth; to attest; to testify in writing; to give
मूल स्थान प्रमाणपत्र ; उद्भव प्रमाणपत्र a certificate of [s. 191, ill. (e), I.P.C.] प्रमा�णत करना
certificate of posting : [s. 53(2), Companies Act] डाक म� डाले जाने certifying officer : [s. 2(e), Industrial Employment (Standing
Orders) Act] प्रमाणकतार् आ�फसर
का प्रमाणपत्र
certificate of practice : 1. [s. 15(e), Chartered Accountants Act] certifying surgeon : [s. 10(2), Factories Act] प्रमाणकतार् सजर्न
व्यवसाय प्रमाणपत्र ; 2. [s. 5(2), Notaries Act] व्यवसाय का certiorari : a writ issuing from a superior court calling up the
record of a proceeding in an inferior court for review [art. 32(2)
and art. 139, Const.] उत्प्रेषण
certificate of profits : लाभ प्रमाणपत्र
certiorari writ : [art. 32(2) and art. 139, Const.] उत्प्रेषण �रट
certificate of recognition : [s. 13, Orphanages and Other
Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control) Act] मान्यता cess : an assessment, tax or levy [s. 14(1), Cardamom Act] उपकर
प्रमाणपत्र (सेस)
certificate of registration : [sch., pt. I, item 13, Commercial cesspool : [s. 108(d), Cantonments Act] चहबच्चा
Documents Evidence Act] रिजस्ट्र�करण प्रमाणपत्र cess revaluation officer : उपकर पुनमल्
ूर् यांकन अ�धकार�
certificate of safety for flight : [sch., pt. II, item 8, Commercial cessation : 1. ceasing; discontinuance; stoppage [s. 17(2),
Documents Evidence Act] उड़ान के �लए �नरापद होने का प्रमाणपत्र Limitation Act] बंद होना ; 2. [s. 15, expln. (ii), Indian Easements
certificate of sale : 1. a certificate granted by the court to a
Act] समाप्�त ; 3. [s. 27(2), Indian Forest Act] न रहना ; 4. [s.
purchaser at a court sale certifying the fact of purchase by him
[Or. 21, r. 96, C.P.C.] �वक्रय का प्रमाणपत्र ; 2. [s. 17(2)(xii), 366, prov., Companies Act] अस्�तत्वह�न होना ; 5. [sch. V, pt. II,

Registration Act] �वक्रय प्रमाणपत्र form B, Companies Act] प�र�वर�त

certificate of service : [s. 119(b)(ii), Navy Act] सेवा प्रमाणपत्र cessation of act : [sch., item (vi)(d), Indian Electricity Act] कायर् का
बंद हो जाना
certificate of share : [s. 2(26), first prov., Companies Act] अंश
cessation of approval : [fourth sch., pt. C, item 6, Income-tax Act]
प्रमाणपत्र ; शेयर प्रमाणपत्र
अनुमोदन क� समाप्�त
certificate of sickness : [s. 97(2)(xvia) Employees' State Insurance
Act] बीमार� का प्रमाणपत्र ; रुग्णता प्रमाणपत्र cessation of force : [s. 17(2), Limitation Act] बल प्रयोग का बंद
certificate of survey : [s. 55(1), Inland Vessels Act] सव��ण
cessation of membership : [s. 12, Employees’ State Insurance Act]
सदस्यता क� समाप्�त
certificate of the nature referred to : [s. 22A(2), Inland Vessels
cessation of motion : stoppage of the process of moving [s. 349,
Act] �न�दर् ष्ट प्रकार का प्रमाणपत्र
I.P.C.] ग�तह�नता ; ग�तह�न होना
certificate of the Speaker : [art. 110(4), Const.] अध्य� का
cessation of profession : [s. 176(4), Income-tax Act] व�ृ � का बंद
कर �दया जाना
certificate officer : प्रमाणपत्र अ�धकार� ; स�टर् �फकेट अफसर
cessation of work : [s. 2(c) Payment of Gratuity Act] कायर्�वरोध
certificate, provisional : [s. 19J(3), Inland Vessels Act] अनं�तम
cessation or termination : [s. 367(a), Companies Act] अस्�तत्वह�न
होना या पयर्व�सत �कया जाना
certificate to the effect : [s. 21(1), Inland Vessels Act] यह भाव
cesser : [s. 39(1), Estate Duty Act] समाप्त हो जाना
रखने वाला प्रमाणपत्र
cesser of infirmity : [s. 55A(1), Employees’ State Insurance Act]
certificated master : [s. 72, Inland Vessels Act] प्रमाणप�त्रत मास्टर अंग शै�थल्य का अंत हो जाना
certification : the action of certifying [s. 86, Indian Evidence Act] cesser of operation : [s. 13(2)(b), Antiquities and Art Treasures
प्रमाणन ; प्रमाणीकरण Act] प्रवतर्न क� समाप्�त
certification centre : प्रमाणीकरण क�द्र cesser of patent : [s. 35(1)(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
certification of costing fact : [s. 2(2)(iii), Cost and Works पेट�ट क� समाप्�त
Accountants Act] लागत तथ्य का प्रमाणन cession : giving up of an assignment; transfer; relinquishment or
abandonment of a right of property [s. 2(b), Unlawful Activities
certification of financial fact : [s. 2(2)(iii), Chartered Accountants
(Prevention) Act] अध्यपर्ण
Act] �व�ीय तथ्य का प्रमाणन
cession of strip of territory : [long title, Assam (Alteration of
certification trade mark : [s. 2(1)(c), Trade and Merchandise
Boundaries) Act] राज्य�ेत्र क� एक पट्ट� का अध्यपर्ण
Marks Act] प्रमाणीकरण व्यापार �चह्न
certified copy : 1. a copy which is certified to be true [s. 76, Indian cestui que trust : न्यास �हतग्राह�
Evidence Act] प्रमा�णत प्र�त ; 2. [ss. 2(8) and 57(2), Bankers' chain : [s. 13(c), Indian Railways Act] जंजीर
Books Evidence Act] प्रमा�णत प्र�त�ल�प chainman : जर�बी
certified extract : [Or. 21, r. 14, C.P.C.] प्रमा�णत उद्धरण chain slings : [s. 29(3), expln. (b), Factories Act] जंजीर के स्�लंग
chair : पीठ आचायर् पद change in constitution of firm : [s. 78(1), Income-tax Act] फमर् के
chairman : person appointed or chosen to preside over a meeting; गठन म� तब्द�ल�
the head of a body or establishment अध्य� change in constitution, succession and dissolution : [s. 187,
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of States 72 Income-tax Act] गठन म� charge
तब्द�ल�,by way of demise,
उ�रा�धकार holder, of
और �वघटन
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Council of States : [art. change in land use : [sixth para, enacted formula, National
89, margin, Const.] राज्यसभा का सभाप�त और उपसभाप�त Capital Territory of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act] भू�म
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council : उपयोग म� प�रवतर्न
[art. 182, margin, Const.] �वधान प�रषद् का सभाप�त और
change in the rate of exchange : [s. 43A(1), Income-tax Act]
उपसभाप�त �व�नमय क� दर म� प�रवतर्न
Chairman of a department : [s. 21(vii) and (viii), Aligarh Muslim
change of incumbent of office : [s. 129, Income-tax Act] पद के
University Act] �वभागप�त
धारक क� तब्द�ल�
Chairman of the Council of States : [art. 118(3), Const.] राज्य
change of intention : आशय प�रवतर्न
सभा का सभाप�त
change of motion : [s. 349, I.P.C.] ग�त प�रवतर्न
Chairman or the Deputy Chairman not to preside while a
resolution for his removal from office is under consideration change of shifts : [s. 30(1), prov., Mines Act] पा�रय� क� तब्द�ल�
: [art. 185, margin, Const.] जब सभाप�त या उपसभाप�त को पद से
change of title : [s. 18, Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act] नाम
हटाने का कोई संकल्प �वचाराधीन है तब उसका पीठासीन न होना
Chairman, Port Trust : [s. 4(1)(b), Haj Committee Act] अध्य�,
change slip : प�रवतर्न पच�
प�न न्यास
change the trim : [s. 356B(a), Merchant Shipping Act] �ट्रम का
challan : चालान
challandar : चालानदार changed circumstances : [Long title, Rulers of Indian States
challenge : 1. a formal objection [s. 129(4), Air Force Act] आ�ेप ; (Abolition of Privileges) Act] प�रव�तर्त प�रस्�थ�तयां
2. to call into question; to dispute especially as being unjust, changed or disused : [s. 303, expln. (3)(ii), Companies Act] बदला
invalid or outmoded [s. 130(4), Army Act] आ�ेप करना
हुआ या काम म� नह�ं लाया गया
challenged officer : [s. 129(2), Air Force Act] वह आ�फसर िजसके channel : 1. the bed of a stream of water; the hollow course in
बारे म� आ�ेप �कया गया है which stream flows; the hollow bed of running water [s. 43,
I.P.C.] जलसरणी ; 2. a route through which anything passes or
chamber : 1. सदन ; 2. [s. 36(1), Factories Act] कोष्ठ
progresses प्रणाल�
chamber of commerce : [s. 4, Commercial Documents Evidence
Act] वा�णज्य मंडल channel of communication : [s. 62, Navy Act] संसूचना क� प्रणाल�
Chamber of Provincial Legislature : [long title, Damodar Valley chaos : अव्यवस्था
Corporation Act] प्रांतीय �वधान-मंडल का सदन
Chapel : [s. 59, Indian Divorce Act] चैपल
champerty : assistance to any person in action or suit upon
condition to have paid of the things (be it lands or goods) when Chaplain : [1st sch., art. 4, Geneva Conventions Act] पुरो�हत
recovered. It is an unlawful act. It is that form of maintenance in chapter : main division of a book [s. 3(9) General Clauses Act]
which the intermeddler renders assistance by bargaining for a
share of the profits of litigation जयांश-क्रय
character : 1. recognised official rank; position [s. 18, Indian
chance : a possibility or probability as distinct from a certainty
Evidence Act] है �सयत ; 2. quality or capacity [s. 205, I.P.C.] रूप
; स्वरूप ; 3. graphic symbol standing for sounds, syllables,
chance of an heir-apparent : [s. 6(a), T.P. Act] प्रत्य� वा�रस क� notations, used in writing or printing; writing; printing [s. 137(2),
संभावना C.P.C.] �ल�प ; 4. particular qualities impressed by nature or habit
chance of succeeding to an estate : [s. 6(a), T.P. Act] संपदा का on a person which distinguish him from others च�रत्र ; शील
उ�रा�धकार� होने क� संभावना character certificate : च�रत्र प्रमाणपत्र
chance witness : a person who witnesses a crime by sheer chance character, expert : [Or. 21, r. 2(2), C.P.C.] �वशेष�ीय स्वरूप
संयोगी सा�ी
character of agent : [s. 236, Indian Contract Act] अ�भकतार् क�
Chancellor : [s. 2(c), Aligarh Muslim University Act] कुला�धप�त
है �सयत
Chancellor-pro : प्र�त कुला�धप�त character of executor or administrator : [s. 335(2), Indian
Chancellor-pro-vice : प्र�तकुलप�त Succession Act] �नष्पादक या प्रशासक क� है �सयत

Chancellor, Vice : कुलप�त character, official : [s. 79, Indian Evidence Act] पद�य है �सयत ;

Chancery court : चांसर� न्यायालय [s. 22, Religious Endowments Act] शासक�य है �सयत

change : 1. the fact of changing [ss. 2(c) and 17(a), I.P.C.] character roll : च�रत्र पुस्तक
तब्द�ल� ; प�रवतर्न ; 2. to exchange; to alter or make different characteristic : [s. 2(c), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] ल�ण
[s. 43, I.P.C.] बदलना
characters employed : [s. 147(1), Companies Act] काम म� लाई गई
�ल�प प्रभारण
charge : 1. an obligation, lien, encumbrance or claim on property charge of wealth-tax : [s. 3, Wealth-tax Act] धन-कर का प्रभारण
[s. 35, T.P. Act] भार ; 2. accusation of a crime which precedes a
charge, relinquishment of : कायर्भार त्याग
formal trial; and accusation, made in a legal manner of illegal
conduct, either of omission or commission by the person charged charge report : कायर्भार �रपोटर्
[second sch., form No. 32, Cr. P.C.] आरोप (चाजर्) ; 3. price
charge shall be preferred : [art. 61(1), Const.] आरोप लगाया
required or demanded for services rendered, or less frequently
for goods supplied [s. 69A(6), T.P. Act] प्रभार ; 4. control,
custody or superintendence [s. 157, I.P.C.] भारसाधन ; 5. the charge sheet : आरोप पत्र
address of judge to jury instructing them upon the law relating to charge to secure the discharge : [s. 27(v), Income-tax Act]
the matters before them in the case भारबोधन ; 6. the quantity of उन्मोचन प्र�तभत
ू करने के �लए प्रभार
explosive used in single discharge; the load powder, fuel etc. for charge upon immovable property : [s. 16(c), C.P.C.] स्थावर
a gun [s. 2(b)(iv), Arms Act] भरण ; 7. to subject a property to an
संप�� पर का भार
encumbrance or pecuniary liability [s. 28, Guardians and Wards
Act] भा�रत करना ; भार डालना ; 8. to accuse formally; to frame a charge with liability : दा�यत्व से भा�रत करना
charge आरो�पत करना ; आरोप लगाना ; 9. to charge a sum or charge with notice : सूचना आरो�पत करना
price [Or. 39, r. 9, C.P.C.] प्रभा�रत करना ; 10. to address a charge with two or more heads : द्�वशीष� या बहुशीष� आरोप
charge to the jury भारबोधन करना ; 11. to restore the active chargeable : liable to be charged with expenses [s. 2(6), Indian
materials in a storage battery by the passage of a direct current Stamp Act] प्रभायर्
चाजर् करना
chargeable expenses : प्रभायर् खचर्
charge a property : [s. 28, Guardians and Wards Act] संप�� को
chargeable interest : [s. 2(1)(a), Interest-tax Act] प्रभायर् ब्याज
भा�रत करना
chargeable postage : [s. 143, C.P.C.] प्रभायर् डाक महसूल
charge allowance : कायर्भार भ�ा
chargeable profit : [s. 2(1), Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] प्रभायर्
charge, assumption of : कायर्भार ग्रहण
charge by way of demise, holder, of : [s. 535(6), prov.,
Companies Act] पट्टांतरण के रूप म� भार का धारक chargeable to income-tax : 1. [s. 93(1)(a), Income-tax Act] आय-
charge certificate 73 Chartered Accountant
कर के �लए प्रभायर् ; 2. [s. 2(24)(v), Income-tax Act] आय-कर से
charge certificate : कायर्भार प्रमाणपत्र
charge created : [s. 2(i), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] सिजर्त
chargeable with stamp duty : [s. 51, Land Acquisition Act] स्टाम्प
शुल्क प्रभायर्
charge d' affairs : a diplomatic representative lower in rank to an
ambassador or minister; an envoy, to a State to which a diplomat chargeability of instrument with duty : [s. 32(2), Indian Stamp
of higher grade is not sent [s. 10(6)(ii), Income-tax Act] कायर्दत
ू Act] �लखत पर प्रभायर् होने वाला शुल्क

charge d' affairs (ad interim) : कायर्दत

ू (अस्थायी) charged appropriation : प्रभा�रत �व�नयोजन

charge d' affairs (en pied) : कायर्दत

ू (स्थायी) charged expenditure : प्रभा�रत व्यय

charge, erroneous : गलत आरोप charged on the revenue of India : [s. 20(bb), Income-tax Act]
भारत के राजस्व पर भा�रत
charge, fixed : �नयत प्रभार
charged rate : [s. 54A(2), Inland Vessels Act] प्रभा�रत दर
charge, floating : प्लवमान प्रभार
charged to revenue account : [s. 227(1) (e), Companies Act]
charge for firearms : [s. 2(1)(b)(iii), Arms Act] अग्न्यायुध� के �लए आमदनी खाते म� से दे य ; राजस्व खाते म� भा�रत
भरण charged to works : संकमर् प्रभा�रत
charge for service : सेवाथर् प्रभार charged with : 1. having the charge of भार रखते हुए ; भारसाधन
chargehand : चाजर्ह�ड करते हुए ; 2. having a charge against oneself [s. 216, I.P.C.] से
chargehand (lettering) : चाजर्ह�ड (अ�र-लेखन) आरो�पत ; के �लए आरो�पत
charge holder : a person who holds a charge of another's property charged with liability : दा�यत्व से भा�रत
[s. 101, T.P. Act] भारक charged with notice, principal shall not be : [s. 3, expln. III,
charge, imperfect : अपूणर् आरोप prov., T.P. Act] मा�लक पर सूचना आरो�पत न क� जाएगी
charge in the alternative : [s. 91, Navy Act] अनुकल्पत: आरोप chargeman : चाजर्मैन
लगाना ; अनक
ु ल्पत: आरो�पत करना chargeman, aerated water factory : चाजर्मैन, वा�तत जल
charge of like nature : [s. 44A, expln. 2, C.P.C.] समान प्रकृ�त का कारखाना
प्रभार chargeman (inspection) : चाजर्मैन (�नर��ण)
charge of income-tax : [s. 4(1), Income-tax Act] आय-कर का प्रभार chargeman (planning) : चाजर्मैन (योजना)
charge of tax : [s. 4, Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] कर का chargeman (progress) : चाजर्मैन (प्रग�त)
chargeman (signal) : चाजर्मैन (�सगनल) agreement of charter party [Or. 5, r. 13 (3), C.P.C.] भाड़े पर लेने
chargeman of fitters : �फटर चाजर्मन
ै वाला (चाटर् रर)

charges for pilot engine : मागर्दश� इंजन का प्रभार charterer of a ship : [s. 172(7), Income-tax Act] पोत चाटर् र पर लेने

charges forward : आवक माल प्रभार वाला

charging order : an order obtained from a court or judge by a chaser : चेजर ; अनुवी�क
decree-holder binding the stocks or funds of judgment debtor
chasing assistant : अनव
ु ी�ण सहायक
with decree debts [s. 128(2)(d), C.P.C.] भारण आदे श
chasis number : [s. 2(18) and 1st sch., form E, Motor Vehicles
charging section : a section of an Act by which a tax is charged
Act] चे�सस का नंबर
प्रभार� धारा
chaste : pure from unlawful sexual intercourse; virtuous [s. 25(3),
charging the interest of such partner : [Or. 21, r. 49(2), C.P.C.]
Hindu Marriage Act] सतीव्रता
भार ऐसे भागीदार के �हत पर डाल दे ना
chattel : personal property comprising goods [s. 200, ill. (a), Indian
charitable : connected with an object of charity, of the nature of
Contract Act] जंगम वस्तु
charity [s. 49, Indian Evidence Act and s. 92(1), C.P.C.] खैराती ;
Chauffeur of staff car : स्टाफकार चालक
[s. 2(15), Income-tax Act] पूतर् (पुण्याथर्)
cheat : a person who defrauds, deceives or tricks छल� ; छ�लया ; to
charitable allowance : [sch.I, item 4(c), Indian Stamp Act] पुण्याथर्
fool, to beguile ; to practice fraud or deception [s. 415, I.P.C.]
छल करना
charitable and other fund : [s. 293(1)(e), Companies Act] पूतर् और
cheating by personation : [s. 416, I.P.C.] प्र�तरूपण द्वारा छल
अन्य �न�ध
check : जांच पड़ताल करना ; चेक करना
charitable dispensary or hospital : [sch. I, item 15(b), Indian
Stamp Act] पूतर् औषधालय या �च�कत्सालय check clerk : जांच पड़ताल �ल�पक

charitable endowments : पूतर् �वन्यास check measurement : माप पड़ताल

charitable institution : [s. 13(1)(b), Income-tax Act] पूतर् संस्था check measuring officer : माप पर��ण अ�धकार�

charitable or religious nature : [s. 92(1), C.P.C.] खैराती या check register : जांच पड़ताल रिजस्टर

धा�मर्क प्रकृ�त ; [s. 5(1)(i), Wealth-tax Act] पूतर् या धा�मर्क प्रकृ�त check supervisor : जांच पड़ताल पयर्वे�क

charitable or religious purpose : [s. 11(1)(a), Income-tax Act] पूतर् checker : जांच पड़ताल करने वाला
या धा�मर्क प्रयोजन checking guard : पड़ताल गाडर्
charitable purposes : [s. 2(15), Income-tax Act] पूतर् प्रयोजन checking of voters : [s. 169(2)(b), Representation of the People
Act, 1951] मतदाताओं क� जांच पड़ताल करना
charitable trust : पूतर् न्यास
charity : a benevolence, specially to the poor [s. 378, ill.(n), I.P.C.] checking officer : पड़ताल अ�धकार�
पूतर् कायर् ; खैरात (दान) chees-weight : चीज वेट
Charity Commissioner : पूतर् आयुक्त chemical : [s. 2(e), Industrial Finance Corporation Act]
chart : a sheet bearing information of any kind arranged in a रासाय�नक; रसायन
graphical or tabular form [s. 2(a), Delivery of Books and chemical abstract : [pt. vi, items 6(a), 16(b)(i) and 19(b)(ii),
Newspapers (Public Libraries) Act] चाटर् Chemical Weapons Convention Act] रासाय�न क सत्व
charter : 1. to hire [s. 32(8), ill. (d), Indian Evidence Act] भाड़े पर chemical and metallurgical assistant : रसायन और धातुकमर्
लेना ; 2. to hire a ship under an agreement of charter party चाटर् र सहायक
करना ; भाड़े पर लेना ; 3. [s. 592(1)(a), Companies Act] चाटर् र chemical element : [s. 13(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
Charter of the United Nations : [title, United Nations (Security रासाय�नक तत्व
Council) Act] संयुक्त राष्ट्र का चाटर् र
chemical examination : रासाय�नक पर��ा
charter party : 1. the common written form in which the contract
of affreightment is expressed [s. 2(k), Naval and Aircraft Prize chemical examiner : रसायन पर��क
Act] पोत भाटक पत्र ; 2. [sch. 1, item 20, Indian Stamp Act] भाड़े
chemical formula : रासाय�नक फामल
ूर् ा
पर पोत लेने क� सं�वदा
chemical or other test : [s. 18(c), Customs Act] रासाय�नक या
Chartered Accountant : [s. 3(1)(iii), Working Journalists
(Fixation of Rates of Wages) Act] चाटर् डर् एकाउं ट� ट; चाटर् डर् अन्य पर��ण
chemical substance : [s. 13(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks
अकाउं ट� ट
Act] रासाय�नक पदाथर्
Chartered Accountant in practice 74 Chief Excise Authority
chemical substance or preparation : [s. 13(1), Trade and
Chartered Accountant in practice : [s. 233A(1)(c), Companies
Merchandise Marks Act] रासाय�नक पदाथर् या �न�मर्�त
Act] व्यवसाय म� लगा चाटर्डर् अकाउं ट� ट
chemical weapons : [s. 2(b), Chemical Weapons Convention
Chartered High Court : [s. 3, Guardians and Wards Act] चाटर् �रत
Act] रासाय�नक आयधु
उच्च न्यायालय
chemist : रासाय�नक ; रसायन�
Charterer : a person who charters or hires a ship under an
chemist and druggist : औषध �वक्रेता Chief Election Commissioner : [s. 3(1)(b), Delimitation Act and
art. 312A(1)(b), prov., Const.] मख्
ु य �नवार्चन आयक्
ु त
chemist, nutrition : पोषाहार रसायन�
Chief Electoral Officer : [s. 2(1)(bb), Representation of the People
cheque : [s. 6. Negotiable Instruments Act] चैक Act, 1951] मुख्य �नवार्चन आ�फसर
cheque, account payee : पाने वाले के खाते म� दे य चैक Chief Electrical Engineer : मुख्य �वद्युत इंजी�नयर
cheque, antidated : पूवर्�दनां�कत चैक Chief Engineer : मुख्य इंजी�नयर
Chief Engineer, Central Public Works Department : मुख्य
cheque, bearer : वाहक चैक
इंजी�नयर, क�द्र�य लोक �नमार्ण �वभाग
cheque, clearance of : चैक का समाशोधन
Chief Engineer, Electric Supply : मुख्य इंजी�नयर, �वद्युत प्रदाय
cheque, crossed : क्रास चैक
Chief Engineer, Water Supply : मुख्य इंजी�नयर, जल प्रदाय
cheque, endorsed : पष्ृ ठां�कत चैक
Chief Enquiry and Reservation Supervisor : मुख्य पूछताछ और
cheque is realised : चैक भुन गया है आर�ण पयर्वे�क
cheque, mutilated : �वकृ� चैक Chief Estimator : मुख्य प्राक्कलक
cheque, open : अरे �खत चैक Chief, examination-in- : [s. 137, Indian Evidence Act] मुख्य
cheque, order : आ�दष्ट चैक पर��ा
cheque, outstation : बाहर� चैक Chief Excise
Chief Authority : मुख्य उत्पाद-शुल्क प्रा�धकार�
Executive 75
cheque, postdated : उ�र �दनां�कत चैक Chief Executive : [s. 7, Coconut Development Board Act] मख्
ु य
cherish the noble ideals : [art. 51A(b), Const.] उच्च आदश� को अ�धशासक
हृदय म� संजोए रखना Chief Executive Administration : मुख्य कायर्पालक प्रशासन
Chest Institute : व� रोग संस्थान Chief Executive Authority : [s. 12(1), Chartered Accountants Act]
मुख्य कायर्पालक प्रा�धकार�
chevron : [ch. XIX, Railway Protection Force Regulations] शैवरन
Chief Executive Officer : [s. 12(2), Faridabad Development
chief : मुख्य
Corporation Act] मुख्य कायर्पालक आ�फसर ; मुख्य कायर्पालक
Chief Administrator : [s. 41(1)(a), Rehabilitation Finance
Administration Act] मुख्य प्रशासक
Chief Goods Shed Superintendent : मुख्य मालगोदाम अधी�क
Chief Advertising Assistant : मख्
ु य �व�ापन सहायक
Chief Grain Shop Inspector : मुख्य खाद्यान्न दक
ु ान �नर��क
Chief Advisor Factories : मख्
ु य कारखाना सलाहकार
Chief Inspector of Explosive : [s. 293(4)(b), Cr. P.C.] मुख्य
Chief Agent : [s. 2(9)(a), Insurance Act] मुख्य अ�भकतार्
�वस्फोटक �नर��क
Chief Auditor : मुख्य लेखापर��क
Chief Inspector of Factory : [s. 2(f), Factories Act] कारखाने का
Chief Auditor, Commercial Accounts : मुख्य लेखापर��क,
मुख्य �नर��क ; मुख्य कारखाना �नर��क
वा�णज्य लेखा
Chief Inspector of Mines : [s. 5(1), Mines Act] खान का मुख्य
chief building : [s. 13, Societies Registration Act] मुख्य भवन
�नर��क ; मुख्य खान �नर��क
Chief Cashier and Pay Master : मख्
ु य रोक�ड़या और वेतनपाल
Chief Inspector, Wireless (Maintenance) : मुख्य �नर��क, बेतार
Chief Cashier and Paymenter : मख्
ु य रोक�ड़या और भग
ु तानकतार् (अनुर�ण)
Chief Clerk : मुख्य �ल�पक Chief Inspector, Wireless (Transmission) : मख्
ु य �नर��क, बेतार
Chief Commercial Superintendent : मुख्य वा�णज्य अधी�क (प्रेषण)
Chief Commissioner in Council : [s. 3(46), General Clauses Act] Chief Jig and Tool Designer : मुख्य िजग और औजार �डजाइनर
सप�रषद् मुख्य आयुक्त
Chief Judge : the principal judge in a court of justice [s. 123(3),
Chief Commissioner's Province : [s. 3(34), General Clauses Act] C.P.C.] मुख्य न्यायाधीश
मुख्य आयुक्त प्रांत
Chief Justice : the principal judge of a High Court or Supreme
Chief Conservator of Forests : मुख्य वनपाल Court [s. 123(3), C.P.C.] मुख्य न्यायमू�तर् (चीफ जस्�टस)
Chief Controller of Imports and Exports : आयात-�नयार्त का Chief Justice, appointment of acting : [art. 126, margin, Const.]
कायर्कार� मुख्य न्यायमू�तर् क� �नयुक्�त
मुख्य �नयंत्रक ; मुख्य आयात-�नयार्त �नयंत्रक
Chief Justice of India : [s. 4(2), Press Council Act and art. 124(1),
Chief Controller, Printing and Stationery : मुख्य �नयंत्रक, मद्र
ु ण Const.] भारत का मुख्य न्यायमू�तर्
और लेखन सामग्री Chief Labour Commissioner : [s. 3(2)(b), Contract Labour
Chief Controlling Revenue Authority : [s. 3(10), General (Regulation and Abolition) Act] मुख्य श्रम आयुक्त
Clauses Act] मख्
ु य �नयंत्रक राजस्व प्रा�धकार� Chief Law Assistant : मुख्य �व�ध सहायक
Chief Crane Inspector : मुख्य क्रेन �नर��क Chief Legal Advisor : [s. 4(xi), Air Force Act] मुख्य �व�ध
Chief Design Assistant : मुख्य �डजाइन सहायक सलाहकार
Chief Luggage Clerk : मुख्य सामान �ल�पक Chief Revenue Authority : [s. 3(10), General Clauses Act] मुख्य
Chief Mechanical Draftsman : मुख्य यां�त्रक प्रारूपकार राजस्व प्रा�धकार�

Chief Mechanical Engineer : मुख्य यां�त्रक इंजी�नयर Chief Secretary : [s. 2(b), Delhi (Delegation of Powers) Act] मुख्य

Chief Mechanical Engineer (Carriage and Wagon) : मुख्य स�चव

यां�त्रक इंजी�नयर (सवार� और माल �डब्बा) Chief Security Officer : मुख्य सुर�ा अ�धकार�
Chief Settlement Commissioner : [s. 3(1), Displaced Persons
Chief Mechanical Engineer (Locomative) : मुख्य यां�त्रक
(Claims) Supplementary Act] मुख्य �नपटारा आयुक्त
इंजी�नयर (रे ल इंजन)
Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer : मुख्य �सगनल
Chief Mechanical Engineer (Workshop) : मुख्य यां�त्रक इंजी�नयर
और दरू संचार इंजी�नयर
Chief Signal Inspector : मुख्य �सगनल �नर��क
Chief Minister at the head, with : [art. 163(1), Const.] िजसका
Chief Statistical Inspector : मुख्य सांख्�यक� �नर��क
प्रधान, मुख्यमंत्री होगा
Chief Telecommunication Inspector : मुख्य दरू संचार �नर��क
Chief Ministerial Officer : [Or. 7, r. 9(4), C.P.C.] मुख्य
�ल�पकवग�य अ�धकार� ; मख्
ु य अनस
ु �चवीय अ�धकार� Chief Telegraph Inspector : मुख्य तार �नर��क
Chief Ministerial Officer of the Court : [s. 13, Presidency Small Chief Traction Power Controller : मुख्य कषर्ण शक्�त �नयंत्रक
Cause Courts Act] न्यायालय का मुख्य अनुस�चवीय अ�धकार� Chief Trade Inspector : मुख्य व्यवसाय �श�क
Chief of Air Staff : वायुसेनाध्य� Chief Train Examiner : मुख्य गाड़ी पर��क
Chief of Army Staff : [s. 3(iv), Army Act] थलसेनाध्य� Chief Transhipment Inspector : मख्
ु य यानांतरण �नर��क
Chief of Engineering Service : इंजी�नयर� सेवा प्रमुख Chief Transit Inspector : मुख्य प�रवहन �नर��क
Chief of Materials : सामग्री प्रमुख Chief Travelling Ticket Inspector : मुख्य यात्रा �टकट �नर��क
Chief of Naval Staff : नौसेनाध्य� Chief Vigilence Inspector : मुख्य सतकर्ता �नर��क
Chief of Protocol : प्रोटोकोल प्रमुख Chief Whip : chief of the persons appointed by a party in a
legislature to enforce discipline among and ensure attendance of
Chief of Staff (Air Force) : वायस
ु ेनाध्य� members at voting etc. [s. 3(b), Parliament (Prevention of
Chief of Staff (Army) : थलसेनाध्य� Disqualification) Act] मुख्य सचेतक (चीफ व्�हप)
Chief of Staff (Navy) : नौसेनाध्य� Chief Wireless Mechanic : मुख्य बेतार मैके�नक
Chief Officer : [s. 4(b), Guardians and Wards Act] मुख्य आ�फसर Chief Wireless Traffic Inspector : मुख्य बेतार यातायात �नर��क
Chief Yard Master : मुख्य याडर् मास्टर
Chief Officer In-charge : In-charge of revenue administration of
child : 1. a person of tender years [s. 82, I.P.C.] �शशु ; बालक ;
division [s. 3(14), General Clauses Act] मख् ु य भारसाधक
2. male or female descendant of the first degree [s. 17(2)(ii), T.P.
Act] पुत्र-पुत्री ; 3. issue [s. 3(1), expln. (i), Hindu Minority and
Chief Officer (Marine) : मुख्य अ�धकार� (समुद्र�) Guardianship Act] अपत्य ; 4. descendant [s. 127(1) Cr. P.C.]
Chief Operating Superintendent : मुख्य प�रचालन अधी�क संतान
Chief or Superior of an office : [s. 19(1), General Clauses Act] child birth : [long title, Maternity Benefit Act] �शशुजन्म ; प्रसव
कायार्लय का मुख्य या व�रष्ठ
child, grand : [s. 33A(5)(a)(ii), Indian Succession Act] पौत्र-पौत्री ;
Chief Parcel Clerk : मुख्य पासर्ल �ल�पक
Chief Parcel Inspector : मख्
ु य पासर्ल �नर��क
child marriage : [s. 2(b), Child Marriage Restraint Act] बाल �ववाह
Chief Pay and Accounts Officer : मख्
ु य वेतन और लेखा अ�धकार� child, natural born 76
Chief Personnel Officer : मुख्य का�मर्क अ�धकार� child, natural born : [3rd sch., item (5), Indian Succession Act]
अकृ�त्रम संतान
Chief Photographer : मुख्य फोटोग्राफर
child of immature understanding : [s. 83, I.P.C.] अप�रपक्व
Chief Planner and Estimator : मुख्य योजनाकार और प्राक्कलक
समझ का �शशु
Chief Presidency Magistrate : मुख्य प्रे�सड�सी मिजस्ट्रे ट
child, posthumous : [s. 7, Indian Succession Act] मरणो�र संतान
Chief Principal Matron : मुख्य प्रधान मेट्रन
child psychology : [s. 6(3), Children Act] बाल मनो�व�ान
Chief Proctor : मुख्य कुलानुशासक (चीफ प्राक्टर)
child stealing : [s. 310, I.P.C.] �शशओ
ु ं क� चोर� करना
Chief Progress Inspector : मुख्य प्रग�त �नर��क
child welfare : social work entered upon the welfare of children
Chief Public Relations Officer : मख्
ु य जनसंपकर् अ�धकार� �शशु कल्याण
Chief Publicity Assistant : मुख्य प्रचार सहायक childhood : [art. 37(f), Const.] बालक
Chief Rector : [s. 15, Aligarh Muslim University Act] मुख्य childless : without a child [s. 20, expln., Hindu Adoptions and
कुला�धस�चव (चीफ रे क्टर) Maintenance Act] �न:संतान
children education allowance : बाल �श�ा भ�ा cinema operator : �सनेमा प्रचालक
children, great grand : [s. 39, Indian Succession Act] प्रपौत्र-प्रपौत्री; cinematograph : [s. 2(f), Copyright Act] चल�चत्र
प्रदौ�हत्र-प्रदौ�हत्री cinematograph film : [s. 2(f), Copyright Act] चल�चत्र �फल्म
children hospital : बालक अस्पताल ; बाल अस्पताल cinematography : [s. 2(f), Copyright Act] चल�च�त्रक�
children's court : [s. 2(f), Children Act] बालक न्यायालय ; बाल cipher : [s. 464, ill.(b), I.P.C.] शून्य
न्यायालय Cipher Officer : बीजलेख अ�धकार�
children's home : [s. 2(g), Children Act] बालकगह
ृ ; बाल-गह
ृ circle : स�कर्ल
children's museum : बाल संग्रहालय circle commanders : स�कर्ल कमांडर
china clay : [s. 3(1)(b), Mines Act] चीनी �मट्ट� circle inspector : स�कर्ल �नर��क
chit fund : [s. 2(a), Prize Chits and Money Circulation Schemes
circuit : [sch. II, item 10(b), Court-fees Act] स�कर्ट
(Banning) Act] �चंट फंड
Circuit House : �वश्राम भवन
choice : selection [s. 377(4), Companies Act] चुनाव
circuitry : [s. 2(h), Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-
choke : [s. 37(2), Factories Act] चोक Design Act] प�र पथी
choose : 1. to select; to make choice [s. 195, Indian Contract Act] circular : an announcement or directive typically in the form of a
पसंद करना ; [s. 2, Union Territories (Direct Election to the printed leaflet intended to be sent to many persons, or otherwise
House of the People) Act and art. 89(2), Const.] चुनना distributed [s. 120(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] प�रपत्र
choreographic works : [s. 2(h), Copyright Act] नत्ृ यरचना कृ�त circular note : a written request by a bank to one of its
correspondents abroad to pay a specified sum to a specified
chorionic villi : [s. 2(i), Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techinques
person प्रत्यय धन पत्र
(Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act] जरायु अंकु�रका
circulate in draft : [s. 289, Companies Act] प्रारूप प�रचा�लत करना
chronicling : [s. 41(1), Biological Diversity Act] श्रख
ृ ंलाबद्ध
circulated or published : [s. 218(a), Companies Act] प�रचा�लत या
chosen : [art. 10(1), Const.] चुन �लया गया
chosen by direct election : [art. 81(1)(a) and art. 170(1), Const.]
circulation : passing from hand to hand [s. 292(a), I.P.C.]
प्रत्य� �नवार्चन द्वारा चुने हुए
chosen in such manner : [art. 81(1)(b), Const.] ऐसी र��त से चन
ु े
circulation of fresh air : [s. 12(1), Factories Act] स्वच्छ वायु का
choultry : [s. 8(1)(d), Registration of Births and Deaths Act] चावड़ी
circumscribing limit : [s. 340, I.P.C.] प�रसीमा
Christian : [s. 3(1)(c), Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act]
circumstance : particulars which accompany an act; the
surroundings of an act; the state of affairs surrounding and
chrome ore : [7th sch., pt A, item 4, Income-tax Act] क्रोम अयस्क affecting an agent [s. 307, I.P.C.] प�रस्�थ�त
chronological index : [s. 131, Companies Act] कालानक्र
ु म�णका circumstances : a situation as regards wealth, property or assured
income [preamble, Professions Tax Limitation (Amendment and
chronological order : कालानुक्रम Validation) Act] �वभव
Church : 1. a house set apart for public worship especially that of a circumstances attending the death : [s. 10A(1), Workmen's
parish [s. 5(va)(i), Gift-tax Act] �गरजाघर ; 2. a body of Christian Compensation Act] वे प�रस्�थ�तयां, िजनम� मत्ृ यु हुई
believers holding the same creed, observing the same rites, and
acknowledging the same ecclesiastical authority regarded either circumstances exist : [art. 123(1), Const.] प�रस्�थ�तयां �वद्यमान
as the only true representative of or as a separate branch of the ह�
church universal and often confined to territorial or historical
circumstances not involving the vacation of his office : [s. 6(5),
limits चचर्
Rampur Raza Library Act] प�रस्�थ�तयां, िजनम� उसका पद �रक्त
Church of England : [s. 3, Indian Christian Marriage Act] इंग्ल�ड
नह�ं होता है
का चचर्
circumstances prevailing : [s. 4, Arms Act] �वद्यमान प�रस्�थ�तयां
Church of Rome : [s. 5(1), Indian Christian Marriage Act] रोम का
circumstantial evidence : all evidence of indirect nature
चचर् पा�रस्�थ�तक सा�य
Church of Scotland : [s. 3, Indian Christian Marriage Act]
circumvent : प�रवंचना करना
स्काटल�ड का चचर्
circumvented, should not be : प�रवंचना नह�ं क� जानी चा�हए
cinchona plantation : [s. 2(b)(ix), Collection of Statistics Act]
�संकोना बागान cistern : [s. 2(xxxix), Cantonments Act] हौज
cinder keeper : �संडर र�क citation : 1. a passage cited; quotation [s. 28, General Clauses Act]
प्रोद्धरण ; 2. an official summons giving notice to a person to
cine cameraman : चल�चत्र कैमरामैन
appear (as before a tribunal of justice) [s. 14, Administrators
cine mechanic : चल�चत्र मैके�नक General Act] उपस्�थ�त पत्र
cine projector operator : चल�चत्र प्र�े�पत्र प्रचालक citation of enactment : [s. 28, General Clauses Act] अ�ध�नय�म�त
का प्रोद्धरण Civil Assistant Surgeon : [s. 30(2), Beedi and Cigar Workers
citator : volume or section of a volume containing tables of cases (Conditions of Employment) Act] सहायक �स�वल सजर्न
or legislation that have been judicially noticed in subsequent civil aviation : [s. 2(ii)(aa), Payment of Wages Act] �स�वल
cases प्रोद्धर�णका ; साइटे टर
citizen : a member of a State as distinguished from an alien [s. 2(b),
Civil Aviation, Department of : �स�वल �वमानन �वभाग
Citizenship Act] नाग�रक (पौर)
citizen of India : [second sch., form 13. Cr. P.C. and art. 5 and art. civil capacity : [art. 320(3)(c), Const.] �स�वल है �सयत
58(1)(a), Const.] भारत का नाग�रक civil case : [s. 52, Indian Evidence Act] �स�वल मामला
citizenship : the position or status of a citizen [s. 19A(3), Wealth- Civil Code : �स�वल सं�हता
citizenship atmain
tax Act and the commencement
heading of part II,ofConst.] नाग�रकता (पौरत्व)
the Constitution 77 Civil Surgeon
civil commotion : [s. 78(c)(ii), Indian Railways Act] �स�वल अशां�त
citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution : [art. 5,
margin. Const.] सं�वधान के प्रारं भ पर नाग�रकता civil contempt : [s. 2(a), Contempt of Courts Act] �स�वल अवमान

citizenship by descent : [s. 4(1), Citizenship Act] अवजनन द्वारा Civil Court : [s. 3(c), T.P. Act] �स�वल न्यायालय (�स�वल कोटर्)
नाग�रकता civil court of appeal and revision : [s. 15, Waste Lands (Claims)
citizenship by incorporation of territory : [s. 7, Citizenship Act] Act] अपील और पुनर��ण �स�वल न्यायालय
राज्य�ेत्र के �मल जाने से नाग�रकता civil court of competent jurisdiction : [s. 56(2)(e), Navy Act]
citizenship or nationality law : [s. 2(c), Citizenship Act] स�म अ�धका�रता वाला �स�वल न्यायालय
नाग�रकता या राष्�ट्रकता �व�ध civil court of original jurisdiction : [s. 34, Indian Trusts Act]
आरं �भक अ�धका�रता वाला �स�वल न्यायालय
city allowance : नगर भ�ा
Civil Defence Instructors Course : �स�वल र�ा �श�क पाठ्यक्रम
City Civil Court : [s. 3(b), Hindu Marriage Act] नगर �स�वल
Civil Defence Lady Officer's Course : �स�वल र�ा म�हला
अ�धकार� पाठ्यक्रम
City Father : नगर �पता
Civil Defence Officer : नाग�रक सुर�ा अ�धकार�
City Improvement Trust : [s. 20(d), Indian Trusts Act] नगर सुधार
Civil Defence Staff Course : �स�वल र�ा कमर्चार� पाठ्यक्रम
civil deposit : �स�वल �न�ेप
City Magistrate : नगर मिजस्ट्रे ट
civil disturbance : [s. 2(d)(1), Rehabilitation Finance
city, town, suburb : [s. 2, Public Gambling Act] नगर, कस्बा,
Administration Act] �स�वल उपद्रव
civil employ : �स�वल �नयोजन
Civic Centre : [s. 11(2)(i), Delhi; Urban Art Commission Act]
civil enclave : [long title, National Ariports Authority Act]
नाग�रक क�द्र
�स �व ल अंत:�ेत्र
civic interest : interest of the citizens [s. 16(1), Trade Unions Act]
नाग�रक �हत Civil Engineer : �स�वल इंजी�नयर
civil : 1. pertaining to the private rights and remedies of a citizen, as civil estimates : �स�वल प्राक्कलन
distinguished from criminal, political etc.; legal, as distinguished
from natural; pertaining to the ordinary life and affairs as a civil force : [s. 129, Cr. P.C.] �स�वल बल
citizen, as distinguisned from ecclesiastical etc. [s. 19, I.P.C. and civil grant : �स�वल अनद
ु ान
art. 132(1), art. 144 and art. 320(3)(c), Const.] �स�वल ; 2. as
civil jail : �स�वल जेल
distinguished from military असै�नक ; 3. pertaining to citizens
civil judge : �स�वल न्यायाधीश
Civil Judicature, Court of : a court of justice of a civil nature
civil account : �स�वल लेखा
[preamble, C.P.C.] �स�वल न्यायालय
civil action : a proceeding in a court of justice by one party against
another for the enforcement or protection of a private right, or for Civil Judicial Officer : [s. 10(6), Central Silk Board Act] �स�वल
the redress or prevention of a private wrong [s. 43, I.P.C.] �स�वल न्या�यक अ�धकार�
कायर्वाह� civil judicial post : [s. 252(2), Income-tax Act] �स�वल न्या�यक पद
Civil and Criminal Court : [s. 27(2), Children Act] �स�वल और civil jurisdiction : [s. 109, C.P.C.] �स�वल अ�धका�रता
दं ड न्यायालय civil law : 1. private rights of action for redress, contrasted with
civil and criminal procedure : that part of the law of the State as criminal law �स�वल �व�ध ; 2. the family of legal systems where
relates to the procedure in civil and criminal courts [s. 135, the influence of Roman law has been strong �स�वल ला
Indian Evidence Act] �स�वल और दं ड प्र�क्रया
civil liability : [s. 62, Companies Act] �स�वल दा�यत्व
civil and judicial authorities to act in aid of Supreme Court :
[art. 144, margin, Const.] �स�वल और न्या�यक प्रा�धका�रय� द्वारा civil list : �स�वल सच
ू ी
उच्चतम न्यायालय क� सहायता म� कायर् �कया जाना Civil Maintenance Unit : �स�वल अनुर�ण यू�नट
civil area : [s. 43A(1), Cantonment Act] असै�नक �ेत्र civil nature : �स�वल प्रकृ�त
Civil Armament and Production Directorate : �स�वल आमार्म�ट civil offence : [s. 3(ii), Army Act] �स�वल अपराध
तथा उत्पादन �नदे शालय
civil or criminal process : [s. 33(1)(ii), Registration Act] �स�वल claim as assignee : [s. 542(2)(b), Companies Act] समनुदे�शती के
या दां�डक आदे �शका रूप म� दावा करना
Civil or Revenue Court : �स�वल या राजस्व न्यायालय claim by way of a set off or a counter claim : [s. 3(2)(b),
Limitation Act] मुजरा या प्र�तदावे के तौर पर दावा
civil pensioner : [s. 6(g), T.P. Act] �स�वल प� शनभोगी (�स�वल
claim for refund : प्र�तदाय के �लए दावा
claim in common : to claim for oneself alongwith others [s. 11,
civil population : [s. 13(1)(i), Motor Vehicles Act] असै�नक
expln. 6, C.P.C.] सामान्यत: दावा करना ; सम्�म�लत रूप से दावा
(�स�वल) आबाद�
civil prison : [s. 32(d), C.P.C.] �स�वल कारागार claim is unreasonable or excessive : [s. 49(2), Limitation Act]
civil proceedings : proceedings in a court of justice by one party दावा अयुक्�तयुक्त या अत्य�धक है
against another for the enforcement or protection of a private
claim of privilege : asking for a right, advantage or immunity
right or for the redress or prevention of a private wrong [s. 3(2),
granted to or enjoyed by a person or a class of persons beyond
General Clauses Act] �स�वल कायर्वा�हयां the common advantages of others [s. 133(2), C.P.C.]
civil procedure : �स�वल प्र�क्रया �वशेषा�धकार का दावा
civil process : 1. a writ or order of court in a civil action [s. 135, claim officer : दावा अ�धकार�
C.P.C.] �स�वल आदे �शका ; 2. civil procedure �स�वल प्र�क्रया
claim, prefer : दावा करना
civil process, arrest under : [s. 135, C.P.C.] �स�वल आदे �शका के claim shall abate in equal proportion : [s. 20, Assam Sillimanite
अधीन �गरफ्तार� Limited (Acquistion and Transfer of Refractory Plant) Act]दावा
civil public officer : [Or. 5, r. 27, C.P.C.] �स�वल लोक आ�फसर ; समान अनप
ु ात म� कम हो जाएगा
�स�वल लोक अ�धकार� claim to be tried : [s. 230, Cr. P.C.] �वचारण �कए जाने का दावा
civil right : [s. 4, Specific Relief Act] �स�वल अ�धकार करना ; �वचारण �कए जाने क� मांग करना
civil service : service rendered to and paid for by the State, other claim, unfounded : [s. 368, ill. (i) Indian Succession Act] �नराधार
than pertaining to armed forces [s. 415, ill.(a), I.P.C.] �स�वल दावा
claim upon instrument : [Or. 7, r. 16, C.P.C.] �लखत पर आधा�रत
civil service regulations : [s. 13B, Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act] �स�वल सेवा �व�नयम
claimant : one who makes or enters a claim [s. 3(c), T.P. Act]
Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules : [s. 9A, prov. (b),
Industrial Disputes Act] �स�वल सेवा (अस्थायी सेवा) �नयम
claiming under document, a person : [s. 55(5), Registration Act]
civil suit : [s. 207, I.P.C.] �स�वल वाद दस्तावेज के अधीन दावा करने वाला व्यक्�त
civil supplies : �स�वल पू�तर् claiming under him, person : a person, putting forward a claim
Surgeon : [s. 174(3), Cr. P.C.] �स�वल सजर्न
Civil war under the right derived from him [s. 53A, T.P. Act] उससे
civil 78 cleansing
व्यत्ु पन्न अ�धकार के अधीन दावा करने वाला
civil war : [s. 149(2)(a)(iii), Motor Vehicles Act] गह
ृ युद्ध
claims arrear : बकाया दावे
civil works : [s. 3(2), General Clauses Act] �स�वल संकमर्
Claims Commissioner : [s. 82B, Indian Railways Act] दावा
civil wrong : [s. 3(2), General Clauses Act] �स�वल दोष
civilian passage officer : �स�वल यात्रा अ�धकार�
claims, disputable : �ववादग्रस्त दावे
Civilian Photo-interpretation Officer : �स�व�लयन फोटो �नवर्चन
claims inspector : दावा �नर��क
claims of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe to service and
Civilians in Defence, Service : [s. 13B, Industrial Employment
posts : [art. 335, margin, Const.] सेवाओं और पद� के �लए
(Standing Orders) Act] र�ा सेवा म� के �स�व�लयन ; र�ा सेवा के
ु �ू चत जा�तय� और अनस
ु �ू चत जनजा�तय� के दावे
Civilians in Defence Services (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules : [s. 9A, prov. (b), Industrial Disputes Act] र�ा Claims Officer : दावा अ�धकार�

सेवा म� के �स�व�लयन (वग�करण �नयंत्रण और अपील) �नयम claims outstanding : [s. 24(4), Air Corporations Act] बकाया दावे
civilization and culture : [s. 5(2A), Aligarh Muslim University claims, presentation of : दावे प्रस्तत
ु करना
Act] सभ्यता और संस्कृ�त
Claims Prevention Inspector : दावा �नवारण �नर��क
civilized peoples : [art. 3(d), Geneva Conventions Act] सभ्य जन
Claims Prevention Organization : दावा �नवारण संगठन
claim : 1. a demand for something as due; an assertion of a right to
claims, supplementary : अनुपूरक दावे
something [s. 155, I.P.C.] दावा ; 2. to seek or ask for on the
ground of right [s. 12, Indian Evidence Act] दावा करना Claims Tracer : दावा खोजकतार्
claim adversely : asserting or demanding on the ground of right in clamps : क्लेम्प
opposition to the interest of someone [s. 88, C.P.C.] प्र�तकूलत: clandestine removal : [s. 62(3), C.P.C.] �छपाकर हटाया जाना
दावा करना
clear and accurate accounts 79
clandestinely : secretly [s. 88, ill. (e), Indian Trusts Act] छुपे तौर clear and accurate accounts : [s. 19, Indian Trusts Act] स्पष्ट और
पर सह� लेखा
clandestinely organized : [preamble, Conservation of Foreign clear away standing crop : [s. 4(2), Land Acquisition Act] खड़ी
Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activites Act] चोर�-�छपे
फसल को काटना और भू�म को साफ करना
संग�ठत clear days : complete days (reckoned exculding the first and also
clandestinely stipulate : [s. 88(e), Indian Trusts Act] छुपे तौर पर the last days) [s. 9(b), Arbitration Act] पूणर् �दन
ु ंध करना clear specification of the relief : mentioning or specifying the
relief in a clear manner [Or. 41, r. 35(2), C.P.C.] अनुतोष का
clarification : स्पष्ट�करण
class : order or rank according to which persons or things are स्पष्ट �व�नद� श
arranged or assorted; a number of persons or things possessing clear vacancy : स्पष्ट �रक्�त
common attributes and grouped together under a general or class
clearance : 1. certificate that ship has been cleared at the custom
name [s. 69(i)(a), T.P. Act), art. 16(3) and art. 23(2), Const.] वगर् house; the action of clearing or making clear [s. 280ZD(1),
class of agricultural produce : [s. 61, C.P.C.] कृ�ष उपज का वगर् Income-tax Act and s. 47, Customs Act] �नकासी ; 2. the off
setting of cheques and other claims among banks through a
class of persons : [s. 9, Wealth-tax Act] व्यक्�तय� का वगर् ; [s. 9,
clearing house [s. 58(2), Reserve Bank of India Act] समाशोधन ;
Army Act] वगर् के व्यक्�त
3. the act of making clear of whatever may obstruct, occupy,
class of vehicle : [form E, Motor Vehicles Act] यान का वगर् encumber or hinder �नबार्धन
class or classes of employment : [art. 16(3), Const.] वगर् या वग� के clearance certificate : [ch. 4, rule 404(3), Railway Establishment
�नयोजन Code] अनाप�� प्रमाणपत्र

class or description of property : [s. 43, Estate Duty Act] वगर् या clearance for home consumption : [s. 22(c), Customs Act] दे शी

वणर्न क� संप�� ; संप�� का वगर् या वणर्न उपभोग के �लए �नकासी

class rate : [s. 46C(b), Indian Railways Act] वगर् रे ट clearance memorandum : शोधन �ापन

Classical Language Teacher : श्रेण्य भाषा �श�क clearance of goods : माल छुड़ाना ; माल क� �नकासी

classification : the action or system of arranging into classes clearance of imported goods and export goods : [sch. VII,
[s. 35(2), Industrial Finance Corporation Act] वग�करण Customs Act] आया�तत माल और �नयार्त माल क� �नकासी

classification, grading or marketing : [s. 11(2)(h), Customs Act] clearance of the cheques : चैक� का समाशोधन
वग�करण, श्रेणीकरण या क्रय-�वक्रय clearance of warehoused goods : [s. 68, Customs Act] भांडागा�रत
classification of recoveries : वसू�लय� का वग�करण माल क� �नकासी
classification of stores : सामान का वग�करण clearance register : शोधन रिजस्टर
classification of transactions : संव्यवहार� का वग�करण cleared from a warehouse : [s. 15(1)(b), Customs Act] भांडागार से
classified : [s. 14, Income-tax Act] वग�कृत �नकासी �कया गया

classified abstract : वग�कृत सार clearing accounts office : समाशोधन लेखा कायार्लय
classified accounts : वग�कृत लेखा clearing agent : [s. 2(b)(x), Collection of Statistics Act] �नकासी
classified advertisement : वग�कृत �व�ापन अ�भकतार् ; �नकासी एज�ट
classified service voter : [r. 27M, Conduct of Elections Rules] clearing agreement : 1. समाशोधन करार ; 2. �नकासी करार
अ�धसू�चत सेवा �नयोिजत मतदाता clearing bank, local : स्थानीय समाशोधन ब�क
classify : [s. 42(a), Indian Railways Act] वग�कृत करना ; वग�करण clearing charges : समाशोधन प्रभार ; �नकासी प्रभार
clause : a group of words containing a subject and a verb usually
forming part of a compound or complex sentence; one of the clearing, forwarding and collection charges : समाशोधन, अग्रेषण
sub-divisions of an instrument [s. 55(6)(b), T.P. Act] खंड और वसूल� प्रभार
clausum freight : these words are generally used in reference to an clearing house : [s. 58(2), Reserve Bank of India Act] समाशोधन
action of trespass in entering another's land. The meaning of the

words is ‘HE BROKE THE CLOSE’ i.e. committed an
unwarrantable entry upon another’s soil भ�ू म अ�तचार clearing member : समाशोधन सदस्य
cleaner : one employed to do cleaning, especially the interior of clearly : decidely in a clear manner [s. 22(1), Beedi and Cigar
transportation vehicle [s. 2(h), Motor Transport Workers Act] Workers (Conditions of Employment) Act] स्पष्ट तौर पर
clergyman : [s. 32, ill. (f), Indian Evidence Act] पादर�
cleaner, engine : इंजन क्ल�नर clerical and other staff : [s. 5(7), Drugs and Cosmetics Act]
cleaner, loco : लोको क्ल�नर �ल�पक�य और अन्य कमर्चा�रवंद ृ
clealiness : [s. 430, I.P.C.] सफाई clerical error : an error made in copying or writing [s. 23(4), Trade
and Merchandise Marks Act] लेखन गलती ; लेखन क� गलती
cleansing : making clean [s. 2(f), Ancient Monuments and
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act] सफाई करना clerical mistake : an ordinary mistake made by a clerk in copying a
legal document. The court may correct it without the motion by
the parties; an inadvertent omission or mistake made in
transcribing or otherwise but capable of being corrected [s. 152, समय; �न�षद्ध समय
C.P.C.] लेखन भल ू closed : [s. 2(c), Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act]
clerical or arithmetical mistake : 1. [s. 65, Foreign Exchange संव�

Regulation Act] लेखन या ग�णत संबंधी भूल ; 2. [s. 362, Cr. P.C.]
closed accounts : [s. 2(1)(iii)(b), Payment of Bonus Act] बंद लेखे
�ल�पक�य या ग�णतीय भूल
closed and balanced : [s. 19(1), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act]
clerical staff : �ल�पकवगर् बंद और संतु�लत
clerk : one employed to keep records and accounts; a scribe [s. 27, closed holiday : a holiday on which shops and establishments are
I.P.C.] �ल�पक ; क्लकर् to be closed [s. 20(2), Plantations Labour Act] बंद अवकाश �दन
clerk, assistant : सहायक �ल�पक closed receptacle : बंद पात्र
closed transmission paths : [s. 2(c), Cable Television Networks
clerk, chief : मुख्य �ल�पक (Regulation) Act] संव�
ृ पारे षण पथ
clerk, costing : मूल्य �नधार्रण �ल�पक closely held companies : [s. 40, margin,Finance Act, 1994]
�न कटत: धा�र त कंपनी
clerk, demand and collection : मांग और संग्रह �ल�पक/क्लकर्
closet : [s. 64(2), Indian Railways Act] शौचालय
clerk, establishment : स्थापन �ल�पक ; स्थापन क्लकर्
closing balance : अंत अ�तशेष
clerk, forest : वन �ल�पक
closing date : अं�तम तार�ख
clerk, head : प्रधान �ल�पक
closing down : [s. 3(3), Delhi School Education Act] बंद करना
clerk, mutation : नामांतरण �ल�पक ; दा�खल खा�रज क्लकर्
closing entry : संवरण प्र�वष्�ट
clerk of court : the principal clerk in a court न्यायालय �ल�पक
closing half day : [s. 5(1), Weekly Holidays Act] आधे �दन क� बंद�
closing, stock 80
clerk of the State : राज्य �ल�पक
client : a person who seeks advice of a lawyer or commits his cause closing stock : [sch. VI, pt. II, item 3(ii)(a), Companies Act] बंद
to the management of one, in prosecuting or defending an action स्टाक
in a court of justice [s. 111, ill. (a), Indian Evidence Act]
closure : the state of being closed [s. 25FFF(i), Industrial Disputes
क�ीकार; [s. 67(1), Companies Act] मुवक्�कल
Act] बंद� ; [s. 5(2), prov., Payment of Wages Act] बंद होना ; बंद
clientele : 1. ग्राहक ; 2. मुवक्�कल करना
clients’ accounts : [s. 1(1), Banking Companies (Legal
clothing : 1. [s. 166(3)(a), Navy Act] वस्त्र ; 2. [s. 11(d), Women's
Practitioners Clients’ Accounts) Act] मुवक्�कल� के खाते
and Children's Institutions (Licensing) Act] कपड़े
climate : जलवायु
Clothing Factory Foreman : वस्त्र कारखाना फोरमैन
Climatologist : जलवायु �व�ानी
Clothing Officer : वस्त्र अ�धकार�
clinic : [s. 96(1)(e), Employees' State Insurance Act] क्�ल�नक
Clothing Store Inspector : वस्त्र भंडार �नर��क
clinical establishment : [s. 2(c), Clinical Establishments
(Registration and Regulation) Act] नैदा�नक स्थापन club : [s. 38(b), Companies Act] क्लब
clinical pharmacology : [1st sch., Indian Medical Council Act] co (as in co-Chairman) : सह
ला��ण क भेषजगुण �व �ान Coaching Inspector : को�चंग �नर��क
cloak room : 1. यात्री सामान घर ; 2. [s. 18A(7), Plantation Labour coaching traffic : [r. 2(m), Red Traff No. 19] को�चंग यातायात
Act] क्लाक रूम
coagulated : curdled; clotted स्कं�दत
clock mechanic : घड़ी मैके�नक
Coal Allotment Inspector : कोयला आबंटन �नर��क
close : समाप्�त
coal bearing areas : कोयला धारक �ेत्र
close arrest : [s. 2(b), Central Reserve Police Force Act] बंद
Coal Board : [s. 2(1), Coal Grading Board (Repeal) Act] कोयला
close confinement : [3rd sch., art. 2, Geneva Conventions Act] बंद Coal Grading Board : [s. 2(c), Coal Grading Board (Repeal) Act]
प�ररोध कोयला श्रेणीकरण बोडर्
close connections : persons closely related �नकट संबंधी Coal Mines : कोयला खान
close down an undertaking, intends to : [s. 25(o), Industrial Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund : कोयला खान श्रम कल्याण
Disputes Act] उपक्रम को बंद करना चाहता है
close of business : कारबार बंद करने का समय
Coal Plant Supervisor : कोयला संयत्र
ं पयर्वे�क
close of evidence : [s. 314(1), Cr. P.C.] सा�य क� समाप्�त
coal producting capacity : कोयला उत्पादन �मता
close of investigation : अन्वेषण का समाप्त होना ; अन्वेषण क� coamings : the raised frame of wood or steel around hatchway, sky
समाप्�त light or other opening in the deck of a ship to prevent water from
running below जहाज क� म� ड ; को�मंग
close of year : वषर् क� समाप्�त
coast guard : 1. तटर�क ; 2. [s. 356, Merchant Shipping Act]
close time : [s. 3, Wild Birds and Animals Protection Act] बंद
तटर�क दल co-financing : सह-�व�पोषण
coastal goods : [s. 2(7), Customs Act] तट�य माल coffee trade interest : [s. 4(c)(iii), Coffee Act] काफ� व्यापार �हत
coasting vessels : [s. 95, Customs Act] तट�य जलयान cogent : तकर्पूणर्
coat of arms : [art. 53, Geneva Conventions Act] राज �चह्न cognate : 1. a class of heirs according to Hindu law [s. 3(1)(c),
Hindu Succession Act] बंधु ; 2. descended or borrowed from the
coated : [s. 9(d), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] �वले�पत
same earlier form सजातीय
coating : [s. 2(f), Indian Electricity Act] �वलेपन
cognate expression : [s. 3(1), General Clauses Act] सजातीय पद
coca derivative : कोका के व्यत्ु पाद
cognizable : capable of being taken cognizance of [s. 2(c), Cr.
coca leaf : कोका क� प�ी P.C.] सं�ेय
Coconut Development Board : ना�रयल �वकास बोडर् cognizable case : [s. 2(c), Cr. P.C.] सं�ेय मामला
cocoon : [s. 2(4)(b)(iii), Indian Forest Act] रे शम का कोया cognizable offence : [s. 2(c), Cr. P.C.] सं�ेय अपराध
co-creditor : creditors jointly entitled to claim a debt from the cognizance : legal right to deal with a matter; jurisdiction; the
debtor [s. 93, Income-tax Act] सहलेनदार hearing and trying of a cause [s. 40, Indian Evdidence Act]
co- curricular : पाठ्यक्रम के साथ क� ; पाठ्यचयार् के साथ के
co-curricular activity : [s. 4(1)(f), Delhi School Education Act] cognizance of court : [Or. 50, r. 1 (a)(i), C.P.C.] न्यायालय का
पाठ्यक्रमेतर ग�त�व�ध ; पाठ्यक्रम के साथ क� ग�त�व�ध ; सं�ान
पाठ्यचयार् के साथ क� ग�त�व�ध cognizance of offence : [s. 140, Navy Act] अपराध का सं�ान
co-defendent : सह-प्र�तवाद� cognizant of the fraud, being : [s. 3. expln. III, prov., T.P. Act]
code : 1. a digest of the laws of a country, or of those relating to any कपट का सं�ान रखते हुए
subject [title, I.P.C.] सं�हता ; 2. any system of symbols for cogwheels : [Regulation 38, Indian Dock Labourers Regulations]
meaningful communication [s. 3(1)(c), Official Secrets Act] दांतेदार चक्र
संकेतक� ; संकेत �ल�प ; संकेत शब्द ; बीज �ल�प cohabit : सहवास करना
code, body of this : [s. 96, C.P.C.] इस सं�हता का पाठ cohabitation : living together as husband and wife, or as if husband
Code of Civil Procedure : �स�वल प्र�क्रया सं�हता and wife; coitus [s. 493, I.P.C.] सहवास

code of conduct : आचार सं�हता cohabitation, cause : [s. 493, I.P.C.] सहवास का�रत करना

Code of Criminal Procedure : दं ड प्र�क्रया सं�हता co-heir : सह वा�रस

code of journalistic ethics : [s. 13(1), Press Council Act] पत्रका�रक coherence : संग�त ; संबद्धता

सदाचार सं�हता ; पत्रका�रक आचार सं�हता cohesion : a sticking together संलग्नता

code of practice : व्यवहार सं�हता cohesive : संलागी

code of rules : �नयम सं�हता coil winder : कंु डल� वलयक

code of pharmaceutical ethics : भेषिजक आचार सं�हता coils : spirals [sch. V. item 17, Income-tax Act] कंु ड�लयां

code or pass word : [s. 5(1)(a), Official Secrets Act] संकेतक� या coin : [s. 230, I.P.C.] �सक्का (नाणे)
संकेत शब्द coin, base : खोटा �सक्का
Code, Penal : दं ड सं�हता coin, counterfeit : कूटकृत �सक्का
code word : [s.3(1)(c), Official Secrets Act] संके�तक� coin, current : चालू �सक्का
codicil : [s. 2(b), Specific Relief Act] क्रोडपत्र (कोडी�सल) coin, defaced : �वरू�पत �सक्का
codification : सं�हताकरण coin examiner : �सक्का पर��क
codification officer : सं�हता अ�धकार� coin exchange : �सक्का �व�नमय
codify : to consolidate into a code [preamble, Hindu Marriage Act] coin expert : �सक्का �वशेष�
remittance 81
सं�हताबद्ध करना
coin remittance : �सक्का प्रेषण
coding : कूटबद्ध करना
coin, standard : मानक �सक्का
coercion : the application to another of such force either physical or
moral as to constrain him to do against his will something he coinage : the action of making coins �सक्का �नमार्ण
would not otherwise have done [s. 15, Indian Contract Act]
coined or issued (coin) : [s. 20, Coinage Act] ढाला जाना या
�न गर्�म त �क या जाना (�स क्के)
coercive : प्रपीड़क
coined or uncoined : टं �कत या अटं �कत
co-executor : सह �नष्पादक
coiner : one who makes or mints a coin [s. 241, ill., I.P.C.]
co-existence : सह अस्�तत्व �सक्काकार (नाणेकार)
co-extensive : coinciding in limits [s. 28, Indian Easements Act]
coir : [s. 3(c), Coir Industry Act] कयर
Coir Board : कयर बोडर् collect : 1. to gather in [s. 122, I.P.C.] संग्रह करना ; संग्रहण करना ;
Coir Board Show Room and Sales Depot : कयर बोडर् प्रदशर्न क� 2. to realize संग्रहण करना ; 3. to gather together एकत्र होना/करना
और �वक्रय �डपो collecting agency : [s. 10(2)(i), Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund
Act] संग्रह करने वाला अ�भकरण
coir development : कयर �वकास
collecting agent : वसल
ू � एज�ट
Coir Development Officer : कयर �वकास अ�धकार�
collecting government : [s. 2(b), Medicinal and Toilet
coir fibre : [preamble, Coir Industry Act] कयर रे शे Preparations (Excise Duty) Act] संग्रह करने वाल� सरकार
coir industry : [sch. 1, Employees' Provident Funds and collection : 1. a group of things collected [s 2(a)(iii), Gold
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] कयर उद्योग (Control) Act] संग्रह ; 2. the action of collecting [preamble,
coir product : [preamble, Coir Industry Act] कयर क� बनी वस्तु Collection of Statistics Act] संग्रहण ; वसूल�
coir yarn : [preamble, Coir Industry Act] कयर सूत collection and recovery of tax : [s. 190(1), Income-tax Act] कर का
coke oven plant : [preamble, Coking Coal Mines (Emergency संग्रहण और वसल
ू �
Provisions) Act] कोक भट्ट� संयंत्र
collection charges : वसल
ू � प्रभार
coking coal : [title, Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions)
Act] कोककार� कोयला collection clerk : संग्रह �ल�पक

coking coal mines : कोककार� कोयला खान collection of dues : शोध्य क� वसूल�

cold blooded murder : �नदर् यतापूवक

र् हत्या collection of rent : [Or. 40, r. 1(1)(d), C.P.C.] भाटक का संग्रहण

cold chain : [s. 80IB(14), Income-tax Act] शीतागार श्रंख collection of revenue : [s. 119(2)(a), Income-tax Act] राजस्व का
ृ ला
संग्रहण ; [s. 5(6)(e), North-Eastern Hill University Act] आमदनी
cold storage : शीतागार
का संग्रहण
cold storage facility : शीतागार सु�वधा
collection of taxes on property and capital transaction : संप��
Cold Storage Inspector : शीतागार �नर��क
तथा पूंजी संव्यवहार पर कर संग्रहण
Cold Storage Plant : [s. 80J(2), Income-tax Act] शीतागार संयत्र

collective fine : [s. 89(1), Army Act] सामू�हक जुमार्ना
collaborate : 1. [s. 5(11), North-Eastern Hill University Act]
collective responsibility : [art. 75(5) and art. 164(2), Const.]
सहयोग ; 2. [s. 5(11), University of Hyderabad Act] सहयोग
सामू�हक उ�रदा�यत्व
collectively : in a collective manner or capacity [s. 4, Indian
collaboration of, in : के सहयोग से Partnership Act] सामू�हक रूप से
collaborative : [s. 7(2)(viii), Science and Engineering Research collectively responsible : सामू�हक रूप से उ�रदायी
Board Act] सहयोगकार�
Collector : an officer who receives money due as taxes, customs
collar : [s. 119(3)(b), Contonments Act] पट्टा etc. [s. 3(11), General Clauses Act] क्लक्टर
collateral : descended from the same stock, but in a different line; Collector, House Tax : गह
ृ कर कलक्टर
lying aside from the main subject, action, issue etc.; situated or
running side by side [s. 38, ill., T.P Act] सांपाश्र्�वक Collector of Customs : [s. 2(8), Customs Act] सीमाशल्
ु क कलक्टर ;
collateral agreement : सांपाश्र्�वक करार सीमाशुल्क का कलक्टर

collateral disposition : [s. 11, prov., Estate Duty Act] सांपाश्र्�वक Collector of Excise : उत्पाद-शुल्क कलक्टर

व्ययन Collector of Land Customs : [s. 3(d), Tea Act] भू�म सीमाशल्
ु क
collateral heirs : heirs who are collaterals, as distinguished from कलक्टर
those in the direct line [s. 38, ill., T.P. Act] सांपाश्र्�वक वा�रस Collector of Land Revenue : [s. 1, Waste Lands (Claims) Act] भू-
collateral or auxiliary : [sch. 1, item 40(c), Indian Stamp Act] राजस्व कलक्टर
सांपाश्र्�वक या सहायक
Collector of Revenue : [sch.. item No. 59, exemp., Indian Stamp
collateral relative : [s. 26(2), Indian Succession Act] सांपाश्र्�वक Act] राजस्व कलक्टर ; राजस्व का कलक्टर
नातेदार Collector of Sea Customs : [s. 4, Coasting Vessels Act] सागर
collateral security : a security given in addition to the direct सीमाशल्
ु क कलक्टर
security; an additional security given by the debtor to further
safeguard the interests of the Creditor [s. 17(2)(ix), Registration Collector of Stamp Revenue : [sch. I, item 59, exemp., Indian
Act] सांपाश्र्�वक प्र�तभू�त Stamp Act] स्टांप राजस्व कलक्टर

collateral to contract : [s. 31, Indian Contract Act] सं�वदा से Collectorate : कलक्टर�
सांपाश्र्�वक college : [s. 2(e), University of Hyderabad Act] महा�वद्यालय
collateral transaction : a transaction which is collateral to the main college or institution maintained : [s. 8(6), University of
transaction [s. 49(c), Registration Act] सांपाश्र्�वक संव्यवहार Hyderabad Act] चलाया जाने वाला महा�वद्यालय या संस्था
collation : the action of collating or comparing in order to note collegiate status : [s. 2, National Cadet Corps Act] महा�वद्यालय
points of agreement or disagreement समाकलन स्तर
colliery : a coal mine and the building connected with it [s. 3(1),
Coal Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act] कोयला खान Civil Defence Act] मुठभेड़
colliery manager : को�लयर� मैनेजर ; कोयला खान प्रबंधक combat disease : [s. 14, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
collision : the action of colliding; violent encounter of moving body 1960] रोग क� रोकथाम करना
with another [s. 82A(1), Indian Railways Act] टक्कर combat enemy : [s. 33B(iv), Income-tax Act] शत्रु का मक
ु ाबला
collision on the high sea : [s. 19(m), Presidency Small Cause करना
Courts Act] खुले समद्र
ु पर टक्कर Combat Zone : [3rd sch., art. 23, Geneva Conventions Act] रण�ेत्र
collusion : a secret agreement or understanding for a fraudulent or
Combat Zone, fire of : [3rd sch., art. 23, Geneva Conventions
deceitful purpose [s. 44, Indian Evidence Act and s. 37, ill. (c),
Act] रण�ेत्र क� गोलाबार�
I.P.C.] दस्
ु सं�ध ; दरु �भसं�ध
collusion or co-operation Army Act] योधक
82 combatant : one that engages in combat [s. 16(a),commencement
collusion or co-operation : [s. 37(c), ill., I.P.C.] दस्
ु सं�ध या सहयोग combatised, para-medical staff : योधक परा-�च�कत्सीय
collusive : fraudulent, concerted or devised, characterised by कमर्चा�रवंद

collusion [s. 52, T.P. Act] दस्
ु सं�धपूणर् combatised tradesman : [s. 2(e), National Security Guard Act]
Colonel : कनर्ल योधक कार�गर
combination : 1. the result or product of combining [s. 2(1)(1),
Colonel in Chief of the Regiment : रे िजम� ट का कनर्ल-इन-चीफ
prov., Workmen's Compensation Act] समच् ु चय ; 2. the quality or
Colonel of the Regiment : रे िजम� ट का कनर्ल state of being combined [s. 2(f)(iv), Trade and Merchandise
Colonial Courts of Admiralty : [long title, Colonial Courts of Marks Act] संयोजन
Admiralty (India) Act] नाव�धकरण �वषयक उप�नवे�शक
combination, acting in : �मलकर काम करते हुए
combination in journalising : जनर्ल म� समे�कत प्र�वष्�ट
colonial law : [long title, Colonial Courts of Admiralty (India) Act]
उप�नवे�शक �व�ध combination of appointments : �नयुक्�तय� को �मलाना
combination of injuries : [s. 2(e), prov., Personal Injuries
colonial leave salary warrant : औप�नवे�शक छुट्ट� वेतन वारं ट
Compensation Insurance) Act] ��तय� का समुच्चय
colonial legislation : औप�नवे�शक �वधायन
combination of melody and harmony : [s. 2(p), Copyright Act]
colonisation : उप�नवेशन स्वरमाधुर� और स्वर संग�त का संयोजन
colony : 1. an overseas dependency of a State [s. 3(12), General combination of posts : पद� को �मलाना
Clauses Act] उप�नवेश; 2. a settlement; a part of a town कालोनी
combine punishments : दं ड� का �मला दे ना
colour : any of the manifold phenomenon of light as green, red etc.;
a hue or tinge noticeable [sch. I, item 14, Central Excise Act] combined assets : [sch. II, pt. II, item 24(3)(b)(i), Companies Act]
रं ग सम्�म�लत आस्�तयां
colour of office : semblance or appearance of official authority combined benefits : [s. 65, Employees’ State Insurance Act]
[s. 170, I.P.C.] पदाभास प्रसु�वधाओं का समुच्चय
colour of process, under : [s. 80, Presidency Small Cause Courts combined carriage : [1st sch., item 31, Carriage by Air Act]
Act] उ�चत कारर्वाई के नाम पर संयक्
ु त वहन
colour of trust : semblance or appearance of trust [s. 94. ill. (b), combined finance and revenue accounts : सम्�म�लत �व� और
Indian Trusts Act] न्यासाभास राजस्व लेखे
colourable exercise : आभासी प्रयोग/छद्म प्रयोग combined profits : [sch. II, pt. II, item 24(3)(a)(i), Companies Act]
colourable imitation : alikeness which has the appearance of सम्�म�लत लाभ
original [1st sch., app. F. No. 8, C.P.C.] �मलती-जुलती नकल combined total : [s. 15(j), Trade Unions Act] कुल योग
colourable legislation : a legislation which is in appearance only combined transfer ledger abstracts : सम्�म�लत अंतरण और सार
and not in reality, what it purports to be आभासी �वधायन
combines : [VII sch., list III, entry 21, Const.] गुट
coloured fire : [s. 4(1), Explosives Act] रं गीन आ�तश
combustible matter : [s. 285, I.P.C.] ज्वलनशील पदाथर्
colouring agents : रं ग कारक
combustion : [s. 57(o), Mines Act] दहन
colouring matter : रं जक द्रव्य
come into force : [s. 1(3), Wealth-tax Act] प्रव�
ृ होना
colours, federal : [1st sch., art. 38, Geneva Conventions Act]
प�रसंघ का ध्वज come into operation : [s. 12(3), Working Journalists and Other
Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and
colours, national : national flag, ensign or standard [2nd sch., art. Miscellaneous Provisions Act] प्रवतर्न म� आना
35, Geneva Conventions Act] राष्ट्र�य ध्वज
come into possession or control : [s. 1. Public Accountants
colt : [s. 2(1), Indian Forests Act] बछे ड़ा Default Act] कब्जे या �नयंत्रण म� आना
column : one of two or more upright sections, as of a page or table, comfort of passenger : [s. 120(c), Indian Railways Act] यात्री का
separated by a line or a blank space [2nd sch., item I(v), expln.,
Companies ( Profits) Surtax Act] स्तंभ (कालम) आराम
comfortable condition : [s. 9(2), Motor Transport Workers Act]
Columnist : स्तंभ लेखक
सुखद दशा
combat : a fight encounter between individuals or group [s. 2(a),
coming of age : [s. 16(3)(a), Indian Contract Act] प्राप्तवय होना commercial development : वा�णज्यक �वकास
comity of nations : अंतरराष्ट्र�य सौजन्य commercial document : [long title, Commercial Documents
command : 1. an authoritative order; mandate; injuction [s. 151, Evidence Act] वा�णज्�यक दस्तावेज
I.P.C.] समादे श ; 2. a body of troops or district under a commercial enterprise : वा�णज्�यक उद्यम
commander कमांड ; कमान ; 3. influence प्रभाव commercial house : वा�णज्�यक गह

command area : प्रभा�वत �ेत्र commercial inspector : वा�णज्�यक �नर��क
command area development : प्रभाव �ेत्र �वकास commercial instructor : वा�णज्य �श�क
command, being in : समादे शन करते हुए commercial intelligence : वा�णज्�यक आसूचना
command controller : कमान �नयंत्रक commercial nation : वा�णज्�यक राष्ट्र
command of sovereign : प्रभु समादे श commercial production : [s. 35E(4), prov., Income-tax Act]
वा�णज्�यक उत्पादन
Commandant : समादे ष्टा, कमांड�ट
Commercial Publicity, Directorate of : वा�णज्य प्रचार �नदे शालय
Commandant, State Reserve Constabulary : समादे ष्टा, राज्य
�रजवर् �सपाह� दल commercial publicity officer : वा�णज्�यक प्रचार अ�धकार�
commercial standards, best : [s. 7(3), Industries (Development
Commander : [s. 97(15), Navy Act] कमांडर
aid Regulation) Act] सव��म वा�णज्�यक मानक
Commander-in-chief : कमांडर-इन-चीफ
commercial superintendent : वा�णज्य अधी�क
Commanding Officer : 1. [s. 3(v), Army Act] कमान आ�फसर;
commercial supervisor : वा�णज्य पयर्वे�क
2. [s. 9(2), Naval and Aircraft Prize Act] कमान अ�धकार�; कमान
commercial tax : वा�णज्य कर
commercial transaction : वा�णज्य संव्यवहार
commemoration : स्मारक
commercial undertaking : [s. 3(2)(9)(g), Defence and Internal
commence : to begin [s. 52. expln., T.P. Act] प्रारं भ होना ; प्रारं भ
Security of India Act] वा�णज्�यक उपक्रम
commercial wing : वा�णज्य स्कंध
commence and prosecute an action : [s. 60(b), Copyright Act]
कायर्वाह� प्रारं भ कर दे ना और चलाना commercial world : वा�णज्य संसार

commenced, made or effected : [s. 24, land Acquisition Act] प्रारं भ commercialisation : वा�णज्यवाद; वा�णज्यीकरण

�कया गया, �कया गया या �क्रयान्�वत �कया गया commission : 1. an agent's remuneration [s. 204(5), Companies
Act] कमीशन; 2. an order or authority to do an act or exercise
commencement : beginning [s. 3(13), General Clauses Act and
art. 394. margin, Const.] प्रारं भ powers [s. 285(1), Cr. P.C.] कमीशन; 3. a body of persons
charged with some specific functions [s. 2(a), University Grants
commencement of Act 83 commit for trial
Commission Act] आयोग (कमीशन); 4 the committing (of a crime
commencement of Act : [s. 2(b), Metal Corporation of India
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] अ�ध�नयम का प्रारं भ etc.) [s. 220(2), Cr. P.C.] करना
commission agent : one who sells or buys goods for another and
commencement of service : सेवारं भ
receives by way of remuneration or commission a percentage
commensurate : अनुरूप upon the amount involved in each transaction [s. 2(d)(3)(c), Gold
comment : 1. observations or remarks expressing an opinion or (Control) Act] कमीशन अ�भकतार्
attitude concerning the subject at hand [s. 124, explns. 2 and 3, commission, bring into : प्रवतर्न करना
I.P.C.] ट�का-�टप्पणी; 2. [s. 28(6), Aligarh Muslim University
Commission, Emergency : आपाती कमीशन; आपाती आयोग
Act] ट�का-�टप्पणी; �टप्पणी; समी�ा
commission for local investigation : [s. 75, C.P.C.] स्थानीय
commerce : buying and selling together; exchange of merchandise
especially on a large scale between different countries or अन्वेषण के �लए कमीशन
districts; intercourse for the purpose of trade in any and all its
commission for examination : [s. 76(2), C.P.C.] पर��ा क� जाने के
forms [s. 2(13), Income-tax Act] वा�णज्य
�लए कमीशन
commercial accounts : वा�णज्�यक लेखे
commission of a foreign State : [s. 10(6)(ii), income-tax Act]
commercial agent : वा�णज्�यक अ�भकतार् �वदे शी राज्य का आयोग
commercial artist : वा�णज्य कलाकार commission of an act : [s. 37(2), Specific Relief Act] कायर् का �कया
commercial concern of repute : [s. 2(b), Collection of Statistics जाना
Act] ख्या�तप्राप्त वा�णज्�यक समुत्थान commission of inquiry : [long title, Commissions of Inquiry Act]
commercial corporation : वा�णज्�यक �नगम जांच आयोग
commercial correspondence : वा�णज्�यक पत्राचार commission of murder : [s. 37(a), I.P.C.] हत्या करना
commercial crop : वा�णज्य फसल commission of non-cognisable offence : [s. 2(d), Cr. P.C.]
commercial dealings : [s. 3(2)(4)(d), Defence and Internal असं�ेय अपराध का �कया जाना
Security of India Act] वा�णज्�यक व्यवहार commission of offence : 1. [s. 108, expln. 5, I.P.C.] अपराध करना;
2. [s. 102(1), Cr. P.C. and art. 20(1), Const.] अपराध का �कया commit to charge : [s. 6(c), Assam Rifles Act] भारसाधन म� सुपुदर्
जाना करना
commission of sati : [Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act] सती commit to civil prison : [s. 55(4), C.P.C.] �स�वल कारागार को सुपुदर्
कमर् करना �कया जाना
Commission on Official Language : राजभाषा आयोग commit to custody : [s. 44(1), Cr. P.C.] अ�भर�ा के �लए सप
ु ुदर्
commission or omission : [s. 33, I.P.C.] कायर् या लोप करना

commission, overriding : अध्यारोह� कमीशन commit to jail : [s. 51(e), prov., C.P.C.] कारागार को सप
ु ुदर् करना
commitment : 1. the action of entrusting; giving in charge; being
commission shall be returned : [s. 76(2), C.P.C.] कमीशन लौटाया
committed (especially for trial) [s. 220, I.P.C.] सप
ु ुदर्गी; 2. an
engagement by contract or purchase order to assume a financial
commission, temporary : अस्थायी कमीशन ; अस्थायी आयोग obligation [s. 217(1)(d), Companies Act] अ�भबंधन; 3. the state
commission to examine or adjust accounts : [s. 75(c), C.P.C. and of being obligated or bound [s. 2(7)(a), Interest-tax Act]
Or. 26, r. 11, C.P.C.] लेखाओं क� पर��ा या समायोजन के �लए प्र�तबद्धता
कमीशन commitment charge : [s. 2(7)(a), Interest-tax Act] प्र�तबद्धता
commission to examine witnesses : सा��य� क� पर��ा करने के �लए प्रभार
कमीशन committal of case : मामला सप
ु ुदर् करना
commission to make a partition : �वभाजन करने के �लए कमीशन committal order : सुपुदर्गी आदे श
commissioned : furnished with a commission or legal warrant; committed : [s. 4(4)(a), Family Courts Act] प्र�त बद्ध
empowered or entrusted with an office or duty [s. 132(3)(b),
committed without premeditation : [s. 300, excep. 4, I.P.C.]
Cr. P.C.] आयुक्त
पूव�र् चंतन �बना �कया गया
commissioned medical officer : कमीशन प्राप्त �च�कत्सा अ�धकार�
committee : 1. a body of persons appointed or elected for some
commissioned officer : an officer of the armed forces holding specified business or function [s. 135A(1)(b), C.P.C and s. 2(1),
commission [s. 21 (second), I.P.C.] आयक्ु त आ�फसर; कमीशंड Army and Air Force (Disposal of Private Property) Act] स�म�त;
आ�फसर 2. a person to whom the charge of lunatic or an idiot is
Commissioner : 1. one appointed by commission to carry out some committed [s. 2(10), Registration Act] सुपुदर्दार
specified work क�मश्नर ; 2. [s. 3(14), General Clauses Act, committee, academic advisory : �वद्या सलाहकार स�म�त
s. 2(g), Wealth-tax Act, s. 2(16), Income-tax Act and s. 2(vi),
committee, advisory : सलाहकार स�म�त
Gift-tax Act] आयुक्त
committee of adjustment : [s. 2(1), Army and Air Force (Disposal
Commissioner for departmental enquiries : �वभागीय जांच of Private Property) Act] समायोजन स�म�त
committee of economic secretaries : आ�थर्क �वभाग� के स�चव� क�
Commissioner for excess profits tax : अ�त�रक्त लाभ कर आयुक्त स�म�त
Commissioner for linguistic minorities : भाषाई अल्पसंख्यक� का committee of inquiry : [s. 18(2)(i), Citizenship Act] जांच स�म�त
committee of inspection : [s. 460(1), Companies Act] �नर��ण
Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes :
ु �ू चत जा�त और अनस
ु �ू चत जनजा�त आयक्
ु त
committee of management : [s. 2(gg)(ii), Deposit Insurance and
Commissioner, Oath : शपथ आयुक्त Credit Guarantee Corporation Act] प्रबंध स�म�त
commissioner of archaeology : [s. 2(db), Ancient Monuments committee of visitors : [s. 13(1), Reformatory Schools Act]
and Archaelogical Sites and Remains (Amendment and
प�रदशर्क स�म�त
Validation) Act] पुरातत्व आयक्
ु त
committee on office of profit : लाभ के पद संबंधी स�म�त
Commissioner of Income-tax : [s. 116(c), Income-tax Act] आय-
committee on public undertakings : लोक उपक्रम स�म�त
कर आयुक्त
committee on subordinate legislation : अधीनस्थ �वधायन स�म�त;
Commissioner of Payments : संदाय आयुक्त
अधीनस्थ �वधायन संबंधी स�म�त
Commissioner of Police : [s. 2(1)(d), Arms Act] पु�लस आयुक्त
committees or managers of lunatics or idiots : [s. 3(g), Land
Commissionership : क�मश्नर� Acquisition Act] पागल� या जड़� के सप
ु ुदर्दार या प्रबंधक
commit : 1. do; perform [s. 18, Indian Trusts Act] करना ; 2. to give committing authority : [s. 164(1), Navy Act] सुपुदर्गीकार प्रा�धकार�
in charge or trust [s. 19(d), I.P.C.] सप
ु ुदर् करना commodity : 1. something of use [s. 3(c)(i), Collection of Statistics
commit default : [s. 31(5), Wealth-tax Act] व्य�तक्रम करना Act] वस्तु ; 2. an article of commerce वा�णज्या
commit for trial : 1. to entrust for trial [s. 170(1), Cr. P.C.] commodity board : वा�णज्या बोडर्
�वचारणाथर् सप
ु ुदर् करना ; [s. 19(d), I.P.C.] �वचारण के �लए सप
ु ुदर्
commodity exchange : [s. 133(5), Income-tax Act] वस्तु एक्सच� ज
करना the administration
commit 84 common pasture
commodius use of land : [s. 12, Indian Railways Act] भू�म का
commit the administration : [s. 219(c), Indian Succession Act]
ु मय उपयोग
प्रशासन स�प दे ना
Commodore : कमोडोर deriving from the law of England कामन ला
common : 1. belonging to more than one; belonging to the common manager : [s. 386(4), Companies Act] एक ह� प्रबंधक
community सामान्य (पोद)ू ; 2. marked by the same relationship
common name : [s. 588(1), Companies Act] सामान्य नाम
to a number of persons or things सामान्य; एक ह�; साझे क�;
common nuisance : public nuisance [s. 268, I.P.C.] सामान्य
3. [s. 48, Indian Railways Act] शा�मलाती; सम्�म�लत; 4. held,
enjoyed, experienced or participated in by a number of न्यूस�स
individuals सामू�हक common object : an object shared by all concerned [s. 149,
common abbreviation : [s. 9(1)(d), Trade and Merchandise Marks I.P.C.] सामान्य उद्दे श्य
Act] सामान्य सं�ेप common object of assembly : [s. 146, I.P.C.] जमाव के सामान्य
उद्दे श्य
common ancestor, descended from a : एक ह� पूवर्ज से अवज�नत common office : [sch. II, expln. 2, Mulki Rules Act] सामान्य
common, belonging to them in : जो उनक� साझे क� है कायार्लय
common book : [s. 8(3), prov., Konkan Passenger Ship common original : an original in relation to several copies
(Acquisition) Act] एक ह� बह� prepared therefrom [s. 62, expln. 2, Indian Evidence Act]
सामान्य मूल
common boundary, part : भागत: सम्�म�लत सीमा
common passage : [s. 93(3)(iii), Factories Act] सामान्य मागर्
common brotherhood, spirit of : [art. 51A(e), Const.] समान
भ्रातत्ृ व क� भावना common posts : [art. 187(1), prov., Const.] सम्�म�लत पद

common carelessness : such want of care as is shared by several common pasture : [s. 25(1), Wild Life (Protection) Act] सामान्य
persons, or by both the parties [s. 114, ill. (b), Indian Evidence चरागाह
Act] सामान्य असावधानी
common property 85
common carrier : those who undertake the office of carrying common property : property held in common ownership without
goods or persons for hire and for all persons indifferently demarcation of shares characterised by the existence of a right in
[Ist sch., app. A, form 29, C.P.C. and long title, Carriers Act] any common owner to compel a division of the common
सामान्य वाहक property [s. 47, T.P. Act] सामान्य संप��
common carrier of passengers : [sch. 1, app. A, form 29, C.P.C.]
common provident fund : एक ह� भ�वष्य �न�ध
या�त्रय� को ले जाने के �लए सामान्य वाहक
common question of law or fact : a question of law or fact which
common course : the usual succession of events [s. 114, ill. (f), arises at more than one place e.g. in two different suits [Or. I,
Indian Evidence Act] सामान्य अनुक्रम r. 1, C.P.C.] �व�ध का या तथ्य का सामान्य प्रश्न
common design : सामान्य प�रकल्पना common regulation : [s. 2(h), Manipur(Hill Areas) District
common detriment : [art. 39(c), Const.] सवर्साधारण के �लए Councils Act] सामान्य �व�नयम

अ�हतकार� common roster : सामान्य रोस्टर; सामान्य नामावल�

common detriment, concentration of wealth to the : धन का common seal : [s. 3(2), Faridabad Development Corporation Act
and s. 2(2), Indian Museum Act] सामान्य मुद्रा
सवर्साधारण के �लए अ�हतकार� संक�द्रण
common service facility : [s. 4(3), expln. (ii), Urban Land (Ceiling
common fund : [s. 7, Obstruction in Fairways Act] सामान्य �न�ध and Regulation) Act] शा�मलाती सेवा प्रसु�वधा
common gambling house : [s. 1, Public Gambling Act] सामान्य common stock : common lineal ancestor [s. 26(2), Indian
जुआ घर Succession Act] सामान्य पूवज
common good : [preamble, Burmah Shell (Acquistion of common, tenants in : [s. 19(b), Hindu. Succession Act] सामान्य
Undertakings in India) Act] साम�ू हक �हत अ�भधार�
common grounds : [Or. 41, r. 4, margin, C.P.C.] सामान्य आधार common terminus : [s. 48, Indian Railways Act] शा�मलाती
common High Court : एक ह� उच्च न्यायालय; सम्�म�लत उच्च ट�मर्नस
न्यायालय common to all : [Or. 41, r. 4, C.P.C.] सबके �लए सामान्य
common, in : [s. 45, T.P. Act] सामान्यत:; साझे क� common to the trade : [s 17(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks
common injury : [s. 268, I.P.C.] सामान्य ��त Act] व्यापार के �लए सामान्य
common understanding : [s. 2(1)(b), Essential Services
common institution : [sch. II, expln., Mulki Rules Act] सामान्य
Maintenance Act] सामान्य म�त
common use : [s. 63, Indian Railways Act] सामान्य प्रयोग
common intention : an intention shared by all concerned [s. 34,
I.P.C. and s. 10, Indian Evidence Act] सामान्य आशय commonly executed : [s. 17(1), General Clauses Act] सामान्यत:
common interest : [s. 38, Air Corporations Act] सामान्य �हत �नष्पा�दत
common jurors : jurors drawn in the ordinary manner for the trial commonly intelligible characters : writing or alphabets which are
not ordinarily or generally capable of being read or understood
of cases as distinguished from special jurors सामान्य जूर� सदस्य
[s. 98, Indian Evidence Act] �ल�प, जो सामान्यत: समझी जाती हो
common law : 1. judge-made law as distinct from legislation and
the rules of equity �नणर्यज �व�ध ; 2. family of legal systems commonly offered for sale : �वक्रय के �लए सामान्यत: प्रस्था�पत क�
जाने वाल� communication with enemy : [s. 3(2)(a), Defence and Internal
commonly taken to be an indication : [s. 2(1)(u)(viii)(a), Trade Security of India Act] शत्रु से संपकर्
and Merchandise Marks Act] सामान्यतया उपदशर्न माना जाता है communication with Union : [s. 3(b), prov., Official Languages
commonwealth : the British Commonwealth of Nations Act] संघ के साथ पत्रा�द
[s. 74(1)(iii), Indian Evidence Act] कामनवेल्थ; राष्ट्रमंडल Communications, Ministry of : संचार मंत्रालय
commonwealth country : 1. a country which is member of the communique : �व�प्�त
commonwealth [s. 2(a) Extradition Act] कामनवेल्थ दे श; community : a body of people organised into a political, municipal
2. [s. 3A(1), Foreigners Act] राष्ट्रमंडल�य दे श ot social unity [s. 12, I.P.C.] समुदाय
commonwealth secretary : राष्ट्रमंडल स�चव community development : सामुदा�यक �वकास
commonwealth tariff preference : कामनवेल्थ टै �रफ अ�धमान community development, department of : सामुदा�यक �वकास
commonwealth visitor : राष्ट्रमंडल अ�त�थ �वभाग
commotion, civil : [s. 78(c)(ii), Indian Railways Act and commutation : 1. the substitution of a lesser punishment for a
s. 96(2)(b)(iii), Motor Vehicles Act] �स�वल अशां�त/�स�वल उपद्रव greater one [s. 222, I.P.C.] लघक
ू रण; न्यूनीकरण; 2. substitution
communal : pertaining to a community; engaged in by or involving of a consolidated payment in place of payment in instalments
[s. 10( 10A)(i), Income-tax Act and s. 7, Workmen's
two or more communities सांप्रदा�यक
Compensation Act] संराशीकरण; संराशन; 3. change of one thing
communal or sectarian violence : [s. 376 (2)(g), I.P.C.]
सांप्रदा�यक या पंथीय �हंसा for another रूपांतरण

communicable disease : [s. 4(3)(vi), Insecticides Act] संचार� रोग commutation of annuity : [s. 10(13)(ii), Income-tax Act] वा�षर्क�

communicable form : of such form or nature as is communicated का संराशीकरण

from one to another [s. 10(1)(d), Hindu Marriage Act] संचार� रूप commutation of duty : [s. 68, Estate Duty Act] शुल्क का
communicate : 1. to give by way of information; to make known न्यूनीकरण
[s. 3, Indian Contract Act and art. 22(5), Const.] संसू�चत करना;
commutation of pension : [s.10(10A)(i), Income-tax Act] प�शन का
2. to speak; to convey information [s. 177(f), Army Act] बातचीत
करना; 3. [s. 21(c), Army Act] संपकर् करना
commutation of rights : अ�धकार� का रूपांतरण
communicate intelligence : [s. 34(d), Army Act and s. 34(d), Air
Force Act] आसूचना दे ना commutation of sentence : [s. 64, I.P.C.] दं डादे श का लघूकरण

communicate with press : प्रेस से संपकर् करना commutation rules : संराशीकरण �नयम

communicated, shall be : [art. 56(2), Const.] सूचना द� जाएगी commute : [s. 22, Indian Forest Act] रूपांतरण करना; प�रवतर्न
communication : the action of communicating, imparting or करना; लघूकरण ; संराशीकरण
exchange of information; sharing of knowledge by one with commute punishment : [s. 54, I.P.C.] दं ड का लघूकरण
another; the thing communicated [s.122, Indian Evidence Act]
संसूचना ; 2. access or means of access between two or more commute sentence : [s. 416, Cr. P.C. and art. 72(1), Const.]
persons or places [s. 3, Indian Contract Act and art. 118(3), दं डादे श का लघूकरण
Const.] संचार ; 3. correspondence पत्र-व्यवहार ; [s. 3(b), prov., commuted leave : प�रव�तर्त छुट्ट�
Official Languages Act] पत्रा�द ; 4. [s. 30(2)(h), Orphanages and commuted value of annuity : [s. 2(24)(viii), Income-tax Act]
Other Charitable Homes (Supervision and Control) Act] संपकर् ; वा�षर्क� का संरा�शत मूल्य
पत्र-व्यवहार ; 5. [s. 2(a), National Trust for Welfare of Persons commuted value of pension : प� शन का संरा�शत मूल्य
with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple
co-mortgagor : joint mortgagor [s. 92, T.P. Act] सहबंधककतार्
Disabilities Act] संप्रेषण
compact areas : [s. 3(a), Two-Member Constituencies (Abolition)
communication carrying rejection : [s. 28(5), Foreign Exchange
Act] संहत �ेत्र
Regulation Act] नामंजूर� स�ू चत करने वाल� संसच
ू ना
areas, geographically : [s. 6, Two-Member 86
compact disk
communication in Hindi : [s. 3(b), prov., Official Languages Act] Constituencies (Abolitition) Act and s. 9(i)(a), Delimitation Act]
�हंद� म� पत्रा�द भौगो�लक रूप से संहत �ेत्र
communication media : [s. 2(j), Information Technology Act] compact disk : [s. 76, Information Technology Act and s. 20B(2),
संचार माध्यम Small Industries Development Bank of India Act] कम्पैक्ट
communication No. : [app. E. form 42, C.P.C.] पत्र संख्यांक �डस्क
communication of acceptance : [s. 4, Indian Contract Act] companion of party : [Or. 10, r. 2, C.P.C.] प�कार का साथी
प्र�तग्रहण क� संसूचना company : [s. 2(vii), Gift-tax Act, s. 2(17), Income-tax Act and
communication of proposal : [s. 3, Indian Contract Act] प्रस्थापना s. 3(1)(i), Companies Act] कंपनी
क� संसूचना company account : कंपनी लेखा
Communication Officer : संचार अ�धकार� Company Commandant : कंपनी कमांड�ट
communication to public : [s. 2(v), Copyright Act] सावर्ज�नक रूप Company Commander : कंपनी कमांडर
से संस�ू चत करना; जनसाधारण को संस�ू चत करना Company Director : कंपनी �नदे शक
company engaged in industry : [s. 108(2)(b), Companies Act] compass adjuster : �दक्सूचक समायोजक
कंपनी जो उद्योग म� लगी हो
compassion for living creatures : [art. 51A(g), Const.] प्रा�णमात्र
company, guaranteeing : गारं ट�कतार् कंपनी
के �लए दयाभाव
company having a share capital : [s. 149(1), Companies Act]
compassionate allowance : [s. 11, Pensions Act] अनक
ु ं पा भ�ा
कंपनी िजसक� अंश पूंजी है
compassionate fund : अनुकंपा �न�ध
company, holding : [s. 77(2), Companies Act] �नयंत्री कंपनी
company incorporated outside India : [s. 2(7), Companies Act] compatible : संगत ; अनुरूप
कंपनी, जो भारत के बाहर �नग�मत क� गई है compatriot : a fellow countryman [3rd sch., art. 126, Geneva
company in existence : [s. 149 (2A)(a), Companies Act] Conventions Act] दे शवासी
अस्�तत्वशील कंपनी compel : to force; to constrain [s. 94, I.P.C.] �ववश करना; बाध्य
company in liquidation : [s. 46(1), Income-tax Act] समापनाधीन करना
कंपनी compel attendance : [sch. I, app. B, No. 2, C.P.C.] हािजर होने के
company is an undisclosed principal : [s. 416(1), Companies Act] �लए �ववश करना
कंपनी अप्रक�टत मा�लक है
compel to perform : [s. 61, Indian Trusts Act] करने के �लए �ववश
company, joint stock : [s. 127, ill. (a), T.P. Act] संयक्
ु त स्टाक करना
कंपनी compellable : one liable to be compelled [s. 25(2), Indian Contract
Company Law Board : [s. 2(10A), Companies Act] कंपनी �व�ध Act] �ववश �कए जाने का दायी ; �ववशनीय
बोडर् compelled by accident : [s. 29(2), Customs Act] दघ
ु ट
र् ना के कारण
company limited : [sch. I, app. A, C.P.C.] कंपनी �ल�मटे ड �ववश हो गया
company, limited : �ल�मटे ड कंपनी compelled to be a witness : [art. 20(3), Const.] सा�ी होने के �लए
company limited by guarantee : [s. 1(2)(b), Companies Act] बाध्य �कया गया
प्रत्याभू�त द्वारा प�रसी�मत कंपनी compelled to pay : [art. 27, Const.] संदाय करने के �लए बाध्य �कया
company limited by shares : [s. 12(2)(a), Companies Act] अंश� गया
(शेयर�) द्वारा प�रसी�मत कंपनी compelling the production of documents : [s. 81, Presidency
company limited by shares or by guarantee : [s. 2(23), Small Cause Courts Act] दस्तावेज पेश करने के �लए बाध्य करना
Companies Act] वह कंपनी जो अंश� (शेयर�) द्वारा या प्रत्याभ�ू त compendium : a concise treatise; abridgement सं�ेप-संग्रह ; सार-
द्वारा प�रसी�मत है संग्रह
Company Officer : कंपनी आ�फसर compensation : a return for a loss or damage sustained; money
payable for the loss sustained [s. 2(1)(c), Workmen's
company, parent : मूल कंपनी
Compensation Act and s. 73(2), T.P. Act] प्र�तकर
company, private : प्राइवेट कंपनी
compensation awarded : प्र�तकर �दया गया
company prosecutor : [s. 624A, Companies Act] कंपनी अ�भयोजक
compensation for loss of office : [s. 318(1), Companies Act] पद
company, public : [s. 2(37), Companies Act] पब्�लक कंपनी
हा�न के �लए प्र�तकर
Company Secretary : कंपनी स�चव compensation for trespass : [s. 47, Presidency Small Cause
company secretaryship : [s. 4(1)(b), Company Secretaries Act] Courts Act] अ�तचार का प्र�तकर
कंपनी स�चव कायर् compensation for trouble and diligence : [s. 14, Coasting-Vessels
company, unlimited : असी�मत कंपनी Act] क�ठनाई और प�रश्रम के �लए प्र�तकर
comparable employment : [s. 10(4), Working Journalists and compensation for wrong : [s. 16(e), C.P.C.] दोष का प्र�तकर
other Newspaper Employees (Conditions of Service) and
compensation in money : [s. 8(b), Specific Relief Act] धन के रूप
Miscellaneous Provisions Act] सदृश �नयोजन
म� प्र�तकर
comparable price : तुल्य क�मत
compensation money : [s. 32, expln. (1)(a), Income-tax Act]
comparable rank : [sch., item 8(ii), International Finance
प्र�तकर धन
Corporation (Status, Immunities and Privileges) Act] तल्
ु य पंक्�त
Compensation Officer : मुआवजा अ�धकार�; प्र�तकर अ�धकार�
comparative statement : तुलनात्मक �ववरण
Compensation Officer, Land : भू�म प्र�तकर अ�धकार�; भू�म
compare : to mark the similarities and difference of
[Or. 7, r. 17(2), C.P.C.] तुलना करना मुआवजा अ�धकार�

comparer : तुलनाकतार् ; �मलानकतार् compensation to workmen : कमर्कार� को प्र�तकर

compensatory : compensating; giving compensation [s. 35A,
Comparing Clerk : �मलान �ल�पक
C.P.C.] प्र�तकरात्मक
comparison : तुलना; �मलान
compensatory allowance : [s. 2(a), Parliament (Prevention of
compartment : क�; �डब्बा Disqualification) Act] प्र�तकरात्मक भ�ा
compartmentalisation : कठोर वग�करण compensatory day of rest : [s. 29, Mines Act] प्र�तकरात्मक �वश्राम
�दन of law [s. 170(2), Cr. P.C.] प�रवाद�
compensatory leave : प्र�तकरात्मक छुट्ट� complaint : 1. the action of complaining; an utterance of grievance
competence : sufficiency of qualification; legal capacity [s. 10A(4), [ss. 95 and 499, ill. to 8th excep., I.P.C.] �शकायत; 2. a formal
Industrial Finance Corporation Act] �मता ; स�मता accusation in a court of law [s. 2(d), Cr. P.C.] प�रवाद; 3. an
competent : having competence; legally sufficient [s. 7, T.P. Act] ailment or disease of the body व्या�ध
स�म complaint book : �शकायत पुस्तक
competent and reliable person : [s. 210(5), prov., Companies Act]
complaint inspector : �शकायत �नर��क
स�म और �वश्वसनीय व्यक्�त
complaint report : �शकायत �रपोटर्
competent authority
competent court : [s. 2(b), Requisitioning and Acquisition of 87 composite culture
Immovable Property Act, s. 2(a), Petroleum Pipelines (Acquisition complaint officer : �शकायत अ�धकार�
of Right of User in Land) Act and art. 13(3)(b), Const.] स�म
complement : पूरक
complementary : serving to complete पूरक
competent court : a court having jurisdiction over the matter
[s. 41, Indian Evidence Act] स�म न्यायालय complementary part : [s. 45(d), Arms Act] पूरक भाग

competent financial authority : स�म �व�ीय प्रा�धकार� complementary work : [s. 64(2)(b), Factories Act] पूरक काम
complete : 1. with no part, item or element lacking [s. 4, Indian
competent jurisdiction : [s. 2(d), T.P. Act] स�म अ�धका�रता
Contract Act] संपूण;र् [s. 64(2), Sale of Goods Act] पूण;र् पूरा; 2.
competent legislature : [art. 31B, Const.] स�म �वधान-मंडल
brought to an end खत्म; समाप्त; 3. to accomplish पूरा करना; पूणर्
competent to contract : [s. 11, Indian Contract Act] सं�वदा करने करना
के �लए स�म
complete justice : [art. 142(1), Const.] पूणर् न्याय
competent to try : [s. 4, Indian Independence Pakistan Courts
(Pending Proceedings) Act] �वचारण करने के �लए स�म complete or partial : [art. 19(6)(ii) Const.] पूणत
र् : या भागत:

competent witness : [s. 120, Indian Evidence Act] स�म सा�ी complete satisfaction : पूणर् तुष्�ट

competing : striving with another [s. 16(b), Indian Partnership complete strike : पूणर् हड़ताल
Act] प्र�तयोगी completed accounting period : [s. 32A(1), Industrial Finance
competition : striving against each other for settling something Corporation Act] संपू�रत लेखा कालाव�ध
desired or doing something desired or doing something in the
completed assessment : [s. 20A, Estate Duty Act] संपू�रत �नधार्रण
best manner possible; a trial of ability [s. 15, ill. (d), Indian
Trusts Act] प्र�तयो�गता ; [s. 426(1)(g), Companies Act] मकु ाबला completed previous year : [s. 174(2), Income tax Act] संपू�रत पूवर्
competition advocacy : [s. 49(1) hdg., Competition Act] वषर्
प्र�तस्पधार् समथर्न completed the age of, has : [art. 157, Const.] क� आयु पूर� कर चक
ु ा
competitive examination : प्र�तयो�गता पर��ा हो
competitive price : [s. 6(c), Consumer Protection Act] completed year of service : [s. 2(b), Payment of Gratuity Act] सेवा
प्र�त स्पद्र्धी क�मत
का संपू�रत वषर्
competitive rate : प्र�तयोगी दर completion : 1. the action of making complete [s. 118, T.P. Act]
compilation : the action of gathering together written material पूणर् करना; 2. becoming complete [s. 64(2), Sale of Goods Act]
specially from various sources; the product of such action
पूणर् होना; पूरा होना; 3. accomplishment [s. 116(3), Cr. P.C.]
समाप्�त; संपू�तर्
compilation book : संकलन पुस्तक
completion certificate : समापन प्रमाणपत्र
compilation inspector : संकलन �नर��क
completion of assessment : [s. 124(5)(a), Income-tax Act] �नधार्रण
compilation of accounts : लेखाओं का संकलन करना
क� समाप्�त
compilation of catalogues : [s. 28(2)(i), Rampur Raza Library Act]
completion of construction : [s. 280ZA(4), Income-tax Act]
सूची पत्र� का संकलन
सन्�नमार्ण का पूरा होना
compilation sheet : संकलन शीट
completion report : समापन �रपोटर्
compile : बनाना; संकलन करना
complex : [s. 11(2)(b), Delhi Urban Art Commission Act] प्र�ेत्र
compiled accounts : संक�लत लेखे
complexity : intricacy ज�टलता
compiler : संकलनकतार् compliance : 1. the acting in accordance with a desire, condition
compiling accounts : [long title, Departmentalisation of Union etc. [s. 63A, T.P. Act] अनप
ु ालन; पालन; 2. be in agreement with
Accounts (Transfer of Personnel) Act] लेखाओं का संकलन करना अनुरूप होना
compiling officer : संकलन अ�धकार� compliance of imported goods with any laws : [s. 11(2)(s),
complain : 1. to express grief etc. [s. 95, I.P.C.] �शकायत करना; 2. Customs Act] आया�तत माल का �कन्ह�ं �व�धय� के अनुरूप होना
to make a formal accusation in a court of law [s. 335(e), compliance with judgment : [s. 17(1), Provincial Small Cause
Cr. P.C.] प�रवाद करना Courts Act] �नणर्य का अनप
ु ालन
complainant : a person who makes a formal accusation in a court
complicated nature : [s. 69, Estate Duty Act] ज�टल प्रकृ�त Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act] माध्यस्थ प्रा�धकार�
complicity : the state of being an accomplice in a crime [s. 10, ill., क� संरचना
Indian Evidence Act] सह-अपरा�धता composition of the Council of States : [art. 80, margin, Const.]
compliment : an expression of regard or praise अ�भनन्दन; प्रशंसा राज्य सभा क� संरचना
compliment, as a : [art. 38, Geneva Conventions Act] composition of the House : [s. 5(2), Delimitation Act] लोकसभा का
सम्मानस्वरूप गठन
complimentary : मानाथर् composition of the House of the People : [art. 81, margin, Const.]
complimentary copy : मानाथर् प्र�त लोकसभा क� संरचना

comply with : to act in accordance with a request, demand, order, composition of the Legislative Assemblies : [art. 170, margin,
rule etc. [s. 26, T.P. Act] का अनुपालन करना; का अनव Const.] �वधानसभाओं क� संरचना
ु तर्न करना
composition or consolidation of duties : [s. 9(1)(b), Indian Stamp
comply with the order : [s. 125(3), Cr. P.C.] आदे श का अनप
ु ालन
Act] शुल्क� का प्रशमन या समेकन
compositor : कंपोिजटर
complying with the conditions of carriage, on : [sch. I, ch. II, pt.
III, item 13(1), Carriage by Air Act] वहन क� शत� का पालन करके Compost Development Officer : कंपोस्ट �वकास अ�धकार�
compound : 1. to forbear from prosecution for consideration or any
component : constituents [s. 3, Drugs and Cosmetics Act] संघटक;
private motive [s. 320, Cr. P.C.] शमन करना; 2. to settle with a
[s. 4(iii) Air Force Act] घटक
creditor [s. 279(2), Income-tax Act] प्रशमन करना; [s. 44(2),
component and accessories : [s. 4(iii), Air Force Act] घटक और
Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] समझौता करना; 3. with
broken bone exposed �वव�
ृ ; 4. a mixture or chemical
component part : [s. 2(a)(iii), Essential Commodities Act] संघटक combination of materials [sch., entry 1, Factories Act] सम्�मश्रण
भाग ; घटक भाग
compound duties : [s. 9, Indian Stamp Act] शुल्क� को प्रशमन करना
compose : in relation to music [s. 2(ffa) and s. 52(g), Copyright
compound fracture : [sch., Personal Injuries (Compensation
Act] स्वर रचना करना; संकलन करना
Insurance) Act] �वव�
ृ अस्�थ भंग
composer : [s. 2(d)(ii), Copyright Act] संगीतकार compound interest : interest computed in a manner that the unpaid
composing the court, judges : judges, who at the time of hearing interest is periodically added to the principal, besides the original
compose the court [s. 401(1), Cr. P.C.] न्यायालय म� पीठासीन capital and further interest is calculated on the total amount
[s. 23, Indian Trusts Act] चक्रवद्
ृ �ध ब्याज
compoundable offence : an offence which is capable of being
composite : सामू�हक; �व�वध; सम्�मश्र; संयुक्त; सामा�सक
compounded [s. 320(3), Cr. P.C.] शमनीय अपराध
composite culture : [sch., item.(1), Jawaharlal Nehru University
compounder : कंपाउं डर
Act and art.
composite 51A(f), Const.] सामा�सक संस्कृ�त
insurer 88 computation of total income
composite insurer : [s. 2(2), Life Insurance Corporation Act] compounding : [s. 3(f), Drugs and Cosmetics Act] �मश्रता
�व�वध बीमाकतार् compounding creditor : [s. 93, Indian Trusts Act] प्रशमन करने
composite mill : संयुक्त �मल वाला लेनदार

composite property : सम्�मश्र संप�� compounding of drug : [s. 31(b), Pharmacy Act] औषध सम्�मश्रण
composite unit : a unit made of diverse elements [sch. I, item 4, compounding with creditors : लेनदार� के साथ समझौता करना
Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act]
comprehensive programme : [s. 16(2)(e), Water (Prevention and
संयुक्त एकक
Control of Pollution) Act] व्यापक कायर्क्रम
composition : 1. a mixture or chemical combination of materials
[s. 244, I.P.C.] �मत्रण; सम्�मश्रण; 2. formation; construction compressed air : [s. 8, Indian Railways Act] संपी�ड़त वायु

[s. 24(1), Aligarh Muslim University Act] संरचना; 3. a

compounding of some claim or liability, especially an agreement compressor driver : संपी�ड़त्र चालक
by which a creditor; accepts part of a debt in satisfaction from an comprise : to include; to contain [s. 1(2), Epidemic Diseases Act]
insolvent debtor [s. 267(b), Companies act] प्रशमन; समा�वष्ट होना
4. compounding an offence शमन; 5. mutual settlement or comprised in : included in [s. 1, T.P. Act] म� समा�वष्ट
agreement [s. 28(1), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act] समझौता compromise : the arrangement of a dispute by concessions on both
composition deed : a deed by which a debtor compounds with his sides, an adjustment between the parties to a dispute ending in a
creditor [sch. I, item 12, Indian Stamp Act] प्रशमन �वलेख; settlement; a joint promise or agreement made by contending
parties to abide by the terms and conditions agreed [s. 17(2)(vi),
[s. 17(2)(i), Registration Act] समझौता �वलेख
Registration Act] समझौता
composition fees : सं�वरचना फ�स compromise of public key : [s. 42(2), Information Technology
composition for duty : [sch. I, item 59, Indian Stamp Act] शुल्क के Act] लोक कंु जी का गोपनीय न रहना
�लए प्रशमन compromise of suit : [Or. 23, r. 3, C.P.C.] वाद म� समझौता
composition of an offence : [s. 320(8), Cr. P.C.] अपराध का शमन compromise petition : [sch., pt. I, Salarjung Museum Act] समझौते
composition of arbitral authority : [s. 7(1)(a)(iv), Foreign क� अज�
comptist : प�रकलन यंत्र ; प्रचालक compute a bill : �बल का �त�थ �नधार्रण
Comptroller and Auditor General of India : [art. 112(3)(e) and computer : [s. 2(j), Information Technology Act] कम्प्यूटर;
art. 148, margin, Const.] भारत का �नयंत्रक महालेखापर��क
Comptroller of Household : राजभवन प्रबंधक computer contaminant : [s. 43(h), expln. (i), Information
Comptroller of President's Household : राष्ट्रप�त भवन प्रबंधक Technology Act] कम्प्यूटर संदष
ू क
computer floppy : [s. 20B(2), Small Industries Development
compulsorily retired : अ�नवायर्त: �नव�
ृ कर �दया गया
Bank of India Act] कम्प्यूटर फ्लापी ; [s. 10(2), Designs Act,
compulsory : obligatory [s. 73(2), T.P. Act] वैवश्यक ; [s. 17,
2000] कम्प्यूटर प्रणाल�
Registration Act] अ�नवायर्
computer programme : [s. 65, Information Technology Act]
compulsory acquisition : [s. 2(47), Income-tax Act] अ�नवायर् कम्प्यट
ू र कायर्क्रम
अजर्न computer source code : [s. 65, Information Technology Act]
compulsory acquisition of property : [art. 31, margin, Const.] कम्प्यट
ू र स्रोत कोड
संप�� का अ�नवायर् अजर्न computer virus : [s. 43(h), expln. (iii), Information Technology
compulsory borrowing : अ�नवायर् ऋण Act] कम्प्यूटर वाइरस

compulsory deposit : [long title, Compulsory Deposit Scheme Act] computing : [art. 101(4), prov., Const.] संगणना करना
अ�नवायर् �न�ेप computor : संगणक; कम्प्यूटर
compulsory deposit of additional emoluments : [preamble,
conceal : to hide or keep secret �छपाना
Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त
conceal evidence : [s. 8, ill (e), Indian Evidence Act] सा�य को
उपलब्�धय� का अ�नवायर् �न�ेप
compulsory labour : [s. 374, I.P.C.] अ�नवायर् श्रम
compulsory notification of vacancies : [title, Employment conceal identity : [s. 20, Indian Treasure Trove Act] पहचान
Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act] �रक्�तय� �छपाना
क� अ�नवायर् अ�धसच
ू ना concealed danger : a concealed danger has been defined to be
danger which is not known or obvious to the licensee using
compulsory or optional : अ�नवायर् या वैकल्�पक reasonable care �छपा खतरा
compulsory purchase : [s. 33(iii)(b), Antiquities and Art Treasures
concealing design to commit offence : अपराध करने क� प�रकल्पना
Act] अ�नवायर् क्रय
को �छपाना
compulsory retirement : अ�नवायर् सेवा-�नव�ृ �
concealment : 1. the action of concealing [s. 212, excep., I.P.C.]
compulsory service : [art. 23(2), Const.] अ�नवायर् सेवा �छपाना; [s. 23, ill. (g), Indian Contract Act] �छपाव; 2. being
compulsory winding up : अ�नवायर् प�रसमापन concealed [s. 17(2), Indian Contract Act] �छपाया जाना
computation : [s. 2(37A)(i), Income-tax Act] संगणना concealment, active : स�क्रय �छपाया जाना; स�क्रय �छपाव
computation of additional wages : [s. 2(c)(vi)(c), expln. 1, concealment, fraud by : �छपाव द्वारा कपट
Additional Emoluments (Compulsory Deposit) Act] अ�त�रक्त
concealment of birth : [s. 311, I.P.C.] जन्म �छपाना
मजदरू � क� संगणना
concealment of fact : [s. 415, expln. A, I.P.C.] तथ्य का �छपाना;
computation of advance tax : [s. 209, Income-tax Act] अ�ग्रम कर
तथ्य �छपाना
क� संगणना
concealment of income : [s. 271(1), Income-tax Act] आय का
computation of court-fees : [s. 8, Suits Valuation Act] न्यायालय
�छपाना; आय �छपाना
फ�स क� संगणना
conceivable interpretation : बोधगम्य �नवर्चन; प्रकल्पनीय
computation of demands : मांग संगणना ; मांगे इकट्ठ� करना
computation of net profits : [sch. VI, pt. II, item 4A, Companies
Act] शुद्ध लाभ� क� संगणना conceived : having become pregnant with गभार्�हत

computation of net wealth : [s. 4(4), Wealth-tax Act] शद् conceiving the assassination : हत्या का �व चार करना
ु ध धन क�
concentrate : 1. concentrated substance [s. 4(1), Metal
Corporation of India (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] सांद्र;
computation of period of limitation : [s. 18(3), Arms Act]
2. to make denser [s. 63(c), Two-Member Constituencies
प�रसीमाकाल क� संगणना ; [s. 39, Gift-tax Act] प�रसीमा अव�ध
(Abolition) Act] संक��द्रत करना; 3. [s. 2(a)(1), Essential
क� संगणना
Commodities Act] सारकृत चारा
computation of time : समय क� संगणना concentration : 1. the action of concentrating concentration
computation of total income : [s. 14, Income-tax Act] कुल आय क� संकेद्रण; सांद्रण; 2. एकाग्रता
compute 89 concentration, continued : [s. 71A(d), concurrent
Indian Railways Act]
compute : to determine or ascertain by calculation with �नरं तर एकाग्रता
mathematical means [s. 32(1)(ba), Unit Trust of India Act] concentration of industries : उद्योग� का संक�द्रण
संगणना करना
concentration of wealth : [art. 39(c), Const.] धन का संक�द्रण
concentration of wealth to the common detriment : धन का Code] पदानक्र
ु म�णका
सवर्साधारण के �लए अ�हतकार� क�द्रण concourse of buyers and sellers : [s. 2(h), Manipur (Hill Areas)
District Councils Act] क्रेताओं और �वक्रेताओं का जमाव
concept : a general notion, an idea of a class of objects संकल्पना;
the product of the faculty of conception धारणा concrete depot foreman : कंक्र�ट �डपो फोरमैन

concept of absolute duties : आत्यं�तक कतर्व्य� क� धारणा/संकल्पना concrete mixer driver : कंक्र�ट �मश्रक चालक
concubinage : 1. the state of being kept as a concubine [s. 23, ill.
concept of income : आय क� संकल्पना
(k), Indian Contract Act] उप पत्नी के रूप म� रखा जाना; 2. the
conceptus : [long title, Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techinques
(Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act] गभर् उत्पाद state of being a concubine उपपत्नीत्व

concern : 1. something that relates or belongs to one [s. 3(2), concur : to agree in opinion सहमत होना
Industrial Disputes Act] सरोकार; वास्ता; 2. an organisation or concur in a judgment : �नणर्य के बारे म� सहमत होना
establishment for business समुत्थान concurrence : the action of concurring [art. 145(5), Const.]
concern, industrial : an industrial undertaking औद्यो�गक सहम�त
समत्ु थान concurrence of a majority : [s. 77(1)(a), Presidency-towns
concerned : that which relates to or pertains to one [s. 38, I.P.C., Insolvency Act] बहुमत
s. 15, Indian Evidence Act and s. 58(f), T. P. Act] संपक् ृ त ; concurrent : running together in time or space; covering the same
सम्बद्ध having or showing concern सरोकार रखने वाला; वास्ता ground समवत�

रखने वाला concurrent audit : समवत� संपर��ा; समवत� लेखापर��ा

concert : [s. 15, Estate Duty Act] �मलकर concurrent finding : एक ह� �नष्कषर्
concurrent jurisdiction : [s. 3(1), prov., Provincial Insolvency
concert, acting in : सामान्य म�त से कायर् करते हुए; �मलकर कायर्
Act] समवत� अ�धका�रता
करते हुए
concurrent list : [seventh sch., list III, Const.] समवत� सूची
concert the offence : [s. 108, expln. 5, I.P.C.] �मलकर अपराध क�
concurrent subjects : समवत� �वषय
concurrently 90
योजना बनाना
concurrently : together साथ-साथ
concerted refusal : सम्�म�लत रूप से इंकार
concurring judgment : सम्मत �नणर्य
concession : �रयायत
condemn : अनप
ु योगी घो�षत करना
concessional passage : [s. 40A(5)(b)(ii), Income-tax Act] �रयायती
condemnation, without : [s. 11, Naval and Aircraft Prize Act]
जब्त �नण�त �कए �बना
concessional rate : [s. 17(2)(iii), Income-tax Act] �रयायती दर
condemned cell : काल कोठर�
concessional tax treatment : �रयायती कर �नधार्रण
condemned criminal : a culprit, who has been adjudged guilty
Conciliation, Board of : सल
ु ह बोडर् [s. 163, ill. I.P.C.] �सद्धदोष अपराधी
Conciliation Officer : सल
ु ह अ�धकार� condemned prisoner : �सद्धदोष कैद�
conciliation proceeding : सुलह कायर्वाह� condemned stock : अनुपयोगी स्टाक
conciliator : [s. 63(1), Arbitration and Conciliation Act] condensing : making more dense or compact संघनन
condensor : संधा�रत्र
conciliators : [s. 26(3), Gram Nyayalyas Act] सल
ु हक condiment : [s. 2(v)(b), Prevention of Food Adulteration Act]
concise : brief सं��प्त स्वादवधर्क
concise particulars : [s. 13(f)(ii), Provincial Insolvency Act] condition : 1. something agreed upon as a requisite to the doing or
सं��प्त �व�शष्�टयां taking effect of something else; a thing on whose fulfilment
another thing or act is made to depend; a stipulation or provision
conclusion : 1. the end; close; the act of concluding समाप्�त; [art. 15(2), Const.] शतर् ; 2. mode or state of being दशा ; 3. state
2. judgment �नणर्य ; �नष्कषर् in which a thing exists प�रस्�थ�त
conclusion of the inquiry : [s. 116(3), Cr. P.C.] जांच क� समाप्�त condition and contract of sale : �वक्रय क� शतर् और सं�वदा
conclusion of the investigation : [s. 240A(3), Companies Act] condition and limitation : [s. 26, International Airports Authority
अन्वेषण क� समाप्�त Act] शतर् और प�रसीमा ; [s. 10, T.P. Act] शतर् और मयार्दा
conclusive : �नश्चायक condition for approval : अनुमोदन के �लए शतर्
conclusive evidence : [s. 6(3), Land Acquisition Act] �नश्चायक condition governing : शा�सत करने वाल� शतर्
condition in life, his : [Or. 16, r. 12(i), C.P.C.] उसक� सांसा�रक
conclusive proof : [s. 4, Indian Evidence Act] �नश्चायक सबूत स्�थ�त
conclusively determined : determined in a conclusive manner
condition of enrolment : भत� होने के �लए शतर् ; भत� क� शतर्
�नश्चायक रूप से अवधा�रत
condition of previous publication : [s. 28(1), Delhi School
concordance table : [ch. 1, para 109(2), Railway Establishment
Education Act] पूवर् प्रकाशन क� शतर्
condition of re-entry : [s. 65A(e), T.P. Act] पुन: प्रवेश करने क� शतर् condone : to forgive or overlook (an offence) उपम�षर्त करना;
condition of the bailment : उप�नधान क� शतर् उपमषर्ण करना ; माफ करना ; माफ� दे ना

condition of the bond : बंधपत्र क� शतर् condone the delay : [s. 637B(a), Companies Act] �वलंब के �लए
condition of the goods, apparent : [1st sch., item (j), Carriage by माफ� दे ना
Air Act] माल क� प्रकट दशा conducive : helpful, contributive साधक; सहायक
condition of the mind : �च� क� दशा conducive to the public good : [s. 10(3), Citizenship Act] लोक
condition or limitation is void : [s. 10, T.P. Act] शतर् या मयार्दा कल्याण का साधक
ू य है conduct : 1. behaviour [s. 126(1), Cr. P.C. and s. 499, second and
condition precedent : a condition whose fulfilment must precede third exceps., I.P.C.] आचरण; 2. to behave आचरण करना; 3.
the vesting of an estate, the taking effect of a contract or the direction or management [s. 21(1)(a), Cr. P.C.] संचालन; 4. to
accruing of a right [s. 26, T.P. Act] परु ोभाव्य शतर् manage; to direct; to carry on [s. 24, Representation of the
condition prevailing : �वद्यमान दशा ; वतर्मान प�रस्�थ�त People Act, 1951] संचालन करना; संचालन रखना; [s. 21(11th),

condition restraining alienation : [s. 10, T.P. Act] अन्य संक्रामण I.P.C.] संचा�लत करना

अवरुद्ध करने वाल� शतर् conduct examination : [art. 320(a), Const.] पर��ाओं का संचालन
condition subsequent : a condition which destroys or divests upon करना
the happening of an event or not happening of an event [s. 29,
conduct of any judge : [art. 121, Const.] �कसी न्यायाधीश का
T.P. Act] उ�रभाव्य शतर्
condition superadded : [s. 31, T.P. Act] अ�धयोिजत शतर्
conduct of arbitration proceedings : [s. 31(3), Arbitration Act]
conditional : subject to or limited by one or more conditions सशतर् माध्यस्थम ् कायर्वा�हय� का संचालन
conditional beneficial interest : [s. 3, T.P. Act] सशतर् फायदाप्रद conduct of business : [s. 51(2)(i), Manipur (Hill Areas) District
�हत Councils Act] कामकाज का संचालन; [s. 7(1), Marking of Heavy
Packages Act] कारबार संचालन; [art. 99, main heading, Const.]
conditional order : an order having a condition added to it सशतर्
कायर् संचालन
आदे श
conduct of business in the courts : न्यायालय� म� कारबार का
conditional payment : [s. 45(1)(b), Sale of Goods Act] सशतर् संदाय
संचालन; न्यायालय� म� कामकाज का संचालन
conditional sale : sale subject to or limited by one or more
conditions सशतर् �वक्रय conduct of business of the Government of a State : [art. 166,
margin, Const.] राज्य क� सरकार के कायर् का संचालन
conditionally : on condition; in a conditional manner सशतर्
conduct of business of the Government of India : [art. 77,
conditioning house : अनुकूलन गह
ृ margin, Const.] भारत सरकार के कायर् का संचालन
conditions : [art. 39(f), Const.] वातावरण conduct of elections : [s. 43(2)(a), Industrial Finance Corporation
conditions and formalities : [s. 40(iv), Copyright Act] शत� और Act] �नवार्चन� का संचालन
conduct of government business : [art. 77, main heading, Const.]
सरकार� कायर् का संचालन
conditions and limitations : [art. 134(2), Const.] शत� और
conduct of the plaintiff : [s. 41(i), Specific Relief Act] वाद� का
conditions of contract : सं�वदा क� शत�
conduct of the suit : वाद का संचालन
conditions of eligibility : पात्रता क� शत�
conduct rules : आचरण �नयम
conditions of Governor's office : [art. 158, margin, Const.]
राज्यपाल के पद के �लए शत� conduct unbecoming the character of an officer : ऐसा आचरण

conditions of labour : श्रम-प�रस्�थ�तयां जो अ�धकार� के �लए अशोभनीय है

conditions of President's office : [art. 59, margin, Const.] conducted : [art. 28(3), Const.] क� जाने वाल�
राष्ट्रप�त के पद के �लए शत� conducting a prosecution, person : one who conducts a
conditions of residence : [s. 17(1)(b), Jawaharlal Nehru conducting अ�भयोजन संच
prosecutionexamination, ा�लत of
mode करने वाला व्यक्�त 91
University Act] �नवास क� शत� conducting examination, mode of : [s. 29(2)(a), Inland Vessels
conditions of service : [s. 30(1), University of Hyderabad Act and Act] पर��ा के संचालन क� र��त
art. 98(2), Const.] सेवा क� शत� ; [s. 16(v), Income-tax Act] सेवा conducting market survey : बाजार सव��ण करना
क� प�रस्�थ�तयां conductor : कंडक्टर
conditions of work : काम क� प�रस्�थ�तयां [art. 43, Const.] काम
conductor guard : कंडक्टर गाडर्
क� दशाएं
conduit : [s. 7(1)(a), Indian Railways Act] न�लका
condominium : [Model Bylaws, by law 3(b) and rules 3(6), Delhi
conduit pipe or channel : [s. 2(dd), Water (Prevention and
Apartment Ownership Rules] सहस्वा�म त्व
Control of Pollution) Act] तारनल� या प्रणाल
condonation : [Or. 41, r. 3A, margin, C.P.C.] माफ�
confer : to bestow प्रदान करना ; प्रद� करना
confer degree : उपा�ध दे ना ; उपा�ध प्रदान करना कारागार म� प�ररोध
confer jurisdiction : अ�धका�रता प्रदान करना confinement in prison : [s. 2(a), Prisoners (Attendance in Courts)
conference : a meeting of several persons for the interchange of Act] कारागार म� प�ररोध
opinions or for the removal of doubts or differences सम्मेलन confinement in the quarter guard : [s. 11(1)(d), Central Reserve
Police Force Act] क्वाटर् र गाडर् म� प�ररोध
conference hall : सम्मेलन भवन
confinement into quarters, lines or camp : [s. 11(1)(c), Central
conference regulations : सम्मेलन �व�नयम Reserve Police Force Act] क्वाटर् र, लाइन या क�प म� प�ररोध
conferment : the action of conferring प्रदान ; प्रदान �कया जाना confinement, limit of solitary : [ss. 73K and 74, I.P.C.] एकांत
conferment of honorary degree : [s. 24(1), University of प�ररोध क� अव�ध
Hyderabad Act] सम्मा�नक उपा�ध का प्रदान �कया जाना
confinement to the camp : [s. 82(o), Air Force Act] क�प म� प�ररोध
conferment on the Supreme Court of powers to issue certain
writs : [art. 139, margin, Const.] कुछ �रट जार� करने क� शक्�तय� confinement to the lines : [s. 80(c), Army Act] लाइन्स म� प�ररोध
का उच्चतम न्यायालय को प्रद� �कया जाना confinement, wrongful : [s. 340, I.P.C.] सदोष प�ररोध
conferred by charter : चाटर् र द्वारा प्रद� confirm : to make firm; to satisfy; to render valid by formal assent;
to corroborate [s. 35, ill., T.P. Act] पुष्�ट करना ; [s. 158, Indian
conferring the power : [s. 20, General Clauses Act] शक्�त प्रद�
Evidence Act] पुष्ट करना
करने वाला
confirm the transfer : [s. 35, ill., T. P. Act] अंतरण क� पुष्�ट करना
confess : to own or admit as a fault [s. 205, I.P.C.] संस्वीकार करना
confirmation : [ch. XII, heading, Army Act] पुष्�ट ; [s. 520,
; संस्वीकृत करना ; इकबाल करना
confess judgment : to acknowledge that a claim is or is about to Cr. P.C.] पुष्ट�करण ; [Or. 34, r. 8(1), C.P.C.] पुष्ट �कया जाना
become due to another and consent that legal judgment may be confirmation, court of : a court which confirms a sentence or order
entered for the amount when due and unpaid [s. 205, I.P.C.] दावे passed by a lower court, so as to give it full legal efficacy [s. 520,
Cr. P.C.] पुष्ट�करण का न्यायालय
क� संस्वीकृ�त कर लेना
confession : the action of confessing or acknowledging one's guilt; confirmation in the grade : श्रेणी म� पुष्�ट
a statement in which such acknowledgement is made; an
confirmation on a post : �कसी पद पर पुष्�ट
admission of guilt by a person who has committed a crime
संस्वीकृ�त ; इकबाल करना confirmation of sale : �वक्रय का पुष्ट �कया जाना

confession, retracted : मुकर� हुई संस्वीकृ�त confirmatory : पुष्�टकार�

confessional point of view : [3rd sch., art. 37, Geneva Conventions confirmatory order : पुष्�ट आदे श
Act] प्रायश्�चत को मानने वाले पंथ के अनुसार
confirmatory test : पुष्�ट पर��ण
confide : [s. 14, Religious Endowments Act] �वश्वासपूवक
र् स�पना confirming or dissolving the injunction, order : [s. 30(9)(d),
confidence, active : स�क्रय �वश्वास Industrial Finance Corporation Act] व्यादे श को पुष्ट करने या

confidence reposed : [s. 3, Indian Trusts Act] रखा गया �वश्वास �वघ�टत करने वाला आदे श
confiscate : to appropriate (private property) to the public treasury
confidential assistant : गोपनीय सहायक by way of penalty; to deprive of property as forfeited to the State
confidential capacity : गोपनीयता क� है �सयत; गोपनीय है �सयत अ�धहरण करना ; अ�धहृत करना
confidential character roll : गोपनीय च�रत्र पुस्�तका confiscation : the action of confiscating or the fact of being
confiscated अ�धहरण (जब्ती)
confidential clerk : गोपनीय �ल�पक
confidential communication : a communication made between confiscation of conveyances : [s. 115, Customs Act] प्रवहण� का
parties who stand in a confidential relation to each other; a अ�धहरण
communication made in confidence गोपनीय संसूचना
conflagration : [s. 81(b), I.P.C.] आग ; [s. 133(1)(c), Cr. P.C.]
confidential report : गोपनीय �रपोटर् अग्�नकांड
configuration : आकृ�त conflict : [s. 26(3A), Gift-tax Act and 1st sch., art. 3, Geneva
confine : 1. to keep within circumscribing limits [s. 46(1), Cr. Conventions Act] �वरोध
P.C.] प�ररुद्ध करना ; 2. to restrict सी�मत करना conflict in the decisions : [s. 257, Income-tax Act] �व�नश्चय� म�
confine the body of a person : [s. 46(1), Cr. P.C.] व्यक्�त के शर�र �वरोध
को प�ररुद्ध करना conflict of laws : that part of the law of a country which governs
confined place : प�ररुद्ध स्थान cases involving a foreign element �व�ध संघषर्

confinement : 1. the action of confining; being confined [s. 6, ill. conflicting claim : [s. 47(1), Insurance Act] परस्पर �वरोधी दावा
(b), I.P.C. and s. 80(c), Army Act] प�ररोध; 2. being confined in confluence : [sch. 1(d), Scheduled Areas (Assimilation of Laws)
child births [s. 2(3), Employees' State Insurance Act] प्रसवावस्था Act] संगम

confinement in a civil jail : [s. 417(2), Cr. P.C.] �स�वल जेल म� conformable to the judgment : [s. 388(2), Cr. P.C.] �नणर्य के
प�ररुद्ध होना अनुरूप

confinement in military prison : [s. 169(1), Army Act] सै�नक conformably : [s. 27(6), Wealth-tax Act] अनरू
ु पत:
conformably to such judgment : [s. 260(1), Income-tax Act] ऐसे हो
�नणर्य के अनुरूप conscription : अ�नवायर् सै�नक भ��
conformity : correspondence in form or manner; agreement in
consecutive : following in uninterrupted succession क्रमवत�; क्रम
character अनुरूपता
से; क्रमवार; लगातार; [art. 164(4), Const.] �नरं तर
conformity with, in : के अनुरूपत: ; के अनुरूप consecutive meetings : meetings, one immediately following the
confusion : [s. 16(1), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] भ्रम other क्रमवत� अ�धवेशन ; लगातार बैठक�
congenital malformation : [long title, Pre-Natal Diagnostic consecutive sentence : [s. 31(2), Cr. P.C.] क्रमवत� दं डादे श
Techinques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act]
जन्मजात in �वthe
कृ�त consecutive series : [s. 53, Registration Act] क्रमवार श्रे�णयां
congestion yard 92 consideration for guarantee
consecutive terms : [s. 11(2), Agricultural Refinance Corporation
congestion in the yard : [s. 76A, Indian Railways Act] याडर् म�
Act] लगातार अव�धयां
consecutively : following continuously; following each its
conjointly : related to, made up of or carried on by two or more in
predecessor in uninterrupted succession क्रमवत� रूप से; क्रमश:;
combination [s. 81(3), Army Act] संयक्ु तत: ; संयक्
ु त होकर
क्रम से
conjugal rights, restitution of : [Or. 21, r. 32(1), C.P.C.] दांपत्य
consecutively numbered : क्रमश: संख्यां�कत ; क्रम से संख्यां�कत
अ�धकार� का प्रत्यास्थापन
conseil d' Etat : राज्य प�रषद् (कांसे �द �ा)
conjugal society : [s. 4, Converts’ Marriage Dissolution Act]
दाम्पत्य साहचयर् consent : a concurrence of will [s. 13, Indian Contract Act]
सम्म�त; सहम�त
connect : संयोिजत करना
consent audit : सहम�त संपर��ा
connected : linked; related [ss. 3 and 39, Indian Evidence Act]
संसक्त ; संबं�धत ; संबद्ध consent basis : सहम�त आधार

connected series : संसक्त आव�ल consent in writing : �ल�खत सम्म�त; �ल�खत सहम�त
connected voucher : [s. 24(3), International Airports Authority consent of parties : प�कार� क� सम्म�त; प�कार� क� सहम�त
Act] संबं�धत वाउचर consequence : a thing or circumstance which follows as an effect
connection : 1. relationship; link; relation between things one of or result from something preceding प�रणाम
which is bound up with, or involved in, another संसंग; संबंध; 2. a
consequence of, in : के प�रणामस्वरूप
relative संबंधी; 3. in regard to electricity [s. 44(d), Indian
consequence of non-attendance : गैरहािजर रहने का प�रणाम
Electricity Act] संयोजन
consequences of failure : [s. 201(1), Income-tax Act] असफलता के
connection, business : कारबार� संबंध
connection or relation : [s. 24, Indian Succession Act] संबंध या
consequent failure of justice : justice becoming unavailing,
नातेदार� worthless or non-existent following or as a result of (something)
connection with, in : [s. 339(1), Cr. P.C.] के संबंध म� ; [s. 11(2), [s. 18(2), C.P.C.] प�रणामस्वरूप न्याय क� �नष्फलता; प�रणामत:

Indian Evidence Act] संसग

ं म� ; [s. 136(2)(a), Representation of न्याय का न हो पाना

the People Act, 1951] से संसक्त consequential : followng as a consequence [art. 4(1), Const.]
connivance : passive consent; a corrupt or guilty assent to wrong
doing not involving actual participation in it, but implying consequential losses : पा�रणा�मक हा�नयां
knowledge of and failure to prevent or oppose it [ss. 150 and
consequential relief : [s. 7(iv)(c), Court-fees Act] पा�रणा�मक
497, I.P.C.] मौनानुकूलता
connive, wilfully : [s. 17, Central Excise Act] जानबूझकर
consequently : प�रणामत:; प�रणामस्वरूप
मौनानुम�त दे ना
conservancy : सफाई
consanguine blood : समरक्त
conservancy charges : सफाई प्रभार
consanguinity : [part IV, Indian Succession Act] समरक्तता
conservancy inspector : मलसफाई �नर��क
consanguinity, lineal : [s. 25, Indian Succession Act] पारं प�रक
conservancy service : [s. 2(d)(1)(v), Limestone and Dolomite
Mines Labour Welfare Fund Act] सफाई सेवा
conscience, dictates of public : [art. 63, Geneva Conventions Act]
लोक अंतश्चेतना क� पुकार conservancy supervisor : मल सफाई पयर्वे�क

conscience, good : शुद्ध अंत:करण conservancy tax : सफाई कर

conscientiously : in a conscientious manner [sch., form No. 3, conservation : preservation from loss, injury, decay or waste [s.
Delhi Administration Act] शुद्ध अंत:करण से; [s. 12(a), 5(1)(ix), Wealth-tax Act] संर�ण

Apprentices Act] �नष्ठापूवर्क conservation architecture : [s. 20(K), Ancient Monuments and
Archaelogical Sites and Remains (Amendment and Validation)
conscious : [s. 3(2), Indian Evidence Act] भान Act] संर�ण वास्तकु ला
conscious, of which any person is : िजसका भान �कसी व्यक्�त को conservation assistant : संर�ण सहायक
conservation of coal and development of coal mines : [preamble, consignment ledger : परे षण खाता
Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act] कोयले का
consignment note : परे षण पत्र
संर�ण और कोयला खान� का �वकास
consignment, outward : जावक परे षण
conservation of foreign exchange : �वदे शी मुद्रा संर�ण
consignment received : प्राप्त परे षण
conservation of water resources : [s. 3(2)(a), Water (Prevention
and Control of Pollution) Act] जल स्रोत� का संर�ण consignment set out : �नगर्�मत परे षण

Conservation Officer : संर�ण अ�धकार� consignment stock account : परे षण स्टाक लेखा

Conservator of Forests : वनपाल ; वनसंर�क consignment stock suspense account : परे षण स्टाक उचंत लेखा

Conservator of Port : [s. 7(1), Indian Ports Act] प�न संर�क consignor : one who consigns goods to another परे षक; (माल) भेजने

conservator of wild life : वन्य जीव संर�क वाला

consider : 1. to think over �वचार करना ; 2. to regard as or deem to consist of : के रूप म� होना; से �मलकर बनना; से ग�ठत होना

be मानना consistent : in harmony; in accord; compatible : संगत

consider the finding : �नष्कषर् के संबंध म� �वचार करना consistent view : अ�वचल �वचार; �नरं तर �वचार; स्�थर �वचार

considerable : [s. 48, expln., Indian Evidence Act] बड़ा; प्रचुर; consisting of : [art. 66(1), const.] �मलकर बनने वाला
पयार्प्त; बड़े पैमाने पर consists of a single person : [s. 11(1), Metal Corporation of India
(Acquisition of Undertaking) Act] एकल व्यक्�त से ग�ठत है
considerable body of strangers : [s. 177, ill. (b), I.P.C.] अनजाने
लोग� का बड़ा �गरोह console : कनसोल ; अप�रसी�मत बांड
consols : an abbreviation of consolidated annuity [s. 164, ill.,
considerable magnitude : बड़े पैमाने पर
Indian Succession Act] समे�कत वा�षर्क�
considerable part : pretty large part प्रचुर भाग consolidate : to combine compactly into one connected whole
considerable time : [s. 293(1)(c), Companies Act] पयार्प्त समय समेकन करना; समे�कत करना
consideration : 1. anything regarded as compense or equivalent for consolidate shares : अंश� (शेयर�) का समेकन करना
what one does or undertakes for another's benefit [s. 2(d), Indian
consolidate the enactments : [Long title, Registration Act]
Contract Act] प्र�तफल; 2. careful thought ध्यान; �वचार; �वचारणा
अ�ध�नय�म�तय� का समेकन करना
consolidated abstract : समे�कत सार
consideration, for : in return of some consideration प्र�तफलेन;
सप्र�तफल; प्र�तफल के �लए; [s. 45, T.P. Act] प्र�तफलाथर् consolidated annual accounts : समे�कत वा�षर्क लेखे

consideration for guarantee : प्रत्याभू�त के �लए प्र�तफल; गारं ट� के consolidated certificate of balances : शेष� का समे�कत प्रमाणपत्र

�लए प्र�तफल of bill consolidated fund of India : [s. 15, Cardamom Act and art.
consideration 93 constitution of an authority
110(1)(c), Const.] भारत क� सं�चत �न�ध
consideration of bill : [art. 117(3), Const.] �वधेयक पर �वचार
consolidated fund revenue : समे�कत �न�ध राजस्व
consolidated funds and public accounts of India and of the
consideration of services : [s. 75(2), Presidency-towns Insolvency
States : [art. 266, margin, Const.] भारत और राज्य� क� सं�चत
Act] सेवाओं का प्र�तफल
�न�धयां और लोक खाते
consideration of the sentence : दं डादे श पर �वचार
consolidated monthly account : समे�कत मा�सक लेखा
consideration, paramount : सव�प�र ध्यान
consolidated pay : समे�कत वेतन
consideration, transferee for : अंत�रती जो सप्र�तफल है ; सप्र�तफल
consolidated rates : समे�कत दर�
consolidated record : समे�कत अ�भलेख
consideration, under : �वचाराधीन
consolidated revenue account : समे�कत आमदनी लेखा
consideration, valuable : मल्
ू यवान प्र�तफल
considerations : something that is considered as a ground of consolidated statement : समे�कत �ववरण
opinion or action [s. 62(3), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] consolidated stock : समे�कत स्टाक
बात� ; �वचारणाएं
consolidated treasury receipt : समे�कत खजाना रसीद
considerations of business expediency : [s. 40A(3), prov., Income-
consolidating Acts : Acts passed to consolidate the statute law only
tax Act] कारबार संबंधी समीचीनता क� बात�
on a subject, without necessarily affecting case law समेकन
consign : to deliver or to transmit (goods) for sale or custody,
usually implying their transit by ship, railway etc. परे �षत करना
consolidation of holdings : चकबंद�
consignee : a person to whom goods are consigned परे �षती; (माल)
पाने वाला consolidation of shares : शेयर समेकन
consignment : [s. 19(1)(k), Road Transport Corporations Act] consolidation of suits : joining two or more suits together वाद� का
परे षण ; [s. 14, Drugs and Cosmetics Act] परे �षत प�रमाण समेकन
consignment, inward : आवक परे षण consolidation officer : चकबंद� अ�धकार�
consonance : [first para, enacted formula, National Capital �व�ध द्वारा स्था�पत भारत का सं�वधान
Territor of Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act] अनरू
ु प constitution of Legislatures in States : [art. 168, margin, Const.]
conspectus : a general or comprehensive view �दग्दशर्न राज्य� के �वधान-मंडल� का गठन
conspicuous : clearly visible, obvious or striking to the eye constitution of Parliament : [art. 79, Const.] संसद् का गठन
सहजदृश्य constitution of pension : [s. 26(h), Institutes of Technology Act]
conspiracy : a planning and acting together secretly especially for प� शन क� स्थापना
an unlawful or harmful purpose; the plan agreed on; plot [s. 108,
expln. 5, I.P.C.] षड्यंत्र constitution of property : [s. 2(b), T.P. Act] संप�� संघटन

conspire : [s. 10, Indian Evidence Act] षड्यंत्र करना constitution of Rule Committee : �नयम स�म�त का गठन

Constable : कांस्टे बल constitutional : [art. 32A, Const.] सां�वधा�नक

Constable, Head : हे ड कांस्टे बल constitutional provision : सां�वधा�नक उपबंध

constabulary, armed : सशस्त्र पु�लस constitutional reason : सां�वधा�नक कारण

constant study : [s. 9(a), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, constitutional remedies : [main heading, art. 32, Const.]
1960] बराबर अध्ययन; सतत ् अध्ययन सां�वधा�नक उपचार
constitutional safe-guards : part III of the Constitution sets out the
constant use : �नरं तर उपयोग safeguards for certain rights of the subject and secures these
constituency : �नवार्चन-�ेत्र rights from invasion by the State itself सां�वधा�नक संर�ण
Constituent Assembly of India : भारत क� सं�वधान सभा constitutional system of the Federation : [art. 11(6), Foreign
Constituent Assembly of the Dominion of India : [art. 106, Awards (Recognition and Enforcement) Act] प�रसंघ क�
Const.] भारत डो�म�नयन क� सं�वधान सभा सां�वधा�नक प्रणाल�
constituent college : [s. 2(e), Haryana and Punjab Agricultural constitutional validity : सां�वधा�नक �व�धमान्यता
Universities Act] घटक महा�वद्यालय
constrain : to force; to compel मजबूर करना
constituent instrument : [art. 20, para 3, Vienna Convention on
constraint : compulsion मजबूर�
the Law of the Treaties, 1969] सं�वधायी �लखत
construct : [s. 7(1)(d), Indian Railways Act] सन्�न�मर्त करना;
constituent of a group : समुदाय का घटक
सन्�नमार्ण करना ; �नमार्ण करना
constituent part : [s. 2(a), Extradition Act] संघटक भाग
construct the works : [s. 13, Land Acquisition (Mines) Act] संकमर्
constitute : 1. to make (a thing) what it is; to frame; to compose
ग�ठत करना; 2. to appoint �नयत करना बनाना
constitute a quorum : [s. 17(2), Industrial Finance Corporation construction : 1. the construing, explaining or interpreting of a text,
Act] कोरम पूरा करना; कोरम बनाना; कोरम होना; गणपू�तर् करना; statement, action or words etc. अथर् लगाना; अथार्न्वयन; 2.
गणपू�तर् होना building सन्�नमार्ण; �नमार्ण; बनाया जाना

constitute an offence : अपराध ग�ठत होता है construction division : �नमार्ण प्रभाग

construction of document : [s. 69, Presidency Small Cause Courts
constitute his defence to : [Or. 14, r. 1(2), C.P.C.] अपनी प्र�तर�ा
Act] दस्तावेज का अथार्न्वयन
ग�ठत करना
construction of rolling stock : [s. 49, Indian Railways Act] चल
constitute undercutting, as to : [1st sch., item (11), Cost and
Works Accountants Act] (ऐसा करना) दस ू र� के मक ु ाबले म� स्टाक का सन्�नमार्ण

अपे�ाकृत कम वेतन पर काम करना है construction of structure : [s. 32(1A), Income-tax Act] संरचना का
constituted attorney : a duly appointed attorney �नयत अटन� सन्�नमार्ण; संरचना का �नमार्ण

constituting a charge : [s. 2(12), Companies Act] भार के रूप म� construction of will : �वल का अथर् लगाना
होना construction officer : �नमार्ण अ�धकार�
constituting or defining the constitution : [s. 391(4), Companies construction services : [s. 65, Finance Act, 1994] सन्�न मार्ण
Act] ग�ठत क� गई या गठन प�र�नश्�चत �कया गया सेवाएं
Constitution : 1. the system or body of fundamental principles
according to which a nation, State or body politic is constituted construction work : �नमार्ण कायर्
and governed सं�वधान, 2. the action of constituting; composition constructional or manufacturing operations : सन्�नमार्ण या
गठन ; संगठन ; 3. to set up; to establish संघटन; स्थापना �व�नमार्ण संबंधी सं�क्रयाएं
constitution of a firm : [s. 187(1), Income-tax Act] फमर् का गठन constructive : 1. that which has not the character assigned to its
own nature but acquires such character in consequence of the
constitution of an authority : [preamble, International Airports way in which it is regarded by a rule of or policy of law;
Authority Act] प्रा�धकरण का गठन inferential [s. 8(2), Agricultural Refinance Corporation Act]
constitution of High Courts 94 आन्व�यक; 2. रचनात्मक contact
constitution of High Courts : [art. 216, margin, Const.] उच्च constructive delivery : आन्व�यक प�रदान
न्यायालय� का गठन constructive possession : a possession in law (such as through a
Constitution of India as by law established : [art. 69, Const.] tenant) as distinguished from actual physical possession [s. 3(c),
T.P. Act] आन्व�यक कब्जा Protection Act] उपभोक्ता �ववाद प्र�ततोष पीठ
constructive taking : the taking need not, unlike theft in the consumer goods : उपभोक्ता वस्तुएं
criminal law, be necessarily a physical moving or handling of the
goods; it may be constructive as by a transfer in the books of a consumer price index : [s. 48, expln., (v), Income-tax Act]
banker or warehouseman or endorsement of documents of title उपभोक्ता मल्
ू य सूचकांक
आन्व�यक रूप से ले जाना consumer's interest : उपभोक्ता का �हत
consuming centre : उपभोग क�द्र

constructive trust : a trust arising by operation of law apart from consummate marriage : [s. 25, Special Marriage Act] �ववाहो�र
any intention to create a trust [s. 94, Indian Trusts Act] आन्व�यक सहवास करना; �ववाहो�र संभोग करना
न्यास consummation of marriage : �ववाहो�र संभोग
construe : to give the sense or meaning of; to interpret, to put a consumption : the action or fact of consuming i.e. using up
construction on अथर् लगाना anything उपभोग
consul : an officer appointed by his government to reside at a
consumption unit : उपभोग यू�नट
definite place abroad and there fulfil certain duties in the interest
of his country and fellow subjects [s. 3(16), General Clauses contact : 1. the state or condition of touching; the act of touching;
Act] क�सल the state of being in touch or association संस्पशर्; 2. association
Consul de carriere : [s. 10(6)(iii), Income-tax Act] व�ृ �क क�सल संपकर्
Consul General : [s. 2(a), Diplomatic and Consular Officers contact, liaison or 95
(Oaths and Fees) Act] महाक�सल contact, liaison or : संबंध या संपकर्

consular agent : [s. 3(16), General Clauses Act] क�सल�य अ�भकतार् contagious : communicable by contact [second sch., item 79(3),
Income-tax Act] स्पशर्जन्य; carrying disease or other contagion
consular attache : क�सल�य अताशे
consular certificate : क�सल�य प्रमाणपत्र
contagious disease : a disease communicable by contact सांस�गर्क
consular certificate of origin : [sch., pt. 1, item 17, Commercial
Documents Evidence Act] मूल स्थान का क�सल�य प्रमाणपत्र;
उद्भव का क�सल�य प्रमाणपत्र contagious leprosy : सांस�गर्क कुष्ठ

consular functions : क�सल संबंधी कायर् ; क�सल�य कृत्य contain any allegation of fact : तथ्य का कोई अ�भकथन अंत�वर्ष्ट
consular invoice : क�सल�य बीजक
contain in : comprise in म� अंत�वर्ष्ट
consular officer : [s. 3(16), General Clauses Act] क�सल�य
आ�फसर contained : अंत�वर्ष्ट है ; म� है
consulate : the office of consul [s. 20(1), Registration of Births and container : 1. a vessel [s. 2(c), Agricultural Produce (Grading ard
Deaths Act] क�सल-कायार्लय; क�सल; वा�णज्�यक दत ू ावास; Marking) Act] पात्र; 2. anything that contains or can contain

ु ावास; क�सलावास something आधान; अंतव�ष्�टक

Consulate General of India : भारत का महाक�सलावास containing particulars : �व�शष्�टय� से युक्त

containment : [Verification annex., pt. I, item 5(a)(iii), Chemical
consultant : one who gives professional advice परामश�
Weapons Convention Act] संरोधन
consultation : taking counsel परामशर्
contamination : the action of contaminating or condition of being
consultation with, after : after taking the consultation of से contaminated; defilement, pollution, infection [s. 36(2)(q),
परामशर् के पश्चात ् Insecticides Act] संदष
ू ण
contemplated or probable breach of trust : [s. 61, Indian Trusts
consultation with, in : seeking counsel from के परामशर् से ; से
Act] अनुध्यात या अ�धसंभाव्य न्यास भंग
परामशर् करके
contemplation of : [s. 11(5)(b), Estate Duty Act] को ध्यान म�
consulting architect : परामश� वास्त�ु वद्
consulting engineer : [s. 63(2)(f), Water (Prevention and Control
of Pollution) Act] परामश� इंजी�नयर contemplation of death, in : मत्ृ यु को आसन्न मान कर

consulting physician : परामश� �च�कत्सक contemporaneous : समकाल�न

contemporaneous agreement : an agreement which takes place at
consulting room : परामशर् क�
the same time समकाल�न करार
consumable materials : खपने वाल� सामग्री contempt : a wilful disregard or disobedience (of public authority);
consumable store : [s. 2(14)(i), Income-tax Act] खपने वाला सामान a mental attitude in which a thing is considered as vile and
worthless [art. 19(2), Const.] अवमान
consume : [s. 7(ii)(j), Indian Easements Act] उपभोग करना; खपाना
contempt of court : न्यायालय का अवमान ; [art. 19(2), Const.]
consumed or destroyed : [s. 144(3), Customs Act] खप गया या
नष्ट हो गया
contend : [Or. 43, r. 1(1), C.P.C.] प्र�तवाद करना
consumer : [s. 2(c), Indian Electricity Act] उपभोक्ता
contention : dispute; controversy [Or. 31, r. 1, C.P.C.] प्र�त�वरोध
consumer dispute redressal forum : [s. 2(h), Consumer
contentious : प्र�त�वरोधात्मक contingent charge : [s. 67, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]
आकस्�मक भार
contents : 1. that which is contained अंतवर्स्तु ; 2. the subject matter
contingent contract : [s. 31, Indian Contract Act] समा�श्रत सं�वदा
contingent duty : [s. 136, Finance Act, 2001] आकिस्मक शल्
ु क
contents of documents : दस्तावेज� क� अंतवर्स्तु/�वषय-वस्तु
contingent interest : [s. 21, T.P. Act] समा�श्रत �हत
contents of memorandum : �ापन क� अंतवर्स्तु/�वषय-वस्तु
contingent judgment : [s. 70, Presidency Small Cause Courts Act]
contents of proclamation : [second sch., item 53, Income-tax Act]
समा�श्रत �नणर्य
उद्घोषणा क� �वषय-वस्तु
contingent liability : an amount that may or may not be owed
contents of the stomach : [s. 18, Coroners Act] आमाशय म� मौजद
ू dependent on the outcome of a contingency [s. 21(1), Industrial
पदाथर् Finance Corporations Act] समा�श्रत दा�यत्व
contest : 1. strife; conflict [Or. 41. r. 22, prov, C.P.C.] प्र�तवाद; contingent nature : [fourth sch., item 5(4)(b), Income-tax Act]
2. to controvert; to defend as a suit प्र�तवाद करना; 3. to oppose आकस्�मक प्रकार

�वरोध करना; 4. to struggle for victory लड़ना contingent on an event not happening : घटना के घ�टत न होने पर
contest an award : [second sch., item 24, Provincial Small Cause समा�श्रत
Courts Act] �कसी अ�ध�नणर्य म� प्र�तवाद करना contingent on impossible events : [s. 36, Indian Contract Act]
contested election : स�वरोध �नवार्चन असंभव घटनाओं पर समा�श्रत

contesting candidate : �नवार्चन लड़ने वाला अभ्यथ� contingent register : आकस्�मक व्यय रिजस्टर

contesting parties : मक contingently : [s. 2(16), Estate Duty Act] समा�श्रत रूप से
ु दमा लड़ने वाले प�कार
contesting the petition : अज� का �वरोध करना continuance : the state of continuing चालू रहना ; जार� रहना

context : the parts which immediately precede or follow any continuance in force of existing laws and their adaptation :
particular passage or text and determine its meaning संदभर् [art. 372, margin, Const.] �वद्यमान �व�धय� का प्रव�
ृ बने रहना
और उनका अनुकूलन
contiguous : touching; adjoining समीपस्थ; संलग्न
contiguous area : [s. 2(c), State Financial Corporations Act] continuance of attachment : कुक� का चालू रहना
संलग्न �ेत्र continuance of contract : सं�वदा का जार� रहना
continental shelf : 1. महाद्वीपीय मग्नतट भू�म ; 2. [s. 75A (a), continuance of meeting : [s. 165(6), Companies Act] अ�धवेशन का
Merchant Shipping Act] महाद्वीपीय मग्नतट चलते रहना
continental system : यरू ोपीय लेखा पद्ध�त continuance of office : [s. 11, Charitable Endowments Act] पद का
contingencies : आकस्�मक व्यय बना रहना
contingencies, contract : सं�वदा आकस्�मक व्यय continuance of pregnancy : [s. 3(2)(b)(i), Medical Termination of
Pregnancy Act] गभर् का बना रहना
contingencies, countersigned : प्र�तहस्ता��रत आकस्�मक व्यय
continuance of the rights of citizenship : [art. 10, margin, Const.]
contingencies, fully vouched : पूणर् प्रमा�णत आकस्�मक व्यय नाग�रकता के अ�धकार� का बना रहना
contingencies, scale regulated : मान �व�नय�मत आकस्�मक व्यय continuation and validation of recovery proceedings :
contingencies, special : �वशेष आकस्�म क व्यय [s. 5A(2A)(iii), Estate Duty Act] वसूल� क� कायर्वा�हय� का चालू
contingency : 1. an event conceived of possible occurrence in the रहना और �व�धमान्यकरण
future [art. 70, Const.] आकस्�मकता ; 2. a chance event continuation sheet : अनुवत� कागज
अ�नश्�चत घटना ; अ�नश्�चत प�रस्�थ�त adjoining the platform 96
contingency fund : [art. 267, margin, Const.] आकस्�मकता �न�ध continue : 1. to remain in existence or in the given place or
condition बना रहना; �नरं तर रहना; सतत ् रहना; जार� रखना; 2. to
Contingency Fund of India : [art. 110(1)(c), Const.] भारत क�
persevere; to go on with चलता रहना; चालू रहना; होता रहना
आकस्�मकता �न�ध
continue arrest : �गरफ्तार� जार� रखना
contingent : dependant on a probability; that which may happen or
not समा�श्रत continue attached : to remain attached संलग्न बना रहना
contingency not provided for in this chapter : [art. 160, Const.] continue in force : [s. 15(2), Arms Act] प्रव�
ृ बना रहना
आकस्�मकता जो इस अध्याय म� उपबं�धत नह�ं है continue in office : [s. 11(2), Agricultural Refinance Corporation
contingent and prospective liabilities : [s. 434(1)(c), Companies Act] पद पर बना रहना
Act] समा�श्रत तथा भावी दा�यत्व
continue in possession : to keep up possession कब्जा चालू रखना
contingent beneficial interest : [s. 3, T.P. Act] समा�श्रत फायदाप्रद
continue in service : सेवा म� बने रहना
continue to fail : असफल बना रहना
contingent bill : आकस्�मक व्यय �बल
continue to hold office : [art. 156(3), prov., Const.] पद धारण करते
contingent bill abstract : सं��प्त आकस्�मक व्यय �बल
contingent bill, detailed : ब्यौरे वार आकस्�मक व्यय �बल
continued concentration : [s. 71A(d), Indian Railways Act] �नरं तर
एकाग्रता contract a marriage : [s. 125(3), Cr. P.C.] �ववाह करना
continued line of railway communication : [s. 48, Indian contract account : सं�वदा लेखा
Railways Act] रे ल संचार क� �नरं तर लाइन
contract be reformed : contract be rectified सं�वदा का सुधार �कया
continued, prosecuted and enforced : [s. 31(4), Cost and Works
Accountants Act] चालू रखा गया ; चलाया गया और प्रव� ृ �कया
गया contract, contingent : [s. 31, Indian Contract Act] समा�श्रत सं�वदा

continues to be approved : [s. 2(61), Income-tax Act] अनुमोदन contract disease : रोग लग जाना

कायम है contract establishment allowance : सं�वदा स्थापन भ�ा

continues to be recognised : [s. 2(38), Income-tax Act] िजसक� contract, express : [s. 202, Indian Contract Act] अ�भव्यक्त सं�वदा
मान्यता कायम है contract for annuity : वा�षर्क� सं�वदा
continuing : [s. 73(b), Indian Trusts Act] बने रहने वाला; चालू रहने contract for deferred annuity : [s. 80C(3), Income-tax Act]
वाला; चलत; �न रं तर; सतत ् आस्थ�गत वा�षर्क� सं�वदा

continuing breach : चालू रहने वाला भंग contract for sale : an agreement to sell [s. 54, T.P. Act] �वक्रय क�
continuing default : [s. 221(1), Income-tax Act] चालू रहने वाला
व्य�तक्रम contract for sea-insurance : [s. 2(2)(b), Indian Stamp Act] समुद्र�

continuing education : [1st sch., 2, Indira Gandhi National बीमा के �लए सं�वदा ; समुद्र बीमा सं�वदा
Open University Act] अनव ु त� �श �ा; [s. 10(h), All India contract grant : सं�वदा अनद
ु ान
Council for Technical Education Act] अनवरत �श�ा contract, implied : [s. 128(2)(f)(i), C.P.C.] �वव��त सं�वदा
continuing failure : [s. 44(2), Agricultural Refinance Corporation
contract in good faith : [s. 62(9), Indian Trusts Act] सद्भावपूवक
Act] जार� रहने वाल� असफलता; [s. 140A(3), Income-tax Act]
सं�वदा करना
चालू रहने वाल� असफलता
contract labour : ठे का श्र�मक
continuing failure, case of a : [s. 15B(3), Wealth-tax Act] चालू
contract messenger : सं�वदा संदेशवाहक
रहने वाल� असफलता क� दशा
continuing guarantee : [s. 129, Indian Contract Act and s. 38, contract note : सं�वदा पत्र
Indian Partnership Act] चलत प्रत्याभू�त contract of affreightment : [s. 115VI(2), Income-tax Act] माल
continuing offence : चालू रहने वाला अपराध वहन के �लए पोत तय करने संबंधी सं�वदा
continuing tort : [s. 22, Limitation Act] चालू रहने वाला अपकृत्य contract of carriage : [sch. first, art. 1(b), Indian Carriage of
Goods by Sea Act] वहन क� सं�वदा
continuous : going on without interruption; uninterrupted in time,
sequence or essence लगातार; �नरं तर; सतत ्; चलत contract of guarantee : [s. 126, Indian Contract Act] प्रत्याभू�त क�
continuous discharge certificate : चलत उन्मोचन प्रमाणपत्र ; [s. सं�वदा; गांरट� क� सं�वदा
99, Merchant Shipping Act] सेवोन्मक्
ु �त का चालू प्रमाणपत्र contract of indemnity : [s. 124, Indian Contract Act] ��तपू�तर् क�
continuous duty : सतत ् कतर्व्य सं�वदा

continuous easement : [s. 5, Indian Easements Act] सतत ् सुखाचार contract of insurance : [s. 66(a), Indian Stamp Act] बीमा क�
continuous halt : लगातार �वराम
continuous line of communication : [s. 27(3), Indian Railways contract of management : प्रबंध क� सं�वदा; प्रबंध सं�वदा
Act] संचार क� लगातार लाइन contract of sale : [s. 4, Sale of Goods Act] �वक्रय क� सं�वदा
continuous practice : [s. 5(3), Chartered Accountants Act] लगातार contract of service : a contract to serve सेवा क� सं�वदा; सेवा सं�वदा
व्यवसाय contract of suretyship : a contract whereby one stands surety for
continuous running of time : समय का �नरं तर चलते रहना another प्र�तभूत्व क� सं�वदा

continuous service : �नरं तर सेवा contract officer : ठे का अ�धकार� ; सं�वदा आ�धकार�

continously or intermittently : लगातार या अंतरा�यक रूप से contract period : सं�वदा क� अव�ध

contour map : [s. 5(2)(a), Offshore Areas Mineral (Development contract price : [s. 73(g), Indian Contract Act] सं�वदा भाड़ा;
and Regulation) Act] समोच्च मान�चत्र [s. 76(2)(b), Companies Act] सं�वदा क�मत
contra account : प्र�तलेखा contract, privity of : सं�वदात्मक संबंध
contra adjustment account : प्र�तसमायोजन लेखा contract rate : सं�वदा दर
contraband : prohibited by law, proclamation or treaty to be
contract, void : [s. 2(j), Indian Contract Act] शून्य सं�वदा
imported or exported �व�न�षद्ध
contract, voidable : [s. 2(i). Indian Contract Act] शून्यकरणीय
contraband traffic : �व�न�षद्ध दव्ु र्यापार
contract : [s. 2(h), Indian Contract Act and art. 299, margin,
Const.] सं�वदा contracting debt : ऋण लेना
contracting out : to remove oneself by contract from a right or contributory : one that contributes or is bound to contribute
obligation सं�वदा द्वारा त्याग अ�भदायी; योगदायी (अंशदायी)
contracting party : a party that enters or has entered into a contract Contributory Health Service : अ�भदायी स्वास्थ्य सेवा
सं�वदाकार� प�कार contributory negligence : the act or omission amounting to want
Contracting State : [sch. 1, item 1, Arbitration (Protocol and of ordinary care on the part of the complaining party which
Convention) Act] सं�वदाकार� राज्य concurring with defendant's negligence, is proximate cause of
injury योगदायी उपे�ा
contraction : [s. 631, Companies Act] सं��प्त रूप ; [fourth sch.,
contributory of the company : [s. 7(3), Alcock Ashdown Company
item 8(ii), Income-tax Act] कम हो जाना
contractor 97 Limited (Acquisition of Undertakings) Act] कcontrolling power
ं पनी का अ�भदाता
contractor : 1. one who contracts to furnish supplies, or to perform
contributory provident fund : [s. 15(3)(b), Delhi School
any work or service at a certain price or rate ठे केदार; 2. one who
Education Act] अ�भदायी भ�वष्य-�न�ध
enters into a contract सं�वदाकार
contrivance : प्रयुक्�त
contractors' and distributors' ledger : ठे केदार� और सं�वतरक� का
contrivance or device : [s. 68(c), Indian Stamp Act] उपाय या
contractual : सं�वदात्मक ; सं�वदाजात
control : 1. power to check or restrain; superintendence �नयंत्रण; 2.
contractual document : सं�वदाजात दस्तावेज
to regulate; to govern; to have under command �नयंत्रण करना;
contractual obligation : [sch. VI, pt. I, Companies Act] सं�वदाजात �नयंत्रण रखना; �नयं�त्रत करना
contractual right : सं�वदात्मक अ�धकार control and management of affairs : [s. 5(3), expln. (b), Gift-tax
contradict : to affirm the contrary of; to declare untrue or Act] कामकाज का �नयंत्रण और प्रबंध
erroneous खंडन करना control cabin operator : �नयंत्रण के�बन प्रचालक
contradictory : �वरोधात्मक; �वरोधी control chart : �नयंत्रण चाटर्
contrary : opposite प्र�तकूल; तत्प्र�तकूल control clerk : �नयंत्रण �ल�पक
contrary intention : [s. 2, Indian Contract Act] प्र�तकूल आशय control of the business : [long title, Life Insurance Corporation
contrary to law : violating or not confirming to the provisions of Act] कारबार का �नयंत्रण
law �व�ध के प्र�तकूल control of goods : [s. 137, expln., T.P. Act] माल पर �नयंत्रण
contravene : [s. 125(2), Indian Contract Act] उल्लंघन करना control of the Union over States in certain cases : [art. 257,
contravention : the action of contravening; a transgression or margin, Const.] कुछ दशाओं म� राज्य� पर संघ का �नयंत्रण
violation उल्लंघन control of the Union over the administration of Scheduled
Areas and Welfare of Scheduled Tribes : [art. 339, margin,
contribute : to give as contribution; to give or grant in common
Const.] अनसु ू�चत �ेत्र� के प्रशासन और अनुसू�चत जनजा�तय� के
with others अ�भदाय करना
कल्याण के बारे म� संघ का �नयंत्रण
contribute the deficiency : [s. 4(4), Unit Trust of India Act] कमी
control or charge : [s. 3(33), General Clauses Act] �नयंत्रण या
क� पू�तर् के �लए अ�भदाय करना
contribute to maintenance : [s. 50(1), Children Act] भरण-पोषण
control over pilotage : [long title, Calcutta Port (Pilotage) Act]
के �लए अ�भदाय करना यान-मागर्दशर्न पर �नयंत्रण
contributed to his insolvency : [s. 39(2)(f), Presidency-towns control over subordinate courts : [art. 235, margin, Const.]
Insolvency Act] अपने को �दवा�लया कर �लया अधीनस्थ न्यायालय� पर �नयंत्रण
contributing institution : an institution that makes a contribution
controlled area : [s. 2(1), Sugarcane Act] �नयं�त्रत �ेत्र
[s. 2(b), Unit Trust of India Act] अ�भदात्री संस्था
controlled business : [s. 2(2), Life Insurance (Emergency
contribution : the action of contributing; the payment by each of the
parties interested, in any common loss or liability; amount so Provisions) Act] �नयं�त्रत कारबार
payable; proportionate discharge of liability of properties jointly
controlled company : [s. 2(4), Estate Duty Act] �नयं�त्रत कंपनी
liable [s. 10(13)(iv), Income-tax Act] अ�भदाय; अंशदान;
[Introduction, Arbitration and Conciliation Act] योगदान controlled industry : [s. 2(cc), Industrial Disputes Act] �नयं�त्रत
contribution certificate : [s. 2(c), Unit Trust of India Act] अ�भदाय
controlled motor vehicle : [s. 6(4)(f), expln., Defence and Internal
Security of India Act] �नयं�त्रत मोटर
contribution, general average : where any loss or damage is
voluntarily and properly incurred in respect of the goods or of the controlled price : �नयं�त्रत क�मत
ship for the general safety of the ship and cargo, the loss is to be
controller : �नयंत्रक
distributed between all the interested parties [s. 63(3)(ii), Marine
Insurance Act] साधारण औसत अ�भदाय Controller General, Defence Production : महा�नयंत्रक, र�ा
contributor : [fourth sch., pt. B, item 3 (c), Income-tax Act] उत्पादन
अ�भदायी; अ�भदायकतार्; अ�भदाता; योगदान करने वाला; योगदाता; Controller General, Imports and Exports : महा�नयंत्रक, आयात
अ�भदाय करने वाला और �नयार्त
Controller of Capital Issues : पूंजी �नगर्म �नयंत्रक सु�वधापूणर् त्वरा; सु�वधानुसार शीघ्रता
Controller of Coal distribution : कोयला �वतरण �नयंत्रक convenient head : [sch. VI, pt. II, item 3, Companies Act]
सु�वधापूणर् शीषर्
Controller of Communications : संचार �नयंत्रक
convenient place : सु�वधाजनक स्थान
Controller of Printing and Stationery : �नयंत्रक, मुद्रण और लेखन
convenient speed : सु�वधानुसार शीघ्रता
convenient transaction of business : कारबार का सु�वधापूणर्
Controller of Estate Duty : [s. 2(5), Estate Duty Act] संपदा-शुल्क
संव्यवहार; सु�वधापूणर् कायर्करण; सु�वधापूणर् कायर् करना
Controller of Estate Duty, Appellate : [s. 2(1A), Estate Duty Act] conveniently : स�ु वधानस
ु ार; स�ु वधापूवर्क; स�ु वधाजनक रूप से
संपदा-शुल्क अपील �नयंत्रक convening authority : संयोजक प्रा�धकार�
Controller of Insurance : [s. 5, General Insurance (Emergency
convening officer : संयोजक अ�धकार�; संयोजक आ�फसर; संयोजक
Provisions) Act] बीमा �नयंत्रक
Controller of Stamps and Stationery : [s. 292(1), Cr. P.C.] स्टांप convention : l. agreement; any temporary treaty; agreement
और लेखन सामग्री �नयंत्रक between states of less formality or importance than a treaty
कन्व� शन ; अ�भसमय ; 2. custom प�रपाट�
Controller of Standardisation : मानक�करण �नयंत्रक
convention application : [s. 2(1)(d), Patents Act] कन्व� शन आवेदन
Controller of Stores : भंडार �नयंत्रक
convention country : [s. 2(1)(d), Patents Act and s. 131(1), Trade
Controller of Telegraph Stores : तार भंडार �नयंत्रक
and Merchandise Marks Act] कन्व� शन दे श; [s. 2(b), SAARC
Controller of Telegraph Traffic : तार यातायात �नयंत्रक Convention (Suppression of Terrorism Act] अ�भसमय दे श
Controller of Vagrancy : आवारागद� �नयंत्रक convention, load line : [s. 3(20), Merchant Shipping Act] भार रे खा
Controller of Weights and Measures : बाट और माप �नयंत्रक अ�भसमय
controlling authority : [s. 2(d), Payment of Gratuity Act] �नयंत्रक Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards :
प्रा�धकार� [long title, Arbitration (Protocol and Convention) Act] �वदे शी

controlling interest : [s. 18FF(2)(c), Industries (Development and माध्यस्थम ् पंचाट� के �नष्पादन का अ�भसमय
Regulation) Act] �नयंत्रक �हत Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Awards : [long title, Foreign Awards (Recognition and
controlling power : �नयंत्रक शक्�त
Enforcement) Act] �वदे शी माध्यस्थम ् पंचाट� क� मान्यता और
controversial 98 convict, life
प्रवतर्न पर कन्व� शन
controversial : �ववादग्रस्त
conventional audit report : परं परागत लेखापर��ा �रपोटर्
controversy : dispute; contention as to right, claims and the like, or
conventional chit : [s. 2(a), Prize Chits and Money Circulation
on a matter of opinion; a disputed question सं�ववाद; �ववाद
Scheme (Banning) Act] सं�वदाजात �चट
controversy as to right : अ�धकार के बारे म� सं�ववाद
conventional law : 1. law depending on, or arising from the mutual
controversy, matter in : �ववादग्रस्त �वषय; �ववादग्रस्त बात agreement of parties, as distinguished from legal, which means
contumacious disregard : disregard, exhibiting contumacy created by, or arising from the act of law सं�वदाजात �व�ध;
धष्ृ टतापूणर् अवहे लना ; धष्ृ टतापूणर् अव�ा अ�भसमयजात �व�ध; 2. law based on established usage or custom

contumacy : perverse and obstinate resistance of authority धष्ृ टता ; पारं प�रक �व�ध; परं परागत �व�ध

[s. 2(b), Extradition Act] न्यायालय क� अव�ा conventional rate : घो�षत दर

convalescence : gradual recovery of health and strength after illness conversant : [s. 293(3), Cr. P.C.] अवगत; प�र�चत
उल्लाघ (आरोग्य-स्थापन); स्वास्थ्य लाभ; पुन: आरोग्य प्राप्�त; रोग
conversant with : से सप
ु �र�चत
conversation : oral exchange of ideas बातचीत
convalescent home : [s. 3(3), expln., Mental Health Act]
स्वास्थ्य लाभगह
ृ conversation, criminal : [s. 61, Indian Divorce Act] आपरा�धक
convene : संयोजन करना; संयोिजत करना; बुलाना
conversion : the action of wrongfully converting something to
convene a district court martial : [s. 83(1), Air Force Act]
one’s own use; the action of converting or the fact of being
�डस्�ट्रक्ट सेना न्यायालय संयोिजत करना
converted संप�रवतर्न; संप�रव�तर्त करना
convene a meeting : [s. 8, Water (Prevention and Control of
conversion cost : संप�रवतर्न लागत
Pollution) Act] अ�धवेशन बुलाना
conversion into company : कंपनी म� संप�रवतर्न
convener : संयोजक
conversion of Indian currency into foreign currency : भारतीय
convenience : personal comfort; material advantage स�ु वधा
कर� सी को �वदे शी कर� सी म� संप�रव�तर्त करना
convenient : 1. suited to one's personal ease or comfort or to one's
easy performance of some act or function सु�वधानुसार; 2. conversion of indorsement in blank into indorsement in full :
[s. 55, Negotiable Instruments Act] �नरं क पष्ृ ठांकन का पूणर्
affording convenience स�ु वधाजनक; स�ु वधापण
ू र्
पष्ृ ठांकन म� संप�रवतर्न
convenient despatch : [sch. I, app. D, form 3(3), C.P.C.]
conversion of the work into a non-dramatic work : [s. 2(i),
Copyright Act] कृ�त का अनाट्य कृ�त म� संप�रवतर्न; कृ�त का of an offence; finding of guilt दोष�सद्�ध; 2. strong belief धारणा
नाट्येतर कृ�त म� संप�रवतर्न conviction and sentence are set aside : दोष�सद्�ध और दं डादे श
conversion table : संप�रवतर्न सारणी अपास्त �क या जाता है
convert : to divert wrongfully; to appropriate and apply to one’s conviction for any offence : [s. 287(2), Income-tax Act and art. 20,
use; to cause to turn to a religion or belief संप�रव�तर्त करना ; one margin, Const.] �कसी अपराध के �लए दोष�सद्�ध
who is converted संप�रव�तर्त; संप�रव�तर्त व्यक्�त conviction of right : ऋत क� संकल्पना
convert, or reconvert to the Hindu religion : [s. 3(1), expln. (iii),
convince : [s. 117(3), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act] �वश्वास
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act] �हंद ू धमर् म� संप�रव�तर्त
कराना ; �वश्वास �दलाना
या प्र�तसंप�रव�तर्त (व्यक्�त)
convocation : [s. 9(2), Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] द��ांत
converted into money : [s. 171(3), Navy Act] धन म� संप�रव�तर्त
converted property : [s. 64(2), Income-tax Act] संप�रव�तर्त संप��
Convoy Commander : कनवाय कमांडर
convertible : [s. 23(1)(i), prov., Industrial Finance Corporation
Act] संप�रवतर्नीय convoy note : वहन-पत्र

convertible securities : संप�रवतर्नीय प्र�तभू�तयां convoying ships : [s. 56(1)(d), Navy Act] पोत� का कनवाय करना
converting a public company into a private company : [s. 31(1), convulsions of nature : प्राकृ�तक उथल-पुथल
prov., Companies Act] पब्�लक कंपनी को प्राइवेट कंपनी म� cook instructor : रसोइया �श�क
संप�रव�तर्त करना cooperate : to work together [s. 5(11), Universiry of Hyderabad
convertor : [s. 21(1)(iv), Factories Act] प�रव�तर्त्र ; प�रवतर्क Act] सहकार करना
convey : 1. to transport; to take from one place to another [s. 282, cooperation : सहका�रता ; सहकार ; सहयोग
I.P.C.] प्रवहण करना; प्रव�हत करना; 2, to transfer property by
co-operation, collaboration or association, manner of : सहकार,
means of instrument and other formalities हस्तांतरण करना;
सहयोग या सहयोजन क� र��त
हस्तांत�रत करना; 3. to transport; to communicate पहुंचाना
Cooperation, Department of : सहका�रता �वभाग
convey in trust : न्यास के रूप म� हस्तांत�रत करना
cooperative approach : सहकार� दृष्�ट ; सहयोगी भावना से संसगर्
convey property : [s. 5, T.P. Act] संप�� हस्तांत�रत करना
cooperative bank : [s. 2(dd), Deposit Insurance and Credit
convey the estate : संपदा हस्तांत�रत करना Guarantee Corporation Act] सहकार� ब�क
conveyance : 1. an act by which property is conveyed or cooperative basis in rural areas, on : [art. 43, Const.] ग्राम� म�
voluntarily transferred from one person to another by means of a
सहकार� आधार पर
written instrument and other formalities हस्तांतरण; 2. the
instrument itself हस्तांरण-पत्र; हस्तांतर-पत्र; the writing that cooperative credit society : सहकार� उधार सोसाइट�
transfers property अ�भहस्तांतरण पत्र; 3. the means of cooperative efforts : [s. 15(2)(g), Khadi and Village Industries
Commission Act] सहका�रता के प्रयास
transportation प्रवहण; सवार�; वाहन
Cooperative Farming Society : [s. 2(h), State Agricultural Credit
conveyance allowance : प्रवहण भ�ा; सवार� भ�ा; वाहन भ�ा
Corporations Act] सहकार� कृ�ष सोसाइट�
conveyance by water : [s. 48, I.P.C.] जल द्वारा प्रवहण
Cooperative Land Development Bank : सहकार� भू�म �वकास ब�क
conveyance hire : सवार� �कराया
cooperative movement : [art. 171(5), Const.] सहकार� आंदोलन
conveyancer : अ�भहस्तांतरक ; हस्तांतरक
cooperative organisation : [s. 10(2)(g), Coir Industry Act] सहकार�
conveyancing : drawing of deeds etc. हस्तांतर-लेखन; संगठन
cooperative societies inspector : सहकार� सोसाइट� �नर��क
conveyer : that which conveys; a chain adopted for carrying objects
cooperative society : सहकार� सोसाइट�
or materials प्रवहणी; कन्वेयर
cooperative strategy : [preamble, National Dairy Development
conveying information : [s. 134(2), Cr. P.C.] इ��ला पहुंचाना
Board Act] सहकार� योजना
convict : 1. a person found guilty of an offence �सद्धदोष; 2. to find cooperative technical assistance programme and projects :
guilty दोष�सद्ध करना; �सद्धदोष ठहराना [s. 10(8), Income-tax Act] सहकार� तकनीक� सहायता कायर्क्रम
convict, life : one who is convicted with a sentence of और प�रयोजनाएं
convict for life [s. 307, I.P.C.] आजीवन �सद्धदोष
night guard 99 co-opt : [s. 23, Jawaharlal Nehru University Act] सहयोिजत
core maker
convict night guard : बंद� रा�त्र र�क
co-opted members : सहयोिजत सदस्य
Convict Officer : बंद� अ�धकार� coordinate : to combine or integrate harmoniously [s. 21(1), North-
convicting court : [s. 26(f), Indian Forest Act] �सद्धदोष करने Eastern Hill University Act] समन्वय करना
वाला न्यायालय ; [s. 40, Tea Act] �सद्धदोष ठहराने वाला coordinated view : समन्�वत दृष्�टकोण
न्यायालय coordinating officer : समन्वय अ�धकार�
conviction : 1. the act of a legal tribunal adjudging a person guilty
Coorg Legislative Council : [s. 3(46), General Clauses Act] कोडगु
�वधान प�रषद् प्र�त�लप्य�धकार बोडर्
co-owner : [s. 8(c), Indian Easements Act] सहस्वामी copyright fees : [s. 180, Income-tax Act] प्र�त�लप्य�धकार फ�स
co-owner of property : [s. 2(15), Indian Stamp Act] संप�� का copyright in design : [s. 15(2), Copyright Act] �डजाइन म�
सहस्वामी प्र�त�लप्य�धकार
co-ownership : [s. 47(b), Indian Easements Act] सह-स्वा�मत्व copyright in the work : [s. 52(1)(j)(i), Copyright Act] कृ�त म�
coparcenary : joint ownership; joint heirship; of or pertaining to प्र�त�लप्य�धकार
coparceners [s. 6, Hindu Succession Act] सहदा�यक�
copyright office : [s. 9(2), Copyright Act] प्र�त�लप्य�धकार कायार्लय
coparcenary interest : [s. 7(1), Estate Duty Act] सहदा�यक� �हत
copyright shall subsist : [s. 24(1), Copyright Act] प्र�त�लप्य�धकार
coparcenary property : [s. 6, Hindu Succession Act] सहदा�यक� अस्�तत्व म� रहे गा
coral : मूंगा
coparcener : one who shares (equally) with others in inheritance in
the estate of a common ancestor [s. 6, expln. 1, Hindu Succession cordoning officer : प�रवेष्टन अ�धकार�
Act] सहदा�यक core logs : [s. 5(2)(a), Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and
coparcener of a Hindu Family : [s. 2(12)(iii), Estate Duty Act] Regulation) Act] सलेखी कोड
�हंद ू कुटुंब का सहदा�यक core maker 100
co-partner : a person, who stands in the relationship of partner core maker : गुल्ल� �नमार्ता
with another सह-भागीदार co-respondent : a man or woman charged with adultery and
co-partnership-deed : [sch. 1, item 23, Indian Stamp Act] proceeded against along with the wife or husband who is the
सहभागीदार �वलेख respondent सह-प्रत्यथ�

co-pilot : सह-�वमानचालक cornering a market : बाजार मट्

ु ठ� म� करना
coping : [s. 2(b)(iii), Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster (Processing of corollary : 1. consequence or result प�रणाम; 2. easy inference
Claims) Act] �नपटना उपप्रमेय
co-plaintiff : a person, who has joined with another or others as coroner : मत्ृ यस
ु मी�क; कारोनर
plaintiff in a suit सहवाद�
corporal : कारपोरल
co-proprietor : [s. 10(1), Land Acquisition Act] सह-स्वत्वधार�
corporal punishment : [s. 178, Army Act] शार��रक दं ड
copy : 1. an individual example of a manuscript or print प्र�त; 2. a
corporate authority : [s. 3(a), Public Premises (Eviction of
transcript or reproduction of an original work प्र�त�ल�प; 3. to Unauthorised Occupants) Act] �नग�मत प्रा�धकार�
make a copy or copies of; to write, print, engrave or paint after
corporate, body : �नग�मत �नकाय
an original नकल करना; प्र�त�ल�प करना; प्र�त�ल�प बनाना; प्र�त
बनाना corporate life : संग�ठत जीवन; साम�ू हक जीवन; सामुदा�यक जीवन

copy, corrected : शुद्ध प्र�त; सह� प्र�त; शुद्ध प्र�त�ल�प; सह� corporate name : �नगम नाम; �नग�मत नाम
प्र�त�ल�प corporate seal : [s. 3, Charitable Endowments Act] �नगम मद्र
ु ा
copyholder : कापीहोल्डर corporate state : [s. 487, prov., Companies Act] �नगम स्वरूप
copyist : नकलनवीस Corporation : a body corporate legally authorised to act as a single
person [art. 19(6)(ii), Const.] �नगम
copy of the entry : प्र�वष्�ट क� प्र�त
corporation aggregate : समष्�ट �नगम
copy of the motion : [s. 17(2)(a), Contempt of Courts Act]
समावेदन क� प्र�त�ल�प corporation officer : �नगम अ�धकार�
copy or extract : [sch. 1, item 24, Indian Stamp Act] प्र�त या corporation sole : [s. 2(7)(a), Companies Act and s. 7(4), expln.,
Estate Duty Act] एकल �नगम
corporation tax : �नगम कर
copy, receipted original : रसीद वाल� मूल प्र�त
corporeal : मूतर्
copy tester : publisher’s reader प्रकाशन-�ववेचक
corporeal property : property which has a physical existence, such
copy transcribed from a copy : [s. 63, ill. (c), Indian Evidence
as land or goods मूतर् संप��
Act] प्र�त क� नकल करके तैयार क� गई प्र�त�ल�प
corps : a body of persons organised or under a common direction
copy, true : शद्
ु ध प्र�त; सह� प्र�त; शद्
ु ध प्र�त�ल�प; सह� प्र�त�ल�प especially an organised sub-division of military establishment
copy writer : कापी राइटर कोर

copying machine : [s. 63, ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act] प्र�त�ल�प Corps Commander : कोर कमांडर
यंत्र corps of volunteers : स्वयंसेवक कोर
copyright : the exclusive right given by law for a certain term of corpse : [s. 40(1)(d), Cr. P.C.] शव
years to an author, composer etc. (or his assignee or heirs) to
print, publish and sell copies of his original work or translation corpus, habeas : a writ to a jailor to produce a prisoner in person
thereof प्र�त�लप्य�धकार (कापीराइट) before the court and to state the reasons for detention बंद�
copyright board : [s. 23(3)(c), expln., Copyright Act] प्रत्य�ीकरण (हे �बयस कापर्स)
corpus of property : [s. 7(b), Indian Red Cross Society Act] समग्र corresponding date : [sch. VI, pt. II, item 6(2), Companies Act]
तत्स्थानी तार�ख
corresponding entry : [s. 9(2), Coal Mines (Nationalisation) Act]
correct : शद्
ु ध; सह�; ठ�क
तत्स्थानी प्र�वष्�ट
correct and complete : [s. 145(1), prov., Income-tax Act] ठ�क और corresponding forfeiture of seniority : [s. 28(11), Navy Act]
पूणर् ज्येष्ठता का तत्सम समपहरण
correct copy : सह� प्र�त ; शद्
ु ध प्र�त ; शद्
ु ध प्र�त�ल�प corresponding functionary : an officer having the same or similar
correcting lense : [s. 2(b)(ii), Persons with Disabilities (Equal functions तत्सम कृत्यकार�
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) corresponding institution : तत्समान संस्था
Act] सुधारक ल� स
corresponding jurisdiction : a jurisdiction comprising the same or
correction of errors : भल
ू सध
ु ार similar powers समरूपी अ�धका�रता
correction slip : संशोधन पच� corresponding law : a law having the same purposes and objects
तत्समान �व�ध; तत्स्थानी �व�ध
corrections and alterations : संशोधन और प�रवतर्न
corresponding new bank : [s. 2(ii), State Agricultural Credit
corrective institution : [s. 2(g)(ii), Immoral Traffic (Prevention)
Corporations Act] तत्स्थानी नया ब�क
Act] सुधार संस्था
correctness and completeness of the return : [s. 143(2)(b), corresponding official : [s 10(b)(iv), Income-tax Act] तत्समान
Income-tax Act] �ववरणी क� शुद्धता और पूणत
र् ा पदधार�
correctness of findings : [s. 13(f), Consumer Protection Act] corresponding province : [s. 3(60)(a), General Clauses Act]
�नष्कषर् क� सत्यता तत्स्थानी प्रांत
correctness of methods : [s. 13(f), Consumer Protection Act] corresponding provision : तत्स्थानी उपबंध; तत्सम उपबंध;
पद्ध�त का सह� होना तत्संवाद� उपबंध
co-relation of rights and duties : अ�धकार� और कतर्व्य� का परस्पर corresponding rank : [s. 196, Army Act] तत्समान र�क
संबंध corresponding status : [s. 10(1), prov., Delhi School Education
Act] तत्सम प्रास्�थ�त
corrigendum : शुद्�ध-पत्र
correspond : 1. to be similar समरूप होना; 2. to be equivalent
corroborate : to support; to confirm; to concur in testimony संपुष्ट
तत्सम होना; 3. to hold correspondence पत्र-व्यवहार करना; 4. to
have communication बातचीत करना; 5. to agree अनुरूप होना
corroborative evidence : evidence which concurs with another
correspond with the plaint : वादपत्र के अनरू
ु प करना evidence [s. 8, ill. (j), Indian Evidence Act] संपोषक सा�य
correspondence : पत्र-व्यवहार; पत्राचार corrosive : [ss. 3(2) and 34(a), Defence and Internal Security of
correspondence clerk : पत्र-व्यवहार �ल�पक India Act] सं�ारक

correspondence course : [s. 5(1), Jawaharlal Nehru University corrosive substance : सं�ारक पदाथर्
Act] पत्राचार पाठ्यक्रम corrupt : tainted with vice [s. 162, I.P.C.] भ्रष्ट
correspondence instruction : पत्राचार �श�ण corrupt inducement 101
correspondence student : पत्राचार छात्र corrupt inducement : [s. 514, Companies Act] भ्रष्ट उत्प्रेरण

correspondence study : पत्राचार अध्ययन corrupt or illegal means : [s. 5(1)(d), Prevention of Corruption
Act] भ्रष्ट या अवैध साधन
correspondent : 1. a person who has regular business relations
with another संपक�; 2. one employed to communicate news to a corrupt practice : [s. 2(1)(c), Representation of the People Act,
1951] भ्रष्ट आचरण
newspaper or broadcasting company संवाददाता
corruption : a departure from what is pure or correct or from the
corresponding : that which corresponds i.e.. is similar to another in original [s. 3(c), Departmental Inquiries (Enforcement of Attend-
character or function तत्सम; तत्समान; तत्स्थानी; समरूपी; ance of Witnesses and Production of Documents) Act] भ्रष्टाचार
corruptly or maliciously : [s. 220, I.P.C.] भ्रष्टतापूवक
र् या
corresponding acceding State : [s. 3(60), General Clauses Act]
तत्स्थानी प्रवेशकार� राज्य; [s. 3, Government Trading Taxation
Act] तत्स्थानी सम्�म�लत होने वाला राज्य co-sharer : one sharing with another सह-अंशधार�
cosmetic : a preparation to be applied to human body for the
corresponding amount : तत्समान रकम
purpose of beautifying, preserving or cleansing प्रसाधन सामग्री
corresponding appointment : तत्समान �नयुक्�त
cost : 1. the expenses खचर्; व्यय; 2. the price paid or payable for
corresponding assessment : [s. 155(3), Income-tax Act] तत्संबंधी anything दाम ; 3. outlay लागत
�नधार्रण Cost Accountant : [s. 2(1)(b), Cost and Works Accountants Act]
corresponding contribution period : [ss. 47 and 50(1), लागत लेखापाल
Employees' State Insurance Act] तत्संबंधी अ�भदाय कालाव�ध
cost accounting : लागत लेखा�व�ध
corresponding court : तत्स्थानी न्यायालय
cost accounts : लागत लेखा cost plus profit basis : लाभ स�हत लागत आधार
Cost Accounts Officer : लागत लेखा अ�धकार� cost, prime : [s. 18(3), Marine Insurance Act] मूल लागत
cost allocation : लागत �वभाजन cost, process : प्र�क्रया लागत
cost apportionment : लागत प्रभाजन cost, selling : �वक्रय लागत
cost, basic : मूल लागत cost, single : एकल लागत
cost card : लागत काडर् cost, statement : लागत �ववरण
cost centre : लागत क�द्र cost, terminal : एकश: लागत
cost classification : लागत वग�करण cost, total : कुल लागत
cost, contract : सं�वदा लागत cost unit : लागत इकाई
cost control account : लागत �नयंत्रण लेखा cost variance : लागत �वभेद
cost, departmental : �वभागीय लागत costing clerk : मूल्य �नधार्रण �ल�पक
cost, direct : प्रत्य� लागत costing fact : [s. 2(2)(iii), Cost and Works Accountants Act] लागत
cost, factory : कारखाना लागत तथ्य

cost, flat : मूल लागत costs : the expenses of litigation as between litigants खचर्

cost, gross : सकल लागत costs, at his own : स्वयं अपने खच� पर

cost, job : जाब लागत costs, charges and expenses : [Or. 34, r. 2(a)(iii), C.P.C.] खचर्,

cost inflation index : [s. 48, expln., (v), Income-tax Act] लागत प्रभार और व्यय

मुद्रास्फ��त सूचकांक costs incurred in the appeal : अपील म� उपगत खचर्

cost investigation : लागत अन्वेषण costs occasioned by the postponement : मल्

ु तवी होने के कारण होने

cost, multiple : बहु�वध लागत वाले खच�

cost of acquisition : अजर्न क� लागत costs of attachment : [Or. 16, r. 10(3), C.P.C.] कुक� के खच�

cost of administering : प्रशासन-खचर् costs of realisation : [s. 73(1), C.P.C.] आपन के खच�; वसूल� के खच�

cost of, at the : के खचर् पर costs of the proceedings : कायर्वा�हय� के खच�

cost of collection : [s. 5(1) Produce Cess Act] वसूल� खचर् costs, reasonable : [sch, 1, app. A, form No. 8, C.P.C.] युक्�तयुक्त

cost of establishing the debt : [s. 13(b), Presidency-towns दाम; मुना�सब दाम
Insolvency Act] ऋण को �सद्ध करने का खचर् costs shall not follow the event : costs not to be paid in accordance
with the result of the suit खच� प�रणाम के अनस ु ार नह�ं �दए जाएंगे
cost of improvement : सुधार क� लागत
co-surety : सह-प्र�तभू
cost of issuing : �नगर्मन व्यय
co-terminous : coincident or co-extensive in range, scope, limit,
cost of living : �नवार्ह-व्यय; �नवार्ह-खचर् time or duration सह�वस्तार�
cost of living allowance : �नवार्ह-व्यय भ�ा co-trustee : a joint trustee [s. 10, Indian Trusts Act] सह-न्यासी
cost of living index number : [s. 2(d), Minimum Wages Act] cottage industry : [s. 80P(2)(a)(ii), Income-tax Act and art. 43,
�नवार्ह-व्यय सच
ू कांक Const.] कुट�र उद्योग
cost of maintenance : [s. 3(2), Indian Lunacy Act] भरणपोषण का cotton fabrics : [s. 14(iia), Central Sales Tax Act] सत
ू ी कपड़े
cotton ginning : कपास ओटना
cost of production : उत्पादन लागत
cotton opener : रूई धनुक�
cost of project : [s. 350, expln. (a), Income-tax Act] प�रयोजना क�
cotton seed : [fifth sch., item 31, Income-tax Act] �बनौला
cotton thread : [s. 74(2), Trade and Merchandise Marks Act]
cost of propulsion : नोदन लागत कपास का धागा
cost of relief : [s. 92(1), Air Force Act] सहायता का खचर् cotton waste : [s. 2(b), Corton Ginning and Pressing Factories
Act] रूई क� छ�जन
cost of sales : �वक्रय व्यय/लागत
cotton yarn waste : [s. 14(iib), Central Sales Tax Act] सूती धागे क�
cost of suit : [s. 19, Waste Lands (Claims) Act] वाद का खचर्
cost of transporting : [s. 35(4), Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Act, 1960] ले जाने का खचर् could not be persuaded to hold : यह अ�भ�नधार्�रत करने के �लए

cost, office : कायार्लय लागत नह�ं मनाया जा सका

cost, operating : प्रचालन लागत council : [s. 2(c), Chartered Accountants Act] प�रषद्
cost or pricing statement : [1st sch., item 12, Cost and Works council, academic : �वद्या प�रषद्
Accountants Act] लागत या मल्
ू यांकन �ववरण council constituency : [s. 2(c), Representation of the People Act,
1950] प�रषद् �नवार्चन-�ेत्र of a duplicate [s. 62, expln. I, Indian Evidence Act] प्र�तलेख; 2.
something or someone having the same use, role, office or
Council, Divisional Development : प्रभागीय �वकास प�रषद्
characteristics often in a different sphere or period प्र�तस्थानी
council, executive : कायर् प�रषद्
council of advisers 102 counterpart engagement : वचनबंध का प्र�तलेखcourse of voyage
council of advisers : सलाहकार प�रषद्
counterpart of a lease : पट्टे का प्र�तलेख
Council of Indian Institute of Science : इं�डयन इंस्ट�ट्यूट आफ
counterpart or duplicate : [s. 6, Indian Stamp Act] प्र�तलेख या
साइंस प�रषद् ; भारतीय �व�ान प�रषद् संस्थान
council of medical registration : �च�कत्सक रिजस्ट्र�करण प�रषद्
counter-statement : [s. 125(b), Trade and Merchandise Marks
Council of Ministers : [art. 74, margin and art. 163(1), Const.] Act] प्र�तकथन
counter-statement of the grounds : [s. 21(2), Trade and
Council of Ministers to aid and advise Governor : [art. 163, Merchandise Marks Act] आधार� का प्र�तकथन
margin, Const.] राज्यपाल को सहायता और सलाह दे ने के �लए
countersign : 1. a sign in response to another sign प्र�तसंकेत; 2. to
add one’s signature to a document already signed by another, for
Council of Ministers to aid and advise President : [art. 74, authentication or confirmation प्र�तहस्ता�र करना
margin, Const.] राष्ट्रप�त को सहायता और सलाह दे ने के �लए मं�त्र-
countersign the authority : [Or. 28, r. 1, C.P.C.] प्रा�धकार को
प्र�तहस्ता��रत करना
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research : [s. 4(3)(xx),
countersignature : the signature put by way of countersigning
Insecticides Act] वै�ा�नक और औद्यो�गक अनुसंधान प�रषद्
Council of States : [art. 64, Const.] राज्य सभा
countervailing duty : प्र�तशुल्क
Councillor : पाषर्द्
countervailing force : प्र�तरोधी शक्�त
counsel : 1. a lawyer appointed or engaged to advise and represent
counting agent : an agent appointed by a candidate to watch his
in legal matters [s. 138(2), Army Act] काउं सेल; 2. to advise [s. 6,
interest and to represent him at the counting of votes गणन
Explosive Substances Act] मंत्रणा दे ना; परामशर् दे ना
अ�भकतार् (काउं �टंग एज�ट)
counsellor : परामशर्द ; परामशर्दाता
counting of votes, at the : [s. 47, Representation of the People Act,
counter affidavit : प्र�त-शपथपत्र 1951] मत� क� गणना के अवसर पर
counter-balance : प्र�तसंतुलन country craft : an indigenous boat [s. 2(d), Seaward Artillery
Practice Act] दे शी नाव
counter charge : प्रत्यारोप
country of origin : [s. 3(2), Destructive Insects and Pests Act]
counter-claim : 1. a claim set up against the plaintiff in the same
suit, being based on a cause of action [s. 128(2)(c), C.P.C.] उद्भव का दे श
प्र�तदावे; 2. [s. 3(2)(b), Limitation Act] प्र�तदावा country residence : [s. 138, ill, Indian Succession Act] ग्राम्य
counter clerk : काउं टर क्लकर् �नवास
counter-magnet area : [s. 2(c), National Capital Region coupled, close : [r. 132, 2(2), Red Tariff No. 19] सट� हुई कप�लंग
Planning Board Act] प्रत्याकषर्ण �ेत्र
coupling : [s. 2(1), Factories Act] यग्ु मन
counter security : दोहर� प्र�तभू�त
coupon : [s. 114(1), Companies Act] कूपन
counterfeit : imitated with intent to deceive [s. 28, I.P.C.]
coupons or warrants representing dividends : [s. 5(4), Foreign
कूटकरण; कूटकृत; 2. to make a fraudulent copy or replica of
Exchange Regulation Act] लाभांश को व्यक्त करने वाले कूपन या
(something of value, such as a coin) [s. 232, I.P.C.] कूटकरण
करना; 3. something false or copied or that intends to be true or
cour de cessation : सव�च्च अपील न्यायालय (कूर द कासस्या)
original कूटकृ�त
courage : the quality that enables men to meet danger without
counterfeit currency note : [s. 94(2)(c), Cr. P.C.] कूटकृत कर� सी giving way to fear साहस
नोट courier : [s. 10, United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act]
counterfeit of Indian coin : [s. 238, I.P.C.] भारतीय �सक्के क� वातार्हर ; कू�रयर
कूटकृ�त course : 1. the line, path or way, along which anything runs or
travels मागर्; 2. the continuous process (of time); succession (of
counterfeit stamp : [s. 94(2)(c), Cr. P.C.] कूटकृत स्टांप
events); progress onward or through successive stage; habitual or
counterfeiting : कूटकरण ordinary manner of procedure अनक्र ु म ; चयार् ; 3. an educational
counterfoil : a form giving main particulars of something treated in unit usually at a high school, college or university level
more detail on another and detachable form प्र�तपणर् consisting of a series of instruction periods dealing with a
particular subject; a series of such courses coordinated to
countermand : to command the opposite of; to revoke by a counter constitute a curriculam and leading typically to a degree [s.
command प्रत्या�दष्ट करना 80QQA(2)(a), Income-tax Act] पाठ्यक्रम
counterpart : 1. where an instrument of conveyance (as a lease) is course, common : the usual succession of events [s. 114, ill. (f),
executed in parts i.e. by having several copies or duplicates made
and interchangeable that which by the grantor is usually called Indian Evidence Act] सामान्य अनुक्रम
the original and the rest are counterparts; the corresponding part
course of a trial, in the : [s. 41(1), Inland Vessels Act] �वचारण के court inspector : न्यायालय �नर��क
अनुक्रम म� court is equally divided : न्यायालय राय म� बराबर बंटा है
course of action : [s. 18FF, Industries (Development and
court is seized of the issue : यह मद्
ु दा न्यायालय के �वचाराधीन है
Regulation) Act] कारर्वाई
court, lower : �नचला न्यायालय
course of business, ordinary : the usual course and routine of
business कारबार का मामूल� अनक्र court martial : a tribunal for the administration of military law
ु म ; कारबार का साधारण अनुक्रम
[s. 4(xvi), Air Force Act and art. 72(1)(a), Const.] सेना न्यायालय
course of dealing : usual custom or way or line of dealing
व्यवहारचयार् court martial book : [s. 106(1), Army Act] सेना न्यायालय पुस्�तका
course of dealing between the parties : [s. 37(4), Sale of Goods court martial, hold : सेना न्यायालय अ�ध�वष्ट करना
Act] प�कार� के बीच व्यवहारचयार्
court may reject : न्यायालय प्र�त�े�पत कर सकेगा ; न्यायालय
course of employment : �नयोजन का अनुक्रम नामंजूर कर सकेगा
course of exchange : �व�नमय का अनुक्रम court of a university : [s. 3(f), Parliament (Prevention of
course of, in the : [s. 9, Companies (Profits) Surtax Act] के दौरान; Disqualification) Act] �वश्व�वद्यालय का कोटर् ; �वश्व�वद्यालय

[s. 32(8), ill. (c), Copyright Act] के अनक्र

ु म म� ; क� चयार् म� सभा

course of instruction : [s. 52(b)(i), Copyright Act] प्र�श�ण का court of additional judge : अपर न्यायाधीश का न्यायालय

अनुक्रम court of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction : नाव�धकरण और

course of justice : न्यायक्रम; न्याय का क्रम समुद्र�य अ�धका�रता न्यायालय

Court of Chancery : [s. 117(b), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act]
course of practical training : व्यावहा�रक प्र�श�ण क्रम
चांसर� न्यायालय
course of study : पाठ्यक्रम; पाठ्यक्रमानुसार अध्ययन court of civil judicature : a court of justice of a civil nature
course of transit : अ�भवहन का अनक्र
ु म [preamble, C.P.C.] �स�वल न्यायालय
course of voyage : the path or route of journey by sea [s. 47(2), court of competent jurisdiction : स�म अ�धका�रता वाला
Marine Insurance Act] जलयात्रा मागर्; समुद्रयात्रा मागर्
court 103 न्यायालय;
courts notअ�धका�रताय
to inquire into
स�म ुक्त न्proceedings
यायालय of Parliament
court : 1. a place where justice is administered, the judge or judges
court of confirmation : a court which confirms a sentence or order
who sit in a court, an aggregate or separate courts of judges, the
passed by a lower court, so as to give it full legal efficacy [s. 520,
Supreme Court of judicature न्यायालय (कोटर् ); 2. a particular
Cr. P.C.] पुष्ट�करण का न्यायालय
body of persons charged with the affairs of a university सभा;
court of equal jurisdiction : समान अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय
3. [s. 2(r), Delhi Police Act] मैदान
court of final appellate jurisdiction : a court which exercises final
court, appellate : अपील न्यायालय appellate jurisdiction अं�तम अपील� अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय
court, criminal : [s. 4(xvii), Air Force Act] दं ड न्यायालय (�क्र�मनल court of first instance : a court of original jurisdiction in which
legal proceedings may be instituted [s. 11(a), Suits Valuation
Act] प्रथम बार का न्यायालय
court, division : खंड न्यायालय
court of highest grade : सबसे ऊंची श्रेणी का न्यायालय
court executing the decree : [s. 54, Presidency-towns Insolvency
Act] �डक्र� �नष्पादन करने वाला न्यायालय
court of inferior jurisdiction : [s. 195(4)(a), Cr. P.C.] अवर
court-fee : a fee received under the Court-fees Act on plaints,
petitions, etc. न्यायालय फ�स (कोटर् फ�स) अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय

court-fees chargeable : प्रभायर् न्यायालय फ�स court of inquiry : [s. 2(f), Industrial Disputes Act] जांच न्यायालय

court-fees in stamps : स्टांप� के रूप म� न्यायालय फ�स court of investigation : [s. 33, Inland Vessels Act] अन्वेषण
court for the relief of insolvent debtor : [s. 121, Presidency-towns न्यायालय
Insolvency Act] �दवा�लया ऋणी अनत ु ोष न्यायालय court of judge or officer : न्यायाधीश या अ�धकार� का न्यायालय
court having admiralty jurisdiction : [s. 3, Colonial Courts of
court of judicial commissioner : न्या�यक आयुक्त का न्यायालय
Admiralty (India) Act] नाव�धकरण �वषयक अ�धका�रता वाला
court of justice : [s. 20, I.P.C.] न्यायालय
court of last resort : [s. 2(g), Indian Succession Act] अं�तम
Court, High : उच्च न्यायालय
अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय
court house : a building in which courts of law are held न्याय सदन
court of law : [s. 337(ii), Companies Act] न्यायालय
(कोटर् हाउस)
court of original jurisdiction : a court of first instance आरं �भक
court immediately below : ठ�क नीचे का न्यायालय
अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय
court immediately superior : [s. 60(3), Indian Stamp Act] ठ�क
court of record : [art. 129, Const.] अ�भलेख न्यायालय
व�रष्ठ न्यायालय
court of recovered prisoners of wars : पुनराप्त युद्धबंद�
court, inferior : अवर न्यायालय
court, inferior criminal : [s. 397(1), Cr. P.C.] अवर दं ड न्यायालय
court of reference : a court having jurisdiction to entertain and
dispose of references from other courts �नद� श न्यायालय cousin, second : the grand child of one’s great uncle [s. 99(f),
Indian Succession Act] सेकंड किजन
court of reference or revision : [s. 4, Court-fees Act] �नद� श या
covenant : an agreement by deed between two or more persons to
पुनर��ण न्यायालय do one or more thing or things, or to give, or to prevent, or to
court of revision : a court having jurisdiction to exercise the power refrain from something; an agreement creating an obligation,
of revision पुनर��ण न्यायालय contained in a deed; each of the terms of an agreement [art. 131,
prov., Const.] प्रसं�वदा
court of sessions : a court established by a State Government for a
sessions division [s. 124, ill. (b), Indian Evidence Act] सेशन covenant for renewal : [s. 65A(c), T.P. Act] नवीकरण के �लए
न्यायालय (सेशन कोटर् ) प्रसं�वदा
court of small causes : a court having jurisdiction over small cause covenanted civil servant : प्रसं�वदाबद्ध �स�वल सेवक
suits [s. 4, Provincial Small Cause Courts Act and s. 4,
covenantor : one that makes a covenant प्रसं�वदाकार
Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] लघुवाद न्यायालय
covenantee : the person to whom a promise in the form of a
court of special judge : �वशेष न्यायाधीश का न्यायालय
covenant is made प्रसं�वदाकार�
court of summary jurisdiction : [s. 6(1), Maintenance Orders
cover : 1. that which covers or is intended to cover [s. 2(b), Indian
Enforcement Act] सं��प्त अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय
Standards Institution (Certification Marks) Act] ढक्कन ;
court of superior jurisdiction : व�रष्ठ अ�धका�रता वाला न्यायालय �लफाफा; आवरण; आवरक; आवेष्टक; आच्छादन; 2. to put or
court of the judge or the officer : [s. 4(4A), Guardians and Wards spread something on, over or about अंतगर्त होना; आच्छा�दत
Act] न्यायाधीश या अ�धकार� का न्यायालय
करना; 3. to comprise समावेश करना; समावेश होना
court of the lowest grade : सबसे नीची श्रेणी का न्यायालय cover note : [s. 93(b), Motor Vehicles Act and s. 2(9)(a), Insurance
court of the lowest pecuniary jurisdiction : [s. 6(7), Bonded Act] जो�खम ग्रहण पत्र; कवर नोट
Labour System (Abolition) Act] धन-संबंधी �नम्नतम अ�धका�रता
cover, sealed : [s. 42, Registration Act] मद्र
ु ाबंद �लफाफा; मोहरबंद
वाला न्यायालय
court of wards : a department for the superintendence of the
persons and properties of disqualified proprietors [s. 3, Indian covered by a permit : अनु�ापत्र के अंतगर्त आने वाला
Majority Act] प्र�तपाल्य अ�धकरण (कोटर् ऑफ वाड्र्स) covering : 1. something wrapped around a thing [s. 2(c),
court, open : a sitting of court at the transactions of which the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking Act] आवेष्टक; 2.
public are free to represent [s. 119, Indian Evidence Act] खुला- something laid over a thing आच्छादन ; आवरक
न्यायालय covering letter : व्याख्या पत्र
court, revenue : [s. 480(1), Cr. P.C.] राजस्व न्यायालय covering note : प्रावरण पत्र
court subordinate to a High Court : उच्च न्यायालय का अधीनस्थ covering schedule : प्रावरण अनस
ु च
ू ी
न्यायालय covering slip : a slip containing explanation, additional
court, superior : higher court; a court having superior jurisdiction information, and often recommendation, accompanying a
व�रष्ठ न्यायालय communication आवरक पच�
Court, Supreme : the highest court of justice in India [s. 2(e)(iii), covering such balance for : [s. 236, expln. 1, Income-tax Act]
Cr. P.C.] उच्चतम न्यायालय अ�तशेष को पूरा करने के �लए
coverture : the legal status of a woman during marriage and under
courtesy : शाल�नता
the cover, authority and protection of her husband [s. 39, Indian
courts, authorities and officers to continue to function subject to Divorce Act] प�त संर�ण
the provisions of Constitution : [art. 375, margin, Const.]
सं�वधान के उपबंध� के अधीन रहते हुए, न्यायालय�, प्रा�धका�रय� cowardice : lack of courage to face danger, difficulty etc. कायरता
और अ�धका�रय� का कृत्य करते रहना coxwani : नाव सुकानी; कनहार
courts not to inquire into proceedings of Legislature : [art. 212, crack stock : [s. 2(m), Oil Industry (Development) Act] भजन
margin, Const.] न्यायालय� द्वारा �वधान-मंडल क� कायर्वा�हय� क�
जांच न �कया जाना crackers : paper containers with explosive that discharges when
courts not to inquire into proceedings of Parliament : [art. 122, knocked down or caught with fire पटाखे
margin, Const.] न्यायालय� द्वारा संसद् क� कायर्वा�हय� क� जांच न
craft : 1. a ship or other vessel; an aircraft यान; 2. [s. 2(1)(a)(1)(iii),
courts record, High Courts to be 104 credit information
Antiquities and Art Treasures Act] �शल्प
courts of record, High Courts to be : [art. 215, margin, Const.]
उच्च न्यायालय� का अ�भलेख न्यायालय होना craft designer : �शल्प �डजाइनकतार्

cousin : any collateral relation except brothers and sisters and their craft teacher : �शल्प �श�क
descendants and the brothers and sisters of any ancestor [s. 99(e), craftsman : one who practises a handicraft [s. 10(1), Apprentices
Indian Succession Act] किजन Act] �शल्पकार; �शल्पी
cousin, first : the child of one’s uncle or aunt [s. 99(e), Indian
craftsmanship : [s. 2(c)(iii), Copyright Act] �शल्पका�रता
Succession Act] फस्टर् किजन
cousin german : this is synonym for the first cousin [s. 28, ill. (i), crafts teacher : �शल्प �श�क
Indian Succession Act] किजन जमर्न cranage : [s. 7(2)(n), Payment of Wages Act] क्रेन भाड़ा
credit, cash : नकद उधार
crane : a device for lifting and moving heavy weights क्रेन
credit certificate : साख प्रमाणपत्र
crane driver : क्रेन चालक
credit facility : [s. 80P(2)(i), Income-tax Act] उधार सु�वधा
crane inspector : क्रेन �नर��क
credit for advance tax : [s. 219, Income-tax Act] अ�ग्रम कर के �लए
crane jamadar : क्रेन जमादार मुजरा
crane mechanic : क्रेन मैके�नक credit for tax deducted : [s. 199, Income-tax Act] कटौती �कए गए
crane supervisor : क्रेन पयर्वे�क कर क� बाबत मज
ु रा
crate : क्रेट credit, full faith and : [art. 261(1), Const.] पूरा �व श्वास और पूर�
create : to bring into existence सष्ृ ट करना; पैदा करना; सज
ृ न करना मान्यता

create alarm : [s. 36(e), Army Act] अलामर् फैलाना credit information : [ch. IIIA, Reserve Bank of India Act] प्रत्यय

create partnership : भागीदार� सष्ृ ट करना �वषयक जानकार�

create township : [s. 16(3)(b), International Airports Authority credit insurance 105
Act] नगर बनाना credit insurance : साख बीमा

creation : 1. the action of creating; the fact of being created सज credit, letter of : a letter written by one person to another
ृ न;
requesting to advance money or entrust goods to a particular
2. thing created सष्ृ �ट person for which the writer’s credit is pledged [s. 2(3)(c), Indian
creation of asset : आस्�त का सज
ृ न Stamp Act] प्रत्यय पत्र (क्रे�डट पत्र)

creation of interest : �हत का सज

ृ न credit note : साखपत्र ; जमापत्र

creation of lease : [s. 2(xxxiv)(b), Gift-tax Act] पट्टे का सज

ृ न credit note cash clerk : जमापत्र रोकड़ �ल�पक
creation of local Legislatures or Council of Ministers or both credit of the person : [s. 158, Indian Evidence Act] व्यक्�त क�
for certain Union territories : [art. 239A, margin, Const.] कुछ �वश्वसनीयता
संघ राज्य�ेत्र� के �लए स्थानीय �वधान-मंडल� या मं�त्र-प�रषद� का credit of the said deposit account : [s. 18(4), Sick Textile
या दोन� का सज
ृ न Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act] उक्त �न�ेप खाते म� जमा
creation of posts : पद� का सज
ृ न credit of those funds, balance at the : उन �न�धय� म� जमा अ�तशेष

creation of trust : [s. 6, Indian Trusts Act] न्यास का सज

ृ न credit, on : उधार पर
creche : a nursery where children are cared for while their mothers credit rating agency : [s. 11(2)(ba) and s. 12(1A), Security
work [s. 12, Plantations Labour Act] �शशुक� Exchange Board of India Act] प्रत्ययमापी अ�भकरण; [s. 65(15),
credence, letter of : प्रत्यय पत्र Finance Act, 1994] क्रे�डट रे �टंग अ�भकरण

credential : प्रत्यय पत्र credit sale : उधार �वक्रय

credit shall be given for the amount so deducted : [s. 219,
credentials committee : प्रत्यय पत्र स�म�त
Income-tax Act] इस प्रकार कटौती क� गई रकम मज
ु रा क� जाएगी
credible information : [s. 5, Public Gambling Act] �वश्वसनीय
credit shall be given to the assessee : [s. 219, Income-tax Act]
सूचना ; [s. 41(1)(a), Cr. P.C.] �वश्वसनीय इ��ला �नधार्�रती को मुजरा �दया जाएगा
credible witness : [s. 49(1), Special Marriage Act] �वश्वसनीय credit slip : उधार पच�
credit stabilisation : [s. 17(4AA), Reserve Bank of India Act] उधार
credibility : the quality of being credible �वश्वसनीयता स्�थर�करण
credit : 1. reputation of probity and solvency in business enabling
credit system : उधार पद्ध�त
person or body to be trusted प्रत्यय; साख; 2. a sum placed in the
credit, transfer : अंतरण जमा
credit side of an account जमा; जमा रकम; 3. credit-side itself
जमा; जमा खाता; 4. a sum recoverable from another पावना; 5. (as credit worthiness : उधार पात्रता

used in ‘on credit’) उधार; ऋण; 6. to place on the credit side जमा credited as paid : [sch. I, table A, interpretation 88(1), Companies
Act] समाद� मानी जाकर जमा कर ल� गई
करना; 7. a deduction from an expense or asset account [s. 219,
credited in the books of an assessee : [s. 68, Income-tax Act]
Income-tax Act] मुजरा; 8. a debt legal or equitable owing or
�नधार्�रती क� पुस्तक� म� जमा क� गई
accruing [VIth and VIIth sch., Indian Succession Act] प्रत्यय
creditor : a person to whom a debt is owing by another person,
credit agency : [s. 6(2)(f), Oil Industry (Development) Act] प्रत्यय called the debtor [s. 2(a), Presidency-towns Insolvency Act]
अ�भकरण लेनदार
credit arrangement : [s. 23(1)(c), Industrial Finance Corporation creditor, deferred : आस्थ�गत लेनदार
Act] प्रत्यय ठहराव creditor for acceptance : हुंडी लेनदार
credit balance : जमा शेष creditor for expenses : व्यय लेनदार
credit card : [s. 139, Income-tax Act] प्रत्यय काडर्, क्रे�डट काडर् creditor for loan : उधार लेनदार
creditor, fully secured : पूणत
र् : प्र�तभूत लेनदार criminal court of equal or superior jurisdiction : [s. 406(1), Cr.
P.C.] समान या व�रष्ठ अ�धका�रता वाला दं ड न्यायालय
creditor, partly secured : अंशत: प्र�तभूत लेनदार
criminal force : आपरा�धक बल
creditor, preferential : अ�धमानी लेनदार
criminal inquiry : दां�डक जांच
creditor, secured : प्र�तभूत लेनदार
criminal intent : an intention to commit a crime [s. 81, I.P.C.]
creditor, trade : व्यापार� लेनदार आपरा�धक आशय
creditor, unsecured : अप्र�तभत
ू लेनदार criminal intimidation : [s. 503, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक अ�भत्रास
credits, account of the : an account of credit side entries पावन� का criminal jail : a prison house for keeping criminals दां�डक जेल
लेखा criminal jurisdiction : jurisdiction of court regarding cases of
credits and debits communicated in the subtreasury account : criminal nature दां�डक अ�धका�रता
उपखजाने के लेखाओं म� संसू�चत जमा और �वकलन criminal knowledge : a knowledge of facts which make the act an
creed : [s. 7, North-Eastern Hill University Act] पंथ offence [s. 35, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक �ान

creek : a narrow recess or inlet in the coast line of the sea संकर� criminal liability : a liability which is of a criminal nature
[s. 35A(3), C.P.C.] आपरा�धक दा�यत्व
cremation : the reduction of a corpse to ashes in lieu of interment criminal matter : [s. 285(3), Cr. P.C.] आपरा�धक मामला; दां�डक
शवदाह मामला

cremation ground : श्मशान घाट या भू�म criminal misappropriation : a dishonest misappropriation of

property which amounts to a crime [s. 403, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक
crew : any body of men organised or associated for a purpose as a
squad of workmen under a foreman; a gang of men under a petty द�ु वर्�नयोग
officer or assigned for a particular duty कम�दल criminal misconduct : [s. 5(2), Prevention of Corruption Act]
crew accomodation : [s. 175(1), Merchant Shipping Act] कम�दल आपरा�धक अवचार

स्थान स�ु वधा criminal offence : दां�डक अपराध

crime : an offence अपराध criminal procedure : the procedure for the investigation, trial etc.
of criminal cases दं ड प्र�क्रया
criminal : 1. one who has committed a crime [s. 114, ill. (b), Indian
Evidence Act] अपराधी; 2. relating to punishment of crime criminal proceeding : a proceeding instituted and conducted for
the purpose either of preventing the commission of a crime or for
[art. 132(1), Const.] दां�डक; 3. relating to or involving crime fixing the guilt of a crime already committed and punishing the
आपरा�धक (�क्र�मनल) offender, as distinguished from a civil proceeding which is for
the redress of a private injury दां�डक कायर्वाह�
criminal act : an act which amounts to a crime [s. 34, I.P.C.]
आपरा�धक कायर् criminal process : [s. 33(1)(c)(ii), Registration Act] दां�डक
criminal appeal : an appeal in a criminal case दां�डक अपील आदे �शका
criminal breach of contract : a breach of contract which amounts criminal prosecution 106
to an offence [ch. 19, I.P.C.] सं�वदा का आपरा�धक भंग criminal prosecution : a prosecution in a court of justice against
one accused of a crime [s. 32(3), Indian Evidence Act] दां�डक
criminal breach of contract of service : [s. 320(1), table,
Cr. P.C.] सेवा सं�वदा का आपरा�धक भंग अ�भयोजन; आपरा�धक अ�भयोजन
criminal purpose : the object involving a crime [s. 126, expln., ill.
criminal breach of trust : [s. 405, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक न्यासभंग
(a), Indian Evidence Act] आपरा�धक प्रयोजन
criminal breach of trust by public servant : [s. 39(1)(viii),
criminal session : a session of a court for the trail of criminal cases
Cr. P.C.] लोक सेवक द्वारा आपरा�धक न्यासभंग
दां�डक सत्र
criminal case : a cause for the punishment or prevention of a crime
[s. 267, Cr. P.C.] आपरा�धक मामला criminal trespass : [s. 441, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक अ�तचार
criminal charge : charge of an offence [long title, Prisoners criminal trial : a trial with the object of punishing the offender
(Attendance in Courts) Act and art. 311(2), second prov., (a), [s. 120, Indian Evidence Act] दां�डक �वचारण
Const.] आपरा�धक आरोप criminally liable : [s. 542(4), Companies Act] आपरा�धक दा�यत्व
criminal, condemned : a culprit who has been adjudged guilty [s.
के अधीन
163, ill., I.P.C.] �सद्धदोष अपराधी
criminate : to incriminate अपराध म� फंसाना
criminal conspiracy : [s. 120A, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक षड्यंत्र
criterion : मानदं ड; कसौट�
criminal contempt : [s. 2(a), Contempt of Courts Act] आपरा�धक
critical articles : समालोचनात्मक लेख
criminal contempt of a subordinate court : [s. 15(2), Contempt of critical comments : आलोचनात्मक ट�का-�टप्पणी
Courts Act] अधीनस्थ न्यायालय का आपरा�धक अवमान critical digests : समालोचनात्मक �नबंध
criminal conversation : [s. 61, Indian Divorce Act] आपरा�धक critical reports : समालोचनात्मक �रपोटर्
संसगर् criticism : [s. 2, expln. 1, Prevention of Insults to National Honour
criminal court : [s. 4(xvii), Air Force Act] दं ड न्यायालय Act] आलोचना
criticism of the policy of government : [s. 2, (excep. 1), Criminal
Law Amendment Act, 1938] सरकार क� नी�त क� आलोचना cruel or unusual manner : [s. 300, excep. 4, I.P.C.] क्रूरतापूणर् या
crop : the produce of the field either while growing or when अप्रा�यक र��त
gathered [s. 2(a), Destructive Insects and Pests Act] फसल cruelty : conduct of such a character as to cause danger to life, limb
or health (bodily or mental) or as to give rise to a reasonable
crop competition officer : फसल प्र�तयो�गता अ�धकार�
apprehension of such danger; hard-heartedness क्रूरता
crop physiologist : शस्य�क्रया �व�ानी
crush : कुचलना ; पीसना ; बैठ जाना
crop season observer : फसल मौसम प्रे�क
crushed sugar : [s. 2(e)(ii), Essential Commodities Act] �पसी हुई
crop specialist : फसल �वशेष�
cropping pattern : फसल क्रम
crushing of pillars : [s. 22(2), Mines Act] स्तंभ� का बैठ जाना
cross : to draw two parallel lines across the face of a cheque often
with ‘& Co’ written between them in order to indicate that cryptology : the scientific study of cryptography and cryptanalysis,
payment is to be made only through a bank [s. 124, Negotiable crytography being the art or practice of preparing or reading
messages in a form intended to prevent their being read by those
Instruments Act] क्रास करना
not privy to secrets of the form गुप्त �वद्या
cross-arm : [s. 2(f), Indian Electricity Act] क�ची-भज
ु ा
cudgel : [s. 30(a), Delhi Police Act] गदा
cross-claim : a claim made by the defendant against the plaintiff
and raised in the defendant’s answer प्र�तदावा culpable homicide : [s. 299, I.P.C.] आपरा�धक मानव वध

cross-decree : a decree against the holder of another decree and in culpable homicide not amounting to murder : [s. 304, I.P.C.]
favour of the judgment debtor in that other decree प्र�त�डक्र� हत्या क� को�ट म� न आने वाला आपरा�धक मानव वध

cross-examination : [s. 137, Indian Evidence Act] प्र�तपर��ा culpa levus : slight negligence साधारण उपे�ा
culpable mental state : [s. 59, expln., Foreign Exchange
cross-examination of the defendants witnesses : प्र�तवाद� के
Regulation Act] आपरा�धक मान�सक दशा
सा��य� क� प्र�तपर��ा
culpable neglect : [s. 58(b), Army Act] आपरा�धक उपे�ा
cross-examine : to subject (a witness) to cross-examination [s. 33,
prov., Indian Evidence Act] प्र�तपर��ा करना culpable negligence : सदोष उपे�ा
cross-objection : an objection filed by the respondent in an appeal culprit : a criminal अपराधी; one in fault दोषी; a person accused but
against the findings in the judgment appealed against प्रत्या�ेप not yet tried अ�भयुक्त
cross-reference : प्र�त �नद� श cultivation : the tilling of land; husbandry खेती; [s. 61, C.P.C.]
cross-suit : a suit filed by the defendant against the plaintiff in खेती करना
regard to the same transaction [Or. 8, r. 6(2), C.P.C.] प्रतीपवाद
cultivation assistant : जुताई सहायक
crossed bank draft : [s. 40A(3), Income-tax Act] क्रास ब�क ड्राफ्ट
cultivation and tillage : जोतना और बोना
crossed cheque : a cheque symbolically crossed so as to be payable
to an account only क्रास चैक cultivator : [s. 14(2), Damodar Valley Corporation Act] कृषक;
crossed cheque drawn on a bank : [s. 40A(3), Income-tax Act] [s. 2(e)(i)(ii), Wealth-tax Act] खे�तहर
ब�क पर �लखा क्रास चैक cultivators of land : [art. 31A(2)(a)(iii), Const.] भू�म के कृषक
crossing, general : साधारण रे खन cultivers : [s. 41(1), Biological Diversity Act] कृ�षजोपजा�त
crossing, not negotiable : अपरक्राम्य रे खन culturable : [s. 4(2)(c), Land Improvement Loans Act] खेती योग्य
crossing on the level : [s. 20(2), Indian Railways Act] समतल पर cultural committee : [s. 29(1)(m), Aligarh Muslim University Act]
क्रा�संग सांस्कृ�तक स�म�त

crossing, special : �वशेष रे खन cultural delegation : सांस्कृ�तक �शष्टमंडल

crossing, specimen : नमूना रे खन cultural division : सांस्कृ�तक प्रभाग

crossing the road on the level : [s. 14(1), Indian Railways Act] cultural heritage of India : [s. 14(2)(iii), Antiquities and Art
समतल पर सड़क को पार करना Treasures Act] भारत क� सांस्कृ�तक �वरासत
crossword puzzle : [s. 2(d), Prize Competition Act and s. 2(24)(ix), cultural institution : [s. 18(iv), Antiquities and Art Treasures Act]
Income-tax Act] वगर् पहे ल�; वगर्-शब्द पहे ल� सांस्कृ�तक संस्था

crown : the British Sovereign क्राउन cultural property : सांस्कृ�तक संप��

Crown Representative : His Majesty’s representative for the Cultural Relations Officer : सांस्कृ�तक संपकर् अ�धकार�
exercise of the functions of the Crown in its relations with Indian
cultural scholarships : सांस्कृ�तक छात्रव�ृ �यां
States appointed by his Majesty क्राउन प्र�त�न�ध
cultured pearl : a natural pearl grown under controlled conditions
crucial date : �नणार्यक तार�ख कल्चर� मोती
crude : 1. [sch. second, item 11(a), Mines and Minerals culverts : [s. 2(e)(ii), Control of National Highways (Land and
(Regulation and Development) Act] अप�रष्कृत; 2. [preamble, Oil Traffic) Act] पु�लयाएं
cum-dividend 107
Industry (Development) Act] कच्चा
cum-dividend : लाभांश स�हत
crude rubber : कच्चा रबड़
cumulative : सं�चत; संचयमान; संचयी; आक�लत
cumulative dividend : संचयी लाभांश University Act] �नत्य प्र�त के कतर्व्य
cumulative effect : संचयी प्रभाव current event : [s. 12(4), Cinematograph Act] साम�यक घटना
cumulative loss : संचयी हा�न current expenses : [s. 78, Indian Lunacy Act] �दन-प्र�त�दन का
cumulative preference dividends : सं�चत अ�धमानी लाभांश व्यय
cumulative preference shares : [s. 87(2)(b)(i), Companies Act] current financial year : [art. 115(1)(a), Const.] चालू �व�ीय वषर्
संचयी अ�धमानी अंश; [sch., pt. II, entry (d), Mangrol and
current income : [s. 212(3), Income-tax Act] चालू आय
Manavadar (Administration of Property) Act] सं�चत अ�धमानी
current indexes : [s. 54, Registration Act] चालू अनक्र
ु मा�णकाएं
current liability : चालू दा�यत्व
cumulative punishment : punishment increased by succeeding
additions आक�लत दं ड
Cumulative Time Deposits : [s. 10(15)(ii), Income-tax Act] current month : the running month चालू मास
साव�धक संचयी जमा current price : चालू क�मत ; वतर्मान क�मत
cupolaman : गुबं�दया current rate of exchange : [s. 20(1), Indian Stamp Act] प्रच�लत
curative treatment : [s. 84, Indian Lunacy Act] आरोग्यकार� उपचार �व�नमय दर

curator : a keeper; a custodian र�क; संग्रहालयाध्य� current revenue : वतर्मान राजस्व

curatorship : र�कत्व current review of audit : लेखापर��ा का चालू पुन�वर्लोकन

Curator, Nehru Zoological Park : नेहरू प्राणी उद्यान र�क current session : चालू सत्र ; चालू अ�धवेशन

cure : 1. to restore to health नीरोग करना; रोगमक्

ु �त; 2. to subject to current use : the use which is prevalent at the present time चालू
a preservative process संसाधन करना उपयोग

cured coffee : [s. 3(b), Coffee Act] संसा�धत काफ� current topics : [s. 52(m), Copyright Act] साम�यक �वषय
curfew : a regulation obliging persons to be indoors within certain curricular : पाठ्यक्रम ; पाठ्यक्रम संबंधी
hours कफ्यूर्
curricular, co- : पाठ्यचयार् के साथ के
curing establishment : [s. 3(e), Coffee Act] संसाधन स्थापन
curricular, extra : पाठ्यचयार् से �भन्न
curing of grievous disease : [s. 92, secondly, I.P.C.] घोर रोग से
curriculum : पाठ्यक्रम ; पाठ्यचयार्
मुक्त करना
cursory glance, on a : सरसर� तौर पर दे खने से
curious : [sch., pt. I, Salar Jung Museum Act] कौतक
ु वस्तए
ु ं
curtail : कम करना
currency and bank note : कर� सी और ब�क नोट
custodian : [s. 2(a), Transfer of Evacuee Deposits Act] अ�भर�क
currency and bullion : कर� सी और बु�लयन
Custodian, Assistant : [ss. 2(a) and 3, Enemy Property Act]
currency chest : कर� सी �तजोर� सहायक अ�भर�क
currency department : कर� सी �वभाग Custodian General : महा अ�भर�क
currency holdings : [s. 4, Asian Development Bank Act] कर� सी Custodian of Deposits : �न�ेप अ�भर�क
ध�ृ तयां custodian of enemy property for India : [s. 2(a), Enemy Property
currency note : paper money in circulation कर� सी नोट Act] भारत का शत्र-ु संप�� �नयंत्रक
custodian of record : [s. 19(1), Institutes of Technology Act]
currency of the cheque, period of : चैक के चालू रहने क� अव�ध
अ�भलेख का अ�भर�क
currency of the sentence : [s. 164(2), Navy Act] दं डादे श का चालू custody : the detaining of a man’s person by virtue of lawful
रहना process or authority; actual imprisonment; safe keeping;
protection; charge; care, guardianship [ss. 167(2) and 511(a),
currency officer : मद्र
ु ा अ�धकार� Cr. P.C.] अ�भर�ा
current account : चालू खाता custody etc. of consolidated funds, contingency funds and
current business : the business in progress चालू कामकाज; चालू moneys credited to the public accounts : [art. 283, margin,
Const.] सं�चत �न�धय�, आकस्�मकता �न�धय� और लोक लेखाओं म�
जमा धन रा�शय� क� अ�भर�ा, आ�द
current cheque book : [s. 3(6)(b), General Insurance (Emergency
Provisions) Act] चालू चैक बुक ; [s. 4(5), Indian Iron and Steel custody of court : न्यायालय क� अ�भर�ा
Company (Taking Over of Management) Act] चालू चैक पुस्तक custody of property : संप�� क� अ�भर�ा
current coin : coin lawfully current by virtue of any law, custody of records, having the : अ�भलेख� को अ�भर�ा म� रखने
proclamation or otherwise चालू �सक्का
current day : साधारण �दन custody of suitors’ deposits and other moneys received by
current deposit : चालू �न�ेप public servants and courts : [art. 284, margin, Const.] लोक
current duties : [2nd sch., item 3(7), prov., Jawaharlal Nehru सेवक� और न्यायालय� द्वारा प्राप्त वादकतार्ओं क� जमा रा�शय� और
अन्य धनरा�शय� क� अ�भर�ा customs area : [s. 2(11), Customs Act] सीमाशल्
ु क �ेत्र
custody of the law : [s. 57(d), Presidency Small Cause Courts Act] customs authority : [sch., pt. 1, item 19, Commercial Documents
�व�ध क� अ�भर�ा Evidence Act] सीमाशल्
ु क प्रा�धकार�
custody of the minor : [s. 363A(1), I.P.C.] अप्राप्तवय क� अ�भर�ा
custom : 1. a usage that has by long continuance acquired a legally
binding force; usage [art. 13(3)(a), Const.] रू�ढ़ ; 2. duties on
exports and imports सीमाशुल्क
custom charges : सीमाशल्
ु क प्रभार
custom-designed : built to individual specifications rather than as
part of a mass-production plan [Verification Annex., art, 1,
5(A)(iii), Chemical Weapons Convention Act] �व�न�दर् ष्ट रूप से
�डजाइन �कया गया
custom duty : सीमाशल्
ु क
custom examination : सीमाशल्
ु क पर��ा
custom having the force of law : �व�ध का बल रखने वाल� रू�ढ़
custom house agent : [s. 146, Customs Act] सीमाशुल्क सदन
custom house officer : सीमाशुल्क सदन अ�धकार�
custom of merchants : [preamble, Indian Bills of Lading Act]
custom रू�ढ़ 108 cytologist
custom of service : सेवा-रू�ढ़
custom of the trade : [s. 2(1)(4)(a), Trade and Merchandise Marks
Act] व्यापार क� रू�ढ़
custom officer : सीमाशल्
ु क अ�धकार�
customary : [s. 3(f), Land Acquisition Act] रू�ढ़गत
customary bonus : [s. 17(a), Payment of Bonus Act] रू�ढ़गत बोनस
customs-bond : सीमाशुल्क बंध-पत्र
customary concession : रू�ढ़क �रयायत
customs collector : [s. 3(d), Tea Act] सीमाशुल्क कलक्टर
customary course of business : कारबार का रू�ढ़क अनक्र
ु म
customs department : the department which deals with customs
customary easements : [s. 18, Indian Easements Act] रू�ढ़क सीमाशुल्क �वभाग
customs duty : [s. 12, Customs Act] सीमाशुल्क
customary law : a custom which by continuance has acquired the
force of law रू�ढ़जन्य �व�ध customs frontier : [s. 3, Poisons Act] सीमाशुल्क सीमांत

customary manner : a manner which has been followed as a Customs House : [s. 146, margin, Customs Act] सीमाशल्
ु क सदन
matter of custom रू�ढ़गत प्रकार ; रू�ढ़क प्रकार customs nomenclature : सीमाशुल्क नाम ; सीमाशल्
ु काथर् नाम
customary mode : रू�ढ़क ढं ग Customs Officer : सीमाशुल्क अ�धकार�
customary or other right : [s. 2(b), Indian Easements Act] customs or excise pass : [sch., pt. II, item 16, Commercial
रू�ढ़जन्य या अन्य अ�धकार Documents Evidence Act] सीमाशल्
ु क या उत्पाद-शल्
ु क पास
customary route, usual or : [s. 76(a), Indian Railways Act] प्रा�यक customs or excise permit : [sch., pt. II, item 16, Commercial
या प्रच�लत मागर् Documents Evidence Act] सीमाशल्
ु क या उत्पाद-शल्ु क अनु�ापत्र
customer : buyer; one who patronises or uses the services; a person customs port : [s. 2(12), Customs Act] सीमाशल्
ु क प�न
with whom a business-house or business-man has dealings ग्राहक customs station : सीमाशल्
ु क स्टे शन
customer’s account : ग्राहक लेखा
customs tariff : सीमाशुल्क टै �रफ
customer’s ledger or sales ledger : ग्राहक खाता या �वक्रय खाता
cut : कटौती
customised : [s. 9(1)(vi), expln., 3, Income-tax Act] ग्राहक-
cut and overwritten : काट कर ऊपर �लखा गया
cut motion : कटौती प्रस्ताव
customs : duties levied on goods imported into or exported from a
country सीमाशल्ु क cutting : काटना ; कटाव ; कटा हुआ ; टुकड़ा ; कलम
Cyber Appellate Tribunal : [s. 49, Information Technology Act]
customs airport : [s. 2(c), Produce Cess Act] सीमाशल्
ु क �वमान
साइबर अपील अ�धकरण
cyclone : चक्रवात ; तूफान
customs and manners of the country : दे श क� रू�ढ़यां और र��तयां
cyclostyle : साइक्लोस्टाइल करना
cylinder mate : �स�लंडर मेट
cypher : बीज लेख
cypher inspector : बीज लेख �नर��क
cypher operator : बीज लेख प्रचालक
cytogeneticist : को�शकाजनन �व�ानी
cytological assistant : को�शका�व�ान सहायक
cytologist : को�शका �व�ानी

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