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Introduction to HTML and CSS

Amy Gottler

Version 1.0
March 2019
Lesson: Create a Basic Webpage using HTML Date: 02/04/2019 Time: 10 Mins Venue: TBC
Lesson information: This lesson is aimed at those wanting to learn the basics of HTML and CSS for front end web development. Basic IT literacy is a
prerequisite for this lesson, however no prior knowledge of HTML or CSS is required.
Student resources: Students will need access to a laptop or computer, a code editor, such as Visual Studio Code (free) and a web browser.
Teacher resources: Projector, computer, code editor such as visual studio code, web browser.
Internet resources / take away: https://www.w3schools.com
• What is HTML?
• Introduction to Tags
• Introduction to foundation elements of HTML
• Saving your HTML page
• Viewing your page

Learning Objectives: After this lesson, you will be able to…

• Use basic HTML elements to create a simple webpage.

Timing Content Teaching Resources Group organisation / Assessment

Method/Activity Student Activities Method
1 Mins What is HTML? Micro lecture PP Listen, observe PP.
Introduction to HTML, what it is and what it is
used for.

1 Mins Introduction to Tags Video Video Listen, observe video, note

Explain tags; what start tags and end tags are
(or open and closed tags).

5 Mins Introduction to foundation elements of HTML Tutorial Demonstration / PP Listen, observe video, note
Introduce and demonstrate the use of
foundational HTML elements.
• Doctype
• Head
• Title
• Body
• Large heading
• Paragraph
Demonstration should include the correct use
and structure of the HTML elements.
1 Mins Saving your HTML page. Micro lecture PP Listen, observe.
Viewing your page.
2 Mins Practise and assessment Assessment Paper based Talk, write, practice, tutor Fill in the blanks
activity or support and Q&A. paper based
computer based assessment, or
practise computer based


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