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The meaning of enjoying your own company is to be able to feel at
peace with ideas of being alone, spending time with yourself, and
enjoying the little moments even if there’s no one around to share the
excitement with. How many times have you seen a random person in a
cafe either reading a book, working on laptop or enjoying a cup of tea,
and lost in their own thoughts.
The people who are engrossed in yourself are called introvert.
Introverts sometime considered loners. These are people who enjoy
time alone. It is not necessarily that they don’t like being around other
people, rather they are more interested in their own inner thoughts
and feelings. At first, you may feel that this is selfishness but remember
that your biggest responsibility is yourself. You can’t love someone else
if you don’t love to yourself.
Sitting alone and enjoying your own company is
better than being surrounded by fake people.
Being alone is like meditation, where you realize and get to know
yourself. It is finding yourself. Being alone helps you to understand and
appreciate yourself. Some people are naturally happy alone. But for
others, being solo is a challenge.
Give yourself a chance:
We find uncomfortable to spend time in our own company, it
is probably because we are not used to it. Make yourself your first
priority and look after your own needs first.
Talk to yourself:
We all have an inner voice that speaks to us and it’s really okay to
talk back. Taking time helps us to know ourselves better. Life is truly
lived only when you start enjoying your own company when you start
appreciating little things in your life.
One such example is of Mr. Bean. We all must have seen this in our
childhood. Bean’s most important life lesson is to be yourself. He had
no care for the world. He told us that you don’t need anyone to make
you happy.
Happiness is a choice you make and care for yourself.
We all have a ‘thing’; it is just the matter of figuring out what it actually
is. An important building block for healthy relationship with others
begins with a healthy relationship with yourself. If you embrace your
solace, your space, your good qualities, you will always know and love
yourself and you would not need to depend on others to make you feel
happy because you are not born to impress others. Find ‘YOUR THING’
and make time for it.
Living alone not only gives you an unparalleled level of freedom, but it
also gives you time to focus on what you really want to do. The great
thing about living alone is that it gives you confidence that you can do

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