April 10 2022 YW Lesson

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Young Women Lesson 4/10/22

1. Learning Outcome: The class will understand that their faith is made stronger with daily
a. Avery: Object lesson with Pasta
b. Avery: Discussion Question: What do you need to do to keep our bodies healthy?
i. (If the class doesn’t come to it on their own, ask them the frequency they
need to do those things.)
c. Sis Pardoe OR Avery: Discussion Question: What can that teach us about how we
can remain spiritually health?
d. Avery: Ask a classmate to read Alma 37:6-7; before they read, ask the class to
pay attention to what the Lord has invited us to do to strengthen our faith.
i. Avery: What are some things can we do to exercise our faith daily? (Invite
them to pull from the scripture we just read or from their own
e. Sis. Pardoe: Is it important to exercise our faith daily? Why?
f. Sis Pardoe: How do you know these things to be true?
2. Learning Outcome: The class will grow in readiness to face trials with faith.
a. Sis Pardoe: Discuss Exodus 14-17.
i. The Pharaoh finally decided to let the children of Israel go- freeing them
from slavery. What happened next? (The Egyptians were upset that their
free labor disappeared and started chasing after the children of Israel)
ii. Ask someone to read the reaction of those who were newly free when
they found out that the Egyptians were after them in Exodus 14:11-12
iii. Were the children of Israel justified in their fears? Why? We get to look at
this story from a distance of thousands of years. We know what the Lord
is about to do for them, but they didn’t.
iv. How was Moses’s response different? Read Exodus 14: 13-14; Why was
his response different?
b. Sis. Pardoe: Think about a time when you were facing a trial that you didn’t know
the outcome of, or maybe you are facing one now. What are some of the
feelings you have when you don’t know what is going to happen? How can you
respond in those moments? (Give time to write in journals)
c. Avery: Share the story of your hand and talk about how your faith helped you in
that trial. Bear your testimony of the power of faith.
d. Avery: Invite classmates to share some of their own experiences if they are
3. IF TIME Activity (Sis. Pardoe OR Avery): Who are some women in the scriptures, history,
or in our own lives who provide strong examples of people who have built and
strengthened their faith so that they were able to be strong in face their trials?

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