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Background of the study

Stress has been proven to have dangerous effects on people of all ages. If mistreated,

it will result to physical and psychological illness. Generally students nowadays are prone to

stress that affects way of thinking. Most of students’ day-to day activities are influenced by

stress which leads them to do the work and sometimes get pressured. Research in the past

years have shown that a little stress is good to keep the student determined to work, but too

much stress can lead to students’ behavioral changes and making it hard for them to handle. 

According to the American Psychological Association, stress is any

uncomfortable experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and

behavioral changes. It is stated that stress causes change to a persons’ behavior and cause its

way of thinking. In addition, The Cognitive –Transactional Model of Stress said that stress

is a dynamic relationship between an individual and the environment in which a stimulus

disturbs an individual’s homeostasis. As mentioned, stress disturbs a person’s ability to have

a stable thinking that results to a negative environmental effect.

In a recent poll in San Francisco by the Global News Wire 2018, nearly 45% of the

students said that stress is felt “all the time”. It means that stress is rampant to students

nowadays. Most of the respondents affirmed that because of paper works and activities and

other projects that is needed to be passed cause stress.


In the Philippines K-12 program has been implemented into its flagship way back

years. “The K-12 program is the boldest move, Department of Education has been

undertaken. The Philippine education system is already halfway through its second year of

senior high program”. The big factor for the students to have stress is the additional two

more years after the four years in junior high school. This K-12 program involves a lot of

changes to our education system mainly in the grading system and in extracurricular

activities. It seriously prepares the students before entering college. However, this made an

increasing rate of the students’ stress caused by the demands at school like projects,

numerous paper works and extracurricular activities from the subjects involve in the new


In Bislig City, Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College is one of the schools who

embraces the K-12 curriculum. The school focuses on the academic performance and the

holistic growth of each student. The institution is using two semesters which contain ten or

more subjects. Since there are a lot of subjects in every semester, several exams, activities

and performance tasks are need to be done. With the situation presented, it triggers the

student’s stress to arise which may affect academic performance.

Hence, the researchers conducted this study to know the level of stress of the senior

high school students.


Statement of the Problem

The study aims to answer the following problems:

1. What are the main sources of the students’ stress?

2. What level of stress did students experience?

3. What are the Prestress behavior of the students?

Objectives of the Study

Based from the statement of the problem, this study aims to:

1. To classify the main sources of students’ stress.

2. To know what level of stress that students experience.

3. To identify the main responses of the students when they are stress.

Significance of the Study

Based from the statement of the problem, this study aims to:

THE SCHOOL: The institution will have the idea of what is the level of stress of that

student’s experience.

TEACHERS: This will serve as a basis for the teachers in building a controlled- stress class

discussion or classroom environment that is conducive for learning.

PARENTS: The results of this study will be used by the parents on how to help their

children to minimize stress.

STUDENTS: The students will able to know the overview of the level of their stress and

what should be the possible way to minimize it.

TO THE FUTURE RESEARCHER: The results of this study will help the future

researchers in conducting relative study.


Scope and Delimitation

This study would focus on the response of the 117 respondents, wherein there will

be 23 students from three strand and 24 students from two strands of Grade 11 Senior High

School of Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College of Bislig City.

This study is delimited only on the 117 selected Grade 11 Senior High School

students of the school year 2018-2019. This study aims to recognize what are the factors,

happenings or events that can trigger the students’ stress whether it’s good or bad and to

give the possible way on how to minimize it.

The problem which perceive by the students in regards to their level of stress and

how they response to it were enumerated.

Definition of Terms

To have a common idea of the terms used in the study, the researchers defined the

following terms:

Prestress Behavior the behavior of their condition of being stress or their behavior in

responding to stress.

Stressors is a stimulus that causes stress

Eustress a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health

Homeostasis a relatively stable state of equilibrium

ISMA’S scale a level of stress scale from International Stress Management Association



The main sources of the The researchers will Students’ main
students’ stress conduct survey by sources of stress
using reliable
The level of stress that Students’ level of
questionnaire from
do students experience stress
previous studies about
The Prestress stress. The prestress behavior
Behaviour of the of the students.

Figure 1.1

The system approach (Input- Process- output) was used in describing the conceptual

framework of the study. As shown in figure 1, the input consist of statistical tools survey

and scale test questionnaires and statement of the problem to be used to get the objective of

the study.

The process composed of ways on how to analyzed and compute the gathered data

as well as ways on how to get data to the respondents.

The output consisted of the possible response of the respondents when they are

feeling stress, their level of stress and their main sources of stress after analyzing the data or

the output result of the study.




This chapter focuses on the review of literature and the related studies on the level of

stress of the students. It also includes the theoretical of which this study is based upon.

Related Literature

A review of literature of the topic reveals the different themes of stress to students;

the history, the factors, and the cause and effects of stress. It also reveals the overview level

of stress of the students. This review of literature provides convincing evidence that the

students were prone to stress in many aspects of their lives.

Students are the most essential elements in any educational institution. They are

considered as the core of learning process. If students achieve their set academic standards

and successfully attained high degree of education, the probability of being employed in the

future is high. But as student’s deals with different challenges and demands to perform in

academics, students may feel stressful because of their inability to perform all demands.

(Arceli G. Santos 2018)

Stress is any uncomfortable experience accompanied by predictable biochemical,

physiological and behavioral changes. It is also a physical response to the very demanding

circumstances in which the people encounter to survive, thus stress also causes mental and

emotional strain or tension. According to Schneiderman, Ironson, and Siegel (2008), they

believe that “stressors have a major influence upon mood, our sense of well-being, behavior,

and health. Acute stress responses in young, healthy individuals may be adaptive and

typically do not impose a health burden. However, if the threat is unremitting, particularly in

older or unhealthy individuals, the long-term effects of stressors can damage health.” A high

level of stress is one of the common factor why human undergo behavioral changes because

of stressors that can possibly be acquire on any environmental condition, happenings or

event that an individual would consider demanding, challenging, and or threatens the

individual’s safety. And as it threatens individual’s safety it is also considered that students

are one of it, as they are involved in stress. They are prone to negative changes of their

behavior, emotions and cognitive aspects of their lives.

On the other hand, M.Greenberg (2016) defines stress as good, according to her that

“some researchers have suggested that exposure to a moderate level of stress that you can

master, can actually make you stronger and better able to manage stress, just like a vaccine,

which contains a tiny amount of the bug, can immunize you against getting the disease.”

Stress can be good to every individual but it must be in moderate level that they can able to

handle. It becomes an inspiration to a person to be stronger in facing circumstances in life.

“There are some reasons for stress among students like as exam, assignments, and

financial problem. Students encounter with some physical, emotional, social, as well as

family problems.” (Pourrajab, Rabbani, and Kasmaienezhadfard, 2014). Students were


much prone to stress than to the other individual because of their numerous works, they

became stressful because they tend to react on the certain stressors. “Authors found that the

most frequently reported factors by the students, contributing to exam anxiety, were

extensive course loads (90.8%), lack of physical exercise (90%), and long duration of exams

(77.5%). Authors also reported that most students had poor knowledge of exam-taking and

anxiety-reduction.” (Hashmat et al., 2008)

Parental decision and stress find it way too hard for the graduating senior high

school students’ to decide what courses they would take in the future, as well as the

expectation of the teachers dealing to their academic performance that can make them

pressure. “It was demonstrated in a number of studies that parental pressures and teachers’

expectations were associated with stress around the time of examinations or about choosing

particular academic study or a future career. For example, students who joined dentistry due

to parental pressure, with associated fear of facing parents after failure, described greater

stress than those who joined of their accord” (Acharya, 2003; Tangade et al., 2011).

It is clearly stated that one of the factor that can trigger the students’ stress is the

expectations of the teachers as well as the parents it’s because students believed to their

parents while to the teachers, they don’t want to be failed that’s why they follow the rules in

which this rules will results to stress.


Related Studies

This section presents the foreign and local studies on the Level of stress of the Grade

11 Senior High School students.

Foreign Studies

There are also some researchers conducted a study about the level of stress of the

Senior High School students and one of it is the study entitled, Level of Stress in Male and

Female School Students by Zamirullah Khan (2015). This study aimed at the level of stress

in male and female school students. To collect the data researcher used students stress scale

(SSS) developed by Dr. Zaki Akhtar (2011). During collection of data researcher used

means and method fit for this scale. The result of the study showed boys having much more

stress in comparison to girls. The study concluded that school boys are more stressful than

school girls.

Additional study from María Guadalupe Acosta-Gómez (2018) entitled Stress in

High School Students: A Descriptive Study. In which they identify the general level of

stress among the high school students, the sources of stress of the students and the prestress

behavior of the students. And most of the students reported normal (54%) or lower (39%)

stress levels, but women reported significantly higher stress levels than men (p < 0.05). The

main sources of stress were examinations, choosing a career path, and family troubles. The

students’ main responses to stress were listening to music, talking with someone about the

problem, and exercise.


Another relative study entitled “Prevalence and Factors Associated with

Susceptibility to Stress related Illnesses among Medical Students in a Nigerian Medical

School” was conducted by Josephat Chinawa (2015). They identify the level of stress of the

medical students’ by using the ISMA’s scale and concluded that a relatively high number of

medical students are susceptible to stress-related illnesses with a female predominance.

Another related study from Gerard Kennedy and Nadya kousma (2004) which is

Self-reported sources of stress in senior high school students. In this study the main sources

of stress was reported by 423 Australian final-year high school students using the Academic

Stress Questionnaire, were school-related as expected. The highest sources of their stress

were examinations and outcomes, too much to do, worry over future, making choices about

career, studying for examinations, amount to learn, need to do well imposed by others, and

self-imposed need to do well.

A study from Myriam V. Thoma (2013) about The Effect of Music on the Human

Stress Response concludes that listening to music impacted the psychobiological stress

system. Listening to music prior to a standardized stressor predominantly affected the

autonomic nervous system (in terms of a faster recovery), and to a lesser degree the

endocrine and psychological stress response. These findings may help better understanding

the beneficial effects of music on the human body.

Another foreign study by George Essel and Patrick Owusu (2017) “Causes of

students’ stress, its effects on their academic success, and stress management by students”

identifies the extent to which stress affects students’ academic success as well as inquires

the effects of existing stress in students. Their results obtained show the different factors

that cause stress among students. They said that due to the negative impact of stress on

students’ life it results ineffective studies and poor academic performance. In solution they

put effective measures in place that is pertinent to their academic success and general life by

identifying the main causes of stress.

Lastly, a foreign study entitled PERCEIVED STRESS AND ACADEMIC


GHANA by Affum-Osei Emmanuel (2014) finds out the profile and the relationship

between Senior High School Students’ perceived stress and their academic performance. A

total of 120 Senior High School Students randomly selected from four Senior High Schools

in the Western Region of Ghana participated in the study. And their Results shows that the

majority of the students experienced moderate stress levels and that, none of the students

experienced high stress levels. The study also indicated that, there is no significant

correlation between the level of perceived stress and academic performance of the students.

Local Studies

There are local studies which are related to the present study. A few of them are

from Rosalie C. Leal (2012), Lauro S. Aspiras, and Emma D. Aspiras (2014), Dr. Rey S.

Guevarra and Romel A. Cimanes (July 2017) lastly is the Stressors and stress Responses of

Filipino College Students by Marison R. Dy

The first one was conducted by Rosalie C. Leal (2012) entitled “Stress Experiences

among Graduating Students of Isabela State University San Mateo Campus, Philippines”.

This study shows the stress experiences, the different causes or sources, effects, and coping

mechanism of stress. It also reveals the result that effects of stressor differ between male

and female. They used a descriptive method and a three-part questionnaire to collect data.

Another study entitled “Perceived Stress Factors and Academic Performance of the

Sophomore IT Students” by Lauro S. Aspiras, and Emma D. Aspiras (2014) stated that

“Finances” is the major stressor of the respondents. “Not getting enough sleep”, “Social

activities”, “Nutrition” and “Class attendance” follow respectively. The study also revealed

that the perceived stress factors has a significant bearing on the course, gender, age, and

ethnic affiliation of the respondents. There were 65 sophomore IT students involved in the


Stress Coping Mechanism and Its Impact to their age among Senior High School

students at Parañaque National High School-Baclaran Dr. Rey S. Guevarra and Romel A.

Cimanes (July 2017) This study aims to determine the stress coping mechanism and its

impact to their age among Senior High School students at Paranaque National High School–

Baclaran. This uses survey questionnaires that were distributed to the 104 Senior High

School students. This study used “The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping” by

Lazarus and Folkman (1984).

A study entitled Stressors and Stress Responses of Filipino College Students by

Marison R. Dy got a respondents of 68% females and 32% males. According to their

degree, 42% belonged to the soft sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of

academic classification, 10% were freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors, and 21%

seniors. In which it is concluded that the top five overall stressors of the Filipinio college

students were academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects, time

management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time

management because of both subjects and organizations.




Research Design

This study entitled The Level of Stress of the Grade 11 Senior High School students

was a qualitative research that aimed to know the overview of the level of stress that

students experience.

Descriptive method in gathering the needed data and information was utilized in

this study. Also the explanatory method is used to further explain the information

gathered. This was done to have a reliable data particularly on the information regarding

the level of stress of the students. Moreover, this technique can describe and explain the

nature of situation as it exists in the time of study.

Respondents of the study

Using the Slovin’s formula the researchers were able to have 117

respondents out of 166 students or 95% of the total population of G-11 Senior High

School were chosen. And we are able to get 23 students in three strands and 24 students

in two strands who are enrolled at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College of Bislig for

the school year 2018-2019. The stratified sampling will be perform to select 23 and 24

students in every strands.


Section Population

General Academic Strand (GAS) 24

Humanities & Social Sciences (HUMSS) 23

Accountancy & Business Management (ABM) 24

Computer System Services & Animal Production (CSS&AP) 23

Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) 23


Table 3.1 : Distribution of Respondents per Strand

Research Locale

The locale of the study was conducted at Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

at Andres Soriano Avenue Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur. It will be found near

the national highway with the distance of 4 meters. This institution is also near in De La

Salle John Bosco College (DLSJBC), for about 640 meters away and Andres Soriano of

Bislig (ASCB) with a walking distance of 110 meters away from the i

nstitution. This school was established in the year of 1983. This institution is

currently directed by Rev. Fr. Edgar Bonnete B. Clar and presently headed by Ms. Lucita

V. Dominguez the BAED principal.


Figure 3.2 Map

Courtesy of: Google Maps Date Retrieved: March 13, 2015

Data Collection Procedure

1. Securing the approval to conduct the study.

2. Determining the respondents and the number of respondents.

3. Administering the scale test.

4. Briefing the respondents to be aware about the purpose of the conducted survey


5. Distribution of survey questionnaires.

6. Collection of data.

7. Analyzing the data.


Statistical Treatment of the Data

This research made use of the following statistical tools to analyze and interpret the

data based on the data that will be gathered from the respondents, furthermore this study

will use the following statistical tools:

1. Percentage (%) - To determine the percentage of their main sources of stress and

their main responses when they are stress. In which it can identify the most

common selection that was chosen.

P= . 100


P = Percent

N = number of respondents

100 = constant

f = frequency

2. Frequency (Mode) – This will be used to determine the number of responses of

the participants on the set of statement indicated in the questionnaire.

3. Slovin’s Formula- This formula was used in getting the number of respondents.

1+ Ne2


n = Sample Size

N = Total no. of population

e = Margin of Error (0.05)

Research Instrument

The instrument used in conducting the study was the 20-item scale

questionnaires that will identify their level of stress by the material that will be used for

conduction of the study is “Stress Indicator checklist” by International Stress Management

Association UK”. And the study of Acosta-Gomez that will be used as the choices of main

sources of their stress which has 8 choices and the presstress behavior of the students which

has 10 choices.

Construction of the Questionnaire

The construction of the statement that were included in the said checklist and was

adapted from previous studies and was modified by the researchers to fit the statement of

the problem of the present of the study.



The stress indicator checklist has 4 degree of intensity with weights of 14- above

being the highest and 0-4 being the lowest rating.

The scores are interpreted base on the ISMA’s scale

Low level of stress (LLS) - 0-4 points

High level of stress (HLS) - 5-13 points

Very high level of stress (VHS) - 14-above points




Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of the results from the test conducted

about this study are presented in this chapter.

The researchers conducted a stress indicator questionnaires that will identify the

main sources of students’ stress, level of stress and perception when dealing with academic

activities. The figure below shows the most preferred stressors by the Senior High School


Figure 4.1 The Sources of Students’ Stress Graph


The Main Source s of Stude nts' Stre ss



Figure 4.1 Shows the graph of the main sources of the students’ stress. Figure 4.1

show the graph of the main sources of the students’ stress. It is clear to see that the students

reported that their sources of stress were: 1) Academic requirements, 24.30%; 2) financial

problems, 17.80, followed by 3) examinations, 14.24%; 4) family problems’ 13.12%; 5)


relationships, 8.90%; 6) peer pressure, 8.10%; 7) personal health problem, 6.90% and lastly

8) bullying which gained only 6.40% of votes.

It can be seen in the graph that academic requirements gained the highest votes

among all the sources of students’ stress. This means that academic requirements has the

biggest factor why the students become stress and apparently need improvement for their

coping skills to minimize their stress

The questionnaire and result used in finding the main sources of students’ stress was

based on the previous descriptive study by Acosta-Gomez, et al (2018) about stress in High

School Students. The students reported that exams is the main source of stress garnering

49% of votes. It means that their greatest source of stress was the examination, which may

indicate that students need help to improve their study skills.

Meanwhile the main sources of stress affect the student level of stress. This might be

the reason why there is a very high level of stress to the grade 11 senior high school students

because of their projects and numerous paper works that need to be done on the certain

dates. This means that the three main sources of students stress namely; Academic

Requirements, Financial Problems, and Examination has a big relationship to the increase of

the students’ level of stress.

This is almost similar to the study of Statistics Canada in 2011 about stress in work

places. They stated that six out of ten workers main sources of stress is their jobs itself that

increases their level of stress. “The majority of highly stressed workers (62%) identified

work as their main source of stress.” The research tells that there is a connection between

the main sources of stress and the level of stress.

Figure 4.2 Student Level of Stress Graph




Low Level of Stress High Level of Stress Very High Level of Stress
(0-4 Points) (5-13 Points) (14 above Points)
Figure 4.2 shows the classification of the students’ stress in percent. The chart used the

ISMA’s scale approach to distinguish what level of stress, the grade 11 student’s in Saint

Vincent de Paul Diocesan College experienced. It can be seen in the graph above that

52.10% of the students voted that they experienced a very high level of stress. Meanwhile

44.44% of the students experienced high level of stress and 2.56% of the students voted low

level of stress.

This is nearly similar to the study of Chinawa (2015) “Prevalence and Factors

Associated with Susceptibility to Stress related Illnesses among Medical Students in a

Nigerian Medical School”. The study stated that 67.3% of the medical students’ has been

identified that they experienced moderate or high level of stress by using ISMA’s scale.

Figure 4.3 The Pre Stress Behavior of Students

18.00% 17.40%
16.00% 14.82%
14.00% 13.24%
12.00% 11.50%
10.00% 9.10%
8.00% 7.30%
6.00% 4.90% 5.13%
2.00% 1%

Listening to Music Going out With Friends Sleeping More than Usual

Eating More Than Usual Talking About the Problem with Friends Working Hard than Usual

Physical Exercises Talking to a Relative Surfing in Social Media


Figure 4.5 shows the graph main response of the students when they are stress.

It is clear to see that the students reported that their respond to stress were: 1)

Listening to music, 17.40%; 2) Going out with friends, 15.61%, followed by 3) Sleeping

more than usual, 14.82%; 4) Eating more than usual, 13.24%; 5) talking about problem with

a friend, 9.10%; 6) Working hard more than usual 4.90%; 7) Physical Exercise 5.13%

Talking to a relative 7.30%, 9) Surfing in social media 11.50% and lastly 10) Smoking

which gained 1% of votes.

It can be seen in the graph that listening to music gained the highest votes among all

the responses of students when they are stress. This means that listening to music gives big

help to students when they are stress and apparently this lessens their feeling of stress.

The questionnaire and result used in finding the pre stress behavior of the students

was based on the previous descriptive study by Acosta-Gomez, et al (2018) about stress in

High School Students. The students reported that their responses to stress were mostly

listening to music, talking with someone about the problem, and exercise.

Top one of it is listening to music and it was according to the study of Jane

Collingwood which is The Power of Music to Reduce Stress, stated that listening to music

on headphones reduces stress and anxiety and that music can help reduce both the sensation

and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Meanwhile according to the

findings of Thoma, Marca, Brönnimann, Finkel, Ehlert, and Nater (2013), they stated that

listening music will primarily affected the autonomic nervous system in terms of a faster

recovery. Listening music will also lessen the degree of endocrine and psychological stress

response. “These findings may help better understanding the beneficial effects of music

on the human blood.




Presented in this chapter are the summary of findings of the study, conclusion

arrived and recommendation of the researcher.


This research aims to determine the level of stress of students:

Specifically, the study thought to answer the following question

1. What are the main sources of students’ stress?

2. What level of stress did students’ experience?

3. What are the prestress behaviour of the students?

This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the level of stress that the

students experience and how did their main sources of stress affects their level of stress. The

explanatory and exploratory method was used in this research and the stratified sampling

was used for gathering data. The survey questionnaire serves as the instrument in collecting

the data. The respondents of this study are the Grade 11 Senior High School students in

Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College school year 2018-2019. The researchers used the

Slovin’s formula to get 95% of the population or 117 respondents out of 166 students who

are enrolled in SVPDC. In which 23-23 students each strand are chosen to be the

respondents of the survey conduct.


Based on the interpreted data the following findings are given:

1. The main sources of stress were 1) Academic requirements, 24.30%; 2) financial

problems, 17.80, followed by 3) examinations, 14.24%; 4) family problems’ 13.12%; 5)

relationships, 8.90%; 6) peer pressure, 8.10%; 7) personal health problem, 6.90% and lastly

8) bullying which is only 6.40%.

2. In the level of stress that the students experience, 52.10% of them experienced a very

high level of stress. Meanwhile 44.44% of the students experienced high level of stress and

2.56% of the students experiencing just low level of stress.

3. The responses of the students when they are stress or their prestress behaviour were 1)

Listening to music, 17.40%; 2) Going out with friends, 15.61%, followed by 3) Sleeping

more than usual, 14.82%; 4) Eating more than usual, 13.24%; 5) talking about problem with

a friend, 9.10%; 6) Working hard more than usual 4.90%; 7) Physical Exercise 5.13% 8)

Talking to a relative 7.30%, 9) Surfing in social media 11.50% and lastly 10) Smoking

which has only 1%.


The results of this study concluded the following:

1. From the findings of the researchers it is concluded that the main sources of students’

stress is the academic requirements given by their teachers.


2. The level of stress that most of the senior high school students experience is very high.

3. Most of the students listen to music when they are feeling stress and it is concluded that

this is the main prestress behaviour of the students that can lessen their feeling of stress.


Through the results, findings, and conclusions the researchers recommend the


1. Since most of the Grade 11 Senior High School students are experiencing very high level

of stress, they should listen to music and go out with friends in order for them to lessen their

feeling of stress. Also they must manage their time in handling their academic

responsibilities in order for them not to feel severe stress.

2. Academic requirements is the main stressor of the students, in order for the teachers to

help the students lessen their stress, they should minimize giving an academic requirements

like projects & performance tasks to students.

3. The institution must help the students lessen their feeling of stress by commanding the

subject teachers or advisers not to have the same due dates of submitting academic

requirements, for this made students stress most of the time.

4. The future researcher who are planning to conduct the same study, they must let the

students have full understanding about stress and what is the purpose of this study and how

it benefits them, before they will conduct the study. They also must let each students know

what level of stress did they experience to give them awareness.



American Psychological Association (2012)

(Arceli G. Santos 2018) Academic Stress among High School Students

Acharya, 2003; Tangade et al., 2011). Examining perceptions of academic stress and its
sources among university students: The Perception of Academic Stress Scale



Cognitive –Transactional Model of Stress (2013)

Dr. Richard Lazarus (2013) Motivation and emotion/Book/2013/Transactional model of

stress and coping

Dr. Rey S. Guevarra and Romel A. Cimanes (July 2017) Stress Coping Mechanism and Its
Impact to their age among Senior High School students at Parañaque National High School-

Gerard Kennedy and Nadya kousma (2004) Self-reported sources of stress in senior high
school students

George Essel and Patrick Owusu (2017) Causes of students’ stress, its effects on their
academic success, and stress management by students

Hashmat et al., 2008) Factors causing exam anxiety in medical students.

International Stress Management Association UK 20-item scale questionnaires “Stress

Indicator checklist”

Jane Collingwood (2014) which is The Power of Music to Reduce Stress, http://-
Josephat Chinawa (2015) Prevalence and Factors Associated with Susceptibility to Stress
related Illnesses among Medical Students in a Nigerian Medical School

Republic of the Philippines GOVPH: The K to 12 Basic Education Program Official Gazette
of the Republic https ://

San Francisco by the Global News Wire (2018) Source: After School 45% of Teens Say
They’re Stressed “All the Time," Turn to Online Resources and Apps for Help Says Poll on
Stress and Mental Health

Schneiderman, Ironson, and Siegel (2008) The Effect of The Music on the Human Stress
Response Myriam V. Thoma, 1 , 2 Roberto La Marca, 2  3 , *Robert L. Newton, Editor Published
online 2013 Aug 5. 

María Guadalupe Acosta-Gómez (2018) Stress in High School Students: A Descriptive


Myriam V. Thoma (2013) The Effect of Music on the Human Stress Response

Rosalie C. Leal (2012) Stress Experiences among Graduating Students of Isabela State
University San Mateo Campus, Philippines

Lauro S. Aspiras, and Emma D. Aspiras (2014) “Perceived Stress Factors and Academic
Performance of the Sophomore IT Students”

Marison R. Dy Stressors and stress Responses of Filipino College Students

Thoma, Marca, Brönnimann, Finkel, Ehlert, and Nater (2013) THE EFFECT OF MUSIC
Statistics Canada (2011) Work Absences

M.Greenberg (2016) The Song Is You: Preferences for Musical Attribute Dimensions
Reflect Personality

(Pourrajab, Rabbani, and Kasmaienezhadfard, 2014) The Relationship between Attachment,

Stress and Academic Success in Albanian Students

Zamirullah Khan (2015) Level of Stress in Male and Female School Students

Appendix A


Score Interpretation

0-4 Low Level of Stress

5-13 High Level of stress

14 above Very High Level of


Mean Interpretation

0≤ x < 4 Low Level of Stress

5 ≤ x < 13 High Level of stress

14 ≤ Very High Level of


Appendix B

Main Sources of Students’ Stress Frequency Percentage

Relationships (Friends/Partner) 32 8.93%

Financial Difficulties 64 17.9%
Peer Pressure 29 8.1%
Bullying 23 6.42%
Personal Health Problems 25 6.98%
Academic Requirements 87 24.30%
Family Problems 47 13.13%
Examination 51 14.24%
TOTAL 358 Overall Votes 100%

Level of Stress Interval Points Frequency Percentage

Low Level Of Stress 0-4 Points 3 2.56%
High Level of Stress 5-13 Points 52 44.44%
Very High Level of Stress 14 Above Points 62 52.10%
TOTAL 117 Respondents 100%

Prestress Behavior Frequency Percentage

Listening to Music 88 17.40%

Going out With Friends 79 15.61%
Sleeping More than Usual 75 14.82%
Eating More Than Usual 67 13.24%
Talking About the Problem with Friends 46 9.10%
Working Hard than Usual 25 4.90%
Physical Exercises 26 5.13%
Talking to a Relative 37 7.30%
Surfing in Social Media 58 11.50%
Smoking 5 1%
TOTAL 506 Overall Votes 100%

Appendix C


Name (optional): __________________________ Strand:____________________

What are the main sources of your stress?

Relationship between friends or partners Personal Health Problems

Financial Difficulties Academic Requirements

Peer pressure Family Problems

Bullying Examination

Others please specify ________________________


When you feel stress do you pay attention in class?

Do you find it easy to understand the lectures even if you’re stress?

When you feel stress are you motivated to finish your work?

Does stress triggered you to work harder?

Do you participate in class even if you are stress?

Do you concentrate in the activities given to you even if you’re stress?

Do you go to school even if your stress?

If you’re stress are you able to go to school early?

Does stress frees you from uncomfortable feeling?

Do the stress helps you have a good performance in school?

Did you still submit your projects / paper works on time even if your stress?

Even you sleep late because of stress are you still not sleeping during class hours?

Are you getting good scores during quizzes or exams even if you feel stress while


Does stress leads you to just focus in doing your school works?

When you are stressed are you still doing well in school?

Other perceptions _________________________________

What are your main responses when you feel stress?

Listening to music Physical exercise Going out with friends

v Talking to a relative Sleeping more than usual Surf in social media

Eating more than usual Smoking Talking about the problem with a friend
Working hard more than usual





Address : P#13 Mancarogo, Buslig City

Age : 17

Date of Birth : November 13, 2001

Place of Birth : Mangagoy, Bislig City SDS

Parents : Mrs Arnie Shiela A. Ejusa


Primary : Recaredo Castillo Elementary School

Secondary : (JHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

: (SHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College





Address : Purok 3B San Fernando, Bislig City

Age : 16

Date of Birth :San Fernando, Bislig City

Place of Birth : December 12, 2002

Parents : Carlos B. Maramian

:Virginia M. Maramian


Primary : San Fernando Central Elementary School

(JHS) : San Fernando Integrated School

(SHS) : Saint Vincent de Diocesan College





Address : P7 A Post 12 Tabon

Age : 16

Date of Birth : June 25, 2002

Place of Birth : Balintawak, Quezon City

Parents : Richel Tan Rosell

: Henry V. Rosell


Primary : Requina Central Elementary School

Secondary : (JHS) Mangagoy National High School

: (SHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College





Address : P#10 Villa Josefa St. Poblacion, Bislig City

Age : 17

Date of Birth : January 21, 2002

Place of Birth : Mangagoy, Bislig City SDS

Parents : Joselito S. Buenaflor

: Angelie M. Buenaflor


Primary : Mangagoy Adventist Elementary School

Secondary : (JHS) Bingcongan Integrated School

: (SHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College





Address : P4 Castillo Village

Age : 17

Date of Birth : May 9, 2000

Place of Birth : Mangagoy, Bislig City SDS

Parents : Merlinda Balondo Punla

: Ramon Sanchez Punla


Primary : San Francisco Elementray School

Secondary : (JHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

: (SHS) Saint Vincent de Paul Diocesan College

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