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Title: Lola Irene

There is an old woman who lives with his children and grandchildren.

She is lolaIrene.

Lola Irene has 7 children; they have their own families and lives of

their own. Sometimes they even get angry whenever the old woman

acts like a child, sometimes it even ends up cursing the old man, "look

mom is acting like a child now, please mom, stop acting like child! You

are bothering us! Just feed her in the room so that our dining table

won't be messy" Her successful daughter said.

The old woman's life `is just around eating and sleeping. Among his

many children, only one tried to take care of him, his granddaughter


Flora is a good child. She is the only one who notices Lola Irene’s

condition. Whenever Lola Irene ate alone, she always accompanied her

grandmother to eat and always listened to his stories about her

childhood and her past lives. In Lola Irene's stories, she mentioned the

beautiful memories she had with her seven children, about how she

prepared for their birthdays; about how happy they were while cooking

a dish to for dinner, and the times that her Childrens are always

looking for her, the things that the old woman is looking for right now.

sometimes the old woman asks herself, "do they still remember me,

am I still important to them, or maybe I need to disappear because

they seems like they can live life in their own". Flora simply burst into
tears at what the grandmother said. "I love them" said the old woman

while smiling at his grandaughter. While Grandma Irene was telling a

story, Flora thought of recording Grandma while she was telling a


It's Grandma Irene's birthday. On his birthday, his only wish is to be

with all the members of their family, up to and including grandchildren.

There were many visitors including other family members who came

from other places. On the old man's birthday, Flora thought of making

a slideshow presentation that included a video of the grandmother

telling a story along with old photos with her husband and children.

While Lola Irene's seven children watched, they shed tears and

realized that their mother needed their attention and recovery for the

love she gave to take care of them and to finish their education

because she is old, it also reflected to them so many beautiful

memories. The sacrifices made by the old woman and love for the

seven children.

After the Lola Irene’s birthday, her 7 children shares their love for

their old mother, they are also always sitting around the old woman

when she eats, they also takes time to take for their mother for a walk
and talk about her life, since then, the old woman's life has been filled

with happiness and love.

The End….

Lesson: Appreciate, show love and care for the elders. Not to get

irritated if they are acting like a child, instead we should help them

and respect them. Think that even though they are old, they are still

your parents; remember the things they did for you, a love and

sacrifice when they were still strong.

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