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ENG 114/Adlish

How to Actively Read

& Analyze a Text

How you approach the reading process will greatly influence how successfully you are
able to use such readings in your writing.

Before you read:

Actively read

After reading, Deconstruct & Analyze your reading (=Text Analysis)

1. CONTEXT/TRUSTWORTHINESS: Think about the background of the text and

what this means to you. When was it published? Where was it published? What kind
of source (e.g. internet site without an author or a respected academic journal?) What
do you know about the author or organization that created/sponsors the text? Is the
author respected in the field? Based on the analysis of that information, is this a
trustworthy source for you? –don’t plagiarize from the text itself or websites, but
paraphrase if needed!
2. DEVELOPMENT: Show that you understand how the text is organized and
supported. This will prove your understanding and better enable you to use the text in
3. PURPOSE: After critically reading the text, you should hopefully have a good sense
of the author’s purpose in writing it. Inform you? Persuade you? Push you to action?
4. RESPONSE: This is your chance to share your thoughts about the reading. There are
2 parts: 1) What do you think of the content brought up by the author? Do you have
any experiences that related to the text? 2) Do you think the author accomplished
his/her job? Evaluate the author’s ability to achieve the purpose of the text; what was
done well, what could make it a stronger argument?
5. TYPES OF SUPPORT THIS TEXT GIVES ME: You should always read with a
purpose. I want you to always keep in mind, how or where could this reading help
me in future writing? What kind of evidence does this have for a future paper (e.g.
statistics on teen pregnancy, strong narrative examples about racism)
Angela Adlish
Professor XX
English 114, Section 3951
26 October 2021
Text Analysis “The Myth…”

“The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met A Girl Named Maria” by Judith Ortiz
Cofer (from ENG 114 Mercury Reader Anthology)

Based on my research, Judith Ortiz Cofer is a well-known author of poetry, short stories,
essays, and books. She has a B.A. in English from Augusta College and an M.A. in English
from Florida Atlantic University; she has also been as a bilingual teacher and is an English and
Creative Writing professor at the University of Georgia. Since Cofer is highly educated and is
a trusted author, I would consider this text from one of her books trustworthy, especially to
provide example of personal mishaps caused by gender and racial stereotypes. Even if the text
does date back to 1993, these events could still happen today. Nevertheless, it is a first-person
narrative, so it is not “scientific,” academic evidence.


Thesis: People, in this case Latinas, will always be stereotyped—no matter your
profession or where you go.

Intro: funny but uncomfortable story in London, “Just met a girl named Maria”

I. NJ childhood in “cultural schizophrenia”

a. Okay to have Catholic religion/Puerto Rican food/Spanish speak
b. Had to be good senorita & wear clothes too mature for Anglos
c. Their standards were too much and vulgar
II. Puerto Rican stereotypes as result of different culture
a. Hispanic sexy “hot tamale” in advertising & at work
i. Comes from culture (island colors & religious mores protecting
ii. Inspire poetry (PR) vs. lead to sexual signal (US)
b. Maid/domestic
i. Her story, was giving a poetry reading at restaurant, older woman
though waitress & ordered coffee
ii. Realized hard to be taken seriously & lots to overcome
iii. However this experience has given her “fire” to take on
challenge of changing stereotypes & seeing the real her
III. Rude treatment b/c of stereotypes
a. Old man w/ daughter blocks way w/ rude singing & offensive lyrics about
Latin woman/culture
IV. Her task (for all Latinas, many not as lucky as she)
a. Replace old stereotypes with better realities  communication &
Cofer is making a strong argument to persuade the reader to see Latinas in different ways
than many in our society typically do. She uses troublesome experiences of her own to
prove that there are problematic stereotypes of Latinas, which she also defines clearly in
her essay.

(feelings about content) Although it is not as dramatic as Cofer’s situation, I too
have been “seen” certain ways because of my Asian heritage. People, even past
acquaintances, have often said that I am polite and serving like many Chinese/Asian
people are. While I cherish my ethnic roots, my sense of humor and my spirit are more
influenced by the place I grew up, the people who raised me (my Scots-Irish American
father and my Chinese-American mother), and the media that I was soaked in as a child
and teen. I am proud of my roots, but I don’t think I should be “lumped” in with every
citizen of the Asian continent. That goes for any person of any nationality, gender, or
background. Although it is often suggested that every American is equal and shares the
same freedoms and ability to pursue happiness, essays like Cofer’s remind the reader that
we still have a long way to go.
(evaluation of author’s job) Cofer did a good job of achieving her purpose.
Except for the fact that she uses somewhat dated examples to clarify her point (i.e.
“Maria” from West Side Story and the Mammy character from Gone With the Wind), she
uses effective examples to surprise the reader with the kind of embarrassing events that
happen every day to a person based on her ethnic background. This is meant to be mainly
a persuasive essay, not an informative one, so she rightfully hits the reader in an
emotional way to realize that such assumptions can be very bothersome and sometimes
cruel. What is most impressive is the way in which she shows that a person does not
need to accept such treatment, but instead, taking an active, aggressive stance can help
affect change. It does not have to be verbal either, but also can take written form, i.e. her
poetry and this very essay itself.


 Examples of events that result from stereotypes of Latinas (similar to other ethnic
minorities) [English or Humanities]
 Example of aggressive reactions to stereotyping or discriminatory behavior
[English or Humanities]
 Examples of cultural contrasts between Anglos & Puerto Ricans [Sociology]

(Don’t tell me how you feel about the essay, but instead what evidence it provides
that could be used later, and possibly what classes)

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