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Chapter 14

The ALL Protocol

A Standard Protocol for the Collection of Ground-Dwelling
Donat Agosti and Leeanne E. Alonso

There is no single best method to sample the put into a larger, global context. Here we pre-
ground-dwelling ant fauna. The objectives of sent a standard protocoi for the collection of
each study will determine the appropriate meth-ground-dwelling ants, the Ants of the Leaf
Litter (ALL)
ods and sampling intensity. For example, a wide Protou
variety of methods and a greater effort are needed We expect that this pro
tocol will
to obtain a thorough inventory of the ants of an stimulate further research on ant
diversity and that it will be used by a variety of
area and to coilect as many species as possible.
rescarchers in a diverse array of sites.
In contrast, a rapid assessment of the ant fauna
using a few standardized methods and less sam- Protocol starts with a minimal con-
figuration. utilizing two of the ant collecting
pting effort would allow for comparisons
methods hat have been proven to sample the
between different habitats and would establisha largest component of the ground- and leaf
bascline for a longer-term monitoring program. litter-inhabiting ant fauna: the mini-Winkler
However, the use of standardized methods extractor and pitfall traps (Chapter 9). This
that can be reliably repeated in different habi method is rapid; sampling can be completed in
tats. at different times of the year, and by differ a total of 3 days per site if desired. The sample
ent researchers is beneficial. Using the same size, 20 1-m samples of leaf litter and 20 pitfall
basic methodology, individual studies can be traps, has been found to be sufficient to sample
analyzed in relation to others and can thus be at least 70% of the ant fauna (Chapter 10).
The ALL Protueod 205

However. we suggest that researchers start withrecorded. For each transect, the following mini-50
samples during the tirst survey to practice mal set of parameters should be described:
the techniques and to determine the actual numname- of collector. date, choice of transect. ber of
samples needed to collect the desired per-locality, habitat, season, soil type, temperature, centage
of ant species (Chapter 10). Depending and microhabitat. Sec Chapter 9 for a complete on the study
objectives, other complementary list of relevant ecological information and methods can be added
to the standard protocol explanations of these parameters.
in order to sample a wider range of ant
Labeling Field Samples
species (Chapters l and 9).
It is of the utmost importance to label all sam-
The ALL Protocol ples adequately. Most of the labeling can be
Basic Sctup done prior to the commencement of ficld work.
200-m transect (at least one) Vials used for collecting ants by hand or from
20 sampling points at 10-m intervals logs should preferably be prelabecled as wel.
48-hour time period
See Chapters 9 and1| for more details.
1-2 people (2 people recommended) Methods
Employed at Each Sampling Point
PitfaH Traps
Standardized, Repeatable Techniques
Pitfall traps should be placed I m from the tran-
Collect leaf litter, I m
Sift liner sect line on the opposite side of the transect
Extract ants from litter using mini- from where the leaf litter samples were taken.
Winkler Place I pitfall trap Any plastic drinking cup with smooth sides can
Optional Techniques to Collect More
be used, but it is best to use cups with openings
Species Inspect dead wood
Scrape soil (15 x 15-cm arca at 1-cm layers of the same diameter consistently, in order to
down to 10 cm) standardize the samples. Tweny cups are
Direct collecting by Hand needed. See Chapter 9 for more information on
how to set and collect pitfall traps.
Overview of the ALL Protocol
Leaf Litter Samples and
The most important points in implementing the
ALL Protocol are outlined in this section, along Mini-Winkler Extraction
See Chapter 9 for complete instructions on how
with references to chapters of this book that con-

tain more infomation. See Appendixes to collect the 1-m* leaf liter samples and extract
1 and 3
ants using mini-Winkler sacks. The ALL Proto-
for complete lists of equipment needed for the col requires at least 20 mini-Winkler extractors
sampling methods and specinen processing.
and one sifter.
Before choosing parlicular transect. it is Sorting Samples in the Laboratory
worthwhile to walk through the area to get an Ant specimens and other invertebrates can be
impression of the overall environmental varia separated from debris using the salt water
tion. Chapters I and 9 provide guidance on tran- extraction method (Chapter 11). After separa-
sect placemeni. tion the samples should be washed with ethanol.

Ecological Data
In addition to the standard collection informa-
Identifying Morphospecies
Ants from each sample should be separated from
tion (Chapter 11). ecological data must be other invertebrates and housed in a separate vial.

Procedures for sorting and identifying specimens Field Work

to morphospecies are given in Chapter 11. All times are in hours.
One Two
Labeling Samples and Specimens Person People
All samples must be labclcd immediately with DAY ONE
proper labels (Chapter 11). Early morning
1. Mark transect 1.5 1.0
2. Dig in pitfall traps 1.5 1.0
Time Requirements
3. Collect Winkler samples 5.0 3.0
A minimum of 3 days is needed to use the stan- Aftemoon
dard ALL Protocol. The leaf litter collections
. Fill in Winkler 2.0
should be run through the mini-Winkler extrac- 3.0
tor for a 48-hour period. Pitfall traps should also Late afternoon/early evening
be left out for 48 hours. Both the mini-Winkler 1. Direet collecting 1.0 1.0
extractor and the pitfalls can be left running for Total 12.0 hours 8.0 hours
a longer time if desired, but samples should be
collected from both at 48 hours in order to Morning
obtain the standard sample. More time may pro- I. Collect one log 1.0 1.0
duce additional species, but the benefits should
2. Direct collecting 1.0 1.0
be weighed against the advantages of running
3. Scrape soil 1.0 1.0
more transects instead.
For inventories, it is recommended that more
I. Analyze soil samples 2.0 1.0
than one transect be run and the species-
2. Collect pitfall traps 2.0 1.5
accumulation curves be plotted by sampłe and 3. Collect Winkler samples 2.0 1.5
transect (Chapter 13). This approach will pro 4. Check all labcling Q.5 0.5
vide a review will hele Total 9.5 hours 7.5 hours
of the fraction of the n fauna
ant tauna Laboratory Work, lIdentifentification,
sampled and
and Analyses
sampled and will help determine if additional Mounting. labeling, and identifying
transects arc needed. Additional sampling
specimens from Winkler samples 60
methods-such as the inspection of dead wood, Mounting. labeling. and identifying
soil scraping, and direct sampling-may be ant specimens from pitfall traps 60
added in order to maximize the diversity of ants Mounting, labeling, and identifying
sampled (Chapter 9). ant specimens from other samples 10
Entering and analyzing data 10
Total 140 hours
An estimate is given in this section for the Data on ant diversity collected using this pro-
amount of time required for one person to cary tocol can be compiled and compared. thereby out
the standard ALL Protocol. It is recom- providing the context needed to begin looking mended that
two people carry out the protocol at truly global ant diversity pattems. We encour-
together, to provide assistance with leaf litter age researchers who use the ALL Protocol to
gathering, sifting. and othcr tasks. The estimat provide their data to the social insects Web site
cd total time needed to sample. process. and (http://rese arch.
identify ant specimens from one transect is 1661social_insects/) for inclusion in a global data-
working hours for a single professional. base on ant diversity.

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