Final HB273 Press Release

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Coali&on of Sapelo Island NGOs Opposes HB273’s Changes to Sapelo Island Heritage Authority

Josiah (Jazz) WaGs: (404) 200-5416
Francine Bailey: (912) 230-9910
Maurice Bailey, Sr: (912) 266-4848
Willis Hillery, Sr: (912) 270-4089

Sapelo Island, GA – A coali&on of NGO groups working to protect Sapelo Island’s Gullah Geechee
heritage stands in opposi&on to House Bill 273 (HB273, Rep. Buddy DeLoach). The proposed bill changes
the make-up of the Sapelo Island Cultural Heritage Authority, a state appointed body that has the ability
to facilitate island land transac&ons with the goal of protec&ng black culture on Sapelo. Specifically, the
bill would allow the governor to replace himself as chair with an appointment and it establishes an
addi&onal posi&on on the board for a “resident” of Hogg Hammock.

According to Josiah WaGs, Sapelo Island Cultural and Revitaliza&on Society (SICARS) Board Member and
Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commissioner, “The ownership of property and homes on
Sapelo Island is rapidly transi&oning. We, the descendants of those formerly enslaved by Thomas
Spalding, are being pushed off our land because newer owners are building homes that are in viola&on
of our historic preserva&on zoning code and driving up our property taxes. The Sapelo Island Heritage
Authority is a tool that could help ensure a future presence the Gullah Geechee people and descendants
of the original 44 families that were enslaved on Sapelo. But it could also be used to facilitate the
removal of descendants.”

Francine Bailey, Sapelo Island Heritage Authority Board Member and Descendant Community
Representa&ve, SOLO Board Member, SICARS Board Member states: “As the bill is wriGen, the Governor
could appoint anyone to be chair. The bill increases the number of residents’ seats on the board to two,
but a resident can be anyone. We proposed changes to Rep. DeLoach asking him to specify that the chair
be a state elected official or the head of a state agency. We also asked him to change the term “resident”
to “descendant”. He told us he is not willing to accept our changes.”

Maurice Bailey, Sr, President of the NGO Save Our Land Ourselves (SOLO) and SICARS Board Member
adds: “In addi&on to preserving the natural resources on Sapelo, the state needs to play an ac&ve role in
protec&ng the cultural resources on the island, too. This bill, if passed, could be used to erode those
cultural resources. Our proposed changes will ensure the chair is accountable to the people of Georgia
and that descendants have a seat at the decision-making table when it comes to the future of the

Willis Hillery, Sr, President of the Hogg Hammock Community Founda&on concludes: “We wouldn’t be
arguing about this bill if Representa&ve DeLoach would have asked our opinion before he filed the bill.
He missed an important opportunity to include the descendants the Sapelo Island Cultural Heritage
Authority is supposed to help protect. Let’s slow down, work together, and get the language right for
next year.”

HB 273 is co-sponsored by Representa&ves Jesse Petrea, Rick Townsend, and Al Williams. The bill passed
the House on March 2 and has been assigned to the Natural Resources and Environment CommiGee in
the Senate, who will hold a hearing on the bill at 8 am on March 15.


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