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Language Learning

Exercise 1.1
a. Please translate into english!
1. Mereka pergi kerumahku kemarin bersama dia laki-laki

2. Apakah kamu belajar sebelum ke Bell?

3. Mereka tidak membeli makan malam tadi malam?

4. Apakah bapak mereka menonton tv 2 hari yang lalu?

5. Saya disini kemarin?

6. Apakah mereka di OYO tadi malam?

7. Bapak saya sibuk banget 2 hari yang lalu?

8. Minggu lalu pandu tidak sakit

9. Tahun lalu Mereka tidak merayakan ulang tahun ku karena aku tidak bersama mereka.

10. Minggu ini, Bobi tidak hadir di kelas karena dia sangat sibuk.

b. Please circle the correct answer from these sentences!

1. I am/was born in 1945
2. Last year, I go/went to Paris with my family
3. Susanti called/calls/call me last night because she missed/mishes me
4. I didn’t joined/join study club when I am/was senior high school.
5. Did Tom come/came to your house this morning because he wants/wanted to borrow your bike?

c. Please tell your previous daily activity. Tell them with simple past. Begin your story with these word
“yesterday, two days ago, last morning, 2 weeks ago”
For example: Two days ago I woke up in the morning and ….. (etc)
vocabulary help:

Arti V1 V2 V3
Pergi Go Went Gone
melakukan Do did Done
Makan Eat Ate Eaten
mengambil Take Took Taken
menggosok brush brushed Brushed
Datang Come Came Come
Tidur Sleep Slept Slept
Bangun Wake Woke Woken
Menonton Watch Watched Watched
Mencuci Wash Washed washed
berangkat Leave Left Left
Bersihkan Clean Cleaned cleaned

Language Learning

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