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Research Paper

In a school called Villa Flor National High School there were a young girl named Elisha, a passionate Grade
12 student known for being an active and determined learner. Elisha was assigned as the leader in their
practical, it was eight o’clock in the evening when Elisha and her groupmates are still at the library finishing
their research output need to defense the next day.

Each of them were busy and pressured because they are still working in data analysis while the other group
were done and ready for tomorrow’s presentation. And in the middle of group works, Elisha ask her group
mates if they were hungry…

Elisha: Did anyone feel hungry? Because I am.

Patrice: Me too!
Micka: Same here Eli!

Everyone was ready to leave besides of Elisha who is looking for her wallet, that is why she decided to let
Patrice and Micka go first in the convenience store outside the school.

While Elisha was checking her bag, there was a girl who enter the library silently. She taught that it was
Micka or Patrice but she’s wrong, the girl is wearing the same uniform with a long hair.

Elisha: Hi, are you also doing a research paper?

I asked when the girl walked in front of me….

Girl: We are done polishing our research presentation. Are you not done yet?

Elisha: Nope. Not yet, were still doing the chapter 4.

Girl: (smiled) You can do it. Do not pressure yourselves. Fighting!

Elisha: Thank you! Then if you were done, what are you doing here? If may I ask?

Girl: Ohh.. I’m just going to return the book that we used as our reference in our thesis.

And then she started to walk towards the bookshelf and returned it…

Girl: I’ll go first, good luck on your defense!

Elisha: Good luck to your group too!

When the girl left the library, Elisha walked into the bookshelf and looking for the book that the girl return
hoping that they can use the book as their basis. And then Elisha was shocked when she saw a folded
newspaper instead of the book.

Elisha opened and started reading the front page and there was a picture and article that caught her attention
and makes her goosebumps and scared.

“Female student, jumped from the rooftop of a building due to school pressure.”
Suicide Note

Year 2019, there was a young girl named Acy Corpuz. A transferred student from Isabela, known for
being optimistic and passionate on conquering her dreams. It’s been a year when her family moved to
Manila because of the tragedy happened to her best friend Reina Jimenez. A clever child that
treasured her family and is committed to her study. Reina met Acy during their Junior High School
and builds a great friendship like no one could separates them. Everything has changed on the day of
Reina’s Birthday.

Mr. Jimenez: Good morning Baby! Get up, it’s your birthday! I love you baby (kissed Reina’s
Reina: Thank you Dad (smiled and hugged Mr. Jimenez)
Mr. Jimenez: Then you should change before our visitors arrive. Your mom waits you downstairs,
Reina: Okay Dad! (smiled)

Reina dressed up like a princess, wearing a simple long gown and light makeup. People were looking
at her when she walked on the red carpet. Mr. and Mrs. Jimenez thought about their wishes to their
lovely daughter. The program continues from eighteen candles, eighteen wishes, eighteen gifts and
eighteen dances. It was eleven o’clock in the evening when her debut has ended, everyone got home
besides of Acy’s family. Reina wants to pee but the comfort room downstairs were occupied, instead
she walked towards her father's room but she stopped when she heard a familiar voice saying "I love
you Peter Jimenez", it was Acy’s mom voice. She cried when her father replied to Acy’s mom….

Mr. Jimenez: “I love you too Anne”

Ms. Corpuz: But it can’t! How about your daughter? Your wife?
Mr. Jimenez: Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. I’m just waiting for the right time to tell Reina that I don’t
love Felicia anymore (Reina’s Mom)
Ms. Corpuz: But Reina wouldn’t agree with this relationship, she treasured your family the most.

Reina can’t handle her anger anymore, she entered the room bravely but weakened when she saw her
dad kissing aunt Felicia (Acy’s mom).

Reina: How dare you! (walking towards to aunt Felicia) I thought you love us Dad! Please tell that it’s
not true, right? Tell me dad! (pleasing her dad)
Mr. Jimenez: No anak, I love your Aunt Felicia and I want to file a divorce.
Reina: But why Dad! Is there something wrong with us? Did mom and I was not enough to you?
Mr. Jimenez: Baby, there’s nothing wrong with you okay? It’s just me and your mom. I can’t handle
it anymore; we always end into fight but we hid it to you. Everything changed baby.
Reina: No Dad, you changed it! Do you think I don’t know how mom cried every time you come home
late? And all this thing got changed because your betrayal! You and aunt Felicia!
Aunt Felicia was speechless and a few minutes of silence Reina’s mom entered the room without any
hint of what is happening. Reina wipes her tears and faced her mother lovely.

Reina’s Mom: Is there something wrong? I heard someone shouting, and I thought it came from here?
Reina: Ahhhh… nothing mom. I saw some cockroach that is why I scream.
Reina’s Mom: Is it true Dad? (pertaining to Mr. Jimenez)
Mr. Jimenez: Hmmm… I want to say something about….
Reina moved besides her father and holds his shoulder saying…
Reina: No Dad. Not this time. Please (breaking her voice)
Aunt Felicia sighed heavily and Reina’s mom questioned her presence…..
Reina’s Mom: How did you get here?
Aunt Felicia: Ahhh.. I followed Reina because I want to give my present personally (smiled) until I
found her lying down at the corner.
Reina’s Mom got worried and held her daughter’s hands, checking if she is okay….
Reina: I’m okay ma’am, let just forget about it. I need to get some rest, it’s almost midnight mom, dad
I’m tired (smiled bitterly)
Mr. Jimenez: Okay baby. Take some rest (smiled)
Aunt Felicia: Then we should go now, good bye Reina and happy birthday again (smiled)
Reina: Ahh.. wait Aunt, where’s Acy? I thought she’s still here?
Aunt Felicia: She’s at home now with her cousin, she thought about having an overnight here but I
said that you must be tired and you need to have lot of time with your family (looking at Reina’s Mom
and Mr. Jimenez)
Four months ago when Reina’s Mom suffered with high blood that is why she spent twenty days at
hospital in order to be safe and gain her healthy body again. But everything changed when Reina
observed that Aunt Felicia has been always visiting their homes even if her mom is in hospital. Reina
thinks that it was all about business, because Aunt Felicia and Mr. Jimenez was a long time business
partners. It’s been a week when her debut happened and she still ignored Acy’s texts, calls and even
meeting her. Her mom was worried about her health condition, she ate small amount of food and
refuses to go to school. Then one day she woke up with the sound of broken glass that makes her
heartbeats fast. It was her mother lying down, blood was overflowing from her head and saw wounds
form her hand. Mr. Jimenez was cannot be reach on their way to hospital, because he is in a long trip
business with her business partners Ms. Felicia. After checking on her mother, Reina ask her mom’s
best friend Doc. Maria if Ms. Jimenez thought about her problem. And Doc. Maria said…

Doc. Maria: The truth is, your mom always visits me to open up and check her condition. She thought
about you father and I think she will be the one to say that to you dear.
Reina: No ma’am… just tell to me, I’ll be alright (smiled)

The Doctor begun to say what Ms. Jimenez talked about..

Doc. Maria: She thought about your father’s relationship with Felicia.

Reina remained silent and her faced expression changed into anger. Doc. Maria stopped and ask
Reina if she’s okay…

Reina: The thing is, I know that it would happened, that someday mom will get to know about this.
Doc. Maria: Wait. So you know about their relationship dear?
Reina: (nodded)
Doc. Maria: Then why you didn’t tell to your mother?
Reina: Because I don’t want her to cry and got depressed because of my father’s doing. I let my father
go to their trip because I want to protect my mom’s feeling as well as her health condition. This could
lead her into depression and I don’t want to lose my mom. She was the only thing that I have (crying)
Doc. Maria: I understand you dear, but the thing that you can do right now is to be brave.
Reina: I wish I can handle it until mom’s got better.
Doc. Maria: You can Dear. I will be right here if you need something (smiled)
Reina: Thank you Doc! (hugged)

It’s been a week when her mom got hospitalized and remains unconscious. Reina visits their school to
checked her teacher regarding to her grades and condition. Reina wrote a note for her best friend.
She saw Acy talking with other girls and seems like she was very happy even knowing her situation.
She walked toward Acy and handed the note. Reina arrives at the hospital when she saw a white cloth
covered to her mother’s body. “Time of death 4:00 p.m.” said Doc. Maria.

Reina cried and hugged her mother tightly. She walks away for her mother’s room and drive toward
the school. There was a rope hanged in the ceiling and quickly used it. A shadow walks away until the
school facilities found her dead body.

It was 14th in February when Reina’s body was buried next to her mother’s grave. I took the paper out
of my pocket, the paper on which her suicide note was written. It was just for me and it contains her last will
before I did what she wanted. I read the letter aloud,

"I cannot take it anymore. Kill me now”.

I smiled before turning to my friend's grave. I hope she is happy, because I did what she wanted.

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