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Post Philosophy Statement Assignment 1

Post Philosophy Statement Assignment

Y Vo

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 203: Introduction to Special Education

Dr. Dale B. Warby

October 24th, 2021


Post Philosophy Statement Assignment

As I compare my former philosophy to my current one, I have improved and adapted it to

reflect my values. My previous philosophy statement expressed my desire to be a teacher that all

of my future students will remember, and this continues to be my goal. While I still lacked

knowledge in many areas of being a good educator when composing the pre-philosophy

statement assignment, I now have a better understanding of special education that will aid me in

my future career. As a result of taking this course, I gained not only more knowledge about how

to be an efficient educator, but also more insight into the people around me, and how to be

considerate in my relationships.

Although I still believe in having skills in communication, collaboration, adaptability,

and empathy, I have also added the ability to manage my time and have patience. Having further

learned about special education and the behaviors of students, I strongly believe I should have

these skills. There are students who will be struggling to comprehend the material, and there are

also those who will be ahead and require assistance as well. Thus, it is imperative that I am

capable of managing my time so that I can help each student individually and as a whole. I have

expanded my insight on the term “collaboration.” In the past, I considered it more as a

collaboration between me and the students, but now I am more aware of the responsibility of

working with their parents as well. I’ve learned that staying in contact with the parents benefits

the students academically and mentally. When students’ parents show interest in their child’s

education, it motivates the children to strive academically and be more involved in school.

Furthermore, I emphasized in my pre-philosophy the importance of making my students

feel included in my class, and that is still my intent. In order to improve this value, I also believe

their peers should make them feel included. Countless children just want to have fun with their

classmates and learn effectively. Some children, however, are viewed differently because of their

features or behaviors, which may lead to them not being accepted by their peers. I aim to make

my students feel included as well as encourage them to make their peers feel included. It is

essential that students be allowed to express themselves freely in the classroom, because they are

easily influenced by those around them at such a young age. In a classroom where they are more

comfortable, they are more likely to participate. If they do make a mistake, they don't feel

hopeless or embarrassed over it. When students learn from a mistake made in class, they realize

that making mistakes is a necessary part of learning, rather than viewing it negatively. For

instance, when I was at the field observation the students I observed were very comfortable with

their teachers. Whenever they were confused they would ask for help. There were times when

one of the students was wrong and the teacher assisted them. Instead of feeling embarrassed the

students had a smile on their face after the teacher guided them on how to get the correct answer.

In one of the chapters that I read aggressive behavior is a type of disability that countless

youth struggle with. Often, these individuals are not receiving the proper assistance they need

because some people believe they can control their aggressive behavior. When I first read this

chapter, I thought children acting out were just being kids, but as I read further I learned that they

are unable to control their actions. My goal is so that I can give my future students the

opportunity to explain themselves to me about their actions before disciplining them. In this case

I will discuss with the guardians about their child's behavior outside of school to come up with

solutions to prevent them from being distracted from their education if I see these habits

repeated. Likewise, if the student's circumstances do worsen, we can contact the school board

and professionals to assist effectively. The more these students with aggressive behavior lose

hope in the teacher, adults, and even their peers, the more they isolate themselves. Consequently,

they will have long-term consequences, such as dropping out of school, being unemployed or

underemployed, and having difficulty in adulthood.

In a classroom that focuses on special education, teachers are responsible for providing

students with learning opportunities tailored to their needs. I believe that they should treat the

students with respect and just like any other students. Since they are in special education, the

teachers must be extra patient, considerate, and attentive to them. In addition to the philosophies

I have mentioned, special education educators should also apply them to their classroom. All

students should be treated equally no matter what their appearances are, and if there are any

difficulties, talk to their guardians. Teachers, especially those in special education, frequently

have to handle situations where students in the program do not comply with the rules, but the

teachers must remain professional.

I believe that students with special needs learn best when they are in a comfortable and

friendly environment, which also applies to other students as well. The teachers must be

understanding, patient, and be considerate towards the students. Additionally, creating fun but

informative activities can aid the students in having fun while staying educated. For instance,

motivating the students by giving them rewards or mini treats. Having students watch a movie

and answer questions as a reward is a method of motivating them and making them more

productive. It is crucial for educators to remember that motivation does not mean that the student

will understand the material and get the answer right away. Despite being motivated, a student

can still struggle to get the answer. Furthermore, teachers should incorporate a visual

demonstration for the teachers as well as verbally presenting it. This way the students can see

and hear the material that they are learning. Lastly, I believe they would learn best when they are

with other peers rather than working alone. Seeing other children work would also encourage

them to work as well.

Overall, my philosophies from pre-philosophy statement assignment and my current ones

did not differ significantly, but they have improved. It is my role as a future educator, to promote

students' self-esteem and be a positive influence in their lives. My perspective on others has

changed considerably as a result of learning the material in this course. The experiences that I

have gained from it have helped shape many of my philosophies today. My philosophy will only

improve from now on to become a teacher that my students will remember.

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