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Review Article

An Overview of Caries Risk Assessment: Rationale,

Risk Indicators, Risk Assessment Methods, and Risk‑based
Caries Management Protocols
Ekta Singh Suneja, Bharat Suneja1, Bhuvanesh Tandon, Nebu Ivan Philip2
Departments of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and 1Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, BJS Dental College and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab,
Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Kothamangalam, Kerala, India

The paradigm shift in our understanding of the dynamic, multifactorial nature of dental caries and the resultant change in caries preventive
and treatment strategies necessitates that caries risk assessment (CRA) should be an integral part of any caries management protocol. This
review discusses the rationale for CRA and the role various risk indicators play in the fluctuating demineralization‑remineralization cycle
of dental caries. It also provides an overview of different CRA methods and a risk‑based clinical protocol for dental caries management in
infants and children.

Keywords: Caries risk, management protocol, risk assessment

Caries Risk Assessment – Rationale standardized preventive and treatment recommendations

(e.g.,  frequency of recall visits, number of diagnostic
For a long time, the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries
radiographs needed, fluoride treatment modalities,
was based on identifying demineralization or cavitation on the
anticipatory guidance protocols, etc.) according to each
tooth surface, and its treatment by “surgical” removal of the
patient’s caries risk status. Risk assessment can thus also
carious tooth structure and placement of a suitable restoration.
contribute to a more efficient allocation of time and resources
However, it is now well‑recognized that a caries management
for oral health programs by eliminating many unnecessary
protocol that is limited to surgical treatment of the chronic
interventions (e.g., professional topical fluoride application
infectious disease of dental caries, without addressing the risk
in a low caries risk child).
factors responsible for the disease, will eventually only result
in new carious lesions appearing and failure of any treatment CRA can be used as a valuable motivating tool for patients,
rendered.[1] encouraging them to undertake measures that will move them
from a high/moderate‑risk category to a low‑risk category.
Hausen has defined caries risk as the probability that an individual
Besides this, CRA can potentially promote caries prevention
will develop a certain number of carious lesions (cavitated or
at the primary level itself, i.e., even before the initiation of
noncavitated) or reach a given level of disease progression,
the disease process. This could enable even high caries risk
over a specific period of time, provided his or her exposure
children to reach adulthood caries free – a goal every pediatric
status remains the same during this period.[2] Assessing a
dentist strives to achieve for their patients.
patient’s caries risk status is an essential component in the
modern day management of dental caries, where the emphasis Address for correspondence: Dr. Ekta Singh Suneja,
is on a nonoperative/preventive approach, rather than just the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, BJS Dental College
surgical/restorative intervention to the disease process.[3,4] and Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab, India.
Incorporation of caries risk assessment (CRA) into regular
clinical practice can assist the dental professional in making This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak,
Access this article online and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the new
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How to cite this article: Suneja ES, Suneja B, Tandon B, Philip NI.
DOI: An overview of caries risk assessment: Rationale, risk indicators, risk
10.4103/IJDS.IJDS_49_17 assessment methods, and risk‑based caries management protocols. Indian
J Dent Sci 2017;9:210-4.

210 © 2017 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Suneja, et al.: CRA: Rationale, indications, methods, protocol

Caries Risk Assessment ‑ Risk Indicators invasive caries management protocol that included appropriate
preventive and therapeutic recommendations.
Keyes triad of the primary factors responsible for dental
caries  (fermentable substrate, cariogenic bacteria, and a American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s caries risk
susceptible host)[5] still holds true, however it is now well assessment form
established that dental caries is a multifactorial, chronic Incorporating the most recent evidence and expert/consensus
infectious disease, with fluctuating cycles of demineralization and opinion,[44‑47] the AAPD modified its original Caries‑risk
remineralization.[6] The dynamic interplay between pathologic Assessment Tool (CAT),[48] into a more sensitive and practical
factors that favor demineralization (e.g., high MS levels) and tool to assist dental practitioners, physicians, and nondental
protective factors that promote remineralization (e.g., presence health‑care providers in assessing the levels of risk for
of free F −ion in the oral environment) will ultimately determine caries development in infants, children, and adolescents.[39]
whether caries lesions develop/progress or not.[7] Caries‑risk Assessment forms were formulated that can be
Caries risk indicators are thus multivariate between pathological used by dentists to assess caries risk status for 0–5‑year‑old and
factors that cause the disease directly  (e.g.,  frequent sugar ≥6‑year‑old children. Risk assessment categorization of low,
exposures, high MS counts), variables that may be considered moderate, or high is based on the preponderance of factors for
protective (e.g., topical fluoride exposure, adequate plaque control), the individual. However, clinical judgment may justify the use
and those factors that may play a contributing role (e.g., deep of one factor (e.g., frequent exposure to cariogenic snacks, ≥1
pits and fissures, salivary factors, and socioeconomic status). interproximal lesions, and low salivary flow) in determining
A summary of the various caries risk indicators broadly divided the overall risk.[39]
into pathological and protective factors is shown in Table 1.[8-36] The Cariogram model
After an extensive review of literature on caries risk indicators, The Cariogram model was first presented by Brathall as a
Zero, Fontana, and Lennon concluded that no single indicator graphical illustration of an individual’s risk of developing new
or combination of risk indicators could consistently be a good caries lesions in the future. It also simultaneously expresses the
predictor of caries risk status when applied across different extent to which the different etiological factors of dental caries
populations and age groups.[37] In general, however, the best affect caries risk for that particular individual.[40]
indicator of future caries risk is the past caries experience, The original Cariogram pie chart had three differently
although this may not be particularly useful in children where colored sectors representing the primary factors in
it is vital to determine caries risk status before any caries caries etiology  –  bacteria  (red), sugars  (blue), and host
lesions develop. susceptibility  (light blue). This was later modified to
include two more sectors  –  a yellow sector representing
Caries Risk Assessment Methods circumstances  (past caries experience and general health
A number of CRA methods have been proposed for use in status), while a green sector representing “Percent Chance
clinical practice as follows: to Avoid Cavities.” The size of the green “Chance” sector
1. Caries Questionnaire in combination with Clinical is determined by the size of the other four sectors, and by
Observations[38] reducing or modifying the size of these sectors, one can
2. AAPD’s Caries-risk Assessment Form.[39] increase the “Percent Chance to Avoid Cavities.”
3. The Cariogram Model[40] The Cariogram is an interactive computer‑based program
4. Caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation (CARE) test[41] that calculates the “Percent Chance to Avoid Cavities”
5. Caries management by risk assessment (CAMBRA)[42] after entering a number of scores for different risk factors.
6. Traffic Light Matrix (TLM).[43] The results come out based on “weighted” values. These
“weights” are a result of literature reviews using an
Caries questionnaire in combination with clinical evidence‑based approach, in combination with clinical
observations experience of evaluating dental caries including the use of
Based on the concept that dental caries is an infectious saliva tests.
disease where there is a dynamic balance or imbalance
The Cariogram model is a valuable educational tool to
between pathological factors (that cause demineralization)
demonstrate to patients the different etiological factors of
and protective factors (that favor remineralization), [7]
dental caries and how the patient’s caries risk status can change
Featherstone et al.[38] evolved a consensus statement to assess
as a result of various preventive actions he/she may undertake.
individual caries risk from a questionnaire that addresses
A  study to assess caries risk in schoolchildren using the
issues such as maternal dental history, family dynamics,
Cariogram concluded that it predicted caries increment more
socioeconomic factors, oral hygiene measures, fluoride
accurately than any other single‑factor model.[49]
exposure, and frequency of sugar exposures. Along with the
questionnaire, clinical observations were made by visual, Caries Assessment and Risk Evaluation test
tactile, and radiographic examination of teeth. Once individual While the above‑mentioned risk indicators are still of primary
risk status was determined, they suggested using a minimally importance in assessing individual caries risk status, several

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Suneja, et al.: CRA: Rationale, indications, methods, protocol

Table 1: Caries risk indicators: Pathological vs. protective factors

Pathological factors Protective factors
Dietary factors
Frequent between meal snacking[8] Sugar exposures are limited to meal times
Prolonged night‑time or at will bottle/breast feeding of infant[9,10] Preference for non‑cariogenic snacks
Multiple sugar exposures through the day[11] No deleterious bottle/breast feeding of the infant
Infant Ready availability of cariogenic snacks[12]
Socioeconomic factors
High caries risk in siblings/parents[13] Good oral hygiene in parents with adequate knowledge about dental
health & prevention
Children from socioeconomically deprived or immigrant Regular access to a well‑established dental home[18]
High maternal MS levels[16,17]
Low dental aspirations especially on the importance of maintaining
caries free primary dentition
Fluoride exposure
No exposure to fluoridated drinking water[19] Presence of continuous, low concentration of free F‑ ions around teeth
especially at the time of a cariogenic acid attack[21]
No access to professionally applied topical fluorides especially when Daily use of a fluoridated dentifrice[22]
permanent molars erupt delaying post‑eruptive maturation[20]
Living in an area with community water fluoridation[23,24]
Medical factors
Special child (i.e. a child with a physical,mental, or medically Institution & maintenance of an intensive preventive regimen in the
compromising condition that may limit oral health care measures or special child
make the child more susceptible to caries.)[25]
Salivary dysfunction caused by medications, radiation therapy or Saliva substitutes
general systemic conditions[26]
Long term cariogenic medication[27] Alternate sugar‑free medications
Salivary factors[28]
High salivary MS & Lactobacilli counts Salivary buffers that aid in neutralizing acids
Poor salivary flow rate impeding clearance Salivary proteins and lipids that form pellicle & protect tooth surface
Salivary Calcium & Phosphate ions can enhance remineralization & delay
Clinical factors
Early colonization of infants teeth by MS[29,30] Early sealant application in all susceptible pits & fissures[33]
Presence of dental appliances[31] or restorations[32] Use of antibacterial compounds (e.g. xylitol, chlorhexidine, povidone
iodine, sodium bicarbonate) in children with active caries lesions[34,35]
Deep retentive pits and fissures Measures to interfere with vertical (mother to child) transmission of
cariogenic bacteria[36]
New carious lesions or white spot lesions every 6 months

studies have also shown a strong, statistically significant, agglutination and removal of free bacteria. In the case of the
genetic component determining caries experience.[50,51] This former, there is a positive correlation with caries experience,
may be especially important in developed societies that have while for the latter, a negative correlation is seen.[53,54] Since the
a good dental coverage, adequate fluoride exposure, and pattern of these salivary oligosaccharides is 100% genetically
where gross malnutrition and negligent oral hygiene are rare; determined,[55] identifying individual salivary oligosaccharide
increasing the role a child’s genes may play in determining concentrations can help determine the genetic risk of the child
his or her caries susceptibility. Evaluating a child’s genetic to develop caries. It was also established that, just like blood
susceptibility to dental caries may thus play a vital role in group types, the salivary oligosaccharide patterns remain
assessing the child’s overall caries risk status. quantitatively consistent over time and across age groups.[56]
Researchers at the Division of Diagnostic Sciences of the The CARE test is probably the only CRA method that can
University of Southern California School of Dentistry potentially promote caries prevention at the primary level
developed a novel salivary test for genetic CRA called the itself (before any carious lesions have appeared), by identifying
CARE test[41] based on the high correlations they found between high caries risk children early and instituting a preemptive
caries history and quantities of specific oligosaccharides aggressive preventive regimen in them. The widespread
in whole saliva.[52] Certain salivary oligosaccharides are incorporation of the CARE test in clinical practice and its use
known to facilitate bacterial attachment and colonization of in conjunction with other more traditional risk assessment
the salivary pellicle, while other salivary sugar chains promote methods is probably the future of dental CRA.

212 Indian Journal of Dental Sciences  ¦  Volume 9  ¦  Issue 3  ¦  July-September 2017

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Suneja, et al.: CRA: Rationale, indications, methods, protocol

Caries management protocol for infants and children (3 criteria), diet (2 criteria), fluoride exposure (3 criteria), and
In the modern day clinical practice, the focus of any caries modifying factors (5 criteria).[43]
management protocol should rely more on a “medical” rather • Saliva:  (a) Resting: Hydration, viscosity, and pH
than solely on a “surgical” approach to the treatment of dental (b) stimulated: Quantity/rate, pH, and buffering capacity
caries.[1] This change has occurred due to a paradigm shift in • Plaque: PH, maturity, and bacteria – mutans count
our understanding of two important aspects: • Diet: Number of sugar and acid exposures in‑between
• The principal mechanisms by which fluorides bring about meals/day
their cariostatic action, where its topical role is emphasized • Fluoride: Exposure to fluoride through water/toothpaste/
over any presumed systemic benefit[57,58] professional treatment
• The chronic, infectious, transmissible, and multifactorial • Modifying factors: Drugs that reduce salivary flow,
nature of dental caries where the interplay between diseases resulting in dry mouth, fixed/removable
demineralization/remineralization factors will determine appliances, recent active caries, and poor compliance.
whether caries progresses or not.[7]
The specific threshold values for the data obtained in the
The AAPD has developed one of the best clinical protocols for analysis of the aforementioned factors are conveyed in traffic
the management of caries in different age groups of infants and light color codes conveying varying risk levels (red = high,
children. These protocols were evolved from evidence‑based yellow = moderate, and green = low). This color code model
peer‑reviewed literature, considered judgment of expert panels, keeps the visual interpretation simple and communicable to
and clinical experience. Following these protocols will enable the patient as well.
dentists treating children to make standardized diagnostic,
preventive, and restorative recommendations depending on Conclusion
child’s risk status and the compliance expected from parents.[39]
The paradigm change in our understanding of dental caries and
Caries management protocols need to be constantly evolving
its prevention and treatment makes it mandatory for all dentists
based on the latest evidence‑based research and should also
treating infants, children, adolescents, and adults to incorporate
reflect newer therapeutic modalities. The application of casein
CRA into their clinical practice and utilize risk‑based caries
phosphopeptide‑amorphous calcium phosphate products for
management protocols to make diagnostic, preventive, and
its positive effect on the demineralization/remineralization
restorative recommendations for their patients.
caries cycle,[59] using more effective fluoride compounds such
as silver diamine fluoride,[60] or the potential of antimicrobials Financial support and sponsorship
to reverse caries[35] are some of the innovative technologies that Nil.
may be included in the future caries management protocols.
On the other hand, some of the current recommendations such Conflicts of interest
as use of systemic fluoride supplements may be avoided in the There are no conflicts of interest.
future protocols.[61]
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