R&W, Q4 Final Short Quiz, ARADO, B PDF

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Brettnia Angela V.

G11- Plato


Test 1. Answer the following questions comprehensively

1. What is Critical Reading? Discuss the two important steps in critical reading.
- Critical reading is a form of reasoning, it aids to form judgements about how a text works.
You question text and your reading of it. It is different from just plain reading as it follows
the two important steps which are interpreting and evaluating the text. In the interpretation
of the text, you contextualize, and you examine it based on your personal response.
Meanwhile, by evaluating, you evaluate the arguments, you judge the validity of the fact
given by the text. With critical reading you would be able to separate a fact from an opinion
and recognize errors in reasoning.

2. What can you infer from an Argument?

- In an argument, you can form inferences based on the evidence and claims that were stated
that supports the argument. You can infer new ideas that give a new perspective or point
of view about a certain situation or thing, from an argument that is raised.

3. How would you compare/contrast the different views of a writer’s argument?

- You could compare/contrast the different views of a writer’s argument through critical
reading. This is because with critical reading you would be able to examines the author’s
choice of content, language and structure, you make judgments about how a text is argued
which leads you to finding the author’s inconsistencies, oversights, limitations and other
reasonable arguments that is often overlooked by a normal reader.

4. How would you differentiate between Hypertext and Intertext?

- The main difference between hypertext and intertext is that hypertext is the linking of
content on one website to another, while intertext references are not generally visible. In
hypertext, the reader may follow their own path, create their own order, their own meaning
out the material, through hyperlinks this can be done. Hyperlinks can be used as a way for
readers to navigate from article to article within a given site or link over multiple sites
together. Meanwhile in Intertext, it is the use of other texts to be able to define a text.

5. What actions would you take to write an evaluative text?

- To write an evaluative text, you should use your critical thinking skills for you to describe,
analyze, interpret, and evaluate the author’s purpose or content, the topic and his position
or arguments, the organization, and styles or pattern of writing the text.

6. Why do you think business correspondences are important (both internal and external
- Communication between the workers in a business organization or in a company is a must
to be able to maintain the quality of the work of the company and to establish a workplace
equitable for all employees. To communicate, business correspondences both internal and
external, such as business letters, memos and e-mailing are used, which is why it is very

7. How would you compile the facts for Literature Review?

- In compiling facts for literature, you should first be able to identify the themes, debates and
gaps of the literature you have searched and of your research investigation. After this, you
would then be able to organize your literature review in various ways, such as in topical
order, which is by main topics or issues; Chronological order, which is organized by dates
of the published literature; etc.

8. What format does research report follows? How would you differentiate research report
from a research study?
- The format of a research report may include short-from introduction, enclosing the details
of the method, and then summarizing the results. A complete document of a research report
may be 1 or 2 pages only. However, in a research study, it includes an Introduction,
Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Significance, and Scope of the study in a much
more detailed version. On the other hand, research report cannot discuss the research or
investigations of other researchers, but it only explains the procedure, conclusion, and
importance of a specific research paper.

9. What is the main purpose of writing a position paper? Discuss its unique features.
- A position paper is made to raises awareness about a topic or an issue or to generate support
on an issue. It explains the author's perspective on an issue and the reasoning behind it, and
it is founded on facts that give a solid foundation for the author's argument, much like a
research paper is. It is a fact-based and inductive reasoning-based critical analysis of a
position that addresses both the author's strengths and faults. A position paper includes An
Introduction, which identifies the issue that will be discussed and states the author’s
position on that issue. The Body of the paper, which contains the central argument and can
be further broken up into three unique sections. It has a clear position on the issue with a
convincing argument and is stated in reasonable tone.

10. What is the full name of your R&W Teacher?

- Ms. April Alice Angelie Balmocena

Test 2. Write a Summary from the given text

A Summary of: What is a Mass Shooting? What Can Be Done? By: Richard Berk

Mass shootings are defined in a variety of ways in the United States, although they are all
common. Mass shootings are defined by the Congressional Research Service as a series of firearm-
related homicides involving four or more victims in one or more sites close to one another. Private
and public mass shootings are frequently distinguished. Foreign terrorist mass shootings are
excluded, regardless of the number of people killed or the location of the incident.

It's important to analyze the various character of mass shootings. Mass shootings in
schools, places of worship, businesses, outdoor rock concerts, private homes, and other contexts
have significant disparities. It's difficult to reach an agreement on the number of victims or the
types of occurrences that are more common because of differences in how mass shootings are
characterized. The most common sort of mass shooting seems to be those involving intimate
relationship violence. The rise appears to be due to higher lethality per occurrence rather than a
rise in the number of mass shootings.
Some claim that mass shooting perpetrators suffer from severe forms of mental
illness. What we need are better mental health services. However, many shooters do not survive
the shooting incident, and there is often very little earlier information about their mental health. In
addition, most people in need of mental health services pose no threat of violence, let alone of
committing a mass shooting.

Some people claim that mass shooters have serious mental illnesses. Better mental health
treatments are desperately needed. Many shooters, however, do not survive the shooting, and there
is generally little information about their mental health prior to the act. Furthermore, most people
seeking mental health treatment do not constitute a threat of violence, much less a mass shooting.

Others argue that easy availability to firearms, particularly semi-automatic handguns and
assault rifles, is the problem. The United States, like many countries, has many individuals who
are prone to violence for various reasons. Semi-automatic guns have the potential to convert a
skirmish into a mass shooting. The 2nd Amendment, combined with the vast number of semi-
automatic weapons in the United States, makes gun regulation extremely difficult.

Even the most well-designed and implemented background checks will only be effective
if potential mass shooters possess disqualifying characteristics. One noteworthy example may be
criminals convicted of intimate relationship violence or who are prohibited from possessing a
handgun by a court order. Mass shooters need to prepare. They require at least one semi-automatic
handgun and numerous rounds of ammunition, if not more. Each homicide is a tragedy, but deaths
in mass shootings should be considered in the context of gun violence in the United States as a
Test 3. Write a Response/Evaluative Text

A pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or
maintain control over another intimate partner, is Domestic Violence (US Department of Justice).
According to Psychology Today (2022), Domestic violence occurs when a person consistently
aims to control their partner through physical, sexual, or emotional abuse. The article that was
written, “Domestic Violence Against Men: You’re Not alone” was a good article to remind, to
raise awareness to people that domestic violence can take on many shapes and forms, where
women have been found to be the victims in most cases, but men are also not immune to it.

The authors organization of the text about explaining Domestic Violence against man was
well written and coordinated. From discussing about what domestic violence and giving examples
would help the readers identify or distinguish whether what they might be experiencing or seeing
is domestic violence or not. By explaining reasons why, it is not easy to get out in an abusive
relationship would help those people understand themselves or those who they know who have
been experiencing violence, in this way they would be able to seek help immediately or support
them along the way inmoving on or in their recovery from the abusive relationship. The article
also stated various ways to protect and ensure a safety space for themselves.

Overall, the authors did a great job on relaying the message that they wanted people to
understand and learn which is the fact that men are also victims of Domestic Violence, and they
too need to be heard. However, what lacks in the article are proofs from reliable sources like the
statement of the Department of Justice. The data statistics still lacks, as it does not have a source
of where the data was gathered, and we never know if this data is recent, or it may be a long time
ago already which is far from the number of what it is today. They article would have been more
comprehensive if several laws were listed about Domestic Violence, and explaining each of the
laws, for in this way readers would have an insight and understanding about what are the prohibited
acts that would be penalized.

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