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Trabajo Práctico N° 3 : Inglés Técnico - 1° año


Fecha de Entrega: 16/08/2021.


1) Work on the following activities:

- Read the following text:

● Answer the next questions:

1) Where does Hank live?

2) What does he do every day?
3) Who is Ginger?
4) Where does Ginger live?
5) What does Hank often give Ginger?
6) What does Hank do after long rides?

● Watch this video on Youtube:


● Watch my explanation: Explanation - Short Story

● Write a short story about a city from our Country!:

(Escriban un cuento en donde los hechos sucedan en una ciudad de nuestro
país- mínimo 3 párrafos y máximo 2 carillas)

1) Think about ideas, characters, time, place, year, city, events, etc.
2) Write short sentences describing events. (the beginning, the middle of the story and
the end)
3) Write the first copy
4) Read the first copy and correct the mistakes
5) Write a final copy
6) You can add a picture, image or drawing representing your story
7) Create a title.

Materiales de ayuda para su short story:

● Online Dictionaries:

● Verbs in present simple for stories:

She/He/it Verb (meaning in Spanish)

She walks camina
She breathes respira
She goes to ... va hacia ...

She thinks piensa
She drives maneja
She jumps salta
She cries llora
He shouts grita
He talks habla
He drinks toma (agua/bebidas)
He eats come
He flies vuela
He sings canta
He dances baila
It lives vive
It runs corre
It watches mira/observa
It looks at mira a ...
It listens to escucha
It smells huele
It climbs trepa
It falls cae
She sleeps duerme
She wakes up se despierta

Title of the Story: “.........”


Middle part:

The end:


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