Lesson 2

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INTERNET SAFETY- refers to the online security or safety of people and their information when using internet.
NETIQUETTE- is network etiquette, the do’s and don’ts of online communication.


Rule No. 1: Remember the human  Know what you are talking about and make
 You need to remember that you are talking to a sense saying it.
real person when you are online. Rule no. 6: Share expert knowledge
 The internet brings people together who would  Ask questions online
otherwise never meet.  Share what you know online.
 Remember this saying when sending an email:  Post the answers to your questions online
Would I say this to the person’s face. because someone may have the same question        
Rule No. 2: Adhere to the same standards online that you do.
you follow in real life. Rule no. 7: Help keep flame wars under control
 You need to behave the same way online that  Netiquette does not forgive flaming.
you do in real life.  Netiquette does however forbid people who are
 You need to remember that you can get caught flaming to hurt discussion groups by putting the
doing things you should not be doing       online group down.
just like you can in real life. Rule no. 8: Respect other people’s privacy.
 You are still talking to a real person with  Do not read other people’s mail without their
feelings even though you can’t see them. permission.
Rule no. 3: Know where you are in cyberspace.  Going through other people’s things could cost
 Always take a look around when you enter a you, your job or you could even go to jail.
new domain when surfing the web.  Not respecting other people’s privacy is a bad
 Get a sense of what the discussion group is netiquette.
about before you join it. Rule no. 9: Don’t abuse your power.
Rule no. 4: Respect other people’s time and  Do not take advantage of other people just
bandwidth. because you have more knowledge or power
 Remember people have other things to do than them.
besides read your email. You are not the center  Treat others as you would want them to treat you
of their world. if the roles were reversed.
 Keep your post and emails to minimum by Rule no. 10: Be forgiving of other people’s mistake.
saying what you want to say.  Do not point out mistakes to people online.
 Remember everyone won’t answer your  Remember that you were once the new kid on
questions. the block.
Rule no. 5: Make yourself look good online.  You still need to have a good manner even
 Be polite and pleasant to everyone. though you are online and cannot see the          
 Always check your spelling and grammar before person face to face.

System security describes the controls and safeguards that an organization takes to ensure its networks and resources are
safe from downtime, interference or malicious intrusion. If data security is meant to protect the information in the books
in the library, then system security is what protects the library itself. https://tinyurl.com/mud5xcns

Data security relates to all the efforts your organization takes to ensure that the information you possess isn’t accidentally
deleted or modified — or deliberately accessed, manipulated, stolen, sold or otherwise misused. 

A computer intruder is anyone or anything that tries to get access to any part of your computer system. An intruder is
typically referred to as a hacker. Hackers are known to use automated computer programs to compromise your
computer's security system. They are very smart and know a lot about technology and security.

Types of System Intruders

 Masquerader – unauthorized use who penetrates a system exploiting a legitimate user’s account (outside)
 Hackers / Misfeasor– legitimates user who makes unauthorized accesses or misuses his privileges (inside)
 Clandestine user – seizes supervisory control to evade auditing and access controls or suppresses audit collection
(inside & outside) Reference: https://cs.hofstra.edu/~cscvjc/Spring06/Slides/Sess09/text4.html

A computer virus is a malicious application or authored code used to perform destructive activity on a device or local
network. The code’s malicious activity could damage the local file system, steal data, interrupt services, download
additional malware, or any other actions coded into the program by the malware author. Many viruses pretend to be

Empowerment Technology
Prepared by: Kimberly Ann B. Palaran
Reference: https://ictcom444251764.wordpress.com/2018/03/31/empowerment-technologies-lessons-1-15/
legitimate programs to trick users into executing them on their device, delivering the computer virus payload.
Virus stages
 Dormant phase – Virus is idle.
 Propagation phase – Virus places an identical copy of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on
the disk.
 Triggering phase – Virus is activated to perform the function for which it was intended. Caused by a variety of
system events
 Execution phase – Function is performed

Symptoms of Computer Virus  The computer crashes often, runs out of memory
Malware authors write code that is undetectable until with few active programs, or a blue screen of
the payload is delivered. However, like any software death in Windows.
program, bugs could present issues while the virus runs.  Slow computer performance even when running
Signs that you have a computer virus include: few programs or the computer was recently
 Popup windows, including ads (adware) or links booted.
to malicious websites.  Unknown programs start when the computer
 Your web browser home page changes, and you boots or when you open specific programs.
did not change it.  Passwords change without your knowledge or
 Outbound emails to your contact list or people your interaction on the account.
on your contact list alert you to strange computer-virus
messages sent by your account.

Examples of Computer Virus  CryptoLocker

 Morris Worm  Conficker
 Nimda  Tinba
 ILOVEYOU  Welchia
 SQL Slammer  Shlayer
 Stuxnet


Cyber crime- a crime committed or assisted through the

use of the Internet. Spam– unwanted email mostly from bots or advertisers.
Privacy Policy/Terms of Services (ToS) – tells the user Phishing- acquires sensitive personal information like
how the website will handle its data. passwords and credits card details.
Malware- stands for malicious software. Pharming- a more complicated way of phishing where
Virus- a malicious program designed to transfer from it exploits the DNS system.
one computer to another in any means possible. Copyright- a part of law, wherein you have the rights to
Worms– a malicious program designed to replicate itself work, anyone who uses it w/o your consent is punishable
and transfer from one file folder to another and also by law.
transfer to other computers. Fair Use- means that an intellectual property may be
Trojan-a malicious program designed that is disguised used w/o consent as long as it is used in commentaries,
as a useful program but once downloaded or installed, criticism, parodies, research and etc.
leaves your PC unprotected and allows hacker to get Keyloggers- used to record the keystrokes done by user.
your information. This is done to steal passwords or any other sensitive
Spyware– a program that runs in the background information.
without you knowing it. It has the ability to monitor Rogue security softwares– is a form of malicious
what you are currently doing and typing through key software and internet fraud that misleads users into
logging. believing there is a virus on their computer, and
Adware- a program designed to send you advertisement, manipulates them into paying money for a fake malware
mostly pop-ups. removal tool.
Four search strategies (KEYWORD SEARCHING)
Enter terms to search Use quotation marks to search as a phrase and keep the words linked together
Common words are ignored (That, to, which, a, the …)
+ and – can be used to include or exclude a word

AND – enter words connect with AND- it will include NOT – searches for the first term and excludes sites that
sites where both words and found have the second term.
   Uses: joining different topics (i.e. global warming (i.e. Washington NOT school)
AND California) Question                                
OR   – requires at least one of the terms is found.  a question may be entered in the search field of search
   Uses: join similar or synonymous topics (i.e. global engine    
warming OR greenhouse effect)
Empowerment Technology
Prepared by: Kimberly Ann B. Palaran
Reference: https://ictcom444251764.wordpress.com/2018/03/31/empowerment-technologies-lessons-1-15/
 Advanced – Features are offered on many engines by selections. Effective in narrowing search returns to a
going to an “Advanced search” page and  making specific topic or phrase

Empowerment Technology
Prepared by: Kimberly Ann B. Palaran
Reference: https://ictcom444251764.wordpress.com/2018/03/31/empowerment-technologies-lessons-1-15/

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