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The lesson I’ve learned in developing or writing a lesson plan is that the components

should be constructively aligned so that the desired outcome will be achieve. And to
always aligned the teaching method to the assessment so that you can attest if the
outcome is achieved or not. Also, use the Curriculum guide in making a lesson as this
will guide you in making a well-constructed lesson plan.

The value that the teacher give is that his/her student have learned something from
his/her. The learning is successfully provided to the learners.
The promising world of children's digital books
7 July 2022
ArticleEducation technologyLanguageReading and writing
Digital books particularly benefit disadvantaged children

Photo by: cottonbros, pexels.com, CC0


Natalia Kucirkova

Professor, University of Stavanger and The Open University

The  screen time debate has left many parents and teachers wondering whether children should use
screens for reading. Are print books better for children than digital books? Arguing that one is
preferable to the other merely shifts the focus away from what really matters:  why, how and what
children read.

Why digital books?

Digital books come with several advantages, including the capability to store thousands of stories on
a single device or to access them online, so children have lots of options when they’re away from
home or school. Families living even far apart can read together by screen sharing across devices,
and they can follow along as a reader traces their progress on the digital page. Digital books can be
bought individually, but there are also growing online libraries of free stories, many of which are  in
underserved languages. With story-making apps like Our Story or Book Creator, children can
easily make their own books, becoming story authors from an early age.

Source: https://bold.expert/the-promising-world-of-childrens-digital-books/
This can be useful in motivating the students to read and read to enhance their reading skills and by
this way teacher can easily teach children to learn and read.

Upon visiting to edtechteacher.org, this site gives me the idea and help to develop in being a good
and competent teacher I can be. This site from research-based edtech integration to organizational
leadership, we are your trusted partner in sustainable improvement in teacher and learning. They
have a Professional Development, Tech Needs Analysis, Consulting & coaching, Training for
Intructional Uses, and Grant Writing.
Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking as this tells that tasting a
formative assessment while cooking is letting you know what need to be add or to
improve before it cooks. It gives you an opportunity to fix, enhance, and correct the
taste of the soup should be. So it’s important to taste it time to time so that you can
added if it needs to be added some seasoning.

Also, we should record the results of formative assessments so that we can have a
basis in knowing the progress of our learners if we will have another assessment.

 Reflect on past assessments you have been through. Were they all aligned with
what your teacher taught (with learning outcomes)? NOT OBSERVE
As I remember from the pass assessments I’ve been through they were
aligned to what my teachers have thought.

 How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you
learn from this experience and from this observation?
It has a good effect in my performance. And as a future teacher, this
made me learn to always aligned the assessments that I will make to
the set outcomes when teaching so I can see if there’s a learning NOT OBSERVE
happen from the discussion I’ve made. Also, by aligning the outcomes I
can easily transition from one topic to another as I know the intended
outcome set has already been achieved before proceeding to another.








Yes, I am inspired more to become a teacher after my
observation it’s because I can feel that I have the burning fuel
inside me that eagers me to push the college course that I’m
pursuing as it gives me so much satisfaction while observing
the children so how much more if I’m already handling them.

When I become a teacher in the future, I would become more

open to suggestion and critics and always have a room for
improvement, and have a good balance and management of
time to become beyond on how a professional teacher should

Some of the concerns I can foresee in the future are the

managing the students in all aspect and the quality of teaching.
And I think I am ready to address these by being preparing to
what will happen when the future comes so that I’m enough
equipped to face it.

I would congratulate my resource teacher in the case of where

she is very generous and passionate in her profession. Though
every teacher was like this but the way I observe her she really
inspires me to become someone like her as a teacher in the
I believe that the learner is unique in their own way. Every learner has its own progress
in learning and I should not put too much pressure on to them and have patience.

I believe that I should teach learners a quality type of education that can hone them.
Also, will teach them the value and life matter lesson that they can use in dealing life
and become their inspiration.

I believe that I have the responsibility as a teacher to effectively teach the learner not
only academically but also what's interest them and have the collaboration with the
community to help learner attain their success.
Based on my observation, Progressivism is the philosophy that is
dominant in the Philippine basic education as the curriculum used
is student-centered. Where teacher facilitates the learners of the
learners and let the learners to their task and what interest them.

I will manage teaching-learning in 21st Century

classroom by collaborating the use of traditional
way and technology. As by this I can easily manage
my class as I know the learners that I will be
handling were more associated with technology so I
also need to be equipped with use of technology.
Also, I need to enhance and skills and abilities to
become a globally competitive kind of a teacher to
become more effective.
The teacher teaches good values The teacher let his/her learner
and implement and thought do things they like. And
things to learners useful outside implement a student-centered
the classroom. room.

The teacher is open for The teacher teaches learners to

integrating technology in class. decide for themselves and not to
rely on others decisions.

The teacher has an open-ended

The teacher makes us of
question with the learner to
technology while discussing
enhance their reasoning skills.

The teacher doesn’t only decide The teacher makes the learning
but she also involves the process active and let learners
learners in making decisions. interact and participate.

The teacher organized and The teacher creates a task or

collaborate with the students in performances that learners will
making rules and punishments be able to apply their skills.

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