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Federal antitrust law titles in (United

This Law is intended promote, protect and guarantee free competition and economic
competition, as well as prevent, investigate, combat, profederal antitrust law titles in
(United HealthGroup).
This Law is intended promote, protect and guarantee free competition and economic
competition, as well as prevent, investigate, combat, prosecute effectively, severely
punish and eliminate monopolies, monopolistic practices, illegal concentrations,
barriers to free competition.secute effectively, severely punish and eliminate
monopolies, monopolistic practices, illegal concentrations, barriers to free

United health group tries to eliminate monopolies with the following points that
federal laws mention to us:
1.1 Protect the rights of the main idea.

1.2 Create a proprietary technology.

1.3 A potential network of distributors.

1.4 A free market and free trade system.

1.5 Employ a consumer protection system.

1.6 The state must promote free competition.

United HelatGroup tries to enforce these federal antitrust laws because as the
largest health insurer in the US, it offers a broad spectrum of health insurance
products and services to approximately 75 million people worldwide. In 2012, the
company acquired a 90% stake in Brazil's largest managed care company, Amil.
I. The physical and mental well-being of the person, to contribute to the full exercise
of their capacities;
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II. The prolongation and improvement of the quality of human life;

III. The protection and enhancement of values that contribute to the creation,
conservation, and enjoyment of health conditions that contribute to social

IV. The extension of solidarity and responsible attitudes of the population in the
preservation, conservation, improvement and restoration of health;

V. The enjoyment of health services and social assistance that effectively and timely
meet the needs of the population.

In the case of people who lack social security, the free provision of health services,
medicines and other associated inputs;
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SAW. Knowledge for the proper use and use of health services;
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VII. The development of teaching and scientific and technological research for
health, and
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VIII. Health promotion and disease prevention.
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Article 3.- Under the terms of this Law, it is a matter of general health:
I. The organization, control and monitoring of the provision of health services and
establishments referred to in article 34,
sections I, III and IV of this Law;
II. Medical care;
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The free provision of health services, medicines and other associated inputs for
people without social security.
For the purposes of the preceding paragraph, and in the case of federal entities that
enter into coordination agreements under the terms of article 77 bis 16 A of this Law,
the resources that article 25, section II of the Fiscal Coordination Law correspond to
said entities, shall be understood to be managed and exercised by them once they
are transferred to the trust referred to in the aforementioned article 77 bis 16 A, under
the terms of the aforementioned agreements.

At UNITED HEALTH GROUP some of the most important laws are these since they
speak to us about health and medical service and above all it focuses on eliminating

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