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Colegio De Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos Del Estado San

Luis Potosí,
Plantel I.


Mta: Sonia de Jesús Ibarra

Marvin Guerrero Martínez

Axel Alejandro Rodríguez Herrera
Caso #1
1.- Why do people negotiate? To find a better price for all things and be
2.- What should a person take into account when negotiating? Consider
where you are and be fair with the privileges of the goods and/or services
you wish to purchase
Collection clothing store
Client: Hello, good afternoon, I would like to buy that denim shirt from
the separator
Manager: Of course, that shirt has a cost of 50 dollars, since it is a shirt
from a very famous designer and it is a collectible
Client: That's a lot, besides it's already second hand, and it's not in the
best condition, the most you could pay is 25 dollars
Manager: I'm sorry but that shirt is not at a negotiable price
Client: and if it's 40 dollars what I paid for it
Manager: I can leave it to you at that price but you will have to pay
everything in cash
Client: Sure, thank you very much.

Caso #2
Books make Great writing tools
1.-What makes a writer better? Read and concentrate, write true things
2.- Do you agree with the phrase: "the more you read, the better you
write"? Why? Yes, because that way spelling improves, and writing is
more fluent
3.- Do you like to read? What kind of books do you like? Yes, romance
novels, science fiction and horror.

4.-Imagine that you can ask a famous writer some questions. What question
would you like to ask? Where do you get inspiration from to write

Caso #3 Video
Conferences are Great!
1.- What is the benefit of videoconference? Inform people a better way
2.- What do you need to set up a videoconference? A presentation and
using an electronic device
3.- Do you use videoconferences? Yes, to be informed or to learn or
Steps to follow for a video conference.

1. Agree on the steps to follow ti set the video conference

2. Check if you have a camera and microphone in your
3.Remember to check the instructions of the software you are using
4.Check the volumen of your speakers and remember to take tours to tallk
to the person or people in the conference
5. Finally, enjoy your video conference

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