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Name : Titik Mariyati

NIM : 22121298085
Class : PGSD C

Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Topik 1
Ruang Kolaborasi


Uswa lives with her family Uswa lives with her parents and younger brothers.


Uswa’s father Her dad works in the paddy. He works very hard
as a farmer.

Uswa’s mother Her mom is a housewife. She likes to a clean

house and planting flowers,

Uswa’s younger brothers Her first younger brother is a souldier. He was

assigned to Papua.
Her second younger brother is a high-school
student. He likes to play football every afternoon.
Uswa’s friend
Uswa’s best friend is named Widya. They met
when they were in campus. They were on the
Teaching Practice or “Praktik Pengalaman
Lapangan (PPL) team”. Uswa has known Widya
for five months. They often go riding motorcycle
together. Uswa is going to see Widya on Monday
to Friday. Every day, they always laugh together.

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