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Test Scenario ID Test Case Name Test Objectives

TS_01 SIGN UP To test sign up functionality

TS_02 LOG IN To test log in functionality

TS_03 People Nearby To test People Nearby functionality


Pre-Condition Test Condition

1)To test sign up page with valid data

2)To test sign up page with blank data in Username
3)To test sign up page with Entering numeric values in
4)To test sign up page with Entering alphabetic values
in Password
5)To test sign up page with Entering alphanumeric
values in Password
6)To test sign up page with Entering Numeric values in
1)Network must be available 7)To test sign up page with Entering Alphanumeric
2)SIGN UP page must be displayed values in User ID

1)To test Log In functionality with valid data

2)To test Log In functionality with blank data
3)To test Log In functionality with blank data in Email ID
4)To test Log In functionality with blank data in
5)To test Log In functionality with invalid data in Email
1)Network must be available ID
2)LOGIN page must be displayes 6)To test Log In functionality with invalid data in
3)User must be registered Password

1)To test People Nearby functionality by click on People

2)To test People Nearby functionality by click on
1)Network must be available Settings in Settings
2)People Nearby page must be display 3)To test People Nearby functionality by click on choice
3)User must be registered sex in choice sex

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