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Course Description

This course covers the study of principles and Philosophy of nationalism

and patriotism, the Philippine Constitution, the Philippine Flag, the Philippine
Character, Values and Culture, including other important Filipino Heritage ,
History and Identity as a People and Country.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students are expected to:

1. Express the desire of sharing the same culture , history and language
to form a separate and independent nation of our own.
2. Discuss the essence of nationalism is the only rightful source of
political power and free from outside interference of the other
Compiled by: nation.
JEFFEX JAMES CANONIGO, RCRIM 3. Describe the types of nationalism and its concept to determine each
type for the students to clearly understand the types of nationalism.

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 1

Module 4 Chapter 4: Understanding the
Course Outline Aspect of Nation and Globalization
Lesson 1: Nation Final
Module Contents Assessment Time Lesson 2: Globalization
Number Period Frame Lesson 3: REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8491.
Chapter 1: The Essence of
Lesson 1: Nationalism: Meaning
Grading System
and Concept
Lesson 2: Introduction to
Module 1 Prelim The grading system is as follows:
Lesson 3: The Growth of
The grading system is as follows:
Lesson 4: Types of Nationalism
Lesson 5: Nationalism in Asia
Assessment Period Self-Assessment & Activities Major Exams Total
Chapter 2: Preserve and Foster Prelim & Midterm 60 % 40 % 100 %
Traditional Culture
Lesson 1: Filipino Nationalism Semi-Final & Final 60 % 40 % 100 %
Lesson 2: Pre-Spanish Filipino
Module 2 Values (Midterm Grade + Final Grade)/2= Final Grade
Lesson 3:Filipino Positive Traits and Midterm
Lesson 4: Introduction to Filipino
Lesson 5: Philippine Nationalism
Nature and Development
Module 3 Chapter 3: The Importance of
Lesson 1: Characteristics of
Patriotism Semi-Final
Lesson 2: Pilipino Patriot and their
Lesson 3: What is State?

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 2

How Do You Use This Module? Table of Contents

This module is written in a very user-friendly manner. Definitions, Title Page Number
processes and samples are included as an input knowledge or as a guide.
Instructions are made clear and straight to the point. Your resourcefulness and How Do You Use This Module…………………………………………………………………… 3
creativity are needed to be able to answer or do the task well. Just follow the Module 1: The Essence of Nationalism
directions and you will be guided as you move on page after page. Lesson 1: Nationalism: Meaning and Concept ………………….. 4
Lesson 2. Introduction to Nationalism ……………………………….. 6
In this module, you are required to go through a series of activities in Lesson 3: The Growth of Nationalism ………………………………… 8
order to complete each learning outcome. Each chapter has lessons with Specific Lesson 4: Types of Nationalism ……………………………………………. 8
Learning Outcomes, Discussions, Self-Assessments, and Activities. Follow and …. Lesson 5: Nationalism in Asia ………………………………………………….. 10
perform the activities on your own. If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask
for assistance from your instructor.
References………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Remember to:

 Read and understand the Specific Learning Outcome(s). These tell you
what you should know and be able to do at the end of this module.

 Work through all the information and complete the activities in each

 Read the discussions very well. Suggested references are included to

supplement the materials provided in this module.

 After reading every discussion, test yourself on how much you learned by
means of the Self-Assessments. Use the White Book to write your

 Demonstrate what you learned by doing the Activities. You must be able
to apply what you have learned in another activity or in real life

 Keep all the outputs in your portfolio as a record of your

accomplishments and submit on the designated period.

Note: You need to complete this module before you can perform the next

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 3

The Essence of Nationalism and politically… nationalism is thus associated with the attempts by national
groupings to secure independence from dominance by other nation-states. It is
Lesson 1: NATIONALISM: MEANING AND CONCEPT often associated with the struggle against colonialism (Crystal 1990).

Nationalism is basically a European concept. It is wholly a Nationalism is a doctrine which provides a rationale for a group of
European export to the rest of the world. people to enjoy a government exclusively of their own and exercise full sovereign
Most of the historians agree that nationalism is modern origin. Yet many rights. It presupposes that mankind is divided into national compartments, each
of them have tried to detect in old times. Their concern with nationalism of which can be distinguished by certain common characteristics. Patriotism,
motivates them to detect it in the old civilization of yore. A strong
based on natural attachments to native soil, had always existed in one form or the
attachment to the soil where one s born and brought up, to local
other from time immemorial. Feeling of personal identification with some political
traditions and to established territorial authority had been prevalent
entity too has been known to humanity. Nationalism is fusion of these two very
throughout history in varying strength.
old feelings of emotional attachment. According to Prof. C.J.H. Hayes (1926:5-29),
According to Hans Khon (1946:3), modern nationalism originated in
Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the nineteenth century, it nationalism is “a modern emotional fusion and exaggeration of two phenomena
became a general European movement and in the twentieth, it has become one nationality and patriotism. Nationality is not an inborn characteristics. The
of the most explosive political philosophies that rule the world today. individual’s feeling that be belongs to a nation is the result of a continuous
In the course of its development nationalism has taken many forms and process of social learning and habit forming. Nationality in this sense need not be
expressions and it is impossible to define it in exact words. However, it meaning political form (Plamenatz 1976: 23-36). Nationality is mainly a matter of
and the concept can be analyzed with reference to the well-known histories of
psychological feeling. It is a belief on the part of its members that hey belong
nationalism. Prof. Hans Kohn (1965:9), a well-known authority on nationalism
defines the concept as “a state of mind, in which the supreme loyalty of the together and have common heritage and common traditions.
individual is felt to be due to the nation state” . Kohn further adds: “It is living
and active corporate will. It is this will which we call nationalism, a state of mind Patriotism means love of the land of birth and it was there in some or
inspiring the large majority of people and claiming to inspire all its members. It other local distinct form, even in the earliest times. This love of land extended to
asserts that the nation-state is the ideal and the only legitimate form of political one’s village, tribe, nation n or nationality. This patriotism or the feeling of loyalty
organization and that the nationality is the source of all culture creatively energy to the place, community or the ruler or the king has long existed in man’s mind.
and economic well-being” (10). The supreme loyalty of man is, therefore due to The fixtion of man’s supreme loyalty upon his nation or nationality marked the
his nationality, as his own life is supposedly rooted in and made possibly by iots beginning of the age of nationalism (Kohn 1947:97). And the fusion of nationality
welfare. Another practitioner, K.R. Minogue (1967:53) depicts nationalism as “ a
and patriotism led to the birth of modern nationalism.
set of ideas…..form of self expression by which a certain kind of political
excitement can be communicated from an elite to masses”.
Nationalism may be defined as a sentiment, loyalty or sympathy which
The Cambridge Encyclopedia attempts to define the concept of nationalism as: binds a group of people together through common institutions and culture, and
thus creates a unity among them (Royal Institute 1939:XV-XX). Apart from
A political doctrine which views the nation as the principal unit of political nationalism as in ideology, it has a concrete meaning. It may be taken to mean
organization. Underlying, this is the assumption that human being holds the so,e particular way or ways of manifesting national spirit and may be defined as
characteristics of nationality, with which they identify culturally, economically the sum total of social, political and national aspirations of the people. In this
sense, the ideas controlling the life and actions of a nation would constitute its
nationalism. It is amorphous and like religion, has diverse forms meaning different

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 4

things to different persons. It is essentially a state of mind, a strong feeling of citizen had to identify himself completely to the life of the city-state to become
personal identification with people around and a consciousness of a common thoroughly politicized. Plato in his Republic postulated the absolute precedence of
destiny with them, acquired through phenomenon, a continuously changing the state over the individual and idealized a closed and authoritarian state. Thus
process, both in tume and place. It is also understood as the universal urge for the Greeks entertained a sense of loyalty to the city-state
“liberty and progress” (Kohn 1926:10)
When the Romans succeeded the Greeks as rulers in Europe and
Nationalism comprises several basic elements: common race, language, established their empire, they achieved a single unified state with the result that
religion, traditions, history, geography, war etc.; but none of these factors by itself the city-states and the loyalty of citizens to those city-states disappeared. The
is enough to create a nation or nationalism. For instance, race is an important stoic philosophy preached the ideal of a world-state; and the Romans based their
factor in the formation of nationalism, but not quite essential. It is not necessarily institutions and law on that philosophy. The greatest poet of the Christian Middle
true that every nationality must have one race. In Canada, for example , the two Ages, Dante, also appreciated the idea of ‘the universalism of the Roman Empire’
main races-the English and the French- form one nationality. In India, several (Kohn 1965: 13).
races contribute to the Indian nationality.
There was also another very powerful unifying influence and that was
War also helps to develop nationalism in times of danger. Nationalism Christianity. The Church created a feeling of universal unity amongst the faithful.
usually leads to war if unchecked; and war again leads to nationalism. There are In the conflict for power between the Papacy and the Monarchy, people
wars of independence, imperialism and so on. War0time propaganda convinces supported the latter, as against the universalism represented by the former. The
the people that their country is in danger and it is their duty to place themselves prolonged conflict between the Church and the temporal power for the
at the disposal of the nation as patriots. supremacy of the State resulted in the rise of royal power after the Reformation
producing a new order of despotism. In fact, Reformation contributed to the
With this all-sided analysis of the concept, it would be clear that it is not development of national patriotism. Ambitious and autocratic monarchs in
very easy to define nationalism comprehensively, in all its aspects, in one or two England, France, Spain, Portugal and other countries consolidated their power
sentences and that it is not fruitful also. which led to the creation of national states in definite geographical area,
inhabited by population each having its own language, customs and traditions.
Some fundamental traits of nationalism were developed long ago. The
roots of nationalism spring form the ancient Hebrews and ancient Greeks. Both This was the beginning of modem nationalism. A lonely voice for
peoples had clearly defined consciousness of being different from all other nationalism was raised by Niccolo Machiaveli (1469-1527). His writing made a
people. The idea of nation-state was unknown to them, but they had the strong stirring appeal for national unity. His writing was full of national patriotism and
consciousness of a cultural mission. urged the unification of Italy and her preservation and protection from foreign
invasions. To achieve the purpose, he advocated an absolute monarchy as an
The essential traits of modern nationalism originated with the Hebrews:
effective system of government. This movement against the supremacy of the
the idea of the chosen people, the emphasis on the memory of the past and of
Church precipitated in Europe the building and consolidation of fairly large,
hopes for the future and finally national messianism.
homogeneous and independent states ruled by monarchs . The monarchy played
The Greeks shared with the Hebrews the feeling of cultural and spiritual a leading role in the building up of national unity and sovereignty.
superiority over all other people. In addition the Greeks developed the concept of
supreme loyalty to the political community, in their case the city-state. Every

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 5

The first full manifestation of modem nationalism occurred in seventeenth This change of the character of nationalism in the middle of the nineteenth
century England. Nationalism in England had its religious matrix and had seldom century occurred not only among the Germans but also among all the peoples of
known conflict between loyalty to the nation and loyalty to religion. English Central and Eastern Europe. The new spirit of violence, of the glorification of
nationalism was inspired by the concept of individual liberty with its roots in the heroic deeds, of the revival of a dim past and of its use as an inspirational source
Judeo-Christain, Greco-Roman traditions. This new feeling for liberty found its was first noticeable in 1848. But the revolutions of 1848 all over Central Europe
greatest expression in the writings of John Milton (1608-1674). To Milton failed to strengthen the cause of liberty, inspite of the sincere idealism of many of
nationalism was individual freedom from authority and not from ‘alien yoke’, it its participants. The idealism of 1848 failed largely because it aroused nationalist
was the self-assertion of the individual. To Milton, liberty was personal, religious passions and lacked the wisdom of patience and compromise. By 1852, the
and political. Milton’s Areopagitica is a fervent call for unlicensed freedom to second French Republic was dead, and no visible progress had been achieved on
print. the road to Italian and German unification. After 1848, nationalism entered the
age of Machtopolitik and Realpolitic, a policy based on power and self-interest
English nationalism and the English trading middle-class rose almost and not on humanitarian declarations.
simultaneously in the seventeenth century and both found their most forceful
expressions in the political philosophy ofJohn Locke (1632-1704). Locke upheld After the World War I, nationalism had to contend with the new ideologies
two fundamental principles that the individual, his liberty, dignity and happiness ofCommunism, Fascism and National Socialism. The inter-war period saw the
are the basic elements of all national life and that the government of a nation is a rapid rise in Europe of another form of nationalism, namely, integral nationalism
moral trust based on the free consent of the governed. His philosophy also which contained certain elements of Fascism, Communism and National
performed a great service to the new middle classes by its emphasis upon Socialism. This nationalism had its roots in Pan-movements like : Pan-Salvism,
property and the new justification for property, based not upon conquest but Pan-Germanism and Pan-Asianism. All this Pan-movements completely broke with
upon man’s labour and toil. the Western liberal tradition and turned to totalitarianism. The latter part ofthe
nineteenth century saw the rapidly growing prestige of the biological sciences.
Nationalism changed in the middle of the nineteenth century from The Western concept ofnationality was a political concept based upon free
liberal humanitarianism to aggressive exclusivism, from the emphasis on the individuality was now revived . It based nationality, and man’s political and
dignity ofthe individual to that on the power of the nation. In France, the republic spiritual allegiance upon ancestry or “blood”. This form ofnationalism has also
was overthrown not by the old monarchists but by Nepolean. In free elections, he been described as Biological Nationalism.
received the support of the people. The majority voted for him, as he was
spokesman of nationalism and social progress. France was a nation since 1789; The theory of Biological Nationalism was enunciated by Arthur de Gobineau
but no national problems were to be solved in 1848. In Central Europe, the year (1816-1882). It based nationalism on rule of blood in contrast to the original
1848, meant the awakening of the nationalities and their first bitter clash. But as concept of nationality as a political union ofindividuals united together by certain
the revolution progressed it became clear that it meant in Central Europe less a common bonds. According to this theory, racial blood created superior and
fraternal longing for human liberty than a divisive nationalism. The revolutionary inferior human races, and it claimed that it was only the superior race that had a
ferver was directed towards national goals rather than liberal ones. right to govern the inferior races. This racial theory was responsible for the wave
of anti-semitism in Europe, particularly in Germany and the consequential rise
ofJewish nationalism as a strong reaction to that anti-semitism. The anti-semites
regarded the Jews as ‘alien’ in their European homelands.

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 6

The Totalitarian Nationalism had well developed in Europe during the In 1835, the English historian, Thomas Macaulay, as Chairman of the Committee
interwar period and was practised in Soviet Russia in the form the Communism of Public Instruction in India, proposed to base Indian education upon the study of
and in Italy and Germany in the form of Fascism. Under the leadership of Lenin, the natural sciences and of die growth of liberty from ancient Greece to modem
the first totalitarian state directed against Western democracy. He was a follower England.
of the 15 internationalism of Karl Marx. Under Lenin’s leadership, the Russian
Empire was transformed into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which it was Lesson 2: Introduction to Nationalism
hoped would expand to include the entire globe. Within the Soviet Union the Nationalism is an ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a
particular nation (as in a group of people) especially with the aim of gaining and
various nationalities received territorial autonomy and the right to use and
maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland.
develop their own language. But within a totalitarian state, national liberty was as
unthinkable as individual liberty: all persons and all groups had absolutely to History of Nationalism
conform to the one uniform pattern imposed by the Communist Party and
doctrine. Whereas Communism, the first and most extreme totalitarian 19th century
movement, was in its original ideology not connected with nationalism, Fascism,
The political development of nationalism and the push for popular
was from the beginning an inflammation of nationalism It came first to power in
sovereignty culminated with the ethnic/national revolutions of Europe. During the
Italy under the leadership of Mussolini. Mussolini called the Italian people to its
19th century nationalism became one of the most significant political and social
mission of restoring Rome’s ancient glories, and he stimulated the cult of Roman
forces in history; it is typically listed among the top causes of World War I.
imperial past in every possible way. Fascism absolutized nationalism.
Napoleon's conquests of the German and Italian states around 1800–06 played a
The absolute devotion to the nation became the guiding principle of all major role in stimulating nationalism and the demands for national unity.
Fascist education. Fascist principles had been accepted by some governments in
Europe and also in Latin America and Asia. In realization of the dream of Fascism,
Nationalism in France gained early expressions in France's revolutionary
Mussolini had adopted the policy of aggression and conquest of other countries. government. In 1793, that government declared a mass conscription (levée en
But this dream could not be materialised, as Italy’s Fascism had to compete with masse) with a call to service:
the National Socialism of Germany under Adolf Hitler, which was also another
form of Fascism based on Racialism, Militarism and Authoritarianism. In the Russia
World War II, Fascism in Italy, Germany and Japan was completely destroyed but Before 1815, the sense of Russian nationalism was weak – what there
the Russian Totalitarian Nationalism survived with the aid of Western Democratic was focused on loyal obedience to the tsar. The Russian motto "Orthodoxy,
Autocracy, and Nationality" was coined by Count Sergey Uvarov and adopted by
Nationalism. The biggest and mightiest political force in the post-World War II
Emperor Nicholas I as official ideology. Three components of Uvarov's triad were:
period was nationalism. As a matter of fact, the World War II unleashed this
driving political force in Asia. Asia entered an epoch of great revolutionary Latin America
change. At the root of this revolution lay the awakened national consciousness of
the people, which was dormant before. In India, British policy and methods first An upsurge in nationalism in Latin America in 1810s and 1820s sparked
aroused the desire for individual liberty and self-government formerly unknown revolutions that cost Spain nearly all its colonies there. Spain was at war with
in the Orient. Britain from 1798 to 1808, and the British Royal Navy cut off its contacts with its
colonies so nationalism flourished and trade with Spain was suspended.

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 7

Germany Cultural Nationalism
In the German states west of Prussia, Napoleon abolished many of the Cultural nationalism is a form of nationalism in which the nation is
old or medieval relics, such as dissolving the Holy Roman Empire in 1806. He defined by a shared culture. It is an intermediate position between ethnic
imposed rational legal systems and demonstrated how dramatic changes were nationalism and civic nationalism. Therefore, it focuses on a national identity
possible. His organization of the Confederation of the Rhine in 1806 promoted a shaped by cultural traditions, but not on the concepts of common ancestry or
feeling of nationalism. race.
"Cultural nationalism" does not tend to manifest itself in independent
Italy movements, but is a moderate position within a larger spectrum of nationalist
Italian nationalism emerged in the 19th century and was the driving ideology.
force for Italian unification or the Risorgimento (meaning the "Resurgence" or
"Revival"). It was the political and intellectual movement that consolidated the
different states of the Italian peninsula into the single state of the Kingdom of What was the essence of cultural Nationalism?
Italy in 1861. The memory of the Risorgimento is central to Italian nationalism but
it was based in the liberal middle classes and ultimately proved weak. Cultural nationalism generally refers to ideas and practices that relate to
the intended revival of a purported national community's culture. If political
Lesson 3: The growth of Nationalism nationalism is focused on the achievement of political autonomy, cultural
nationalism is focused on the cultivation of a nation.
The growth of Nationalism
Where do you come from – which country? That’s the question we ask Lesson 4: Types of Nationalism
first to pin down a stranger; belonging to a nation-state is one of out most
important characteristics. Ethnic nationalism

Yet the global patchwork of countries is of fairly recent origin – and nothing like as Ethnic nationalism defines the nation in terms of ethnicity, which always
‘natural’ a way of occupying the earth as you might think. includes some element of descent from previous generations, i.e. genophilia. It
A nation is a group of people who share a common history. They are likely to have also includes ideas of a culture shared between members of the group and with
the same culture and traditions and probably the same language. their ancestors, and usually a shared language. Membership in the nation is
A Nation – State assumes that everyone within the territory of the state belongs hereditary.
to the same nation. The nation-state (loosely called a ‘country’) forms the basis of
international political divisions. Civic nationalism

Nationalism is the ideology which holds the nation and the state together. It takes Civic nationalism, also known as liberal nationalism, is a form of
many forms but usually involves a semi-mystical attachment to the ‘historic nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in an inclusive form of
homeland’ and its supreme authority. nationalism that adheres to traditional liberal values of freedom, tolerance,
equality, and individual rights.
A state is the supreme political authority within a sharply defined territory. But it
is independent both of the ruler – who can be replaced – and of the subjects.

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 8

Expansionist nationalism Revolutionary nationalism

Expansionist nationalism is an aggressive radical form of nationalism or Revolutionary nationalism, also known as radical nationalism, is an
ethnic nationalism (ethnonationalism) that incorporates autonomous, heightened ideological theory that calls for a national community united by a shared sense of
ethnic consciousness and patriotic sentiments with atavistic fears and hatreds purpose and destiny. It was first attributed to adherents of the revolutionary
focused on "other" or foreign peoples, framing a belief in expansion or recovery syndicalism and heavily promulgated by Benito Mussolini. This intellectual
of formerly owned territories through militaristic means. synthesis of "radical nationalism and dissident socialist" formed in France and
Italy at the beginning of the 20th century.
Romantic nationalism
Concepts of Nationalism
Romantic nationalism, also known as organic nationalism and identity
nationalism) is the form of ethnic nationalism in which the state derives political A political doctrine which views the nation as the principal unit of political
legitimacy as a natural ("organic") consequence and expression of the nation, organization. Underlying this is the assumption that human beings hold the
race, or ethnicity. It reflected the ideals of Romanticism and was opposed to characteristic of nationality, with which they identify culturally, economically and
Enlightenment rationalism. Romantic nationalism emphasized a historical ethnic politically... Nationalism is thus associated with the attempts by national
culture which meets the Romantic Ideal; folklore developed as a Romantic groupings to secure independence from dominance by other nation-states. It is
nationalist concept. often associated with die struggle against colonialism (Crystal 1990).

Nationalism is a doctrine which provides a rationale for a group of people to enjoy

The Brothers Grimm were inspired by Herder's writings to create an idealized a government exclusively of their own and exercise full sovereign rights. It
collection of tales which they labeled as ethnically German. Historian Jules presupposes that mankind is divided into national compartments, each of which
Michelet exemplifies French romantic-nationalist history.
can be distinguished by certain common characteristics.
Cultural nationalism
Types of Nationalism in the US
Cultural nationalism defines the nation by shared culture. Membership
Restrictive nationalism, or the belief that the only true Americans are
(the state of being members) in the nation is neither entirely voluntary (you
Christians, speak English, and were born in the United States.
cannot instantly acquire a culture), nor hereditary (children of members may be
considered foreigners if they grew up in another culture). Yet, a traditional culture
Ardent nationalism, or the belief that the United States is superior ethnically,
can be more easily incorporated into an individual's life, especially if the individual
racially, or culturally to other countries. This can be referred to as ethnic
is allowed to acquire its skills at an early stage of his/her own life. Cultural
nationalism, too. White nationalists espouse white supremacist or white
nationalism has been described as a variety of nationalism that is neither purely
separatist ideologies and believe non-whites are inferior.
civic nor ethnic. The nationalisms of Catalonia, Quebec and Flanders have been
described as cultural.
Civic or liberal nationalism, the belief that America's democratic
institutions and constitutionally protected liberties are superior, or exceptional

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 9

Crisis on global Nationalism
Growth was likewise driven in the populous nation-states of China and India,
Gunnar Myrdal is remembered for an expanded vision of development despite their disparity in experiments with socialist forms of development and
that accounted for institutions. Unfortunately, he also perpetuated a view that varied U.S. influence. Growth in both nations was enabled by powerful nationalist
nationalism in Asia, fueled by ignorant and superstitious religiosity, was bad for movements—especially revolutionary nationalism in China—premised on a more
development and that European nationalism was better: “In Europe, nationalism, equitable contract with the population than the older imperialist order.
despite its association with romanticism, remained secular and rational at its Development, in other words, was encouraged by the inclusive nationalism that
core.” grew out of redistributive justice and the economic and political failures of the
older system, and the rise of new classes that demanded change.
In Southeast Asia, the rise of the nation paired with inclusion (in a Japan-centered
Nationalism can be seen as a complex relationship and, like most such regional economy) led to growth during the 1970s-1990s. Interdependence was
relationships, people have to work hard to balance the tension between self and cemented after the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 as the region emerged with
others. While many nations have succeeded in using nationalism to develop, this new ideas for shared economic security through the Association of Southeast
same nationalism has also generated forms of exclusivism and competition that Asian Nations (ASEAN). While nationalist competition within ASEAN continues, it
make it hard to resolve shared global problems. Economic development is an is still a major force for integration and growth.
important—but not the only—goal that nations must pursue. While some see the
rise of nationalism, or you might even say, tribalism, as a sign of the end of the The earliest forms of nationalism in Europe were closely linked to imperialism and
world, there is actually a form of self-interest that has increased growth. the twin forces of economic development and exclusion, which continued well
into the twentieth century. As Eric Hobsbawm has pointed out, imperial
expansion was justified by a nationalism that was more racist than rational.
Japan provides a surprising example. Meiji Japan’s top-down nationalism Hannah Arendt points out that imperialists were able to harness nationalism
led to rapid expansion of its own development as well as to imperial expansion. because they claimed to supersede the reality of internal national divisiveness and
While the cruelties of Japanese colonialism have rightfully led to its denunciation, represent the glory of the nation.
for various reasons, the institutions and programs established during Japan’s rule
in the colonies were well suited to modern development. Through the World Wars and on into the post-war peace, this “glory” has
expressed itself in both hate and inclusion.
After the war, countries such as Korea and Taiwan were able to adapt
Japan’s top-down model, its colonial institutions and a virulent anti-communist How can these impacts be so profoundly different?
nationalism that—when combined with the security and economic opportunity by
the United States—led to rapid growth. By the late 1970s, this exclusive form of Scholars often distinguish between two types of nationalism: an ethnic
nationalism was replaced in both countries by a grass-roots nationalism that variety built on race, religion, and language, versus a civic nationalism, in which
demanded more participatory modes of political and economic governance, rights are granted to all citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, language, religion,
leading to more balanced growth. or culture. German nationalism is, for example, often condemned as ethnic and
exclusive, whereas Anglo-French nationalism is seen to be civic and inclusive

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 10

It is this the civic model that Myrdal had in mind when comparing 06. This refers to a shared heritage, which usually includes a common language, a
Europe and South Asia, and it is this model that was dominant during the first few common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry.
decades after the Second World War, embedded in the protocols of the United a. Nation b. Civic Nationalism
Nations and eventually leading to a notion of development that includes the c. Patriotism d. nationalism
eradication of poverty and higher standards of living for all. 07. It is also known as radical nationalism and ideological theory that calls for a
national community united by a shared sense of purpose and destiny.
Unfortunately, central to the modern history of nation-states is the alternation a. Revolutionary Nationalism b. Language Nationalism
between capitalist expansion and a closing off of the national economy based on c. Post-Colonial Nationalism d. Cultural Nationalism
“the principle of social protection” but also on ethnic exclusivism and hostile 08. He was known for a leader of the Philippine Revolution and founded the
nationalism. Today, aided by the volatility of the global economy, a narrower secret society of Katipunan that fight against the Spaniard conqueror.
ethnic—sometimes even racist—vision of the nation has reasserted itself, which a. Emilio Jacinto b. Andres Bonifacio
can be seen in the support of elected populist leaders around the globe. c. Panday Pira d. Jose Rizal
09. He was the Chief of Mactan who led the first successful Filipino armed
Self-Assessment 1 (10 points) resistance against Spanish aggression.
a. Lapu-Lapu b. Emilio Jacinto
Directions: Underline the letter which you perceive as the correct answer.
c. Jose Rizal d. Andres Bonifacio
10. This refers to a sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all
01. This refers to a form of nationalism wherein the nation is defined in terms of
others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and
a. Ethical Nationalism b. Ethnic
a. Nationalist b. Patriotism
c. Nationalism d. Ethnic
c. Civic Nationalism d. Romantic Nationalism
02. This refers to the large groups of people who have certain racial, cultural,
Discuss the following
religious, or other traits in common.
a. Ethics b. Ethnic
Activity 1 (10 points)
c. Ethical nationalism d. Ethnic
03. This refers to a form of nationalism identified by political philosophers who
1. Introduction to Nationalism
believe in an inclusive form of nationalism that adheres with traditional
liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights.
Activity 2 (10 points)
a. Civic Nationalism b. Expansionist Nationalism
c. Romantic Nationalism d. Ethnic Nationalism
1. Make a research on the History of Nationalism. Make summary of your
04. It is a way of thinking that says that some groups of humans, such as ethnic
groups, should be free to rule themselves.
a. Cultural Nationalism b. Revolutionary nationalism
Activity 3 (10 points)
c. Civic Nationalism d. Nationalism
05. This refers to an aggressive and radical form of nationalism that incorporates
1. Make a timeline on the growth of Nationalism.
autonomous, patriotic sentiments with a belief in empire-building or
recovering formerly owned territories.
Activity 4 (10 points)
a. Revolutionary Nationalism b. Expansionist nationalism
c. Civic Nationalism d. Cultural Nationalism
1. Make a table of comparison between Expansionist Nationalism from
Romantic Nationalism.

Module 1 |Chapter 1: The Essence of Nationalism 11

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