If They Took Away The Music Would You Still Follow Jesus

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June 14, 2013

If They Took Away The Music Would You Still Follow Jesus?

Hindu Smith

People today claim spirituality

More about on feeling good and not.

People are not interested more on doctrinal security.

Preaching of God’s Word – “Truth shall set you free”.

II Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all
longsuffering and doctrine.

Doctrine is important that tells the Revelation of God. We need to stand for specific doctrine, believing a
specific doctrine – “Bible Doctrine”

Wrong doctrine leads you to wrong teaching.

They have given up for searching absolute truth. Why? People become progressively self seeking
generation. But Jesus says, “Denying ourselves” it involves self – denial.

Self – denial is the opposite of self – seeking. People want to follow Jesus for a wrong reason.

Matthew 16:24 “Let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

Jesus discerns false motives in their heart. The people are just interested to fill their belly but not
interested to God. Jesus has His own agenda.

Ptr. Garry Billy

How is required holiness – multitude of people today say they follow Jesus.

“Focus is music why and line the contemporary music”

Music plays in such a part in our ministry. Ministry is taken over in our ministries.

Contemporary music focus on getting people from the outside.

A world leader on how to reach people.

The purpose derive church

People seeking for self?

The power of music – might be critical and influential that we use in church.
Music dominates today in Christian Church

In contemporary church salvation fall emphasis on music in losing the plot of instead of preaching God’s
word about salvation.

Verse 28. What shall we do that we might work the works of God? The Lord knew they destined
ultimately for destruction. The Lord knew their motives. Jesus knew that they were not true
worshippers. Their desires, motives were self worship. Sight acceptable for people.

Sermon on the bread of life. Jesus tell the multitude just like that manner that is a type or a picture of

Verse 51. “I am the living bread which came down from heaven”

Jesus knew that the people were not interested in following the Lord.

Verse 53. “Verily, verily, I say unto you ...” Jesus speaks of His resurrection.

John 6:55 “For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.”

John 6:66 “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him.” The many
who tend and went back was His disciples, not only the crowd but also the followers of Jesus went back.

Millions today who follows Jesus only because of music.

Why did they reject Jesus?

1. He was not the man, He was not the king.

Jesus was taking away all except living about the resurrection.

What if Jesus had done exactly the same thing?

Jesus rebuke them, wanted the people only to worship him. I never knew ye work of iniquity.

Music even good music today counterfeit worship.

The nature of music counterfeit of being spiritual provide such emotional, and spiritual get
carnal on living. Music today used as a counterfeit for spirituality.

What you look for in your church? Is it the adoring thought of God or only of music?
June 21. 2013

Speaker: Sir EJ Marquez

“If They Took Away Music”

Does music matter?


 To be able to explain why music is important for worship.

 To be able to explain how music

Motivation: If Christians don’t see the importance of music for the Christian life or for the glory of God.

Musical Principles: It aims to demonstrate biblical music.

The Biblical Importance of Music.

Is music important to us? How significant it is?

 How about in our society or community? Is music important?

 How about in our house?
 How about in our churches?
 How about in you?
 Does music matter to God?

Music matter Scripturally: because it is in the Word of God.

According to McLedge: 31, 000 verses – to music. The number of occurrence is not an issue but the

4 Important Context where Music Mention in the Bible:

1. WORSHIP – first and every prominent where music is mentions.

 Old Testament
Israel – theocratic the nature of government.
 God is their ruler
 All of their activity (religious or civil) entertaining
 Song of Victory

2 Samuel 1:17 – 27 They have music for all sorts of occasion.

Music for celebration like e.g. the prodigal son but not for corporate worship in the
temple ( I Chron. 23:1-7)

God does not want entertaining in our worship.

 A Levites, a man of 30 years of age upward vs. 3
 Verse 5 Its “praised music” Music that praise God.

Music should be included in our worship service, just like prayer, preaching, giving
even singing are part of music.

 In the Bible, Music is high, a vehicle of tool
 Col. 3:16 Music being an important vehicle, certainly part of the power of.
 The power of music is to accompany and enhance God’s truth.
 Songs throughout the Bible are filled.
 Poetically arrange – Phil 2:6-11; II Tim. 2:15

 Music has the ability to express and change emotions. – I Sam 2:16

 In the Bible is filled with aesthetic.
 Important means of expressing beauty, thus leading us supreme beauty.
 Ps. 19:1, Rom. 1:20 – Music as part of creation that can express God like beauty.
 Music is significant therefore music is important to God.

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