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25.8.11 Port News Explain this Jack about your alleged "rabble": 1.

Only western world economy to avoid recession during recent GFC 2. Entire cost of above will peak at $106.6b in 2011-12 at 7.2% of GDP, with net debt to decrease to 5.8% of GDP in 2014-15. 3. Australia ranks 98 lowest nation on government debt severity (09/10). In 2011/12 it will overtake Gibraltar to be in striking distance behind half a dozen oil-rich states for No 1 ranking as "least indebted nation". Of course we're talking government debt here, not private. continued ... 4. Australia was recently reassessed AAA by credit agencies. 5. Australia now challenges Norway for No 1 position on the UN's Human Development Index. The challenge for you "Jack" (JohnDT, I'm after some intelligence, so keep out) is to try sticking to the above points and see if you can find any of the contents in error. Like it or not "Jack", Gillard Labor is just the modern version of Australia's oldest political party, the one that got us through a couple of world wars, a Great Depression, built the harbour bridge, opera house, rebuilt the economy under Keating, etc.
Posted by Alan MacIntrye, 25/08/2011 8:40:09 AM, on Port Macquarie New

25.8.11: Port Paper Hard to judge where Oakeshott stands on the basis of such a concocted poll. Even Robert Mugabe would blush over the gall of this one. As most year 8's (morning Kezza) would know, polls can be twisted to arrive at almost any outcome anyone or any particular party requires. Simply, you ask a series of negatives, then finish up with the question you want a particular answer for. Example, i) has your mother-in-law ever said anything negative to anyone? ii) has your mother-in-law said anything negative about you? iii) has any of your in-laws ever criticized your views? Fine so far. The questioner then asks iv) can in-laws sometimes contribute to family arguments? Bingo, you then have a headline for the Port Paper: IN-LAWS BREAK-UP FAMILIES - 90% SAY BUTT OUT!! Now Sharon, back to your silly stunt, or, if Rob Oakeshott cares to poll 700+ days out from an election, try these alternatives for a completely different outcome (incidentally, all are intended to be accurate): 1. Are you aware that the Queen believes action on global warming is urgently required? 2. Are you aware Elizabeth II spelt-out her concerns to Commonwealth leaders at a Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in 2009, and demanded they take action? 3. Are you aware that the Queen said millions of lives could be affected? 4. Following the Queen's request, are you aware that most Commonwealth countries are

acting to rein-in their emissions? 5. Are you aware the UK has established a target of 80% carbon emission reduction by 2050 and Australia's target is only 5%? 6. Do you generally agree or disagree with the Queen? Yes/No 7. Do you believe Australian should help reduce air pollution and carbon emissions? Now here comes the fun bit: 7. Should Rob Oakeshott, your local MP: chose to a) follow the advice of the Queen, plus all governments of Europe, the Prime Ministers of the UK and NZ, all 40 of the western world's main scientific academies, NASA, CSIRO, the United Nations, the Pope, on reducing Australian carbon emissions; or b) follow Tony Abbott? 8. Should Rob Oakeshott do more to stop chronic gamblers stealing money from their employers and families by preventing them gambling more than certain annual amounts they and their families agree to? Then ask the question about voter intentions. Reachtel Marketing declined to confirm or deny whether Port Paper designed the poll questions. I say you did. Port Paper 25.8.11 Juliar The difference between your posts and mine is that no one comments on yours. "Comrade Geoff" you forgot the Libs have a bit of a problem with one of their MP's too, you know the one charged with shoplifting and assault. You didn't put that story out in the same vein, did you? Don't you think the independents are being even-handed with both Thomson and Fisher, or would you prefer readers only read about Thomson?? Actually, I'd almost bet both survive to the next election. Just for you though Geoff, let me introduce Mary-Jo Fisher: (As well Geoff, I checked those two sites you wanted me to. I sent replies, but obviously not in time. Anyway, the stuff on the Czech President confirms suspicion that he's "the Kremlin's man in Czechoslovakia" and, sorry mate, I'm not into communism. The carbon test is impossible to get more than 4 out of 10 and still be correct. Try googling: for the correct answers. Basically, only dunces get 10/10 on that fraudulent exercise). 25.8.11 Only the Port Paper could take this mob seriously. I say "mob", but "ferals" may be more apt. A substantial chunk are associated with the Citizens Electorate Council, a right-wing antisemitic outfit which has been carrying-out a harassment campaign against, of all people, the Queen - particularly since it learnt of the Royal Family's insistence on Commonwealth leaders taking action to reduce carbon emissions. The CEC is an offshoot of the crank LaRouche Movement whose leaders spend about as much time in prison as they do campaigning to undermine western democracy. Try this if you like reading crime stories: Sorry to disappoint, but the 200 odd sods and Winnebagos that turned out in Canberra have

become a national laughing stock. GH wrote his article on the day "the Parrot in Pink Socks" went ballistic, and it's been all downhill since.

---------------------24.8.11 Port News I m interested in where the planet will be in 50 years time ..." How unusual - when here's me thinking the Libs/Nats have only one moral imperative $$$$. "JohnD", "JohnT", "Spots" and co - you'd better get onto this, lest Heffo and co. start turning the Libs into some sort of outfit concerned about things other than selfishness and pure materialism. Incidentally, the effects of human civilization will not end in 50 years, so here's a tough one: try figure out how things might look in 500 years.

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