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Dianne C.

Yambot E-Commerce with Digital Marketing




UI / UX Webinar Reaction Paper

In this UI / UX Webinar that conduct in March 2, 2023 at FEU Tech 15th Floor MPR. They

first tackle about the UX research that discuss by Patrick Narvasa. According to Don Norman and

Jakob Nielsen,”User experience” encompasses all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the

company, its services, and its productions. Patrick Narvasa also discuss about that understanding

a user’s behavioral needs and motivation, as well as pain points when doing a task or using a

product. The goal is to discover problems and opportunities to address for a meaningful and guided

design process. There are also different methods when conducting a research, there is primary

research which you can conduct by yourself, get answer directly form a participant usually through

tests or interviews. There is also a secondary research that gathering data from another research.

Saves times and effort, usually used to validate your own findings. Patrick also discuss about the

Qualitative research that gathers observable data, while Quantitative research gathers measurable

data according to him. There are also user interviews that gather insights towards users by

questioning and listening while usability tests evaluate a product’s design by observing how users

complete certain tasks.

In this part Diannah Santos discusses about the UI/UX design that has the same context

from what Patrick Narvasa discusses, but some part like User discusses by Diannah, the
importance of the design such as user-centered design, to understand, specify, design and evaluate.

Diannah also tackles the common user experience frameworks, that creates the basic structure that

focuses and support the problem you are trying solve, that is has five (5) elements framework,

design thinking frameworks, the first one is the Strategy, where you lay a foundation of your design

goals. The second is the Scope where you determine the type of product you are building. Third is

the Structure that you will figure out how to organize your design and how you want user to interact

with the product. Fourth is Skeleton, it layers details how your design works. And the last is

Surface, it represents how the product looks to the user. Diannah also talked about Design Thinking

Process that has five actionable steps which are empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test.

All of the discussion in the GTWU v2.0: UI/UX iTamaraw Talks, Workshop &

Competition has taught me the importance of the UI/UX especially when you are creating website

for your business that it is important that you know everything about creating UI and it is helpful

to keep in mind the four Cs that deliberate which are; Consistency, Continuity, Context, and


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