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Smart Guess & Test Paper

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Class: 9th- English Marks: 35 Exam Format: Chapter Wise MCQs
Time: 30 min Date: 13th March, 2023
Obtained Marks: Examiner Sig:

A. Tick “T” for True and “F” for false. (1×5=5)

1. Democracy is example of concrete noun. T F
2. Shoes are example of abstract noun. T F
3. A compound noun combines two or more words into one. T F
4. Summary should not be short and in your own words. T F
5. A Muslim is he from whose hand and tongue the Muslims are safe. T F

B. Choose “C” for countable noun and “UC” for uncountable noun. (1×5=5)
6. Knowledge C UC
7. Help C UC
8. Students C UC
9. Money C UC
10. A few questions C UC

C. Choose the word with correct spelling. (1×10=10)

a) Ostracised b) Ostracized c) Ostrocised d) Octracized
a) Compation b) Comfassion c) Compassion d) Campassion
a) Restrain b) Restraine c) Ristrain d) Rystrain
a) Preservance b) Parsaverance c) Perseverance d) Perzerverance
a) Precedence b) Precedense c) Pracedence d) Prasedence
a) Skarcity b) Scarsity c) Scarcity d) Scercity
a) Cloak b) Claok c) Cloac d) Clok
a) Gracious b) Graciouse c) Grasious d) Grecious
a) Renaunced b) Ranounced c) Renounced d) Renounsed
a) Vangeance b) Vengyance c) Vengeiance d) Vengeance

D. Choose the correct meaning of the underline word. (1×10=10)
21. Which one is not the meaning of Epitome?
a) Exemplar b) Essence c) Expansion d) Concern
22. Amnesty mean
a) Pardon b) Punishment c) Penalty d) Sentence
23. Dreadful
a) Pleasant b) Comforting c) Unpleasant d) Relaxing
24. Counseling
a) Ignorance b) Advising c) Distracting d) Learning
25. Which is not the meaning of Revenge?
a) Payback b) Retaliation c) Vengeance d) Friendship
26. Violence
a) Calm b) Ferocity c) Peace d) Order
27. Conquest
a) Failure b) Victory c) Surrender d) Loss
28. Adversity
a) Hardship b) Ease c) Joy d) Comfort
29. Debt
a) Cash b) Asset c) Loan d) Money
30. Scared
a) Unafraid b) Encouraged c) Confident d) Afraid

E. Choose the correct answer. (1×5=5)

31. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) lived in a valley called------------------.
a) Basra b) Shab-Abi-Talib c) Makah d) Madina

32. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) forgave ------------ and his wife.

a) Abu Bakar b) Abu Safyan c) Abu Huraira d) Umer

33. Indeed, Allah is with the--------------.

a) Patient b) Cruel c) Violent d) Impatient

34. After the conquest of Makah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ordered his followers to
a) Kindness b) Tolerant c) Both a & b d) None of these

35. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was ostracized by which tribe?

a) Banu Hashim b) Banu Asad c) Quraish d) Banu Umayya

(Good Luck)

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