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User’s manual

for the operating terminal software

Calipso ProVi
in correspondences with the

User’s manual Calipso ProGUI

Review 4

 Füll Systembau GmbH

Richard-Klinger-Straße 31 • 65510 Idstein / Germany
phone +49(0) 61 26/5 98 - 0 • facsimile +49(0) 61 26/5 44 15
User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Table of Contents Page

The dispensing program Calipso Pro 3

Communication of the system parts 4

Operating the program via display screen and keyboard 5

Start screen “Center 1” of the Calipso ProVi program for the dispensing center 1 6
Start screen “Center 1”, F2 Log in “Logon user” 7
Start screen “Center 1”, F2 “Log off” 8

Basic screen “Center 1” of the Calipso ProVi program 9

Status messages, alarms and errors 10
Explanation of the push button functions in the basic screen 11
Program parts 12

Basic screen “Center 1”, F3 Stock “Storage administration” 14

F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F2 Agitation “Raw material agitation” 16
F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F3 Recirculation “Raw material recirculation” 17
F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F6 Book material “Book raw material” 18
F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F7 Correct material “Book raw material” 19

Basic screen “Center 1”, F4 Service “Service” 20

F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters“ Parameters 1” 23
Explanation of the dispensing process by a single component 23
Dispensing parameters 23
Setting of the dispensing parameters 24
F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Coarse 24
F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Medium 25
F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Fine 25
F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1”, F7 Parameters 2 “Parameters 2” 27
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration” 28
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Admin. “Administration”, F2 Product key “Product key” 29
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Admin. “Administration”, F8 User administration “Overview users” 29
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Admin. “Administration”, F9 User administration “Overv. user classes” 31
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Admin. “Administration”:F10 Change password “Change password” 33
F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F11 Import user 33

Basic screen “Center 1”, F8 Language 34

Basic screen “Center 1”, F9 Dispensing order “Order dispensing” 35

F9 Dispensing “Order dispensing”, F4 Start dispensing 38
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing initialized” 38
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing running” 39
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with manual component” 40
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with interruption” 42
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with batch container error” 43
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with tolerance error” 44
Dispensing procedure “Dispensing finished” 45

Basic screen “Center 1”, F12 / General F12 Alarm list “Alarms” 46

Error messages and alarms 47

Error messages 47
Alarms 49

List of reviews 55

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

The dispensing program Calipso Pro

The dispensing program Calipso Pro consists of Calipso ProGUI, Calipso ProPLC and Calipso
ProVi. The dispensing program makes possible the visual control and processing of the necessary
data for storage, dispensing and handling of raw materials and completed formulations. Additionally
it processes, saves and transmits information jointly with the system control.

Calipso ProGUI installed on a workplace PC (office computer). This PC is equipped with the
necessary input and output equipment (keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer). It is connected by
data cable to the server PC in the electric switch cabinet (MCC) and can be optionally integrated into
a network, e.g. to process data from a color metric computer or host computer.

Calipso ProPLC is the software of the system control (PLC). This program coordinates the
necessary steps in the specified production procedure, supervises the proper functioning of the
various system elements, records the production procedure, registers any disturbances, which occur,
and makes sure that the specified safety procedures are carried out.

Calipso ProVi is the software of the operating terminal. This manual explains how the software

Calipso ProGUI and Calipso ProVi operate with Microsoft Windows.

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Communication of the system parts

This schematic diagram clearly shows the integrated communication system inside the whole plant.
A data exchange can be made possible via network connection.

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Operating the program via display screen and keyboard

To know the functions of the dispensing software Calipso ProGUI Standard helps for a better
understanding of the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi.

After having started the dispensing system, the start screen for input of the user name and password
opens at the operating terminal.

In principle, the keyboard or mouse of the operating terminal can operate the program Calipso
ProVi. All essential commands can be carried out with the help of the function keys.

In this manual, all screens (masks) and dialog boxes or forms of the operating terminal software
Calipso ProVi are characterized by “quotation marks”.

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Start screen “Center 1” of the Calipso ProVi program for the dispensing center 1

The start screen of the dispensing center 1 shows the actual weight in [kg] of the active scale (here
a 299 kg scale) and the logged in user. If no user is logged in, the function keys F3 to F12 are
inaccessible. Therefore, a user has the choice of to log in, to leave the screen as it is or to shut the
program down via the ESC / Cancel key (only if this user got the permission for closing the

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Start screen “Center 1”, F2 Log in “Logon user”

Pressing F2 Log in opens a dialog box for the input of the user name and the password. By
confirmation with OK or Enter the basic screen opens and the function keys F3 Stock, F4
Service, F8 Language, F9 Dispensing and F12 Alarm list are enabled to operate the dispensing
Center 1 (depending on the individual user rights).

Function keys with lucent labeling belong to optional available software enhancement. Their
explanation takes place in separate instructions.

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Start screen “Center 1”, F2 Log off

Pressing F2 Log in opens a dialog box for the input of the user name and the password.
Confirmation by pressing the Log off opens the start screen (basic screen).

Only from the start screen, the program can be shut off by the input of the user name and password
(only if this user got the permission for closing the program).


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Basic screen “Center 1” of the Calipso ProVi program

The basic screen dispensing “Center 1” (more than one dispensing center with an operating
terminal can be integrated in the production process) enables the logged in user to operate the
system by the use of the program Calipso ProVi.

The program function keys shown below the status line can be operated via the keyboard function
keys or by the use of the mouse pointer.

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Status messages, alarms and errors

In the status line of the basic screen messages (highlighted grey), alarms and errors (highlighted red)
are shown. If more than one error occurs, the last one is shown.

For example:

Alarms and errors are shown in the “Alarm list” via the function key F12

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Explanation of the push button functions in the basic screen:

Opens the Help function.

Opens the start screen for log in.

Opens the “Storage administration” screen with the functions

Agitation, Recirculation, Store, Book material, Correct material,
Previous container and Next container.

Opens the “Service” screen with the functions Tare, Change scale,
Clean, Initialize platform, Basic position, Parameters, Empty scale,
Lamp test, Initialize actuator and Administration.

Switches the display over to a country-specific language.

Opens the “Order dispensing” screen with the function Start


Opens the “Alarm list” screen.

Closes the current screen or terminates the program.

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Program parts

In an open (none restricted) access mode the program parts are:

Start screen “Center 1”, F2 “Log in”

F2 “Log in” (start screen for the dispensing center 1)

Basic screen “Center 1” of the Calipso ProVi program

F2 “Log-off”

F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F2 Agitation

 “Raw material agitation”
F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F3 Recirculation
 “Raw material recirculation”
F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F6 Book material
 “Book raw material”
F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F7 Correct material
 “Book raw material”
F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F10 Previous container
F3 Stock  “Storage administration”, F11 Next container

F4 Service  “Service”, F2 Tare

F4 Service  “Service”, F3 Change scale
F4 Service  “Service”, F4 Clean
F4 Service  “Service”, F5 Initialize platform
F4 Service  “Service”, F6 Basic position
F4 Service  “Service“, F7 Parameters
 “Parameters 1“, F2 Copy
 “Parameters 1“, F3 Paste
 “Parameters 1“, F4 Save
 “Parameters 1“, F5 Start
 “Parameters 1“, F6 Stop
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F2 Copy
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F3 Paste
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F4 Save
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F5 Start
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F6 Stop
 “Parameters 1“, F7 Parameters 2  “Parameters 2“, F7 Parameters 1
F4 Service  “Service”, F8 Empty scale
F4 Service  “Service”, F9 Lamp test
F4 Service  “Service”, F10 Initialize actuator
F4 Service  “Service”, F11 Administration
 “Administration”, F2 Product key  “Product key”
 “Administration“, F7 Layout print  “Design reports“
 “Administration“, F8 User administration  “User overview“
 “Administration“, F9 User class administration  “Overview user classes“
 “Administration“, F10 Change password  “Change password“
 “Administration“, F11 Import user

F8 Country-specific language  select / change program languages

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F9 Dispensing  “Order dispensing“

 “Order dispensing“, F4 Start dispensing

F12 Alarm list  “Alarms“

 “Alarms”, F2 Confirm
 “Alarms”, F3 Select alarm
 “Alarms”, F4 Reset formulation data

The explanation of the push buttons F1 Help and F12 Alarm list on the single screens was left

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Basic screen “Center 1”, F3 Stock “Storage administration”

On the left side of the “Storage administration” screen, a process flow sheet of the stored raw
material is shown. Colors highlight the present actions accompanied by following information:

the capacity of the storage container [l]

the raw material liquid level in the storage container [l]
does an agitator exist / the raw material is agitating
does a pump exist / the raw material is pumping
are the ball valves are in charging position / the raw material is pumping
are the ball valves are in dispensing position / the raw material is dispensing

In addition, in the left side form all necessary physical and logistic data of the stored raw material are

the name of the raw material container

the stored raw material
the specific gravity / density of the raw material [kg/dm³]
the price of the raw material per kg
the viscosity of the raw material [mPa s]
the supplier of the raw material
additional information
the actual stock of the raw material in [kg] and [l]
the minimum stock level of the raw material in [kg] und[l]
the lump sum price of the raw material
information of the raw material batch
the charging date of the raw material

By the help of the pull-down menu of the container name or the function keys F10 Previous
container or F12 Next container all stored raw materials can be shown.

A click of the mouse on the agitator motor opens the screen “Raw material agitation”.

A click of the mouse on the pump motor opens the screen “Raw material recirculation”.

Data input in this form at the on-side terminal is not possible. The data entry has to be made at the
office PC!

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Screen F3 Stock “Storage administration”


Function keys of the “Storage administration” screen:

F2 Agitation
opens the screen “Raw material agitation”.

F3 Recirculation
opens the screen “Raw material recirculation”.

F6 Book raw material

opens the screen “Book raw material”.

F7 Correct raw material

opens the screen “Raw material correction”.

F10 Previous container

F11 Next container

F12 Alarm list

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F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F2 Agitation “Raw material agitation”

In addition to the automatic agitation times of the program Calipso ProGUI Standard it is possible
for the operator to stir a raw material before further processing via the operating terminal.
This separate and additional agitation process does not have an influence on the automatic agitation
cycles set by the dispensing program Calipso ProGUI Standard at the office PC.


The function key F2 Agitation of the “Storage administration” screen opens a form for the input
of the agitation time. With the Tab key or a by a click of the mouse the input field Time can be
reached for the input of an agitation time between 1 and 999 minutes. This time has to be confirmed
with the Tab or Enter key. The Start button starts the agitation routine. The agitation procedure
ends after the expiration of the agitation time or by the use of the F3 Stop button. The entered
figures of the agitation time will stay on the display.
The Close button or the ESC key opens the “Storage administration” screen.

Function keys of the “Raw material agitation” screen:

Start (Return)
starts the agitation process for the preselected time and container.

stops the agitation process.

Close (Esc)
closes the “Raw material agitation” screen.

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F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F3 Recirculation “Raw material recirculation”

In addition to the automatic recirculation times of the program Calipso ProGUI Standard it is
possible for the operator to recirculate a raw material before further processing via the operating
This separate and additional recirculation process does not have an influence on the automatic
recirculation cycles set by the dispensing program Calipso ProGUI Standard at the office PC.


The function key F3 Recirculation of the “Storage administration” screen opens a form for the
input of the recirculation time. With the Tab key or a by a click of the mouse the input field Time
can be reached for the input of a recirculation time between 1 and 999 minutes. This time has to be
confirmed with the Tab or Enter key. The Start button starts the recirculation routine. The
recirculation procedure ends after the expiration of the recirculation time or by the use of the F3
Stop button. The entered figures of the recirculation time will stay on the display.
The Close button or the ESC key opens the “Storage administration” screen.

Function keys of the “Raw material recirculation” screen:

Start (Return)
starts the recirculation process for the preselected time and pump.

stops the recirculation process.

Close (Esc)
closes the “Raw material recirculation” screen.

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F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F6 Book raw material “Book raw material”



The function key F6 Book raw material of the “Storage administration” screen opens the form
“Book raw material”. With the Tab key or a by a click of the mouse the input fields Quantity and
Batch can be reached for the input of received raw material and the selection of the units kilogram
or liter. The OK button or the Enter key opens the “Storage administration” screen.

Function keys of the “Book raw material” screen:

OK (Return)
books the keyed in amount of raw material for the container.

Close (Esc)
closes the “Book raw material” screen.

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F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F7 Correct raw material “Book raw material”



The function key F7 Correct raw material of the “Storage administration” screen opens the
form “Book raw material” for the input of the total quantity of raw material in this storage
container. With the Tab key or a by a click of the mouse the input fields Quantity, Batch and the
selection of the units kilogram or liter can be reached. The OK button or the Enter key opens the
“Storage administration” screen.

Function keys of the “Correct raw material” screen:

OK (Return)
books the corrected amount of raw material for the container.

Close (Esc)
closes the “Correct raw material” screen.

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Basic screen “Center 1”, F4 Service “Service”


Function keys of the “Service” screen:

F2 Tare
The active scale will be set to zero. Before taring, the scale should be cleaned up and
without any load.

F3 Change scale
The active scale will be changed e.g. for the use of a precision scale. Both scales
should be cleaned up and without any load. After the change, the new scale range is
shown on the screen.

F4 Clean
The dispensing valve platform is moving twice over the running dispensing valve
head-cleaning unit.

F5 Initialize platform (with servo motor)

This procedure is necessary after the motor of the valve platform has been replaced.
The position measuring system (positioning transducer) has to be initialized new.
Therefore, the valve platform must be moved via emergency operation into valve
position 1.

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The valve position 1 is the dead center of the far left dispensing valve in the
dispensing valve front row of the dispensing valve platform (seen from the operator
position standing in front of the dispensing center), even if there is only a place for
spare and no dispensing valve mounted.

Has the valve actuator (valve lifting unit) been placed in the valve position 1 the
function F5 Initialize platform can be activated.
This terminal function is accessible only for the administrator.

F5 Initialize platform (without servo motor)

Always to be answered with “Yes”.

F6 Basic position
The valve platform moves to the basic position, normally middle of dispensing
center. In this position, the hoses are less mechanically loaded.

F7 Parameters
opens the screen “Parameters 1“ to adjust the dispensing parameters.

F8 Empty scale
Not accessible. Project related special function. For the start-up personnel only.

F9 Lamp test
Control function of the terminal signal lamps.

F10 Initialize actuator (with servo motor)

This procedure is necessary after the valve lifting motor has been replaced. The
position measuring system (positioning transducer) has to be initialized new. Prior
to initialization the lifting claw has to be adjusted manually 2.5 mm below the
lifting disk of a dispensing valve (see sketch).

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Has the valve lifting claw been adjusted the function F10 Initialize actuator can be
This terminal function is accessible only for the administrator.

F11 Administration
opens the screen “Administration”.

F12 Alarm list

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F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1”

Explanation of the dispensing process by a single component

The dispensing process with a single component (raw material) is as follows:

The largest proportion of the weight is dispensed from the beginning of coarse dispensing until the
coarse leadweight value is reached. This is followed by medium and then fine dispensing until the
fine leadweight value is reached. After a stabilizing period, the target weight, which lies within a
tolerance band, is approached through pulsating dispensing (super-fine or interval dispensing).
During interval dispensing, a continual nominal value / actual value check is carried out. After
reaching the tolerance band, there normally follows another stabilizing period. This is then followed
by a conclusive nominal value / actual value check.

Dispensing parameters

To reach an optimum dispensing accuracy and time for each component (raw material) at the
dispensing center it is necessary to adjust some parameters first:

Leadweight coarse value

Result of high capacity dispensing with an open valve at high pump speed (coarse dispensing; max.
output) to reach an high actual weight (leadweight coarse) within a short dispensing time.

Leadweight medium value

Medium capacity dispensing with a medium open valve at medium pump speed after having reached
the leadweight coarse to approach the leadweight medium value.

Leadweight fine value

Fine dispensing (with the valve needle) at low pump speed after having reached the leadweight
medium value to approach the target weight value in dispensing intervals (stepwise) without
overshooting the tolerance band / range.

Opening time
Opening time of the dispensing valve during fine dispensing or interval dispensing. The dispensed
amount is smaller than the tolerance band / range.

Pause time
Time between two opening times during fine dispensing mode.

Stabilizing time / settling time

Span of time between the dispensing modes (coarse, medium, fine) and end of dispensing, waiting
for the scale to become calm.

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Setting of the dispensing parameters

In the screen “Parameter 1” for all raw materials (components) and each scale the pump
revolutions and the valve openings for the three dispensing modes coarse, medium and fine are
to be set. During active dispensing of each dispensing mode, the pump revolutions and valve
openings can be modified until an optimum raw material jet is achieved. The values set can be saved
with F4 Save.
After defining the absolute tolerance for the raw material in the screen F7 “Parameters 2” an
automatic procedure to be started with F5 Start looks for the best setting values of the leadweight
coarse, the leadweight medium, the leadweight fine, the opening time, the pause time and the
stabilizing time / settling time. These parameters can be changed manually and saved with F4 Save.
The parameterizing procedure has to be done for all raw materials (components) with all scales.
To simplify the process data of raw materials with similar dispensing properties (viscosity, specific
gravity, flow behavior) can be copied with F2 Copy and so transferred (pasted) with F3 Paste to
the next raw material.

F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Coarse


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F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Medium


F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1” Fine


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For all three parameter screens, the same function keys apply.

Function keys for all three “Parameters 1” screens:

F2 Copy
copies the actual data record.

F3 Paste
pastes the copied data record.

F4 Save
saves the adjusted parameters.

F5 Start
opens the dispensing valve with the preset parameters.

F6 Stop
closes the dispensing valve.

F7 Parameters 2
changes to “Parameters 2” screen.

F8 Change scale
changes the active scale (dispensing centers with more than one scale).

F12 Alarm list

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F4 Service “Service”, F7 Parameters “Parameters 1”, F7 Parameters 2 “Parameters 2”


Function keys of the “Parameters 2” screen:

F2 Copy
copies the actual data record.

F3 Paste
pastes the copied data record.

F4 Save
saves the adjusted parameters.

F5 Start
starts the automatic parameter adjustment procedure.

F6 Stop
stops the automatic parameter adjustment procedure.

F7 Parameters 1
changes to “Parameters 1” screen.

F8 Change scale
changes the active scale (dispensing centers with more than one scale).

F12 Alarm list

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F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”


Function keys of the “Administration” screen:

F2 Product key
for the input of the product key.

F8 User administration
adds, changes, removes, activates or deactivates a user.

F9 User classes
adds, changes or removes a user class.

F10 Change password

changes the password of the logged in user (dialog box).

F11 Import users

imports the user data of the Calipso ProGUI program.

F12 Alarm list

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F4 Service “Service“, F11 Administration “Administration”, F2 “Product key“

The input of the correct product key activates the dispensing system software functions.

F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F8 User administration

“Overview users”

In this form, authorized persons can add, change, remove, activate or deactivate users.

The function Add opens this form for the input of new user data:

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The function Change opens this form for the alteration of user data:

The function Activate makes an user work with the Calipso ProVi software at the operating

The function Deactivate disables an user for work with the Calipso ProVi software at the
operating terminal.

Die function Remove deletes a user.

F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F9 User classes “Overview user


User classes and user rights are allocated in this form:


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The function Add opens this form for the input of user rights:

The function Change opens this form for the alteration of the individual user rights:

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The function Remove deletes the selected user class:


F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F10 Change password “Change


In this dialog box, the logged on user can change the password:

F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F11 Import user

This function imports the users edited in the Calipso GUI program. Are all users taken over by the
Calipso ProVi program this message appears:

Are no users taken over by the Calipso ProVi program this message appears:

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Basic screen “Center 1”, F8 Language

F8 opens a pop-up menu with the opportunity to switch from a selected (user specific local /
national) language to one of the other program languages. Sometimes it is necessary for service, if
one is not able to speak the local language.

Select the program Languages of the terminal software:


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Basic screen “Center 1”, F9 Dispensing order “Order dispensing” (formulation dispensing)

Each order dispensing is allocated to an order. For dispensing the operator can choose the necessary
items from the list boxes Order, Formulation, Batch container and by input of the target weight
(always to be confirmed by the Enter key).

Function keys of the “Order dispensing” screen:

F4 Start dispensing
dispenses a selected formulation or raw material.

F12 Alarm list

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Dispensing of a formulation:

The function key F9 Dispensing opens the screen “Order dispensing”.

Move the cursor by the help of the Tab key to the input field Order.

Select an order by direct input via the keyboard or

by the help of the arrow keys  .

Switch via the Tab key to the input field Formulation.

Select a formulation by direct input via the keyboard or

by the help of the arrow keys   and

switch via the Tab key to the next input field.

The input of a formulation is blocking the selection of a raw material!

Continue with F4 (Start dispensing).

Dispensing of a raw material:

The function key F9 Dispensing opens the screen “Order dispensing”.

Move the cursor by the help of the Tab key to the input field Order.

Select an order by direct input via the keyboard or

by the help of the arrow keys  .

Switch via the Tab key to the input field Formulation and

clear the input field by the help of the Delete key.

Switch via the Tab key to the Raw material input field.

Select a raw material by direct input via the keyboard or

by the help of the arrow keys   and

switch via the Tab key to the next input field.

Continue with F4 (Start dispensing).

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Information for data input with the mouse pointer

With a double click on an input field, an alphanumeric keyboard opens for data input by the help of
the mouse pointer. The control keys of this keyboard (top right) positions the keyboard on the
screen, opens a numeric keypad or closes the keyboard.

Working with the numeric keypad:


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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Basic screen “Center 1”, F9 Dispensing order, F4 Start dispensing

Dispensing procedure “Dispensing initialized”


Function keys of the “Dispensing is initialized” screen:

F2 Stop
stops the dispensing procedure, closes the dispensing valve and opens the screen
“Dispensing with interruption”.

F12 Alarm list

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Dispensing procedure “Dispensing running”

This screen is active during dispensing. The actual net weight value shown is rising due to the raw
material inflow. In the status line, the single steps of the dispensing procedure are shown.

Function keys of the “Dispensing running” screen:

F2 Cancel
closes the dispensing valve and opens the screen “Dispensing with interruption”.
System errors and interruption of the raw material flow will automatically stop the
dispensing procedure.

F12 Alarm list

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with manual component”

Raw materials not stored in a system container are not known by the program and must be manually
added. Working off a formulation, the program stops at that moment the raw material must be
added by hand and opens the screen “Dispensing with manual component”. Now the necessary
amount of raw material can be poured into the batch container on scale.

A raw material can be dispensed by hand positive, this means that the raw material is poured direct
or preweighted into the batch container on scale.

A negative weighing procedure is as follows, the batch container is taken from the scale and the
container with the raw material is put on. Then the necessary quantity (scale reading) is taken from
the raw material container, the batch container is set back on scale and the taken raw material is
poured in.

Function keys of the “Dispensing with manual component” screen:

F2 Stop
closes the dispensing valve and opens the screen “Dispensing with interruption”.
System errors and interruption of the raw material flow will automatically stop the
dispensing procedure.

F3 Man. comp. neg.

The raw material container has to be put on scale before pressing F3. With this
function, the scale is tared (set to zero) for taking out the wanted quantity.

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

F4 Man. comp. neg. stop

Is the desired amount taken out of the raw material container, F4 has to be pressed
for confirmation.

F5 Man. comp. ready

To complete the dispensing process after a positive or negative dispensing of a raw
material the batch container for the formulation dispensing has to be set back on
scale. The finished manual dispensing procedure has to be confirmed by pressing F5.

F6 Change scale
For a more accurate weighing of a raw material to be added manually, the smaller
scale (if existent) is activated. Before changing, the scale both of the scales must be
After the weighing out of the raw material to be added manually, the scale must be
changed again to proceed the dispensing of the formulation on the bigger scale.

F12 Alarm list

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with interruption”

Initiated by the operator or at certain system errors the “Dispensing with interruption” screen is

Function keys of the “Dispensing with interruption” screen:

F2 Quit
cancels the whole formulation / batch.

F3 Skip
stops dispensing of the actual raw material (component) and starts to dispense the
next raw material (component) of the formulation (e.g. if a storage container runs
empty during dispensing.

F4 Next
continues the dispensing procedure (e.g. after charging an empty storage container
with raw material).

F12 Alarm list

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Dispensing procedure “Dispensing with batch container error”

Is there no or a non-allocatable batch container placed on the active scale the screen “Dispensing
with batch container error” opens.

Function keys of the “Dispensing with batch container error” screen:

F2 Quit
cancels the whole formulation / batch.

F4 Confirm
continues the dispensing procedure (e.g. after using the right batch container).

F12 Alarm list

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Dispensing procedure ”Dispensing with tolerance error”

After each dispensed raw material, (component) the system control checks the deviation of the
actual weight from the target weight, the allowed tolerance. Is the difference out of the tolerance
band set at the office PC the “Dispensing with tolerance error” screen opens.

Function keys of the “Dispensing with tolerance error” screen:

F2 Quit
accepts not the difference. Stops the dispensing of the formulation and opens the
“Dispensing finished” screen.

F3 Confirm
accepts the dispensed difference and starts dispensing the next raw material

F12 Alarm list

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Dispensing procedure “Dispensing finished”


Function keys of the “Dispensing finished” screen:

F4 Dispensing
opens the basic screen F9 “Order dispensing”.

F12 Alarm list

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Basic screen “Center 1” / General F12 Alarm list “Alarms”

All errors occurred are listed here in chronological order. The status of the faults / errors / alarms
differs in came and gone. An error with the status gone is not active anymore and stays until its
confirmation with F2 in the list.

Function keys of the “Alarms“ screen:

F2 Confirm
This function key accepts all faults / errors / alarms (collective acknowledgment).
Repaired faults (not active anymore or gone) will be deleted from the list.

F3 Select alarm
A specific message can be selected, confirmed and the n deleted.

F4 Reset formulation data (memory reset)

In case of dispensing process interruption all data of the raw material / formulation
dispensed at last will be deleted from PC and PLC. The dispensing system will be in
an initial state.

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

Error messages and alarms

Error messages

“Batch container is full”

Calculated by the program the batch container should be full.

“Calibration running”
Automatic adjustment of the dispensing parameters started.

“Charging raw material” ID 751

The container of the raw material to be dispensed is in charging mode or the barrel the raw material
comes from is not connected (exchanged) at the moment. Charging of a container or exchanging an
empty barrel comes first. Dispensing of a raw material has been stopped until charging procedure is
finished (only if the same pump executes charging and dispensing of raw material).

“Cleaning is running” ID 761

For cleaning the dispensing valves outlets (valve heads) the valve platform moves over the
dispensing valves head-cleaning unit.

“Clear scale”
For changing, the scales all load must be removed from the scale platforms. Start the procedure

“Coarse dispensing“
The system is in coarse dispensing mode.

“Dispensing is running” ID 762

This message is shown during dispensing process of a raw material.

“Fine dispensing”
The system is in fine dispensing mode.

“Formulation quantity to small”

There is not a sufficient amount of residual ink stored to dispense the desired residual ink

“Going into basic position”

After each single raw material dispensing and after each formulation dispensing the valve platform
of the dispensing center moves into its basic position.

“Manual operation”
The key switch at the control cabinet was set to ‘manual operation’. Only the emergency functions
can be used.

“Medium dispensing“
The system is in medium dispensing mode.

“Not enough raw material available”

Calculated by the program, there is not enough raw material in the storage container for the
component dispensing

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“Overshooting rest amount of formulation. Target weight limitation is active.”

There is not enough residual color on stock to dispense the residual color formulation.

“Positioning is running” ID 760

The valve drive runs a ‘valve position learning procedure’ for all existing dispensing valves (because
the last valve position was faulty).

“Raw material container is empty!“ ID 728

The minimum level of a raw material container has been reached. The container must be charged
with raw material.

“Raw material target weight is 0.“

The target weight of a component (raw material) in a formulation has a zero value.

“Reference drive is running” ID 759

The valve drive (valve platform) runs a ‘reference drive’ to get its correct point of reference (applies
only to valve drives without servo motor).

“Residual color formulation cannot be dispensed”

There is no such residual color formulation existing.

“Stabilizing time is running”

This message appears after a dispensing valve has closed. Time to stabilize the scale for an accurate

“Surpassing tolerance” ID 752

The raw material dispensed has exceeded the specified tolerance. The operator can accept this and
the formulation will be continued with the next raw material (component) or he can cancel the
following formulation.

“Target weight cannot be 0”

This message appears if “0” is keyed in for target weight.

“Wait for data takeover by server” ID 764

Dispensing data awaiting takeover to server.

“Wait for scale stability” ID 763

There are too much vibrancies for the scale to take exact readings.

“Wrong batch container” ID 750

A wrong batch container was placed on scale at beginning of dispensing or a batch container was
removed from scale during dispensing.

“Wrong password or undefined user”

An unknown user or a user with the wrong password tried to log in at the operating terminal.

“Please log in!” ID 2534

This message appears in the start screen.

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“License will expire in short time!” ID 0

The time running the dispensing system without restrictions will expire within 30 days.

“No valid license!“ (ID 0)

The license of the dispensing system has expired after 30 days without registration (input of a valid
product key). The functions of the dispensing system are limited. Guaranteed are emergency
operation, agitation and recirculation but there is no component or formulation dispensing.

“Grounding is missing!“ (ID 0)

The earth clamp is not connected to the batch container on scale.

“Asynchronous valve drive” ID 766

The valve platform of the dispensing center lost its reference point (orientation).
Fault clearance: run reference drive

“Control of valve lifting unit: 12**t appeared, limit of current”

Current limit exceeded.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: bus fault CAN”

Communication error of the CAN bus.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: controller temperature > 80 deg”

Controller temperature to high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: controller voltage < 18V”

Controller voltage to low. Check 24V power supply.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: enable low, while controller is activated”

External release voltage for the controller is missing.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: fatal error”

Controller defective.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: fault master encoder X7”

General encoder failure.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: lag error too high”

Load of the motor is too high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: overvoltage x10 > 180V”

Controller input voltage to high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH
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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

“Control of valve lifting unit: rotating mark damaged or uptighted”

Absolute value encoder disk is defective.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: rotation speed to high, controller cannot read encoder”
Motor revolution is too high. Encoder cannot be analyzed.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: short-circuit or OUT 1, 2 or break”

Short-circuit of a controller output.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: short-circuit phase A”

Motor short-circuit of phase A.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: short-circuit phase B”

Motor short-circuit of phase B.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve lifting unit: undervoltage x10 < 24V”

Controller input voltage to low.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: 12**t appeared, limit of current”

Current limit exceeded.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: bus fault CAN”

Communication error of the CAN bus.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: controller temperature > 80 deg”

Controller temperature to high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: controller voltage < 18V”

Controller voltage to low. Check 24V power supply.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: enable low, while controller is activated”

External release voltage for the controller is missing.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: fatal error”

Controller defective.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve sledge: fault master encoder X7”

General encoder failure.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

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“Control of valve platform: lag error too high”

Load of the motor is too high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: overvoltage x10 > 180V”

Controller input voltage to high.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: rotating mark damaged or uptighted”

Absolute value encoder disk is defective.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: rotation speed to high, controller cannot read encoder”
Motor revolution is too high. Encoder cannot be analyzed.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: short-circuit or OUT 1, 2 or break”

Short-circuit of a controller output.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: short-circuit phase A”

Motor short-circuit of phase A.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: short-circuit phase B”

Motor short-circuit of phase B.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Control of valve platform: undervoltage x10 < 24V”

Controller input voltage to low.
Call Füll Systembau GmbH

“Emergency shut-off” ID 768

Emergency switch of the system was pressed.
Fault clearance: unlock emergency switch and power up the system by the main switch

“Error agitator 1, 2, 3….21, 22, 23“ID 1025…ID1047

Agitator 1, 2, 3…21, 22, 23 circuit breaker tripped or contactor does not work.

“Error dispensing valve not closed” ID 784

The dispensing valve did not close in a certain span of time.
Possible reasons: valve blocked, micro switch at the valve actuator is not adjusted correctly or if the
valve lifting claw is not in its rest position (if valve lifting unit is equipped with a servo motor)
See also on page 21 “Basic screen “Center 1”, F4 Service “Service” F10, Initialize actuator.

“Error drip catcher” ID 777

The drip catcher did not reach the position “front” or “back” in a certain span of time.

“Error exhaust air valve” ID 776

The exhaust air valve did not reach the position “open” or “close” in a certain span of time

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

“Error external pumps” ID 1024

Fault message from an external pump.

“Error main switch off” ID 782

The main power switch is off.

“Error no compressed air” ID 781

The pressure of the compressed air supply dropped under the pressure set at the pressure gauge at
the dispensing center.
“Error positioning of scale” ID 780
The positioning unit of the scale-lifting device did not reach the final positions.

“Error protector switch pumps” ID 785

Contactor does not work.
Fault clearance: replace defective contactor

“Error protector switch valve drive” ID 786

Contactor of the valve drive motor does not work.
Fault clearance: replace defective contactor

“Error scale lifting device” ID 778

Motor protection switch of the scale-lifting device motor tripped.
Possible reason: scale lifting device blocked or overloaded

“Error scale slide-in unit” ID 779

The scale slide-in unit did not reach the position “front” or “back” in a certain span of time.

“FC pumps, drive frequency out of limits” ID 803

Motor frequency out of range. The frequency converter has to be checked by authorized personnel.
Take the operating manual of the FC into consideration.

“FC pumps, motor current to high” ID 806

The frequency converter has to be checked by authorized personnel. Take the operating manual of
the FC into consideration.

“FC pumps, motor protection thermistor active” ID 807

The motor protection thermistor relay of the frequency converter for the pumps tripped. The
frequency converter has to be checked by authorized personnel. Take the operating manual of the
FC into consideration.

“FC pumps, overload” ID 804

The overload relay of the frequency converter for the pumps tripped. The frequency converter has
to be checked by authorized personnel. Take the operating manual of the FC into consideration.

“FC pumps, voltage to high” ID 805

The frequency converter has to be checked by authorized personnel. Take the operating manual of
the FC into consideration.

“FC pumps, warning” ID 802

General warning. The frequency converter has to be checked by authorized personnel. Take the
operating manual of the FC into consideration.

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

“Fuse of UPS struck” ID 771

Fuse cutout of the UPS (Server PC). The UPS is running on batteries.
Fault clearance: switch on automatic circuit breaker, check power supply by authorized personnel

“Fuse priority 1 struck” ID 769

Load cutout by tripping of circuit breakers in the electric cabinet (highest priority).
Fault clearance: switch on automatic circuit breaker, check power supply by authorized personnel

“Fuse priority 2 struck” ID 770

Load cutout by tripping of circuit breakers in the electric cabinet.
Fault clearance: switch on automatic circuit breaker, check power supply by authorized personnel

“No release” ID 749

An external dispensing release is missing (e.g., due to not correct attached grounding pliers).

“PLC does not respond!”

Communication between PLC and Server PC is interrupted. All functions stopped.
Possible reasons: broken bus cable between PLC and PC, PLC in “Stop” position
Fault clearance: restart of the PLC (see system documentation),
Call Füll Systembau

“Protector switch agitator motors tripped” ID 774

Overload of the agitator motor.
Possible reason: agitator motor blocked

“Protector switch pump motors tripped” ID 773

Overload of the pump motor.
Possible reasons: pump motor blocked, blocked pipe

“Raw material flow error” ID 757

There is not enough raw material coming out of the dispensing valve in a certain time span.
Possible reasons: faulty dispensing valve, blocked dispensing valve, malfunction of the pump or
pump control, pipe or hose leaking

“S #1 Corrupt reading from scale” ID 788

Scale number 1 sends no valid readings.
Fault clearance: restart power supply of the scale by authorized personnel

“S #1 Overload” ID 790
The scale number 1 is overloaded.
Fault clearance: clear scale # 1

“S #1 Negative load“ ID 789

The scale number 1 is underloaded.
Fault clearance: clean scale #1, set scale #1 to zero / reset

“S #1 No communication” ID 787
Communication between PLC and scale number 1 is interrupted.
Fault clearance: check connecting cable, reset of PLC

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“S #2 Corrupt reading from scale” ID 792

Scale number 2 sends no valid readings.
Fault clearance: restart power supply of the scale by authorized personnel

“S #2 Overload” ID 794
The scale number 2 is overloaded.
Fault clearance: clear scale # 2

“S #2 Negative load” ID 793

The scale number 2 is underloaded.
Fault clearance: clean scale #2, set scale #2 to zero / reset

“S #2 No communication” ID 791
Communication between PLC and scale number 2 is interrupted.
Fault clearance: check connecting cable, reset of PLC

“Thermistor switch pumps tripped” ID 775

The electric coil temperature of the pump motor exceeds a given value.

“Valve positioning error” ID 772

The valve platform of the dispensing center did not reach the desired position or the positioning
unit of the PLC gives an error message.
Possible reasons: incremental rotation transmitter of the drive unit is faulty, motor brake is faulty
and the valve platform slips out of its position, positioning unit of the PLC is faulty

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User’s manual for the operating terminal software Calipso ProVi December 23, 2010

List of reviews

Review level Type Date Signature

4 prepared Dec. 22, 2010 ahb
4 reviewed Dec. 22, 2010 ahb
4 released Dec. 23, 2010 ahb

Changes made in this revision:

- document marked on first page

- communication picture renewed
- Calipso ProCom removed
- new start screen
- new basic screen
- position of the alarm messages changed
- new: F4 Service, F11 Administration, F2 Product key
- new status message “Please log in!” This message appears on the start screen.
- new alarm message “License will expire in short time!”
- new alarm message “No valid license!”
- new alarm message “Grounding is missing!”
- new terminal software language: Greek
- new form F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F6 Book material “Book raw material”
- new form F3 Stock “Storage administration”, F7 Correct material “Book raw material”
- new form F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F2 Product key
“Product key”
- new form F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F8 User
administration “Overview users”
- new form F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F9 User
administration “Overview user classes”
- new form F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”:F10 Change
password “Change password”
- new form F4 Service “Service”, F11 Administration “Administration”, F11 Import user

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