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Roll d100.

1. The scroll bursts into flames due to a mispronunciation. You take d4 per spell level in
damage. No save is allowed.
2. Roll a d6. (1-3): All of your hair falls out. You cannot grow body hair. (4-6): All hair on
your body grows six inches and will regrow if cut. You are struck blind, deaf, and mute
for 24 hours. Remove Curse will lift this effect.
3. The ink on the page comes to life becoming a large cloud of flies that fills up a 10-foot
cube, obscuring you. It is very loud and stealth is impossible. The cloud of flies dissipates
after d6 hours.
4. One of your attributes, randomly determined, is reduced by 50% this effect is
permanent until Remove Curse is cast upon the Specialist.
5. You are turned invisible for one hour. When the effect wears off, you slowly become
visible as your skin is translucent. Those viewing you will first see your nervous system,
then your circulatory system, then your digestive/excretory system, etc., etc. This
process takes 24 hours.
6. There is a gust of wind that blows through for the next turn that will knock over light
objects, stir up leaves, papers, and other loose objects. During this turn it is difficult to
hear as the wind is howling.
7. Everyone within 30 feet voids their bowels on a failed save versus magic.
8. There is an explosion and everyone in 30 feet takes d4 damage per spell level. On a
successful saving throw versus magic item, the target takes half damage.
9. A random object becomes animated and attacks at random. The animate object has hit
dice equal to the spell level of the scroll. It has AC 12. It will do d4 damage per successful
attack. There is a 10% chance the animated object becomes self-aware. The animated
object loathes its very existence and immediately attacks its creator to the exclusion of
all others.
10. You age 1d4 x 10 years.
11. You cast Summon instead. The summoned creature will attack friend and foe alike. If
you were attempting to cast Summon, the spell takes effect as normal, but you have no
control over the entity summoned.
12. You switch gender. This effect is permanent.
13. Your body gives off a noxious odor that lasts d4 days. Everyone within 10 ft. must make
a save versus spell or be overcome by the fumes. Those that fail cannot do anything as
they wretch and gag for the next round.
14. You become cold blooded and can no longer regulate your internal body temperature.
In extreme environments, you suffer d4 damage for each hour of exposure.
15. Your blood becomes acidic. Whenever you sustain damage by a weapon or by an object,
everyone within 5 ft of you must make a breath weapon save or take d4 acid damage.
Anyone attempting to bandage your wounds or otherwise stabilize you takes d4 acid
damage. No save is possible.
16. You grow gills along your abdomen and can now breath underwater. The gills are
unsightly and you are no longer attractive to either sex.
17. You double in size. You can no longer wear the clothing and armor you are wearing.
Clothing and armor cost twice as much. You also require double the intake of food. Your
constitution and strength are increased by 2. Your dexterity is reduced by 4.
18. You suffer the babble curse. You must make a successful language check each time you
wish to speak any language. On a failure, you spout nonsense. A remove curse spell will
remove this effect.
19. You are turned into a toad. You can still speak. Your skin is poisonous and will kill on a
failed poison save. You gain no experience points while transformed into a toad. In
order to return to normal, you must be kissed by royalty of the opposite sex.
20. You are transformed into a mindless troll who immediately attacks the party. This
transformation lasts 2d4 rounds.
21. You can read the minds of everyone around you. You have no control over this ability. In
order to concentrate, you must make save versus paralyze. For every creature within 30
ft. beyond one, you suffer a -1 penalty. On a failure, you can do nothing but scream. A
remove curse will reverse this effect.
22. You develop a craving for human flesh. Normal food will no longer satisfy you.
23. Your ears double in size. You can only be surprised on a roll of 1. However, loud noises
are distracting and painful to you. Whenever you are exposed to loud noises, you must
save versus paralyze or be stunned for one round. You will suffer a -2 penalty on all rolls
thereafter until the source of the noise is removed.
24. Your bones liquify for d6 hours. During this time, you are like an ooze. You can move 10’
per round, but you cannot carry anything. You can squeeze through most cracks and
holes. At the end of the d6 hours, you return to normal.
25. For the next ten minutes, whenever you try to speak, butterflies escape your mouth.
The butterflies fille an area of 10 ft by 10 ft.
26. You are turned into a mushroom man from Sounds of the Mushroom Kingdom by James
Edward Raggi IV. You can no longer gain levels in specialist or increase your skills. Your
experience points remain the same but are transferred to the mushroom man table.
When you earn enough experience points to reach the next level, you become a second
level mushroom man, and so on. The transformation into living fungus takes 2d4 rounds
to complete.
27. You receive a vision from God and becomes a religious convert. You can no longer gain
levels in specialist or increase your skills. Your experience points remain the same but
are transferred to the cleric table. When you earn enough experience points to reach
the next level, you become a second level cleric, and so on. The religious experience
takes 2d4 rounds to complete. During this time, you can do nothing.
28. You are visited by a dark power who whispers mystical secrets into your mind. You
cease to be a specialist and becomes a warlock for the dark power. You can no longer
gain levels in specialist or increase your skills. Your experience points remain the same
but are transferred to the magic-user table. When you earn enough experience points to
reach the next level, you become a second level magic-user, and so on. Communing
with the dark power takes 2d4 rounds to complete.
29. You can comprehend all languages, but when you speak, you do so in a slow, loud and
simple manner to be sure people can comprehend them. No one will be friendly with
you as you are viewed as an asshole by others. You are not literate in all languages.
30. You are turned into green slime.
31. Everyone within 30 ft. of you must save versus spell or flee from you for d4 rounds.
32. The area in a 100 ft. radius sphere becomes a vacuum. There is no gravity, no air, and no
33. You are teleported 100 ft. away in a random direction. This could result in you
teleporting into solid rock or some other instant death situation. You are allowed to
make a save versus spell. On a success, you appear at the nearest safest point that is
within 100 ft. On a failure, you are killed.
34. Everyone within 30 ft. of you vomits uncontrollably for 1d4 rounds.
35. You are permanently polymorphed into a demi-human. You begin as a level 1 demi-
human retaining all prior levels of specialist. You may not gain any additional levels in
specialist. Your class abilities remain at their current level. Any demi-human class skill
will being at first level, unless you have higher skill ranks as a specialist. Your specialist
skills remain at that current rank until you gain enough levels as a demi-human to allow
for a better skill rank. Roll a d6 to determine the demi-human class: 1-3 halfling, 4-5
dwarf, 6 elf.
36. 2d4 Tentacles sprout from the ground in a 15ft radius around you. They attack anyone
and anything within reach. The tentacles have the following statistics: 1HD, 12AC, reach
10ft. dmg d4
37. Your skin grows scales. They provide no protection but reduce any reaction roles by 2.
38. You can now speak with birds. They are dumb creatures and are not very helpful.
39. You are turned to stone.
40. For the next d4 days, any food ingested by you is poison. You must save versus poison or
die should you ingest any food or water.
41. The death mark appears on your forehead. Undead will ignore you unless attacked.
However, any sentient living being that encounters you hates you.
42. You are constantly surrounded by a kaleidoscopic scintillating aura of ever shifting color.
You emit light in a 15 ft radius. This effect lasts for d8 hours.
43. You lose control of your legs and begins to dance uncontrollably for d4 hours. You may
pass out from exhaustion before the dancing stops.
44. Your voice shatters glass for the next d4 hours. Whenever you speak, all glass objects
within 30ft. is shattered.
45. You can levitate by holding your breath for the next d8 hours.
46. Everyone within 30ft radius is affected as if by the Chaos spell.
47. You fall asleep for 1000 years. Dearing this time, you will not suffer the effects of aging
and no creature will molest you. A remove curse and reverse the effect.
48. A randomly determined item carried by you becomes sentient. It will demand your
attention. If you refuse to lavish the item with expensive upgrades and adornments, the
item will try to dominate your psyche. You have to make a save vs magic item to avoid
this. The saving throw is modified by your cumulative modifiers from your wisdom,
intelligence, and charisma scores.
49. An earthquake rages in 100 ft radius for 2d4 rounds. During this time structures can be
damaged, unsecured items will fall and be damaged, and players may be knocked to the
ground. There is a 10% chance that a fissure will open in the ground.
50. Your arms turn into writhing snakes. They can attack d4 times per round for d4 damage
per bite. You cannot carry any items with your hands. The effect lasts d6 hours.
51. You cease to have a heartbeat and does not bleed when injured. You cannot be
stabilized if brought zero hit points. A remove curse will end this effect.
52. The dead rise! A number of 1hd undead equal to the spell level rise from the ground and
attack the party.
53. All plants within 100ft withers and die.
54. The vines and other pant life within 30ft. rapidly grow and entangle those within. To
avoid being entangled a creature must make a successful save versus paralyze.
55. You leap forward in time a number of hours equal to the spell level. For those observing
you it appears as if you just disappeared.
56. For the next 1d12 months, whenever you linger on earth soil, beetles, worms, and other
insects squirm to the surface.
57. All liquids within 30ft of you turns to dust.
58. Your shadow gets a mind of its own. For the next d12 weeks the shadow interferes with
any action you try to complete.
59. You grow a third eye in your forehead, palm, or tongue. The third eye allows you to
discern lies. The eye withers and dies after one year leaving a horrid scar.
60. Your eyes turn jet black for 1d12 hours. During this time, you cannot see in color and
see everything as if you were looking at a photograph’s negative. You have difficulty
seeing detail in objects.
61. You turn into a lobster man for d4 days. You grow crab claws that deal d4 damage on a
successful attack. Your natural armor class is increased to 14. However, your old
clothing and armor is destroyed during the transformation. You cannot speak and
cannot manipulate fine objects.
62. You can only speak in a disturbing guttural tongue that no one understands. Your voice
will return to normal after 1d4 months.
63. Dogs, cats, horses, and other animals are afraid of you and will not go near you. The
animals will fight if cornered. A remove curse will lift this effect.
64. All milk curdles within 100 ft. of you. A remove curse will lift this effect.
65. One of your arms doubles in size. It is completely useless as you do not have the upper
body strength to lift your arm.
66. A random appendage of yours rots and falls off within the week. A remove curse will
stop this from occurring. A regeneration spell will restore the lost appendage.
67. You sprout four spider-like legs. You can climb walls at 20 ft per round.
68. A nearby flock of birds attacks you. The birds are overcome with madness and attack
without any thought or care for their own safety.
69. All water within 100 ft. of the caster turns to blood.
70. You are caught in a time loop. Roll a 1d6 On a 4+ you are hasted, otherwise you are
slowed. Roll 3d8. That is equal to the amount of time you are under the effects of the
curse. If slowed, your age is reduced by the number rolled. If hasted, your age increases
by the number rolled.
71. You lose your face. Permanently.
72. You scream uncontrollably for 30 minutes. You can move and act normally, but all you
do is scream at the top of your lungs. After the 30 minutes, your throat is hoarse and
you cannot speak for 24-hours.
73. You have a hornets’ nest in you. The next time you speak, they will come out and attack
everyone in sight. You know this.
74. You gain the pox. Your body is instantly covered in boils. Every 24-hours, make a save
versus poison. On a failure, you lose a point of constitution. If you reach 0, you die. If
you succeed three time, you are cured. Your constitution will return with bed rest at 1
point per day.
75. You are cloned. The cloned you shouts in a breathy raspy voice “there can be only one!”
and attacks.
76. You fall asleep and cannot be woken for 24-hours.
77. Everyone around you falls asleep and cannot be awoken for 24-hours.
78. You grow an extra arm. It is useful but unsightly.
79. Your skin falls off. You take damage equal to your maximum hit points. If you survive,
your skin becomes an undead creature with hit points equal to half your max hit points.
It fights as a 1 HD creature. Its AC is 12 and does d4 damage. It follows you around like a
lost puppy.
80. You are allergic to sunlight. You must wrap yourself in clothing and bandages or take 1
damage every 10 minutes. A remove curse will lift this effect.
81. You realize you are a player in a great cosmic game of something called “the world’s
most popular role-playing game.” You are meticulous about keeping track of your “hit
82. You are turned into green slime.
83. Over the next several weeks (1d4) you grow a membrane that connects your forearms
to your lower legs allowing you to glide at 60ft per round, while you descend about 10 ft
per round. You can no longer comfortably wear armor and can only glide while
unencumbered. You also have a predisposition to hide nuts in strange places.
84. Your arms grow an extra 3 feet you now have reach of 10ft. However, all clothing and
armor must be specially made for you costing 50% more than the listed price.
85. Your knees invert. You can jump an additional 5 ft.
86. Your eyes reflect light like a deer in headlights. It is unsettling upon all who look at you.
87. For the next 1d6 weeks, all light sources work half as effective when you are present.
You look like you are constantly in shadow.
88. You become a lightning rod for the next 24-hours. Every hour you are outside in the
open there is a cumulative 10% chance of being struck by lightning. When you are struck
you must make a save versus magic or lose half of your hit points.
89. You think teeth are valuable and obsessively collect and horde teeth.
90. Your skin turns a deep shade of red. You now move faster by 5ft. per round.
91. You can remove your eyeballs and they still function when removed. Separating them by
sending them into two separate rooms or locations will drive you insane.
92. You lost your sense of smell. Food is bland and tasteless.
93. You gain a prehensile tongue. You also like to eat flies. A remove curse will lift this
94. For the next d4 days, you do not get rehydrated from water. You are constantly thirsty
and will gorge yourself on water when you find it.
95. There are two wolves in you. One is evil, the other is good. They begin fighting to get
out! Make a save versus magic. On a success, the good one wins and you are
immediately free from any existing curses. If you fail, a dire wolf chews its way out of
your stomach killing you instantly and attacking all in sight.
96. Your hair permanently turns blue and you have strong opinions about the opposite sex
that are not rooted in any sense of the word “reality.”
97. You have a splitting headache for the next d4 hours. Your head literally splits open
exposing your brain matter. You do not lose hit points and you do not die, but you
cannot concentrate on anything. You can barely keep quiet the pain is so great.
98. You are now proficient in playing the spoons. Should you roll this result again, you lose
this ability.
99. You now announce your every action as if you’re are narrating your biography. It is
impossible for you to sneak, hide or otherwise act stealthily. Further, you cannot tell
lies. If you can do this with a perfect Morgan Freeman voice, your referee should award
you additional experience points should you survive the adventure. A remove curse will
remove this effect.
100. Roll twice.

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