Life As A Lakota Native Lesson Plan

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Name of Lesson: Life as a Lakota Native

Grade Level: 3-5 Content Area: English: Writing and Social


Lesson Focus: Students will identify and describe the way of life of the Lakota people in the

Core Standards: OSEU Standards:

● K-12.H.2 -3.H.2.3: Analyze a ● OESU 5- Indicator 1 for 3-5: Students
community’s culture and history are able to interpret the cultural beliefs
● 3-5.W.2: Write of the Oceti Sakowin.
informative/explanatory texts to ● OSEU 7- Indicator 2 for 3-5: Students
examine a topic and convey ideas will be able to understand the
and information clearly. opportunities that change can bring.

● The Website:
● Research Guide
● Notebook
● Pencils

Time: 2 class periods

Student Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge about the
Lakota people by filling out a research guide and writing a paper.

Lesson Delivery Plan

● Ask the class what they know about historical Native Americans. Who were they?
Where did they live? What were their lives like?
○ Put their answers, using a main idea web, on the whiteboard or chart paper.
● Then ask the class what they know about the Lakota Tribe. Do they know what a tribe
is? Add this to the main idea web.
● Explain to the students that Native Americans are the people who lived in America
before people from other countries came here. Native Americans lived all over
America, in all regions of the country. A region is an area of land. These regions have
different tribes. A tribe is a group of people including many families, clans, or
● Tell the class: We are going to focus on the Lakota tribe’s history by researching then
writing a paper.

Procedures for Teaching and Learning:

● Handout a printed research guide to each student (handout is at bottom of lesson
● Students will use the website provided to fill out their sheets about Lakota history
○ They will research homes, clothing, transportation, food/diet, weapons/tools,
arts and crafts, and religion/beliefs
■ Students can use the links provided on the website to research further
● After researching, students will write a paper about Lakota history using the research
guides that they filled out. Students will have to write a proper introduction and
conclusion sentence and at least three sentences about each category in their paper.

Lesson Closure:
● Once students have finished their papers come back together as a class and pull out
the main idea web you made in the beginning.
● Create a new main idea web using what the students have learned about the Lakota
history through their research
● Compare and contrast the two main idea webs to see what the students have learned

How will you incorporate this lesson into the curriculum?

This lesson plan can be incorporated into an English writing lesson based on the paper
students write and it can also be incorporated into a social studies lesson based on
researching about the Lakota people.

Why did you select this lesson?

I believe instead of reading a story to the children, having them research themselves will give
them more ownership of the topic.
Lakota History Research Guide

Types of Homes Clothing

Transportation Food/Diet

Weapons/Tools Arts and Crafts


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