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Name: Mark Theo P.

What changes, metaphysically speaking, when a seminarian gets ordained?
In metaphysically speaking, there is no changes when a seminarian gets ordained. His potency,
act, and substance are still the same. Because if a seminarian acts as a good rule model it follows to the
ordination but if a seminarian has an issue of dishonesty or secrecy to his vocation if he gets ordained
nothing will be changed. Because in the formation a seminarian undergoes with a formation should act as
good priest. Maybe some instances that when he still as a seminarian he has a lot of issues when he gets
ordained maybe those issues he will accept and slowly by slowly embrace. But still I said nothing will be
change. Because a seminarian will be ordained he is act and potency are the same when he was a
seminarian he will bring it to his ordination.
What I really mean is that when he still a seminarian he practice the vows and a life of a
priesthood. That is why in metaphysically speaking when a seminarian gets ordained his substance,
potency and act is still the same. In addition, metaphysically speaking when a seminarian gets ordained
there is no changes in substance, accidents, act and potency but there is essential changes. His essence
change because from seminarian to priest that he will become more closer to God and he is more

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