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• It is one among the nava karana dravya. It is nitya, vibhu and amurta dravya.

Derivation - ‘ क ’ कारा ‘ अ ’ कार + ली धातु

• Value of a substance is estimated only when it is identified with respect to time and space.

• काल: पुन: पररणाम उच्च्यते । Ch

• Kala is nothing but change in the universe.( said as )

• काल: पुन: सं वत्सरा: ।Ch (samvatsara= years)

• Even though kala is only one, considering it as many (like samvatsara) for different presentation
and calculation.

• स सू क्ष्ां अपप कलां न लीयते इपत काल: |

• Kala is always changing/moving, never stops even for a moment.

• काल: चक्रवत् भ्रमणेन अपवरत गमनशील स्वभाव: ।

• Kala is constantly rotating like a wheel.

• कालो पि नाम भगवान् , स्वयं भू अनापि मध्य पनधनो ऽत्र रसव्यापत् संपपि जीपवत मरणे च मनुष्याणामायिे।
• Kala is considered as bhagavan, controller of every thing, like creation and every change in the
universe. Kala is responsible for the generation of optimal properties in the plants.
• Svayambhoo- self originated, ie no one knows about its origin. Kala is the reason for rasavyapat
in the dravya( proper generation of taste) . It is the reason for janma(birth) and marana(death)

• जन्यानां जनक: कालो जगतां आश्रयो मता: ।

• He is the creator and at the same time he supports the whole universe so called as bhagavaan.

• कलयपत मृत्यु समीपं नयपत वा काल: ।

• Kala directs living beings towards death.

• सं कलयपत वा भू तापन इपत काल: ।

• Kala does the control of each and every pranisamooha(every objects) .

• सु ख िु :खाभ्याम् भूतापन योजयपत इपत काल :।

• Kala is parinama yuktaa, and it brings sukha and dukha to each and every living beings.

• अतीतापि व्यविार िे तु स काल: । स च एक पनत्य पवभ्वि च । TS

• Kala is the reason for bhoota, bhavishya and vartamana(present, past and future). It is one
,eternal and all pervading.
• Kala is said to be ekam/singular and eternal(nityam), even though we can divide it into seconds,
minutes, days, moths etc. Such divisions are conditional as time is a continuous entity without
beginning and end.
• Time is not limited to place, it is every where, hence it is vibhu.
• Types of kala- even though kala is stated as one for usage purpose it is classified as different
• Nityaga kala and avasthika kala is explained in Ayurveda.
• Nityaga kala includes present, past and future. And further it is divided into matra , kashta,
kala etc
I akshi nimesha = 1 matra
15 matra =1 kashta
30 kashta = 1 kala
20 kala = 1 muhurta (48 minutes)
30 muhurta = 1 ahoratri (Day)
15 ahoratri = 1 paksha (fortnight)
2 paksha = 1 masa (month)
2masa = 1 rutu
3 rutu = 1 ayana
2 ayana = 1 samvatsara
5 samvatsara = 1 yuga
• Avasthika kala is related to specific avasthas or time period.
• Divisions of kala regarding sareere avastha- balya, Youvana and vardhakya
• According to digestion – ama and pakva avastha
• In some diseases like gulma it is – ama, pachyamana and pakva avastha
• In disease like jvara- nava jwara, purana jwara
According to pathogenesis- dosha sanchayadi shadkriyakala avastha

Significance of kala in Ayurveda-

• ‘कालो पि नाम भगवान्’
• Srushti sthiti and laya of every being is depends on kala
• Kala is said to be the reason for purusha utpatti.

• I.e. कालजस्त्वे व पु रुष: ।

• In case of garbhotpatti , kala is very much important.

• घृ वं चतुणाां सापिध्यात् गभभस्यात् पवपध पू वभक: ।

“ऋतु” क्षे त्रां बु बीजानां सामपि स्यात् अङ् कुरो यथा ||

• In case of garbha vikasa and angotpatti also kala is very important.

• प्रथमे मापस कललं जायते |, पञ्चमे मन: |, षष्टे बु भ्वि: ।

• Divisions of vaya ( age)

Balya kala – upto 16 years
Madhyama kala- upto 60 years
Vaardhakya- above 60 years.
• For the maintenance of health kala is very much necessary.

• कालभोजनं आरोग्य कराणाम् श्रेष्ठं । - Timely food is said to be healthy

• Akala bhojana causes ajeerna.

• Proper sleep in proper timing is good for health. Diva svapna is kapha vardhaka
• Nisi jagarana is vata vardhaka.

• कालस्य पररणामेन जरा मृत्यु पनपमिज: ।

• Greying of hairs , falling of teeth , loosening of joints , dathunasa, death etc everything depends
on kala parinama .

• सवीरता अवपध of medicines depends on time

Eg- kashaya – 24 hrs
Choorna- 2-6 months
Pills- 1year
• Oushada sevana is also depends on kala.( refer ashtanga hrudaya and write)
• Pumsavana karma is advised to be done prior to vyakte garbhe. (prior to 3 rd month)
• Manifestation of disease in 6 different stages also depends on kala( shadkriyakala)
• In case of prognosis of disease kala is important ie if disease is nava – it will be sukha sadhya
• Deerkhakalavastitam – asadhyam.
• Chaya, prakopa and prasama of tridoshas depends on kala.

• वयो अिोरापत्र भु क्तानाम् ते अन्त मध्यापिका क्रमात् ।

Morning time- kapha kala
Madhyahna- pittakala
Aparahna – Vata kala
• Lifespan of every individual depends on kala
• Kala mrityu and akala mrutyu are explains in Ayurveda
• Brahma muhurta is advised to wake up
• Incubation period of diseases

• कालाथभ कमभ णां योगो िीन पमथ्यापतमात्रक: ।

• सम्यग् योगश्च पवज्ञे यो रोगारोग्यैक कारणं ।|

• Atiyoga, mityayoga and hinayoga of kala will leads to diseases.
• Living person is a product of time, diseases are also considered to be caused by time. Ie the
whole universe is under the control of kala.

• कालजस्त्वे व पु रुष: कालजस्त्वस्य चामय:।

• जगत् कालवशं सवभम् काल: सवभत्र कारणं ।

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