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Internship training report submitted to Manonmaniam Sundaranar
University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted by
V. MUKESH (REG.NO.20192051201233)

K. HARIPRASAD (REG.N0.20192051201215)

Under the Guidance of

Mr. B. Kirubhaharan Bhaskar, M.B.A.,PGDHRM.,






Accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC


(Self financing Courses)

Kovilpatti – 628502.


This is to certify that the in plant-training report being submitted by

Mukesh.V(20192051201233), Hari Prasad.K(20192051201215), students of Bachelor of Business
Administration , G.Venkataswamy Naidu College (Self- Financing Courses ) Kovilpatti affiliated to
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli is a Bonafide record of work carried out by them under
the guidance of Mr.B.KIRUBHAHARAN, MBA.,PGDHRM., Assistant Professor G.Venkataswamy Naidu College
(Autonomous) Kovilpatti.

It is further certified that to the best of my knowledge, this report or any part there of not
been submitted in this university of elsewhere for any other degree or diploma.

Signature of the Head Signature of the Guide

Mr. S.Sivasankar ,MBA.,PGDHRM. Mr.B.Kirubhaharan, MBA.,PGDHRM.,

Assistant professor & Head Associate professor &Director

Department of Business Administration G.Venkataswamy Naidu College (SFC)

External Examiner



Place : Kovilpatti

Date :


We hereby declare that this report IN- PLANT TRAINING LOYAL MILLS TEXTILE INDUSTRY Submitted
for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration, is an original work done by us under the
guidance of Mr.B.KIRUBHAHARAN, M.B.A, PGDHRM, G.Venkataswamy Naidu College (Autonomous)

Place:Kovilpatti Signature of the students

Date :



We sincerely thank our college Secretary, Principal and Director for providing various facilities.
Without their support report work would not have been completed successfully.

We sincerely thank Mr. S. SIVASANKAR, MBA., PGDHRM., Assistant Professor and Head of
the Department of Business Administration for his support and help at every phase of this report.

We express our deep gratitude to our project guideMr.B.KIRUBHAHARAN, M.B.A, PGDHRM.,

for his guidance and full co-operation at every stage of this report work , without him the completion
of this report work may not be possible.

We are also indebted to our parent, our friends, well wishers and staff members of the
Department of Business Administration, G.Venkataswamy Naidu College (Autonomous) who deserve
for their role in doing this report.

Contents Page Number

Introduction 8

History of Loyal textiles 10

Textile Industry 13

Spinning 14

Weaving 19

Garmenting 22

Post production departments 24

Conclusion 27




A textile mill is a manufacturing facility where different types of fibers such as yarn

or fabric are produced and processed into usable products. This could be apparel, sheets,

towels, textile bags, and many more. When textile mills were first created, the jobs were

very labor-intensive, but technology has transformed some modern facilities into machine-

heavy operations.

Textile mills employ a multi-step process for taking raw materials and turning them

into usable products. A typical production cycle looks something like this:

1. Fibers, whether natural or synthetic, are arranged in various ways to create a

desired texture, appearance, strength, or durability.

2. Fibers are spun into yarn.

3. Yarn is transformed through fabric production techniques such as weaving or knitting.

4. Pre-treatment processes are carried out on the fabrics to prepare them to accept dyes

and necessary chemicals.

5. Dyeing and printing using pigments and prints is performed on the textiles.

6. Finishing treatments are added to the fabric to create special technical properties

or a desired aesthetic appeal. This might include antibacterial properties, water resistance,

or fashion applications.

7. Textiles are given needed additional properties, such as buttons or zippers, before being

finalized for sale and distribution.


The Loyal Group was founded by Late “Kalaithanthai” Karumuthu Thiagarajan

Chettiar. He started business in 1956 with a small spinning and weaving mill using second

hand machines. The company was started to provide work to laid-off workers of a larger mill

and with time it became one of the largest and most reputed textile groups in India.

Karumuthu Thiagarajan Chettiar rose to become the doyen of South Indian Textile

industry with several firsts to his credit. He promoted several other companies in sugar,

journalism, insurance and banking sectors.The Group has seen three generations of

entrepreneurship in Textiles and Trading. Kalaithanthai’s second son Sri Karumuthu

Manickavasagam Chettiar carried the torch from the place left by his illustrious father.

His son Late Sri Manikam Ramaswami, a Gold Medalist from IIT-Madras and a

multi-faceted personality was the architect in the growth of Loyal Textiles. He brought in

modern technology in the working of the company. He had many “firsts” to his credit, like

introducing air jet weaving in Loyal for the first time in the country. Under his captaincy,

Loyal Group expanded both vertically and horizontally and made a significant foot print in

the global market. He played a pivotal role in resolving many issues faced by textile industry

at large and in framing policies both at State and Central level not only for the development

of the textile industry but also for the economic upliftment of the cotton growers.

Presently, the Group is managed by the third generation members of the founding

family headed by Mrs. Valli M Ramaswami as its Chairperson.

Late 1800's

Sir ED Sasson establishes Loyal Textiles as a spinning and weaving mill with

imported second-hand machines from England


“Kalaithanthai” Karumuthu Thiagarajar Chettiar, the doyen of the South

Indian textile industry, purchases the mill


“Kalaithanthai” Karumuthu Thiagarajar Chettiar purchases P.Orr and Sons,

the iconic watch maker and retailer of chennai, and brings it into the loyal fold


Introduction of Air jet Loom for the first time in the country


Inception of Valli Textile Mills: Unit of Loyal Textile Mills Ltd


Shree Chintamani Textile Mills commencement


Processing unit commencement at kovilpatti – Wet Processing of Woven



Introduction of Knitting


Inception of Garment Division in Loyal Textiles


Separate Processing unit Loyal Super Fabrics at cuddlore


High Visibility Garment Certification


Joint Venture with Italian firm for Marketing our Product in Europe


Fire Retardant Certification for Work wear garments


Focus of renewable energy, commencement of wind energy supply


High Visibility Garment Certification with 100% Cotton for the first time in

the history of textile industry


Continuous Bleaching Range (CBR) Machine Installation at LSF


Open width continuous dyeing plant for knitting was introduced in Loyal

which was the first time by any company in the Asia

2006-07 to 2018-19

Gold Trophy for Thirteen years in a row for largest exporter of cotton fabrics in the



First vertically integrated textile mill to get a certification in Asia for Integrated

Management System (ISO 9000:2008 & ISO 14001:2004)


Inception of Shri Vishala Textile Mills: Unit of Loyal Textile Mills Ltd


Best Cotton Initiative (BCI)


Focus of renewable energy: commencement of solar energy supply

Textile Industry

On general, cotton goes under six stages to transform into wearables. They are listed

and explained below,

1) Plucking,

2) Ginning,

3) Spinning,

4) Weaving,

5) Dyeing Or Printing,

6) Garmenting.

Spinning :

Spinning is process of making a cotton into a cloth making yarn. It actually makes a lot of process

which is namely, blowing, carding, lapping, combing, drawing, roving, final spinning, winding. After all these

process the strengthless cotton will be transformed into to the manufacturable thread called as yarn. Those

process will be explained below,

A) Blowing:

The mill we headed into was not provided with plucking and ginning process, so the cotton is got in

the form of a bale. Bale is bundle of

cotton which compressed to not spil

over. The blowing machine actually

separtes the compressed cotton

from the bundle and blows it into

the next process called carding. The

machine used for this process is

called as the Blower.

As the above image shows that the Bale will be put into that large circular drum and the rotating hand

spins and combs the bale and separates the cotton and the cotton is taken out from the bale and blowed

to the carding machine using air.

B) Carding:

The process of making the cotton into the spiral tube is called as carding. The cotton from the bale is

blowed into the carding machine through pipes to have the optimum use of it. The carding machine

recieves it and make the cotton into a sheet form and make the sheet into a spiral and introduces it into

a cylindrical container which will card as silver card.

The image given here shows that the received cotton

is formed as sheet and the manual operator actually

spirals it and introduces it into the cylindrical

container. Once introduced the cylindrical container

receives the tube and spins it into the circular

motion and collected it in a circular motion through

vaccum. The cylindrical drum actually has the spring

to hold the carded cotton in place. The collected

spiral tube of cotton is known as silver card. The

silver has no strength at all, the strength of it will as equal to the regular cotton. So, it is further

introduced into next process called lapping.


The process of making the carded silver which

will be of spiral tube to a sheet like material. From

18 to 24 carded silver are merged to get whole new

sheet of lap and the merged sheet will be collected

in a roller, and which will be called as silver lap. To

ensure the thickness or strength of the sheet 18 to

24 silver card are merged. And the merging card is determined by the thickness needed for the customer.

The shown picture shows the lapping machine. As show there, many carded silvers are connected to

make a single sheet and the sheet is collected in a roller beam at the end. As mentioned above the

thickness and strength of a cloth are determined by the merging the carded silvers and those are

determined by the needs of the customer. And the rolled sheet in the lapping process will be called as

the silver lap. The silver lap is further introduced into process called Combing, which will ensure the

outcome as the thread.


The combing is a process of getting the rolled up silver lap to a thread like structure. From 8 to 10 of

the silver lap are introduced into a machine and everything are merged to form a spiral and the spiral is

further elongated or stretched to get the thread like structure. The merging numbers are determined by the

needs and wants of the customer. The basic fabric’s range was from 8 to 10.

The combing machine will technically look like machine as shown in the picture. The silver lap is

introduced in the machine, which is rolled up in sheet like

structure. The introduced lap was made a spiral and

forced to connect with every other silver lap.The spiral

was aligned with other lap’s spiral to get connected.

Those spiral will move in a straight line to get elongated.

The connected silver will elongated or stretched to make

it as a thread. The formed thread is collected in a roller, which will be introduced into a next process

called Roving. The machine used for the combing process is said to be comber.

The outcome of the combing machine is collected in a rolling beam, which will be further introduced to

next process called the final spinning.


The process of combining and elongating a

carded silver is known as drawing. The process

drawing is done directly after carding. From 8 to

10 carded silver is gathered and combined to make

thick rope like structre and it is further elongated

to a thread.

The drawing process will done as shown in

the diagram. Here there are 8 carded silver combined to get a thick rope like structure. The process drawing

is directly after carding and it is not introduced into the process like lapping and combing. The thick rope is

further elongated or stretched to make a thread like structure. The produced thread will be more kind of a

thick so it will be introduced into a further process called Roving.

The yarn obtained from the process of drawing is mainly used in mats, blankets like wearable.

E) Roving:

The process of loosening up the

elongated thick thread to make it a usable yarn

to produce fabrics is called as roving. As the

thread after the process of drawing is meant to

be too thick to produce the fabrics, it is further

introduced into roving process to elongate the

thread even more possible. Then only the

thread will be used to make the fabrics.

The process roving is done as showing in the above diagram. The Thick thread from the roller beam

is introduced into the rover machine in the bottom, then the thread is further elongated and being rolled up

in an another beam which is called as green yarn. Still this yarn doesn’t possess such strength to produce the

fabrics, so it is further introduced to next process called the final spinning.

The rover machine in the Loyal Textile Mills is automated only the starter should be put wholly all

the arrangements and picking the thread are done by the machine through vacuum.

F) Final Spinning:

The process of making a green yarn into the produce-able finished yarn is often termed as Final

Spinning process. As I mentioned above,

the green yarn from the roving process

can’t be able to make the fabrics as it lacks

in strength, it is further introduced into

final spinning process. The final process

actually makes the yarn with the correct

strength to produce the fabrics.

The above shown diagram shows the process of final spinning process.The final spinning process

might be done for twisting two threads to make one or make one the thread elongated and rolled with such

a required tension.The finished product from the final spinning process will be called as finished yarn. Now

this yarn will be used to produce the fabrics. But the rolled up finished yarn won’t go for the process of

weaving so it is further processed into winding.

G) Winding:

The finished yarn from the final spinning

process is further winded into a perfect shape for

the weaving process. The rolled up finished yarn is

unwinded from the spinning roller and winded into

the another roller and also winded into a certain

shape as Cheese and Cone.

As show in the above picture, the product form the final spinning process is unwinded and further

winded into a roller beam and it form shape so that it is said to be Cheese Or Cone. In this picture, the the

winding is done as Cone shaped. As the winding is final process in spinning, the product of winding gets into

the next process called weaving. The process is also called as Autoconer.


The process of making a cloth out of a finished yarn is called as weaving. The weaving is not also a

sudden process, it has a quite a few steps to complete. Those steps are said to be warping, sizing, drawing-in,

weaving and finally inspecting. Those steps will be briefly explained below,

A) Warping:

The process of making a large beam from the Cheese or Cone from the winding process is called

warping. Many Cheese or Cone are

assembled in it’s holder , and the thread

from the Cheese or Cone is taken and being

rolled up into a beam. The rolled up beam is

known as the warper beam.

The above picture shows how the

process of warping is done in machine. As I

mentioned above the Cheese or Cone are assembled in it’s holder and a string from every cheese are taken

to roll up in a beam to make it a warper beam. The thread is rolled up in a constant tension so that it can’t

be unrolled. The count in the cheese or cone actually differs from one cloth material to another. It is

controlled by a department called count change. The Shirt material actually has less count of cheese or cone

than pant because shirt is less dense or thick than pants.

The rolled up warper beam still has to gain some strength so it is further introduced into another

process called sizing.

B) Sizing:

The process strengthening the thread in the warper beam is known as sizing. The yarns rolled up in

the warper beam is introduced into the

sizing machine. The machine actually

unwinds the beam and puts the chemical

into the thread and drys the yarn to

increase the strength of the yarn.

The shown picture depicts the process

of sizing. The process of thickening or

increasing the strength of the yarn is sizing.

As shown above, the yarn in the warper beam is rolled around the cylindrical drum after being applied by

the chemical called carboxymethyl cellulose.The yarn rolled to dry it from that chemical solution. The

solution applied and dried yarn will posses a great strength. After drying the yarn is collected in another

beam with the same tension as unwinded.

C) Drawing-in:

The process of taking each and every yarn from the

warper beam and introducing it into the weaver pin is called as

drawing -in, as the name suggests. The mistake in the drawing-

in process often results in wrong count of the cloth. The

material of the cloth might be different.It is said to be the

preparation process of weaving.

The drawing process is done as shown in the picture. The drawn yarn will be ready for the next

process called weaving.

C) Weaving: The

process of making a string of yarn into the cloth is called as

weaving. The weaving is important to make it is as a cloth. Every

fabrics will undergo the process called weaving to make

it as a cloth.

The process of weaving is done as shown in the picture.

The drawn yarn is gone through the other end and thread which is known as weft is passed across the

yarn to make it as a cloth. The weft is passed in a criss-cross manner to make it a effective cloth. The weft

thread also passed in with a same tension as warper beam yarn to make the cloth the more effective


The machine inside the Loyal Textile Mills is called as the Air jet weaving machine in which the weft

thread passed with the help of air. The process in the air jet weaving machine will do the process in eye-

blinking moment. So only it might be named as a Air jet weaving machine.

As the weft passes by the yarn is made as the complete cloth. The cloth is further rolled up a beam to go

for the inspection. There every thing will be checked.

D) Inspecting:

The process of

checking the produced cloth for any damage or quality

check is called as Inspecting.The inspecting is almost

done in all the industry to make their product an

effective one. As usual, after inspecting only the cloth

will be given to the customers.

The above picture shows how the inspecting is done in the Textile Industry. The cloth from the beam

is removed or unwinded and passed through the screen of white lights to check for any cloth damage or

quality damage. As mentioned above the inspecting process mainly relied on manual operators. The humans

are the one to check all the cloth and make sure there is minimal damage in the cloth. The damage of the

cloth should not increase from a certain number otherwise there is chance of getting rejected of clothes by

the buyers.

The whole process is known as Inspecting, and the process where these thing happen is known as

the Warehouse in Loyal Textile Industry. The inspected cloth is packed and transported either to the

customers or to the dyeing or printing process.

Unfortunately the Mill we visited doesn’t have the process of dyeing or printing, so that the

inspected cloth is sent to another industry to make the cloth printed.Then the printed or dyed cloth is

further sent to a process called Garmenting or Stitching. The process of Garmenting is done in the industry

we visit, So it is further explained below,


The process of stitching the cloth from planning to delivery is called as Garmenting. This process

includes various steps which include Pre-production, Production planning, Cutting, Manufacturing and

Quality control and Delivery. The explanation of above mentioned process is given below in my best concern,

A) Pre-production:

The process of getting the needed fabrics or cloth for the production and some more is called as the

Pre-production process.The Pre-production process consists of fabrics trimming, pattern making and also


Fabrics Trimming:

The process of getting the fabrics and trimming the sides is called as the fabrics trimming.

The trimming of the sides is always essential for making the cloth for stitching. After trimming only the Cloth

will be sent for manufacturing process or cutting process.

Pattern making:

Pattern makers have the technical expertise to break down the designs into 2D pieces.

They use advanced software to break out the components of a garment.


Samples are the prototype of a creation. They are sewn individually and used to test

the garment in case any pattern adjustments are necessary.

B) Production planning:

The production planner in the garment factory will schedule all activities in

advance. The planning team will ensure that all activities are completed on time. As the batch is

being produced, the team will fill out the details on a time and action calendar.

C) Cutting process:

Fabric is by far the most expensive item when it comes to garment manufacturing. Garment

manufacturers have the responsibility to make sure that the purchased fabric is being utilized fully.

The pattern makers and the cutters on the floor have to ensure that there is minimum wastage when

cutting fabric.

Modern garment manufacturers like Lefty Production Co. use laser-cutting for greater

efficiency and to prevent wastage.

D) Manufacturing and Quality control:

The amount of time needed to manufacture the items in your line will depend on the

complexity of the designs; the more complicated the design, the longer it will take to manufact ure.

The garment manufacturer will carry out quality checks during the manufacturing process and

report to the fashion house. Quality checks are needed to catch and fix errors in a timely manner.

Once production is completed, your company will be given time to review the pieces and

check for quality. You have the right to reject items and send them back to the factory if they don’t

meet your standards and demand replacements.

D) Delivery:

Once the Stitched cloth are inspected or quality controlled are then provided for delivery. The

delivery is further transported in the truck or plane with respect to location or wish of the customer.

With this, the whole manufacturing process in the textile industry are explained and then we

are left with only the post production process, which consists of Accounts department, Human

Resource department, Sales and purchase department and other maintenance departments.Those

departments will be explained below,

Post production process:

A) Accounts department:

All the transaction in the company will always be recorded and maintained by

the accounts department staffs. If any mislead of the information of transaction is provided to

the staffs, then the whole accounts will be a mess and the kept record will be useless or may

have to correct them for the further process. All the records and transactions are being

recorded and maintained safely for the growth of the company. And the records should be

kept in such a manner so that it can be used for the future prospects. All the industry should

have this department to maintain the whole transactions happening inside the industry or for

the industry. As the work load for them in the modern technology is fully relied on computer,

they can’t interact with other employees inside the industry.

B) Human resource Department:

As the name suggests, the staffs in this department is responsible for recruiting

the employees for the industry. The Human resource department is responsible for all the

scheme provided for the employees. They should be responsible for the welfare of the

employees they recruited. If any plans where headed by the top management, then the

communication should be passed to the low level employees through human resource

department. If the Government introduces any new scheme to the employees, the human

resource department is responsible for getting done of the new scheme for all the employees.

C) Sales and purchase department:

The needs and wants of the industry and for maintenance stuff are being

purchased by the purchase department. The things purchased by this department will be of

large quantity , so those will be stored in the warehouse named as storage. The things

purchased by the particular person is called as the supplier or vendor. And the Sale s

department is there for selling for the product manufactured by the industry. They are

responsible for getting the customer’s satisfaction. And they are the one to fulfill all the

wishlist posssessed by the customer. And the records maintain by these both departments

should be communicated to Accounts department to maintain the company’s account.

D) Other maintenance departments:

The departments like Electrical, Security will come under this category of

maintenance departments. They are responsible for the good ongoing work inside the industry.

The correct power supply is to be done by the electrical departments and also the working

deficiency of any electrical product should be checked by this department. The security

department is where everyone will be checked and permitted for avoiding any unnecessary

activities inside the company.

Conclusion: And I hereby conclude that the process inside the textile industry are almost
covered in this report. The Loyal Group of textiles has many industry across t he country in which this

is the starting point of every expansion.


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