DLP (CSC Week 3 Lesson 1)

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School Grade Level: GRADE 12 C and D
Daily Lesson Plan G-LU MAY G. DIEZ
Teacher Learning area: Community
Engagement, Solidarity and
Teaching Date
and Time 1:00-2:00 PM Quarter Lesson: Week 3-Lesson 1
3:00-4:00 PM

A Content Standards The learner demonstrate an understanding of:
 The integration of social science perspective and community actions
B.PERFORMANCE The learners should be able to;
Standards  Synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action
initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods.
Most Essential Learning Competencies
The learners should be able to;
1. Analyze the functions of communities in terms of structures, dynamics
and processes. HUMMS_CSC12-IIIa-c-5
Specific Objectives:
C. Learning Competence 1. Describe the community networks and functions;
/Objectives 2. Appreciate the value of networks and functions of community;
3. Discuss the community development process.
II. Learning DIASS module


1.Teacher’s Guide pages Daily Lesson Plan

2.Learner’s materials
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B.OTHER Learning Laptop,TV monitor and most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
III. Procedures Teacher Activity Student Activity
 Prayer:
 Greetings:
 Attendance monitoring
 Health and safety protocols

“On your own understanding what is civil society?”

“Can you give an example of social institution?”
Instruction: Write T if the statement is true and
B. ENGAGE F if it is false. Write your answer in your

1. Community structure means the internal structure

of an employment area, town, city, neighborhood or
another urban area.
2. Communities may be small, consisting of few
species populations in a small space, or large,
comprising several species populations in a large
3. Community development is a process where
community members come together to take collective
action and generate solutions to common problems.
4. Mutual support in the community will enable its
members to cooperate to accomplish tasks too large
or too urgent to be handled by a single person.
5. Community dynamics are the changes in
community structure and composition over time.
Directions: The picture will show on screen and
kindly tell the function of it.

“Students answer may vary”

D. EXPLAIN Community and its Five Functions

A community is a group of people in the same
geographic area, under common laws, that has a
sense of fellowship, belonging, and obligation to
the group. Types of communities are a
neighborhood, church, a mom's group, a town,
girl scouts etc.
The community has five functions: production-
distribution-consumption, socialization, social
control, social participation, and mutual support.

1. Production, Distribution, Consumption

The community provides its members with the
means to make a living. This may be agriculture,
industry, or services. No community can survive
if it does not provide some way for its people to
make a living and obtain the material resources
that they need for living. This involves, first of
all, the industrial sector (broadly understood).
Someone has to take raw material and fashion it
into some sort of useful product.

2. Socialization
The community has means by which it instils its
norms and values in its members. This may be
tradition, modelling, and/or formal education.
No community can survive if it does not arrange
for its continuation. A way must be found for
children to learn what they will need to know to
be adults; for workers to develop the knowledge,
skills and abilities to do their jobs; for in-
migrants (whether they are from the neighboring
State or from across the ocean) to learn “how we
do things here.”

3. Social Control
The community has the means to enforce
adherence to community values. This may be
group pressure to conform and/or formal laws.
Communities are incredibly complex systems.
For all those players (whether human or
corporate) are to move around and “do their
thing,” there have to be “traffic rules” to keep
them from crashing into each other. Only the
smallest part of social control is “busting bad
guys”; much of it is an issue of forming and
enforcing contracts (mutual agreements about
who will do what to whom how and with what)
and supporting the “social contract” (those
“rules” of what is expected of one that were
learned through socialization). This function is
also often referred to as “boundary

4. Social Participation
The community fulfils the need for
companionship. This may occur in a
neighborhood, church, business, or other group.
In part, it is through participation that much of
those functions is accomplished.

5. Mutual Support
The community enables its members to
cooperate to accomplish tasks too large or too
urgent to be handled by a single person.
Supporting a community hospital with tax
dollars and donations is an example of people
cooperating to accomplish the task of health
care. Finally, one of the purposes of community
is to “share the journey,” and to motivate and
encourage each other along the way.


 Community structure means the internal

structure of an employment area, town, city,
neighbourhood or another urban area. It
includes the population and housing, jobs
and production, service and leisure time
areas, along with transport routes and
technical networks, their location and

Community dynamics

Are the changes in community structure and

composition over time. Sometimes these changes are
induced by environmental disturbances such as
volcanoes, earthquakes, storms, fires, and climate
change. Communities with a stable structure are said
to be at equilibrium. Following a disturbance, the
community may or may not return to the equilibrium


Community is a process. The importance of this as

the fundamental principle of sociology it is
impossible to over- estimate. Physical science based
on the study of function is a study of process. The
Freudian psychology, based on the study of the
'wish,' is preeminently a study of process and points
towards new definitions of personality, purpose, will,
freedom. If we study community as a process, we
reach these new definitions. For community is a
creative process. It is creative because it is a process
of integrating.

 Community Organization

Community organization refers to organizing

aimed at making desired improvements to a
community's social health, well-being, and overall
functioning. Community organization occurs in
geographically, psychosocially, culturally,
spiritually, and/or digitally bounded communities.

Community development

Is a process where community members come

together to take collective action and generate
solutions to common problems. Community
wellbeing (economic, social, environmental and
cultural) often evolves from this type of collective
action being taken at a grassroots level. Community
development ranges from small initiatives within a
small group to large initiatives that involve the
broader community.

“On your own understanding about the discussion,

How does community structure formed? “

“How does community development happen?”

E. ELABORATE Instructions: Concisely explain the following:

1. In your notebook, list down the five (5)
functions of community and
describe each in your own words.
2. As a member of the community, what should
be done to become part
of its development? Five (5) sentences only

F. Generalization
“ Identify the functions of community”

“ On your own understanding, what is the

sturcture of the community?”
“ Student’s answer may vary”

“ what is the process of development?”

G. EVALUATE Instructions:
1. In your notebook, do the activity below.

My contibutions to my community

Contribution of community to me
Department of Education
Region – VI Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City
Roxas City

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